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S03.E05: Signs


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Weirdly paced episode.  I know this is 5 of 12 and they are just entering the middle third of the season, but the tone is just off or something.    

Shandy did, as predicted, crash, burn and get fired, going out vowing revenge.   Keely and Jack…not surprising.

Nate and the model    No surprise he crashed and burned with her, but why on earth did she ever want to go out with him   And of course the restaurant hostess secretly likes Nate.  

Surprised but in a good way that Zava is gone.  But I have to believe he unretires and joins West Ham.

This and that:  Not enough Roy.   Except when he was plotting revenge…then far too much.    Trent Krimm has a rainbow mug.,.subtle way of letting us know he is gay?   The deal with Henry solved much too easily.  Hannah is an amazing actress   Props to Higgins for having the guts to broach the topic of coaching   


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I agree this episode was all over the place. Not surprised about Keeley and Jack but DON’T FUCK YOUR BOSS! I do not think they are the end game in any way. That’s still her and Roy and if they aren’t it will join HIMYM in shows I will forever hold a grudge against. Everything with Keeley seems like it’s a different show and my patience with that is wearing thin. 

I am glad Zava is gone, he was just too much and I really want Colin to be a hero. And Jamie. And Sam. And Issac. And Dani…even Jan Maas. 

The one think I did like was Ted finally being a coach at the end and Higgins and Rebecca’s chat.

Hopefully things start getting more cohesive. I feel like they have way too many plots going on. 

Edited by Trillium
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I really liked this episode.  Well except for Keeley being MIA when Rebecca needs her BFF.   I was expecting Jacley (Keejack?) since the last episode and while I see the chemistry between the two and like Jack, I like Roy and his paint dipped rope a thousand times more.  

More later after I digest the episode, but given the transition of Nate last season as shown with thru his wardrobe, I couldn't help but notice he his clothes were less stark in this episode.   

Also, FU Rupert.  Glad you weren't on my screen this week. 

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21 minutes ago, Trillium said:


I agree this episode was all over the place. Not surprised about Keeley and Jack but DON’T FUCK YOUR BOSS! I do not think they are the end game in any way. That’s still her and Roy and if they aren’t it will join HIMYM in shows I will forever hold a grudge against. Everything with Keeley seems like it’s a different show and my patience with that is getting wearing thin. 


Yes. The Rebecca-Sam pairing was bad enough in it’s inappropriateness. This is worse. I like Jack and will give her a tampon any day, but I am Team Roy for Keeley’s soulmate.

I feel like the pacing is off in part because we are not seeing enough of the soccer/football matches and training. I guess that was sacrificed in favor of Keeley’s offices scenes.

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Maybe it's just my fondness for Sondheim, but that last speech had a couple of lyrics in it: "we had a good thing going"...not to mention "being alive." But Richmond is still definitely "in the woods."

I am SO GLAD they didn't go there with Rebecca having a baby. I don't care for the trope of a strong, powerful woman ONLY being fulfilled by birthing another human. So something will happen that will turn Rebecca upside-down (really or metaphorically) and she'll end up with a family. I'm glad that was a false trail...whoa: Shite in nining armor. Gah. Those two deserve each other.

I don't think Zava will be back. At least this season. He'll be busy with Schmingus, Angry & Ugly, and his avocado farm.

And Jamie Tartt will be a prick in the RIGHT way.

I agree that Keeley/Jack isn't meant to last. And Roy probably isn't threatened by a gf who sleeps with a woman. (And yes, I DO think Keeley was hitting on Rebecca back in season one.)

Still don't give a flying fuck about Nate. Though I noticed he wore color for the first time this season (red turtleneck) rather than Imperial Black. 


Edited by kwnyc
Wonder Kid stuff
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I'm not gonna lie folx, the TSOP (time spent on phone) for this episode was high, which I was NOT expecting, considering the opponent was Manchester City.

I think it's probably because it was comprised of a lot of storylines I don't care about and a few that were so predictable it felt like they belonged a lesser show.

