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S09.E20: Reunion Part 2

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After laughing about Tamra's gift to Lizzie, I vaguely remember seeing her there at the beginning of the season. I think Tamra said something about their female clients checking out Eddie and there was Lizzie, doing situps.

I wondered why Lizzie suddenly burst into tears. I should have realized something Tamra said had been edited out. I laughed how every time Lizzie spoke, it was followed by a shot of Tamra glowering at her.

  • Love 4

I thought Vicki and Shannon, with some assists from Lizzie, owned the reunion.  They both managed to marginalize Heather and put Tamara in her place.


Whenever the camera panned to Tams face, she looked angry and hateful.   Glad she finally got a taste of her own medicine. 


Somewhere Alex and Gretchen were laughing their butts off.

  • Love 13

Did anyone hear the conversation between Tamra and Vicki when Lizzie was crying and Heather walked over to comfort her? It was a bit hard to hear, so I had to watch it a couple of times, as my reaction was WTF? Tamra said something to Vicki about how Vicki had threatened to make up stories about her and Eddie if she didn't stop talking smack about Brooks.  Vicki said something like, "but that is the difference between you and I, I wouldn't ever really do something like that". To which Tamra replied, "but you threatened that you would do it". Vicki's response: "but I didn't do it". 


My husband, who will not watch the show, but sometimes stops what he is doing to react to something he has just heard, was laughing hysterically at Vicki's "but I didn't do it". 


The thing is, Tamra is so vile it is hard to explain, and has been since S4 (which is the season that Shannon said she started watching the show) which was the Naked Wasted Season.  But what can get lost is that Vicki is just as vile. Someone stated above that the best thing she did this year was to cozy up to Shannon. I think this is true. It made her seem like a loyal defender, a role we have never seen her play before. Folks also liked seeing her turn on Tamra, but as much as I always hope to see these gals tearing each other apart, for me there was little satisfaction. Vicki actually had no real reason to be pissed at Tamra, just as I don't think Lizzie did either. Tamra never said a bad word about Vicki all season long. We saw them a lot together, and they acted like they were back on track. It was clear that Tamra thought that they were, yet you had Vicki talking about her behind her back at every turn. I hate to see actual friends talking about each other. I will give a gal far more grief for being a bitch to someone she just doesn't like than I will if she is being a bitch to someone that is supposed to be her friend, which was what Vicki was doing. Not only that, she was talking some serious shit about Heather for the first half of the season, when Heather had done nothing to her. So yes, Vicki was nice to the new girl, but she couldn't find a way to be nice to her without throwing the two people she proclaimed to be her friends under the bus. To me, that is more vile than pretty much anything that Tamra did this year, and I detest Tamra like no one else. 

  • Love 11

So Lizzie's love tank was empty, and now Christian knows and can fill it? Well, all of America knows as well. Classy. Next time, Lizzie, take a tip from David Beador - send Christian and email instead of calling his penis out on national TV. 


There were real misuses of the English language coming from Lizzie tonight. It seems she just loves to stick "dis" in front of words, "disgenuine" being one of them. And Heather was smirking like the cat that ate the canary. You could tell she REALLY wanted to call Lizzie out and present her with a dictionary (I mean, a thesaurus), but restrained herself. 


Tamra obviously doesn't understand what an apology is if she's giving away year memberships to CUT in an attempt to rectify things. That's more of a punishment, what with the buckling floors and nasty towels folded by Rapey Ryan. 


Loving Shannon again! Last week she shut Tamra down, this week she shut Heather down. She had a really good point - don't sit there and claim you know I did something if you can't remember the specifics. And it sure closed Heather's gaping mouth. Shannon has proven herself to be very posited and concise when she's not imbibing too much or overly emotional. If she can keep control of herself, she has a real shot of taking these ladies on. I was so glad to hear that she and David are still doing well. I hope it continues. 


Heather's excuse about fake-phone-call-gate doesn't fly with me. Sure, I believe that Ms. Terry is just enough of a boob to not take a hint and be all, "Who's there? No one's there" if she handed him a non-phone call. However, that doesn't mean Ms. Terry wasn't in on it from the beginning. The repeated time might have been their code word. 


LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the montage of all of Tamra's lies. And I loved Vicki calling her out about just what a bitter, unhappy woman she is. You can see it all over her face. (And what a face. When she gets super angry, she squints her eyes into non-existence. ) Vicki may not be perfect (far from it), but seems to be trying to own her shit and let  a lot of crap go this year. She was totally right when she claimed that Tamballs is usually the one backing others into a corner, and Tamra proved it when Lizzie was crying and Tamra was shrieking about how Lizzie is just upset that she's "been backed into a corner". Man, what I wouldn't give to see the entire cast turn on Backdoor Tammy. 



Superficial notes - I think Vicki looked the best out of all of them. I love her shorter hair. I actually found Shannon to be very cute on the show, but her reunion look was awful, IMO. I hate Heather's new hair. They showed a flashback to one of the old reunions and she had these soft curls going on - THAT'S the look she should stick with, given how severe her facial features are. 

  • Love 13

I think Tamra has kept Vickie in check for a long time because she knows where the bodies are buried. She even went there a few seasons ago with the remark about Vickie waking up next to a naked man in Mexico. Vickie is now divorced, her kids are grown and she can't be emotionally blackmailed anymore. I loved the gloves are off comment. Vickie is finally at a place where she has nothing to loose but Tamra does. And Tamra quit your bullshit about family being so important. We all know what kind of mother you are. If history tells us anything, if you and Eddie had a child you would also end up with 50 percent custody again after your next bitter divorce.

