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S01.E06: Episode 6

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Yes.  Yes, I did. And once I saw it, I heard zero of what anyone said until he was finally, mercifully gone.  Every time he went to hug someone I worried the spider might get on their arm, or hand.  When he was walking through the 'jungle" toward the car, I saw that it was still clinging down toward the bottom of the jacket.  When he climbed into the limo, it wasn't visible anymore, so I assumed it must have crawled under and was now inside the jacket.  Then I wondered if he sat on it.  Then as he was sitting in the limo saying words that only sounded to me like "blah blah...spiders spiders omg spiders blah...blah spiders everywhere...blah" I was curled up in the fetal position watching intensely for it to climb up onto his neck or face.  At one point a shadow near his shirt collar made me actually scream out loud, because it was just too many minutes of going into spasms of pure revulsion for me to endure silently any longer.  Jesus, what a relief when he finally, FINALLY!!! left for good.


So funny that he was SUPER EXCITED about those 15 emails he is definitely going to be getting from everyone inviting him to parties and festivals.  Yes, Jessie, they will probably get right on that as soon as they are done toasting to you after the rose ceremony.  Oh, wait..............these people were over you faster than Zach was over Clare.  I mean, did any of the guys even like him???? But please do sit home and keep hitting refresh on your email account, I'm sure there is at least a Groupon or something that will show up in the inbox eventually!


This is about the same trajectory my brain took.  Although, after Jessie went on at length about all the friendships he'd formed in paradise,I ended it by thinking that the only friend Jessie was leaving there with, was the spider clinging to his back. 


I thought it was absurd for Robert to tell Brooks he couldn't ask Sarah out. Better he just wait and let Sarah decide for herself.

But - if Brooks and Sarah had met before and liked each other, why do they need to g o on this show to date?


God, could you imagine a date between Sarah and Brooks?  They'd both blush and giggle and squirm.  Then they'd share their first kiss...... a year later.


On a separate note, does Christi have weird dark tattoos behind both ears, or was that oddly symmetrical dirt?


Bad spray tan?


If they do this show again, I think that when a new person comes in and asks someone on a date they should have to go on it, whether they are attached to someone or not. It would make things much more interesting.


I think everyone should have to date everyone, on a rotational basis.  Or, they can hire Michelle Money as the matchmaker, and base the show around her.


That is all I could think about too.  Especially when then did the shot from the water up to the water line and there was all kinds of junk floating on the top.  Bat Shit is very toxic and I just can't imagine swimming through it.  I would have stopped right there and gone back.


I am claustrophobic, and have seen The Descent far too many times to think that date looked good.


These guys are so interchangeable to me.  They show me a brown-haired tan guy named "Zack".  I think who the hell is that?  Has he been there this whole time?  Oh yeah, he's the guy who couldn't commit to Elise after forty-eight hours.  Then I come here and realize Zack is the guy who couldn't commit to Clare after forty-eight hours.  Then there's Robert - apparently I think Robert is both Robert and Marcus.  Graham is distinguishable by the befuddled look he perpetually wears.

  • Love 6

You know what's crazy?  This show hasn't even been on for all that terribly long, and now I absolutely can't remember who it was that couldn't commit to Elyse 4Life after 48 hours.  Was that Robert?  Was it a guy who is gone now?  I can only remember her leaving with Chris B., although I do vaguely recall she was trying to imprint herself into the soul of some other really bland, milquetoasty dude before that.

  • Love 2
Hi Brooks. Bye Brooks. I still think he's gay but he seems like a nice, sweet guy.


I barely watched last night but I did see Brooks and thought he was gay.  I didn't see the season he was on so I didn't know him and that was my first impression of him! 


I like what someone above said about filming in two separate locations for a few weeks and then merge them!  That would be fun to watch! 


I also think that when a new person arrives they show 2-3 clips of their season to remind us who the hell they are not just the white, hard to read writing under their name. 

  • Love 1

I’ve only been watching this show because I’m used to having the TV on Monday evenings while I do the accounts and am biding my time until The Voice comes back.  But I have to admit it’s been more entertaining than I expected.  This despite the fact that I’m not a regular watcher of The Bachelor and had no idea who most of these people were.


The whole ganging up on Jesse was so embarrassing. Christy wasn't making any sense and then Michelle was telling Jesse how Christy is deeply hurt and beside herself. I felt so bad for her! And not because of Jesse, but because Michelle was making her seem like a total fool. The last thing I would want after getting played is to show the guy I've been affected by him. Players like him don't have empathy, so they'll only take it as a compliment. Ugh. Let the girl keep some dignity! He's delusional though.


My take on that whole confrontation was that it was more about Christy and Michelle herself than about Jesse. Christy because she was coming across as such a pathetic doormat and needed someone to push her into standing up for herself, even at the risk of seeming like a fool.  Michelle, because she seems to have a lot of pent up resentment against certain types of guys that she needed to get off her chest. 


