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S11.E12: Top 8 Perform + Elimination

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I'm just trying to figure with songs by Michael Jackson will fit with what style. The group routines won't be a problem, there are many that can be used for that. But I'm not good enough to see what works with ballroom. Maybe we will get a non-angsty contemporary to one of his songs?

Not while "Man in the Mirror" exists.  But at least it'll be a musical change of pace.  Maybe you could do something ballroom with "Remember the Time" or "In the Closet," though I'm not sure why my brain goes to those tracks.


I'm surprised they got his music.  Wasn't that an issue a couple seasons back when he passed away?

Not while "Man in the Mirror" exists.  But at least it'll be a musical change of pace.  Maybe you could do something ballroom with "Remember the Time" or "In the Closet," though I'm not sure why my brain goes to those tracks.


I'm surprised they got his music.  Wasn't that an issue a couple seasons back when he passed away?

Tucker and Jenna did a hip hop routine to his music last season. Granted it was the Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil music, but I guess the legal hurdles were cleared.


I'm interested to see what kinds of themes and dances will be done within the theme. I am NOT looking forward to the inevitable lamenting of Jackson. Also, with this kind of a precedent established, it really makes me sad to know that Wade Robson will probably never return to SYTYCD. I hope he's doing well in all capacities. 

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I just can't get excited about the show this summer, and I've always looked forward to it.


For me the problem is the lack of standouts, either personality or talent wise, with the exception of Zack.  The rest just look like cookie-cutter vanilla-pudding faces to me and don't stand out in other ways either.


I adore Cat Deeley, but unfortunately she's not enough for me to continue watching.  Here's hoping next year's better.

  • Love 4
Also, with this kind of a precedent established, it really makes me sad to know that Wade Robson will probably never return to SYTYCD. I hope he's doing well in all capacities.



I was just thinking that not only do we have to listen to non-stop compliments of MJ, but that someone as gifted as Wade who has been a great asset to the show will most likely cut off ties with it altogether.  Cheesy music and a whitewash may make it a night for me and my book.

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I didn't remember that Jessica was on the show until they announced her solo. She's a beautiful absence to me. She's a lovely contemporary dancer, but I cannot connect to her.

Please go home Rudy. If he is there next week, he could knock Zack out of the competition. I don't think Casey has the same voting base. But it's probably Casey's time.

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What?!?!?!?!. NOOOOOOO. I have never thought Tanisha more gorgeous than in her solo. Her hair - great. Makeup - great. The outfit - accentuated everything beautiful about her. I mean, I'm not trying to sound like a lecherous old lady, but her body is just perfect. Only thing I didn't like was her first flip, because it looked like it went wrong.

Nick who? I only could see Tanisha. Probably partly because I started watching in season 4 so I don't know him but I just adore her. Why do people hate ballroom??

And for cod's sack, they can stop telegraphing the bottom dancers any time now. Jenna seriously said that Tanisha's end embrace with Nick, in the dark, didn't show any angst? WTF? That had nothing to do with the dance and that was just to give her criticism.

I know what Jenna's big claim to fame is now, but all I can think of is Howard Stern's Jenna Dewan game. Didn't she used to do porn? Now obviously people don't need to be known as what they once were, I'm just curious.

Cat Deeley is just perfection. Ricky is all sweaty and gross, she's wearing that pretty white dress, and she hugged him anyways.

The judges can pretend Ryan was an invisible partner all they want, but I noticed him. I watched the hell out of him and his fab shirt. I hate how they treat him, I barely noticed whatsherface.

Except for the black widow vagina cover, Comfort's bodysuit was magic. I love spiders! And I could hardly concentrate on Zach's performance because I was so distracted by how unflattering the fit was on Makenzie's dress.

I thought Jessica's solo was very desperate and I think she suuuuuuuucks all over. And I thought it was very cute when Cat announced Zach's solo and Ricky cheered for him and then when cat introduced Ricky Zach woohoo'd for him.

Guess I will root for Jacque, hopefully tWitch's magic works on her and she is safe next week.

I don't understand how you could be someone who knows Wade personally and be fine being a part of a celebration of Michael Jackson. Nigel, Mary, Travis, Mandy, Jean-Marc and Cat all disappointed me. People like Ray and Spencer and the others get a bit of a pass because they weren't working on the show when Wade was around. The reports that just came out about what Wade said Michael did are horrifying. This is not someone I want to see celebrated.


