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People - Kylie Jenner's Family Is Worried She's 'Hanging Out with the Wrong Crowd,' Source Says


Last week, Kylie Jenner came under fire when one of her Snapchat videos sparked speculation she was using marijuana, and on Sunday, an entire episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians was centered on her plumped-up lips.


On Saturday, the reality star, 17, took to Twitter to slam the rumors of drug use, insisting she's not the "wild child" people make her out to be.

According to a Kylie pal, her family doesn't think she's "out of control," but "a few are worried" about her boyfriend Tyga's influence on her.


"A lot of Tyga's friends are enablers," the friend says. "That makes her mom the most nervous. She doesn't want Kylie getting off track."


The 25-year-old rapper has been romantically linked to Kylie since September, and the two have kept their relationship "under wraps as much as possible for obvious reasons," the friend says. "Her parents know she is going to date who she wants, but they are worried he will have a negative impact on her decision-making."


In the last year, Kylie's appearance has changed dramatically, and she is often criticized for looking much older than her age. On Sunday's episode of KUWTK, she finally copped to cosmetically enhancing her lips.


"She's become a perfectionist because she feels like she needs to be just as sexy as her other siblings, specifically Kendall and Khloé," the pal says. "She doesn't feel inadequate next to them, but she's willing to do whatever she can to herself to make her feel like she's looked at by the public in the same way."


Kylie, who plans to move out into her own Calabasas mansion "the second" she turns 18, "is obsessed with the attention and knows that acting a little scandalous here and there will keep her in the spotlight," the friend says.


To the extent that Kendall is "sexy," I'd say it's because she seems to be comfortable in her own skin. You know. Not plumping and padding everything.

Kylie errs on the side of mimicing "The Great Plastic One." So missing the point.

Couldn't help noticing how good Bruce's sister looked during the Sawyer special. Sadly (if I cared), the strong resemblance to the women on his side of the gene pool that we saw in Kylie earlier is now gone. Sister may have had a tuck or two. Who knows. But she still looked human and perfectly lovely. That *could* have been Little Miss Lips, but that ship has sailed.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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"A lot of Tyga's friends are enablers," the friend says. "That makes her mom the most nervous. She doesn't want Kylie getting off track."



There's just so much wrong with this statement. For one, I'd be very happy if Kylie got off of her current track.  There are much better tracks for Kylie to be on at this point in her life.  Not to mention, she's been hanging around Tyga for a long time now.  Where were they until now?  


The 25-year-old rapper has been romantically linked to Kylie since September, and the two have kept their relationship "under wraps as much as possible for obvious reasons," the friend says. "Her parents know she is going to date who she wants, but they are worried he will have a negative impact on her decision-making."



And this, too, irritates me to no end.  Guess what, Kris and Bruce?  Kylie is your CHILD.  You are her parents.  First and foremost.  Not her friends, not her manager, her PARENT.  That does not mean that you have to embrace her dating a 25 year old.  That does not mean you just accept that "she'll date who she wants."  It means you PARENT.  And if you don't want her dating a 25 year old rapper who has a baby with somebody else, then you put your foot down.  Maybe she will sneak around, maybe she will push back, that's to be expected.  Her reaction will be typical.  Your reaction should not be just sit back and worry from afar.  

Furthermore, not all kids are the same.  Just because Kendall had the maturity to jet set around the world modeling and carve out this awesome career for herself means that Kylie is the same way.  At 17 years old, she is still an adolescent.  She is a teenager.  She is not an adult.  Stop acting like she is and get your damn parenting act together.  


Gawd.  I hate this "I'm her friend!" mentality of parents these days.  You are her parent.  Open your mouth and speak up about something other than white walls, dark floors, and shag rugs.


Rant over.

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"She's become a perfectionist because she feels like she needs to be just as sexy as her other siblings, specifically Kendall and Khloé," the pal says. "She doesn't feel inadequate next to them, but she's willing to do whatever she can to herself to make her feel like she's looked at by the public in the same way."



Kendall or Khloe? That must piss Kim off.

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Wasn't Kris all over the news telling the world how Tyga practically grew up in her house and he's just one of a whole bunch of "kids" that hang around together and they all live in Calabassas and she just loves them all?


Reminds me of all those parents  who  trust their daughter and her boyfriend and let him up in the girls bedroom with the door closed and allow him to "keep her company" after school, in an empty house till mom or dad get home.... and then are SHOCKED and OUTRAGED when that trust is betrayed and the daughter has a big ole belly and boyfriend has moved on to a new girl.

