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S16.E38: Live Eviction #14 / HoH Comp #15

Tara Ariano

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I am absolutely IN LOVE with Caleb and Cody telling Frankie off and reminding him that he isn't Jesus in this game.  Of course Derrick played both sides and no one even noticed.  


Derrick hearing the HOLLAS from his wife and daughter was super duper sweet.  


Caleb doing a fake Judy chop to Derrick was HILARIOUS.  Derrick once again played each person perfectly to get what he wanted and not at all make himself look like the target he is in the game.  Silly silly rabbits.  Derrick and Victoria making the whole "we are mad at each other" thing was a genius move in the making for Derrick because it allows him to not be loyal to her and have her have no idea.  


Caleb's dad calling him a 99% liar amused me.  I also had to laugh at Victoria basically rolling her eyes at Caleb when he was telling her how in control he was in the house.  Victoria knows better.  She more than anyone knows who is running the house.  How much did Caleb think he was running the house after he was evicted?  *snickers*  Sorry dude, it's always been Derrick.  


That Veto competition with them being fake detectives is just punking Derrick hardcore.  


I wanna see how Derrick explains his Final 2 deal to Victoria.  I am sure he will tell her that they still have their secret alliance and that Cody is in the dark, but you could see the wheels turning for her as Cody was talking.  Of course, the only way this could bite Derrick is if Victoria actually won something and well...you know.  

  • Love 5

I am absolutely IN LOVE with Caleb and Cody telling Frankie off and reminding him that he isn't Jesus in this game.  Of course Derrick played both sides and no one even noticed.  


Derrick hearing the HOLLAS from his wife and daughter was super duper sweet.  


Caleb doing a fake Judy chop to Derrick was HILARIOUS.  Derrick once again played each person perfectly to get what he wanted and not at all make himself look like the target he is in the game.  Silly silly rabbits.  Derrick and Victoria making the whole "we are mad at each other" thing was a genius move in the making for Derrick because it allows him to not be loyal to her and have her have no idea.  


Caleb's dad calling him a 99% liar amused me.  I also had to laugh at Victoria basically rolling her eyes at Caleb when he was telling her how in control he was in the house.  Victoria knows better.  She more than anyone knows who is running the house.  How much did Caleb think he was running the house after he was evicted?  *snickers*  Sorry dude, it's always been Derrick.  


That Veto competition with them being fake detectives is just punking Derrick hardcore.  


I wanna see how Derrick explains his Final 2 deal to Victoria.  I am sure he will tell her that they still have their secret alliance and that Cody is in the dark, but you could see the wheels turning for her as Cody was talking.  Of course, the only way this could bite Derrick is if Victoria actually won something and well...you know.  


Unless the final HoH involves something to do with picking out real vs. synthetic hair extensions, I think the guys are safe.


While I was VERY unhappy seeing Frankie AFTER he'd been evicted...it was rather sweet how production shows a pretty jarring glimpse of the REAL Frankie - those production bus tracks matched his black roots quite nicely,


Props to Derrick and Cody to coming clean to Caleb - I think Caleb will respect that, and it was deserved:  He deserved an explanation, and I think he would respect it.


The only thing missing from the Caleb montage of 'half-truths' was his shift at Lowe's taking precedence. 

  • Love 4

You could tell by the expression on Victoria's face that she realizes she's been played big time.

So I guess Derrick will have to do damage control with Victoria since Cody spilled the beans about The Hitmen

It would be hilarious if Victoria wins and takes Cody with her, but we are talking Victoria, so we know that ain't happening.
  • Love 2

Cody was kind of awesome tonight, and I don't even mean his veto win. First him telling Frankie he wasn't fucking Jesus in this house was absolutely awesome. Frankie was being as insufferable as he could possibly be and needed to be taken down a peg or twelve. Caleb was more aggressive, but I think Cody got his point across in a more succinct way.

