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S18.E03: Throwing Stones in Glass Houses

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10 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I think this is exactly how Kody sees himself, as delusional as he is - the long-suffering patriarch of a family that doesn't even respect him, shouldering the load of his family's perceived wrongs, and all the while, knives are sticking out of every orifice the man has.  No wonder he's always on the verge of a rage-induced breakdown.

Yes, you have to obey the Headship if you want to earn an ounce of his love, using his rules - BUT, if you come too close, he simply changes the rules and forgets to tell you - see also: Janelle and Kody's Covid argument.  He insisted she wasn't following his rules but she threw back that he hadn't bothered to give her his rules until November of 2020.  Kody treats his family like a child losing at checkers - he just picks up the gameboard and tosses it in the air so no one can play.


I think what she rilly wants is for her, Kody and the Tenders™ to enjoy a warm and cozy Christmas, while the rest of the family stands outside in the cold, faces pressed to the windows, waiting for Robyn to potentially call them in to partake in the festivities.  I know it grinds her eyebrows that Christine and Janelle joined forces to have a blast at an AirBNB with their kids.  How can they envy what she has if they're not even around?  

And hold up - Nathan is married to Meri's sister?  Nathan gives me the straight-up creeps, sorry.  I can see why he and Kody are besties.

Nathan is Kody and Brian's business partner, too. 

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Did anyone else feel like Kody's "friends" were strangers hired to sit there and listen to him whine and further prove he's an ass? I didn't get the vibe that any of them had really spent time with Kody. Most of the time they didn't even speak. It was just a chance for Kody to have a monologue while pretending to have guy time. It was a weird extra scene in the episode. 

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On 9/5/2023 at 8:21 AM, Scarlett45 said:

Janelle took a bulk of her personal money and put it in the pot for Robyn’s house, (naively) believing once Robyn sold that, it would go towards building up Coyote Pass which would benefit them all. 

So unlike Christine and Meri, Janelle has no primary residence building equity. Christine bought when they got to Flagstaff with the proceeds from her Vegas house which was the best thing for her. 

I agree.  I am in the Janelle believes (or believed) in the plural marriage and up until Robyn, trusted the money would be used properly and fairly.  I think Janelle's eyes are open now.  I was surprised she bought the camper for the property.  I assumed she knew, just like the rest of us, how this is all going to end.  Maybe not. I feel bad for her just for the fact that she got taken by the newcomer, with the blessing of her husband.  I hope, if she leaves Kody, he makes sure she gets her share of the family money and doesn't screw her over.

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6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I can’t include much of the info here, but these are Robyn and Christine’s. They used a mortgage company.

That was really interesting. Thanks for posting it. It’s probably safe to assume that Janelle and Meri had similar deals. Mortgage-wise they seemed to be safe, so why the incredible rush? They literally abandoned 4 pretty expensive houses, left lots of stuff and had no houses in Flagstaff to move to. No one in their right mind would move at that speed in such uncertain circumstances for no reason. It really felt like fleeing.

On another note;  Robyn’s and Christine’s documents clearly said 407k. Their houses were approximately 40k more each  (excluding all the extra costs needed). Meri and Janelle likely had similar loans. In short, we’re talking around 200k that wasn’t in those mortgages. I refuse to believe they brought in their own money at the time, because they still had the Lehi house that needed to be paid for and 4 expensive rentals in Vegas. I think both Janelle and Christine mentioned several times that money was really tight at the time.

Just a guess; could they have had an extra loan somewhere to cover for the rest? Possibly with the houses as collateral? (If even possible, as technically the houses are collateral for the mortgage lenders) Was that the balloon payment from all the rumors? And would running to another state solve that problem? I don’t know…I don’t get it all. Maybe they just really are incredibly stupid and irresponsible…..


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On 9/5/2023 at 8:21 AM, Scarlett45 said:

Christine bought when they got to Flagstaff with the proceeds from her Vegas house which was the best thing for her. 

Christine actually bought the house in Flagstaff in September 2018. Her Vegas house didn’t sell until September 2019.

Buying was a good move for sure.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I know it grinds her eyebrows that Christine and Janelle joined forces to have a blast at an AirBNB with their kids. 


laurakaye- you win the internet today!!


