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S09.E20: Reunion Part 2

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Last week there was some commentary on this forum about the blog that Lizzie had written about body issues and shame. Specifically she was calling out Tamra for the Kentucky Fried Titties comment, and took the opportunity to tell us about how she had always struggled with her big breasts. She mentioned having two breast reduction surgeries thus far, and that another one is on the horizon. Lots of folks questioned whether or not this sounded plausible. This from Tamra's blog:

"Now I am a bully. . .good lord! she is talking about how she was bullied for her big breast and how rude it was of me to make fun of her. Yes, I said that out of anger after what you said about Eddie and I am sorry if it hurt you feelings. But what makes me laugh is that she told me at Shannon's holiday party and admitted to Andy at the Reunion that she has 300CC breast implants. So if you are so self conscious of your big breast and mentally damaged about being bullied why would you make your breast bigger? Another one of her contradictions and cries for attention!"

Interesting if she really does have implants, because her blog was a three page sob story about the trials and tribulations of being the gal with the biggest boobs.

I'm no Terry Dubrow (so your bodies are safe from my particular brand of hatchet job), but I wouldn't be surprised if after a second reduction, Lizzie had some kind of implant in to lift the breast.  She's written that she will get a third surgery when she's done with kids.  Maybe it's less crazy than Tamra's accusation reads.


I also - I mean, this is info from Tamra "I DON'T LIE!  Sorry Shannon, I lied!  I can't hide it because you already know!'  Judge.  So I am a little skeptical.  But I do flove that Tamra is so conversant in the cc's of implants and expects all Bravo readers to be in the same boat: she's as narcissistic as Vicki; neither of them in a literal, processing kind of sense, can understand a woman who does not share the exact same interests, aesthetic preferences or principles (meaning, the total lack thereof) .  I'm not hating people knowing about medical implants in general, but it's so damned telling with Tamra.  She can deny getting her face shot to shit over the season, but you know if she was unguarded, she would have written, 'You know how it is when you get 3 syringes of Restalyne but they don't take and then the Botox gives you bumps...'  She is fighting aging tooth and claw and aging has it's knee in her crepey back and is rubbing her bunny lines into the dirt.  Good.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 10

No way, because I get the strong feeling that Eddie does not want or like children, ever....it started when he was complaining that Tamra's kids make a mess, they're not neat, etc. - and ended with fake-baby Astro, in a box, being Fed-exed back to the factory.

I think he initially may have wanted children but wised upafter he got married and learned about Simon. 


As I watch the Reunion I look physically exhausted and emotionally drained. My eyes and face were swollen all season from crying every night. So before you want to make fun or say I have had tons of work done (which I have not) consider my pain. Thank you to my fans that stuck with me and lifted me up when you knew I needed it.

I have no words for that stupid cunt.

  • Love 9

walnutqueen, on 02 Sept 2014 - 08:41 AM, said:


I fail to see how calling it a plumeria tree is in any way abnormal - that is what I'd call it, too, and would never dream that this would come off as superior or knowledgeable.  Crap - I just defended Heather - off to have some ice cream down in Hell.



I agree with this. If I heard someone 'in real life' say it, I probably wouldn't notice, or might even say "hey, thanks, I'm not very up on my plant

names".....but for Heather it sounds so rehearsed or like she is on-set. I wouldn't doubt she's the one to say "Why don't we have a carbonated beverage?" instead of "soda/pop/coke/whatever...or "Wouldn't these lovely parrot tulips look so aesthetically pleasing at the entrance to a walled kitchen garden?" Bueller...bueller....  And add in her smug looks, of course. 


I don't think what Heather said was all that abnormal either.  But then again, I'm not around Heather like these women are.



ZaldamoWilder, on 02 Sept 2014 - 08:15 AM, said:


...... The thing about intelligence (again, imo) is that it isn't just made of cerebral book knowledge and the ability to retain and regurgitate an extensive vocabulary at will.  It includes, in greater measure, some self awareness, a healthy dose of self deprecation, the ability to laugh at yourself, sense of humor helps and yes, not only the ability but the unsolicited willingness to apologize without explanation or quantification.   Heather is more smug than any other housewife I've seen, smart?  Misfortunately, not. ......