And I loved his speech to evict Caleb. Derrick was counting on keeping his hands clean, so Cody really needed to spell out in the simplest terms possible (because it IS Caleb), that this was not just his decision, Derrick was 100% on board as he has been the entire time. Just by judging Caleb's exit interview, it was definitely the right stance to take. It's been mentioned a lot elsewhere that Caleb would 100% have taken Cody to the final two, but after that interview with Julie, I'm doubting that. This might have been the best move Cody made all summer. Hell, it gets him at least $50k. Well...unless Victoria wins two out of the next three comps. Hahahahahahaha!!!

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 8


It's been mentioned a lot elsewhere that Caleb would 100% have taken Cody to the final two, but after that interview with Julie, I'm doubting that. This might have been the best move Cody made all summer. Hell, it gets him at least $50k. Well...unless Victoria wins two out of the next three comps. Hahahahahahaha!!!


Derrick has some serious Jedi mind trick powers.  Almost everyone is basically loyal without question to him.  I never saw Caleb as loyal and close to Derrick as he conveyed in his final interview with Julie.  I thought he'd stay loyal to Frankie (which let's be real would have been better for his game), but in the end he was all about Derrick.  

I do wish though since Derrick was openly throwing the competition to the audience and the house guests couldn't see each other....that he just sat down in a corner and didn't play.  That at least would have amused me.  

  • Love 3
While I was VERY unhappy seeing Frankie AFTER he'd been evicted...it was rather sweet how production shows a pretty jarring glimpse of the REAL Frankie - those production bus tracks matched his black roots quite nicely,​



Agree on all counts.  Even knowing how insufferable Frankie is, I was surprised by his "I will single-handedly pick the winner."  And what the hell was his "You're re-connecting me with my millions of followers"?  A threat??  Sooo glad he's gone.  


I really don't think Victoria cares if Cody and Derrick have a final 2 deal.  She has never really seemed interested in winning, and she seems perfectly happy to just be a vote for Derrick.  

  • Love 7

I think Derrick has every intention of taking Victoria to the final 2, but maybe I'm wrong.


I was so pissed at how often they kept showing Frankie's picture! First they showed so much of him in the previously's, then I was like, okay, now we're through with him. But nope! They showed him as much as they possibly could! They showed in his picture twice in one sentence one time! Big Brother, what are you doing?! Big Brother, stahp!

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 4

Nice to watch both Cody and Caleb shut Frankie down about how in control he thinks he is.  I wonder what the other jury's members' reactions will be to Frankie's grandstanding once he gets in the jury house.  Because you know he's gonna show up telling everyone how he knows the real story and everyone needs to listen to him.  Yeah, keep grasping at the fading wisps of relevancy buddy...


I think Cody winning POV basically just gave Derrick $500000.  The only way I can see it is if somehow Victoria wins HOH and takes Cody...but that would mean Victoria would actually have to win HOH and then not get misted by Derrick...neither of which are likely to say the least...

  • Love 2

Caleb is just another BB hypocrite. He had a final four deal with Frankie that he broke with pride. How dare he stress "loyalty" after that. While I don't particularly like Frankie, Caleb, Cody, and Derek did in fact betray their pact with him, which is totally fine. That's Big Brother. I just can't stand a player like Caleb that plays with "honor and loyalty" while still stabbing a close ally in the back.


And Caleb's exit interview didn't make me feel bad for him at all. It reminded me of all the reasons I thought he was such a douchebag to begin with, especially when Amber was in the house. I still haven't forgiven him for that misgonistic bullshit. So nope, he gets zero sympathy from me. I'm thrilled he's gone.


Can't wait to see Master Derrick smoke either Cody or Victoria with the jury votes. I love watching a real puppet master control every single player in this game. That's the opposite of boring to me.

  • Love 12

Well, that's it then. Both Cody and Victoria have made in clear if they are in position to pick who goes with them to final two it wil be Derrick. Cody is too stupid to realize he would guarantee himself a half million dollars if he takes Victoria. How the heck are they going to vamp through 90 suspense free moments?


At this point there is only one possibility to redeem this season.


Derrick taking Victoria with him as an astonished Cody looks on.A bitter jury led by either Cody or Beast Mode Cowboy snatching away victory to Derrick by voting for VIctoria. Everything has gone his way this summer and I mean everything so to have to the one thing go wrong when it counts the most would be delicious.