That being said, I'm so sad to lose Tanisha. I feel like she was what I had to sacrifice to get rid of Rudy but now the girls are so basic. No one left has any real spark or maturity. They are boring, dull, and uninspired dancers. For all of Rudy's faults, he was never dull like Valerie or Jessica. I'm glad to see him go, though. He's just not strong enough. He was like a child dancing with Allison.


I did enjoy Zack and Makenzie's number and I loved the tWitch half of that Hip Hop. Honestly, Jacque is so bland that I didn't watch her much. Casey was given a gift with his number. He spent a third of it on that net not really dancing. Comfort still was so much stronger. I love Ricky but I barely remember his routine with Jaimie.


Zack's solo was spectacular. He really does have something to say with his dancing, like his teacher said. That's the difference between how he taps and how Valerie taps. I didn't realize it until tonight but that's why his dancing is so dynamic and hers is just good.


That dance crew had the performance of the night. It was captivating. 

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I love Spencer Liff, but doesn't he know that any dance set to "The Way You Make Me Feel" is supposed to include a motorcycle and ballet stripping?  Get it together, Liff!


But yeah, I have to agree with the other comments. I just went through a round of sexual abuse prevention training and watching everyone on this show talk about how "inspirational" Michael Jackson was super uncomfortable.  All I could think about was the abuse survivor stories I've heard this week. It's always tricky to deal with artists who have dark sides, but there has to be a way to acknowledge good work without acting like it makes the artist a saint.

Edited by Lindsey
  • Love 11

Holy Shit, Comfort.  Lord Above. Can we just give it to her?


Ok the show begins and Cat comes and and says "it's a very special show tonight."  Well on  TV "a very special show" usually means its about mentally disabled kids.  ...and then the camera pans on Rudy all over the opening number.  Jus' sayin', folks.


Rudy blubbered like an idiot.  Tanisha was a real lady.  Did he think he was going to win!??! His solo was pompous and awful. Tanisha, don't EVER let anyone tie your hair back AGAIN GIRL.


I hope you all have come to the conclusion, as I have, that Valerie is winning.  Ricky could take it, but she is a sure 2nd.  They slobbered all over her for the samba, sure it was fun, but her arms were horrible during the whole thing. Doesn't she own any non-red, non-orthopedic tap shoes?  and Ryan-- I thought you couldn't bring any guns into that theater (chuckles at her own humor)

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Boo. Tanisha was my favorite girl. She was the only one (other than Ricky) who wasn't overshadowed by her all star.  I really think she was the best female dancer on the show. 


See ya, Rudy.


I honestly don't remember Mackenzie from last year (or whenever she was).  I think I got her and Jenna confused a lot.


Nick was dreamy out there. Please have him on the show more! 


Who was redundo-Judge tonight? Is she someone I should know?

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I thought Cat looked lovely tonight. Enviable hair, nice dress... and then I saw the cape. Was that a cape?


So, so happy to see Rudy go, and appalled at his open blubbering (but then one thing I don't like about him is how he wears his giant emotions on his sleeve). Furious about Tanisha, though. She was far and away my favorite female dancer. I wish we could have an all-male top 3.

  • Love 4

Cat was radiant tonight, like a glowing reincarnation of Grace Kelly and the same magic connection with her humble  people.


Jenna Dewan Tatum's mind was blown by the first dance, explaining why she couldn't stitch coherent thoughts together all night.  I hope her neurologist has a fix for that.


Ricky and Tanisha really stood out in the opening routine, they are a cut above the rest.


Tanisha's solo - Good thing we're not seeing too many of those this year, ballroom solos are boring no matter how many high kicks and flips one tries to stuff in.


Ricky and Jaimie CONTEMP - This was alright, paint-by-numbers choreo.  Ricky and Jaimie were a good match for movement quality, and Jaimie's light blue sheer dress was heavenly and moved beautifully throughout the dance.  Ricky was wearing street clothes, which is pretty lame since he's the dancetestant.


Zack's solo - Tap dancing always sucks.  I look at the upper body: what the coconut, that's not dancing.