Yes, this.  I do think Heather is more cultured and more educated in comparison to most of the other HW in RHOC; however, she could work on increasing her EQ.  For all that she professes to have learned from this season and for acknowledging that she isn't perfect, she negates all that by then castigating her critics.  Going into all of the "judging and hate...and does it make you feel better about your life?" stuff and scolding people just makes the rest of what she wrote seem insincere and disingenuous.  Heather could repair a lot of the damage to her "perceived" reputation if she would just eat some humble pie and leave it at that. Period. No additional finger wagging or explanation necessary.


For the most part, I try to be empathetic and to walk around in other peoples' shoes, but it is hard for me to feel empathy for Heather just right now after seeing what she has been like the last three seasons and after reading her latest blog.  I guess I'll just wait and see what she does next season, if she comes back, to see if she's really learned from her mistakes.


Edit: for correct attributions.  Does anyone know how to respond with multiple quotes and attributions?

Edited by Lyra Angelica
  • Love 6


In advance I apologize for the Dubrosity of this statement.  Timbre is pronounced as she said it.  Unless she were pulling a James Lipton and being temporarily french, in which case, it would be pronounced tam-ber.

Sorry, but I still disagree with her pronunciation.  No French accent needed or Dubrow pretentiousness; that's how the word is pronounced properly.    http://www.macmillandictionary.com/us/pronunciation/american/timbre


And I noticed a huge bruise on her left hand.  Wonder how she got that.  You could see it in one of the final scenes when she adjusted her necklace.  

  • Love 3

So Tamra claims she was crying every night?  What for?  According to her, she's not unhappy and miserable.  So why is she crying?


Damn Andy for not following up Vicki's truthful little gem about how miserable Tams is and the state of her marriage.  Maybe her marriage didn't specifically come up in the context of the show but bitch put herself on a reality show and she had no problem televising and collecting a paycheck for that tacky wedding. 


Forget Tams and Vicki knowing where the bodies are buried, my money is on Cousin Oliver, I mean, Danielle.  Girl has got to knwo something for her existence to be pretty much wiped.  And not even a cameo moment on the reunion?  WTF? 


I forget which poster said this, so apologies but comparing Tamra to one of Supernatural's demons is absolute perfection.  That is EXACTLY what she looks like.  The best ending to this reunion ever would have been for Sam and Dean Winchester to run on the set and take out that meatsuit. 


I did notice during the many Tamra flashbacks that she got more and more bitter looking as the season went on.  I guess that's what happens when you're so freaking happy.


In short, I was very disappointed in this part 2.  It was basically a lot of meh, some awesomeness from Shannon, some shots of Tamra that will haunt my nightmares for weeks to come and yet more discussion about Brooks.  STOP BEATING THE DEAD HORSE!  Really.  Who cares about Brooks at this point?  He and Vicki had been together for what?  2 or 3 years at the time of the reunion?  How long is it going to be an issue? 


And Heather . . . I liked you your first season and I want to believe you're smart but how do you not recognize Satan's Spawn sitting right next to you?

  • Love 7

From Tamra's blog


Now I'm reading that she invited me to the Kentucky Derby and I made fun of the charity. . . Is she crazy? When she invited me to the Derby it was before she said Eddie wanted to "f--- her." So after lots of thought, we decided that it was best that we did not go. Eddie and I were both concerned that she would have another drunk outburst and put us in another weird situation. When I first got the invite I was very thankful and asked about the charity (I always like to get the full details when I am working with a charity). That is not making fun or putting down, it's being educated on what and who I am supporting. Who in their right mind would put down a charity that is raising money for a cause? Heather and Terry were also invited and backed out last minute. . .but you're OK with that? LOL



I've read it two and half times and I got nothing.  If you understand it (the timing she's explaining), please share with the class.


Heather's joke about being the Real Housewives of Guadalajara:kanyeblink.gif

Teddybear I've only ever heard it one way, cheerfully standing corrected.  :)   Do you have a Twitter account?  Maybe we could tell her too!  lol. 

  • Love 7


"Now I am a bully. . .good lord! she is talking about how she was bullied for her big breast and how rude it was of me to make fun of her. Yes, I said that out of anger after what you said about Eddie and I am sorry if it hurt you feelings. But what makes me laugh is that she told me at Shannon's holiday party and admitted to Andy at the Reunion that she has 300CC breast implants. So if you are so self conscious of your big breast and mentally damaged about being bullied why would you make your breast bigger? Another one of her contradictions and cries for attention!"


If Lizzie did indeed get a reduction is it possible she got implants with a reduction/lift? A big percentage of women who get reductions also get implants so as to retain fullness and avoid that sunnyside up eggs on a nail look. One of the reasons Bethanny's breast were such a mess her years on RHONYC is because she got implants but no lift. 