In my experience, women like Christy rarely go for guys like Tasos.  If this show opens her eyes just a little to what she’s been missing then it might end up doing her a lot of good.  But I’m probably being overly optimistic. 


I'm a woman, so I'm immune to her charms, but can somebody please explain to me why Jackie keeps getting asked out on dates? She is painfully boring. Are all these men all just seeking the answer to the age-old question: does the carpet match the drapes?


As a straight guy, I’d probably pick Jackie over any of the other women on this show.  She’s easily the cutest (bad boob job and all), seems comfortable in her own skin without being obnoxious about it, and most of all, no drama.  But I do wonder if she would keep my interest over the long-haul.  I guess it depends on what she’s like once she opens up to someone.  We've really been shown nothing about her beyond the way she acts on a first date with TV cameras in her face.

Edited by viajero
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You know what's crazy?  This show hasn't even been on for all that terribly long, and now I absolutely can't remember who it was that couldn't commit to Elyse 4Life after 48 hours.  Was that Robert?  Was it a guy who is gone now?  I can only remember her leaving with Chris B., although I do vaguely recall she was trying to imprint herself into the soul of some other really bland, milquetoasty dude before that.

It was Dylan who was with Elise pre-Chris B.

  • Love 1

You know what's crazy?  This show hasn't even been on for all that terribly long, and now I absolutely can't remember who it was that couldn't commit to Elyse 4Life after 48 hours.  Was that Robert?  Was it a guy who is gone now?  I can only remember her leaving with Chris B., although I do vaguely recall she was trying to imprint herself into the soul of some other really bland, milquetoasty dude before that.

It was Dylan, one of Andi's final five or six. He did what Graham can't or won't, peacing out on Elise and her loopiness.

I think women like Jackie are the reason plastic surgeons don't sign their work. Those bags of saline were designed to be covered in flesh thick enough to hide the sudden change in altitude and any little wrinkles of the bag itself. With a girl like Jackie who has zero body fat, it's probably going to result in a look that's rarely seen in nature no matter how skilled the doctor.

I noticed on Sean's season that Jackie had really bright eyes and a very pretty face. I just think she'll improve when she gains a few pounds. Maybe she and Zack will get married and have muscular babies who don't talk until first grade. He seemed a little better now that he's with the woman of his dreams, but that long hesitation before he speaks always makes me want to put a crab down his pants.

  • Love 6

As usual, Michelle couldn't resist sticking her ski-jump nose in and taking a lead role in something that didn't directly involve her.  The so-called injured party couldn't muster the courage nor the words to describe the so-called slight she suffered.  She was, as they say in the chat show world, 'talked up' by Michelle into believing that Jesse had committed an unforgivable sin.  

At this point it's hard to believe that Michelle isn't being paid extra to create drama and move the action along (while doing the annoying producer's commentary that tells viewers how they should be reacting).  I've read that she's actually a very nice woman, but she's become the most unpleasant part of the show for me, and she just will not shut up. 


I hope that Cody finds someone else after the show ends- I've got zero interest in gym rats, and while I wouldn't be interested in someone who said "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm completely in love with you now that we've known each other for 5 minutes", I'd bet that if he found a woman who was insecure and wanted a partner whose world revolved around them (hi Clare), he'd be a great partner.  

I'm just watching for the editing now- the women all seem pretty distasteful to me, and while I like to pretend that Graham, Robert and Zach are fairly nice, stable guys, they probably wouldn't be on a reality show to 'find love' (and also probably would have been snapped up by someone long ago.  I don't think that the editors will be able to beat the rejoicing wildlife when Tasos appeared, but my fingers are crossed for the finale. 

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I DEMAND HANDCUFF SATISFACTION!!!!!!  I also saw that Chris Harrison noted the "natural in nature" comment in his blog.  There is no mercy for these contestants whatsoever.


I like Lacy.  I think we found out when she was on TB that she has an enormous heart and took on a bunch of responsibility at an early age.  Granted, she's not a terrific spokeswoman for "women in STEM careers," but hey.


Next season, they need to mix in some of the more tawdry Bachelor Pad challenges, just for something to do.  I still remember S1 of BP where the first two challenges they put them through were "Spin the Bottle" and Twister.... good times, or at least good TV.

  • Love 1
I like Lacy.  I think we found out when she was on TB that she has an enormous heart and took on a bunch of responsibility at an early age.  Granted, she's not a terrific spokeswoman for "women in STEM careers," but hey.

I like Lacy as well I guess.  Her and Marcus are just so boring for reality tv though.  Happy, lovey, everything is perfect couples don't make for good tv.  Her makeup is weird though.  I can't place it but something is off--too much perhaps, the coloring or something.


Next season, they need to mix in some of the more tawdry Bachelor Pad challenges, just for something to do.  I still remember S1 of BP where the first two challenges they put them through were "Spin the Bottle" and Twister.... good times, or at least good TV.