  • Love 17

I think I understand Shannon's process in pointing that out to Heather because each time she had already apologized Heather would bring it up again and again not really accepting her apology. Yet, Heather expected Shannon to just take her apology and be done with it. I'd have a hard time not calling out someone like Heather in that instance.


Stop screaming at me in my own home! ;)

I completely agree. Heather expects instantaneous forgiveness even when her apologies have gaping holes (Shannon was 100% correct about Heather perpetuating the scary angry myth in her blog). I was just reaching for things that could have hurt Heather badly enough to wax philosophical about the roots of hatred. Maybe she's referring to fan feedback but even then Tamra got the lion's share.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 7

Vicki knew she had to redeem herself this season because she had a new book coming out during the season and wanted it to sell. Had she behaved like she always has, it would have bombed! Her business took a big hit after the last few season so she knew she had to clean it up this season in order to sell her book!

How do you know about her business?

  • Love 3

I think Tamra has kept Vickie in check for a long time because she knows where the bodies are buried. She even went there a few seasons ago with the remark about Vickie waking up next to a naked man in Mexico. Vickie is now divorced, her kids are grown and she can't be emotionally blackmailed anymore. I loved the gloves are off comment. Vickie is finally at a place where she has nothing to loose but Tamra does. And Tamra quit your bullshit about family being so important. We all know what kind of mother you are. If history tells us anything, if you and Eddie had a child you would also end up with 50 percent custody again after your next bitter divorce.

Yea, Tamra did go there, but I watched that reunion again last week when Bravo aired all the reunion shows. Tamra said that AFTER Vicki said that Tamra was still married to Simon when she started seeing Eddie. Tamra was furious and denied it. Then she threw out that nugget about Vicki. Not that it makes it right, but Vicki wasn't afraid to go after Tamra first, then was shocked senseless when Tamra threw something back at her.  Per usual, she thought that it was unfair of Tamra to say something bad about her, but seemed confused at the idea that it was also mean of her to say something about Tamra first. 


This is the thing about Vicki, she is just such a hypocrite. This season she said several times that women should stick together and support another woman when she is going through marital troubles.  She said this as if this has been her mantra all along.  Then, at the reunion, she is the one to "go there" about Tamra's marriage. Like a lot of folks, it looks to me like Eddie has checked out of the marriage, but this was never discussed on the show.  There was never any story about Tamra's marriage being in any trouble, just a look in Eddie's eye, and a lot of speculation by all of us because it is hard to understand how anyone could be married to Tamra. For Vicki to throw this out, when it was never part of the show, and her whole new take on the importance of supporting women is what she wants us all to see about her, just seemed so bitchy to me.  But then IMO Vicki is a bitch. 

  • Love 4

How do you know about her business?

It may or may not be true, but Vicki said at the reunion last year that her business had taken a big hit after Laurie said that she had a threesome.  What she said was that she had lost several big clients after this reveal.  For the record, I never believed it for a minute. If Vicki is able to cobble together any sort of a business model after her behavior over the 8 seasons prior to Laurie coming back on, one little nugget about her being in bed with another woman is not going to hurt anything. 

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Wasn't buying Vicks saying she wasn't threatened by anyone's age or Lizzie in particular cuz she's much younger and "pretty".  Well, maybe "threatened" isn't the right word.  But women who are young & hot & good looking clearly annoy Vicks.  We saw it with Gretchie poo.  She hated Gretchen before she even opened her mouth.  


I hated Gretchen and it had nothing to do with jealousy.

So Lizzie's love tank was empty, and now Christian knows and can fill it? Well, all of America knows as well. Classy. Next time, Lizzie, take a tip from David Beador - send Christian and email instead of calling his penis out on national TV. 


There were real misuses of the English language coming from Lizzie tonight. It seems she just loves to stick "dis" in front of words, "disgenuine" being one of them. And Heather was smirking like the cat that ate the canary. You could tell she REALLY wanted to call Lizzie out and present her with a dictionary (I mean, a thesaurus), but restrained herself. 


Tamra obviously doesn't understand what an apology is if she's giving away year memberships to CUT in an attempt to rectify things. That's more of a punishment, what with the buckling floors and nasty towels folded by Rapey Ryan. 


Loving Shannon again! Last week she shut Tamra down, this week she shut Heather down. She had a really good point - don't sit there and claim you know I did something if you can't remember the specifics. And it sure closed Heather's gaping mouth. Shannon has proven herself to be very posited and concise when she's not imbibing too much or overly emotional. If she can keep control of herself, she has a real shot of taking these ladies on. I was so glad to hear that she and David are still doing well. I hope it continues. 


Heather's excuse about fake-phone-call-gate doesn't fly with me. Sure, I believe that Ms. Terry is just enough of a boob to not take a hint and be all, "Who's there? No one's there" if she handed him a non-phone call. However, that doesn't mean Ms. Terry wasn't in on it from the beginning. The repeated time might have been their code word. 


LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the montage of all of Tamra's lies. And I loved Vicki calling her out about just what a bitter, unhappy woman she is. You can see it all over her face. (And what a face. When she gets super angry, she squints her eyes into non-existence. ) Vicki may not be perfect (far from it), but seems to be trying to own her shit and let  a lot of crap go this year. She was totally right when she claimed that Tamballs is usually the one backing others into a corner, and Tamra proved it when Lizzie was crying and Tamra was shrieking about how Lizzie is just upset that she's "been backed into a corner". Man, what I wouldn't give to see the entire cast turn on Backdoor Tammy. 