It is recommended that women wait until after having all their children before getting a reduction because their breast will change through each pregnancy. So this may be why Lizzie has to keep getting them redone. Not the smartest and financially correct thing to do but it ain't my money and ain't my boobs.


Tamra is so fucking ignorant it hurts. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7

Where did Tamra's eyes go??  She looks terrifying.  Stop messing with your face - it is NOT a good look.


I've always loved Vicki and I'm glad that viewer sentiment has turned in her direction.  Yes, she's an insane control freak who is desperate for approval, and her relationship with Brooks is a disaster, but at least she has some self-awareness about her ridiculousness.  Vicki can be a bully but she's always just done her - unlike Tamra, who schemes, lies and goes after people.  And I have learned to love how she hazes the new girls.  It seems like even Lizzie respects her hazing game.


Tamra is an idiot - with that blog, she just increased Lizzie's chances of getting a second season by about 1000%.  


Heather is just incapable of admitting any fault, ever, is she?  She's exhausting.  I hope she and Terry come back and don't change - they remind me a lot of Alex & Simon from NYC, the couple that you love to laugh at.

  • Love 9

"CUT Fitness is doing great and we are considering opening up our second location soon"


Really, Tams?  Oh that gave me a nice belly laugh.


"I have never had another person pay so much attention to my every move and twist every conversation we have ever had to make me look bad. She blogs about me, tweets about me, and goes around the neighborhood talking about me, It is sad."


Lizzie is obsessed?  Okaaaay.  Sounds to me like she's just defending herself against the lunacy that is Tams.  This one is really fuckin' insane.  Simon, get those kids away from her.

  • Love 10

Ahhhh, I'm only half awake yet I see Tasmanian Tamra has just put up her blog.


Here's a link if anyone would care to peruse it:




(ETA:  Oh fuck me, it's better than I anticipated....I'm going to need another cuppa java to make sure I catch every word of this beauty.  So far THIS is my favorite line of fuck and awe --- even wonky-eyed Andy called her out in a clip about how much work she'd had done and Tamra admitted it...This woman, arghhhh!)

I am at loss why Tamra cried every night.  I see Tamra, who last words were she should not tell all she hears went by the way side, with Lizzie when it comes to her breast surgery and her love life with her husband.  So crass.  I think Tamra maybe needs to come clean when it comes to breast implants because there are times you can clearly see where she has had implants, albeit smaller ones installed.   The debate over the gym membership is laughable.  She texted Lizzie a code and an app for a class schedule?  Maybe a nice card would be the appropriate way to go. Better yet just don't give friends and acquaintances memberships or Thigh Masters.


Tamra begins with she almost didn't film Season 9 because of all that was going on in her life.  To begin with-it was Tamra that had taken Simon to Court to try and get a court order to override Simon's refusal to consent to let the children specifically, Sophie to film.  To me, nothing says a ready, willing and waiting to film like going to court to get a child added to your storyline.  As I understand it Simon filed for custody modification near the end of filming.  Opening up her business and running it should be part of her storyline and fit in well with filming.  Their studio is open fairly limited hours with half days on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  It just doesn't seem like a huge burden when during filming there were three family members and help running the place.  Eddie should be there a majority of the time-the building is only 6,000 square feet.  Eddie schedule isn't exactly grueling 13 classes over six days with 40% of them 30 minute classes. I mean how many towels did these people use a day?  Maybe it was Ryan's health issues but as I understand it Ryan's condition is quite manageable. http://www.medicinenet.com/iron_overload/page4.htm and I am curious how much Tamra needed to be involved?


I am not a member of Saddleback Church or as Tamra put it, saddleback church. I hope she gets great comfort from her fellow church members.  I can't imagine they are crazy about having this foul mouth cretin among them who calls other practicing Christians "Jesus Jugs" but to each their own. They must be a very forgiving congregation.  


Committing half a blog to Lizzie's obsession over her is another rather strange decision.  The comment made during the game in context just wasn't that bad-it was in poor taste but nothing that Tamra hasn't done before. If Tamra is going back to selling real estate, filming a reality show and running a fitness studio and plans on opening a second-just where do her children fit in? Maybe a modified custody schedule is in the best interests of her children.  Clearly, Tamra's priorities have shifted from stay at home mom filming a reality show to entrepreneur. 