I like your idea of having games or something else for them to do besides just go on ho-hum dates.  A previous poster suggested that when someone arrives with a date card the person they ask HAS TO SAY YES to the request.  It mixes things up and you don't fall into this Marcus and Lacy problem.  If that rule was in place and Brooks asked Sarah out then it would have been much more interesting for everyone to see what would have happened.  I just don't understand this idea that simply because Robert wrote Sarah a note, meet her on the beach, and said he wanted to take her out on dates once they get back to L.A. solidifies in her mind that Robert is the one, what??


  • Love 1

I think women like Jackie are the reason plastic surgeons don't sign their work. Those bags of saline were designed to be covered in flesh thick enough to hide the sudden change in altitude and any little wrinkles of the bag itself. With a girl like Jackie who has zero body fat, it's probably going to result in a look that's rarely seen in nature no matter how skilled the doctor.

I haven't paid enough attention to Jacque to really notice her boobs. If that's part of her problem then she should've gone with silicone & under the muscle. Under is common except for porn & hyper fit muscular folks. Silicone won't show the edges the same way even on smaller frames. Truth time: I have some personal experience in this department.

I hope that Cody finds someone else after the show ends- I've got zero interest in gym rats, and while I wouldn't be interested in someone who said "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm completely in love with you now that we've known each other for 5 minutes", I'd bet that if he found a woman who was insecure and wanted a partner whose world revolved around them (hi Clare), he'd be a great partner.

Having dated a big gym guy who was a serious lifter & being best friends with another one I have discovered that these guys are often quite insecure underneath it all. Oddly they're both upbeat guys in the same vein as Cody. It makes me wonder if that type is drawn to heavy gym time or if the fitness involves adds to the upbeat attitude.

I'm pretty sure we didn't see much of AshLEE because she's only speaking in the bathrooms and that one spot where there isn't a camera at this point. She probably goes way the hell down the beach away from it all before she says something. They said she was already very aware of when she was on camera and that she was an entirely different person when she was being recorded than when she wasn't. After the fiasco with Clare, she's just decided not to be on camera speaking anymore. She's crazy. I mean, they all are, but this post is about AshLee.

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really want to make it interesting, why not go full on manipulation. When a new person shows up, they have a date card...with someone's name on it. As in, Hi, I am Mike, I have this date card, it say "you and CINDY will be going..." blah blah. Then production can take a boring couple like Marcus and Lacy and throw a wrench at them. None of this peeing on your chosen one so the new person will stay away. Nope. The more complacent the couple, the more production will screw with them.

But this is from someone who is watching this pretty much for the comedy, the editing, and the talking wildlife. I've no interest in these idiots finding mates (and Heaven forbid a pair of them start procreating!). I'm in it to laugh at the mockery of it all so I say bring it! Twister and spin the bottle sound fun.

  • Love 3
really want to make it interesting, why not go full on manipulation. When a new person shows up, they have a date card...with someone's name on it. As in, Hi, I am Mike, I have this date card, it say "you and CINDY will be going..." blah blah. Then production can take a boring couple like Marcus and Lacy and throw a wrench at them.


Great idea!   Also - why not have different couple going on dates simultaneously?  There's no need for ONE couple to go on a date, while everyone else sits around.  Two or three couples can be selected, then the specifics of the "date" written on cards, and they play a game to get the card they want - boat ride, romantic dinner in town, cave exploring.  The established couples are temporarily split up, the people left behind might actually talk to others.  It would be much more interesting than the current show, where newcomers get to choose among those who are not "coupled" with someone already. 


Someone like Brooks comes in, suppose he has a date card with sarah's name on it.  Robert can get as pissed as he wants, but, hey, isn't that the way the Bachelor/ette  show works?  you have a "connection"  with someone, and they go on a date with someone else, and you have to hope they like you better.   And You KNOW the producers would use that information they gathered on who people were hoping would show up.  Imagine if   AshLee had already made a connection with someone else, and THEN Graham showed up with a date card with her name on it?

 Imagine if Lacy and Marcus are surgically removed from each others' grasps and EACH goes on a date with someone else at the same time!   Or if Clare had no choice but to go on a date with Cody?  


Much better show. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 4

The ABC website is absolutely no help to a non-viewer.  They need to have a scorecard indicating who is still there, who is gone, and who is with whom.  A lot of these guys look the same to me.


I learned about stalacmites an stalactites when I was six and visited Carlsbad Caverns. I remember which is which because the "mites" are like fists, shoving up from the ground, and the "tites" hang tightly to the ceiling, a trick the tour guide told us. But I suppose first we have to get Lacy to say even one of the words correctly before we worry about her mixing them up.
StalaCtites come down from the Ceiling and stalaGmites grow up from the Ground.
  • Love 1
Also - why not have different couple going on dates simultaneously?  There's no need for ONE couple to go on a date, while everyone else sits around.