Superficial notes - I think Vicki looked the best out of all of them. I love her shorter hair. I actually found Shannon to be very cute on the show, but her reunion look was awful, IMO. I hate Heather's new hair. They showed a flashback to one of the old reunions and she had these soft curls going on - THAT'S the look she should stick with, given how severe her facial features are. 

Shannon looked best in her red dress talking head with her hair slightly waved. The reunion haircut is awful.

  • Love 3

In her blog, Heather writes: "I hope to keep growing and learning from my mistakes and my experiences." When has Heather ever admitted to a mistake? I'm not being sarcastic. I'm not as hard as some towards Heather because I sometimes get it - she's a lot smarter than a lot of the HW's (hello Alexis! hello Gretchen!), so sometimes they simply don't understand what she's saying and misinterpret that as condascention. But other times, she is condescending, or simply has to be told she's right! Or she just plain does something shitty. Has she ever acknowledged this?



No, she hasn't ever acknowledged it, because Heather's perception of her actions is that she is smarter and better than the others, and her perception is that she is just trying to educate or enlighten the others of that fact....and, her perception is the ONLY one that counts!

And, Jesus - who, besides Heather, would say "Let's sit under this lovely plumeria tree" unless they were trying to prove that they are smarter and more knowledgeable than others?....wouldn't a normal person just say "Let's sit in the shade under that tree"???? 

  • Love 11

Why would Heather care about all the viewer hate? Maybe Sara Rue stopped taking her calls because she's Team Beador? In all earnestness, though, if you were an over-the-hill (by industry standards) actress trying to resuscitate your flatlining career, why would you go out of your way to pick Shannon as your adversary/target? I know she's not Les Moonves or anything, but she has what appears to be legitimate friendships in the entertainment industry; originates from Los Angeles affluence; attended USC, etc. In my personal experience, social spheres predicated on wealth/schooling networks are not that big- there's only about a degree or two of separation plus or minus five graduation years. And isn't Shannon's sister, besides being connected to Heather MacDonald/Chelsea Handler, some sort of (entertainment?) attorney? One would think it would be shrewd of Heather to buddy up to Shannon just as a perfunctory what-could-it-hurt gesture.

  • Love 7


I thought Vicki said that about the corner backing? That would make the riff with them more interesting. Vicki looked like she has had it with Tamra. She shut right up when Vicki told her never say 'fuck you' to me again. Tamra almost said it too! Ugh such a cow.

Vickie did make the comment... not Heather.  Vickie has had it with Tamra, but she still says "I love Tamra."   What???  IMO, Vickie can be a doormat and I hope she will finally put her foot down.  I DO believe that when Tamra said "I know Vickie's deepest darkest secrets" that it was a threat.


I AM FURIOUS that Andy didn't drill down into the "take the Beadors down" issue.  Why didn't Heather press for more details?  Why didn't Shannon?  I'm hoping this will be dissected next season.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
  • Love 9

I loved Vicki's little gloves off gesture. It cracked me up.

For all Tamra's bullshit talk, she didn't have much to say about Vicki after that.

I agree...that gesture was priceless!!  Would love to have an opportunity some day to actually use it, but I don't think I'll ever be in that type of confrontational situation!!

I think too, that the veiled threats that Tamra tried to throw Vicki's way about secrets, etc., were tempered by the fact that Vicki knows just as many secrets about Tamra, so there's an even playing field there (or, maybe Vicki actually has the upper hand) - Tamra knows that if one thing is mentioned about Vicki's private life, Vicki could probably bury Tamra.  Tamra has a lot more riding on secrets being kept - she is the one, after all, that is in a custody battle. 

  • Love 5

I think Tamra has kept Vickie in check for a long time because she knows where the bodies are buried. She even went there a few seasons ago with the remark about Vickie waking up next to a naked man in Mexico. Vickie is now divorced, her kids are grown and she can't be emotionally blackmailed anymore. I loved the gloves are off comment. Vickie is finally at a place where she has nothing to loose but Tamra does. And Tamra quit your bullshit about family being so important. We all know what kind of mother you are. If history tells us anything, if you and Eddie had a child you would also end up with 50 percent custody again after your next bitter divorce.

Early on this season Vicki said she had forgiven Tamra five or six times.   My belief is all Vicki really wanted was for Tamra to shut her yap about Brooks.  Tamra talks about Brooks and even though Tamra thinks and says that all she said is Brooks isn't a good guy-it is huge and hurtful to Vicki.   My theory is Tamra expected Vicki to do some of the heavy lifting when it came torturing Shannon and eventually Lizzie.  Tamra even went so far as to say that Vicki did nothing all season but sit back.  Vicki went in pretty early on and apologized to Heather and was gracious enough to apologize again.  What I never heard from Heather or Terry was an apology for acting up at Vicki's party. Tamra may know all these deep dark secrets about Vicki but by now why even say something like that or imply that the friendship is based on extortion. I was also glad to hear Vicki say and gesticulate (thanks Heather) gloves were off.


My thought on Tamra and family (especially husbands) is she finds family fungible.  Last year she went after her mom and in her  wedding special her family disputed her perception (thanks again Heather).  Her comments towards Lizzie were pretty unforgivable. Even her apology to Lizzie had a but in it. 


I think Tamra felt played by production by season's end.  She had set Shannon up to fail and it backfired, delighted in being part of Lizzie's birthday humiliation, thrown the Dubrows under the bus, made a fool out of herself by chasing down Shannon and trying to elicit a physical response from the distraught woman driven to the edge by Tamra's manipulations.  Production could not even be bothered showing the tape where Lizzie allegedly said Eddie wanted to eff her.  So did Lizzie say it or was it part of the Heather and Tamra mindset?


