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Jeopardy! Season 39 (2022-2023)


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25 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

My initial impression, with no particular experience to back it up, is that he is “on the spectrum” (I hope that’s the correct way to phrase it). I’m a little surprised he’s not getting a little more benefit of the doubt. 

If a contestant annoys me, I don't care whether or not they might be on the spectrum because it's a tv show and I can watch or not watch as I wish.  Not sure I'll be watching tomorrow night.

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10 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

My initial impression, with no particular experience to back it up, is that he is “on the spectrum” (I hope that’s the correct way to phrase it). I’m a little surprised he’s not getting a little more benefit of the doubt. 


1 minute ago, annzeepark914 said:

He may be. There have been a number of folks, possibly on the spectrum, on Jeopardy but it shouldn't be a surprise.  They're highly intelligent, & the people I know who are on the spectrum say this incredible knowledge is right up their alley. 

This was my immediate impression as well.  I have a couple of nephews who are on the spectrum (high functioning) and the similarities were striking to me.

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I managed to get FJ in the nick of time tonight.  Hand me that asterisk!

I also got the TS of the Queen, ran away, Manitoba, toadstool, spores, and Nosferatu.  I saw Nosferatu at midnight in an outdoor amphitheater during Freshman year in college, and it scared the crap out of me.  All the night sounds didn't help, either.  And then I had to walk back to the dorm in the dark.  It took me a while to get to sleep that night!


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8 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I managed to get FJ in the nick of time tonight.  Hand me that asterisk!

As soon as I saw the word suffering I knew it (thank you, Jesus of Montreal). I was hoping Sam or Sarah would manage to get through but I could tell by Sam's face it wasn't coming to him and Jake didn't have to wager enough to drop down to Sarah's score.

It felt like there were a lot of questions nobody got, especially in the nursery rhymes. I was solid on the nursery rhymes but there were a lot of other things that didn't come to me.

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1 hour ago, PaulaO said:

Jake doesn’t annoy me as long as I don’t have to look at his facial contortions.  The grimacing, lip pursing, writhing, is annoying beyond belief.

And he appears friendly to his opponents. Was rooting for Sam,  though ☹️

14 minutes ago, Bklyndeb said:

Tough final for a Jewish girl.  Jake makes me miss Yogesh.

Oh, not me...anyone is preferable to that guy!

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The spores TS surprised me, as did toadstools a bit.

On a shallow note, I found Sam attractive and loved his WTF? face when he was trying to figure out FJ, so I was hoping he'd win.

I was terrible in nursery rhymes; the only one I knew was Little Miss Muffet.  I got all but one each in everything else (quite the surprise in the TV category; they were almost all guesses, but they count), but didn't run a damn thing in the first round.

In DJ, saints was my terrible category (shocking, I know); I only knew Assisi.  I only ran rhyme, but got all but one in mushrooms and scary movies (I thought I'd run that one, but didn't know Wicker Man).  I missed two each in the others.

I didn't come up with FJ.  "Suffering" made me think lament, but, while I knew that wasn't it (since it didn't fit the second half of the clue), I couldn't really get my mind to move on to coming up with general words for strong emotions.  If I'd thought of passion, I probably wouldn't have gone with it, because I wouldn't have figured out how that related to a story of suffering.  Once the correct response was revealed, I thought, "Oh, like Passion of the Christ," but since all that means to me is a Mel Gibson movie I am sure to never watch, it wouldn't spring to mind.

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First time seeing Jake and… yikes. The facial expressions are a bit much, but they didn’t really bother me. What got to me was all the barely contained hyperactive energy. I don’t even know what he said in his interview segment because he was talking so fast. To me, he seems like a kid with ADD who has been hiding his meds. Or my dog when he’s about to get the zoomies.

Anyway, watching him made me very tense and I’m going to blame that for my extremely poor performance today. Yep. All Jake’s fault.

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I was surprised by all the TS’s in Nursery Rhymes. The contestants were all young, so I wondered if parents just don’t sing them to kids anymore. For “Baa baa black sheep,” though, I always knew the last line as “for the little girl…” and not “boy.” There was even a Jodie Foster movie called “The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane.”