I like this! Only prob with this is due to the budget, they've all gone to the same cave, ruin or stretch of random Mexican village street. They would need to dig deeper, get some fresh date locales!


I hope production is reading this thread because we are really designing an excellent program here for season 2. Great synergy gang!

  • Love 5

really want to make it interesting, why not go full on manipulation. When a new person shows up, they have a date card...with someone's name on it. As in, Hi, I am Mike, I have this date card, it say "you and CINDY will be going..." 

I'd suggest that the producers dictate who dates who until the second last episode, when the contestants are given a card to write their chosen 'partner's' name on.  Any couples that write each other's names get the 'prize' of getting to stay for the last episode, where they will be whisked away from the STD shacks to actually nice fantasy-suite inclusive dates.   

Edited by aenea
  • Love 4

Yeah, serious gay vibe from Brooks. And I don't think he's very attractive...why was Sarah falling all over herself about him, ugh. 


I also thought Christy looked a lot better this episode. Maybe she was less drunk/hungover than last week. Tasos is cute! Tasos vs. Jesse was a no-brainer, so glad that ended up that way. 


AshLee is gross...that dumb rant she went on, and then her snotty comment about "we all know Graham is the best catch here" or whatever she said. While I am inclined to agree that Graham is the best "catch" (if you can call Bachelor people "catches"), get over yourself AshLee. 


Oh, and that showdown with Jesse was just too stupid. 

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 1

I haven't paid enough attention to Jacque to really notice her boobs. If that's part of her problem then she should've gone with silicone & under the muscle. Under is common except for porn & hyper fit muscular folks. Silicone won't show the edges the same way even on smaller frames. Truth time: I have some personal experience in this department.


If she actually lifts for progression, and not just aesthetics, then she probably avoided under the muscle because it restricts how heavy you can go with upper body work. And some people just have really wide-set boobs with dense breast tissue, they're never going to have 'normal' cleavage no matter what they do.

I'd suggest that the producers dictate who dates who until the second last episode, when the contestants are given a card to write their chosen 'partner's' name on.  Any couples that write each other's names get the 'prize' of getting to stay for the last episode, where they will be whisked away from the STD shacks to actually nice fantasy-suite inclusive dates.



Ooh, I like that. Then, if there's a mutual connection, you win. But if you write someone's name and they write someone else's, well, you start harassing the producers for a shot at next season.

Great idea!   Also - why not have different couple going on dates simultaneously?   

I have to disagree… its way better to have one person sit at the house and stew and pout while their partner is on a fabulous date.  Particularly if it's an overnight and they get to worry about whether they're sharing a fantasy suite.  If they're on dates at the same time, you lose the pouting because they'll both try to be polite, with any luck, to their dates.  But definitely send them on dates on the same week… and make sure they can't catch up in between /evil_grin.   


I'd suggest that the producers dictate who dates who until the second last episode, when the contestants are given a card to write their chosen 'partner's' name on.  Any couples that write each other's names get the 'prize' of getting to stay for the last episode, where they will be whisked away from the STD shacks to actually nice fantasy-suite inclusive dates.   

This, I like! - there could be some awesome surprises.  

Hey, did y'all know that Sarah liked Brooks and had hoped he would be on the show? Yeah, me either.

I can't help but like Lacey. She doesn't appear to have one mean bone in her body or that she was ever a mean girl in school.

LOVED your spider tangent, Irritable. I thought it would be funny/ironic if it had been a black widow on him! My phobia is so bad that if I come across a picture in a magazine, I--after a few expletives about it being unexpected--gingerly turn the page, taking care that no part of my fingers touch it, lest it somehow come to life. BTW, all arachnophobes really need to watch British comedian Phil Jupitus' 20-minute diatribe against spiders. Hilarious and relatable!

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I'm really beginning to get bothered by all the comments about Brooks being gay as if that's a pejorative towards him. Why would it matter if he was? Maybe he's bi or questioning or something or maybe he's straight as an arrow. So what? This thing about having gaydar to sush out who might be gay to therefore make them the subject of derision is so old school. Whatever Brooks may be he's a far sight better person than proclaimed heterosexual Jesse Kovacs.

  • Love 10

Without going back to re-read all the posts to refresh my memory, I didn't perceive the posts about people thinking Brooks is gay as perjorative, necessarily, but more as a "Why does he keep doing these hetero dating shows if he's gay?" bewilderment.  He doesn't personally strike me as gay, but he also doesn't strike me as particularly attractive, so my bewilderment is more about why so many women get goofy over him.  I picture him more as a guy who would usually live in the Friend Zone with Cody, but that's just because he's not really my type.


My phobia is so bad that if I come across a picture in a magazine, I--after a few expletives about it being unexpected--gingerly turn the page, taking care that no part of my fingers touch it, lest it somehow come to life.