Vicki certainly has her issues but this year it felt as if she had matured something Tamra has yet to show the audience.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

These women are all the same. They share their lives on television, gossip viciously about each other, are shocked that the others are doing it too, and prefer justifications to apologies.
Why is Lizzie still complaining about her birthday party? It seems like she's grabbing onto Tamra's absence as a reason for turning against her, even though they were texting civilly that same night.  Whether she used "marry" or "f", her comment to Tamra about Eddie was inappropriate (par for the course with this gang). She must have been a teenager when she dated Nick Lachey pre-Jessica Simpson.
Vicki is a vile human being, and that hypocrite is no voice of reason. She doesn't deserve a prize for not following through on her threat to make up lies about Eddie. Brooks wasn't portrayed as badly this season, but he has done "unforgiveable" things via her own admission and it's absurd that she is furious not at his behavior but at who is talking about it.
Great that Shannon is in a better place, but her story does not ring fully true to me. I'm also flabbergasted by the love for David, a man who admittedly told his wife he wanted to move out via email. Like the others, Shannon focuses on who said what when rather than the underlying issues.
I thought Heather was spot on in saying that some of the criticism towards her comes down to people just not liking her.

  • Love 8

I think Tamra has kept Vickie in check for a long time because she knows where the bodies are buried. She even went there a few seasons ago with the remark about Vickie waking up next to a naked man in Mexico. Vickie is now divorced, her kids are grown and she can't be emotionally blackmailed anymore. I loved the gloves are off comment. Vickie is finally at a place where she has nothing to loose but Tamra does. And Tamra quit your bullshit about family being so important. We all know what kind of mother you are. If history tells us anything, if you and Eddie had a child you would also end up with 50 percent custody again after your next bitter divorce.


No way, because I get the strong feeling that Eddie does not want or like children, ever....it started when he was complaining that Tamra's kids make a mess, they're not neat, etc. - and ended with fake-baby Astro, in a box, being Fed-exed back to the factory.

  • Love 5

To me, the shining moment of Part 2 of this Reunion was when Shannon told Heather "You can’t sit and tell me that you remember things about me but 'I don’t remember what they were.'" 

The look on Heather's faces was priceless....


Shannon, 2.  Camerman, 1.  Every single one of them other bitches, goosegg.



In her blog, Heather writes: "I hope to keep growing and learning from my mistakes and my experiences." When has Heather ever admitted to a mistake? I'm not being sarcastic. I'm not as hard as some towards Heather because I sometimes get it - she's a lot smarter than a lot of the HW's (hello Alexis! hello Gretchen!), so sometimes they simply don't understand what she's saying and misinterpret that as condascention. But other times, she is condescending, or simply has to be told she's right! Or she just plain does something shitty. Has she ever acknowledged this?


IMHO, this is a spectacular piece of the problem.  No one is more certain of this than Heather.    The thing about intelligence (again, imo) is that it isn't just made of cerebral book knowledge and the ability to retain and regurgitate an extensive vocabulary at will.  It includes, in greater measure, some self awareness, a healthy dose of self deprecation, the ability to laugh at yourself, sense of humor helps and yes, not only the ability but the unsolicited willingness to apologize without explanation or quantification.   Heather is more smug than any other housewife I've seen, smart?  Misfortunately, not.



I thought Vicki said that about the corner backing? That would make the riff with them more interesting. Vicki looked like she has had it with Tamra. She shut right up when Vicki told her never say 'fuck you' to me again. Tamra almost said it too! Ugh such a cow.

I bet the missing scenes will be better than this whole episode.

Heather started defending Tamra when she was comforting Lizzie, but I couldn't make out what she said. Anyone catch it?

Edited to add that it was Vicki who said Tamra backs people in a corner. I see jealousy that Vicks had a better season than the Queen (in her own mind). LOL!

Oh and where has Tamra ever shown she's a forgiving person?


I caught a teeny piece.  When she came over with the tissue box, Heather sat down and tried to soothe Lizzie by saying that Tamra had only said nice things to and about her all season.    Lizzie is really slow on her feet because considering what a vile fucked up human being Tamra was being as Heather was saying this, one is trumped by the other, no?  


The best line of the night:  "You're supposed to be getting better and better and better but you get bitter and bitter and bitter."  Awesome, Vicki.   Vicki seems to really hate Tamra.  She seemed to have totally cut ties of that "friendship."  


Oh, and Heather, the word "timbre"  isn't pronounced "timber."  Oooh I love it when she's wrong! 


In advance I apologize for the Dubrosity of this statement.  Timbre is pronounced as she said it.  Unless she were pulling a James Lipton and being temporarily french, in which case, it would be pronounced tam-ber.



No, she hasn't ever acknowledged it, because Heather's perception of her actions is that she is smarter and better than the others, and her perception is that she is just trying to educate or enlighten the others of that fact....and, her perception is the ONLY one that counts!

And, Jesus - who, besides Heather, would say "Let's sit under this lovely plumeria tree" unless they were trying to prove that they are smarter and more knowledgeable than others?....wouldn't a normal person just say "Let's sit in the shade under that tree"???? 


A) you said a normal person. 

B) No, girl didn't you hear her say how she loves to learn new things and she remembered Vicki telling her that she (Vicks) also loves to learn from her friends.  She insisted that the thing about the proper room temperature of wine was about an exchange of information.   I'm not certain as to the purpose of the "see, I'm right" which followed.


