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Ghosts of Housewives Past: Jill Zarin, Alex, and the Rest

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11 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

It appears that Bobby Zarin's health is deteriorating, unfortunately. Jill just posted on her Twitter about a short trip she took to Boca to celebrate her parent's 60th anniversary and she is catching hell for leaving him (which I think is a tad bit unfair ... he was left with family and in the care of his live-in nurse and Jill was only gone for a day or two and it was her parents' 60th anniversary on Christmas day).

She's also getting criticized for working in the fact that she was (of course) travelling by private plane, lol. Never change Jill, never change.

I don't know how to post links on my Kindle but if you just google Jill Zarin Twitter or Jill Zarin  Instagram it's all right there. 

Anyway, I realize that Jill can be all kinds of annoying but I believe that she truly loves Bobby and what they're going through I would not wish on anyone. I don't understand why even her worst haters can't find it within themselves to cut her just a small break. There's nothing wrong with her taking a day or two to spend with her family in Florida ... the pressure she's under must be tremendous. The private plane reference was tacky but at this stage of the game who really cares about stuff like that?  If bragging makes her feel better at this point I say have at it, Jill.

Prayers for Bobby's comfort and for strength to those surrounding him at this time ...

Plane reference.  I say if that is how you want to spend your money for the convenience-go for it. My guess she is probably like many of the other RH who have fractional ownership like Net Jets.

She seems somewhat hopeful Bobby will be travelling down to Boca in a couple of weeks.  Fingers crossed he can make the journey and survive this awful disease.  

I really don't think Bobby would want Jill to miss her parents 60th wedding anniversary.

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Thanks for posting the pics, ZM!

But I have to say that after reading through several pages of Jill's social media, I've been left with the impression that there's not a great deal of hope left for Bobby to make a recovery this time, unfortunately. I think the thing about him visiting Florida is kind of a sweet wish but I'm not sure it's really gonna happen.

I really hope I'm wrong! Bobby was always the most decent of all the Real Househusbands. Their marriage is one of the few that survived being on the show.  I'm rooting for him.

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I am not thrilled with JZ after her shenanigans but I fully support her taking a 48 hour trip to celebrate her parents 60th Wedding Anniversary!!  It was good for everyone!!!  Those people who are being mean to her are horrible people!!!!   

The ill loved one wants you to see family/friends, to go take some time away;they are feeling good enough to be ok with you leaving.  You need a break and know they are in excellent hands and them wanting you to go is recognized.  It's when they don't want you to leave and want you to stay with them all of the time that is unspeakably hard.  I know this from personal experience and watched too many of my patient's families go through it.  Sadly, it seems as though Jill may experience this sooner than later.  :( 

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I tend to view people as multi-faceted. Some people can be great parents, but horrible spouses. Some can be great friends, but terrible siblings. Etc. etc. I think Jill is really shallow and narcissistic and has trouble being a good friend to anyone. But I think she and Bobby have a great marriage and she clearly adores him. I don't have a problem with the trip. I'm betting Bobby INSISTED she go. I cringe at a lot of the stuff she does, but I'll cut the poor woman some slack in this case. I really do wish the best for Bobby, but I guess it's not looking hopeful?

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On 1/2/2018 at 10:35 AM, film noire said:

Not too shabby, looking at this with your morning coffee:

I wonder if she has any desire to join the Real Housewives of Sydney or Melbourne.

I've never seen Sydney, but I don't think Alex could hack Melbourne. That cast is like an Italian Renaissance court. They're always sniping and coming for each other with poison tipped daggers. If Alex was flustered and flummoxed by Luann, who is not that witty, then those Melbourne ladies would rip her to shreds.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Anyway, I realize that Jill can be all kinds of annoying but I believe that she truly loves Bobby

For me, Bobby was one of the few things I liked about Jill.


no more shimmying around in little red vinyl pants for him!

Hey, he still can if he wants to...

