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S16.E25: Power Of Veto Competition #8

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Sorry Zach.  Kathybot nailed your dumbass.  Blind loyalty gets you evicted.


Oh Chrustine.  Dumber than dirt.  The skanky Brittny of 2014.


Frankie, I want you gone yesterday.  Your act has worn very thin. 


Nice job kicking out your best ally, but I would rather that undercover piece of slime Derrick win over your famewhoreing ass.  You are torn up like a bag of Skittles.  When Ariana's people kick you to the curb. please choke on your own tears.

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I adore Kathy Griffin, and I love Zingbot, but I didn't enjoy this episode. I'm tired of Derrick, who's been angling to get Donny out for some time now, trying to snow us that it's only now that he's forced to go against him because Donny sees through his crap. I'm tired of Frankie flapping around like a deranged glitterbird, I'm tired of Christine, don't know what the hell Cody did to his hair, and I didn't enjoy watching the beginnings of a gangup on Zach. He can be a complete ass at times, but sometimes the mask drops a bit, and it becomes apparent that mask covers up some basic insecurity. I felt sad for him, and for Donny. I don't know how much longer I can deal with these fools.

  • Love 12

They skipped a few of Zingbot's insults, but they had to air Derick's ugly?  I just find it unnecessarily cruel.  Mock his facial hair, not his looks.


I'm glad they showed that Zach was sad at the end.  Feed watchers said they were really ganging up on Zach for a couple of days - even Victoria.  Not Donny though.

  • Love 6

I'm tired of Frankie flapping around like a deranged glitterbird


What a perfect description of Frankie!  It drove me crazy and makes me wonder how much more I can watch of his preening, prancing, twirling, pawing and kissing the guys, and "literally" showing his ass by putting his legs up around his ears (ewww!).  I already have slightly high blood pressure and this attention whore is going to cause it to spike.  I wonder how many DRs he gets compared to the rest of them...........makes me want to kick Grodner's ass! 


I loved Donnie freaking Derrick out and, without saying a word, let him know that he's totally on to him.     

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 5

They really didn't say Derrick was ugly though, that was just Derrick's interpretation. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was something like "There are some really good looking guys in the house this year, oh, I didn't see you standing there Derrick". To me he was just saying Derrick wasn't 'male model' good looking like some of the rest of them. 

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Donny's DRs remind when this show was really good and had stronger players in the cast. He's usually the only who doesn't talk in terms of just his game like most other HGs; he always has his eye on the prize and gives great insight on to how the others in house are functioning. Will did that. Danielle Reyes did that. Dan did that. Hell, Maggie (the other cult leader player) did that. Derrick (this year's cult leader) doesn't really do it though I suspect because he's lying to the audience in his DRs about his true motives, Frankie's too into himself to be able to see the forest for the trees, Zach's entertaining but not game savvy, and the rest of them are dumber than a box of hammers.


More Donnys and less everyone else in future seasons please.

  • Love 9

I just LOVED Donny's "I want to win Veto and choose some colored candy to decide if I'm going to use it or not." It reminds me of Breakfast Club when the janitor says (approx) "You all think I'm some untouchable peon? But ya know what? I listen to your conversations, I do." Donny is so much sharper than they give him credit for.


That squeeling "It's my first veto" DR by Frankie should have shattered the camera...


And THIS is what T.A. should have been all along... you don't need harcore "get someone on the block" type "missions" to stir stuff up and make for the frist interesting episode of the year. Though I kinda felt sorry during Zack's DR's and Frankie is a little bitch to KNOW it WASN'T him but continue to fan the flames and make everyone think Zack is the "saboteur".

  • Love 8

This episode was a whole big pile of bullshit wrapped up in a big, sparkly "Team America" bow.

But I did enjoy Donny's diary room comment about picking candy to see if he would use the POV if he won it. Man, I really, really wish he would have won it. But I can't have nice things.

Can we just get to the part where these people have to vote for Derrick or the goat of Derrick's choice?

  • Love 2
Donny's DRs remind when this show was really good and had stronger players in the cast. He's usually the only who doesn't talk in terms of just his game like most other HGs; he always has his eye on the prize and gives great insight on to how the others in house are functioning.


As opposed to Zach whose DRs early in the episode you could basically see him reading from the script he was given.  Only when he was rattled later in the episode did he come off as more realistic.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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So I knew Kathy Griffin was going to say "Zing, motherfucker" to Zach ahead of time, but that was *hilarious*.  She was given generally lame scripted stuff, but I think it's possible she went on her own for that one.  I enjoyed that very much.  I guarantee that "zing, motherfucker" will enter our household banter. 