I loved 3 moments.   Bitter bitter bitter.  Heather wrinkling her nose at Lizzie's "disingenuine" and Shannon telling Heather whatchu not gone do is tell me what I did and can't come with facts when I remember it with distinct clarity andplusalso I'm the original muffucah who did it.   What?  Bea-dor, bum bah yay!


Danielle is Cousin Oliver.  If she's collecting a check though, I'm not mad at her. 


Ooooh, I almost forgot, the moment I thought was gonna turn into something was when Tamra was monkey-screeching Lizzie about something and Andy almost inaudibly said to Tamra: did you just say something about taking Lizzie down?  Andy you fuckin ritalin addict, if you're gonna ask a question, shit, do it! 


Lizzie's shade would've been much better served if she'd had any, I mean one, ounce of conviction behind her delivery and if she didn't allow Tamra to reduce her to tears.  Tamra is the original below the belt title holding bitch, she's talking shit about your marriage, kids and family and you have crickets??  Girl, I don't wanna see that shit in a blog, get your composure back and serve that heffa up. 




  • Love 21


No way, because I get the strong feeling that Eddie does not want or like children, ever....it started when he was complaining that Tamra's kids make a mess, they're not neat, etc. - and ended with fake-baby Astro, in a box, being Fed-exed back to the factory.

I don't know. I think Eddie did originally want children. He brought it up a few times when he and Tamra were in Spain. At the time, Tamra was all "I need another kid like I need a hole in the head." But, she also said she was still trying to lure him in so she demurred and acted like it was something she might be interested in. 


I think once Eddie got to see first hand what having children (especially with Tamra) was like, he started to change his mind. I also think the more of her onscreen behavior he witnessed the more he started to realize that having children with Tamra simply would not be a good idea. 

  • Love 9

I don't think Vicki's matured.  Bring back Gretchen to call her a hypocrite, or Laurie just to sit around and smirk, and I'm betting "old" Vicki would come roaring back.  That said, I did enjoy her this season.  


That reunion was pretty lame.  Even NY managed to get stretched to three episodes, but this wraps up at two?  I guess Bravo accepted that there's only so much mileage one can get over an off-screen game, an off-screen comment none of them seem overly-concerned with, and a 34 year-old's missed birthday party.  Because apparently that- and Heather being a dick- is all that happened this season.  I hadn't realized how thin it was until just now.  


Tamra really did earn her pay this year.  Without her antics...there ain't much there. 

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 3

Shannon is the winner of this season and the reunion by a landslide. Tamra and Heather tried to steal Shannon's narrative and paint her as the kooky crazy (insert Heather eye twitch and Shannon over the head arm waving here) OC vodka drunk. Shannon peeped this out mid-season and mid-mind fuck, re-gained control of her narrative by reacting calmly to situations and arguing her point succinctly and logically with a soft voice. Never before have I seen a HW past/present, newbie/veteran accomplish such a feat in one season. By doing that she made Heather and Tamra look crazy. It just seemed so apparent to me that Heather and Tamra were always looking and hoping for a reappearance of dinner party Shannon. That is why I got ragey every time Heather, Tammy Sue and sometimes Miss Turry were talking about Shannon possibly losing it, especially when discussing whether to invite Shannon to Bali or how she would act at the finale dinner. They were banking on that shit and lost. teehee. Well done Shannon!


So Heather even brings up when she said "if everyone says you're dead, it's time to lie down" yet despite saying that, she comes up with some bullshit excuse/explanation as to why she isn't condescending?


Damn!!! You can't even hoist this bitch on her own petard!


That was the most WTF moment for me this entire reunion. The basic history behind this was that since everyone was saying to Alexis that she is pretentious and braggy than she is. In Heather's case, everyone was turning her own shit around on her and saying that if every single fucking cast member and tons viewers are saying she is condescending than she is, but according to her - nope doesn't apply to her and here are the millions of reasons why: "I'm from NY. I usually talk fast but now I talk slow. I talk with my hands - ALOT!! It is the tone & timbre of my voice." Cheese and frigging rice, there is no winning with that woman. She will never concede a thing, never admit fault. She is infallible like the Pope himself. I don't so much dislike Heather so much as I find her insufferable. I hate when she says champs too because I associate that with Edie and Patsy from Ab Fab and that is on thing Heather is not but so things she is - absolutely fabulous.


Tamra's eyes just got smaller, beadier and more malevolent and evil as the night progressed. By the end of the night, she had black barely open slits for eyes and could have been mistaken for a death eater or a high ranking demon on the show Supernatural.


When they were going through Tamra's list of face snatching and paralyzing plastic surgery procedures I really wished Andy would have hit her with her own personal Rick James moment on the show. Remember when she went to the youth doctor and wanted every potion and procedure to make her look younger? You know besides the facial terrorism she engages in on the regular to beat back that vile insurgent known as Father Time. Then moments later Tamra wonders why her son, who takes parking lot drugs from strangers to bulk up, can't be happy with himself and the way he looks? Dummy see, dummy do. I really wanted to hear her dance her way around that.


Tamra wasn't dragged nearly enough for my taste, but then again folks shouldn't go by me. I think at this point after so many seasons of Tamra's nastiness, nothing short of a verbal (and maybe even physical, yeah its that bad) drawing and quartering of Tamra would be enough for me.


Is it wrong to hope that Lizzie's account of Tamra's rant against her child-rearing and marriage are correct? I say that because that is the only way that Lizzie's crying makes any sense to me. I was sitting there thinking WTF is she crying about? Regardless, or according to Lizzie disregardless, I find Lizzie disappointing both as a HW and as a pageant girl. She needs to find her inner Kenya.


ZALDAMOWILDER, your definition of intelligence is my everything.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 17

Shannon, 2.  Camerman, 1.  Every single one of them other bitches, goosegg.