Somehow or for some reason, surprising to Nate himself, the woman from the last episode (apparently a famous model) wanted to see him again? So he took her to his little family Greek restaurant? And she was predictably not impressed by it and then left? But it's okay because the bitchy hostess was finally nice to him instead of continuing to be a bitch to him? Okay.

Rebecca running into that guy (who I literally have no memory of, but I assume must be the guy that she doubles with Roy and Keeley last season and Roy gives his struck by lightning speech?) was a very long and silly way to have Psychic Sign #2 appear, so she's going to try to have a baby. While I'm happy we're not going to do the whole Rebecca going through fertility treatments storyline, I'm not invested in Rebecca being a mother, so that was a lot of time wasted.

Shandy is no longer going to be helpful or innovative like when we met her, but now acting exactly how everyone expected her to be, so Keeley has to fire her. But then doesn't cut off her security badge or anything (though I would think perhaps that would be Barbara's purview? Does KJPR have HR??), so there's lamb shit everywhere. While I'm happy to have Keeley get her groove back, making out with her VC funder was both predictable and a bit misguided. But if that gets happy, confident Keeley back, then LFG, Keeley!

It was also very predictable that Henry was the bully and not being bullied. Roy's revenge fantasy was incredible detailed and specific and I did have to laugh when Trent Crimm dropped his mug. Though I can't stand Henry as a character and don't love the kid playing him, it seemed a little cheap to have Henry already know he was wrong and apologize for Ted could even speak to him (in like a day?). Maybe I don't understand what bullying means these days because it seems like Henry was just mean to a kid once (like Rebecca yelled at Ted once)? I also didn't love Ted reaching for the alcohol instead of water the minute Michelle mentioned her boyfriend. Like have a drink when you get home or whatever, but they seem to be very deliberate in showing us that he keeps drinking at home alone.

And Zava's gone. He didn't do anything weird or unnecessary (like outting Colin or whatever), but just randomly quit after stealing Jamie's moment once again and giving one more ridiculous speech. I'm sad we didn't get to meet Christina, given that Zava is such a Wife Guy, but I will not miss this character. (I did laugh that Dani did take the opportunity to koala bear hug him at the end of the speech!) Perhaps the storyline's not over, but it feels weird that they set up this huge character and some running things (like Dani copying his celebrations and stuff) and then he's just left Richmond.

No mention of Jamie's dad or anything to do with the fact that Jamie used to play for Man City. I know it's been a couple of years, but seems like Jamie might have some ideas on how to best go up against them? But instead all the coaches are like Ned Flanders's parents - "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas." It feels a little weird that we never saw them train with Zava, never heard why any of these tactics won't work, just that they won't. I'm not saying we need a repeat of the all trick plays game, but try SOMETHING. I know I know, dark forest, but I need some light (or at least shit I care about soon).

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I thought this was a pretty weak episode. Keeley seems like such an idiot to ever have considered hiring Shandy. And then to not even revoke her security badge immediately?

Also, no way would Ted hear that there was a "bullying" incident involving his son without asking for more details.

On the plus side, I loved the joke that Beard used to strip at a club called Man City.


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3 hours ago, Harvey said:

Keeley's scenes are just exhausting. How long do they make us watch her be a flailing, clueless idiot? At this point I'm just skipping her office shenaningans.

Was never a big fan of hers, but this season I feel like skipping all of her scenes.
Problem is, Barbara (Mary from Ghosts, I just realized it today) is my new fav TL character so I will tolerate Keeley at least when they have scenes together.

Edited by Zaffy
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Didn't particularly love this episode, but I feel like it did set things up nicely for whatever turnaround is coming. Thought it was a clever, in-character way for them to have Zava leave - selfish and dickish but for a valid reason, sort of? And I honestly think Richmond will be better without him - you can't rely on one star player to win all your matches indefinitely. It'll work for a little while, sure, but to win consistently you have to be strong as a *team*, and from what Roy said it sounded like most of them had started to just wander around the pitch and hoping for Zava to do his thing. That's not sustainable. C'mon, Greyhounds, bring it.