I have seriously had nightmares about spiders ever since this episode.  During dinner last night, I had a full-body-shudder that was so big I nearly dropped my fork,  because I was thinking about a particular spider that lives a little too close to our back door right now and how if I go outside it might jump me. Mr. Irritable doesn't understand how I can be so tortured by even just the idea of spiders, and I don't understand how he doesn't understand. 

  • Love 6

I thought it was pretty hilarious how Christy's talking head started first with her gushing about Jesse.  Then they cut away for something.  And then she went off on him.  She was still wearing the same outfit, so I'm sure it was filmed in the same sitting.  Anybody else surprised that Christy knew the term "misogynistic"?  That's a big word for a "dumb blonde".  


Jesse indeed is a misogynistic douchebag.  I think he is exactly as we saw it and Christy called him out on it.  Yeah, it may be somewhat her fault because didn't she know about his reputation ahead of time?  I felt as if she really had no other options when she arrived since Zack turned her down.  It seems implied that Jesse and Christy had sex, and that Lucy did some stuff with him too.  The girls also kept talking about Jackie.  Really?  His problem was that he kissed and told and blabbered to everyone there about his conquests, when almost all of the people were already coupled up.  He left because he knew he wasn't going to get a rose.  ("No, I break up with YOU!")  While the scene in the car did drag on - and I'm sure it was producer driven - I enjoyed watching him get what was coming to him.


"I came here and accomplished what I wanted to."  If that means banging one or two girls, but ruining your already tarnished image AGAIN on national television, then ok Jesse, hope it was worth it.  Any girl in the real world who wants to date this misogynistic douchebag after seeing him on tv should hold expectations very low.


Brooks seems very funny and I'm surprised Jackie chose the boring Zack (who was attached at the hip to Clare until just a few days prior) over him.  Humor goes a long way and they had great chemistry.  With some of these guys, I'm wondering if producers asked them how long they wanted to be there.  Obviously the originals who are there the longest have the best chance at partnering up and finding love.  The ones that come in at the end pretty much have to do so in a day or two or they're gone.  Brooks maybe didn't want to come for the whole month, as I think he surely was popular enough amongst past contestants to warrant an original spot.  He's probably regretting not coming earlier.


"Cody is going to go all Hulk if Tasos picks Michelle."  Ha.  An apt description.  Money even said she wasn't attracted to muscle meatheads, so I just don't see why they're still together.  Is it because she had nobody else to choose from?  I believe that you're either attracted physically to somebody or you're not, an that instant first impression is hard to change.  You can over time be attracted to other qualities and learn to love them - personality, kindness, humor, etc. - but you can't change physical attraction.

I'm really beginning to get bothered by all the comments about Brooks being gay as if that's a pejorative towards him. Why would it matter if he was? Maybe he's bi or questioning or something or maybe he's straight as an arrow. So what? This thing about having gaydar to sush out who might be gay to therefore make them the subject of derision is so old school. Whatever Brooks may be he's a far sight better person than proclaimed heterosexual Jesse Kovacs.

I don't like it either, but I've never liked the idea that you can know someone's sexual orientation is not what they say it is. Sexuality exists on a spectrum, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I've known a lot of guys who are straight but perceived as gay because of a mannerism, facial feature, tone of voice or interest. If Brooks is on a dating show where he wants to meet women, I assume he is who he says he is. I find him a lot more interesting than most of the guys on the show.

I wasn't afraid of spiders until a small spider bite on my face resulted in cellulitis due to a staph bacterial infection and led to a four day hospitalization. I despise spiders and dread Halloween season because of spider decorations.

  • Love 5

If Brooks is on a dating show where he wants to meet women, I assume he is who he says he is. I find him a lot more interesting than most of the guys on the show.



Never thought he was gay at all.  What I like about him is he seems a little brighter than some of the bulbs on the show and he has kind of a sarcastic sense of humor.  I totaly understood Des' thing for him.  And, you have to give him credit for his honesty in leaving the Bacholette in time for Des to find (settle for?) someone else.  Would rather have seen him in the finale than Zack who seems more interested in securing his rose than anything else.



  • Love 4

I don't like it either, but I've never liked the idea that you can know someone's sexual orientation is not what they say it is. Sexuality exists on a spectrum, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I've known a lot of guys who are straight but perceived as gay because of a mannerism, facial feature, tone of voice or interest. If Brooks is on a dating show where he wants to meet women, I assume he is who he says he is. I find him a lot more interesting than most of the guys on the show.


Preach. The comments bother me too, for the exact reasons you state above. Fortunately, I think as a culture we're slowly beginning to understand sexualtiy a bit better and the fact that many people do in fact exist on a spectrum (Kinsey Scale ftw). But the minute Brooks walked up from the beach I thought, Oh god, here come all the "Brooks is gay!" comments again.

