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S03.E07: The Strings That Bind Us


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Another good episode.   Not a miraculous turnaround, but a great start, especially Jamie stepping up and speaking up.  

Liked Rebecca warning Keeley about love bombing… and I liked Keeley confronting Jack about it.  Liked meeting Sam’s dad, especially when he makes it clear to Rebecca he knew about her and his son    And loved Trent becoming so invested and Will as Beard  

Great throwaway bit at the beginning….Jamie running in his pink track suit, with Roy following on a bike…but not peddling…Jamie was towing him.  

I just didn’t care for the Nate bit…unless they are setting Nate up for a fall…she likes him now, but if/when he loses his job, will she dump him?

Great ending.  They are a true team.  

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I think the episode title changed from "Boxes" to "Strings that Bind Us".

There are so many good things here, but they are scattered! 

On the one hand, we see how Sam's bond with his father has made him who he is in a good way.  On the other hand, we are reminded about Nate's father being a dick, but also are to root for Nate in his wooing of the hostess. I'm not rooting for Nate at the moment until I see amends for his horrific behaviour.....maybe he will grow into in. I guess "yay" he didn't spit into the restaurant's mirror to make a stand, but how is his growth earned? Not seeing it.

Love the show, it just seems like they aren't good for writing women on their own & basically isolating Keeley & Rebecca from main stories has just been a horrible mistake this season. It highlights the weakness here.

Interesting though, is whether Jack is a Rupert or not within this storyline.  I'm not sure whether we are to see Barbara as jealous or Barbara has seen this all before.  I guess time will tell. 

Lot's to like here, so much to like, but it all just feels a half a bubble off to me.

PS: on the shut up and dribble, woof, such absolute bullshit from the politician which we have all seen before & damn, I want Sam to just dribble over and over on her and crush her.  


Edited by pennben
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the pop up shoebox thing just would absolutely creep me out.

It was so embarrassingly juvenile and I'm glad they upended it by the diorama being destroyed and Nate having to screw his courage to the sticking place and just ask her like an adult. No bluster, no puffing himself up because of his job - just someone asking another person out. That was growth. And the fact that ultimately he had no one but himself in that moment - no Diamond Dogs; his mum and sister didn't have anything for him because as women they know, if it's not on, it's not on. So I'm glad he found his courage and without having to spit.


And of course, the boys cleaning up the restaurant (including Bumbercatch, who just happens to know how to fix neon!) was *chef's kiss*

A wonderful moment. This was a team where in series on you had Jamie, Isaac and Colin bullying Nate, Jamie and Roy at each other's throats, Jamie being pissy and telling Trent that Ted was celebrating with the team after a loss and now they all come together, again with no encouragement from Ted. They followed their hearts to help their friend. Just as Ted told Beard in the pub, "This is their team, we're just borrowing it." Now, he said that about Baz, Paul and Jeremy but the sentiment is the same. Ted is just passing through. Like Jason said Dr. Sharon was to be like Mary Poppins just coming through, helping out and dashing off leaving no carbon footprint; that's how Ted is. He's there to build a team. And when he wins the whole damn thing he can go home. At least that's me speculating.


Love to be back at training, even if it was just a bunch of sight gags and literal dick jokes.

As usual with the show I love when they zag when I think they're going to zig. I was so sure that there would be a joke about the size of Jamie's dick due to the size of the loop, but nope. Thought when Sam was talking about congratulating someone who took a fashion risk they would pan to Dani with his beanie. Again, nope - another player. Ted thinking Beard was referring to Jane trying to convince Beard to get married, but nope - just pegging (which, if anyone would be down for that it would be Beard).

And just like last week's suggestion of movie nights and pillow fights was a callback to what Ted suggested the team do in S1. This time with Sam offering up those options. S2 Jan corrected Jamie over his pronunciation of Cryuff, this time he corrects Beard, who thanks him unlike Jamie.


I'm not exactly sure the purpose of the beautiful montage of shop openings each morning, but it did make me want to hop a plane to London, so I guess it worked?

I think it's their little salute to the area they have filmed in for so long. They know it drives tourism to the place. The bar that is the establishing shot for The Crown and Anchor gets a lot of tourists, I think they're giving love to the other business owners hoping it would do the same for them.


No wonder Sam is such a great person. I love his dad. And in an amazing coincidence, I almost wore that same outfit as well!

I was literally eating Chin Chin when his scene came up. I obviously summoned him.

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12 minutes ago, AngieBee1 said:

I'm not exactly sure the purpose of the beautiful montage of shop openings each morning, but it did make me want to hop a plane to London, so I guess it worked?

I think it's their little salute to the area they have filmed in for so long. They know it drives tourism to the place. The bar that is the establishing shot for The Crown and Anchor gets a lot of tourists, I think they're giving love to the other business owners hoping it would do the same for them.