Unsurprised by Keeley and Jack, and I guess it makes sense that Keeley needs to have some sort of rebound. It definitely looked like Roy was having some second thoughts in that last scene there, and I think/hope that it's setting them up for a reunion. Hopefully SOON, because I miss them. But it was nice seeing Keeley a bit more like herself today - when she said "I used to be a happy person" I was like, yes, you did! She's been so down all season and if she needs to get back out there for a bit to remind herself of who she used to be, I'm for it. (Maybe not with your boss, though, Keeley.)

Loved seeing Ted stave off his panic attack with the "He's okay". Henry is at the core of Ted's anxieties and he's clearly realised that. And I haven't liked the kid who plays Henry much, but I enjoyed their video conversation.

I am little annoyed that they played Manchester City and there wasn't even a mention of Jamie's dad. Not so much as in-passing "And security knows Mr Tartt's not allowed in, right?" Hmph.

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Now that a doctor has told Rebecca that she can't get pregnant she'll 100% have a bun in the oven by the end of the season. The only question is, who will be the father?

10 hours ago, Trillium said:

That’s still her and Roy and if they aren’t it will join HIMYM in shows I will forever hold a grudge against.

I don't think anything could rival the grudge I hold against HIMYM. Even if Keeley and Jamie got back together I'd be like "yeah, okay, seems fine, not ideal, but fine". Of course I think the ideal configuration for these three is a thruple, but I doubt even a streaming show will go there...

10 hours ago, Trillium said:

Everything with Keeley seems like it’s a different show and my patience with that is wearing thin. 

I assume that thing with her boss will crash and burn and that's how she'll be coming back to the team full time. Which is kinda sad, since that would be a big step for her professionally.

8 hours ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

But it's okay because the bitchy hostess was finally nice to him instead of continuing to be a bitch to him?

I'm not good at faces or remembering minor plot lines from previous seasons, so I thought maybe they had been on a date and Nate had slighted her in some way before. Was she really this bitchy for no reason?

9 hours ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

Maybe I don't understand what bullying means these days because it seems like Henry was just mean to a kid once

Yeah "bullying" or being a bully has lost any meaning. It shouldn't be used for "he was mean to another kid once". I think Rebeccas use was fine. You can say "I bullied you" for a one time offence, but that doesn't make you a bully.

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HATED this episode. I'm OK with the blue mood of the season, but damn, did I hate this episode.

I cannot imagine (assuming it is what he told her) that Rebecca's doctor would end a text potentially breaking the news to a patient that he's going to tell her she's infertile with a chirpy, "Go, Greyhounds!" and doing the same to start a call about said infertility. He's not a med student, he's an established doctor. Surely, he'd have better bedside manner than the belabored small talk. And I can't help but think the results of her tests would be given and discussed in person.

I HATE HATE HATE HATE Keeley and Jack. Representation and visibility are great, but it such a tired trope on TV these days that a female character hooks up with another female character. If you want a lesbian character, write on a lesbian character at the pub, in the press, a trainer...this felt tired and cliched. Ugh. Plus she belongs with Roy, and if they're not Endgame, then yes, this show goes down as one of the most colossal disappointments this side of HIMYM. 

On that note, I'm beginning to expect that she and Roy are NOT Endgame. I feel like they're setting us up for a spinoff with the whacky hijinx at KJPR. Brett Goldstein has a lot on his plate with other shows he's writing/producing, and he's got potential stuff in the MCU. I can't see him hanging on to play "the boyfriend" on Keeley's show. I feel like they're going to leave KJ single at the end of the series to give them more dating material for a potential new show. 

God, I hated this so much. And do not even try to rehab Nate. He is dead to me.

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3 minutes ago, bourbon said:

I HATE HATE HATE HATE Keeley and Jack. Representation and visibility are great, but it such a tired trope on TV these days that a female character hooks up with another female character. If you want a lesbian character, write on a lesbian character at the pub, in the press, a trainer...this felt tired and cliched. Ugh. Plus she belongs with Roy, and if they're not Endgame, then yes, this show goes down as one of the most colossal disappointments this side of HIMYM. 