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Also she is 17 so pretty much Bruce and Kris have no say anymore.


And how is Kylie going to buy a mansion the 'second' she turns 18?  Has she been saving up money from her paper route?  Her only 'job' has been participating on the show, correct?  And isn't her inclusion basically up to her parents?  As her legal guardians, Bruce and Kris have a lot of say.  They have just chosen not to say much of anything and moaning about it now isn't going to be effective.  I'd be interested to see how long Kylie would make it on her own if they decided to cut her off financially, since she's 17 and a grown up. LOL

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I kind of agree that there's not a whole hell of a lot either Bruce or Kris can do at this point, aside from Frost's excellent point about cutting her off financially. However they won't do that and really, they created this monster so at this point in time they still have responsibility to/for her. But there is a point when a child doesn't have to listen to his/her parents anymore. That's not saying they shouldn't, but we all learn at some point that we can say no, and we do. Most of us get some sort of consequence for it (grounded, extra chores, etc). It's part of the process of growing up and it's a give and take between parents and kids. I sense that didn't happen for Kylie and that her "No!" was either met with an "okay" or ignored.


It appears that there wasn't a whole lot of parenting going on in this family on any level. If you took away the fame and the money, and forced them to live the life the rest of us do, I wonder how many of the Kardashian/Jenner kids would be self-supporting, self-sufficient adults. Kendall seems to have picked it up but Kylie, not so much.

Patenting doesn't stop at 18. Kylie doesn't have money. Her parents do. A normal 18yo doesn't have money to but a house. I was watching one former episode of KUWTK. Kylie and Kendall took Bruce's credit card and brought items. Bruce tried to discipline them and wanted to take all the clothes back. Then the girls went to Kris and Kris told Bruce he's being unreasonable with the girls.

Kylie is a spoiled rich kid with two unavailable parents. One is a pimp the other isn't around. Kylie needs guidance. It doesn't help that she's a k girl.

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I'm sure she does have her own money. I also wouldn't be surprised that if left to her own devices, she'd burn through it in no time flat. If Michael Jackson could literally spend a fortune, Kylie could easily fritter away anything she has from the show and anything else. People (professional athletes!) do it all the time. The difference between her and many other people is that her family can/will bail her out.

Kylie is getting "off track"?  Huh?  What "track" is she supposed to be on?  The Taking Selfies track? The Plastic Surgery track? The Ho Stroll track? The Get Your Own Reality Show track? For sure she is not on the College Education track or the Become a Responsible Adult track. 


This young lady is only 17 and she hasn't developed good judgment yet. She is just flailing around, trying to be a copycat sex symbol like Kim. She needs guidance, needs some adult's direction to help her develop into her own unique person, but she's not getting any. Pimp Mama Kris and Brucilla don't care. Bruce is only interested in himself and doing his gender change reality show for big bucks. Kris is only interested in making as much money as she can off her children; they're just a bunch of cash cows to her. She won't make much money when Kylie turns 18 if Kylie runs off and marries Tyga and gets pregnant right away. PMK might be planning to try to replicate Kim's success with a Kylie porn tape and nude photo layouts for magazines. It would be hard for a young married woman to get away with doing things like that; the public wouldn't accept it. Or maybe they would. As disgusting as this whole family is, they still have plenty of fans, and they still have millions of dollars rolling in.

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Why do people think Kylie has no money? I wish I had as much money as Kylie. She supposedly makes $5,000 per episode of the show, so if there's only 10 episodes a year, that 17 years old makes $50,000/year just from that. She also got paid for the book she & Kendall "wrote", she has her own hair extensions line, & has a number of endorsements contracts. Like it or not, Kylie is already a millionaire & when she turns 18, she can do what she wants with her money.

Edited by GaT
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She supposedly makes $5,000 per episode of the show, so if there's only 10 episodes a year, that 17 makes $50,000/year just from that.


$50,000 a year is not going to support Kylie's lifestyle.  The point isn't that she has access to a lot more money than the average 17 year old.  It's that she 'earned' it by appearing on her parent's TV show, with their permission.  So the fact that she apparently doesn't have to listen to anything they say because she has all this money is ridiculous.  She only has money because of them.  Obviously, it's too late now to do anything about it if they truly don't like the path she's on.  The horse is already out of the barn, as they say.  I just laugh at this concept that Kylie is grown up and ready to take on a mansion, with its attendant mortgage, ongoing utility costs, and maintenance expenses.  If she actually had to live within her means ($50K a year from the show, plus endorsements), in a town like LA?  Trying to keep up her current lifestyle?  She'd be in the poor house because her mansion has been foreclosed on within a couple of years.