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Thanks for the pics and link, ZM

I'm guessing those are older pics of Bobby. Jill posted a pic of Kelly B when she stopped by on New Years Eve, but Bobby wasn't shown in that one either. I hope he's feeling well. 

Jill did put a picture of Ally on her Instagram ... she looks great, and those Elizabeth Taylor eyes of hers are fabulous. 

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On 1/6/2018 at 0:27 AM, BBHN said:

Are you kidding me? With his weight gain, it could be just as entertaining. Especially if Ramona joins him in the dance.

Hahahhh, this is so true! We could always use an extra beefy repeat of their timeless "tutu foo-foo" dance.

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So sorry to hear this about Bobby.  He seemed to be such a nice man.  

I read the posts re: Jill getting shit for going for basically an overnight trip.  I'm sure Bobby told her to go.  If he was in danger of passing then, no way would she have gone.  She may have done questionable things, but I never questioned that she loved Bobby and her daughter.  It probably was a nice break, maybe for both of them.  Plus, it wasn't just a girl's trip or something stupid, but her parents' 60th wedding anniversary.  Not too many couples make that milestone.  People can be so stupid and cruel.

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Was so sad to read the Bobby news. I always liked Jill. She is a ridiculous person, but I like her. She really loved Bobby. Watching your most loved one go through such a battle and being the support is so one incredibly difficult battle, and then comes the grieving and coming to grasp the "new normal." All the best to her, Ally and their family and friends during this time. Man, how sad.

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Sad to hear about Bobby.  He was definitely a gentleman.  And that's something we NEVER see on Bravo shows.  As far as Jillzy?  I have no doubt she loved him & was absolutely devoted to him.

But I have to admit, my first thought on hearing this was -- and I know this seems harsh, and I'm not a Jillzy hater at all -- um, was . . . at least she'll get his dough.  I know, I know, I know.  That's harsh.  But look, Jillzy set it up for people think this way because of her own behavior.  Still, I'm sure this is a painful time for her & my sympathies are with her.

And yet, I wonder . . . what's gonna happen to Zarin Fabrics?  Is it all gonna go to Jillzy?  Maybe not.  He had kids from a previous marriage, right?  I always got the impression Bobby & Jillzy were yet another Bravo couple living way beyond what they could actually afford.  Oh sure, Bobby's business was/is supposedly worth millions.  But what will that mean for Jillzy?  I'm very curious.

And speaking of being curious, I bet I'm not the only who's curious.  Hey, Satan Andy, are you or your minions reading here?  Hire her the fuck back quick!  Make her an offer & she'll do it for pennies -- or even free!  Oy, I can just picture her jumping for joy at the op to cry & wah-wah her head off again to us.  I know, harsh, but true.  That's just who Jillzy is.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

always got the impression Bobby & Jillzy were yet another Bravo couple living way beyond what they could actually afford.

Interesting I had the opposite impression, I still remember when they went to racetack in the first season and Jill being shocked that Bethenny would bet $500 on race and suggested it was much much more than she would spend.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Interesting I had the opposite impression, I still remember when they went to racetack in the first season and Jill being shocked that Bethenny would bet $500 on race and suggested it was much much more than she would spend.

I don't remember that.  But you could be right.  I think I meant to say something different -- not so much that Jillzy & Bobby were living above what they could afford.  They were definitely NOT Heather & Terry.  But Jillzy was always bragging & bragging & bragging & bragging about their "wealth".  Sheesh, she always tried so hard to make it seem they like they were wealthier than they were.

I mean, a close look at merely their real estate alone would give the hint that their "wealth" would pale in comparison to so many others here in NYC -- almost to the point of being laughable.  I still remember Bobby sweating while Jillzy was picking out some relatively modest bauble in Chopard.  One of the funniest things Bethenny ever said about Jillzy was describing her to Satan Andy on WWHL, maybe a year ago or so, as "well-to-do", with a just-smelled-poop face & dripping with mockery.  I'm sure Jillzy didn't get the take-down, but I LMAO.

