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16 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Teresa rolling her eyes Everytime someone speaks.  What’s her problem?  She looks like she is done with the show that made her millions.  She’s putting too much faith into Louie thinking it will last forever.  Seems like they all hate one another tonight.  Jen just doesn’t shut up.  Everything is coming out in the wash, lol.

the fact that this moron made millions from this show just sticks in my craw lol

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1 minute ago, Marley GMA said:

the fact that this moron made millions from this show just sticks in my craw lol

I can’t believe no Pre- nup.  Bethenny will probably talk about it tomorrow night on Watch What Crappins.

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14 hours ago, NJbutNoHousewife said:

Who would have guessed that my "winner" from this show was Luis. If she hadn't tried to bury his history and silence him, there wouldn't have been so much drama. He's way more sane than she will ever be, and you see that when she allows him to speak. 


he had to tell her to constantly take a breath, act nice, behave.  This marriage should be wonderful🙄. He may actually regret the day he met her, TV show or not.

29 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

I can’t believe no Pre- nup.  Bethenny will probably talk about it tomorrow night on Watch What Crappins.

Another idiot move from the idiot.  Even Andy tried to tell her.

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3 hours ago, Miss Bones said:

I thought that I may get a little pushback on that comment, because it was a bit sexist on my part, but I do appreciate the good-natured attitude of your reply, and it does make me feel better that your wife had a similar reaction.  TBH, I was a little buzzed, and on a roll when I posted it, so I do apologize if it was offensive to anyone.  Louie just didn't strike me as the "Carrie Bradshaw is my spirit animal" type.  😄 

Also, I do tend to agree with your last statement, that "Favorite" may have been a bit of an exaggeration, on Tre's part.  Either way, as you summarized, people do like what shows they like, and shouldn't have to be shamed, I just found it kind of surprising for that to be his "favorite".  Maybe "red flag" was the wrong term for me to have used. 


I agree, it is a red flag.  It is weird for a man to have Sex and the City as their favorite show.  I don't know exactly why, but it just is.  I don't think it is sexist.  My husband has definitely watched the show with me, and my dad went to the first movie with my mom... they watch it, but I don't know any men who are like "my show is on!"  

And speaking of Sex and the City and the horrible movie ending scene where they are getting married at the courthouse being Louie's "favorite" - that is very telling.  Big wanted a courthouse wedding, Carrie wanted a bigger and bigger wedding... who gets his dream wedding in the end???  Big.  Asshole.  After putting Carrie through some bullshit.  (Not that I like Carrie, but I digress...)


3 hours ago, chlban said:

Wasn't Dolores and Frank's son working for Louie? And wasn't he a Real Eatate Agent? They are on commission. If he lost his job it wasn't because of this show. Even if the publicity hurt him with some people, others would be drawn to the "fame". Something fishy there too, I bet. Teresa has always been horrible, but she has actually managed to get worse. She is just vile. 

This is very fishy, and once someone fudges the truth/lies, I believe nothing from them.


1 hour ago, retired watcher said:

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that Luis said he lost his job. He started the company. If they asked him to step away because his image wasn't good for them wouldn't they have to buy him out? Also, I thought I read it was under investigation. I believe it is a semi shady telemarketing company.

Yeah this is a total lie.  Does this idiot know that the internet exists and people can dig around and get to the truth?

If you start a company, who asks you to "step away?"  Like you said it is a buyout, but notice he first said "I lost my job because of this," which is not how a company owner typically words that. 

Louie came off well at the reunion because he is very very good at manipulating and smoothing over total BULLSHIT.  Maybe he is a pathological liar, they are usually very good at it.  If all the other girlfriends have serious gripes with him... there is something to that.



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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

A narcissist always needs an enemy, Marge is Teresa's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

A narcissist always needs and enemy.  Siggy is Marge's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

A narcissist always needs and enemy.  Danielle is Marge's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

A narcissist always needs and enemy.  Teresa is Marge's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

See, those work too.  They all play the same game.  It's not limited to Teresa and Margaret. The only difference is that some are able to speak more intelligently and also have the intelligence to be more conniving and crafty about it. In this case Teresa is a dolt and Margaret is a snake. In the end though, there isn't much base difference.  