It's also a lot like one of the montages at the beginning of You've Got Mail, even using the same song.  I was trying to figure out if Ted's rom-communism was being subtly hinted at.  Maybe that they are coming out of their dark forest finally?

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So delightful, though too much Nate.  He’s dead to me (so far).

Did Keeley take Jack to Taste of Athens?  I’m not wild about a very last minute reunion where the couple kisses while credits roll.  I’m starting to think that may happen with Roy/Keeley, though I can no longer tell if they are even endgame anymore.  Jack’s love bombing hasn’t matched her personality IMO, and don’t even get me started on the Jane Austen mess.  Almost took me out of the whole episode.  I did love Rebecca’s reaction to Jack paying their dinner bill.

I loved Ola!  Please let this be a long visit.

Roy’s self-loathing over his puns was awesome!  Jamie continues to delight as well.    I just want to hug the whole team.  Seeing them at the restaurant was perfect.

Do I want/need to look up what “pegging” is?



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I really enjoyed this episode. Fun, focused Ted is back.

Couple of points.

What are they doing with Keeley? Maybe show her working for 5 minutes so I can see if she is competent in whatever job she does.

I am really bummed that this is the best they can come up with for Keeley as plots go. Just a rom com type relationship. I just can't believe they can't tie her into the team plot going on.

Also, I am done with Barbara's veiled hatred and passive agressiveness towards Keeley. She can go 7 episodes ago.

They can have Nate save 10 puppies from a fire and I am still not going to watch another minute of him. I was done with him when he abused the kit boy and that will not change.

More Beard and Roy. In fact, just spin these two off and I will be happy.


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Way too much Nate for me.

This episode was nowhere as delightful as the last episode, but Ola almost got it there. This season is reminding me that this show is a sitcom and not a dramedy (there is a difference), with Ola showing up in the locker room at the right moment. Forgetting that may just be a "me" problem, though. 

I did not have as much of a problem with Jack as some have expressed in previous episodes, but this episode seems to be setting her up as not being with Keeley by the end. She is too much. I notice the Jane Austen inaccuracy and was hoping at some point that it would be revealed that Jack was scammed along the way. 

I like Ted but still feel at this point that he should be better at coaching. In my opinion, Beard, Roy, and Jamie have all proven to be better at coaching than him. I was hoping his hallucination would cure that. 

I also was cringing at the strings tied to the penises bit. Not because I found it crude but painful and childish. 

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I knew that Jamie is listed as a center attacking midfielder on FIFA 23 now, so was expecting something like this to happen at some point in the season. Such a great payoff for the "little Precious Moments figurine," who they assumed would not play back. His face when he looked back from the mag board, saw the team listening to him, and realized that he was right where he needed to be, was perfect. Such a well-paced, believably earned maturity arc. He'll thrive as the anti-Zava!

Ola Obisanya was every bit as lovely as we knew he would be. He and Sam made me smile and tear with each interaction. I'm all for Sam and Simi. And the team working to clean/repair the restaurant was chef's kiss.

I could've done without the Nate. But I know we need to be about his redemption arc. It's just hard for me to be excited or find his interactions with Jade (or anybody, really) that interesting, given how much work I feel he needs to be doing to get himself mentally squared. I mean, maybe he's doing ok now because his team is doing well. What happens when things start not going his way? Or he perceives they're not going his way? We've seen how he handles that before, and they've shown nothing which would make me think he's better prepared now.

Loved seeing Keeley and Rebecca together again. I'm just disappointed in everything that's been written around Keeley. I loved her and Roy last season, and still expect them to be reunited, because there's going to be one other couple besides Beard and Jane to ride off into the sunset together, right? And I think they're implying that Roy's anger issues and general out of sorts-ness is lacking Keeley's optimistic understanding of his insecurities. But given that we've barely even seen them together and her track record, sort of bouncing from one relationship to the other, I'd almost prefer to see Keeley on her own for a bit, romantically anyway. (Wouldn't take too many scenes of her and Roy together to get me back on the train, though.)

And, yeah, cringe and ick was all I could think during the red yarn exercise.

Edited by Kabota
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Still don’t care about Nate and Jade or Keeley and Jack. Sure Jack backed off when Keeley asked, for now. It’s all flashy, which is fine, but it’s not the deep relationship she had with Roy (we know is going there so get fucking to it FFS) 

Jack mentioned getting jealous and when a character has to announce they aren’t crazy, they absolutely end up being crazy. 

However I did like when Rebecca warned Keeley about the love bombing, Keeley didn’t get defensive and upset, so that is one good thing. Rebecca doesn’t seem to like Jack at all. And not in a “you’re stealing my BFF away” but like she said, shiny things fade. Even if Jack isn’t evil like Rupert, it’s like Keeley is her pet. 