Too bad Caleb's parents aren't playing the game....they wouldn't have been suckered by Derrick like their son was. It must have been hard for them to watch them throw away his game. BIG BROTHER loses points though for not at least asking them what they think about the Amber fixation. Poor Cowboy...he STILL can't see his best move was teaming up with Frankie.


Lord knows I HATE Frankie (loved him being unmasked for his God complex)  but he had the best line of the season when he asked Caleb if he was approached for gay or straight porn.


LOL at Beastmode flapping his arms in front of Julie while she was trying to pimp Thursday night football. Where the heck did he dissapear to immediatly after? One imagines him being yanked away by a giant hook ala a Warner Brother's cartoon.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 7

Our DVR screwed up. What happened in the first 15 minutes. It seems we had a great Cody yelling at Frankie moment?

If one were a Frankie hater, would it be worth purchasing the episode for the smack down?


It didn't get super heated.  Frankie asked Derrick if he was good, and Derrick shook his head no, and let him know there was nothing he could say or do to change the vote.  They hugged it out, and then Frankie talked to the other three guys and displayed delusions of grandeur. 


Frankie:  "None of you could beat me".  "By doing this to me, you have created the most powerful person in this game (points to self).  Because when I step out of those front doors, you are re-connecting me with my millions of followers and you are re-connecting me with the jury.  And let's face it, who's the most convincing speaker in this house (referring to himself).  You are looking at the person who will single handedly pick the winner of this game".


Caleb - (Derisive laugh) "Shut up Frankie".

Cody - "You're not fucking Jesus in this household".


Caleb says the people in the jury have been playing with us this whole game, they know who each individual has done them wrong ....."


My favorite part:  Frankie - "But Caleb, you don't know what's been going on in this game."

Caleb - "You don't either obviously"


  • Love 9

*still not sure if this is the Wed thread?*


I really wish Victoria would win because she could buy some clothes that she doesn't have to continually pull up or down or tug on constantly.


I have to say thank all that's holy for dab gum beastmode... or this year would have been (unbelievably) more boring than it was. Godspeed Caleb... *judy bow*


I just thought Cody was an ass tonight. I understand cutting Caleb and making it known you two were a package since Day 2 but you didn't have to be demeaning to him especially that DR about Caleb just being used by him to get Frankie out and now he owes him jack... just left a bad taste in my mouth. He could have at least given him a "loyal soldier" goodbye still instead of the "You've been a clueless puppet all year and you're pretty much a joke. Get to steppin'" goodbye. Classless.


I'm furiously cheering on Victoria to take out Cody, so Vic if you're gunna win one win this one! Then Cody can go home and make out with his dad which will make him feel better.


ETA: Given the heights of Frankies delusions I thought might take him high enough to give him a nose bleed!! Earth to Frankie: It doesn't matter how many cheering minions you think you have on the internets they aren't on the jury. Ass.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 5

I don't know what to do. If I hadn't seen the Amber stuff, Caleb would be one of my favorites. He's such an entertaining mess when he's not creepy stalking. I do think he'll be one of the few people who leave the BB house a better person than when he came in, and I hope he gets some time in the jury house to just chill, and maybe talk with Donny and Jocasta. I think they could help him out with starting to become a grownup. I am thrilled that we didn't get the racist homophobe that his early bio seemed to suggest he'd be. Loved him and Cody calling out Frankie's delusions.

  • Love 4
My favorite part:  Frankie - "But Caleb, you don't know what's been going on in this game."
Caleb - "You don't either obviously"​



That was really awesome.  Frankie's face when they were shutting him down was also awesome.  I got the feeling that those boys had been holding in those comments for quite some time, and were delighted to finally be able to say what I've been saying all season: Shut up, Frankie.  

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The Hitmen was really day 2? I don't remember seeing any mention of them until the Bomb Squad became the Detonators. And boy, there's a sentence I never thought I'd type.


Caleb's exit interview makes me hopeful that Derrick's win will not be unanimous. At this point, that's all I can realistically hope for.