So will Jillzy be heading in the same direction as pretty much all the NYC Howives (except Bethenny) & be selling off her Hamptons joint?

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  I still remember Bobby sweating while Jillzy was picking out some relatively modest bauble in Chopard. 

That honestly may have had nothing to do with how much cash Bobby had on hand. It's a mindset, for some people - if you don't need it, it stresses you out when you are buying something because it lowers the line in your mental bank account. Bobby was probably raised to mind every penny and count the costs. 

Jill on the other hand, tended to take the view of flaunting money... but I never got the impression that Bobby let her spend more than what he could afford... I always had the vibe that he controlled the pursestrings pretty tightly but enjoyed indulging her . 

As to Zarin Fabrics - I thought Bobby had children as well, and along with being a gentleman, he always seemed to have good sense. I'm sure, when he had the first run in with the cancer, he got affairs in order. 

It's a shame, regardless

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On 1/13/2018 at 6:56 PM, KenyaJ said:

That's a very handsome commemorative photo of Bobby in this link. Pls click on. Sadly, 71, too too young.

I have to hand it to Jill and Bobby - 18 years of marriage. There are few of those in RH world. Lisa VDP and her hub Ken, Kyle and Mauricio,  the Potomac wife and inventor husband, Ne Ne and Greg (sort of, sans the short divorce period), and who else? Hey, maybe even Teresa and Joe, even with double jail time. Heather and Terry?  Kandi and Todd may make it long, maybe even Tamra and Eddie. I hope so for all of them.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Some tweets:


Bethenny Frankel
“Here’s to those who wish us well. All the rest can go to hell.” One of Bobby Zarin’s favorites. Another one: “It’s all good,” and Bobby, now it really is... #RIP

Alex McCord

"One of my favorite #BobbyZarin sayings was “One more, that’s it!” Cheers to you sir, a true mensch. #RIPBobby and love to @Jillzarin and family

Andy Cohen
‏"I always enjoyed Bobby Zarin and admired his cool presence and steady hand.  My condolences to @Jillzarin and the whole family. #RIP"

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Bobby ran Zarin Fabrics, which was opened by his father, Harry Zarin, in 1936. The New York native is survived by Jill, his three children — Jonathan, David and Jennifer Zarin — and stepdaughter, Ally.

I believe Jonathan is the one that suffers from Stills Disease, and he and his brother both work or worked for Zarin Fabrics.  David is married to a woman name Jill and I believe had Bobby's first grandchild about 10 years ago, the daughter is the one Ramona called deformed at the anti-bullying luncheon.  I believe Ally lives in Europe.  

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On 1/14/2018 at 3:20 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

But I have to admit, my first thought on hearing this was -- and I know this seems harsh, and I'm not a Jillzy hater at all -- um, was . . . at least she'll get his dough.  I know, I know, I know.  That's harsh.  But look, Jillzy set it up for people think this way because of her own behavior. 

Not a fan of the woman, but I never doubted she loved him,  and never thought she did anything that spoke to a mercenary marriage.

19 hours ago, Bossa Nova said:

That's a very handsome commemorative photo of Bobby in this link. Pls click on.

He looks fabulous -- I think he'd get a kick out of that ; )

Edited by film noire
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10 hours ago, film noire said:

Not a fan of the woman, but I never doubted she loved him,  and never thought she did anything that spoke to a mercenary marriage.

He looks fabulous -- I think he'd get a kick out of that ; )

"Mercenary"?  Er, huh?  Have no idea where you got that from.  No, you'd have to have NEVER watched either Jillzy or Bobby to get that.  Lu & the Count, OTOH?  I'd say that was a pretty descriptive word, which might fit their marriage.  But Bobby & Jillzy?  Absolutely NOT. 