IMHO, this is a spectacular piece of the problem.  No one is more certain of this than Heather.    The thing about intelligence (again, imo) is that it isn't just made of cerebral book knowledge and the ability to retain and regurgitate an extensive vocabulary at will.  It includes, in greater measure, some self awareness, a healthy dose of self deprecation, the ability to laugh at yourself, sense of humor helps and yes, not only the ability but the unsolicited willingness to apologize without explanation or quantification.   Heather is more smug than any other housewife I've seen, smart?  Misfortunately, not.




I caught a teeny piece.  When she came over with the tissue box, Heather sat down and tried to soothe Lizzie by saying that Tamra had only said nice things to and about her all season.    Lizzie is really slow on her feet because considering what a vile fucked up human being Tamra was being as Heather was saying this, one is trumped by the other, no?  



In advance I apologize for the Dubrosity of this statement.  Timbre is pronounced as she said it.  Unless she were pulling a James Lipton and being temporarily french, in which case, it would be pronounced tam-ber.




A) you said a normal person. 

B) No, girl didn't you hear her say how she loves to learn new things and she remembered Vicki telling her that she (Vicks) also loves to learn from her friends.  She insisted that the thing about the proper room temperature of wine was about an exchange of information.   I'm not certain as to the purpose of the "see, I'm right" which followed.


I loved 3 moments.   Bitter bitter bitter.  Heather wrinkling her nose at Lizzie's "disingenuine" and Shannon telling Heather whatchu not gone do is tell me what I did and can't come with facts when I remember it with distinct clarity andplusalso I'm the original muffucah who did it.   What?  Bea-dor, bum bah yay!


Danielle is Cousin Oliver.  If she's collecting a check though, I'm not mad at her. 


Ooooh, I almost forgot, the moment I thought was gonna turn into something was when Tamra was monkey-screeching Lizzie about something and Andy almost inaudibly said to Tamra: did you just say something about taking Lizzie down?  Andy you fuckin ritalin addict, if you're gonna ask a question, shit, do it! 


Lizzie's shade would've been much better served if she'd had any, I mean one, ounce of conviction behind her delivery and if she didn't allow Tamra to reduce her to tears.  Tamra is the original below the belt title holding bitch, she's talking shit about your marriage, kids and family and you have crickets??  Girl, I don't wanna see that shit in a blog, get your composure back and serve that heffa up. 

You have most certainly aged yourself with the cousin Oliver reference but, I love it!

  • Love 1

I can't distinguish between part one and part two because I DVR them so forgive me if this is in the wrong place. But my favorite part of the reunion was when Andy gave Vicki a moment to apologize to the people of Oklahoma and she used it as an opportunity to list all the things she hated about it. Hee! She was like a bad contestant on the $10,000 Pyramid. "Flat! Um frizzy hair!" Second place goes to David for asking Terri, "you lost two months of sleep over me?"

Shockingly, I thought Vicks looked better than any of her cast mates on the reunion. Other than David.

  • Love 5

And, Jesus - who, besides Heather, would say "Let's sit under this lovely plumeria tree" unless they were trying to prove that they are smarter and more knowledgeable than others?....wouldn't a normal person just say "Let's sit in the shade under that tree"????



 I fail to see how calling it a plumeria tree is in any way abnormal - that is what I'd call it, too, and would never dream that this would come off as superior or knowledgeable.  Crap - I just defended Heather - off to have some ice cream down in Hell.

  • Love 16

Never before have I seen a HW past/present, newbie/veteran accomplish such a feat in one season.


I was thinking exactly the same thing this morning. I have never seen another HW own a reunion stage with such a short tenure, except of course for Brandi Glanville. Brandi walked away the victor, and she did it in less than one season. She took on Kyle, Adrienne, and Taylor one by one and made them her bitches, all the while being reasonable, logical, funny, and direct. She kept her composure and for the most part they were all speechless and unprepared. Even then, I hated Brandi to her core, but she was was the bomb to most coming out of that reunion.

  • Love 4

You have most certainly aged yourself with the cousin Oliver reference but, I love it!

Lmao!! Baby it's impossible to Aviva age shame my ass, I'll say it first. 'Sides, I'm amongst friends. Just shutup and pass the sunscreen ;)

I fail to see how calling it a plumeria tree is in any way abnormal - that is what I'd call it, too, and would never dream that this would come off as superior or knowledgeable.  Crap - I just defended Heather - off to have some ice cream down in Hell.

Ok real talk I don't think this was such a big deal but I do think it was covered under what Heather said: when you already don't like someone it's not hard at all to find what they say/do irritating.

  • Love 10

Lmao!! Baby it's impossible to Aviva age shame my ass, I'll say it first. 'Sides, I'm amongst friends. Just shutup and pass the sunscreen ;)

Ok real talk I don't think this was such a big deal but I do think it was covered under what Heather said: when you already don't like someone it's not hard at all to find what they say/do irritating.


There's no shame here, ever, ZW!   How is it that so many of us can get along here, even while disagreeing about who's the most odious Ho'wife, and these women find drama every fucking day?


Full disclosure, I probably wouldn't say "Let's sit under this lovely plumeria tree".  I'd be more likely to say "Let's sit under the awesome fucking plumeria, eh."    :-)

  • Love 11

Ok, to beat a dead horse, but I'd really like to know what happened to Danielle, and why Bravo agreed to cut all of her scenes. I mean, if Adrienne couldn't get that accomplished after Brandi tried to out her surrogacy, then, how did Danielle get it done?!? After reading Lizzie's blog, I think that a lot of what she was mad about with Tamra came from Danielle. She said that Tamra was texting Danielle the day after her birthday party, and that Danielle told her that Tamra was saying mean things about her. So, that was likely edited out of the dinner in Bali, and the reunion. Either they talked about Danielle's part at the reunion and it was edited out, or they weren't allowed to, which probably also added to Lizzie's frustration.