Who knows?  Maybe she'll turn out to be a financial wizard and out earn them all.

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"...There are a lot of emotions running hot in Tyga’s split and there is a child involved. They are concerned it’s just a lot for a 17-year-old girl to deal with.”


The child in the quote refers to Tyga and Blac Chyna's (and I can't believe I just typed that), but I'd argue there are two children involved.


The thought that anyone thinks that a 17 year old reality star's testimony would work in her boyfriend's favor is slightly hilarious to me.

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The child in the quote refers to Tyga and Blac Chyna's (and I can't believe I just typed that), but I'd argue there are two children involved.

The thought that anyone thinks that a 17 year old reality star's testimony would work in her boyfriend's favor is slightly hilarious to me.

I find it hilarious that Blac Chyna (wtf?), a grown ass woman who is pushing 30 is fighting with a 17 year old over a guy. Tyga (snort) isn't even attractive

with his ferret -looking face. I guess I don't see the appeal.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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I find it hilarious that Blac Chyna (wtf?), a grown ass woman who is pushing 30 is fighting with a 17 year old over a guy. Tyga (snort) isn't even attractive

with his ferret -looking face. I guess I don't see the appeal.

Adults need to be adults. Black China is no different than the Kardashians. Wasn't she a stripper? Now she's making money for being with Tyga just like Amber Rose is doing

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Well what do you suppose she do? Go back to stripping? She's using her nominal fame to make more money...what's wrong with that?

If chyna wants to sell stuff idc. But she's no different than the K clan. What talent does she have? She had plastic surgery and sold her body for sex just like the k clan did. So there's no different between the two. Getting into an argument with a 17 yo just shows how immature she is.

If chyna wants to sell stuff idc. But she's no different than the K clan. What talent does she have? She had plastic surgery and sold her body for sex just like the k clan did. So there's no different between the two. Getting into an argument with a 17 yo just shows how immature she is.

I've never seen her in an argument with Kylie so I can't comment.  I never hear about Chyna anymore so I'll have to take your word that she's immature.   All I see is occasional Instagram shade, which, I never care.  


I was responding to you saying she's "making money from being with Tyga".  She made money shaking her ass, and has now used whatever her current situation is to not do that anymore. So again, what would you have her do?

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A little FYI about Blac Chyna. She's actually had a pretty successful modeling career and I remember reading she has a college education so she isnt really just known for being with Tyga at one time.  BC actually defended Kim recently.  They arent friends anymore but when she was approached by paparazzi and they were trying to bait her into bashing her she took the high road.  IIRC this was around the time Rob posted that nutty Instagram photo comparing Kim to a killer.  The twitter war with Kylie is immature but Kylie has been acting like an entitled brat who's trying to act like she's older than she is so I say let her fight with the grown ups.


Kendall or Khloe? That must piss Kim off.


The source is saying that but yet whenever I see Kylie now, especially when she's out all dressed up she looks exactly like Kim's mini me. I do believe she's very jealous though of Kendall's high end modelling career.

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I've never seen her in an argument with Kylie so I can't comment. I never hear about Chyna anymore so I'll have to take your word that she's immature. All I see is occasional Instagram shade, which, I never care.

I was responding to you saying she's "making money from being with Tyga". She made money shaking her ass, and has now used whatever her current situation is to not do that anymore. So again, what would you have her do?

Well it's because of Tyga she's relevant. Like I said I don't care. If chyna is cashing in good for her. But she can't clown the Kardashians or Kylie when she herself is doing the same thing they're doing.


Just the fact that he is publicly dating a 16/17 year old, isn't going to help him a custody battle. It's going to count against him in that it shows lack of judgement. Course the fact that Chyna is conducting a Twitter war with the same kid isn't going to help her either.

Kylie will probably be knocked up the day she turns 18 and the other kid won't matter anymore. I've known guys who are like out of sight, out of mind with regards to their first families once a new girlfriend enters the picture.

When I look at Kylie I see a kid who is screaming for some boundaries and attention from her parents. Deep down i think she wants her family to tell her fuck no, you're not dating a 25 year old and if he sees you again his ass will be in jail, but they don't care.Yes, she's a spoiled, entitled brat but I put a lot of blame for this train wreck on Kris and Bruce.