Valerie and Ryan SAMBA - The judges liked this? Were they drunk or high, that is the question.  We watched it twice to mock it.  For a tap dancer Valerie sure is lazy footed, and Ryan had to do his moves, and make her do hers by pulling on her limbs.  When she broke free of his steely guidance she lost the timing.  I saw better samba rolls at the bakery.  Ryan was literally pulling her in and out of them and she was just going "wooo!  owe! I can't stretch this much! ouch!".  She learned to do a samba walk and nothing else.  She can't do any flips or acrobatics at all.  She's a zero.  Poor Twitch is going to be stuck with her next week.  Oh well, Nigel's wet dream of having some stupid tap dancer make it to top 4 is almost a reality, if it happens "mission accomplished" he can let the show get cancelled with no hard feelings.  Top notch dancesaster.


Rudy solo - It was like his whole body was making stupid goofy faces for the camera.


Casey and Comfort HIP HOP - White shirt and pencil jeans emphasized Casey's white-bread quality and lack of swag (also lack of dancing altogether) and Comfort danced circles around him.  Again, why was the dancetestant in street clothes and the all-star in the sexy costume?  Casey might as well have sat in the audience.


Jacque's solo - That was purdy, but the best ballerina I've ever seen, she is not.


Tanisha and Nick CONTEMP - Hello boring cookie cutter contemp.  Poor Tanisha gave it all she could.  I hope she wins!  Yeah I know she was eliminated - but she was the best.  While Stacey's choreo blew chunks, she herself looked beautiful in the audience.


Jessica's solo - Maybe she was good, I was distracted by Celine Dion's wailing.


Rudy and Allison CONTEMP - Booooh-rrring.  Oh god the mugging for the camera while Cat was announcing him, just before the commercial break... please go home.  He was thoroughly and completely outdanced by his allstar.  That got a standing O?  Puh-lease.  I hope it was for Allison.


Valerie's solo - Tap dancing is so uninteresting.


Zack and Makenzie BROADWAY - When I saw Makenzie I thought she was a dowdy Queen Elizabeth in a fat suit.  Then she dropped the wool overcoat and showed off some ugly dress of heavily woven polyester silk.  That was not a good routine.


Jacque and Twitch HIP HOP - Jacque sorta kept up minus all the moves and popping that made the routine great.  YAY TWitch for not dumbing it down.


Ricky's solo - This kid can launch himself into orbit with his leaps alone.


Jessica and Will CONTEMP AGAIN???? - Will was gorgeous and mature with beautiful dreads.  Jessica kept up with her all-star which was no mean feat.  She's growing and maturing blah blah blah.


Tanisha exited gracefully  with a smile like a seasoned professional.

Rudy imploded like Molleeeeeee on tears and steroids.


Boy oh boy I'm really starting to miss Fik-Shun, who brough ORIGINALITY and sunshine to all his performance.  Everyone this year is so... cream of rice.

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The entire show was a giant snooze fest.  I deleted it as soon as it was over.


Sorry to see Tanisha leave - she is amazing.


Why is Valerie still here?  She is just so ...blah.


I don't really care who wins. 


Will, Allison, Twitch and Ryan were wonderful.


There - I've added my two cents in simple declarative sentences.    And that's all I have to say about that.

  • Love 8

I know what Jenna's big claim to fame is now, but all I can think of is Howard Stern's Jenna Dewan game. Didn't she used to do porn? Now obviously people don't need to be known as what they once were, I'm just curious.

No, she never did porn. Some questionable Lifetime movies, but never porn.

Was totally ready for Rudy to leave, but I am actually upset Tanisha left too. She was the best female dancer left by far - I can't believe Valerie is still around and Tanisha is gone.

  • Love 4

Well that was a travesty. Casey is performative oatmeal and I do not understand why anybody is voting for him. Valerie was probably the least of the top 10 dancers and was definitely the least of the top 8, in addition to being a complete personality black hole to me onstage. She gives me nothing in performance. I enjoyed both Rudy's solo and duet tonight. I'll accept the loss of Tanisha, because she started strong but hasn't really wowed for a few weeks, and Jacque surprised me a little tonight. But if I pit Rudy against Casey...Casey's losing, every time. Rudy's technique is not the greatest, but he draws the eye and presents character, his face is mobile and he gives great emotion, plus he gives me something different from all the lyrical in terms of style.


