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S13.E18: Reunion Part 1

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I thought Crystals, crystal beaded dress was gorgeous. All those beautiful different greens blended into that intricate leafy pattern. Stunning With her dark hair and luminous skin tone. My favorite colors of green and a work of art. I just wish the neckline wasn’t as plunged as it was. I like Crystals dress the best out of all of them. It must weigh a ton! 

Dorit looks ridiculous in that get-up. Thats all I see her outfit is.. a get-up. A costume.

I am not liking her demeanor either with her shocked “Mmmwhah??  Who, me?” act she pulls every time someone brings up the crap she has said. Like she is so above being seen as anything but perfection in personality and intention. She is so full of it. And herself.

You would think for the reunion that Kyle could find something better to wear than what she decided on. She really needs a stylist for events like this. Or anywhere, actually. 

Also she is like a rabid dog, so quick to jump to her own defense and drown out anything anyone else wants to say to her by her constant pattern of flipping every and anything around so that nothing… nothing EVER is found as true about her less than perfect self. That everything she says and does has been in response to how others have mistreated her so badly. 

I can’t think of one time any of them has treated her as badly as she tries to make out that they did.

That pot party she brings up Suttons “cruelty” towards her about … she was just dying for Sutton to bring up anything about her marriage, while pretending she did not want it brought up in the conversation. She baited and re-baited Sutton before sitting at the table with the rest of them, in hopes Sutton said something she pretended she did not want her to bring up,… just so she could blame Sutton for “bringing it up” and being so “cruel and insensitive “.

I am so glad Sutton did not take the bait and that Garcelle was the one to “bring it up” thwarting Kyles plan to eviscerate Sutton publicly for being “so mean” to her, bringing up her marriage woes in front of the group.

Just say it! JUST SAY IT!!! (Say WHAT Kyle…?? What are you going on about?)

Her head was going to explode at that table because Sutton was not following the carefully preplanned script Kyle had formed in her head, to be played out that evening in front of everyone else.😡🤬

Everything in her mind is a preplanned script with her doing the writing for both sides of the interaction. I know someone like that and am always ready to thwart their intended conversation they THINK they will have with me. It is always to pry into topics that are None of their beeswax. I find it entertaining to watch them perform their pre thought out lines as a way to steer the conversation, and then nip it right in the bud. They really think they are so clever.

Kyle desperately wanted to do her falling apart act in front of her guests and blame Sutton for making that happen. She is so manipulative there should be another word created for the Master at it, that she THINKS she is.

Annamarie with an e for the a, looked beautiful. Her hair and blue gown was very flattering on her. Otherwise she was the same liar, word twister, and deflector she has been from the beginning. The emotional maturity of a hormonal tween herself, that she ridiculously accused Crystal of out of the blue in Barcelona. All while Crystal sat basically calmly during Annasophogus’es ridiculous speech at the table about people she has barely ever even interacted with. Certainly not long enough to be able to form such opinions. Even less so by allowing someone to get a word in edgewise when she did interact with them, with her loud overbearing proclamations. I can only hope she tosses Kyles name out there sometime during this reunion as the person who informed her on what she should be thinking about these other ladies (Sutton and Crystal). 

I don’t know if Andy bringing up her mothers recent passing was out of of courtesy and recognition of the sad fact, or if he did it as a way to give her some padding from the whipping she so deserved and had coming to her. Maybe in hopes of being able to keep her on for another year. Who wants to make a person grieving the loss of their mother feel worse? It was either a slick move, or just a wrong time for him to give his condolences. I guess we will never know.

I only wish that This new lawsuit against Erica by that poor man who designed and made her own get-ups had been served to her before this reunion started taping. That worm could use a bit extra squirm sitting on that couch, knowing the world now knew of this despicable action she took on an another innocent person who had the misfortune of having dealings with her.


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6 hours ago, Slakkie said:

You know what is sad is that AM could have had a storyline.  She mentioned somewhere I think the After Show that she was adopted and her bio mother made a stipulation she could never contact the bio mom and she did an Ancestry thing and found an aunt and she reached out and they blocked her.  Combine that with her mother dying had THAT been her storyline vs esophogate I think we ALL would have seen her in a different light.