ETA: The veto was so dumb, because you couldn't see it on tv.  Why do a challenge you can't film?

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 6

I was hoping Zack could avoid the block because I so tired of Derrick and Frankie getting exactly what they want. COMPLETE control of this game since the first week of this season....it's completly sucked the life out of it. And the loathsome Frankie even admits Derrick will win the game...is in a perfect position to take him out....nope, nothing. A completly souless season.


Meanwhile I don't now anything about Kathy Griffin but if she's someone Frankie likes then she is an enemy of mine. And what a tool Frankie was since EVERYTHING is about him he was convinced the Zing that wound up being for Zack was going to be meant for him.

I am so sick of his constant theatrical movements in everthing his does, the preening, the  posing, the jumping up and down and shrieking like a child.What an embarassing human being. If they trot him out on a future season I am sure I would puke.

  • Love 8

So I knew Kathy Griffin was going to say "Zing, motherfucker" to Zach ahead of time, but that was *hilarious*.  

I couldn'y figure out if Zach was upset, or just trying hard not to laugh. I also couldn't figure out what she said to him since it was bleeped, so thanks for clearing that up.

Edited by TexasChic
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Zach was acting I believe.  I think he knew that acting offended would make good TV.  It was pretty damn funny.


I hate Frankie so much.  Honestly I secretly pre-watch the show before my husband gets home from work so I get all my "fuck you", "shut up", "you're such a liar" out of my system and spare him the outburst.  He's gotta go and never, ever show up on another CBS show again.  I hope the producers can tell the difference between someone that people love to hate (Rachel) and just hate (Frankie).

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 10


I don't now anything about Kathy Griffin but if she's someone Frankie likes then she is an enemy of mine


Griffin makes a living ripping on people in her standup and her shows on Bravo. She has a HUGE fanbase among the non-hetero population having made her name/association with "the gays", as she says, playing on many gay cruises. So yeah I knew Frankie was going to freak...

  • Love 1

What they did to Zach is much worse, but seeing as how TPTB are on the Frankie train, because of his sister, I doubt they will show it all. Donny sees through them all, and on a different season, he could have had more of an impact.


No chance they show Frankie for what he is.  They already passed over the really bad stuff and what do we get well now that everyone thinks Zach was the saboteur I really have to put him up for strategies sake.  Nope, not how it happened.

Cody was ridiculous with his "we're really really reallyreallyREALLYREALLYreally really good friends" to Christine's husband. If you're trying to let the guy know you and his wife just friends, say that, but why rub the guy's face in *how* close you are? Emotional cheating is a thing, and that's not cool, either.

He showed his age in that whole thing, because he really doesn't seem to realize that their behavior is inappropriate, even absent the possibility of them having sex or whatever act he thinks crosses the line while what they've been doing thus far doesn't. It's absolutely mind-boggling that he's acting like they did nothing wrong, that this what friends do, even when they're in relationships with other people. He really believes that? And Christine is just giggling away. Not horrified that that is the impression viewers have. I think it's exciting for her to be linked with a good-looking guy like Cody.

It's just so bizarre. She needs to figure out if she's going with the flirting-as-strategy excuse or the we're-just-reallllly-good-friends-and-this-is-what-good-friends-do excuse before she sees her husband.

  • Love 3



Cody was ridiculous with his "we're really really reallyreallyREALLYREALLYreally really good friends" to Christine's husband. If you're trying to let the guy know you and his wife just friends, say that, but why rub the guy's face in *how* close you are? Emotional cheating is a thing, and that's not cool, either.

Agree 100%.  That was a really (no pun intended) strange way to defend himself.  If I was her husband that would've made me MORE upset.  He was so flippant about it.  Very disrespectful.

  • Love 4
Way to turn the Zingbot episode into Kathy Griffin Product Placement.

No kidding, and wow is she getting the cat-eyed, too-many-facelifts look. She's still relatively young to be appearing so pulled back in the facial area. If she doesn't ease up, in another 10 years or so she'll probably resemble that older comedienne whose name rhymes with "bone slivers".


Very disrespectful.

I dunno, I don't think Cody owes the guy any respect; he's not married to the guy and hasn't made any vows with him.. Plus, it's not like he's had to put a gun to Christine's head. I think the only person in the situation who's been disrespectful to Christine's husband is Christine.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 3

No chance they show Frankie for what he is.  They already passed over the really bad stuff and what do we get well now that everyone thinks Zach was the saboteur I really have to put him up for strategies sake.  Nope, not how it happened.