But Keeley was coming out with lines like 'dipping my toe back into the lady pool' back in season 1: this isn't something they've just pulled out of their arse, she's always been written as bi.

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I don't know what to say about this episode....or this season. Unless or until the writers pull all the pieces together, I have been left with too many "what was the point of that" moments. Henry's bullying, Nate and the model (c'mon, we ALL knew that wasn't gonna work. The real surprise would have been if it DID work.), even Zava. I miss the core crew and what is happening in their lives. I need more Sam, Jamie, Roy, Trent, Colin, etal and what is happening in their lives. Need much less Henry and Michelle - like zero would be preferable - and much, much less of the idiot formerly known as Keeley.

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1 hour ago, Dame sans merci said:

But Keeley was coming out with lines like 'dipping my toe back into the lady pool' back in season 1: this isn't something they've just pulled out of their arse, she's always been written as bi.

Yeah, I agree. Keeley being bi has been hinted at several times since the beginning, I always read her that way - I remember her looking flattered and not uninterested when the greyhound breeder told her she was a big fan last season, too. Some people are bi, showing someone living their life isn't in itself trope-y or tired. The fact that Jack is a woman is much less of an issue than the fact that she's Keeley's boss for this storyline.

But I saw someone elsewhere point out that this is basically what Keeley did back in season one, too, when she thought Roy was blowing her off. She was hurt and slept with Jamie, when she really wanted to be with Roy. I think/hope it's the same thing here and Jack won't be a permanent fixture.

2 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

Now that a doctor has told Rebecca that she can't get pregnant she'll 100% have a bun in the oven by the end of the season. The only question is, who will be the father?

I don't know, I feel like this will be another misdirect. There are other ways to become a mother. And I think that's what will hopefully happen with the other things the psychic said, too - like, why the heck would that psychic hear John Wingsnight's fiancee saying 'shite in nining armour' while misspeaking as if that would be something important to Rebecca if the psychic hadn't already told her first? I think those 'predictions', or whatever you'd call them, will show up in other contexts. I'm hoping for the same for the damn matchbook.

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I feel like Zava served his purpose, and turned out to be a nice guy, but I'm glad he's gone.*  Richmond began the season at the bottom of the rankings.  In order for the club to win the championship (which "signs" have pointed to since season one), either the other nineteen teams had to crash simultaneously or Richmond had to become great asap.  

Zava's skill got them into the top half of the teams.  He also spurred Jamie into action, and given the work he's putting in and with the support of a team inspired by their coach, Richmond can conceivably win it all.  

* I did like his spacey, New Age, monologues, and he set up some funny stuff with Dani and Jamie.


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I cheered when the model callously ditched Nate, but got annoyed when the waitress all of a sudden started being nice to/liking him. I want nothing good for Nathan Shelley, ever. 

I liked Ted's speech at the end. And that's about it.
I echo the sentiment that something feels off this season. Even with the longer episodes, I feel like so far a lot of time has been filler/wasted. There are only seven episodes left. 

Barbara is the only good thing to come out of Keeley's side plot. 

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9 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Richmond began the season at the bottom of the rankings.  In order for the club to win the championship (which "signs" have pointed to since season one), either the other nineteen teams had to crash simultaneously or Richmond had to become great asap.


Just a note, that's not actually how it works in the Premier League - they aren't really rankings as such; all teams start the season at 0 points and the league table right at the start is literally just sorted alphabetically.  😄 Then you get 3 points for a win, one point for a draw and obviously zero for a loss.

I'm not really getting the "they're planning for a KJPR spin-off" impression that others are getting, but if it's not actually going anywhere I wish we'd spend less time there. I love Keeley, but that part of the show just drags. I'm glad Shandy's gone, at least.


