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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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9 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Jo hasn't rocked the boat because he's afraid Hulk will stop letting him see Isaac as often.

He also knows that if he rocks the boat, Kail will try to get more child support from him. She has said as much. So he made a deal with the devil. 

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25 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Why did Javi flip out this spring and Kail needed a protective order?  They were cool for months....  because dude did the math.   Why is Kail estranged from her close friends?

There's a possible paternity issue, but I still feel like both of those questions could be answered simply- Kail's a bitch.

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11 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

He also knows that if he rocks the boat, Kail will try to get more child support from him. She has said as much. So he made a deal with the devil. 

But, if he would go to an attorney with all the documentation showing they pretty much have 50/50 time with Isaac now, I honestly think he'd be granted 50/50 and child support would be stopped. It irritates the hell out of me that he's so afraid of her. Vee tried to point  this out to him, too.

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On 8/13/2017 at 6:32 PM, anonymousgirl said:

I think Chris is the father. I don't even know why people are speculating? 

People are speculating because Kail invites that with her shitty attitude. All this drama over a baby from someone who signed a contract to have her life filmed. She is purposefully vague, defensive and bitchy when she talks/posts and then whines when people engage in speculation. She has the power to avoid the drama but what fun is that for her? There are real, live people affected by her attitude and posts and she does not care. All she cares about is herself. In my book that makes her a disgusting, selfish cow.

Edited by configdotsys
it's 'then' not 'when'
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3 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

yes, ppl say that, but he denies it. he said he does not have another child. 

Hahaha I saw that. That made him talk on twitter, finally. Ha

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54 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Why did Javi flip out this spring and Kail needed a protective order?  They were cool for months....  because dude did the math.   Why is Kail estranged from her close friends?

I've wondered myself.  Javi told his friends someone told him Kail was pregnant. He referred to the person who told him as a female. I've wondered if it was Sterling.  Kail sure doesn't keep lifelong friends, does she? 

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I agree Chris should be paying child support, but I don't think she'll get all that much. I doubt he makes serious money and Kail's the one with a six-figure income. I think she really believed Chris was going to be another Javi, by marrying her and playing house. She totally overestimated his level of interest and has spent the last nine months scrambling to create a storyline where she doesn't look like a dumb ass fool. 

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I don't think there's a chance in hell it's Javi's baby since he hasn't said anything. Dude is justifiably angry with Kail and also not shy about talking to media outlets or his fans. There's also no way he wouldn't be publicly claiming his potential child, demanding tests and visitation, etc. He's not as passive as Jo.

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36 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

I know its different in every state, but theoretically how would child support work if mom makes $300K per year and dad makes $60K per year and dad only sees kids on every other weekend, while mom has the kid most of the time.

I believe (but could be wrong) that the custodial parent's income does not matter legally, only the responsibility of the other parent based on their income and how much time they spend with the child. 

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1 hour ago, ChristmasJones said:

I know its different in every state, but theoretically how would child support work if mom makes $300K per year and dad makes $60K per year and dad only sees kids on every other weekend, while mom has the kid most of the time.

I've lived and dealt with child support in a couple of states and while the formula varies slightly, they both take into account both parents' income along with the amount of time the kid(s) spend with each one (along with any other kids they're responsible for/alimony, etc). Im guessing it's similar in most states.

As a rough breakdown, in your example there would be a combined total of 360k income, after accounting for who pays insurance/allowing each person some standard bills, there might be 300k total available for child support. Then there is a chart that breaks down how much child support would be required total for x number of kids at each income level (broken down monthly). Of the total monthly amount, each parent is responsible for the "percentage" that they contributed to the original available income. 

So in this example there is $2500 in income monthly between the two parents. Mom constitutes about 83% and Dad, 17%. Just to pull from a state in which I've lived, Florida's child support guidelines state that for that monthly available income, CS for 1 kid should be 547, 2 kids 847, 3 kids 1061 (and so forth). In a standardish custody agreement, he would be responsible for 17% of that monthly amount, or $93/month. It can then be adjusted up or down based on things like overnights time, extraordinary medical costs, etc. Hope that makes some sense.

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I agree Chris should be paying child support, but I don't think she'll get all that much. I doubt he makes serious money and Kail's the one with a six-figure income. I think she really believed Chris was going to be another Javi, by marrying her and playing house. She totally overestimated his level of interest and has spent the last nine months scrambling to create a storyline where she doesn't look like a dumb ass fool. 

