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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I don't know about his dad, but I know Chelsea has had issues with his mom defending him and lashing out at her. So I think she might be a worse coddler than Ryan's mom. 

I think so too. Remember this is a woman who flat out lied to Chelsea when Adam took her on an unauthorized overnight and also allowed her to ride a four wheeler of a motorcycle or some motorized vehicle after Chelsea said she was not comfortable with it. Unlike Jenelle, I think Adam is 100% a product of poor parenting. 

  • Love 5

IIRC Chelsea spoke/texted Adam's mom when she found out that Aubree had been unsupervised with Adam and that he had been driving Aubree around.  She told them (quite rightly!) that they were in violation of the court order and were putting their granddaughter at risk.  Adam's mom got insulted and Adam sent a rude text to Chelsea.  

Plus back in 2014 Adam had Aubree on a motorized dirt bike without a helmet and she apparently went back to Chelsea with a burn on her ankle and scratched up knees.  At the time Adam was not supposed to be operating any type of motorized vehicle.  Radar Online posted an article which said that apparently Adam's parents thought that he was innocent of the stalking charges and that Chelsea was being completely unreasonable by saying that Adam needed to be supervised with Aubree. 

To me the thing that stands out the most is the Chelsea was prepared to go as far as a visitation centre with Aubree and Adam.  While I get that it was probably partly for the show, at one stage it was an option and the lawyer thought that they would have a good case for it.  To me that says that Adam's parents weren't holding up their side of the court order.  It seems that they are enabling Adam by not forcing him to obey the court order and are letting him get away with breaking the law.  Not good parenting.  

  • Love 7

Jenelle is the result of bad parenting, plus abuse, not having a dad, growing up around violence, and genetics...her whole family's been in the slammer for violence, which tends to be about nature+nurture both, and her mom is clearly pretty emotionally damaged and psychologically abusive herself. 

Adam, meanwhile, seems to think the world of himself. He doesn't seem insecure at all or to have any guilt or sadness lurking under the surface...coddled? Or just his natural personality? I don't know, but he scares me. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Adam, meanwhile, seems to think the world of himself. He doesn't seem insecure at all or to have any guilt or sadness lurking under the surface...coddled?

I don't think you have to be psychiatrist to see that Adam has mental health issues.  A lot of guys use anger when they are hurt and hide their sadness.  And it gets to the point where you can't blame all bad behavior on parents.  People don't live in bubbles where they are only affected by home life.  If that were true then it would be all Randy and what's her names fault and they were terrible parents because they had daughters who got pregnant in high school.  That just isn't true.  Plus they are all adults now.  It's time to stop blaming the parents.

  • Love 6

I'm pretty sure Adam fits the psychological definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Jenelle, on the other hand, very likely has Borderline Personality Disorder. IIRC, she was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, but I think (armchair psychologist here, of course) she most likely suffers from the former. Although, I believe she self medicates. Not that we actually know if she's medically untreated, but something ain't right. 
The only reason I'm commenting on these possibilities is because I've been misdiagnosed in the past and researched symptoms to death; I actually think I'm just out-and-out nuts. 

  • Love 3
On 4/29/2016 at 1:17 PM, neatoburrito said:

I often wonder why Chelsea bothers troweling on 2lbs of make-up just to sit in her lounge with her pets. Does she think Pete's gonna judge her if her contour isn't on point?

I think for Chelsea the constant crapton of makeup is always going to be about her self esteem.  She worries about how she is seen and how she looks....so she is someone who always wants to be done up.  I know that flies in the face of some of the "fashion" choices she has made, but they have always been the kind of fad fashion, so it fits in.  

I had a friend who would never leave the house unless she was fully done up.  She was really sick once and wanted to go down to the local store to pick up a sandwich and some meds.  She spent an hour getting all dolled up first.  Me?  If I am sick...I am taking my looking fugly ass to the store and getting what I need and getting home.  If someone sees me...so be it.  I think for Chelsea she knows she is on tv...and even when they are not filming...she may be seen and photographed or filmed.  So she is always going to put her "best face on" even if my opinion is that her best face is with little to no makeup.