UO: I don’t mind any of Jake’s quirks. If he isn’t neurotypical, that makes me root for him even more.

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Jake was definitely calmer than in his first game.

I did get the ts's of Queen, ran away, Manitoba and something else I can't remember.  I was close to Nosferatu but said Nostradamus instead.

For FJ my mind was blank for the first few seconds then "suffering" brought Passion of the Christ to mind and I knew that passion was correct.

Were there a lot of ts's in the game?

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4 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I was surprised by all the TS’s in Nursery Rhymes. The contestants were all young, so I wondered if parents just don’t sing them to kids anymore. For “Baa baa black sheep,” though, I always knew the last line as “for the little girl…” and not “boy.” There was even a Jodie Foster movie called “The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane.”

UO: I don’t mind any of Jake’s quirks. If he isn’t neurotypical, that makes me root for him even more.

For some reason, I wasn't surprised by the TS's in nursery rhymes. They (the rhymes) sounded/felt so old fashioned. And of course there I was yelling ,"the king!!", getting Pussycat mixed up with Christopher Robin. If I had pronounced "been" the British way, maybe that would've jogged my memory as it rhymes with queen 😸.

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14 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

But I'm so thankful he doesn't add please to his clue requests!

I'd rather have a contestant who adds "please" AND "thank you" to every single request than another game with Jake.

14 hours ago, Browncoat said:

 I saw Nosferatu at midnight in an outdoor amphitheater during Freshman year in college, and it scared the crap out of me.

It is genuinely one of the scariest movies I've ever seen.

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17 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I'd rather have a contestant who adds "please" AND "thank you" to every single request than another game with Jake.

...and says the entire category name, adding "Ken" after "please." I'd rather be watching Mattea's flapping hands than Jake.  I'm pretty sure the only person I'd rather watch Jake over would be Yogesh.

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4 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

I thought Jake was a little calmer last night.  He didn't bug me as much, at least.

Same here. I could get used to him, and since he clearly knows his stuff, I guess I'll have to. I always watch Jeopardy no matter the host or contestants. My enjoyment varies - but here in our house it's about us and the boards more than it's about the host and contestants.

I got the TSs of Queen, toadstool, spores, and Nosferatu, but otherwise it was a pretty bad game for me. I probably got some other stuff as well, but I don't really remember any.

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1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

I was surprised at the Manitoba TS. You know going in that Canada looms large, look at a map. Jake still bugs. My spouse has a spectrum disorder and stated “ at least I don’t do THAT”. As if it’s an autism competition. 

A pet peeve of mine.  Plus there are only 10 provinces!  When my youngest brother was in 6th grade he had to memorize all 50 states and their capitals.  In an elementary school in Quebec.  My 3 kids were educated in the US and I don't think they ever learned anything about Canada.

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7 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I was surprised by all the TS’s in Nursery Rhymes. The contestants were all young, so I wondered if parents just don’t sing them to kids anymore.

I have very few memories from when I was young enough for nursery rhymes.  And since I'm quite deliberately not around children, I have no recent exposure.  I recognized almost all of them as things I knew existed, but only knew the correct response on the $200 Miss Muffet.  I could have told you things like "Mary, quite contrary" or "Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?" but not a deeper dive like the clues required.

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For some reason, a date toward the end of February rings a bell (for the change in hosts). Maybe splitting hosting duties was the only way they could get Ken to commit. I didn't think anyone could do such a good job of hosting like Trebek, but Ken has really owned this position. Half because he's the g.o.a.t. And half because he's witty & clever.

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3 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

For some reason, a date toward the end of February rings a bell (for the change in hosts)

For what it's worth...the final of Celebrity Jeopardy is Thursday, leaving Mayim with only her show to occupy her time. And since that is probably winding down (end of season), Mayim will probably be back for regular Jeopardy (while Ken is doing the nighttime "Masters Tournament") soon.

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5 hours ago, opus said:

Weren't they supposed to switch hosts at the start of the new year? Did I miss an announcement?

I read somewhere that it's because her show's filming schedule was pushed back after Leslie Jordan died.


January 31:

67% / 67% / 66% ...at least I was consistent tonight (if I had gotten FJ my final score would have been 67 as well, but alas).