Too late for that.

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I know this is kind of irrelevant and nitpicky....but is anyone else passively annoyed by Kail's nameless son? I mean, really? Still no name? Is she royalty? It's just so pretentious and attention seeking. Sure its none of my business...but she puts herself out there and is so thirsty for press...and for some reason it just really seems over the top.

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27 minutes ago, jennyplayswithfire said:

I know this is kind of irrelevant and nitpicky....but is anyone else passively annoyed by Kail's nameless son? I mean, really? Still no name? Is she royalty? It's just so pretentious and attention seeking. Sure its none of my business...but she puts herself out there and is so thirsty for press...and for some reason it just really seems over the top.

It's driving me beyond nuts too so no, you're not alone.

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"My kids always spend the holidays together." Newsflash, Kail, Isaac already has anothet sister he should get to see on some holidays and there is no question in my mind that Javi will end up married with more kids at some point giving Lincoln more siblings to spend holidays with. I have no idea about the new guy but he is young too and likely to have more kids giving Nameless Miracle Baby Lo more siblings as well. Good luck sorting out the holidays so that ALL your kids gets to see ALL their siblings. The three of them aren't the only sibling group that matters. 

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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 10:48 PM, Maharincess said:

Aw!! Congratulations!!  I would seriously give ANYTHING to be able to go back and raise my daughter and son again. They're 32 and 31 and it went by waaaaay too fast. One minute they're tiny babies and the next minute they are grown and gone and you wonder where the time went because you're just not done yet.  Congratulations, I'm so happy for you and your family. As cliche as it is, I'll say it anyway, cherish and remember every single moment. 

@GreatKazu, have a great vacation my friend. 

I also think Karl wanted a girl, mainly because Jo has one and she hates Jo and Vee having something she doesn't have. 

Thank you girlfriend! Happy to be back with my peeps! Missed you all.

I do think Karl wanted a girl as well for the reason you posted. 

Karl is a mutherfucker for thinking she can have all of her kids for the holidays. Unless she has a court order that spells that out in writing, which I highly doubt, she is just spewing more of her lies. She can't handle anyone pointing out the truth and the facts which is, she will have to share her kids with three other families. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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19 hours ago, Tatum said:

I agree. And if Javi failed basic biology, I'd have to imagine someone in his family- or maybe that Peach chick- would have clued him in that if he had sex with Kail at any point during time XY, he is in fact a candidate for fatherhood.


Kail may have been stringing him along, but I bet she wasn't sleeping with him. There was nothing in it for her to do so.

We know Kail is pretty shady. She cheated on Jordan. She might have needed Javi to be in the wings in the event she thought Chris wasn't going to be around. It is as if she needs to be sure someone will be there whether it was Jo or Jordan and most recently it was Javi or Chris. She might have used sex on Javi to entice him to stick around. For what reason? Who knows. Kail has lied about so many things, acts on impulse, and does things for reasons that don't make sense to normal people. We can't use common sense when it comes to Quasimodo.

 She blatantly lied by saying to JC (the producer) how Javi "believes rumors". To me, that implies he was confronting her about the pregnancy.  It might be only me that believes this scenario, but that is likely the reason why he wanted to confront her. I can't imagine him getting upset over her being with Chris since he already was aware of that relationship. I just can't see him being upset at her for being pregnant with another guy and wanting to confront her if they were done as a couple.  He may have been upset at finding out she was banging both of them during the same time period. There probably was a discussion with Peach or his brothers where they mentioned Javi possibly being the father. I could see him being outraged that Kail was hiding the pregnancy from him because he might be the father. That would explain him confronting her via text. Once the PFA went through, he could no longer discuss that possibility with her. To me, that is the real reason she filed the PFA because she wanted to keep Javi from "annoying" her about why she strung him along and if he could be the father. That bitch uses people. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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I was thinking about Kail's future of holiday schedules - juggling all the kids and their different fathers and how hard that will be. It reminded me of Jenelle trying to drop off/pick up her brood from all their different families. So I said to myself "just wait Kail, until you have to arrange all the drop offs and pick ups".  And I delighted in her suffering until I remembered that this lazy cow doesn't do any drop offs or pick ups. She makes those Baby Daddies come to her front door (she won't let them in though).   