Now onto things I absolutely loved, which was everything else. Trent Crimm going full geeky dork, absolute perfection. He’s been the highlight of the season, along with Jamie and Will. How fun those screens as Beard must have been to do! He totally nailed it. The Lasso was is FINALLY coming together and I’m here for it. I don’t care about how realistic it is. I want them to win the whole fucking thing and Ted decide his work there is complete. 

And everything with Sam was delightful, and his dad was everything they set him up to be. The end at the restaurant was great. Maybe Ola’s is the spin off? I’d find that more engaging than KJPR. And Sam and the chef are totally dating, Ola gave her the same look he did Rebecca. 

The last two episodes have felt like classic Ted Lasso, save for everything Keeley.  I’m just sad the wasted half the season to get there.

Edited by Trillium
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9 hours ago, pennben said:

Interesting though, is whether Jack is a Rupert or not within this storyline.  I'm not sure whether we are to see Barbara as jealous or Barbara has seen this all before.  I guess time will tell. 

I am getting the vibes that Jack is more of a nicer Rupert and the fact that Rebecca ordered dessert and bottles of wine to go (people do that?) makes me think that she knows or suspects it and wanted to take advantage.

I am guessing that Barbara - she is the "adult" in the company correct - has seen this all before. The way they make her sort of not nice but still have her in the periphery makes me think so. It is just a hunch. 

All this goes with my assumption that Keeley and Roy end up back together and she ends up back with the team somehow. I wish they would show her actually doing work. Her friend - while terrible - was at least trying to create something.

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I wonder how Apple asking for two extra episodes messed with the story pacing.  Last season, they just added in two stand alone episodes to meet the quota.  This year, they stretched out their story telling, as they had to fill in 20% more episodes. 

I can’t believe only 5 more to go.  

As for Jade, I don’t believe the bitch guarding the good table has turned nice any more than I believe Nate has grown.  Once he is no longer the Wonderkind as even Siri calls him, his world is going to implode.  

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1 hour ago, Kabota said:

I knew that Jamie is listed as a center attacking midfielder on FIFA 23 now, so was expecting something like this to happen at some point in the season. Such a great payoff for the "little Precious Moments figurine," who they assumed would not play back.

I didn't know that about FIFA, but it makes total sense. Jamie's a Steven Gerrard, with his skills he will absolutely kill it as a centre attacking midfielder. (Man, imagine the old Jamie who was upset about running decoy in ONE play being told he was going to play midfield.)

1 hour ago, Kabota said:

His face when he looked back from the mag board, saw the team listening to him, and realized that he was right where he needed to be, was perfect. Such a well-paced, believably earned maturity arc. He'll thrive as the anti-Zava!

And yeah, that moment was so great. He was completely unprepared for them all coming up to properly listen to him. (Which they should've from the start, really, because he's the only one who's actually played under Pep, and he knows more about these tactics than the others.) If Phil Dunster doesn't get a supporting nomination this season, I say we riot.

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6 minutes ago, Schweedie said:

I didn't know that about FIFA, but it makes total sense. Jamie's a Steven Gerrard, with his skills he will absolutely kill it as a centre attacking midfielder. (Man, imagine the old Jamie who was upset about running decoy in ONE play being told he was going to play midfield.)

And yeah, that moment was so great. He was completely unprepared for them all coming up to properly listen to him. (Which they should've from the start, really, because he's the only one who's actually played under Pep, and he knows more about these tactics than the others.) If Phil Dunster doesn't get a supporting nomination this season, I say we riot.

It really shows the difference between Jamie and Nate.  Both had crappy fathers and a lot of insecurities.  But Nate had a hidden mean streak hidden beneath a mild exterior.   Jamie hid his insecurities beneath a facade of arrogance.  But when each is confronted with adversity and kindness, each reacted differently.   Jamie grew.  He has friends and real respect.  Nate is just a few critiques away from an epic implosion.  

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11 hours ago, Athena5217 said:

I think it would be impossible to own a first edition copy of Sense and Sensibility signed by Jane Austen since it was attributed to “by a lady.” None of Austin’s novels were published under her own name during her lifetime so why would she autograph them?

Shame on you show for not doing basic research on one Britain’s most famous novelists. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/first-edition-of-jane-austens-sense-and-sensibility

I  can almost handwave that Jack found the one copy of a 750 print run that Austen inscribed to a relative, but according to the Jane Austen's House website, the first edition was published in 3 volumes: https://janeaustens.house/object/sense-and-sensibility/.

Like others, I am seriously annoyed at how they're handling Nate. We've been given no evidence that he is on a path to redemption other than a few cutsy scenes with his family and Jade. He said he was sorry he left things in a bad way with Ted, but why? You have to be on some kind of journey to go from the spitting-nails, personal attack he leveled at Ted to "Wish we'd parted more cordially." I still loath him. 