Edited by Schweedie
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16 minutes ago, Phebemarie said:

Did the doctor say Rebecca can’t have children?  I was wondering if he told her she was already pregnant. 

Well, we didn’t hear his side of the conversation, but Rebecca’s responses and facial expressions seemed to indicate that her test results (bloodwork, imaging) were not conducive to pregnancy.

Edited by Capricasix
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33 minutes ago, Schweedie said:

I don't know, I feel like this will be another misdirect. There are other ways to become a mother.

I'm not even going by the psychic here. I'm just going by TV tropes. If a doctor tells you you can't get pregnant, you'll get pregnant within the season.

Of course the other possibility is that they go the sappy route and she'll realise that all the people at the club and Keeley are her family. But strictly going by TV tropes, she is going to get knocked up.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

So sure, maybe she's always been bi, but they never do that with straight male characters. Ever. You're never going to see them do that with Jamie or Roy. Because straight men are always straight but women are always fluid. 😠

You are right. They should do that with male characters. I'm not joking here. In this day and age, we should see that on our TV screens, especially since they have done this trope with women for so long.

22 minutes ago, Schweedie said:

I'm not really getting the "they're planning for a KJPR spin-off" impression that others are getting

I don't either and usually I have a good nose for backdoor pilots.

I think that thing with Jack will crash and burn and so will that job.


Edited by PurpleTentacle
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20 minutes ago, Phebemarie said:

It certainly seems like Keely’s PR firm is getting the spin-off set up:  whacky characters, work place conflicts, and office romance.  

I’m definitely getting that impression and since she seems so disconnected from everything else going on it seems like the show is drifting away from Keely and Roy getting back together.

All in all I echo the sentiment from others that something seems off this season (and can we please move on from Ted and his ex’s relationship/awkward FaceTime conversations) 

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3 minutes ago, Corgi-ears said:

I love how this show seems to think that football strategy merely consists of pondering, "Should we go 4-5-1? or 4-3-3? Or maybe 4-4-2?"

They had more complex strategy discussions than this in earlier seasons, didn't they? Was that all Nate? Are Ted, Beard and Roy just completely incompetent? Or have the writers just given up?

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I'm okay with the episode but not okay with the writing for Keeley. She should have sent Shandy packing a long time ago. And then in this episode when Shandy proclaimed starting another app that would pull investors from bantr she still did nothing. WTF??? I don't mind her hooking up with a woman but hooking up with her boss is a big no. Also as someone has mentioned above she's falling into an established unhealthy pattern. (And no way one tiny lamb could produce all those dropping within a couple of hours - it was also very well-behaved as it refrained from peeing all over that giant desk.)

Not sure where show is going with Rebecca and the green matchbook. I hate basically all plots around single women nearing perimenopause all of a sudden looking for motherhood. Even if it was implied that Rebecca had always wanted children I'm not looking forward to any of the tropes the writers decide to hurl our way.

Glad Zava's gone - the writing for the character was a pleasant surprise though. But he's served his purpose, Richmond needs to learn (again) that they are a team. May he find peace and happiness with his family and his avocado whisperer.

Nate's making a couple more baby steps towards redemption. Fine by me. 

Best scenes were Ted's speech at the end and of course Roy explaining in fine detail how to deal with bullies 😁

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1 hour ago, PurpleTentacle said:

They had more complex strategy discussions than this in earlier seasons, didn't they? Was that all Nate? Are Ted, Beard and Roy just completely incompetent? Or have the writers just given up?

I know they have had better strategies and I think that it was even before Nate became the assistant. But my guess is that with Zava they went straight to "feed Zava the ball" and it worked over the first 6 or so games but now they need a better plan.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

So sure, maybe she's always been bi, but they never do that with straight male characters. Ever. You're never going to see them do that with Jamie or Roy. Because straight men are always straight but women are always fluid. 😠

To me, Keeley has always been bi (she made several comments to Rebecca in season 1), so her hooking up with Jack is only "on-screen confirmation" of this. Plus it seemed pretty telegraphed since we met Jack that she wanted to hook up with Keeley. But you're right, we'd never get Bi!Jamie or Bi!Roy, even if that would make perfect sense. Though perhaps we've got Bi!Colin and he's just with a man right now. I think I'd be more on board with this hook up if they weren't drunk and in Keeley's office (though what is the point of the smoke screen on the window if you can still see silhouettes?) and if we really knew anything about Jack because that she's rich?