I hate how she gets everyone to cater to her and yet she still has a grumpy disdained look on her face and can't bother to say thank you. 

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15 hours ago, jennyplayswithfire said:

I know this is kind of irrelevant and nitpicky....but is anyone else passively annoyed by Kail's nameless son? I mean, really? Still no name? Is she royalty? It's just so pretentious and attention seeking. Sure its none of my business...but she puts herself out there and is so thirsty for press...and for some reason it just really seems over the top.

It annoys me too. Because it's for attention. She probably had that kid's name picked out months ago. But she does these asinine Twitter polls and then intentionally withholds it - as if everyone is salivating over which pop culture icon she'll name THIS kid after. WE. DON'T. CARE. 

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I don't feel comfortable speculating on paternity of Kail's child based on trying to guess what "race" or "mix" the infant appears to be.  But I'm totes comfortable speculating that the delayed name release has EVERYTHING to do with Kail waiting on paternity results to come back.  I don't know why I believe this, as one is technically not related to the other, I just feel that there's some sort of weird back and forth going on between Kail and speculative father in which she is somehow tying in what child's name will be based on who is proven to be father. I know it makes no sense in writing but it makes sense in my head.

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6 hours ago, dabronx said:

I don't feel comfortable speculating on paternity of Kail's child based on trying to guess what "race" or "mix" the infant appears to be.  But I'm totes comfortable speculating that the delayed name release has EVERYTHING to do with Kail waiting on paternity results to come back.  I don't know why I believe this, as one is technically not related to the other, I just feel that there's some sort of weird back and forth going on between Kail and speculative father in which she is somehow tying in what child's name will be based on who is proven to be father. I know it makes no sense in writing but it makes sense in my head.

Like, if the Chris is the father - she'll pick a name that he wants (Christopher II)?  In hopes that if the kid has his name he will stick around and be active. 

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16 hours ago, dabronx said:

I don't feel comfortable speculating on paternity of Kail's child based on trying to guess what "race" or "mix" the infant appears to be.  But I'm totes comfortable speculating that the delayed name release has EVERYTHING to do with Kail waiting on paternity results to come back.  I don't know why I believe this, as one is technically not related to the other, I just feel that there's some sort of weird back and forth going on between Kail and speculative father in which she is somehow tying in what child's name will be based on who is proven to be father. I know it makes no sense in writing but it makes sense in my head.

I totally believe Kail has already picked out a name and is waiting to drop it as if the whole world is waiting and holding their breath. She is dragging this thing out much like those celebs who hold off showing their newborn to the press.

I normally don't care to speculate on what race or ethnicity a child is because that child is a child to his parents no matter what. Whoever his father may be, all that matters is that I hope that father will have a relationship with his son because with a bitch mother like Kail at the helm, there is a big chance, based on her past and current history, not speculation, that she will interfere in that father and son relationship.

I do want to point out, Kail has made it an issue that it does matter how her child looks as far as their race is concerned. In fact, it is important to her that her boys be seen more as white than their mixed race. Regarding the time Jo gave Isaac a haircut, she sent Jo a text that read "little white boys don't get their hair cut like that" and “He’s half white. I don’t like his hair cut like that.”  In her mind, their white race supersedes anything else about her boys when it comes to how they look. When confronted about it on her social media page, she laughed. She also didn't want Isaac dressing like a thug. Jo dressed Isaac in a style that was similar to his own dress style.  She wants Isaac, and I assume Lincoln, to wear clothes that are appropriate for white boys. This is the same person who has attacked a black female on social media and taunted her for having "nappy hair".  She has cut off the dreads of Chris Lopez in a possible abuse situation. Was she trying to degrade him and make him feel his look was not acceptable or that he was somehow beneath her because of his race? Imagine a black man cutting off Kail's blonde locks because of his issues with her race.

My point in all of that is, Kail's blatant attitude about non-whites and how her boys are perceived by others will now be passed on down to her newborn whose father is likely a black man or a man of Latino descent.

Blacks and Latinos have various skin tones so, it would be hard to determine just based on skin color who the father is. I am the lightest in my Latino family. I am also adopted. I have been asked what my ethnicity and heritage is and I have had people comment that I don't look like my siblings. I just tell people that Latinos come in various shades.