I loved Keeley last year, when she was intelligent and insightful, as well as quirky. Now she's just a ditz. I'm less invested than I was in Roy and Keeley being endgame, which makes me sad.

The closer the team is to the pitch, the more I like this show. Every time Roy yells "Whistle, whistle," I crack up.

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But the stuff with Nate... I feel like the writers messed up last season, if they wanted this redemption arc to fully work. The Nate we see here feels too different from the Nate we saw last season, especially towards the end. They wrote him *too* mean then for this change to feel organic - we still haven't really seen him reckon with the fact that his behaviour was really effed up, and if he hasn't done that, then why did he change back to old Nate? 

I don't get what they're doing with Nate either. I don't get how putting him into an awkward romance is any kind of redemption arc for him. He needs to own up to his crappy treatment of Ted and Richmond. Making him all puppy dog eyes over some restaurant waitress isn't going to cut it.

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The way Jack left her mark in a priceless (albeit fictional) book reinforces the idea that she is Rupert-like.  She took something she didn’t create and claimed it with her “you go, girl”, just like she is trying to claim Keely.  

I’m also wondering about the significance of giving her Sense and Sensibility.  For non-Jane fans:  S&S is the story of two sisters. one cautious with her feelings, the other impetuous and spontaneous (Barbara and Keely).  The spontaneous sister is literally swept off her feet by someone who swoops in and rescues her.  I think the book is significant and gives me hope that Roy may still have a chance.

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14 hours ago, Athena5217 said:

I think it would be impossible to own a first edition copy of Sense and Sensibility signed by Jane Austen since it was attributed to “by a lady.” None of Austin’s novels were published under her own name during her lifetime so why would she autograph them?
Shame on you show for not doing basic research on one Britain’s most famous novelists. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/first-edition-of-jane-austens-sense-and-sensibility

Yes, it's highly unlikely but not completely impossible for a signed first edition of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility to exist if she kept a copy of her first published book and signed it. I like to imagine her doing that, though if she did, it's probably long gone or else we would know.
And I kind of have to applaud The Show for at least locating a copy of Austen's signature to use for the real fake signature. 
But might we learn something like Jack paid Barbara to get a signed copy, and Barbara paid someone to insert Austen's signature? Maybe Barbara wrote the additional inscription?
Regardless, the added inscription probably decreases the value of the book a lot, but probably not so much that Keeley will not have to choose to sell it, return it, or owe taxes on it (unless UK taxes are not like that).

That added signature is so straight that it's not even trying to be faked.
A clue to us hyper observant viewers, perhaps?
Or just to emphasize the obvious contrast to the contemporary inscription?


Signature from Wikimedia Commons:

Edited by shapeshifter
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5 hours ago, Crs97 said:

Do I want/need to look up what “pegging” is?

I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one.  I did look it up.  At least there were no photos.  :-) 

8 hours ago, Schweedie said:

But the stuff with Nate... I feel like the writers messed up last season, if they wanted this redemption arc to fully work. The Nate we see here feels too different from the Nate we saw last season, especially towards the end. They wrote him *too* mean then for this change to feel organic - we still haven't really seen him reckon with the fact that his behaviour was really effed up, and if he hasn't done that, then why did he change back to old Nate? 

This is a great point.  I was thinking about this last night and I had a similar thought about last season's Nate arc.  I remember reading stories last year where Nick Mohammed and others in the show were surprised by the amount of vitriol aimed at Nate following his betrayal of Ted.  And then this season, it is almost like they decided to ignore the fan reaction. 

From what I can tell there are two groups when it comes to Nate:  Group one will accept a Nate redemption arc, but they want to see him suffer first.  Group two wants to see him suffer, period.  We are over halfway through the season and it is beginning to look like the only bad thing that has happened to him is that his new boss tried to tow his green mini. 

Furthermore, we haven't seen whether Nate has changed his persona at work.  In episode one we saw him be a jerk to players and staff alike.  Then all of a sudden we get Nate feeling sorry about Ted and being all Nate v. 1.0 with the hostess at the restaurant.   Does he still have the idiot line for players during practice?   

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So I guess we're taking the "pretend Nate's heel turn never happened" approach? Will he at least ever find out the truth about the photo being in Ted's room and realize that Ted isn't some devious schemer who's been setting Nate up for a fall all along? Or did they fast-forward the redemption to squeeze in more time for everyone's love lives?