As far as narcissism goes, isn't that a prerequisite for anyone who signs on to one of these shows?  


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 My prediction is that after Louie and Tre get married and life settles down and they stop filming for a while things will become very mundane. They will stay married for a few years with Louie becoming more and more disillusioned with Tre as time goes on. He will be the one to leave her. She will be devastated, especially when he walks away with half of her earnings. 

By the way, how many believe Tre when she said Louie has more money than she does and that's why she doesn't care about a pre nup? It's possible I suppose. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Supposedly Louie is one of the five co-founders behind Digital Media Solutions (DMS), a Florida-based digital marketing company that uses its proprietary technology to create “a more efficient advertising ecosystem” and help businesses “dominate social media.

The website doesn’t mention him at this point but typically founders can be asked to leave but they generally are able to retain their stocks and also negotiate some kind of golden parachute deal like the Uber and Wework pieces of crap. 

I wonder if digital media is anything like Jen Shah’s digital marketing company. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂😂

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19 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

It’s still Margaret’s fault.

Teresa’s is an ugly, angry person.

 Bingo...can I add that she's also a bully? She bullies her family members (Joe and Melissa) as well as other housewives that she doesn't like because they don't suck up to her the way Jen does. I have found her to be one of the most devisive people on this show. All that Namaste stuff after she got out of prison was a bunch of crap. She's petty, dumb as a box of rocks and obnoxious. I wish Bravo would fire her.

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52 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I don't know how anyone can reason with Teresa. Nothing gets through her skull. She will forever be convinced that Marge wants to bring Louis down. 

Oh yeah...she's like a dog with a bone with regard to Marge. She'll never let up on that...stubborn and stupid...that Louie is a lucky guy!!!

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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5 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

I think Luis has finally met his match. His asides to her that she was making herself look bad and his pleas for her to behave were met with Tre’s patented unawareness and noncompliance. When this relationship self-destructs it’s gonna be Tre at the wheel of the bus not Luis. He’s gonna rue the day he ever latched on to that hair-trigger, narcissistic moron. 

Each of those little asides he made to her were gigantic waving red flags. He knew that they were both mic'd. He knows Bravo, and he knows we'll hear it, and read it with the subtitles. Look how reasonable he is! Omg he's so kind and just wants the best for her /sarcasm. Imo, he's laying the foundation to make her his next "toxic ex". He always speaks to her, and about her behavior to others, like she's his high-strung pet Pomeranian. 

Ok, she IS pretty toxic all on her own, but that sure was some grooming happening. Its And he "lost" his job already? Color me shocked!


15 hours ago, gwen747 said:

Teresa and the eye blinking... You know that SHE knows she's been caught when that starts happening. 

Teresa is awful. I can't stand her. 

The open-mouthed blinking! She also does it when she's trying to comprehend what someone has said to her. Was that an insult? What is an analogy? What is the square root of pi? blink blink blink.😂 


Btw, I tripped over the cat this morning and dumped my entire cup of coffee all over the floor. It was definitely Margaret's fault!

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2 hours ago, ichbin said:

A narcissist always needs and enemy.  Siggy is Marge's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

A narcissist always needs and enemy.  Danielle is Marge's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

A narcissist always needs and enemy.  Teresa is Marge's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

See, those work too.  They all play the same game.  It's not limited to Teresa and Margaret. The only difference is that some are able to speak more intelligently and also have the intelligence to be more conniving and crafty about it. In this case Teresa is a dolt and Margaret is a snake. In the end though, there isn't much base difference.  

As far as narcissism goes, isn't that a prerequisite for anyone who signs on to one of these shows?  


I see Teresa as a narcissist and Marge more of an Alpha female. Alphas like her need to be in control and dominate. Thus her choice of an Omega husband. Narcissists like Teresa need to have their needs and opinions unilaterally liked and echoed by others. Everything revolves around them and their wants and needs...if you don't do that you will be berated or dumped. Whomever she doesn't like you must do the same or you're badgered to do so or excommunicated. 