For the most part, I thought Heather behaved well at the reunion. I think by then she knew the jig was up. But, she missed a real opportunity to rehabilitate herself. When she brought up the comment that she had made to Alexis - when everyone says you're dead, you need to lie down - she should have either 1) apologized to Alexis; or 2) said, I really have listened to all of this, and I know how I can improve. Instead, she missed the boat.

  • Love 5
Ok real talk I don't think this was such a big deal but I do think it was covered under what Heather said: when you already don't like someone it's not hard at all to find what they say/do irritating.


I agree with this. If I heard someone 'in real life' say it, I probably wouldn't notice, or might even say "hey, thanks, I'm not very up on my plant names".....but for Heather it sounds so rehearsed or like she is on-set. I wouldn't doubt she's the one to say "Why don't we have a carbonated beverage?" instead of "soda/pop/coke/whatever...or "Wouldn't these lovely parrot tulips look so aesthetically pleasing at the entrance to a walled kitchen garden?" Bueller...bueller....  And add in her smug looks, of course. 

Edited by diorella78
  • Love 8

Other things that were not brought up at the reunion. Grrr. What Tamra was telling the other ladies about Heather. We're not real friends, she's anorexic, she told me to pick a side.


Did Tamra specifically mention Lizzie's bad parenting because of what she watched on the show or something Heather told her? When Preston hit Lizzie in the head with his elephant, Heather was the one witnessing that. They spent time together at the park with their kids. Lizzie also seemed to confide in and seek advice from Heather about her marriage. I would love to know exactly what Tamra said and where she got her info.

  • Love 7

Ok, to beat a dead horse, but I'd really like to know what happened to Danielle, and why Bravo agreed to cut all of her scenes. I mean, if Adrienne couldn't get that accomplished after Brandi tried to out her surrogacy, then, how did Danielle get it done?!? After reading Lizzie's blog, I think that a lot of what she was mad about with Tamra came from Danielle. She said that Tamra was texting Danielle the day after her birthday party, and that Danielle told her that Tamra was saying mean things about her. So, that was likely edited out of the dinner in Bali, and the reunion. Either they talked about Danielle's part at the reunion and it was edited out, or they weren't allowed to, which probably also added to Lizzie's frustration.


For the most part, I thought Heather behaved well at the reunion. I think by then she knew the jig was up. But, she missed a real opportunity to rehabilitate herself. When she brought up the comment that she had made to Alexis - when everyone says you're dead, you need to lie down - she should have either 1) apologized to Alexis; or 2) said, I really have listened to all of this, and I know how I can improve. Instead, she missed the boat.

I am so with you on this. I just have to know what happened with Danielle. Why isn't Stoopid HW's or some other equally awful site looking into this nonstop? No way do I believe there is not a really good story here. Vicki and Lizzie are just too angry with Tamra for it to only be about what we saw. Shannon has every right to be pissed as hell with her, but the other gals, not so much. Too bad no one is spilling the beans.

  • Love 7

Ahhhh, I'm only half awake yet I see Tasmanian Tamra has just put up her blog.


Here's a link if anyone would care to peruse it:



(ETA:  Oh fuck me, it's better than I anticipated....I'm going to need another cuppa java to make sure I catch every word of this beauty.  So far THIS is my favorite line of fuck and awe --- even wonky-eyed Andy called her out in a clip about how much work she'd had done and Tamra admitted it...This woman, arghhhh!)



As I watch the Reunion I look physically exhausted and emotionally drained. My eyes and face were swollen all season from crying every night. So before you want to make fun or say I have had tons of work done (which I have not) consider my pain. Thank you to my fans that stuck with me and lifted me up when you knew I needed it.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 13

A couple of things stood out to me from the reunion.

-Tamra, in a suspicious tone, talking of how unusually open Shannon was from the get go on discussing her marriage.  This appears to back up Alex McCord's inside info that Shannon came into the show planning to making her marriage troubles her storyline.

-Lizzie retreading her birthday woes AGAIN and how Tamra was so rude when she surely knew by this point that it was producer manipulation which prevented Tamra from contacting Lizzie earlier.

-The rehabilitation of Brooks.  He's awful and we all know it, but Shannon saying that Vicki just lights up when she's in his presence, while Tamra is simultaneously accused of saying mean things about him when everyone knows Tamra is a Big, Fat, Liar, makes Brooks looks somehow falsely maligned. 

-Vicki being portrayed as the voice of reason.  Of course, she isn't.  Remember all the confessionals when Vicki would, in her best saintly voice, talk about the sanctity of marriage and the importance of being faithful?  All bullshit. The currently "reasonable" Vicki and the newly improved Brooks make me wonder what's going on and why Andy approved of this storyline.

-Two established housewives being the bad guys this season.  Did both Heather and Tamra prove too demanding in contract negotiations?

-Who will be the target in the next season?  It's a little soon, but will it be Shannon?  Lizzie will be gone and although a newbie can be given an unflattering edit, an established housewife is usually the main target.