  • Love 2

I don't find anything appealing about Jesse, but to come to Paradise to potentially get together with multiple people doesn't seem so out of line with what this show is set up to do


You know...I can't bring myself to hate Jesse.  He was totally delusional to think it would happen, and did nothing to earn it, but I think he was genuine about wanting to see everyone (not just the women) again.  To quote the Star-lord, he's an a-hole but not 100 percent a dick.


And, is this the same Christy as last ep because she looks totally different (and really pretty) to me this ep and I just remember her looking used and trashy last ep.


Totally agree.  Last week she looked all ragged and sun-blasted; this week she looked fresh-faced and pretty.  In the meantime she had nothing to do but sit around outside a shack in Mexico and drink.  How is that possible?


I noticed on Sean's season that Jackie had really bright eyes and a very pretty face. I just think she'll improve when she gains a few pounds.


At the beginning of Sean's season I thought she was merely "cute," but as the season progressed I realized that she's, like, really pretty.  And yes, better with a few pounds on.  And minus the tan.  Strange that she's only the "default girl," as she put it.


  • Love 2

You know...I can't bring myself to hate Jesse.  He was totally delusional to think it would happen, and did nothing to earn it, but I think he was genuine about wanting to see everyone (not just the women) again.  To quote the Star-lord, he's an a-hole but not 100 percent a dick.


Yeah, that was pretty funny when he was peacing out and saying I'm going to call you all up and we'll hang out! And everyone was just looking at him like Don't call us, we'll call you! Poor Jesse, waiting for his 15 festival evites and calls from his castmates that will never come! I don't remember this guy. Last week I thought he was the Jessie that DeAnna picked--and was surprised that he went from such a laid-back "sk8r boi" (or snowboarding equivalent) to such a jerk, but apparently this is a different Jesse. Was he Wrong Reasons all along? He seems to have a reputation amongst the Bachelor Family, but if he was a Wrong Reasons contestant on his show, I would probably have a recollection of him.

  • Love 1

Yeah, that was pretty funny when he was peacing out and saying I'm going to call you all up and we'll hang out! And everyone was just looking at him like Don't call us, we'll call you! Poor Jesse, waiting for his 15 festival evites and calls from his castmates that will never come! I don't remember this guy. Last week I thought he was the Jessie that DeAnna picked--and was surprised that he went from such a laid-back "sk8r boi" (or snowboarding equivalent) to such a jerk, but apparently this is a different Jesse. Was he Wrong Reasons all along? He seems to have a reputation amongst the Bachelor Family, but if he was a Wrong Reasons contestant on his show, I would probably have a recollection of him.


Jesse Kovacs was in Jillian's final 5 and actually came off quite "normal" that season.  At least he didn't bother me at all but then Wes was the main wrong reasons guy that season so who knows what Jesse was really like.


He really went downhill when he showed up on Bachelor Pad, had sex with Elizabeth and then made her cry.  Alot.  Since then he's been on the reunion circuit and meeting lots of ladies.  At least Elizabeth found herself another guy from the reject pile (Ty Brown) and now is married. 

  • Love 2

I'm really beginning to get bothered by all the comments about Brooks being gay as if that's a pejorative towards him. Why would it matter if he was? Maybe he's bi or questioning or something or maybe he's straight as an arrow. So what? This thing about having gaydar to sush out who might be gay to therefore make them the subject of derision is so old school. Whatever Brooks may be he's a far sight better person than proclaimed heterosexual Jesse Kovacs.


I'm sorry if I offended you at all. If I did it wasn't intentional.  I don't think it's a good, bad, or indifferent thing at all - though I do think if he's dating he would be happiest on a show that had contestants who match his orientation.

The Bachelor is about a guy dating women.  The Bachelorette is about a woman dating guys.  All the bastard step-children of these shows thus far have followed suit in pairing up men with women and vice-versa. 


Is it real world reality that only the opposite sex date?  Nope.  But it IS this franchise reality.  And commenting on people's looks, words and attitudes is this board reality.  Some gay people look & act straight, some straight people look & act gay.  Another reality.  


Nobody's saying anybody is wrong, so why does anybody have to apologize for anything?

  • Love 6
I'm sorry if I offended you at all. If I did it wasn't intentional.  I don't think it's a good, bad, or indifferent thing at all - though I do think if he's dating he would be happiest on a show that had contestants who match his orientation.


But -  someone's orientation is something that only they can know.   If a guy is on a dating show where he dates women, he's kind of saying he is heterosexual.  To say he's wrong about that doesn't make sense to me.   He knows who he is better than anyone watching on TV.  

  • Love 1

Never thought he was gay at all.  What I like about him is he seems a little brighter than some of the bulbs on the show and he has kind of a sarcastic sense of humor.  I totaly understood Des' thing for him. 