I still don't understand this "master plan" for Victoria to work votes for Derrick in the jury house. If they didn't listen to her all season, why would they start now? Then again, they're still under the impression that "Victoria totally hates Derrick!" is believable, even when she proclaims without a hint of malice that she loves everyone during her eviction speech. I guess they think houseguests must go selectively deaf during evictions.

  • Love 1

I thought Cody's eviction speech and goodbye message were both excellent. Surprisingly so. Makes me wonder if he has enough perspective to evict Derrick in the Final 2 and win himself an extra $450K.

Absolutely could not be more thrilled with Caleb's Chenterview comments about Frankie. He called him a crappy human being. Right there on live TV. FINALLY someone does that.

  • Love 9

Gosh I wanted to cry for Caleb.  For the first time ever I felt bad at an eviction.

Same here. Spooky obsessive stalkerish* tendencies aside, I've gotten to where I kinda like the big lug. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he's got a good heart, a quirky sense of humor, and he's loyal to his own detriment. I could crack a twelve-pack with him. And go fishing. And let him tell me about the twenty pound largemouth bass he caught that one time with a shoestring and a paper clip....

Even if Victoria won she'd take Derrick.  Didn't she say something about her and Derrick being the final 2?


So what exactly is Derrick's next move?  Does he try and win HOH?  Does he throw it?

I think he goes for it, just to maintain control of his destiny. Victoria would definitely take Derrick out of blind loyalty, but I'm not so sure about Cody - lately the boy has shown signs of growing a brain. Blindsiding Derrick would probably sway the jury even more than sitting next to Victoria in F2 - and that's saying something.

* After careful consideration, I've revised my earlier impression of Caleb as a stalker. He does tend to develop obsessive fixations, but I no longer think they're focused on an individual; rather, they're focused on a romantic fairy tale he's written in his head, and the individual is a character in his storybook romance. He'll cling to them strongly because, well, Prince Charming doesn't want to give up his Princess. I think Caleb prides himself on being too much of a gentleman to force himself on a lady, though, if his current Princess-elect can find SOME way to communicate she wants no part of a relationship with him.

Amber was hampered insofar as needing to coexist with Caleb in the Game prevented her from shutting him down as strongly as she needed/wanted. Outside the House, however, she should have no such constraints. Then, once again, our sadder-but-wiser Kentucky Quixote will go riding off unto the sunset, searching for his perfect down-home Dulcinea to complete his epic saga of heroic love....

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LOL at Beastmode flapping his arms in front of Julie while she was trying to pimp Thursday night football. Where the heck did he dissapear to immediatly after? One imagines him being yanked away by a giant hook ala a Warner Brother's cartoon.

Swear to god I was wondering if Caleb didn't get down to the audience to shake some hands. I could easily see him giving his handlers a coronary as they try to pull him away from his adoring fans while simultaneously trying to educate him on the concept of "sequester"....

  • Love 1

 Can't wait to see Master Derrick smoke either Cody or Victoria with the jury votes. I love watching a real puppet master control every single player in this game. That's the opposite of boring to me.

So agree. This has been possibly my favorite season because of how brilliant/dominant Derrick has been. Also some real good characters to watch.

But yeah Derrick, if he finishes the job next Wed, I'd have to put him as best ever.

  • Love 9

The moment I realized that I wanted Caleb to win this whole damn thing was when he snorted and said, "Shut up, Frankie!".  That whole Frankie confrontation was so beautiful, and so much the opposite of how Frankie thought it was going to go.  I watched it three times!  Mmmmmm...delicious!  Color me shocked that the person who I expected and was fully eager to dislike at the beginning of the season ended up being the first person I actually cried for when he was evicted.  And I had really thought I was going to like Frankie at first, so I'm feeling like a really bad judge of character right now.  I guess I don't read people as well as Caleb does, because I don't have gangrene.  Or something.


I, too, think Caleb walked off toward the cheering people like steel to a magnet, even as Julie said, "Stay where you are, Caleb".  He had giant stars shining in his eyes, and such a goofy smile of joy at seeing some of his fans screaming for him, that I figured he probably just flung himself into the air and crowd surfed the audience.

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