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I loved this episode, and look forward to rewatching it when I have the time. (Although the hour length was a bit much so close to m bedtime last night, and still wanting to watch Schmigadoon too.). I love any time Baz, Jeremy, and Paul are a part of an episode.  I want them just sitting there commentating all the time.  But I just lost it when Baz did his best Bob Uecker from Major League impression with “Juuuuuuust a bit outside.” (I assume he knows Mr. Baseball from Major League, but I guess he could be a fan of my Milwaukee Brewers. He does seem to love an underdog that keeps breaking your heart.) 

I will adding “Don’t fight back. Fight forward” to my repertoire of phrases.  I loved it.  Has anyone heard it before?

Roy continues to be the MVP of this show for me.  The yelling “WHISTLE” and the fact that Paul knows why was fantastic.  The look of pure glee on his face with the strings was everyone’s troubles was great, as was the his crestfallen face when Jaimie dick was not injured.  Followed quickly by his snickering in the background when Ted tripped over one of them.  I had to rewatch that multiple times. 

And then there’s Nate.  Well I’ve heard it said you have to add an imperfection to a piece of art, else you upset the gods.  And there is Nate.  I half expected him be hit by a bus while crossing the street.  I don’t know how I would have felt about that. I’d like to think I’d be horrified.  Or I could laugh like Roy.  I guess we’ll never know.

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All my years of reading Savage Love finally paid off re: pegging. 

I loved the warmth and camaraderie of the team and all the team focus. When the story switches to Nate, they might as well have a commercial break. I will never care about the character and there is no arc big enough to swing him back to the positive. Especially with 5 episodes left. 

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46 minutes ago, Thalia said:

From what I can tell there are two groups when it comes to Nate:  Group one will accept a Nate redemption arc, but they want to see him suffer first.  Group two wants to see him suffer, period.  We are over halfway through the season and it is beginning to look like the only bad thing that has happened to him is that his new boss tried to tow his green mini. 

Furthermore, we haven't seen whether Nate has changed his persona at work.  In episode one we saw him be a jerk to players and staff alike.  Then all of a sudden we get Nate feeling sorry about Ted and being all Nate v. 1.0 with the hostess at the restaurant. 

Yup. I was (am?) in the group who would for sure accept a redemption arc, if done well. But what they've done with Nate so far this season hasn't *been* a redemption arc. They've just had him go back to acting mostly like his old self as if his heel turn (™ dmeets) never happened, and it feels like it happened overnight after episode one or maybe two. If they'd written him a good arc where he realised how he fucked up and tried to make amends, at the very least fully apologising (instead of just alluding to "the way I left" like he did in the lift), I would've been on board for that. I keep waiting for them to go deeper, but they've spent seven episodes now basically on him just crushing on Jade and trying to decide what to do about it, and again, that is not redemption. Maybe they're planning on going further with him in the second half of the season, but it's coming up on "too little, too late" for me.

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Maybe Nate isn’t getting a redemption arc.  Or maybe this thing with Jade is supposed to make us think he is getting one, then she dumps him and Rupert craps on him….then it ends much like season2 when we saw him dressed in black like Roy, but now he is even worse than ever, raging and vowing revenge because Richmond beats them, but he knows he can never get it because Ted goes back to the US.

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So, I've binge watched the series over the last month (kind of sad it took me so long to do so!). 

I do think we're getting a redemption for Nate and I feel like they think it's a great redemption arc but unless they have Nate face his own toxic behaviour, admit fault and get help for it, it'll feel like a hollow redemption. I also don't think he can have a believable redemption arc by end of season. He's done too much harm over the series to have him be fully redeemed, and he hasn't gotten to the point where he knows WHY he needs redemption. 

Also, I dislike Jade changing her mind on Nate just because he had one crappy date who took off. It seems like we're getting Nate rewarded, rather than having him face true consequences for his actions. Sure, he has a crappy father and feels underappreciated, but he needs to face more consequences, and it feels like the show might gloss it over. There's five episodes left until the end of the season, to be fair, so MAYBE there'll be something there for Nate to have to face, but I'm already not loving the redemption he currently has.

As for the rest of the episode, I've absolutely loved it. It's been a long time since I've laughed out loud at a comedic scene, but the team practice with the strings was hilarious. Roy has having a grand old time with his plan. 

I loved with each team practice, more and more fans started appearing in the stands. 

And, of course, Jamie's redemption arc has been wonderfully done. Again, having binge watched the entire series over the course of April, it's been a real treat to see one of the few redemption arcs that REALLY work. I loved Jamie realizing what he had to do.

Keeley's plot with Jack isn't interesting, but it looks like they're intentionally going somewhere with it, with Rebecca pointing out the love bombing. I don't know if Jack is as bad as Rupert, but she's Rupert-like with her relationship with Keeley. We'll have to see if Keeley asking her to stop giving her gifts will sink in. 

Sam's dad was a delight. I loved Sam's entire plot and the team coming to help fix Ola's. Also, the "don't fight back, fight forward" was a brilliant line.