  • Love 13

Dumb Tamra often uses one word to describe many different situations. No surprise there. But the word that she uses is often the incorrect word for the situation. Can you guess which word I'm talking about? "Disgusting!" Only Tamra pronounces it "dees-cus-ting." Really grates. 


And now I read that Tamra has all kinds of things to say about Lizzie's "breast." Why is she so fired up about only one of them? Is the other one A-OK?


Tamra is a horrible, rotten, ugly person, and I, for one, am happy to see that her ugliness is appearing all over her, from her scary evil black eyes, to her frozen face, down to her wrinkled knees. 


I enjoyed how Vicki held her ground with Tamra (especially the "gloves are off" gesture) and how Shannon seems to regard Tamra as some sort of science experiment. It's worthy of observation, and it can be interesting, but you are not emotionally invested in it.

  • Love 16


Heather's joke about being the Real Housewives of Guadalajara:


Yeah this ain't as overt as 'no scratchie the woodie'  or 'chinky chinky chinaman' but it sure as hell ain't good, cute or funny. Is the inference here that a person has to be Mexican to slam down tequila? Your ass ain't in Versailles, even though you are trying to re-build it in California, but I still see your pretentious non-French ass guzzling down the champs. But I guess being from France is more 'appropriate' and 'acceptable' or maybe just because champagne is seen as the beverage for the rich and well-to-do. Ugh!!!

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 17

Those comments from Tamra's blog- I think her fixation on Lizzie is her way of trying to stay on the show on her own terms.  I always felt a bit like her reconciliation/fight with Vicki last year were conscious actions to shake things up a bit.  This seems like the same thing, only this year nobody's willing to go along with her on it.  Also, I think she's smart enough to know that she only comes across well (comparatively-speaking) when up against the one brought on to be the representative for the vapid/plastic people in Orange County.  


I have to admit, though, I believe her side of things over Lizzie's, because Heather backed it up in Bali after calling Tamra out for one of her lies.  I don't think it's something to build an argument around...but then I'm not clinging to my position as second-most seasoned member of a reality tv cast.

  • Love 1

I am not a member of Saddleback Church or as Tamra put it, saddleback church. I hope she gets great comfort from her fellow church members.  I can't imagine they are crazy about having this foul mouth cretin among them who calls other practicing Christians "Jesus Jugs" but to each their own. They must be a very forgiving congregation.  


*dead*  I'll be snorting/chortling/maniacally laughing over this observation all morning!!


(ETA:  I was a bit distracted watching both parts of the reunion but did Andy ever ask Heather and Terry about Coco and whatever behavior in which she engages that makes her such a little bitch?  Inquiring minds want to know!  Also, I would love to know why the whole mechanical bull issue was not addressed, not just the drunken comments made by Eddie and David, but why Heather told the operator to turn it up for Tamra...Damn you, Andy, so many more interesting topics could have been covered!).

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 5

In the same way Heather backed Tamara up regarding marry, shag,kill Danielle backed Lizzy in Bali so to me it's a wash. It was a game that should have never been played. Lizzie has her own husband so Tamara can really miss me with all the drama she tried to create. Just shows Tamara is not secure with her marriage.

Edited by howivesforever
  • Love 9

Well, I give Tams credit.  She knows what to do to keep herself on the show.  Her Bravo blog sounds like a bunch of made up shit -- revolved around a few kernels of what may be true.  Lizzie should thank Tams.  Tams' made up obsession with Lizzie has effectively kept them both on the show.  Guess that's another year Bravo cash will keep CUT Fitness propped up?

  • Love 3

I found it odd that Tamra cited Lizzie has stalking her on Twitter.  It seems just recently Tamra was posting text messages from Lizzie and included her telephone number.  That would seem to me to be the ultimate in harassment which is part of the anti-stalking legislation in California.


I wonder if Dr. Boob aka Miss Terry will weigh in on his friend's Lizzie's breast procedures.  I really don't see Heather and Miss Terry fighting the Lizzie battle for Tamra.

  • Love 8

The whole point of reality TV, "there but for the grace of God, go I."


Yes, and the self-restraint not to broadcast our daily lives in front of national, err international, viewing audiences (and discussion boards like this) for them to make fodder out of me.  I may be foolish at times, but I don't feel compelled to prove this weekly (not that it doesn't happen, I just don't feel compelled to do so) to my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances and everyone else with access to TV or the internet.

  • Love 6

Does anyone know how to respond with multiple quotes and attributions?

If you click the quotation marks at the bottom of each entry, they cummulate.