Edited by shelley1005
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On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 2:40 PM, poopchute said:

I don't really think the voice is a big deal, it's just a bizarre choice to make for her daily life because she sounds completely deranged. There was a clip in one episode where she was actually talking to a client in the voice. It just makes her seem mentally unstable and I'm just not sure why anyone would elect to speak like that in their personal and professional life.

Oh man, this all over the place.

  • Love 4

I also think Chelsea just generally enjoys doing her hair and make-up every single day, especially on days when she films. Some people are like that. I'm not. Unless it's a special occasion, you're lucky if I'm wearing concealer, powder, and eye shadow (especially since I became a mom). If I was on camera, it would be a whole different story though....and I don't even particularly find doing make-up to be fun, which I believe Chelsea definitely does.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Katt said:

I'm pretty sure Adam fits the psychological definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Jenelle, on the other hand, very likely has Borderline Personality Disorder. IIRC, she was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, but I think (armchair psychologist here, of course) she most likely suffers from the former. Although, I believe she self medicates. Not that we actually know if she's medically untreated, but something ain't right. 
The only reason I'm commenting on these possibilities is because I've been misdiagnosed in the past and researched symptoms to death; I actually think I'm just out-and-out nuts. 

I think her mom does too. 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Katt said:

I'm pretty sure Adam fits the psychological definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Jenelle, on the other hand, very likely has Borderline Personality Disorder. IIRC, she was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, but I think (armchair psychologist here, of course)

armchair psychologist?  I assumed you were the personal Psychiatrist of Adam and Jenelle. 

  • Love 1
On 5/2/2016 at 9:21 PM, Katt said:

I'm pretty sure Adam fits the psychological definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Jenelle, on the other hand, very likely has Borderline Personality Disorder. IIRC, she was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, but I think (armchair psychologist here, of course) she most likely suffers from the former. Although, I believe she self medicates. Not that we actually know if she's medically untreated, but something ain't right. 
The only reason I'm commenting on these possibilities is because I've been misdiagnosed in the past and researched symptoms to death; I actually think I'm just out-and-out nuts. 

I was thinking about this a little today and I actually think she's missing some of the key BPD traits, like self-harm and severe depressive tendencies, self-loathing, suicidal ideation... The violence, mood swings, drug use, etc, are classic BPD. 

I see what you might mean with the "I hate you, don't leave me" stuff she does. Who knows, they are often confused even by medical professionals. I actually feel for her though she's quite unlikable. Her mental illness is very stark and obvious, and her drug use has always seemed to stem from that. I think she truly does want a good man and a family but she would need to do a lot of personal work and therapy to get them. This is why I can't get behind MTV. Yes, she is a mean girl and a bad mom and brings the drama, but she is obviously in a lot of pain and suffering from severe mental health issues that the show lets go untreated because... Well, again, she brings the drama. If she gets better, she won't. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

On the last episode Cole looked like he was about to have a heart attack when Chelsea said she wanted kids right away. I think he's a nice guy but his affect is very strange sometimes. He looks like he's scared shitless to disagree with Chelsea or present a contrasting opinion. I just find it kind of odd that he's 27 and Chelsea is his first girlfriend. Part of me wonders if he has some sort of social anxiety disorder.

He seemed really alarmed by the immediate babies thing. I hope that in private he's actually able to talk to Chelsea about his fears and concerns, and isn't just there to be her attractive (and he is very attractive!) yes-man. And I think Chelsea would genuinely want him to talk to her about his concerns, so I'm not trying to pin the blame on her. Because if he says he agrees with her about everything, she shouldn't have to double and triple check with him.

Edited by truelovekiss
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Maybe Kail expected Jo and Isaac to be dressed up and ready because she was coming over and they needed to show respect to her. You know, like how you'd dress up if the President was going to come visit.  Or the Queen. 