That is someone that I think many people would lean in to learn more about.  It also could be why she constantly was stuck on "silly" arguments and why some of her reactions were off the charts.

At this point I think Dorit and AM are the ones that could be gone however Dorit to me is the one with the biggest issue as the only person with any relationship with her is Erika. 

Her mistake was carrying Kyle's water

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5 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

It appears that the exhausting trend of trashy cleavage is done. (For example, Garcelle's talking heads usually feature grossly displayed oversized balloons.) I guess Crystal didn't get the memo.


Kathy always dresses far older than her years and then you have Kyle trying to strike a sexy pose acting far younger than her years. 

4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I secretly hope that someone asks Kyle if she ever plans on getting a real tattoo. I know how "That Guy" that sounds (and I would never say a thing like that to a regular person) but her "I'm a tattooed person" thing is annoying. Tattoos are expensive (good ones are, at least) and she's wealthy -- come on, do it up!

Random: Is there a story behind "Door-It"? I get "Dorito," I guess (it was actually an autocorrect for mr once, haha!), but I don't understand "Door-It." 

OK, thank you, carry on! 

RIGHT??!!  She is dabbling and thinking it makes her look edgy.  Her tats are lame and show her lack of commitment.

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7 hours ago, Slakkie said:

You know what is sad is that AM could have had a storyline.  She mentioned somewhere I think the After Show that she was adopted and her bio mother made a stipulation she could never contact the bio mom and she did an Ancestry thing and found an aunt and she reached out and they blocked her.  Combine that with her mother dying had THAT been her storyline vs esophogate I think we ALL would have seen her in a different light.

That is someone that I think many people would lean in to learn more about.  It also could be why she constantly was stuck on "silly" arguments and why some of her reactions were off the charts.

As someone who's both a cancer survivor and whose father is currently undergoing lung cancer treatment, I empathetize with AM. I wish she had talked about it during the season. Not every little detail, but I agree that it would have helped the viewers understand her reactions and personality better. 

Because of you I now know about the adoption info and that part of her story is also sad. I'm not even sure what else to say, but that has to sting really hard. 🙁

still dislike her husband for telling her, to her face, that she's an 8.5 in every aspect. I want to punch him in the teeth for that. 

6 hours ago, MMEButterfly said:

Erika's obvious discomfort in her seating position was my favorite part of Reunion 1

Right? I'm not even an Erika fan, but definitely felt her pain during the show. Her facial expressions. 🤣

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22 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

still dislike her husband for telling her, to her face, that she's an 8.5 in every aspect. I want to punch him in the teeth for that. 

It's so weird. If it's a little funny thing they have as a couple, OK. But it doesn't translate well to an audience as a cute anecdote, which could be because AnneMarie conveyed it in a very matter-of-fact way or is not a very engaging story teller.

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51 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

still dislike her husband for telling her, to her face, that she's an 8.5 in every aspect. I want to punch him in the teeth for that. 

I think I'm more surprised that she'd accept and brag about that. It makes her sound like she settled for someone that thinks she's only an 8.5 or doesn't feel she's worth or deserving of more than that.

It doesn't make either of them look good, imo

Edited by SweetieDarling
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44 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

still dislike her husband for telling her, to her face, that she's an 8.5 in every aspect. I want to punch him in the teeth for that. 

My husband who never watches RHOBH (I did get him hooked on VPR last year though) watched last night with me and was in disbelief when he heard that what her husband says about her. 

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5 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I don't know. I think that Garcelle has said that she doesn't think that Dorit is a flat-out blatant racist. And if I were inadvertently saying something that carried other connotations, I would want to stop it.*

"Attack" was the wrong word; for one thing, Garcelle's words and attitude were not attack-level and, for another, it was a cringe-worthy choice based on this "woke trend." Basically, the hyperbole was sending the message that Garcelle was being unduly aggressive for having an opinion/feeling. Is it that different than other words that we would not use in this situation (not going to use them here).

Personally, I think that people trying to understand, learn, and be better should not be referred to as a "trend." That kind of sounds like something people -- not you, necessarily -- say when they want to diminish the idea of growth so they can keep doing something socially harmful.