So Tamra claims she was crying every night?  What for?  According to her, she's not unhappy and miserable.  So why is she crying?


Damn Andy for not following up Vicki's truthful little gem about how miserable Tams is and the state of her marriage.  Maybe her marriage didn't specifically come up in the context of the show but bitch put herself on a reality show and she had no problem televising and collecting a paycheck for that tacky wedding. 

I want to know how scrunching your face up without producing moisture would have any effect on your face.


"CUT Fitness is doing great and we are considering opening up our second location soon"

Didn't Tamra claim she was about to open a 2nd location last year?



"I have never had another person pay so much attention to my every move and twist every conversation we have ever had to make me look bad. She blogs about me, tweets about me, and goes around the neighborhood talking about me, It is sad."

Getchen might know another...

  • Love 6

From Tamra's blog

Now I'm reading that she invited me to the Kentucky Derby and I made fun of the charity. . . Is she crazy? When she invited me to the Derby it was before she said Eddie wanted to "f--- her." So after lots of thought, we decided that it was best that we did not go. Eddie and I were both concerned that she would have another drunk outburst and put us in another weird situation.


I've read it two and half times and I got nothing.  If you understand it (the timing she's explaining), please share with the class.


Ok, I think I understand what Tamera the Idiot is trying to say.  Sometime before the Valentines Dinner Lizzie invites Tamera and Eddie to the Kentucky Derby and they say yes, sometime in February the "Fuck/Marry" incident happens at the Valentines dinner, after the dinner they decide they no longer want to go to the Derby which is in May.


But I guess Lizzie is saying that T&E never accepted the invite? And took forever to RSVP or something? I don't know, but I do think that's the timeline of this nonsense. 

  • Love 3

Ok, I think I understand what Tamera the Idiot is trying to say.  Sometime before the Valentines Dinner Lizzie invites Tamera and Eddie to the Kentucky Derby and they say yes, sometime in February the "Fuck/Marry" incident happens at the Valentines dinner, after the dinner they decide they no longer want to go to the Derby which is in May.


But I guess Lizzie is saying that T&E never accepted the invite? And took forever to RSVP or something? I don't know, but I do think that's the timeline of this nonsense. 


I might be studying it too hard.  I thought what she was getting at was:   Lizzie said Eddie wanted to eff her, so we decided not to go, but if....girl, nevermind, thank you for trying, my brain's about to fissure.    I'm spreading my arms wide and Letting It Go (™ H. Dubrow)

  • Love 3

Tams going for the jugular in her blog about Lizzie.


The only thing I can think of is she sees my success and my happy marriage and she's jealous? She told me herself that her marriage has been on the rocks for years and she was very vocal this season that her husband does not satisfy her needs in bed.


I don't believe for one second Lizzie is jealous of Tams business/marriage. I do think Lizzie is unhappy in her marriage and raising toddlers just wasn't what she thought it was cracked up to be.


I seriously cannot believe Tamra has the nerve to scold people for mocking her. Along with her BFF Heather why can't they understand when you're shown being maliciously cruel it will bite you in the ass.


As I watch the Reunion I look physically exhausted and emotionally drained. My eyes and face were swollen all season from crying every night. So before you want to make fun or say I have had tons of work done (which I have not) consider my pain


Did you consider Shannon's pain over her troubles? No. She was called crazy and an alcoholic.


I have to give Tams some props though. Cockroach like she is, she's able to see where the wind is blowing. She's kissing Vicki & Shannon's asses like she's filming a sex tape.

  • Love 10

Question: If a large group of people, made up entirely of couples, decide to play "Marry, Shag, Kill" - why was Lizzie called out for playing the game? In other words - whether there's underlying truths or attractions going on, everyone knows it's just pretense, just (maybe drunken) play. Didn't everyone else have to say who'd they shag? Besides the obvious (Tamra's insecurities), what was Lizzie's big offense? And more importantly, why wasn't this filmed?!!

  • Love 12

Ok, I think I understand what Tamera the Idiot is trying to say.  Sometime before the Valentines Dinner Lizzie invites Tamera and Eddie to the Kentucky Derby and they say yes, sometime in February the "Fuck/Marry" incident happens at the Valentines dinner, after the dinner they decide they no longer want to go to the Derby which is in May.


But I guess Lizzie is saying that T&E never accepted the invite? And took forever to RSVP or something? I don't know, but I do think that's the timeline of this nonsense. 