Edited by BitterApple
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Kylie will probably be knocked up the day she turns 18 and the other kid won't matter anymore. I've known guys who are like out of sight, out of mind with regards to their first families once a new girlfriend enters the picture.

When I look at Kylie I see a kid who is screaming for some boundaries and attention from her parents. Deep down i think she wants her family to tell her fuck no, you're not dating a 25 year old and if he sees you again his ass will be in jail, but they don't care.Yes, she's a spoiled, entitled brat but I put a lot of blame for this train wreck on Kris and Bruce.

I agree, I think both Bruce and Kris have decided that there's no sense arguing or parenting Kylie because "she's almost 18".  Could be Bruce has been waiting till just this time to make his own life changes, moving out of the house was a big step, followed by the divorce and his announcement. And Kris is caught up in her own drama, her dating and her quest for youth. Both of them have relinquished parental responsibility to concentrate on themselves.


Seeing the clip today of Kim crying her ugly cry, because she feels bad for Kris and seeing the looks on Kendall and Kylies faces.... Kris is making it all about her. Instead she should be stepping up as a mother and supporting her youngest kids. But no.... this is all about the Kardashians and how it affects them. Kris cries every day? Why? They are divorced, she has moved on, he has moved on. I doubt she cried this much over the divorce. I think her tears are more for the end of fantasy she created of one big happy blended family. All pretty people with pretty perfect lives. But the reality is nothing like her scrapbooks full of pictures and endless videos. That's what she's crying over. The curtain has been lifted and everyone can see they are just as fucked up as the rest of us.

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Well it's because of Tyga she's (Chyna) relevant.


And just how relevant is Tyga?  With all the rappers running around, I never knew who he was until he hooked up with Kylie.


When I look at Kylie I see a kid who is screaming for some boundaries and attention from her parents. Deep down i think she wants her family to tell her fuck no, you're not dating a 25 year old and if he sees you again his ass will be in jail, but they don't care.Yes, she's a spoiled, entitled brat but I put a lot of blame for this train wreck on Kris and Bruce. 


I put ALL the blame on Kris and Bruce.


Kris cries every day? Why? They are divorced, she has moved on, he has moved on. I doubt she cried this much over the divorce. I think her tears are more for the end of fantasy she created of one big happy blended family.


Kris crying every day is for no other reason than to turn the attention to her and how hard the whole Bruce story is on her (sob sob).  Its hard to feel sorry for a woman who treated her husband like shit, showed no respect for him, and has now taken up with some young guy.  Hell, she got her new boyfriend and still cried about Bruce going to some event with a female friend.  She's a real piece of work, that one is! 

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They definitely were booed on the broadcast too. Kylie deserved it for the Doctor line, I'm giving her benefit of the doubt that they didn't create their own lines and just had to read from the prompter. She wanted to walk the carpet alone I guess, since she and Kendall went separately. Wish they had presented separately would have liked to hear if both of the are booed or just 1. 


I barely heard any of Kanye's performance the whole thing basically was censored. But  don't think he was booed, he seemed to get a lot of applause.

The supposed "weight gain" is all a set up for the reason why her butt will have grown to gigantic proportions. Thats why they keep showing them eating all of the fattening foods (Popeyes, KFC etc...), so we the viewing public are stupid and will believe that one can gain weight in one area in ones body. Everything about this family is fake, storylines, lips, butts, tans the list is endless!!!!!!

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The supposed "weight gain" is all a set up for the reason why her butt will have grown to gigantic proportions. Thats why they keep showing them eating all of the fattening foods (Popeyes, KFC etc...), so we the viewing public are stupid and will believe that one can gain weight in one area in ones body. Everything about this family is fake, storylines, lips, butts, tans the list is endless!!!!!!

Or, she already has a weight loss endorsement lined up.

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Didn't Kylie just post recently to all her haters that she is home schooled!! And that she graduates in a month?  Well someone needs to tell Kim that so she doesn't forget to send her a graduation gift, cause Kim thinks she has a whole year of school left according to the interview she's doing this week.


If they're going to lie, they need to a get the same script.

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Didn't Kylie just post recently to all her haters that she is home schooled!! And that she graduates in a month? Well someone needs to tell Kim that so she doesn't forget to send her a graduation gift, cause Kim thinks she has a whole year of school left according to the interview she's doing this week.

If they're going to lie, they need to a get the same script.

We know these people can't lie straight or do math

Maybe Kim thought one moth equals a year

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