*For instance, we used to say "gay" when I was little as an insult, with nothing to do with homosexuality. It was so weird, but it was a thing! I admit that, at times, it for some reason pops into my brain as an exasperated exclamation -- "This is, like, soooo gay!" -- but I would not say that, even though I "don't mean it that way."

We must be in the same age bracket because I remember calling something or someone "gay" when I was younger being the ultimate insult, like you said, but having nothing to do with homosexuality.  I guess it was just a word that was used improperly -- and irresponsibly.  

That said, I do think Garcelle has overreacted to this whole "attack" thing with Dorito -- and I say this as a fan of Garcelle's.  If Dorito felt like she was being attacked, assuming verbally, by Garcelle, that's how she felt.   Annemarie citing Sutton saying that AM was yelling at her, not the same thing as no one has said that you can't say that culturally to anyone -- and frankly, AM wasn't yelling at Sutton.  Maybe they were raising their voices but more so to be heard over their constant interruptions and not because they were being aggressive.  

55 minutes ago, Surrealist said:


still dislike her husband for telling her, to her face, that she's an 8.5 in every aspect. I want to punch him in the teeth for that. 


According to Annemarie, not only did he tell her she was an 8.5, he said she wasn't a 10.  What a dick.  

1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:


RIGHT??!!  She is dabbling and thinking it makes her look edgy.  Her tats are lame and show her lack of commitment.

I don't have any tats myself but I would think for someone with access to really incredible tattoo artists would have tats of more substance, for lack of a better word.  Hers just seem so random and basic, again for lack of a better word.   The one she got on-camera this season looked like something you'd get out of a Cracker Jack box that you'd lick and then stick somewhere.  

2 hours ago, SassyCat said:

I thought Crystals, crystal beaded dress was gorgeous. All those beautiful different greens blended into that intricate leafy pattern. Stunning With her dark hair and luminous skin tone. My favorite colors of green and a work of art. I just wish the neckline wasn’t as plunged as it was. I like Crystals dress the best out of all of them. It must weigh a ton! 

Dorit looks ridiculous in that get-up. Thats all I see her outfit is.. a get-up. A costume.

I am not liking her demeanor either with her shocked “Mmmwhah??  Who, me?” act she pulls every time someone brings up the crap she has said. Like she is so above being seen as anything but perfection in personality and intention. She is so full of it. And herself.

You would think for the reunion that Kyle could find something better to wear than what she decided on. She really needs a stylist for events like this. Or anywhere, actually. 

Also she is like a rabid dog, so quick to jump to her own defense and drown out anything anyone else wants to say to her by her constant pattern of flipping every and anything around so that nothing… nothing EVER is found as true about her less than perfect self. That everything she says and does has been in response to how others have mistreated her so badly. 

I can’t think of one time any of them has treated her as badly as she tries to make out that they did.

That pot party she brings up Suttons “cruelty” towards her about … she was just dying for Sutton to bring up anything about her marriage, while pretending she did not want it brought up in the conversation. She baited and re-baited Sutton before sitting at the table with the rest of them, in hopes Sutton said something she pretended she did not want her to bring up,… just so she could blame Sutton for “bringing it up” and being so “cruel and insensitive “.

I am so glad Sutton did not take the bait and that Garcelle was the one to “bring it up” thwarting Kyles plan to eviscerate Sutton publicly for being “so mean” to her, bringing up her marriage woes in front of the group.

Just say it! JUST SAY IT!!! (Say WHAT Kyle…?? What are you going on about?)

Her head was going to explode at that table because Sutton was not following the carefully preplanned script Kyle had formed in her head, to be played out that evening in front of everyone else.😡🤬

Everything in her mind is a preplanned script with her doing the writing for both sides of the interaction. I know someone like that and am always ready to thwart their intended conversation they THINK they will have with me. It is always to pry into topics that are None of their beeswax. I find it entertaining to watch them perform their pre thought out lines as a way to steer the conversation, and then nip it right in the bud. They really think they are so clever.

Kyle desperately wanted to do her falling apart act in front of her guests and blame Sutton for making that happen. She is so manipulative there should be another word created for the Master at it, that she THINKS she is.