Louis comes off as the reasonable one with a mind of his own...should be interesting to see how long he lasts with her. He's certainly more intelligent than her.

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

If you start a company, who asks you to "step away?"  Like you said it is a buyout, but notice he first said "I lost my job because of this," which is not how a company owner typically words that.  

Ummm, it happens more it often than you'd think, trust me. One example is Steve Jobs.

Edited by MsMalin
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11 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

I loved it when Luis said nothing was Marge's fault and he shook hands with Joe. It made Tre look like an ignorant moron, which she is.

Not to me.  It's clear that Margaret never forgave Teresa for telling Danielle to pull her hair.  Margaret was not trying to "help" Louie by bringing up allegations of abuse and the retreat video.  Margaret even told Jennifer during their sit down that between Jen and Teresa, Jen got the better deal.  Louie was playing nice with Margaret as a strategy.  If he kills Marge with kindness, it will make it harder for Marge to keep attacking him.

10 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I truly would not be surprised if Teresa and Luis don't make it to the altar.

The thing is, she'd have something of a legitimate argument if she said, "Margaret, you talking about the rumors are giving them legitimacy and I'd appreciate it if you stopped." But her insistence that Margaret was talking to the ex-girlfriends, that Margaret was the one putting the rumors are out there, that Margaret just wanted to ruin her "love bubble" just shows her to be the narcissist she is.

All of the cast keeps saying that Marge knows "everybody".  Also, a podcast host that trashes Teresa and reported on Louie was partying with Marge.  Marge didn't put a spotlight on Louie allegations out of friendship and kindness.

5 hours ago, Marley GMA said:

he had to tell her to constantly take a breath, act nice, behave.  This marriage should be wonderful🙄. He may actually regret the day he met her, TV show or not.

Another idiot move from the idiot.  Even Andy tried to tell her.

Teresa has said more than once that Louie has more money than her.  How would a prenup actually benefit her if that's the case?

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17 minutes ago, Talented Tenth said:

Not to me.  It's clear that Margaret never forgave Teresa for telling Danielle to pull her hair.  Margaret was not trying to "help" Louie by bringing up allegations of abuse and the retreat video.  Margaret even told Jennifer during their sit down that between Jen and Teresa, Jen got the better deal.  Louie was playing nice with Margaret as a strategy.  If he kills Marge with kindness, it will make it harder for Marge to keep attacking him.

All of the cast keeps saying that Marge knows "everybody".  Also, a podcast host that trashes Teresa and reported on Louie was partying with Marge.  Marge didn't put a spotlight on Louie allegations out of friendship and kindness.

Teresa has said more than once that Louie has more money than her.  How would a prenup actually benefit her if that's the case?

She has children, a pre nup and separate money is highly important, Looie seems the type to want to leave things in ashes when he is done with whatever.  Inheritance for the girls if anything were to happen to Teresa might be negated because of communal property in the marriage, (not sure what the deal is in NJ). So in short Teresa should not only have a pre nup but a will as well.


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18 hours ago, gwen747 said:

Teresa and the eye blinking... You know that SHE knows she's been caught when that starts happening. 

Teresa is awful. I can't stand her. 

Oh that eye blinking is so funny 😂 I always expect to see smoke coming out of her ears!

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6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


I agree, it is a red flag.  It is weird for a man to have Sex and the City as their favorite show.  I don't know exactly why, but it just is.  I don't think it is sexist.  My husband has definitely watched the show with me, and my dad went to the first movie with my mom... they watch it, but I don't know any men who are like "my show is on!"  

And speaking of Sex and the City and the horrible movie ending scene where they are getting married at the courthouse being Louie's "favorite" - that is very telling.  Big wanted a courthouse wedding, Carrie wanted a bigger and bigger wedding... who gets his dream wedding in the end???  Big.  Asshole.  After putting Carrie through some bullshit.  (Not that I like Carrie, but I digress...)


This is very fishy, and once someone fudges the truth/lies, I believe nothing from them.