If I were Tamra and Eddie I would have gone to the Kentucky Derby.   It is a great time. Danielle and Lizzie got some VIP treatment  from the pictures that were psoted.  Then again why would Tamra want to stand in a former Miss Kentucky's shadow?

  • Love 2

Call me clueless [ok, clueless], but it just clicked for me that Tamara is ranting and raving about a game of "fuck marry kill"! What, Tamara "queen of crude" Judge!? She? Her? THAT'S what she is flipping her shit about? I mean, the game is dumb. But ah, that's a whole lotta manufactured outrage coming from Tamara's "naked wasted" trap.

  • Love 8
Question: If a large group of people, made up entirely of couples, decide to play "Marry, Shag, Kill" - why was Lizzie called out for playing the game? In other words - whether there's underlying truths or attractions going on, everyone knows it's just pretense, just (maybe drunken) play. Didn't everyone else have to say who'd they shag? Besides the obvious (Tamra's insecurities), what was Lizzie's big offense? And more importantly, why wasn't this filmed?!!


Exactly right.  Who'd Tams think anyone was gonna pick to shag?  Miss Terry?  Holding back chortles.  Er, maybe don't play this game when it's concerning people ya know?  Ya think?  And so if Lizzie said she wanted to bang Eds -- so the fuck what?  She didn't bang him.  Just maybe she did say she wanted to.  And if she did say it, she clearly said it in a jokey way.  Ugh, you just know this boring shit will never die & they'll be arguing about this nonsense forever.


I think the game was filmed, but Danielle/Cousin Oliver was a big part of it & Satan Andy just couldn't have that be seen.  OK, I got it.  Danielle wanted to reveal Satan Andy is really straight & Danielle is his girlfriend & he's the real father of her kids.  Could that be the secret behind Danielle/Cousin Oliver?

  • Love 7

Did they even bother to fix the floors in the first location?


I always thought it was stupid to broadcast the problem and than not fix it. Just a lawsuit waiting to happen and be won because it is on record that they knew there was a problem.


Slightly OT, but I have to say that I am so happy these HW boards are jumping. I was kinda despondent when TWOP closed thinking that the dynamics and fun of that place could never be duplicated. The moderation could be a bit of a pain (my ass still has no idea what board on boards truly means) but it was the devil I knew. Plus I had just cracked the 1,000 like comments benchmark. Ya, I needed a life.  What a joy to find most of the poster crossed over and to see these boards really, really starting to take over and grow to be pages and pages long. I was a little iffy about the format of breaking things up via eppy but now I love it. I especially love being able to post pics. What a treat. Anywho, before I get dinged for an infraction (none yet, so please be kind mods, I'm just talkin' 'bout previouslytv) just wanted to let all know how much I am loving it here and so glad to have found a home without having to had wander the internet for 40 years looking for a new home.


Back to your regularly scheduled programming. 


That Tamra's a trip. Am I right?

Yes, I agree....Tamra's is a trip to the Twilight Zone, IMO

  • Love 1

From what I saw, the issue wasn't playing the game, it was throwing it in Tamra's face when they were arguing afterwards. It's one thing for Eddie to pick Lizzie as part of the game. It's quite another for Lizzie to respond to Tamra later that night by saying "You're just jealous because your husband wants to 'marry' me" (or whatever verb she used). It's not a nice thing to say but like missing the birthday, it's really not that big of a deal.
It's ironic that the others criticized Tamra for the horrible sin of talking about Shannon's marriage and Vicki's beau by making insinuations about her marriage. These pots and kettles are all black.

  • Love 6

Exactly right.  Who'd Tams think anyone was gonna pick to shag?  Miss Terry?  Holding back chortles.  Er, maybe don't play this game when it's concerning people ya know?  Ya think?  And so if Lizzie said she wanted to bang Eds -- so the fuck what?  She didn't bang him.  Just maybe she did say she wanted to.  And if she did say it, she clearly said it in a jokey way.  Ugh, you just know this boring shit will never die & they'll be arguing about this nonsense forever.


I think the game was filmed, but Danielle/Cousin Oliver was a big part of it & Satan Andy just couldn't have that be seen.  OK, I got it.  Danielle wanted to reveal Satan Andy is really straight & Danielle is his girlfriend & he's the real father of her kids.  Could that be the secret behind Danielle/Cousin Oliver?


I keep hoping that you're right, Scoobs, that it was filmed and Andy will do the viewers the honor of showing us what REALLY happened that night with the Lost Footage episode.