Annamarie with an e for the a, looked beautiful. Her hair and blue gown was very flattering on her. Otherwise she was the same liar, word twister, and deflector she has been from the beginning. The emotional maturity of a hormonal tween herself, that she ridiculously accused Crystal of out of the blue in Barcelona. All while Crystal sat basically calmly during Annasophogus’es ridiculous speech at the table about people she has barely ever even interacted with. Certainly not long enough to be able to form such opinions. Even less so by allowing someone to get a word in edgewise when she did interact with them, with her loud overbearing proclamations. I can only hope she tosses Kyles name out there sometime during this reunion as the person who informed her on what she should be thinking about these other ladies (Sutton and Crystal). 

I don’t know if Andy bringing up her mothers recent passing was out of of courtesy and recognition of the sad fact, or if he did it as a way to give her some padding from the whipping she so deserved and had coming to her. Maybe in hopes of being able to keep her on for another year. Who wants to make a person grieving the loss of their mother feel worse? It was either a slick move, or just a wrong time for him to give his condolences. I guess we will never know.

I only wish that This new lawsuit against Erica by that poor man who designed and made her own get-ups had been served to her before this reunion started taping. That worm could use a bit extra squirm sitting on that couch, knowing the world now knew of this despicable action she took on an another innocent person who had the misfortune of having dealings with her.


I am DYING!!!  You win the internet with that name!  

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This Kyle/Erika relationship is fairly nauseating.  As long as they are mutually beneficial to each other, they just love each other so much.  Erika needs Kyle and her influence, and Kyle needs anyone that will slobber all over her.  It's just the way it is.

I got my Bravo wish last season and Rinna and Diana both got the boot, now I'm going to wish real hard for Kyle to GO.  I am sick of her, I am sick of her family, I am sick of Morgan Wade, but mostly I am sick of her sniveling and trying so hard to keep her life out of the spotlight. It's what you signed up for Kyle.  Remember?  And why is Kathy Hilton on the reunion?  Maybe Andy will drag out Teddi and Morgan while he's at it.  Come to think of it, he makes me sick too.

I thought the best dressed was Crystal, she looked smashing.  Second, was Sutton.  Poor Dorit, she is such a try-hard and it shows.  

I liked AM a teeny bit better after her apology to Sutton because I believed it to be sincere, and I felt bad for the loss of her mother.  I don't want her back though, she came into the season too hot, and she isn't interesting.  

This first part of the reunion was pretty boring and here's hoping the next two will be better, but I'm kinda doubting it.  I am looking forward to Sutton telling Kyle how mean she's been to her, because it's true and about dang time.

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20 hours ago, Axie said:

Gee, Andy, bringing up the recent death of Anthax’s mother just made everything awkward as hell.  Not sure that was necessary.

Maybe he was trying to make her sympathetic? I don't like her and don't think she fits the show, but I certainly felt terrible for her loss. It was just inappropriate on Andy's part. 

Edited by chlban
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7 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Showing my age here. I couldn't stop thinking about that nursery rhyme from way back in the day:  "There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead and when she was good she was very good and when she was bad she was horrid." 

I was reminded of those old school pictures of ladies in bathing suits with the swimming cap on, and pieces of hair styled on the front of the cap on the forehead. 

Kyle's texts to Dorit were interesting. I wonder if she did/does something similar with Teddi, Faye, and Camille since they all seem pretty desperate to be liked and Kyle needs allies.

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7 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I secretly hope that someone asks Kyle if she ever plans on getting a real tattoo. I know how "That Guy" that sounds (and I would never say a thing like that to a regular person) but her "I'm a tattooed person" thing is annoying. Tattoos are expensive (good ones are, at least) and she's wealthy -- come on, do it up!

Random: Is there a story behind "Door-It"? I get "Dorito," I guess (it was actually an autocorrect for mr once, haha!), but I don't understand "Door-It." 

OK, thank you, carry on! 

My guess is, she isn't really into tattoos, but is trying to impress Morgan. My old school friend just got a small tattoo since all of her daughters and their husband's are into them. But when we grew up, and through much of our adulthood, "nice" girls definitely did not get tattoos. I bet Kyle's afraid Big Kathy will come back and haunt her for getting the ones she has.