Yeah this is a total lie.  Does this idiot know that the internet exists and people can dig around and get to the truth?

If you start a company, who asks you to "step away?"  Like you said it is a buyout, but notice he first said "I lost my job because of this," which is not how a company owner typically words that. 

Louie came off well at the reunion because he is very very good at manipulating and smoothing over total BULLSHIT.  Maybe he is a pathological liar, they are usually very good at it.  If all the other girlfriends have serious gripes with him... there is something to that.



Sorry but Teresa deserves whatever happens to her.  Everyone has warned her but she refused to listen.

And Carrie partly brought on her misery in the 1st SATC.  She didn't listen to him and made the wedding all about herself.  He should have been honest with her though.

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6 hours ago, amarante said:

Supposedly Louie is one of the five co-founders behind Digital Media Solutions (DMS), a Florida-based digital marketing company that uses its proprietary technology to create “a more efficient advertising ecosystem” and help businesses “dominate social media.

The website doesn’t mention him at this point but typically founders can be asked to leave but they generally are able to retain their stocks and also negotiate some kind of golden parachute deal like the Uber and Wework pieces of crap. 

I wonder if digital media is anything like Jen Shah’s digital marketing company. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂😂

I have heard his company is involved with telemarketing, that's what all the mumbo jumbo means, but haven't heard of any fraud like in Jen's case. But who knows. Even legal telemarketing walks a thin line.

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12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

A narcissist always needs an enemy, Marge is Teresa's target/enemy and nothing anyone says will make her veer from that.  

It is interesting that Teresa is not going after Looie's ex's for putting out all the dirty detail but I guess a narcissist hears what they want to hear and believes what they want to believe no matter what.




OR......   Theresa is a complete MORON???

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2 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

Not to me.  It's clear that Margaret never forgave Teresa for telling Danielle to pull her hair.  Margaret was not trying to "help" Louie by bringing up allegations of abuse and the retreat video.  Margaret even told Jennifer during their sit down that between Jen and Teresa, Jen got the better deal.  Louie was playing nice with Margaret as a strategy.  If he kills Marge with kindness, it will make it harder for Marge to keep attacking him.

All of the cast keeps saying that Marge knows "everybody".  Also, a podcast host that trashes Teresa and reported on Louie was partying with Marge.  Marge didn't put a spotlight on Louie allegations out of friendship and kindness.

Teresa has said more than once that Louie has more money than her.  How would a prenup actually benefit her if that's the case?

Teresa is a liar and dumb as a rock. The fact that she "says" he has more money than she does means absolutely nothing.

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16 hours ago, MsMalin said:

If you start a company, who asks you to "step away?"  Like you said it is a buyout, but notice he first said "I lost my job because of this," which is not how a company owner typically words that

The Overstock guy was asked to step down after her got all vocal about the "stolen" 2020 election. 

Marge and Teresa should not be on the same show. Honestly I'd be happy if both of them would just step away. Marge wants to be in charge, leading everyone around, directing every conversation and its annoying. And I cant watch her in outfits that provides zero boob support, just flopping around. Her eye makeup was terrible. And Tre there are no words for how vile she is. Clearly she did not want to film this season. I still think she is desperate for a "Tre and Looie getting married" spinoff and is hoping that if she is miserable enough she will get it. They need ti get rid if both Tre and Marge and get some new cast members, not Tiki and his wife. I actually find delusional Jennifer entertaining. Just find a couple more like her. I dont know if I can continue to watch the show if Tre is on it. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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5 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

They need ti get rid if both Tre and Marge and get some new cast members,

Maybe Leah and Eboni could move to New Jersey, they are still looking for camera time.

As much as Teresa did not look like she was enjoying the show this past season she will never voluntarily leave, she needs the cameras on her and the fame, she has no idea how to live a normal life now, you know, she is "The Teresa Guidice," (read that as you twirl and recite the mirror, mirror thing).

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20 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


I agree, it is a red flag.  It is weird for a man to have Sex and the City as their favorite show.  I don't know exactly why, but it just is.  I don't think it is sexist.  My husband has definitely watched the show with me, and my dad went to the first movie with my mom... they watch it, but I don't know any men who are like "my show is on!"  