To me he comes across as sexless.  Not asexual, because I think he probably has a sex drive, but he seems sort of divorced from his sexuality. I went to high school with some Mormons and strict Catholics who struck me as similar.  I am certain that for anyone with sexual urges, separating themselves from those urges as strictly as Mormonism wants you too until you get married is neither easy or easily reversible.  The result (to me) is some fully realized adult version of a tween heartthrob.  A full grown Bieber who never went bad.  So my struggle with him being on the show is that I think this is a really weird place to explore that.  And I really don't understand adults who have crushes on him. I understand liking him, and liking his sense of humor, and thinking he's gorgeous.  But when i use the word 'crush' as an adult, it involves sexual thoughts and feelings.  When pointed at someone sexless like Brooks, they seem really pervy and creepy and so they end instantly.


But -  someone's orientation is something that only they can know.   

This I don't necessarily agree with.  I think a lot of people are so deep in denial that other people who know them and are close to them can figure out the truth before they know it.  But yeah, I don't think TV viewers can figure it out with any real insight. 

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And commenting on people's looks, words and attitudes is this board reality.  Some gay people look & act straight, some straight people look & act gay.  Another reality.


Yes, it's board reality to snark on people but I guess what I was trying to say was that being gay or acting gay was being treated as a negative trait like unkindness, or shit disturbing, or drinking too much, or having no respect for women, or being sexist or racist or any number of things that have been snarked about. Being gay (or straight, or bi) is not an action, it's just who they are. Another person's heterosexuality is not subject to the same derision.

  • Love 2

Yes, it's board reality to snark on people but I guess what I was trying to say was that being gay or acting gay was being treated as a negative trait like unkindness, or shit disturbing, or drinking too much, or having no respect for women, or being sexist or racist or any number of things that have been snarked about. Being gay (or straight, or bi) is not an action, it's just who they are. Another person's heterosexuality is not subject to the same derision.


I think people only view it as a "negative trait" in the context of this show, since this show is about dating and finding love with the opposite sex. It goes against the premise, like a gay person would be there for "the wrong reasons".


Just to be clear, I don't think Brooks is gay or sexless, but he has this certain androgyny about him and it's not every woman's cup of tea. And painting each other's nails is just such a girl thing to do. It might be a bit confusing for a woman who's used to guys like Zack. I wouldn't mind, but my boyfriend isn't the most masculine man either. Anyway, if anyone wants to see Brooks doing "men's stuff", then watch the recent Youtube series of him motorcycling through Mexico with a bunch of other guys.

  • Love 1

I just found it odd that Brooks was trying to impress girls by doing their nails together. Wouldn't do a thing for me. I do wonder why any of these people are on the show, especially the latecomers. Are they getting paid big bucks? Do they want their 15 minutes of fame? I doubt if any of them are looking for relationships; they all are good looking enough to find someone to date in the real world.


They need to add games or something for the people to do. It is boring to watch them sit around and drink and probably boring for them as well; you can't really drink in the hot sun for 15 hours a day without getting sick. I actually think Ashlee, crazy as she is, probably wanted a date card cause she is bored out her mind. She is usually seen drinking water so she doesn't have the fun of being drunk all the time.


I wouldn't mind Michelle so much if she gave a snarky commentary on things. Almost all her talking heads though are teary confessionals about: 1) She doesn't have a guy 2) She has a guy but doesn't want him and 3) Some other woman doesn't have a guy. Boring stuff. 


So is this going to end with them simply leaving the island with no fanfare? Somebody has to win something right? 

Edited by Madding crowd

And yet the casting people chose Brooks. And even better, invited him back on this trash show. They are not stupid. They know a "this will get people talking" when they see one. To be fair, Des is boring. Cute? Yes. That's where it ends. Even Chris who she chose does nothing for me.

I have one of the most straight up sexy, beautiful girlfriends. Back when we were 21 she tried out for this and got really far. They flew her to LA and did interviews. She didn't make it. But when I see who does, I know the casting people are all agenda. My friend Carrie would have only got "she's cool as shit and smoking hot" not "damn I hope that bitch dies a slow death". Or maybe not if she had signed a line saying she would bring the drama.

But a bunch of hot people ok with themselves is boring. They need past deaths, sexual confusion, ultra conservative thinking, mom with dead baby daddy etc etc

Brooks may be good looking to a percentage, but you can bet there were 100 objectively hot guys wanting his spot. And they took him. And we are talking. Harrison and team win again.

  • Love 3

I think people only view it as a "negative trait" in the context of this show,


Really? I'll bet you my first born grandchild that an awful lot of gay people in this world wish that was true.



And painting each other's nails is just such a girl thing to do.


It may be a girly thing to do but it's not necessarily a gay thing to do. Snarking on Brooks for painting nails is no big deal but immediately connecting the nail painting to being gay and thus subject to mocking is simply wrong.


