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Fashion Police - General Discussion

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LOVED Weir! I do have to say -- I wish the show would go back to being a 1/2 hour (I think it was at some point).

I agree about the half hour.  I think I'm the only one, but I really enjoyed Rachel Zoe's new show, Fashionably Late, because it was only half an hour and they didn't have a couch full of people each giving their opinion on the outfit.  For the most part, it was people who actually work in fashion, whose opinions I find much more relevant than some random Real Housewife or comedian.

Edited by tobeannounced

I was really hoping I would love Rachel's show, but I was bored.

I was hoping for what Fashion Police used to be, but it was more of what Rachel thinks is "Everything"

And why the hell is Roger there...and more importantly..what in the hell was he wearing? His metro/hipster poser outfits are BEYOND...and not in a good way

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I caught last night's AMA dissection with Margaret Cho and Amber Rose. I was underwhelmed by Amber. She didn't have much to add and what was with the shades? I noticed that the segment about Kylie Jenner was quickly yanked.


Guliana seemed extra bitchy and in uber pearl-clutching mode.


Was it my TV or was the bottom half of Melissa's hair burgundy?


Overall, a meh episode.

I hadn't seen this show since Kathy Griffen left. WHY is Nene on this show??? Is she known for her fashion sense??? If it's not full of bling, tight, and low-cut, she doesn't like it. Tacky. Isn't her 15 minutes of fame over with YET?????

I don't know about Margaret Cho; she's there for the humor but some of her comments were so crass and bathroom humor. She had a couple good ones, so maybe in time she'll settle down??

Neither Margaret nor Nene could walk in their high heels. I thought the game was dumb.

I like Brad's take on fashion; Juliana's ok and somebody has to moderate. What was Melissa wearing??? It looked like something one of my sisters would have worn to a dance in 1972. Complete with the sausage curl on each side of her face.

Not sure I'll be back if Nene stays.

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How is it that they aren't able to cover more of the celeb's fashion in an hour? I remember when they use to cover what the men were wearing.


Firstly, too many damn people on the couches. Keep Brad definitely. But they should get rid of either Guilana or Melissa and whoever stays acts as host. Plus, have either Margaret or Nene but not both. If you asked me a few weeks ago I would have chosen Cho hands down but with each episode that passes, I notice she really offers no real fashion commentary or perspective, just jokes and like thumper said above, the GG episodes jokes were crass as hell. Nene isn't that much better but she comments on the clothes. Yes, based on her questionable taste but she offers opinions. My main issue with Nene is that she tries too hard. The overuse of 'drag queen lingo'; that stupid voice and horrid facial expressions she makes, which she seems to think make whatever she is saying funny, which it doesn't. It just makes her look like she belongs on a box of camel cigarettes. You know what I am changing my vote - keep Cho and maybe once in while have a guest fashionista but no reality stars (past or present), IG thots or wannabes please. Be nice to have an editor for a fashion mag or something. 


Secondly, cut out those stupid ass games. They are just time sucks. There is fashion to be had DAMNIT!! 


I did think Nene's comment about G's ribs showing and her being corrected to say abs was hilarious. Nene was right the 1st time.

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I believe both Margaret and Nene recently were promoted to regulars. I can take or leave them both but agree that a lingering problem is as others have mentioned: too many people who must comment, leaving less time for fashion.

I suppose it's only one person more than before (five now vs four regulars), but it adds up when we get five comments on everything.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Can't stand Nene and I won't watch until she's gone.  Did anyone catch the eye rolling Melissa did when Guilianna made some of her comments.  To me it looked like Melissa was saying, "What the hell are you talking about, bitch".  I can see Rancic being fired from this show like she was from E News.


I like Brad and the side stories he has about the dresses, like it was worked on by 30 women for so many hours.  I like knowing those tiny tidbits.  Cho is just trying too hard to be funny, she comes off a nasty, and she contributes nothing.  Nene looked like fifty pounds of flour poured into a five pound sack.  She has no idea how to dress and she always looks like she just got off work at the corner of Hollywood and Vine, just like Pretty Woman.  

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I miss Kelly O.  