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10 minutes ago, chlban said:

My guess is, she isn't really into tattoos, but is trying to impress Morgan. My old school friend just got a small tattoo since all of her daughters and their husband's are into them. But when we grew up, and through much of our adulthood, "nice" girls definitely did not get tattoos. I bet Kyle's afraid Big Kathy will come back and haunt her for getting the ones she has.

She's into them sufficiently to follow Instagram accounts by various tattooists (seven alone that have 'tattoo' in their name, likely others) and one inspiration account, whether that's because she likes their art, wants something similar, or she's been there with Morgan, who knows. 

When she was talking on the aftershow with Erika about her 'I'd date a woman' moment, she directly compared it to 'well, who thought I'd ever get tattoos!' and seems to relate both things to starting from scratch and almost ridding herself of a lot of the preconceptions and inbuilt This Is What My Life Should Be adages from growing up, which was reaffirmed at the reunion when talking about the same subject matter (dating women). 

But yes in regards to Big Kathy. Little Kathy said her mom would have had seven eight (? can't recall the number) kangaroos had she known (that she got a tattoo with Morgan/Kyle), lol. 

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Kyle is super full of herself this season between her fitness and her ugly little tattoos on her 60 year old looking skin. I don’t believe she was that upset about Norene. That voice breaking thing is something she does year after year. She did it when talking about Kim, Kathy…….etc. Nothing is off limits when it comes to her storylines. She doesn’t even care that she put her daughters on camera for her and Mo’s sort of a break up speech. Running around with a girl her daughters age is gross. It’d be gross if Mauricio was doing it and it’s gross when Kyle is doing it. She’s a disgusting human being. 
She’s still so pissy about LVP with her pathetic imitation of her. LVP still has her marriage and isn’t pimping out her family the way man hands does.

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I have a family member who is a doctor, an anaesthesiologist.  However, years ago, twenty or more, they were called anesthetists.  And then at some point it became  anaesthesiologists.  So I never understood the difference that was happening on the show regarding one vs the other.  I would only ever refer to AM as a nurse-anesthetist however.  And I do think AM glosses over the nurse part.  Just like she glosses over her lies.

Edited by whydoievencare
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1 hour ago, Mar said:

Annamarie posted this to Instagram, directed at Crystal


She wants everyone to believe no one wanted to help Crystal? Hahahaha! 
That they were all ready to dump her by the side of the road so they all could go on their merry way. Uh huh. 
Speaking of “Pathological liars” it is on film that Garcelle wanted to go to the hospital with Crystal, Kyle was calling 911, and the help received by AM was to further stress Crystal out by loudly saying in front of her that she could “stroke out”.


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I don’t live in the USA so Garcelle and Crystal’s upset regarding the words attack and child bride went right over my head.  I get more irritated by her odd accent (I’m British) and that she takes forever to spit out whatever she’s saying because she emphasizes every bloody syllable. No wonder the host guy gets bored.

And it was Kyle and especially Mo that laughed gleefully at Erika’s F-off to Garcelle’s son, not so much Dorit. But Dorit got told off.  I don’t think she’s mean.  Kyle’s mean.  Dorit’s just dim and an easier target I guess.

I think it’s dawned on Kyle that she’s no longer number one so she’s lashing out at whoever. Plus her perfect marriage is on the rocks.  She’s got it in for Sutton and Dorit. It’s almost sad. To tumble from the top is hard.

i had to smile at Erika.  She’s sat sitting there while Kyle and Red Riding Hood argue either side across her lap.  It was almost a comedy  routine 

I believe Am.  I believe Crystal gossiped to AM about the cast.  But it’s not supposed to be repeated on air.  The whole point of the show is for one HW to go after another HW.  Not condemn the whole crew as uneducated, etc.  AM doesn’t get it and she doesn’t fit.

i wonder what happens with Sutton next week?  Hope she’s okay 




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12 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Garcelle is correct about Dorit. Dorit says things without considering the impact. When she get's called out, she says she wants to learn to better herself. And then she does the same shit again.