This has been the only real egregious failure of CBS/editing this season: failing to show how Frankie has wanted Zach out multiple times this season.

Many people gripe about how Derrick/Frankie have targeted Donny, but they've done so within the framework of the massive alliance that they're in and they've kept him off the block just many times as they've targeted him.


I'm enjoying the historically-good gameplay that we're seeing from Derrick. Others may complain that the show is "boring," but boring in simplest terms means that someone is thoroughly dominating the proceedings and that's been Derrick since the first week. That, to me, is really enjoyable to watch. I prefer it a lot more to disjointed drama and faux-drama where the players are reduced to chickens without heads that run around each week with no coherent strategy other than "I don't want to go home this single week."

  • Love 4


Groupthink at its worst. Poor Zach. Even his so called friend (Frankie) ganged up on him just to win 5k. I


Did they  even win the money?  I don't think I saw a confirmation either way.


This episode made me think of how things could have gone differently if Zach had trusted Donny from the beginning.  What a pity.  Those two could have been a force.


I thought Donny's line about Skittles was the Zing of the night.  It was genuinely funny and didn't feel so scripted


And I was semi-amused with how they were sitting Cody up with all his dumb DR comments about the truth hurting.


I can't even stand to look at Frankie anymore.  He is like a walking definition of a guy going through a mid-life crisis and trying way too hard.  I realized watching tonight that he reminds me rather uncomfortably of Mango, Chris Kattan's old character.   Just add a splash of a bitter and creepy Johnny Drama.

  • Love 11

Mango!  That seriously made me guffaw!


All I can say is give the damn boring win to Derrick already, but Donny better win fan favorite. I never vote on these things, but I will for Donny. He's the most observant player of the entire series, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. 


I told my husband, I want Donny for my next door neighbor. 

  • Love 5

I predict Frankie will hug Zach if he's the returnee.  

Mango!  That seriously made me guffaw!


All I can say is give the damn boring win to Derrick already, but Donny better win fan favorite. I never vote on these things, but I will for Donny. He's the most observant player of the entire series, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. 


I told my husband, I want Donny for my next door neighbor. 

Don't forget to share some skittles :)


Did they  even win the money?  I don't think I saw a confirmation either way.


The neighborhood watch needed to be "on duty" for 24 hours, and everyone was wearing the same clothes by the time Caleb said they should look under the garbage bag. 


Which begs the question... Is Caleb a secret genius?  How did he think of "under the garbage bag"?  So random.


Donny is the only one who showed any kindness to him (and, really, was partly responsible for the house turning on him-did TA not think that someone would be blamed?).


For me, Donny was the least egregious by far.  The network probably didn't anticipate two of their TA members turning into Nuremberg prosecutors during a silly prank.  That was gross. 

  • Love 3

There were times that Zack really looked hurt during the sabatoge.

Seriously! There's a reason why bearing false witness is a commandment. I hated watching that lynch mob in action. Last week Derrick (ruler of all evictions) wanted to send Donny home over Nicole, but kept him for Team America reasons and now the TA thing has targeted Zack. That's two people who ought to sue the show.

Oh Frankie, so thrilled that he won veto and it was Kathy Griffin who put it around his neck. He is the fame whore to end all fame whores. He'll end up an old man telling bored youngsters about the people they never heard of that he knew.

No kidding, and wow is she getting the cat-eyed, too-many-facelifts look. She's still relatively young to be appearing so pulled back in the facial area. If she doesn't ease up, in another 10 years or so she'll probably resemble that older comedienne whose name rhymes with "bone slivers".

To be fair to Kathy, she's been very open about getting a terrible eye lift in the past and has tried to get it fixed but too much damage was done. She used to not even be able to completely close her eyes.


To be fair, kathy set it up to seem like she was referring to frankie by looking directly at him and referencing his color pink preference. Then she turned it around and slammed zach. Thats what made the joke funny.

I agree, Frankie wasn't making it about him, it was set up to seem like it was about him. So while describing Frankie to a T, he's waiting to see what the zing is. Then it turned out to be about Zach. It was freaking funny.  And Zach being hurt by it was a bit sad, but Kathy did a great job of breaking the ice with the "zing, motherf-er".

It wouldn't surprise me if Zach wasn't acting and was actually a bit hurt. If he's a straight(?) man as confused as his behavior with Frankie makes it seem, being called out for having "gay traits" is probably a bit much. Though him crying on the kitchen floor doesn't have quite the effect of going behind a bush and crying.