Look, Jillzy has ALWAYS made it quite clear, from her very first moment on the show (with her intro), she values so highly her supposedly hoity-toidy lifestyle & her fancy-schmancy friends.  And she could never have had that on her own, as a buyer for Filene's (or whatever retail job she had).  So she had this luxurious lifestyle because of her marriage to Bobby, and so I have no doubt she chose to marry him partly because of his money.  But that doesn't mean they didn't have a good & solid marriage.  Or that they didn't love each other dearly & greatly respect one another.  It was obvious they did.

Honestly, I got kind of a kick from from watching them together.  He clearly adored her.  I mean, whenever she pulled her stupid antics, did he ever roll his eyes?  NEVER!  As far as I remember, he never had any reaction except full support of her.  I got the impression he just enjoyed her -- completely & totally -- however ridiculous or stupid her antics were.  Forget about Bobby's money, Jillzy is never gonna find a man who'll adore like this.  Nice women can't find a man to adore 'em like that.  And someone like Jillzy found it?  She should consider herself very, very lucky indeed.

I'm not impressed, Bethenny.  Acting nice & respectful at a funeral in public is the bare-bones minimum to do.  I always thought Bethenny went way overboard in holding Jillzy's feet to the fire & holding onto a ridiculous grudge against Jillzy.  Ah, but we know it's not in Bethenny to ever forgive for ANYTHING.  So we'll see if she can actually forgive Jilly.  Me thinks not.  That's just who Bethenny is.  Holding onto grudges forever & ever & ever . . .


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35 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

"Mercenary"?  Er, huh?  Have no idea where you got that from.  

When you said your first thought was she'd get his money,  and you based that on Jill's behavior, that read as mercenary to me --  sorry & Ruhroh! ; )

Edited by film noire
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4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I can't stand her, but it was the right thing to do (and clearly she was invited) and I hope Jill gained comfort from her presence.

From Jill's eulogy (she started knitting him a blanket in July -- when he got sick again -- the blanket kept growing and growing, and she was finally able to give it to him three days before he died): 

“He spent the last days of his life snuggled up in it. The irony is when I draped it over the casket, it fit perfectly. Bobby knew.”

Edited by film noire
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Bethenny was in a catch-22, but ultimately I’m happy she attended the funeral.  If Jill invited her, it was inevitable that cameras would seek her out and Jill would know that.    Judging by Bethenny’s tweet about the funeral, I think the rift may officially be mended.

I’ve rewatched Season three and Jill was awful.  Pure awful and while she’s not lashed out at Bethenny since, her BFF Patti Stanger has been more than vocal.  I have no doubt that Jill has been thru hell over the past couple of years.  I dare say, I’m now interested in seeing her return.  

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I'm not impressed, Bethenny.  Acting nice & respectful at a funeral in public is the bare-bones minimum to do.

While I am curious what Bethenny could have done to do anything to please, I will just point out that she was nice and respectful at a funeral in public, which is indeed the bare bones minimum and she *did that* rather than anything unpleasant or attention getting - aside from showing up and guess what? I'm guessing she was invited.


  I always thought Bethenny went way overboard in holding Jillzy's feet to the fire & holding onto a ridiculous grudge against Jillzy.  Ah, but we know it's not in Bethenny to ever forgive for ANYTHING.  So we'll see if she can actually forgive Jilly.  Me thinks not.  That's just who Bethenny is.  Holding onto grudges forever & ever & ever . . .

I genuinely don't recall poor innocent Jillzy actually being innocent in their rift, nor do I recall Jill letting the grudge go and I especially don't recall Jillzy letting go of any slight, petty, imagined, or real. 

Bethenny was in a Catch 22 because if she attends, it does inevitably become about the rift, but if she doesn't, it's disrespectful and I never got the impression the rift extended to Bobby. She showed, she was respectful, and there's no suggestion that she was reigniting the anger or doing anything other than showing respect. I personally doubt the rift is "mended" but when someone passes, you put aside your anger and show respect. 

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