Not only what was Melissa wearing, but who did her hair?!  She looked terrible; she needs bangs.  She did well just being a panel member when her mom hosted.  She should go back to that.  She is not holding the show together with her hosting skill or lack thereof.  


I like Guilianna and would prefer to see her host, she is good at that.  She was co host,  when Joan was there and I felt she anchored the show.   She gives her opinion, and has relevant things to say.  


I like Brad and his contributions.  There has to be a fashion expert there. 


Nene.  Well at least she did comment on the clothes and give an opinion.  She screamed so much during that stupid game that she could not hear Gulianna's clues.  


Cho started out strong in the first episode but all she does is look for the joke and they are not that good.  She is capable of being very witty but her need to do the shock jock stuff is out of place here.  Joan when for the joke, too, and it wore thin for me very early on.  Her hair looked terrible!  The short cut would work if the styling was right.  


Cho's funny comment:  I give Joan Fonda the award for the least likely to lick their stitches.   Hysterical!  

Edited by wings707
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Margaret's head was shaved as part of one of her 'music' videos or art pieces. I am not being derogatory I legit don't know what to call some of the performance art pieces she does. I give her a pass on the shitty styling cause it's growing in all weird. I liked when they rotated the spots. Agreed 5 ppl is too many.

it must have been a contractual "kowtow to the Kardashians" episode. Ms. Jenner is simply too nice as well; have to keep those networking bridges clear for her offspring.


And I think it's clear, Margaret is the new acerbic voice (of Joan). It can have the same interruptive quality as well, especially when jokes miss. I like Margaret, but I thought it flowed better with Kathy G.

I appreciate the feedback Kris Jenner gives.  She doesn't go for a joke; she gives her honest take on the clothes and is good in the mix where others are constantly searching for something clever to say.  I am surprised to say I kike Nene too.  


Melissa needs a stylist; she can look better.  Her eyes are tiny but there are make up tricks to open them up that are not being used.  Or shutter the think maybe they have tried.  


I like Brad and Guilianna's rapport and comments.  

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E! deduct some money from those Kardashians (they can stand to spend less paralyzing their faces and over inflating their asses) and pay Tim Gunn whatever he asks. I loved his commentary, I didn't agree with it all, but I loved it. So here for his calling out the vulgarity and not pulling any punches. He snatched wigs and doesn't seem beholden or afraid to say a tacky ugly dress is tacky ugly. He elevated the show, however it did have the effect for me of making Cho's jokes seem a bit too low brow for the show.


My problem with the show is as it always is .. they didn't cover enough looks. How could they not get to Saoirse and Margot Robbie who I thought were the better dressed female stars.


Overall, the dresses were kinda blah. 


I actually loved the fabric of Amy Poehler's dress. I just hated the dress design. If it were a ball gown or something more fitted it would have been gorgeous. 


I really think Heidi Klum is either celebrating Halloween early or is now just trolling the world with these hideous gowns. That dress reminded me of the ones that Lucy and Ethel had a fight about



Edited by islandgal140
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Golf clap for Tim Gunn. Yes! I'd love to see him full-time. Now that FP is only on intermittently, maybe it's doable. Bring him on and ditch that horrible Nene Leakes. She adds absolutely nothing to the show. For that matter, why is Margaret necessary? Her bodily functions and lesbian jokes are getting tired and don't work.


Joan Rivers was unique in that she was a comedian and understood fashion. That doesn't necessarily mean that having a comedian on the discussion panel is mandatory. Brad and Guliana (well, mainly Brad) are witty and Joan's legacy is carried through by Melissa's presence. If it was meant to be a funny show, then move it to Comedy Central.


I also agree that more time should be spent on the clothes and not on stupid games. Yes, Margo and Saorise (the latter who I thought should have earned the best-dressed nod) were overlooked and they both looked fabulous on the red carpet.


I didn't mind Tim's smack-down of Jennifer Lawrence and Charlize Theron. I didn't like Jennifer's dress and I think she looked hungover. (I read stories that she was late to the red carpet and pleaded illness.) She's one who I think is "much ado about nothing" in that I find her average-looking at best and majorly annoying. CT always shows up in the same type of dress, so this year it was red. She was an excellent stylist and knows how to pose. However, Tim's pearl-clutching over the show of skin was somewhat melodramatic.