1 hour ago, Schweedie said:

But I saw someone elsewhere point out that this is basically what Keeley did back in season one, too, when she thought Roy was blowing her off. She was hurt and slept with Jamie, when she really wanted to be with Roy. I think/hope it's the same thing here and Jack won't be a permanent fixture.

Thanks for bringing this up! I had missed this as part of a pattern for Keeley and actually very in character for her. I really hope it doesn't tank KJPR if it ends up going badly because I want good things for Keeley. (I also want her to end up with Roy, but Roy needs to do some work - which I was hoping this season would go into - on why he can't enjoy good things and why he thinks everyone in his life is waiting to leave him.)

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4 minutes ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

I really hope it doesn't tank KJPR if it ends up going badly because I want good things for Keeley. (I also want her to end up with Roy, but Roy needs to do some work - which I was hoping this season would go into - on why he can't enjoy good things and why he thinks everyone in his life is waiting to leave him.)

A-bloody-men on Roy needing to do some work. And his anger seems more pronounced than it did last season, which I'm sure is largely to do with being miserable without Keeley, but like, he needs to do something about that in general. His spiel about what to do to bullies in this episode got dark. I know this is a comedy, but I remember what Nate said to him about his anger back in season one when roasting the team, something like "I'm afraid of what that anger will do to you if you keep it to yourself", and I'd really like to see them deal with Roys anger issues. (And I'm still not okay with him smacking the fork with food out of Jamie's hand and then telling him to clean it up, like Jamie's dickhead of a dad could most certainly have done, at Sam's restaurant a couple of week's ago. Yes, this is a comedy, but that's not funny.)

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8 minutes ago, Schweedie said:

A-bloody-men on Roy needing to do some work. And his anger seems more pronounced than it did last season, which I'm sure is largely to do with being miserable without Keeley, but like, he needs to do something about that in general. His spiel about what to do to bullies in this episode got dark. I know this is a comedy, but I remember what Nate said to him about his anger back in season one when roasting the team, something like "I'm afraid of what that anger will do to you if you keep it to yourself", and I'd really like to see them deal with Roys anger issues. 

Totally agree but let’s fucking get to that part! I was expecting things to start progressing forward this episode but maybe now it will after Ted’s speech. But if next week it’s more if the same…they are running out of time to wrap all of this up.  I still think he and Keeley get back together. They spent far too much of the series setting them up, and in the 3rd act say “Remember that lovley relationship we spent all that time on? Fuck that, it’s over with, here is a random new person, the end”

 I also think that Jack is a bit of a too good to be true “Cool Girl”, but maybe a Rupert in disguise? I don’t know I just don’t see this ending well and I just hope they wrap it up soon. The KJPR island is not that interesting, and if that’s the spin off, I’ll happily pass.

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8 minutes ago, Trillium said:

I also think that Jack is a bit of a too good to be true “Cool Girl”, but maybe a Rupert in disguise? I don’t know I just don’t see this ending well and I just hope they wrap it up soon. The KJPR island is not that interesting, and if that’s the spin off, I’ll happily pass.

Schtupping the boss is never a good move. Maybe this will end with Keeley going back to work with Rebecca at a partner level?

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15 minutes ago, Trillium said:

Totally agree but let’s fucking get to that part! I was expecting things to start progressing forward this episode but maybe now it will after Ted’s speech. But if next week it’s more if the same…they are running out of time to wrap all of this up.  I still think he and Keeley get back together. They spent far too much of the series setting them up, and in the 3rd act say “Remember that lovley relationship we spent all that time on? Fuck that, it’s over with, here is a random new person, the end”

Yeah, I'm very happy for him to do that work *while* reconnecting with Keeley, haha!