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For a show that promotes kindness, it is weird to see so many people not wanting any redemption for Nate.

I liked this one better than last weeks (I am probably the only one, lol) but I still think this season's writing is suffering.
Even if I do not mind Nate, I can't really get what his ark is supposed to be. Then we have Keeley, who this season is shown as dumber and less dynamic and less bright..
I loved most of the little things between the 3 coaches and the team, although almost everything football is so but so unrealistic. 
And things like connecting penises with rope while training, are not even funny, just creepy.
Fav part of the episode everything Sam and Ola related. Loved it.

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10 hours ago, Schweedie said:

Ooh, I never even had the thought that Barbara might've seen this before with Jack and being wary of it. That would be interesting.

Same here--makes me think, she might see Jack/Keeley and then look at her snow globe collection, thinking, "Well, she'll be shipping me off again soon."

7 hours ago, Schweedie said:

Oh, one of my favourite moments has to be when Roy chipped in with how Beard and Ted would be called Sharp Dressed Men and then going "God I hate what you've fucking done to me". And then after his second pun, "Make it stop." (A sort of callback to season one's, "He thinks he's mad now, wait until we win him over." "He'll be furious.")

Also, I really loved how Roy's plan for one guy with a string connected to multiple people was essentially what they ended up doing (without the actual string). Jamie as the guy connecting everyone.



I love that line from season 1 too! And also Ted and Beard's excited reactions in season 2 when Roy had to ask the Diamond Dogs for advice.

And that's a a great catch with Roy's plan and Jamie's plan! I really loved Jamie putting that together, the rest of the team getting behind it, and then seeing it play out in the second half of the game. As the best player on the team (and, as was pointed out, one who was briefly coached by Pep,) it makes total sense for him to take more of a fulcrum position, helping to coordinate the other players as everyone sort of pivots around him.

It really struck me that the coaches were sort of treating Jamie like Zava during training throughout the week. They didn't have him switch positions with another player because they just assumed he wouldn't want to do that. Pre-Zava, Ted never would've allowed that. And crucially, the Jamie of season 3 is very much not Zava, and all of the coaches should've know that. I still love how it came together in the resolution, but I thought it was a misstep that the coaches were excluding him from the technique in the first place.

I love the whole scene of Total Football being introduced to the players--it just kept flowing in fun and interesting ways. Beard's presentation was great, and all the players were really vibing with it, plus you got Jan Maas chiming in with extra bits of context. Then it's announced that they're going to be doing Total Football and everyone gets nervous and unsure about it. Then Roy barks out his "this is what we're doing" speech, talking about how hard they're gonna train until they finally bring it to the pitch in a few months. Then Ted says they're gonna use it at Saturday's match, and we get Roy's, "That's fucking mental." Just start to finish, so great.

The team showing up to help clean up the restaurant was lovely, and I especially like that the coaches weren't there. It was something the players decided to do entirely on their own, taking the Total Football philosophy to heart. Sam's dad was predictably great, too. As someone mentioned upthread, I loved, "Don't fight back. Fight forward."

I'm not sure what they're doing with Nate, either. It seems like his screentime would be better spent on the football side of things, either with Rupert or circling around Richmond. For me, his two most interesting episodes so far this season have been the premier and the one where Richmond played West Ham. I don't know why we're spending so much time on him and Jade.

But I do have to say: 1) As soon as he went into the bathroom, I was going, "Don't spit on the mirror, please don't spit on the mirror," so I'm glad he didn't do that again. And 2) he's lucky he tripped and his box got squashed. I don't think Jade would've been into that at all. Just a straightforward, "Would you like to go out with me?", no frills, was definitely the way to go there.

Random bits I loved:

  • Rebecca ordering tiramisu and to-go bottles of wine (plus one for the server!) when she realized Jack was paying for the meal
  • Higgins' reaction when Isaac corner-kicked the ball into his window and he spilled hot tea on himself
  • Jamie running easily ahead of the pack during Roy's conditioning training--all that hard work is definitely paying off
  • Will pretending to be Beard
  • The fans being so excited to watch a training where the Richmond players ran until they puked
  • The device of showing the progression through the week with all the restaurants/shops opening every morning--it was just nice, and I loved the various music that accompanied these little scenes.
  • Ted pointing out that they could just get Roy a plastic whistle--hee!
  • Richard bringing a few bottles from his wine cellar--not the best, but good ones!--to Sam's restaurant
  • Bumbercatch fixing the neon sign
  • That little scene in the locker room where they were all passing the water bottles around and getting them to Will
  • Trent's gleeful excitement after the match and the reactions to it--I loved, "What a fucking dork," "Yeah, but he's our dork."
Edited by angora
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This show might not be the greatest at writing women, but damn it is nice to have them write guys who aren’t afraid of emotion and friendship, who have a favourite Julie Andrew’s movie, who are there for each other.   Look at Roy.  He literally growls at people and everyone down to the youngest fan loves him and although he is a grump, but he clearly cares.  And Jamie.  He has grown so much while still being recognizably the same person.  