Who the father is of Kail's child is a major topic at this time and it is something that would occur with any of these girls if they were having sex with more than one guy. The girl did create the situation for people to speculate when she decided to tease the public with her own tweets on social media about who the father is of her unborn child. There is the possibility, going by what Javi said, that she was having sexual intercourse with both Javi and Chris at the time of conception. All of this speculation is happening on a snark forum among adults, not in Kail's face.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I'm clearly missing something. I had read an article in which Kail (supposedly) said she listed Chris as the father on baby no name's birth certificate. So she filled out the form and didn't name the baby?! Huh? This baby has been named since birth, or before or she lied about the birth certificate. I don't believe you can file the form and not have a name listed, correct me if I'm wrong. 

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4 hours ago, Farmfam said:

I'm clearly missing something. I had read an article in which Kail (supposedly) said she listed Chris as the father on baby no name's birth certificate. So she filled out the form and didn't name the baby?! Huh? This baby has been named since birth, or before or she lied about the birth certificate. I don't believe you can file the form and not have a name listed, correct me if I'm wrong. 

Someone mentioned Kail had 30 days to put a name and get the form filed. 

With Kail, who knows what the truth is. She also claimed she had a doctor's note that allowed her to drive without a seatbelt while she was pregnant. 

3 hours ago, Mkay said:

This is going around twitter.  Kail and her daddy looking alike. Ha 


I can't tell them apart. 

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She sure sticks up for random baby daddy number 3 but never takes up for Javi or has anything positive to say about him. ?

Edited by Mkay
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I don't know much about high risk pregnancies but isn't the point of progesterone shots to limit the risk of a premature birth? And wouldn't a woman with a high risk for premature birth be discouraged from taking airplane trips late in her pregnancy? Kail was on a tropical vacation seemingly every other week during this pregnancy. She was in the Virgin Islands at the end of June!

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27 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

I don't know much about high risk pregnancies but isn't the point of progesterone shots to limit the risk of a premature birth? And wouldn't a woman with a high risk for premature birth be discouraged from taking airplane trips late in her pregnancy? Kail was on a tropical vacation seemingly every other week during this pregnancy. She was in the Virgin Islands at the end of June!

Where's that housewife from the Real Housewives of Orange County who went all detective on Brooks's fake cancer?  We need her here to investigate whether Kail's pregnancy was really high risk!    :-)

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1 hour ago, poopchute said:

You would think being a Single Mom of Boys Doing It All By Herself would mean Kail wouldn't have this much time to respond to strangers on Twitter.

lol  This made me laugh because it is so true. 

The two oldest are probably with their dad's for visitation. Baby No-Name Lo was probably sleeping after she fed him. I bet Kail was shitting on the toilet when she was on Twitter. 

Edited by GreatKazu
was not is
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14 minutes ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

Kail says she has Her older boys during the week and they are at their dads on weekends.   From reading her twitter I think she is lonely.  Fighting on twitter with random people is better than being alone with her thoughts maybe.  

Well damn, if she is so lonely hows about she get a job? Or volunteer? Or read a book, workout, take up a hobby? Maybe go to therapy? Or do something other then sit on her ass? Yes, I get that she has a newborn and understand, since she has the money and resources, that she doesn't want to be away from him for the first few months, but otherwise she can cry me a river. A lot of parents don't have that kind of luxury.

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And who in their right mind would want to hire her when she is a salty bitch who bitches out people on social media? If I was an employer and saw that shit, hell no. My point is, if she wants to host her own show, the criticism she is going to learn how to take.

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2 hours ago, toodywoody said:

And who in their right mind would want to hire her when she is a salty bitch who bitches out people on social media? If I was an employer and saw that shit, hell no. My point is, if she wants to host her own show, the criticism she is going to learn how to take.

Exactly. She has so many things working against her:





To be a female television host, you need to be thin and attractive, two things Kail is not. I know there are exceptions to this but not many.  If you're not thin and attractive, you need to have something else going for you: great interviewing skills, great personality, professional demeanor, etc. Kail has none of that, plus a documented history of bad choices, foul language, violence, etc.  Who would hire her?

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Kail has none of that, plus a documented history of bad choices, foul language, violence, etc.  Who would hire her?


What was it that Kail said about Oprah in her presentation? I don't feel like checking my DVR. 

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