Exactly. Dorit is a repeat offender and Garcelle has explained to her over multiple seasons why her microaggressions are problematic. Dorit doesn't care to be better. She's happy living in her "bubble" and Garcelle is right to leave her there and move on. 

12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Same however I have had somethings said to me and I am astonished that those things are in the vernacular, most times I say nothing because confrontation with a stranger...no thanks. Garcelle tried to explain to Dorit why, how, what, etc...was offensive, Garcelle should know by now Dorit does not understand, Garcelle needs to realize it matters not what Dorit thinks or says, she is not mean just dense. Garcelle can go live her best life, dislike Dorit for none or every reason and stop trying to explain anything to her, you cannot argue with an idiot.

I think Garcelle reached that point at Taco Tuesday when she said she was done trying to educate Dorit. She's sick of Dorit's shit and so am I. 

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4 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I think I'm more surprised that she'd accept and brag about that. It makes her sound like she settled for someone that thinks she's only an 8.5 or doesn't feel she's worth or deserving of more than that.

It doesn't make either of them look good, imo

You're right. She still chose to marry him, but that doesn't make me less frustrated with him. 😂

6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think he makes conversation instead of just asking close ended questions...Andy should take a page from James Lipton, he always got the information and nobody screamed and yelled.


If he were still alive, I would die if the HWs had been interviewed by James Lipton. He'd ask them what kind of tree they'd choose to be. 😂

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45 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I’m surprised Annemarie was seated at the reunion. Yes she was a full cast member but she came off as a friend of. We saw a little bit of her home life but not much. Her scenes were mostly about esophagus shaming Sutton and arguing about her job title. 

You are lucky. The word choice shaming is all about making people feel bad for using words that have been okay for years but now someone is triggered and gets to call someone privileged  We know damn well Garcelle herself leads a privileged life buying birkins and what not. I can definitely see why she was so upset about Jax being threatened online but the kid obviously was fine filming this season and criticizing his own mother. Crystal also needs to take a seat. I’m sure she’s been a victim but now she’s married to the Lion King dude and gets to buy rare birkins and lecture people for being problematic. I’m not fooled by her on camera persona, she’s an asshole. 

I agree with you that Mauricio and Kyle were much worse laughing at Jax being told off by Erika. Garcelle should have dragged every one of those assholes especially Erika for cussing out her underage son for no reason at all in the first place. She chose Dorit because she’s an easier target.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes, and yes. 

1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:


i wonder what happens with Sutton next week?  Hope she’s okay 




Probably something got lodged in her esophagus. 

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12 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

It appears that the exhausting trend of trashy cleavage is done. (For example, Garcelle's talking heads usually feature grossly displayed oversized balloons.) I guess Crystal didn't get the memo.


At least Crystal’s look real.  I think Erika was the worst during the season with showing the fake, very fake, boobs.

Edited by Mrs peel
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2 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Exactly. Dorit is a repeat offender and Garcelle has explained to her over multiple seasons why her microaggressions are problematic. Dorit doesn't care to be better. She's happy living in her "bubble" and Garcelle is right to leave her there and move on. 

I think Garcelle reached that point at Taco Tuesday when she said she was done trying to educate Dorit. She's sick of Dorit's shit and so am I. 

I think that's it too. I don't think Garcelle would harp on attack if Dorit didn't have a pattern-the yelling at her at a previous reunion, labeling her a bully, being harder on Garcelle than all the other ladies in general, being dismissive of her feelings regarding her kids. Then doubling down about being proud of her bubble. I don't get malicious vibes from Dorit, but that doesn't mean the stuff she says and does isn't still hurtful. Sometimes it's even more hurtful coming from someone who seems like a good, sweet person. 

3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don’t live in the USA so Garcelle and Crystal’s upset regarding the words attack and child bride went right over my head.  I get more irritated by her odd accent (I’m British) and that she takes forever to spit out whatever she’s saying because she emphasizes every bloody syllable. No wonder the host guy gets bored.

And it was Kyle and especially Mo that laughed gleefully at Erika’s F-off to Garcelle’s son, not so much Dorit. But Dorit got told off.  I don’t think she’s mean.  Kyle’s mean.  Dorit’s just dim and an easier target I guess.