1 hour ago, Absolom said:

I'm finally getting to see the episode and in every scene so far there is one common theme:  Kody is a complete jerk.

Yep...that sort of sums up the whole series! Lol

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

I'm finally getting to see the episode and in every scene so far there is one common theme:  Kody is a complete jerk.

He said Christine asked for things that even Robyn didn't get which is quite telling on its own, but what on earth did Christine ever ask for that Robyn hasn't gotten?

Great question for whomever is hosting the tell-all! But we know we won't get answers to the questions we want.

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3 hours ago, Adiba said:

Kody seems to think the words disagree, disrespect, and disobey are synonyms. They are not. I also think he does not know what the word “gaslighting” means at all. 
The argument with Janelle showed just how weak Kody is. He can’t man up and talk to his sons directly — he wants Janelle to do his dirty work. He cannot successfully rebut Janelle ‘s statements so he talks over her and finally storms out the door like a child who says “nah, nah, nah, I’m not listening to you!”


He's a child. I would be embarrassed af.

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Poor Kodouche. He feels like a fellure. That's because you ARE a fellure, dude. Lousy husband, crappy father and worse human being. All of these women continue to crow about what a great dad he is-I'm still waiting for examples of this. Finally, I think Meri is a masochist. She seems to enjoy the disrespect and abuse heaped upon her, and I wonder if she feels she deserves it because she didn't breed enough. Pro tip for you youngsters out there-stay away from cults!

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Did anyone else clock that during the meeting with Meri, Robyn and Kody, Robyn remained standing with her arms folded the whole time?  I thought that was an interesting snippet of body language.  Not sure if she wanted to subtly let Meri and Kody know who's really running this circus, or maybe it was so cold out, she was afraid her butt cheeks would freeze to the bench if she sat down.

Also hysterically funny was Kody finally having enough of Janelle's potty-mouth during their little chat but stopping at the sink for another swig of tepid water before storming out.  He's insane.

The timeline suggests that shortly after that, Janelle packed Kody's stuff and told him to come and get it.  Of course we know how much Kody hated Janelle's apartment so what he had there probably fit in a shoebox...maybe one book and a crusty tube of hair gel so it probably only took her 15 seconds.

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1 hour ago, dariafan said:

Well Brianna brought covid home…

I recall a couch interview with a very upset Brianna, where she talks about bringing Covid home and you'd have thought she'd ushered in a certain demise for her entire family.

Given Kody's insanity, I wonder how freaked out Brianna was when Kody sped Robyn to the ER, and then had to watch while Kody rocked himself in the fetal position when he also caught it because his gluteus maximum hurt so bad he didn't know what day it was.  I hope Brianna isn't traumatized for life, but what am I saying - all five of the kids that live under that roof are going to certainly need substantial therapy one day.

Edited by laurakaye
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21 hours ago, Absolom said:

I'm finally getting to see the episode and in every scene so far there is one common theme:  Kody is a complete jerk.

He said Christine asked for things that even Robyn didn't get which is quite telling on its own, but what on earth did Christine ever ask for that Robyn hasn't gotten?

His undivided attention ? Her voice and opinion given respect ?

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His undivided attention ? Her voice and opinion given respect ?

I don't believe for a second that Robyn has Kody's undivided attention. I think she gets more of his attention because of her unconditional "loyalty", but Kody is still Kody. He is a hands-off father who does what he wants, when he wants. He wanted Christine to parent Robyn's kids so he could spend alone time with Robyn for himself because she was the only wife he was still hot for. That was for Kody. Aurora gets his attention because she fawns all over him, not because he feels obligated to be an involved parent. 

If he calls his sons, he is giving in and taking the initiative, and in his head that gives his sons more power. So Kody will never call them.

Everything is about feeding Kody's ego. 




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1 hour ago, General Days said:


Yes. Dayton just graduated college in May. Aurora and Breanna are in college now, and they were still in high school when Covid started.

This is good to know. I know that Daay-tun (Robyn seems to struggle to pronounce her own spawn's name) and Aurora were legally adults, but I thought Brianna was further behind. Now I can start taking shots at her with my snarky comments, too! 