I lol at this...but honestly, if I knew I were being filmed, I would make a little more effort.  Because you know, millions of people.  I like Jo, I think he's a great dad, but I see Kail's point about wishing he'd set a better example for Isaac.  In that he seemingly has no career, no real passion for anything.  Maybe he just needs a little more growing up; now that he has two children, I hope he's thinking about it.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I lol at this...but honestly, if I knew I were being filmed, I would make a little more effort.  Because you know, millions of people.  I like Jo, I think he's a great dad, but I see Kail's point about wishing he'd set a better example for Isaac.  In that he seemingly has no career, no real passion for anything.  Maybe he just needs a little more growing up; now that he has two children, I hope he's thinking about it.

Wow, offensive. He has a career: 

"My appetite for you is becoming obese/I'm ready to bite, but I'm like a dog with no teeth"

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, neatoburrito said:

Y'know Jerry from the film Liar Liar, the new partner who would be a great stepdad and husband but is just the most vanilla person ever? Cole's mannerisms and his role in the TM2 storyline remind me so much of him. Couldn't you just imagine... "Look Aubree it's... the claw!"


Yes!! Nice guy, but total Magoo.

  • Love 2
On 4/29/2016 at 2:00 PM, ghoulina said:

I don't know....I agree that Chelsea's makeup is too heavy, but I'm a SAHM and I always style my hair and do my makeup every day. It's not for anyone else. I have fun doing it and just makes me feel better to be "put together". I get the impression Chelsea really enjoys makeup. Hopefully with time she'll tone it down a bit. 

Chelsea is a pretty girl and doesn't need puddles of makeup.  I'm with you, Ghoulina, and have always made an effort to put some makeup on during the day.  My reason for doing so is a bit different from yours, though; I do it because I look like a corpse without it and, of course, it's always the day I have no makeup on that a neighbor rings my doorbell, etc.   Never fails. 

Back to Chelsea:  I also think she enjoys working with and applying makeup as do many people in the beauty profession. Even so, IMO she had way too much eye makeup on in this episode.  It was distracting, to say the least.  Although I find Chelsea a bit on the boring side, her physical appearance definitely makes up for what she lacks in personality.  She gets prettier all the time. I haven't seen a whole lot of girls who look great with true, blood-red hair, but Chelsea definitely looked amazing with it.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Wow, offensive. He has a career: 

lol.  Jo can be passionate about rap!  Whatever, he just needs to start adulting full time, at least after Vivi is out of the newborn stage.  If he wants to be a rapper, then start working to make it happen.  What's he done since that video?

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 2

Mama Dawn was married at the age of 15 to an adult man. Her mother allowed her to get married at the behest of the man (pervert IMO). Mama Dawn was made to promise not to have babies for at least 5 years. She gave birth one year later. The article about Mama Dawn and her first marriage has been posted several times.

Speaking of hairstyles, Mama Dawn and Leah also shared the flat iron look. Strange how when Leah styled her hair one way, Mama Dawn followed suit. The exception being the purple extensions.

Leah seemed to miss the "fun" Cory as she stated in the TM Funny episode. It was a similar statement she made in her 16 & Pregnant episode. It seems Leah was annoyed that Cory was taking fatherhood seriously. Imagine that? He was shown at home caring for the girls as she went out. Seeking Robbie no doubt.

  • Love 8

I did it.  I drove by Chelsea's house.  I have decided that I'm not a stalker since I didn't turn around and drive by again.  Nor did I take any pictures even though I told my companions that if I had a Pete sighting I would not be responsible for my own actions.  I didn't see anybody but the garage door was up and I could see the Jeep.  Her garage is cleaner than Leah's house.

It's a nice home.  It's out in the country, but she does have a couple of neighbors close by.  Her house sits on what is probably the equivalent of two city lots.  She has a huge fenced in yard so Aubree, Pete, and the dogs have a lot of room to play.

I also drove by Adumb's.  Someone posted that he had posted on social media that he sold the house we saw him buy and bought a modular home but I can't find the post. I only found one property transfer for him that was for the house he bought on the show.  It's in a strange neighborhood.  Not awful, but off the beaten path in a strange area.  The house is being renovated and the garage has been torn down.  There were some tarps covering part of the walls.  I don't think it's livable right now and there wasn't anybody working on it. 

Thus ends my career as a spy.