  • Love 3

My raccoon came to the back door to beg for treats while I was watching this.  Usually raccoon sits up on its hind legs to get into my line of sight should I turn my head, but this time it was looking at the TV instead of me.  Tamra was on screen, so I can only assume the raccoon recognized the eyes, or was warily eyeing a predator.  :-)

  • Love 24

 I fail to see how calling it a plumeria tree is in any way abnormal - that is what I'd call it, too, and would never dream that this would come off as superior or knowledgeable.  Crap - I just defended Heather - off to have some ice cream down in Hell.



There's no shame here, ever, ZW!   How is it that so many of us can get along here, even while disagreeing about who's the most odious Ho'wife, and these women find drama every fucking day?


Full disclosure, I probably wouldn't say "Let's sit under this lovely plumeria tree".  I'd be more likely to say "Let's sit under the awesome fucking plumeria, eh."    :-)


You know, you got me thinking...and you are right - I would probably say let's sit under the plumeria (or oak, or whatever the eff kind of) tree, too....but, I think it goes more to HOW Heather says what she says (as Heather mentioned - her "tone and timbre"....) - she says things as if she already knows that whomever she is with will be impressed with her knowledge of tree varieties, and therefore, compliment her, or...they will question her on how she knows that particular tree is a plumeria or whatever, and then she will feel the need to "educate" them further on the subject, because she is sooooo much smarter than everyone around her!



Lmao!! Baby it's impossible to Aviva age shame my ass, I'll say it first. 'Sides, I'm amongst friends. Just shutup and pass the sunscreen ;)

Ok real talk I don't think this was such a big deal but I do think it was covered under what Heather said: when you already don't like someone it's not hard at all to find what they say/do irritating.


LOL!!!  While Heather annoys the hell out of me, I do sometimes appreciate her vast knowledge.  I just wish she wouldn't throw it everyone's face so much and try so hard to prove to everyone that she is sooo friggin' smart all the time!  She seems to enjoy going out of her way to intentionally use words that will trip up someone that she perceives to be of lesser intelligence (and, that seems to be everyone on the planet except her just-as-annoying and pretentious husband).

  • Love 4
Vicki knew she had to redeem herself this season because she had a new book coming out during the season and wanted it to sell. Had she behaved like she always has, it would have bombed! Her business took a big hit after the last few season so she knew she had to clean it up this season in order to sell her book!


Did her business take a hit?  Cuz she said the exact opposite when Satan Andy asked if her business was doing well after Shannon helped get her office "Feng Shui'ed".  But I expected Vicks to say how great her business is doing.  Whether it's true or not, I would think is only something she really knows.


Tamra said something to Vicki about how Vicki had threatened to make up stories about her and Eddie if she didn't stop talking smack about Brooks.  Vicki said something like, "but that is the difference between you and I, I wouldn't ever really do something like that". To which Tamra replied, "but you threatened that you would do it". Vicki's response: "but I didn't do it".


Yeah, that really was a strange exchange.  Was it telling?  Eh, not really.  I don't think Vicks woulda made up shit bout Tams & Eds.  Just doesn't seem like her style at all.  Maybe she was making threats she knew Tams would respond to.  Tams & Vicks do know each other's secrets.  What's fun is trying to guess what they're vaguely threatening each other to reveal.  I did get the impression Vicks knows stuff bout the Judge marriage she was busting to reveal.  Wish she woulda.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Thanks for posting Tamra's blog, Persnickety1.  Tamra is a sick, sick woman.  Lizzie: get a restraining order.  It's shades of Gretchen - a younger and better-looking (to some.  Maybe to many) woman becomes a new castmate, and Tamra's rage and desire to destroy her perceived competition rears up.


I didn't realize having nightly sobfests made you withered, shrank your eyes into pinpricks, squared off the jaw even more and froze the forehead.   Damn you, tears!  Damn you to hell!  Wait, I forgot, Tamra can't cry.  She also can't feel.  I would bet one of my non-Kentucky-bred, non-fried titties that she does not give a fuck about her kids, not in a real way.  The point is for Simon to not win.  Once you start abandoning offspring to hop on the next dick with a job or deed to a house, it's about that time to stop dry-crying about how hard it is to be a good mommy.


I feel actual sadness for the wee girl that Tamra's not-quite daughter in law is carrying.  That poor baby.  Unstable mother with access to weapons, shiftless, angry, perenially unemployed, drug-seeking dope of a father, and a rageaholic vile narcissist of a grandmother - and no other grandparents.  Not good.



This appears to back up Alex McCord's inside info that Shannon came into the show planning to making her marriage troubles her storyline.


Personally, I don't buy that Alex McCord has any more inside dirt on any of these shows (let alone OC) than I have, sitting across the country and dutifully analyzing this bunch of maroons while I eat cheese, crackers and the occasional guilt-vegetable.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 19
Ok, to beat a dead horse, but I'd really like to know what happened to Danielle, and why Bravo agreed to cut all of her scenes.


I've asked Alex several times bout Danielle/Cousin Oliver, but she's ignored me.  I think it's cuz she doesn't know shit, despite her proclamations or strong hints that she's still a Housewives insider, and supposedly privy to any & all info regarding the Housewives.  Alex is full of crap.  Like I said, she doesn't know shit.  She's as big a phony/fraud as Heather & Miss Terry.

  • Love 12

I didn't realize having nightly sobfests made you withered, shrank your eyes into pinpricks, squared off the jaw even more and froze the forehead.   Damn you, tears!



It doesn't, trust me.  I've cried every day for the past 5 years and my eyes don't look like that.  (and before y'all get all concerned & horrified, I lost 4 old cats in as many years, and thinking of them makes me tear up, because I'm an old softie who cries at the drop of a hat about all sorts of stuff on a daily basis).  Menopause is a bitch, Tamballs.    :-)

  • Love 22

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