I didn't think Amy's dress was horrible. Yeah, maybe in a different style the fabric would have worked. Maybe the Oscars wasn't the right place to wear that. I'm glad that Tim liked it.


Overall, it was a disappointing show and my major question was WTF was going on with Melissa's hair?

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Can Tim Gunn be on the panel all the time?

He was great, although I disagreed with him on Charlize I agreed with every other thing he said. Although the bigger the panel gets, the fewer looks they actually discuss. They came in from a commercial break, talked about Priyanka Chopra (who is not someone I had ever heard of before today, but that's neither here nor there) and then went back into a commercial break. How many people did they cover in an hour - ten?

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Also need Tim full time.  Dare I say it, I like Margaret but last night she was so incredibly vulgar, and I'm not easily offended. Can we keep her but get rid of Giuliana, who has just taken over Kelly's being "obsessed" with everything?

I see what Tim means about Charlize. When I saw her presenting, I thought, "whoa! Gorgeous!" But I understand why he thinks you should only show off one body part at a time. Back and chesticles--no. Back, nice. Chest, okay. Not both.

I now think Cate Blanchett has reached goddess status. Only she could pull that off.


I miss seeing more looks, someone upthread said we used to even get to the men--this Oscars would have been a good one to show off the men as well.

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I would like to see more of Tim and less of Cho, too.  Guilianna, Brad and Melissa are all witty without aiming to shock.  Tim is prissy but I love the guy!   I agreed with Brad's favorite look of the night.  I have forgotten the name of the actress but loved it!  She wore the yellow with a bead pattern on it.  Very cool.  


I loved Amy's dress but agreed that it was not for the Oscars.  


Melissa's dress was terrible! 

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I, too, enjoyed Tim.  There is a way to look sexy without being vulgar, and that line gets crossed very often.


Regarding Margaret Cho, same comment - there are jokes that can be funny without being vulgar, and that line gets crossed very often with her.  There are certain types of people who love vulgar jokes, keep it with them, comedy shows where the audience appreciates that type of humor.  But when you are broadcasting to the entire nation, you need to rein it in a little.

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my major question was WTF was going on with Melissa's hair


Screw that-- WTF was going on with her face?  Melissa, you can honor your mom without following her down the plastic surgery path.


Tim and Brad may stay.  The rest are superfluous at best.


By the by, Friday's Tom and Lorenzo had quite a bit of shade to cast on this gang in their Pop Style Opinionfest. 

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Margaret Cho clearly doesn't know about or care about fashion. She doesn't belong there. How did she land that gig and what is Melissa thinking?

If you go back a bunch of pages, I recall that her first appearance was great - much more fashion-focused and also more funny. Viewers were definitely wanting more. But at this point I am in complete agreement with you that it's not working. She said anal fissure on national TV, which would be almost fine if it was funny, but it wasn't.

Also - does every single panel member have to weigh in on every single look? Maybe if they could take care of that they could discuss more than a dozen people in an hour.

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Well one day i was passing through from some anonymous mall,there i saw one police official with quite heavy build and his dress shirt collar was bothering him. I went to him and asked that to tell your high officials to provide you with proper uniform which actually fits you, he laughed and said that no dear, they provided my outfit right according to my precise measurements however I got FAT .

I suggested him to provide his current and recent measurements so that his dress shirt collar doesn't bother him alot that i'd seen that moment. For over sized or formally known as plus size individuals mustn't go for off the racks rather they should choose tailored dress shirts stitched by tailor manually right according to their own size.

Ok, I haven't watched this show in eons.  It's a review of some country awards that is currently on now.  Why is Nene Leakes on this show?  The facial expressions on the rest of the panel are a pained smiling look and fake laughs after every time she makes a comment.  And the woman cannot make a remark without mugging for the camera, yasss honey, we'll be comin' for you, etc.  It's like she's playing (a badly written) character.  Please get her off of the show, and put someone on who actually knows something about fashion.