And speaking of Sex and the City and the horrible movie ending scene where they are getting married at the courthouse being Louie's "favorite" - that is very telling.  Big wanted a courthouse wedding, Carrie wanted a bigger and bigger wedding... who gets his dream wedding in the end???  Big.  Asshole.  After putting Carrie through some bullshit.  (Not that I like Carrie, but I digress...)


This is very fishy, and once someone fudges the truth/lies, I believe nothing from them.


Yeah this is a total lie.  Does this idiot know that the internet exists and people can dig around and get to the truth?

If you start a company, who asks you to "step away?"  Like you said it is a buyout, but notice he first said "I lost my job because of this," which is not how a company owner typically words that. 

Louie came off well at the reunion because he is very very good at manipulating and smoothing over total BULLSHIT.  Maybe he is a pathological liar, they are usually very good at it.  If all the other girlfriends have serious gripes with him... there is something to that.



Luis and Frank Jr both used to work at Revolve Capital Management Group This is their old team page. When you go on the site now, they have taken down all the pictures and have only the bios of the owners up. I believe the story was Luis started this group and that he was one of the original employees and opened up their NJ offices. The company sets up real estate deals and allows investors to buy in at fractional shares (the investors essentially play the role of the bank). Unclear whether they shut down the entire NJ office (Luis, Frank and one other partner) or whether they just asked Frank to leave. I didn't know anything about the advertising company, I only thought he did real estate.

I just did a quick look at the Digital Media Solutions page and it looks like Luis also started that business with the guy who was the other co-founder from the NJ office of Revolve. According to the DMS about us page


"Founded in 2012 by a team of lifelong athletes, Digital Media Solutions experienced accelerating growth. From the early days, founders Joe Marinucci, Fernando Borghese, Luis Ruelas, Matt Goodman and David Shteif understood brands needed and wanted innovative ways to connect with their target audiences. But innovation alone wouldn't win. Trackable performance, with linear connections between digital advertising spend and campaign results, was and continues to be essential to earn the trust of advertisers and to help them scale their successes. Although Team DMS continues to innovate to provide new and emerging media and advertising technology solutions that minimize waste and maximize results across the most competitive industries, the focus on building strong relationships, driving reliable results and giving back to our communities has not wavered."

That sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo...

Edited by Rlb8031
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On 5/18/2022 at 1:46 PM, heatherchandler said:


I agree, it is a red flag.  It is weird for a man to have Sex and the City as their favorite show.  I don't know exactly why, but it just is.  I don't think it is sexist.  My husband has definitely watched the show with me, and my dad went to the first movie with my mom... they watch it, but I don't know any men who are like "my show is on!"  

And speaking of Sex and the City and the horrible movie ending scene where they are getting married at the courthouse being Louie's "favorite" - that is very telling.  Big wanted a courthouse wedding, Carrie wanted a bigger and bigger wedding... who gets his dream wedding in the end???  Big.  Asshole.  After putting Carrie through some bullshit.  (Not that I like Carrie, but I digress...)



18 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

And Carrie partly brought on her misery in the 1st SATC.  She didn't listen to him and made the wedding all about herself.  He should have been honest with her though.

@heatherchandler, I must have missed when Louie said that was his favorite scene.  What?  That's odd.  That being said, and not to get too offtopic, but yes, I agree with both you and @JAYJAY1979, in that I can't stand Carrie, Big is an asshole, and Carrie did bring it on herself, by being her typical narcissistic self and not listening to the needs of her partner.  Hmm...maybe that's why Louie's a SATC fan?  He sees Teresa in Carrie's self involved, annoying ways.

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6 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Luis and Frank Jr both used to work at Revolve Capital Management Group This is their old team page. When you go on the site now, they have taken down all the pictures and have only the bios of the owners up. I believe the story was Luis started this group and that he was one of the original employees and opened up their NJ offices. The company sets up real estate deals and allows investors to buy in at fractional shares (the investors essentially play the role of the bank). Unclear whether they shut down the entire NJ office (Luis, Frank and one other partner) or whether they just asked Frank to leave. I didn't know anything about the advertising company, I only thought he did real estate.