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I recall a couch interview with a very upset Brianna, where she talks about bringing Covid home and you'd have thought she'd ushered in a certain demise for her entire family.

On hindsight, we learned that Kody flaunted and bent the Covid rules wherever and when he could, as long as it fitted his needs. So scared to catch it, but refusing to take the most basic precaution (the vaccine) himself. Not meeting the family for fears of catching Covid, yet meeting up with others if he wanted (e.g. that wedding he officiated). Not letting your family come for a visit, but allowing a nanny and handyman to come over because they make your life so much easier.

If made me think: Who really was responsible for bringing Covid home? And wasn’t there a persistent rumor that the nanny did it? (Which technically still makes it Robyn and Kody’s fault for allowing strangers in during lockdown)

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22 hours ago, laurakaye said:

The timeline suggests that shortly after that, Janelle packed Kody's stuff and told him to come and get it.  Of course we know how much Kody hated Janelle's apartment so what he had there probably fit in a shoebox...maybe one book and a crusty tube of hair gel so it probably only took her 15 seconds.

On the other hand, she might have a bunch more space in the apartment after getting rid of as much of his crap as she can find. 

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On 9/6/2023 at 3:20 PM, Absolom said:

I'm finally getting to see the episode and in every scene so far there is one common theme:  Kody is a complete jerk.

He said Christine asked for things that even Robyn didn't get which is quite telling on its own, but what on earth did Christine ever ask for that Robyn hasn't gotten?

I don't believe that for a minute.  I think she asked for him to treat her just like he was treating Robyn.  I think she was asking for equal time and the commitment that he was giving to Robyn.  

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On 9/5/2023 at 11:50 AM, UsernameFatigue said:

And the notion that Kody can't leave a wife? Of course he can, he did it to Meri. And would have been thrilled beyond bits if she had actually left the family, once he had no use for her and she embarrassed him by the cat fishing scandal. 

But Kody DIDN'T leave Meri- at least not physically. He froze her out; he insulted her on camera and to everyone else ("I don't love Meri anymore. If she left I wouldn't care.") She hangs on like a sad little puppy for two reasons: she won't give him the satisfaction of making her leave (although she looks pathetic at this point, begging for scraps), and to hang on to the show for the paycheck. Most of us wouldn't subject ourselves to such humiliation. But this is the Brown family we're talking about.

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Ah, this episode brought back so many memories of my ex narc. Grodys 10 sentences in a row starting with "I", repeat it til they believe it, get insistent and indignant, throw in a little...I'm rubber, you're glue, anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you...finally a dramatic storm off to get the last word and show them you won't grace them with your presence if they won't submit to your version of how it was and will be. 

Christine realized ANY effort to help grody see reality was a waste of breath. Just laugh at him and let him live in his own idiocy. I hope Janelle is there too.

Are Mary and Leon cool? I'd want to be with my only bio-child on the holidays. 

Sobbin not only fulfilled her plan to xmas just for her brood, but she also set it up for the...we have to give my kids the most special, expensive xmas ever to make up for the rest of the family not accepting them. (Cries and babbles about how she can't believe they didn't want to come (uninvited).

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On 9/6/2023 at 1:06 PM, Natalie68 said:

In a global pandemic, where there are a lot of compromised people, I want to know if I am around vaccinated or unvaccinated people.  

I LOVED seeing angry Janelle!  She needs to bring that side out more.

Edit: sorry, just saw the mod note.

Edited by monagatuna
Obeying like a good wife
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But Kody DIDN'T leave Meri- at least not physically. He froze her out; he insulted her on camera and to everyone else ("I don't love Meri anymore. If she left I wouldn't care.") She hangs on like a sad little puppy for two reasons: she won't give him the satisfaction of making her leave (although she looks pathetic at this point, begging for scraps), and to hang on to the show for the paycheck. Most of us wouldn't subject ourselves to such humiliation. But this is the Brown family we're talking about.

Meri has friends, but it's not the same thing as having the security of family. She gave 30 years to a family that now shuns her. I know she was an ass, but I think Kody owed her better than how he treats her. 