I realize the chances are probably slim to none that this will happen, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


It's a good thing I don't run with this crowd.  I could have looked at every single guy at the Marry/Kill/Shag fucknuttery and honesty professed that, given the 3 choices, I'd just kill all of them.  


I find Eddie smarmy and his oversized chompers would give me nightmares, Christian seems to be brain-numbingly stoned all of the time, David has that Mike Tyson voice (and that unexplained DV charge in his past), Danielle's husband who was seen so little that I seriously cannot recall what he even looked or sounded like, and then there's the worst of the lot, IMO, Miss Terry.  (I left out Brooks as I don't believe he and Vicki were at that party, but obviously he'd fall into the "kill" category as well).


I'd habit up and join a nunnery with a vow of chastity before I'd touch any of those dudes at that party.  *shudder*

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 10
I think once Eddie got to see first hand what having children (especially with Tamra) was like, he started to change his mind. I also think the more of her onscreen behavior he witnessed the more he started to realize that having children with Tamra simply would not be a good idea.


Yea, with Eddie it might very well be half-I-don't-want-kids and half-I-don't-want-Tamra's-kids. It's quite possible if he was married to a lovely woman who he respected he might want to have a child with her. 


Tamra, in a suspicious tone, talking of how unusually open Shannon was from the get go on discussing her marriage.  This appears to back up Alex McCord's inside info that Shannon came into the show planning to making her marriage troubles her storyline.


Yes, but then when Shannon pressed Tamra on the specifics of what she talked about at that first party, it was simply wanting to spend more time with her husband. I do think Shannon was a bit more honest about the troubles she was going through, but I found it refreshing - as opposed to these women who act like they're so happily married and lord it over others, only to divorce two seasons later. 

  • Love 5

Heather's blog is up. I can't believe the pity party she's throwing for herself. She doesn't understand why the public is so hateful towards her.



Heather and Terry didn't seem to mind hating, lecturing and humiliating David & Shannon. Heather and Terry don't seem to mind Tamra spewing hate. Maybe I can buy her a dictionary so she can look up the word hypocrite.


She'll never change. Just pick a better target next season.


Heather did in her blog what she and Miss Terri always do, they deflect, minimize and explain away any wrong doing they have done by calling their victim out and putting the onus on them.


Heather is chastising us for our reaction to and our calling her and Miss Terri on their vile behavior. She is just a more educated version of Tamrat.


GO TO HELL HEATHER! Don't let the door hit you in the ass.


edited for double posting within my own post


Edited by Giselle
  • Love 8

Call me clueless [ok, clueless], but it just clicked for me that Tamara is ranting and raving about a game of "fuck marry kill"! What, Tamara "queen of crude" Judge!? She? Her? THAT'S what she is flipping her shit about? I mean, the game is dumb. But ah, that's a whole lotta manufactured outrage coming from Tamara's "naked wasted" trap.

Plus, everyone at the party chose someone to shag. Why is Tamra the only one experiencing a Mental Atomic Wedgie over it?

It doesn't matter to me whether Lizzie said marry or shag. It was just a game. Everyone at the party played it.

Edited by Scrambled Fog
  • Love 2

I am not a member of Saddleback Church or as Tamra put it, saddleback church. I hope she gets great comfort from her fellow church members.  I can't imagine they are crazy about having this foul mouth cretin among them who calls other practicing Christians "Jesus Jugs" but to each their own. They must be a very forgiving congregation.  



I apologize in advance for stealing your little gem but...Well, I couldn't resist asking for an answer straight from the horse's mouth:





@TamraBarney @Bravotv @Andy Does Saddleback Church support u calling a fellow Christian @AlexisBellino Jesus Jugs? #hypocrite #RHOCReunion


Now we'll see if she goes into a tirade and responds (she really loves to fight with her "fans") or if she just ignores it or blocks me.  

  • Love 12


Where did Tamra's eyes go??  She looks terrifying.  Stop messing with your face - it is NOT a good look.

This look is common among those women who are so damn vain, they get a shitload of cheek, brow, forehead and outer eye filler (a la Yolanda Foster).  It squeezes their eyes closed and then they can't open them wider due to all of the botox... What to do???  Bad look.  Just give in... Everyone ages.  Tamballs just looks increasingly stupid and desperate.  Wait until next season.  She'll look even more ridiculous.

  • Love 6
Heather did in her blog what she and Miss Terri always do, they deflect, minimize and explain away any wrong doing they have done by calling their victim out and putting the onus on them.