I just did a quick look at the Digital Media Solutions page and it looks like Luis also started that business with the guy who was the other co-founder from the NJ office of Revolve. According to the DMS about us page

That sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo...

One has to ask, if his career was so important to him, why would he join the cast of a reality TV show of this nature? His entire life is on display and all of the scurrilous rumors and behavior of his fiancee are also fodder for tabloids and social media. He could have declined to be filmed and kept his personal business off limits but instead he joined the cast and his past problems and issues were put out in the open for all to see...including his company. He brought this on himself...now he's going to be living off Teresa and whatever kind of income he makes from appearing on RHONJ. Hope he can still afford his 15,000 square feet home...

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7 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Luis and Frank Jr both used to work at Revolve Capital Management Group This is their old team page. When you go on the site now, they have taken down all the pictures and have only the bios of the owners up. I believe the story was Luis started this group and that he was one of the original employees and opened up their NJ offices. The company sets up real estate deals and allows investors to buy in at fractional shares (the investors essentially play the role of the bank). Unclear whether they shut down the entire NJ office (Luis, Frank and one other partner) or whether they just asked Frank to leave. I didn't know anything about the advertising company, I only thought he did real estate.

I just did a quick look at the Digital Media Solutions page and it looks like Luis also started that business with the guy who was the other co-founder from the NJ office of Revolve. According to the DMS about us page

That sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo...

Luis is a lifelong athlete? What sport did he do and where did he play? And pickleball and bocci ball don't count.

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57 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

One has to ask, if his career was so important to him, why would he join the cast of a reality TV show of this nature? His entire life is on display and all of the scurrilous rumors and behavior of his fiancee are also fodder for tabloids and social media. He could have declined to be filmed and kept his personal business off limits but instead he joined the cast and his past problems and issues were put out in the open for all to see...including his company. He brought this on himself...now he's going to be living off Teresa and whatever kind of income he makes from appearing on RHONJ. Hope he can still afford his 15,000 square feet home...

Absolutely this is a self-inflicted wound. But I'm side-eyeing how much of a wound it is because if you are a co-founder, you don't get fired. You might get pushed out of day-to-day management but still retain some financial partnership, or you get bought out, but you don't get fired.

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Last week this group was criticizing  Tre for wanting a big wedding and for her huge vow renewal.(myself included). Now this week Louie is being criticized for wanting a small wedding. Go figure. I am not a Tre apologist but do.we have to criticize her and Louie for everything?

Edited by MsMalin
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There was no need for three parts to that reunion. I was lead to believe on social media that something shocking happened at the reunion. Was it Andy yelling shut up? Joe Gorga quitting for a few minutes? 

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1 hour ago, Rlb8031 said:

Absolutely this is a self-inflicted wound. But I'm side-eyeing how much of a wound it is because if you are a co-founder, you don't get fired. You might get pushed out of day-to-day management but still retain some financial partnership, or you get bought out, but you don't get fired.

Or the company was just a big Ponzi scheme-"investors" acted as the bank-and you get out before the Feds step in. How ironic would it be if Teresa's second husband goes to jail too? At least we won't get deported in the end.

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13 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

There was no need for three parts to that reunion. I was lead to believe on social media that something shocking happened at the reunion. Was it Andy yelling shut up? Joe Gorga quitting for a few minutes? 

I heard Andy talking about it. I think it was the whole Tre and Joe Grosga  thing with her calling him a bitch girl/boy. Andy thinks things were said that cut very deeply and won't be easy to overcome.

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20 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Last week this group was criticizing  Tre for wanting a big wedding and for her huge vow renewal.(myself included). Now this week Louie is being criticized for wanting a small wedding. Go figure. I am not a Tre apologist but do.we have to criticize her and Louie for everything?

While I didn’t post anything about it myself. I read the comments more that people thought it was odd that he wanted a small wedding because his favorite show was Sex and The City. I thought it was odd.