And while I hate to agree with Kody on anything, it does appear that Christine and Janelle have formed their own clique, and brought certain kids with them. I have my doubts about how warmly they really did greet Robyn and her kids when they first joined the family. Under all the happy/amiable facade, there is a vibe of immaturity I get from Christine. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she has a hidden mean or passive aggressive streak. There is something about her behavior that is TOO nice to be totally genuine. Unless I'm just a cynic at this point. 






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4 hours ago, KateHearts said:

But Kody DIDN'T leave Meri- at least not physically. He froze her out; he insulted her on camera and to everyone else ("I don't love Meri anymore. If she left I wouldn't care.") She hangs on like a sad little puppy for two reasons: she won't give him the satisfaction of making her leave (although she looks pathetic at this point, begging for scraps), and to hang on to the show for the paycheck. Most of us wouldn't subject ourselves to such humiliation. But this is the Brown family we're talking about.

Of course he left her physically. He stopped sleeping with her, and eventually took her out of the house visitation rotation too. He also stopped sleeping with Christine, but kept her in the house rotation. Maybe for the kids, who knows. The only way he could have left Meri any more "physically" would be to leave town, which he could not do since the other wives/kids still living at home were in the same town. And of course, he isn't allowed to "leave" a wife. But he did in any way that matters. 

Kody only saw Meri when there were gatherings with other family members. Meri was alone for quite a long time. I totally agree that Meri has looked pathetic for awhile now, but I think she is there as much for the paycheck as anything. I think her longing for Kody is in part her storyline, as she was ready to leave him if the catfisher had been a real person. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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36 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Meri has friends, but it's not the same thing as having the security of family. She gave 30 years to a family that now shuns her. I know she was an ass, but I think Kody owed her better than how he treats her. 

And while I hate to agree with Kody on anything, it does appear that Christine and Janelle have formed their own clique, and brought certain kids with them. I have my doubts about how warmly they really did greet Robyn and her kids when they first joined the family. Under all the happy/amiable facade, there is a vibe of immaturity I get from Christine. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she has a hidden mean or passive aggressive streak. There is something about her behavior that is TOO nice to be totally genuine. Unless I'm just a cynic at this point.

I also suspect this as well. Christine is very insecure. Reading her parts in the book where she was so angry that Kody and Meri were courting a younger girl and how she wasn't even in their radar at that time but she had inserted herself even before Janelle was added to the family. She has the tendency to say something that is really sharp...but then ha ha ha, add a sarcastic "...just sayin'" or a snide joke comment after.

Everyone is celebrating Christine because she was the first to officially leave, but in reality every one of them is just a flawed person like everyone else...they are just on display for public conversation.

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As much as I detest Kootie, I think there is a modicum of truth in what each and every one of them are saying.  They each see and state the "truth" through their own filter complicated by what they want the public to see and hear. 

And it all went to hell once they bit the TLC bait.  Without that show, I don't think anything would have changed as drastically as it has. For one thing the Demigod wouldn't have an audience to pander to so may have managed to tone it down a notch or two.  But we will never know now.  They all drank the Kool-aid and destroyed the fambly.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

I feel a bit differently. I see it as the kids stuck with them.

Yeah, I agree. Once most of the kids reached maturity, they were on to his game of "do as I say, not what I do" and his overt favoritism of Robyn. If we can see it for 45 minutes a week, I can't imagine how they felt living it.

Also, I get irrationally annoyed when they talk about how hard it is to "divorce," when in all honesty the only legal marriage (i.e., requiring a lot of legal untangling if divorce occurs) is with Robyn. I'd be interested to know what sort of obligations Kody might have to Christine given that their "marriage" was never seen in the eyes of the law, only their church. Is it more complicated if they had joint property but weren't married? Is child support a more sticky issue?

Edited by KateHearts
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Okay. Unpopular opinion here, but I kinda like Meri's hair. It's not the most flattering or smooth style, but she's always angled for an edgier aesthetic, and it's thick and has lots of volume. There are definitely times when it was strawlike, and the weird Linda from Bob's Burgers helmet she wore in the intros during the first few seasons was atrocious (if attempting to copy a trend from five years earlier), and her hairstyle in her THs is, honestly, not that bad and bordering on stylish. 


...I'll see myself out.

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