J!: Missed three in "In" the Right Place and Jason Concepcion (who? ...but I liked his sweater), and one each in everything else.

DJ: Ran Historical Fiction, missed one in Medical Folks, three Capital Offensives, and two each in the rest.

FJ: I thought of both states (as well as Kansas) but I couldn't remember if they bordered each other, so I cheated and looked at the map before they were done. So I guess I can't count it as correct.

TS: dive, expect, and Addison (at the last second!)

ID this picture of GRR Martin (with show title, to boot) was a 1000 clue?! "Identify Georgia on a map" was an 800 clue? The couldn't come up with "Dive into life" as a likely candidate for a swimwear company?

Edited by ams1001
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Just now, chessiegal said:

At the risk of having rotten tomatoes thrown at me, Jake is growing on me. I got as far as Oregon for FJ!. Note to self - look at a map of the US every day.

I don't look at the screen a ton, especially when I'm keeping score, so I'm missing most of his quirks. (Part of the reason Mattea bugged me so much is because a lot of it was verbal with her. If it was just the flappy hands I wouldn't have noticed nearly as much.)

When Jake did that rah! gesture after running a category in the first game, complete with a popping sound, I burst out laughing. He reminds me of the Tom Hanks character in "Big", a 12 year old kid inside a man's body. Tonight's game wasn't all that good for me. I even yelled out "Carthago"  instead of Carthage 🥴.

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I thought of Oregon and then counted my way through an assortment of 5- and 7-letter states until I thought of Nevada. I did not believe they shared a border but they were the only states I had, so I felt stuck with them. Imagine my surprise, etc.

I was rooting for Soren but Jake had the lock. He knows a lot.

I was surprised that Warriors was an acceptable response since I assumed that Golden State was part of the name. When the location is a real geographical name I know it's optional (unless you need the location for a BMS when two teams have the same name) but is it the same when the location is a nickname? I guess if the category or clue didn't require the whole name then just enough to identify the team is sufficient.

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10 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Do you remember the name of the band?  was startled when Ken referred tothem as senior citizens-- didn't he say it was his mom? I'd like to check them out. Him saying being surrounded by them made him feel warm and safe was really endearing.

The Hootin Annies...I googled and found this all-female group on facebook:

I also found another facebook page for a group by the same name that appears to be three guys from Ireland.


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I astonished myself by getting FJ right tonight.  I did count letters, but I honestly couldn't remember if those two states shared a border.  I thought about Kansas, but none of its neighbors has six letters, so I stuck with Oregon and Nevada.  Hand me another asterisk, please!

TS I got include dive, expect, blue baby, top hat, and Unforgiven.

I liked Soren and was rooting for him.  Alas.

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Soren reminded me of the neighbor in Office Space.

Jake thought he had half of FJ with Kansas, when Liz was already wrong with that and it had been revealed the other one was Oregon, which is nowhere near Kansas?  He can't have possibly meant that, but that's what he said unless Ken and I both heard wrong.

I object to accepting Ho Chi Minh City for Saigon.  I know there's general precedent, but I object to it every time.  I don't remember if specifically for these two cities, but with other changed-name cities in clues like this one -- when a clue so specifically references that a city which later changed its name was at the time of the clue's events known as X, you should have to say X.

To my complete lack of surprise, I was terrible in sci-fi; the only reason I didn't blow it entirely was that for the $200 clue you didn't have to know the work, just that poppy + drug = opium.  I only ran silent/not-silent, but got all but one in stuffed and "IN".  I missed two each in the podcaster's category and ads (it was almost three in that one, but I figured for a swimwear company "[Verb] into life" pretty much had to be Dive).

I didn't run a damn thing in DJ, but I wasn't bad.  I got all but one in movies and medical (I almost ran that one, but Addison came to me just a hair too late), but missed two each in everything else.

For FJ, thankfully I started perusing my mental map on the West Coast of the country rather than just to the west of the Mississippi; starting with Washington and working down meant the second state I came to was one of the six-letter ones, so a perusal of Oregon's borders led me to yay, and there's the other one with plenty of time to spare.

Edited by Bastet
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