I do think that Ted's speech indicates that we're heading into a new phase of the season. The past couple of episodes have felt very filler-y, with not many storylines actually progressing, but that speech made it feel like go time. If this was really it for Zava and Shandy then spending all this time on them seems like such a waste, and at the same time I'd be perfectly happy not seeing either of them again. 

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4 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

I'm not good at faces or remembering minor plot lines from previous seasons, so I thought maybe they had been on a date and Nate had slighted her in some way before. Was she really this bitchy for no reason?

Yes, she's always been completely dismissive of Nate. Last season she wouldn't even let him and his family sit in a prominent part of the restaurant, even though it was a huge night for them. (He ended up having to strike a deal with her to make it happen.)

I think the writers want us to believe that she was just indifferent to him, until she overheard him telling the date how much the restaurant means to him, and now she's revealing her sweet side.

But she didn't come across as indifferent - she was rude as hell. Like in this episode, when she said that she'd need to ask the manager if he and his supermodel date could sit by the window. WTF? The manager had already made it perfectly clear that Nate was a huge VIP.

If they want us to believe that she's a sweetheart underneath it all, it's going to be a tough sell.

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HR professional checking in! While it's not uncommon for small orgs or startups to lack an HR person, even though they definitely should have one, Jack should know better on two levels:

  1. not to date a subordinate
  2. compliment sandwiches lead to reactions like Shandy's--the receiver focuses on the praise and doesn't compute the criticism-- and sometimes leads to lamb poop in the conference room. 


This season hasn't been perfect, and I could definitely do with less KJPR and an actual storyline for Sam Obisanya, but my biggest complaint is still Jamie's Jack Grealish hair. It's an assault on my eyes.

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12 minutes ago, Lila82 said:

HR professional checking in! While it's not uncommon for small orgs or startups to lack an HR person, even though they definitely should have one, Jack should know better on two levels:

  1. not to date a subordinate
  2. compliment sandwiches lead to reactions like Shandy's--the receiver focuses on the praise and doesn't compute the criticism-- and sometimes leads to lamb poop in the conference room. 

Thank you for the HR insight. I kept yelling "where the hell is HR?!!" starting with Jack's compliment sandwich suggestion. Working in a large org with a large HR department, I guess it didn't occur to me that a small company might not have an HR professional on-site. 

Totally not a fan of Keeley hooking up with her boss. This show has a blindside when it comes to portraying inappropriate relationships.

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13 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I was relieved to see that Keeley apparently knew who to call to get the lamb back to its rightful home.  (It was too cute by half.  And do lambs really poop that much?)

My son does goats with 4-H and I don't know about sheep but a big fat yes to goats. That's why I'll never understand goat yoga. 

What is it with this show and people hooking up with the boss? Ugh, I hated this episode.

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5 hours ago, Enigma X said:

Since the first episode of this season, I have wanted to say that Jamie's hair is awful.

It’s like when I made the mistake of cutting my hair super short and then had to go through the ugly regrowth stages with head bands. I can’t figure out what they are going for with his hair. Also, not enough Jamie or Roy in this episode but Jamie did get a few eyerolls in. 

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That goat was adorbs. 

Keeley and Roy need to get back together. I saw the Jack thing from a million miles away with her shoes.

Yay! Barbara! She also plays Fergie on "The Windsors."

Dani never fails to disappoint. 

Wish Dr Sharon would pop up.

Did Rebecca get news she can't have a baby or that she is pregnant? My husband and I took it opposite ways. I thought she was told that ship had sailed.


Edited by Atlanta
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Rebecca told the doctor in the office it was a long shot due to her age and then said something on the phone like “that’s what I thought” so I am pretty sure she’s not pregnant.

If that is Roy’s revenge plan, thank god Phoebe didn’t tell him where the boy who gave her mouthwash lives!

Maybe by the end everyone is joining in the 4 am workouts?

I need more Dr. Sharon!


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