I think Tre wants a big televised wedding with Bravo footing the bill. I think originally Looey was enamored with the fame of being on TV but he doesn’t seemed thrilled with the reality of it.

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16 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

I think originally Looey was enamored with the fame of being on TV but he doesn’t seemed thrilled with the reality of it.

You gotta love when newbies come on and, even after having watched the show, think they can rise above or stay out of the fray, when in reality (pun intended) they are like fresh chum thrown overboard.

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On 5/19/2022 at 5:53 PM, Rlb8031 said:

Absolutely this is a self-inflicted wound. But I'm side-eyeing how much of a wound it is because if you are a co-founder, you don't get fired. You might get pushed out of day-to-day management but still retain some financial partnership, or you get bought out, but you don't get fired.

Good point.

On 5/19/2022 at 7:35 PM, MsMalin said:

Last week this group was criticizing  Tre for wanting a big wedding and for her huge vow renewal.(myself included). Now this week Louie is being criticized for wanting a small wedding. Go figure. I am not a Tre apologist but do.we have to criticize her and Louie for everything?


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On 5/18/2022 at 2:09 PM, bichonblitz said:

By the way, how many believe Tre when she said Louie has more money than she does and that's why she doesn't care about a pre nup? It's possible I suppose. 

Not now .. being he lost his job.  Hope she realizes this and signs a pre nup.  Knowing her tho, she probably won’t as she’s in the Love Bubble still, for now.  What a ditz.

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On 5/20/2022 at 3:47 PM, Stats Queen said:

While I didn’t post anything about it myself. I read the comments more that people thought it was odd that he wanted a small wedding because his favorite show was Sex and The City. I thought it was odd.

I think Tre wants a big televised wedding with Bravo footing the bill. I think originally Looey was enamored with the fame of being on TV but he doesn’t seemed thrilled with the reality of it.

I’m wondering if they all can survive with just the Bravo salaries.  Do any of them have regular jobs off season?  Doesn’t  joe Gorga sell fruit or something off season?  Plus Melissa has the store.  I don’t know about the others.

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30 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Joe sells fruit? Thanks for the giggle! Wait, does he? I thought he was in construction or remodeling? Fruit? Really? 

I read it somewhere, don’t remember where.  When my son was in college, he worked for a company that bought fruit in bulk and sold it to stores.  He was a driver delivering fruit to stores.  Somebody has to do it, right?  I don’t know if it’s true about Joe.

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On 5/19/2022 at 9:40 AM, Rlb8031 said:

That sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo...

It's not. It sounds like they sell software tools or something to track the effectiveness of digital advertising and marketing campaigns. Which is a very real business. I don't know how well these guys do it but if you're in public relations or marketing, that language is pretty run-of-the-mill for that kind of service. 

I mean, Luis may be shady, I don't know one way or the other. But that business and the language describing it doesn't set off any alarm bells for me.

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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Teresa should have asked mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the dumbest of us all.

And when the mirror answered her, she could have stupidly answered see I win again "blink, blink" with open mouth.

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1 minute ago, mbaywife123 said:

Teresa should have asked mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the dumbest of us all.

And when the mirror answered her, she could have stupidly answered see I win again "blink, blink" with open mouth.

🤣 💀 😂 ☠️ 😜 

 She also slightly nods as she does the blink blink open mouth thing! The poor hamster, that runs things inside her skull, must be exhausted after the reunion!

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1 minute ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

🤣 💀 😂 ☠️ 😜 

 She also slightly nods as she does the blink blink open mouth thing! The poor hamster, that runs things inside her skull, must be exhausted after the reunion!

I think that hamster fell off it's wheel a long time ago.

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Today I learned Jen of Jen and bill have 5 children. When she exclaimed how she gave birth to 5 babies and got a tummy tuck, I was shocked! She works hard to look good and say I've birthed 5 babies 😂 but kudos to her, also rough for the kids when mom's say "I just like having my kids home", I mean maybe they don't want to leave the mansion that has endless things to entertain. But that would be pretty suffocating

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