I'm American, and the child bride comment went over my head as well. I understand why Crystal was offended though. I also agree that Kyle is mean, and Dorit is more ignorant. 

But I don't think Garcelle has friction with her because she sees Dorit as an easier target. For one, I don't think Garcelle is the type to target anyone. Second of all, she isn't afraid to speak her mind regarding the stronger personalities. She was very honest when she was new about feeling like Kyle glazed over her. She is the only one who stands by what she said with the Girardi scandal. If anything, Garcelle seems more protective of "easier targets" based upon her friendships with Sutton and Denise. 

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On 2/28/2024 at 11:23 PM, Joan van Snark said:

As a white person of a social age (47) I can understand using words that may have a racist connotation, but 'attack' and 'yelling' are not words that have anything to do with race.

According to Garcelle's rules in her head, it's okay for a white person to tell a black woman she is yelling (as Garcelle says, they ALL yell). BUT it's completely unacceptable for a white woman to tell a black woman she is "attacking" her. That warrants being branded a Karen, ridiculed, and harassed because it is "triggering." 

I loved when AM scolded Gacelle for not defending her when Sutton said she was yelling. Last random comment, I was really on edge when Dorit asked Garcelle, "Garcelle, do you like me?" I was like, "Oh, wow, where is this going? Where is Dorit going to take this." Garcelle said, "sometimes." Dorit then calmly and in her extra pronounced way, sounding poignant, "Do you want to be friends with me?" I'm literally all ears now, Dorit is going to make a really great point. What will it be?

Um, well, no point. Garcelle answers her questions, Dorit sits back and stares with nothing else, and then Andy changes the subject. 

I should have known to not expect anything from Dorit here. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

We know damn well Garcelle herself leads a privileged life buying birkins and what not.

Privilege is never having to worry that you won't make it home from a traffic stop. You don't have to acknowledge your privilege but you shouldn't diminish someone else's experience of the world.

Garcelle flat out said she doesn't always enjoy Dorit's company or want to hang out with her so next season is already shaping up to be better than this one.

Why do they need a 3part reunion for such a boring season? 

Garcelle needs a stylist. Her outfits this season have been less than flattering. However, Dorit's reunion get up makes that criticism seem harsh.



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14 hours ago, Mar said:

Annamarie posted this to Instagram, directed at Crystal


Annemarie is a 5.8 when it comes to self-awareness. She literally admitted during the reunion that, sure, she says she’s an anesthesiologist because no one knows what a nurse anesthetist is—and yet she’s still attacking (yes, I’m using that word because she’s literally going out of her way to post this attack to Crystal) Crystal for diminishing her career and all that. No one is saying Annemarie’s job isn’t important or takes skill or education or whatever; it’s that she’s lying about what her job is. The only person who’s caught up on thinking a nurse anesthetist is “below” an anesthesiologist is Annemarie for constantly retorting that she’s being insulted for someone pointing out her actual job title or degree. If you’re insulted by the facts of your own career, that’s on you. And don’t even get me started on the whole misrepresenting someone for a storyline. I’ve never heard the word esophagus more in my entire life, and surely I never will again. And how many times did she extend the olive branch to Sutton, only to go back to talking about her esophagus? Well, I actually don’t know the answer to the question because I felt like I was put under sedation every time Annemarie started in on the esophagus business. Annemarie could start a whole new medicine-free sedation method—I’ll just talk you into becoming comatose.

Edited by JenE4
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On 2/28/2024 at 11:19 PM, Straycat80 said:

Do CRNA’s know a lot and do a great job, yes they do, but they still have to work under the direction of a doctor. 

No, actually, they don't.  At least, not in California, which is a full-practice state for advanced practice registered nurses where APRNs are free to practice to the full extent of their education and their training.

I mean, they may work under the supervision of a physician if they're part of a practice group that's headed by a physician because that's the hierarchy in that particular organizational structure.  But in that instance, other physicians can also be said to be "practicing under the supervision of a physician."

AnneMarie is free to practice independently without physician oversight in the state of California.

I don't really get the hate here for AnneMarie.  Seems like a lot of Mean Girls piling on to me.  I don't actually remember the scene in which AnneMarie introduces herself as an "anesthesiologist" to Crystal.  Was it shown? 