Edited by Abmis
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Abmis said:

I did it.  I drove by Chelsea's house.  I have decided that I'm not a stalker since I didn't turn around and drive by again.  Nor did I take any pictures even though I told my companions that if I had a Pete sighting I would not be responsible for my own actions.  I didn't see anybody but the garage door was up and I could see the Jeep.  Her garage is cleaner than Leah's house.

It's a nice home.  It's out in the country, but she does have a couple of neighbors close by.  Her house sits on what is probably the equivalent of two city lots.  She has a huge fenced in yard so Aubree, Pete, and the dogs have a lot of room to play.

I also drove by Adumb's.  Someone posted that he had posted on social media that he sold the house we saw him buy and bought a modular home but I can't find the post. I only found one property transfer for him that was for the house he bought on the show.  It's in a strange neighborhood.  Not awful, but off the beaten path in a strange area.  The house is being renovated and the garage has been torn down.  There were some tarps covering part of the walls.  I don't think it's livable right now and there wasn't anybody working on it. 

Thus ends my career as a spy.

We should totally be BFF's.  This sounds like stuff I would do.   (I love finding and visiting movie locations so tv locations count as well!) 




Adam's comment about the house. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

Does anyone know if Pete will grown into a full-size pig as an adult?  I thought I had read that people buy these little pigs thinking they will stay little, but then they don't.....

Pete is what they call a 'micro' pot belly pig. He shouldn't get much bigger than he is. The biggest problem vets encounter with them is obesity and it causes a multitude of health problems. They're incredibly smart and are easy to train with food rewards. People have a tendency to go waaaay overboard with the treats and don't allow them to get out and get enough exercise and they get really fat, really quickly.  If Chelsea is able to keep him at a healthy weight and make sure he has lots of physical activity,  he should live a long, healthy life.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

Does anyone know if Pete will grown into a full-size pig as an adult?  I thought I had read that people buy these little pigs thinking they will stay little, but then they don't.....

I am hoping the breeding has gotten better for these. About 15-20 years ago I had a couple of different friends get "miniature" pigs and the only reason they were "miniature" is the feeding instructions that came with them. They were literally starving ALL THE TIME. They ended up squealing and screaming unbearably. Luckily the one friend's Aunt had a farm and she agreed to take both pigs. They put them on a regular diet and whaddaya know, they were full size pigs in no time and so much happier.

Pete does seem to be small and not starving, so hopefully those are good signs.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

Does anyone know if Pete will grown into a full-size pig as an adult?  I thought I had read that people buy these little pigs thinking they will stay little, but then they don't.....

You should check out Esther the Wonder Pig on Facebook. These guys got this little pig and were told it would grow to 70 pounds max. That was a lie and now the pig is 650 pounds and still lives with them in their house! https://www.facebook.com/estherthewonderpig/photos

  • Love 6

Ugh, Adumb is just gross. I don't get it. Like with Ryan from the OG show, he's an ass, but at least he's attractive. (To me, I realize others disagree. But I think more find HIM attractive than Adumb.) But Adumb is not, nor has he ever been cute. When he smiles, it just says "I'm shady and I'm up to something", Every time. I suppose I can see how a 16-year-old girl might fall for some of his player moves, but for those who ONLY see him on TV, how can they find anything redeeming about him??? I just don't get it. 

And I LIKE tattoos, so it's not like that is turning me off. He's just gross. 

  • Love 8



He really believes he will get custody of Aubree. hahaha So funny!

Aubree does see Paislee. (However it is spelled!) Taylor and Chelsea work out together and apparently the girls see each other. They don't have to share every detail with Adumb. 

  • Love 3

Not that I don't think getting Botox is ridiculous when you're 23, but Botox is used for a wide variety of reasons...my husband actually got Botox in his bladder to help with muscle/spasm issues! It's used by dentists for various reasons as well (all much more significant than wrinkles), and by other doctors for various issues including sweat disorders, muscle problems, spasms caused by neurological problems...so he would be trained to use it. And using it on wrinkles is probably the easiest way to do so. 

However, yes, tacky is right. 

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