  • Love 2

Ha. Donny doesn't buy Derrick's crap for a second. No wonder I really like both of those guys, they seem to be the only intelligent, non-gullible players in the house. I liked Donny trying to work Zach, but he should have started that kind of thing a lot earlier in the game. Also loved his quip about using a Skittle to determine the Veto!



Between Zingbot and my girl, Kathy, it was a great night for insults. My favorite was calling out Cody and Christine! Get em, Zingbot! But I thought that basically calling Derrick ugly was really low. Let's not pick on people for things outside of their control. And I had to laugh when Victoria insisted she was playing the game because she "made it to" top 8. Um no. You coasted by to top 8. It's not like you fought your way there....



.....as exhibited by her Veto performance. Which really could sum up her entire life - the bulb just never comes on.



As if Frankie could be any more dead to me - then he goes and uses the phrase, "in my wheelhouse". Shudder.



Caleb is kind of impressing me lately. He did really well during the Veto comp, and he was the one to suss out where the stolen items were located. He's like a secret genius!



But I felt so awful for Zach, being falsely accused like that. And Frankie just ate that shit right up and used it against Zach, knowing full well he didn't do it. The glee on his face when everyone was accusing Zach was just disgusting. I really feel like Frankie never cared for Zach as much as Zach did for him. I think he just liked having a cute, loyal dog by his side. Poor Zach.

  • Love 3
Which begs the question... Is Caleb a secret genius?  How did he think of "under the garbage bag"?  So random.


Right?  But Derrick and Donny supposedly had the idea originally.  So now three people in the house came up with the 'under the garbage bag' idea? Strange.


Also, Derrick should never wear cream-colored shirts.  Washes his face out completely.  Oddly enough, I still find him attractive.  Don't know what it is.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 2
I was hoping Zack could avoid the block because I so tired of Derrick and Frankie getting exactly what they want. COMPLETE control of this game since the first week of this season....it's completly sucked the life out of it. And the loathsome Frankie even admits Derrick will win the game...is in a perfect position to take him out....nope, nothing.


That's why I like Derrick, though. He has this way of getting everyone to do his bidding. Putting up Zach wasn't exactly best for Frankie's game, IMO. Zach was probably the most loyal person Frankie had in this game. Does he think Derrick is going to choose Frankie over Cody, because they're TA together? He should know better than that, especially after the treatment of Donny. Derrick will keep Victoria and Cody before anyone else - they've been the most loyal to him AND neither one has played the game much at all. Perfect goats. So putting up Victoria would have been a much better idea for Frankie. The numbers are so low now, it's getting to the point where you HAVE to start making your own game moves, not alliance-driven game moves. And Victoria isn't in the alliance, no one would have really been mad if he put her up. But he puts up his BFF, because he got all carried away with Derrick's machinations. Derrick is good. Frankie thinks he is good, but he's played like the others. 

  • Love 1

I loved watching Zach try to keep a straight face and look hurt when Kathy zinged him… right up until the "Zing, motherfucker" which sent him reeling. He was clearly trying to cover his hysterical laughter. That said, occasionally he lets some genuine feelings through and we had another one of those moments in this episode where he got upset about being the target of the witch hunt. I understand it was much worse on the live feeds and CBS edited it a little more gently, so I almost feel bad for him. But he's been a pot stirrer the entire season, so he shouldn't be too surprised that karma came back to bite him on his ass.


As I said before, I'm fine with Frankie still being in the house. I mean, sure, I wish he wasn't in control (even if Derrick kind of is, really), but at least he's not going to be one of the houseguests who could potentially return. I need Frankie to go up next week and go home. Well, to the jury house, I guess. At least then we'll have to watch him less. Although now I'm not sure if I want Nicole or Zach to come back into the house. I'm torn. Probably Zach, though. (I'm just assuming Zach is being unanimously voted out on Thursday.)


And when Caleb just randomly said "look under the garbage bag!" I was so confused. Where did THAT come from? Was there more to that than the editors let us see? Were they all spitballing various possible locations for the stolen loot and that was Caleb's suggestion? But they only showed us that? Because the way the editors portrayed it, it seemed mighty suspicious that suddenly out of nowhere Caleb comes up with the location of the stolen items. You'd think that would've turned suspicion off Zach and onto Caleb right quick!


I also want to thank Donny for introducing me to the word "bumfuzzled." I hope to use it CONSTANTLY.

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