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26 minutes ago, angora said:


  • That little scene in the locker room where they were all passing the water bottles around and getting them to Will

I think that little scene, accompanied by that terrific music from The Great Escape, was a way to foreshadow their success with the Total Football philosophy.  When  Will puts the water bottle in his little carrier, it seemed like making a goal.  (Was that shot in one take, I wonder?)

Edited by Phebemarie
Because Will is not Nate
  • Like 9
30 minutes ago, angora said:

It really struck me that the coaches were sort of treating Jamie like Zava during training throughout the week. They didn't have him switch positions with another player because they just assumed he wouldn't want to do that. Pre-Zava, Ted never would've allowed that. And crucially, the Jamie of season 3 is very much not Zava, and all of the coaches should've know that. I still love how it came together in the resolution, but I thought it was a misstep that the coaches were excluding him from the technique in the first place.

It bothered me as well, but I saw someone elsewhere comment that they got the impression that Ted and Beard were doing what they were doing with Roy in season one - stepping back until he decided to really speak up on his own. I don't know if I agree, but I do like the theory (although if that's what they were doing I still think it was unnecessary).

30 minutes ago, angora said:

As soon as he went into the bathroom, I was going, "Don't spit on the mirror, please don't spit on the mirror," so I'm glad he didn't do that again.

Yes! That was definitely a moment of progress and I liked that, too. I just wish we'd seen what's actually led to that progress.

  • Like 4
44 minutes ago, Zaffy said:

For a show that promotes kindness, it is weird to see so many people not wanting any redemption for Nate.

I don't think it's that people don't want redemption for Nate, just that the redemption the show is pushing for hasn't been earned. He became a dick over the course of season 2, started off season 3 as the same dick, and now suddenly he's season 1 Nate.

It's like Noho Hank said in the last season of Barry, "Forgiveness is something that has to be earned. It's like that line in Shawshank Redemption - get rich or die trying."

Edited by MerBearStare
  • Like 16
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10 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

This show might not be the greatest at writing women

It's unfortunate because it has been better. Actually this ep's scene with Keeley and Rebecca is a return to form. I've always appreciated how they write these two women as friends especially in a mentoring and supportive way. They are so affectionate and wonderful together. I loved the way Rebecca talked about the lovebombing. She did it in as diplomatic way as possible lending her experience. I didn't mind that Rebecca took full of advantage when they found out the meal was comp'ed though and she ordered a bottle for their server too which was a great touch.

2 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

I’m also wondering about the significance of giving her Sense and Sensibility.  For non-Jane fans:  S&S is the story of two sisters. one cautious with her feelings, the other impetuous and spontaneous (Barbara and Keely).  The spontaneous sister is literally swept off her feet by someone who swoops in and rescues her.  I think the book is significant and gives me hope that Roy may still have a chance.

I thought similar. Keeley is Marianne. I'd put Rebecca as Elinor since was giving the sense in their convo and in telling Keeley how she didn't jump into things with Hot Dutch Guy. Roy is Colonel Brandon. Jack is Willoughby whose first name was John in the book. Hopefully it's not as extreme and that Jack/Keeley ends things on am amicable note. I think the Roy/Keeley ship is fine.

Like others, I have very mixed feelings about the Nate storyline too. If we isolate him in this episode, I think Nick Mohamed did a good job. It reminded me how sympathetic and nice Nate was in the past. However, the viewers can't forget what happened last season so it feels like whiplash. He hasn't shown remorse to AFC Richmond at all so him getting this character growth feels like a reverse of what should be happening.


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34 minutes ago, angora said:

I'm not sure what they're doing with Nate, either.

I haven’t had a clue as to the purpose of the Nate scenes, until just now while reading:

34 minutes ago, angora said:

But I do have to say: 1) As soon as he went into the bathroom, I was going, "Don't spit on the mirror, please don't spit on the mirror," so I'm glad he didn't do that again. And 2) he's lucky he tripped and his box got squashed. I don't think Jade would've been into that at all. Just a straightforward, "Would you like to go out with me?", no frills, was definitely the way to go there

it occurred to me

  • that Nate’s inspiration for the pop-up diorama was his father’s map,
  • a grand romantic gesture of arts and crafts which Nate’s mother treasured but had to keep hidden from his father.
  • And then when Nate’s own creation gets run over before Jade can see it, she asks if there wasn’t something alive in it (like maybe a puppy 🐶 or a 🐱?)