Heather is chastising us for our reaction to and our calling her and Miss Terri on their vile behavior. She is just a more educated version of Tamrat.


Poor widdle Heather.  She's clutching her pearls tightly & wagging her finger wildly at us all.  Aw, the poor thing.  She's getting "hate" & doesn't see how it could be, eh?  She says she's not perfect -- er, except she & Miss Terry never ever admit to doing anything wrong -- EVER.  So in effect, they are perfect people, right?  Oh and thank you so much, Madame the puppet, for "teaching" me not to hate -- um, cuz you never do, right, hun?  Oh & saying Shannon was acting sooooo scary, and saying it over & over & over & over, when she never actually did act scary -- is that something I should learn from you too, Heather?


The Housewives of Guadalajara comment ain't gonna win poor widdle Heather any friends.  She's gonna have to backtrack on that dandy little "joke", won't she?  Expect that one soon enough.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

Something worked for Vicki this year.  E! has been running an All Time Favorite Housewife contest.  They were down to the Elite Eight and Vicki was matched against Lisa Vanderpump-in the last hour she pulled ahead and won.  So going into the semi-finals (it started with all HWs from every season of all shows except DC) are Vicki, Shannon, Caroline Manzo and Kenya Moore.


Whatever Vicki did this year worked for her.  The greater the distance between she and Tamra the happier Vicki seems to be.  I am quite certain tonight's performance will send her into the finals in the E! competition.


She didn't involve herself in the hate. She stepped back tried to take the higher road the majority of the time although she miss-stepped a bit with Lizzie. Vicki realized life was a lot easier when you're in it to have fun and not bashing, belittling, competing with everybody around you and also you're not having to deal with the consequences from all the hate spewing.

  • Love 5

Plus, everyone at the party chose someone to shag. Why is Tamra the only one experiencing a Mental Atomic Wedgie over it?

It doesn't matter to me whether Lizzie said marry or shag. It was just a game. Everyone at the party played it.

I think our delicate anal flower Tamra is/was offended by Lizzie saying "Fuck". If I remember correctly Tamra said Lizzie drunkenly slurred "you're just jealous because Eddie wants to fuck me!"

I don't know if that is true. As some one pointed out Tamra and Lizzie have back up in Heather and Danielle, so who knows.

I just think it's a joke that Tamra would be offended by a simple word like "Fuck" after she screamed at Danielle "do you do anal!?"

And to be clear it was the word fuck that bothered her, she admitted that to Heather or Vicki, I can't remember who.

One of them asked her if it was the word that bothered her and she said yes.

She really is too much, isn't she?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

If I were Tamra and Eddie I would have gone to the Kentucky Derby.   It is a great time. Danielle and Lizzie got some VIP treatment  from the pictures that were psoted.  Then again why would Tamra want to stand in a former Miss Kentucky's shadow?

This wouldn't be the first time Tamra and Eddie were at the KY Derby.


Plus, everyone at the party chose someone to shag. Why is Tamra the only one experiencing a Mental Atomic Wedgie over it?

It's because Eddie didn't chose Tamra for any of the options besides "kill". He maight have chosen "kill" but that's pure speculation on my part.

  • Love 7

This look is common among those women who are so damn vain, they get a shitload of cheek, brow, forehead and outer eye filler (a la Yolanda Foster).  It squeezes their eyes closed and then they can't open them wider due to all of the botox... What to do???  Bad look.  Just give in... Everyone ages.  Tamballs just looks increasingly stupid and desperate.  Wait until next season.  She'll look even more ridiculous.

It doesn't stop the aging. It just makes her look strange and ugly. I'd rather look old.

  • Love 5

She didn't involve herself in the hate. She stepped back tried to take the higher road the majority of the time although she miss-stepped a bit with Lizzie. Vicki realized life was a lot easier when you're in it to have fun and not bashing, belittling, competing with everybody around you and also you're not having to deal with the consequences from all the hate spewing.

Well, she did involve herself in the hate, not just the Shannon hate. She hated on Heather for the first part of the season, and she is the one who started planting shit in Lizzie's head about Tamra, when it appeared as though she wasn't that upset about her not showing for her party. She also warned Shannon about Tamra. All if this is fine by me in theory, except for the fact that at the same time she was pretending to Tamra like she was her friend. She wasn't telling Tamra that she was running around warning everyone about her, which makes her just as bad as Tamra.

  • Love 9

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