But I've seen CRNAs do that before in the ER where I work (I'm an RN), and when they do that, they are not trying to pull the wool over anybody's eyes, they are using a word—"anesthesiologist"—with which they think the patient may be more familiar than the word "anesthetist," which almost invariably devolves into a five-minute conversation along the lines of, An anesthetist is a..." at a time when minutes are critical.

Was the word "anesthesiologist" ill-chosen in a conversation outside a medical context?

Yes, it was.   But I personally don't think AnneMarie was attempting to inflate herself here.  I suspect she just mispoke.

Also, there are two academic degrees associated with advanced nurse practice:  Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP.)  There is presently a big push to make DNP the terminal degree for all advanced clinical nursing specialties.  If AnneMarie has a DNP, she is certainly entitled to call herself a "doctor."

You are certainly free to continue with your (in my opinion) misguided reverence for physicians and the magic that they & they alone can do!  😀  The AMA is a very effective lobbying organization.  But that's why your medical insurance premiums continue to rise every year, and healthcare as a whole has an inflation rate of 12% a year.  Many studies show that APRNs provide primary care that's comparable to physicians in terms of safety and effectiveness and some suggest that APRNs can provide about 90% of primary care services that physicians provide, with similar outcomes and at a lower cost. 

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53 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

It isn't unacceptable for a white woman to tell a Black woman she is attacking her, if that is in fact what is happening. It is, however, problematic when a Black woman is calmly explaining something and a white woman, who doesn't like what she's saying for whatever reason, labels it as anger or an attack. That's what Garcelle was trying to explain. And it probably "triggered" her because it happens often to Black women in every space that we are in and particularly around certain white women. Just because you don't experience it or notice when it happens doesn't it mean it doesn't occur. And it also wasn't the first time that Dorit did something like this. Garcelle had every right to call her ass out on it, especially when the original point Garcelle was trying to make about her kids wasn't even directed specifically at Dorit, but rather to the entire group in general. 

Thank you. Was there ever an instance during which Garcelle was, let's say, advancing toward Dorit (or anyone) in an aggressive manner? Walking angrily? Even just waving her hands around in an extra animated way? Does Garcelle even yell, outside of when they're all talking over each other? Does she even stand up from a chair or couch when she commits these "attacks"? 

I seem to recall that a few of these chicks disputed Crystal's use of the word "violate," which made much more sense then than Dorit's use of "attack" now. (And, Dorit, if you simply have to use the word "attack," maybe just throw in a "verbally" or "figuratively," or, if you're feeling sassy a "metaphorically.")


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AnneMarie trying to say that Sutton telling her to stop yelling at her--when she was literally interrogating her on her esophagus and essentially saying she was lying about her medical condition--is the same thing as Dorit telling Garcelle, and not for the first time, to stop 'attacking' her?  GTFO of here, 8.5.  Can she please be one and done?  Thoroughly unpleasant is she.

I liked Crystal standing up for herself to Dorit, who will absolutely never get it, no matter how many times she says "noted."  I also loved her dress--thought she looked fantastic.  There are no words for whatever the hell it was that Dorit is wearing.

Kyle continues to gaslight anyone who dares question her and it looks like it's going to get worse next week.  Amazing how when she's "going through something awful" everyone is supposed to coddle her, but she can go after anyone she wants and demand they "just be honest."  

Edited by Cheyanne11
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I thought AM's voice was slightly raised, but she was not yelling at her in the way that Sutton implied. To me, Sutton said it in a way to call out/admonish aggressive behavior and tone. That's where I see the comparison. Sutton's intent was more deliberate to me than Dorit's. And if Sutton weren't Garcelle's friend, or if it had been Dorit instead of Sutton, Garcelle would have said something, even if she thought AM was handling herself just fine.

Edited by Rorysmom
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12 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I thought AnneMarie was kind of yelling at Sutton

AnneMarie does have a loud, forceful voice and a rather annoying habit of announcing, I am not finished talking yet!  😀

I think that is her "indoor voice" (as parents of toddlers like to say!  😀)  But, yeah, she'd be doing herself (and everyone else) a favor to tone it down.

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