When Margaret Cho seems reasonable next to you, it's time to dial it down, way down.

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I liked Kimberley Perry. She was able to critique her peers in a way that wasn't completely vanilla, but not throwing shade either. Well done.


I thought that Melissa looked better this week. I kind of liked her hair. Brad seems to be getting too prissy for my taste. He needs  to lower the righteous indignation a couple or a few or SEVERAL notches.


Margaret can go any day now. She knows nothing about fashion and her tasteless lesbian, Asian and bodily function jokes are getting old. Joan Rivers was unique in that she was a comedian and knowledgeable about fashion. A show about celebrity fashion doesn't necessarily need a comedian to be successful.


Nene doesn't add much either. She also doesn't seem to know much about fashion, other than shoes, and that is questionable. She's not even funny.


I feel like the composition of this current panel was to show how culturally diverse E! is or something like that.

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I came to this thread to rant about the near-complete absence of Claire Danes's Zac Posen, which was clearly the look of the night and one of the most amazing gowns I have ever seen. Seriously WTF? You're going to stick that in the game show portion at the end?

And they don't even mention Zoe Saldana having a fashion moment like this?


It's actually fine with me if they hate everything I love and vice versa -- I expect that from this show -- but to completely ignore the most important fashion moments at the Met Ball is unforgivable.

Ditto on making Tim Gunn a regular. Really, it would be fine if the show were just "Tim Gunn's Opinions About the Red Carpet." I'd never miss an episode.

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A continuing frustration for me, like others: sacrificing fashion for too many panelists and their cutesy game crap at the end. Oh, and their time wasted on Kardashian/Jenner nothingness.

I keep seeing photos and reviews of looks I both expected to see on the show and new-to-me fashions that could have been mentioned. But no, we had to squeeze in panelist silliness and swoon over Kendall and Kylie. Because. Don't even get me started on the ripped-jean slob getting time over men who killed it while respecting the occasion. (One of few things TimG and I agreed on Tuesday night.)

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This show has gotten so bad at this point. I can take Margaret Cho's jokes because I get that that's her role. What I want more of is clothes critiques from the other people who are there for that purpose. Brad is good some of the time and though I don't like NeNe she can make a good point every now and then, but what I just can't stand is when they give the "bigs" a pass. So here's Gaga in a leotard and jacket at the Met Gala and it's okay because "she's Gaga, she can do no wrong" - um then why even discuss the look? She looked terrible and Tim G had it right, totally inappropriate for the event and costum-y. 

They do the same thing with others Beyonce, Kim K, Taylor Swift; each gets barely a mention about the outfit and a pass because they're "TayTay or Beyonce or Kim K!" Only Tim mentioned how top-heavy Kim K's dress looked. And TayTay, while fine, did not look like she was going to the Met Gala. If they're not going to honestly talk about the clothes, then don't even critique these people at all. Of course I know I'm dreaming, this show has just become a name-dropping opportunity for everyone but Tim (and Melissa).

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I agree with so  much of what people are saying.  How could they not cover Claire Danes' Zac Posen gown?  It was spectacular when it lit up.  It was such a statement, they had Zac and a model on The Late Show.  Zoe Saldana's dress was gorgeous and exciting.  Meanwhile these twits are focusing on the Kardashians.  If they wanted to give Gaga a pass because she's Gaga, they should have passed on showing her ill-fitting and inappropriate leotard. 

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I agree. If you're not going to judge, then don't bother showing their outfits in the first place. Do we have to see every outfit Gaga and Kate Perry wear? How about focusing on someone else for a change?

And please stop with the stupid flattery - 'she's so beautiful, she always looks amazing, her figure is stunning' and get on with judging the outfits themselves.

Don't like the stupid games. Waste of time.

3 hours ago, Showthyme said:

Melissa needs to lay off the cosmetic surgery. Her face is puffy and her eyes are barely open.

Yes, would love to see more of Tim Gunn. Margaret's jokes are too vulgar. Joan Rivers she is not. Guiliana should host and move Melissa over to a co-host position. 

But Giuliana looked like she just came out of a cycle through Food Network's salamander.

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