So, I am wondering if Nate’s metaphor is that

  • Nate tried to emulate his emotionally abusive father’s courtship method of letting a sweet side show via the diorama, 
  • but his father’s way (a romantic gesture doomed to trigger angry, mirror-spitting emotions due to embarrassment whenever he sees it again) is crushed (by the car) leaving Nate to have to be openly respectful of Jade’s response when he invites her to have dinner.

The episode was originally titled “Boxes,” like Jack’s and Nate’s ill begotten gift boxes.

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48 minutes ago, angora said:

Richard bringing a few bottles from his wine cellar--not the best, but good ones!--to Sam's restaurant

³I will have to rewatch the bit, but I think at the end when Richard is joining the fellas at the table he announces he brought the good wine. So not the best for Ola's paying customers but the good wine for his teammates.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

I haven’t had a clue as to the purpose of the Nate scenes, until just now while reading:

it occurred to me

  • that Nate’s inspiration for the pop-up diorama was his father’s map,
  • a grand romantic gesture of arts and crafts which Nate’s mother treasured but had to keep hidden from his father.
  • And then when Nate’s own creation gets run over before Jade can see it, she asks if there wasn’t something alive in it (like maybe a puppy 🐶 or a 🐱?)

So, I am wondering if Nate’s metaphor is that

  • Nate tried to emulate his emotionally abusive father’s courtship method of letting a sweet side show via the diorama, 
  • but his father’s way (a romantic gesture doomed to trigger angry, mirror-spitting emotions due to embarrassment whenever he sees it again) is crushed (by the car) leaving Nate to have to be openly respectful of Jade’s response when he invites her to have dinner.

The episode was originally titled “Boxes,” like Jack’s and Nate’s ill begotten gift boxes.

  Nate's father's map seemed stalker-y to me!  I'm glad he didn't get to give the diorama.

Edited by EtheltoTillie
  • Like 6

My emetophobic ass is begging the Ted Lasso gods to not include another puking scene ever again (although the bit with the whole Cheerios gave me a chuckle).

I needed the team to help clean up Sam's restaurant and then I thought it wasn't going to happen and then it did and then we found out the restaurant was named after Sam's dad? Oh, my heart.

I miss little Phoebe; she had scenes before Roy got with Keeley so there's no point in hiding her away now that they've broken up. Although I kind of feel like the show is having trouble handling some of its larger cast of characters with storylines, even with these much longer episodes. But that's partly because I don't like the way some of those storylines are being handled (Keeley, Nate, even Rebecca).

Me watching season one would never believe I'd love Jamie Tartt the way I do now, but here I am.

Edited by Abra
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44 minutes ago, MerBearStare said:

I don't think it's that people don't want redemption for Nate, just that the redemption the show is pushing for hasn't been earned

That’s my issue, and maybe it’s more realistic that he doesn’t apologize to Ted.  I have certainly had relationships end badly and not gotten closure.  For all I know they think they are the ones who were treated badly.  The problem is that the show made it clear that Nate is toxic and now seems to think we care about his love life.

  • Like 7
38 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

  Nate's father's map seemed stalker-y to me!  I'm glad he didn't get to give the diorama.

Agreed.  And to nitpick, but why would Nate’s father have listed the distances in miles and not kilometers?

Thought all the switches were hilarious-Will as Coach Beard was hysterical, and Dani and Isaac’s impressions of each other were LOL-worthy as well.

Not a fan of the whole string bit, but the look on Roy’s face when Jamie was checking himself after the string being ripped off, almost completely redeemed it.  

Loved that Jamie was the one to have the breakthrough about how to execute Total Football.  Also loved Trent’s observation that TF would work because they’d really been working on it for the entire Lasso tenure in the lessons he’s imparted to them.  Things are starting to come full circle as we approach the home stretch.  


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18 hours ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

But given how many episodes her storyline is completely divorced from the rest of the show, I wonder if it was just about scheduling or something.

I've been wondering about that as well; maybe she's not available as she was in the 1st 2 seasons and they are writing around her. (Or, she's hard to work with and she's being given non-contiguous plotlines). Maybe the same with Phoebe, who was a pretty good kid actor. Maybe she's shooting something else.

Also: one of the reasons that Trent was so happy about the change to Total Football is: HE'S GOT HIS BOOK. He's spent the season wondering what the spine of it is going to be, what the throughline/themes are, and he finally figured it out. Writing a game story is much easier: who won, who lost, some analysis. But a full-length book about a team, that requires a lot more craft, and Trent just got his big idea.

And it was BRILLIANT when Jamie said he didn't want to talk because he'd sound like a prick, and everyone one the team gave him the "prick" sign. (Also delightful when he was towing Roy on the bike and Roy was saying "mush!")

And this show regularly does beautifully with music, but I think this episode especially stands out.

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