Anyway, the horse is dead by now and I'll not comment about it any more but simply wish that the idea of gayness didn't so often become a negative descriptive just like being born with blue eyes isn't. And by the way, I'm not gay nor is anyone in my family - that I know of. I wondered about my nephew as he was growing up but he turned out to be a real hound dog. :)

  • Love 9

Really? I'll bet you my first born grandchild that an awful lot of gay people in this world wish that was true.


Well I was only talking about the people on this board, not the whole entire world obviously. I just didn't get the sense that anyone dislikes Brooks for being gay (which he isn't), just maybe wondered what he was doing there.

Edited by MsPH
  • Love 3

I just found it odd that Brooks was trying to impress girls by doing their nails together. Wouldn't do a thing for me. I do wonder why any of these people are on the show, especially the latecomers. Are they getting paid big bucks? Do they want their 15 minutes of fame? I doubt if any of them are looking for relationships; they all are good looking enough to find someone to date in the real world.






So is this going to end with them simply leaving the island with no fanfare? Somebody has to win something right? 





Anyway, the horse is dead by now and I'll not comment about it any more but simply wish that the idea of gayness didn't so often become a negative descriptive just like being born with blue eyes isn't. And by the way, I'm not gay nor is anyone in my family - that I know of. I wondered about my nephew as he was growing up but he turned out to be a real hound dog. :)


I think there's four reasons why these Bachelor/ette retreads agree to come on the show 1) the possibility of finding their one true love, 2) the possibility of hooking up with a member of the opposite sex, 3) it's a free paid vacation from their real life job, and 4) it prolongs their 15 minutes of fame.  I don't know how the producers selected who would be the original cast and who has the disadvantage of coming towards the end and needing to form a relationship instantly in order to stay on the show.  I suspect that some of these contestants couldn't commit to an entire month of filming.  But one week in Mexico hanging out with half-naked attractive members of the opposite sex?  Sure, sign me up!


I missed the very first episode of this show where I'm guessing Chris Harrison explained the rules and prizes.  My impression is that there is no prize other than being able to leave paradise with a relationship and perhaps future husband/wife.  I'm thinking that the show probably gives them travel money so they can go back and forth to see each other.  And I'm sure if there was a wedding for Marcus and Lacy that we might get a tv special.  But I don't think they win $250000 if they survive to the end.


It was widely discussed over at TWOP whether or not Brooks is playing for the other team or if he's a switch hitter.  I think when you're watching a show where ostensibly the point is for men to date women and for women to date men, it's only natural to discuss if you think that he may not only be interested in dating women.  "Not that there's anything wrong with that."  I didn't see any malicious intent in any of the comments.  It's no different than objectifying comments such as "Wow, Elise and Christy have fantastic boobs.  I wonder if they are real or purchased?"


My opinion, FWIW?  I think Brooks is very metro.  He's sensitive, funny, can carry on a conversation, makes good eye contact, can play HORSE, can paint fingernails - he can do it all and relates well to women.  Speculation is going to abound - it's the same thing that Ryan Seacrest gets all the time.  

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I don't know how the producers selected who would be the original cast and who has the disadvantage of coming towards the end and needing to form a relationship instantly in order to stay on the show.


It seems like a lot of these contestents know each other from B/B reunion shows and events (probably what Jessie was referring to when he said "festival") and producers also attend (assuming). Someone else mentioned that they probably have answered questionnaires saying who they would most likely want to meet, have a crush on, etc.  I'm sure the producers are trying to throw things off to create drama, like bringing in Brooks for Sarah because they know about her crush after she has already hooked up with someone. And a few of the guys seemed to be very aware of Jackie so she is deemed tempting to upset  couple, etc.

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I never understood the "Brooks is gay speculation" when he was on Des's season. However, I have to admit, when he started singing "Mr. Cellophane Man"--with jazz hands, I think--and then got all excited about matching manicures, I have to admit that I said to myself, Oh, I see! However, I also think that he was absolutely adorable the way that he was gushing over being so distracted by Jackie's beauty, and I felt that was genuine. So, I'm going to go with straight, former high school Drama Club member. (Add all of the necessary disclaimers about no judgment. I think that LGBT rights are this generation's civil rights issue, and it's a travesty that they don't have equal rights in most states. I agree with the point that it would only make a difference in THIS show because it's a straight dating show.)

This poor dead horse is really getting a beating, but I guess the issue for me is that I've known a lot of guys who aren't stereotypically masculine, but who are straight, but get all kinds of judgments placed on them because no one believes them. I think that just sucks for them. At some point, if someone tells you they're not closeted you just have to take their word for it. Now if they get caught having same sex relations in a public bathroom or something, then fair enough.

Sexuality is just far more complicated then I think people realize. There are, for example, men who identify as straight, and are happily married, but occasionally have anonymous sex with men. Leaving aside the cheating aspect (which is obviously not cool), what category do these men fall into? I'd like to see more people like Brooks on this stupid franchise just to show the diversity of self-identified straight men out there. They're not all Jesses and Zachs (thank god).

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