With what's left, I think a Ricky/Zack top 2 is where it's at, and I'm rooting for Zack to win. However...did anybody else see Ricky just hang in the air for a moment at the top of that first leap in his solo? Kid is gifted beyond measure.


As for tonight's show...I thought a Michael Jackson tribute should have been way more fun and inventive than this, and more than once the choreography was a massive letdown, the Broadway in particular. "The Way You Make Me Feel" is so dynamic and I feel like Spencer got wrapped up in Makenzie's legs and went far too lyrical and posey. On a whole, tonight should have had a lot more jazz to it, like that opening number, which was perfect. And I cannot believe that they dragged "Earth Song" out of the coffin it should remain in forever.


I feel like in general, this show needs more jazz dance and far less lyrical and Latin ballroom.

Edited by shortpplfedup
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WILL WINGFIELD.  That man gets more gorgeous every time I look at him.  I barely noticed Jessica and when I did I was bored.  Will lit up my night.


Ricky and Jaime were awesome.  I don't like Ricky or Travis particularly, but that choreo was wonderful and that dance was light and non-stop and glitch-free.  I thought it was beautiful.


I thought the opening group number was fairly boring and the costuming was bad.


Valerie suits hair extensions and a choker, but her ballroom was uninspiring.


Nigel has been taking his pompous pills religiously this season - he gets worse and worse every time.  His emphasis on how much inspiration he found in the music made me uncomfortable - it felt like he was hitting out at Wade.

Great show, bad music for the classic dance routines.  Jackson's stuff is appropriate for hip hop and the other street acrobatics but not Jazz, Broadway, Ballroom or Ballet styles.  it is ridiculous that trained dancers must learn the artless and ugly hop hop routines but the hip hoppers are never required to do ballet, tap or ballroom.  Different standards for different contestants.  Totally unfair!

  • Love 2

I really really hate theme nights in general. It takes me back to some awful episodes of American Idol. But this was especially awkward knowing all about Wade and stuff. I just don't really understand why Nigel wanted to have an MJ theme night, knowing that it would probably cut all ties with Wade forever, professionally and personally. Just awkward all around.


Makenzie was my 2nd favourite girl last season, so I was delighted to see her back tonight! Particularly because I remember Spencer saying how much he loved working with Makenzie last season :) Zack was wonderful too. I just love how well he is adapting to everything he is given. My eye was instantly drawn to him in the group number as well, which he killed! He really just gives it his all, I love watching him dance.


Tanisha was my favourite girl. I truly believe that she was the most versatile girl in the competition. Dammit America. But at least Rudy went home tonight so I can be free from his awful mugging next week.


Yes, hello Will! I missed you <3 I thought he completely outdanced Jessica but whatever, Nigel. I also thought that Allision and Twitch completely outdanced Rudy and Jacque as well, since I couldn't take my eyes off either of them. Also Comfort.

Edited by allypenguin
  • Love 3

Can't help but think if Tanisha's face was as gorgeous as her dancing, she wouldn't be leaving tonight...? Shallow and unfair, yes. The other girls get comments about how stunning and beautiful they are/look, but I don't recall Tanisha getting one that isn't dance-related. I could be wrong, as I haven't watched from the start this season.

  • Love 11

Ugh Michael Jackson. Just ugh. I'll shut up because nothing I say will be pleasant. I'm glad it's over.

I'm glad Rudy & Tanisha are gone. I just never warmed up to her, something about her always felt strangely forced in my eyes. Rudy, well his over the topness was more over the top than I've seen in a long time. Next week I'm hoping America puts Valerie out of her (& our) misery. She's not at this level. Actually I don't care for the girls this year. They are being outshined. Jessica is a bland blonde barbi doll copy of everyone before her. Jacque is fine but that's about it, fine.

I think Ricky is far & away the best to my untrained eye. His dancing seems organic & effortless. I like Casey & Zack & think they're good but it seems like different levels.

Comfort won the night for me. Twitch was his usual wonderful self, but Comfort was amazing & so stinking beautiful. I'm not sure if I was watching a different dance but I found Rudy & Allison's routine uninspiring. I usually really like her work but she couldn't save that for me. And let me just say a small hubba-hubba for Will & Ryan. Those are some lovely men.

Edited by ramble

Four contemporary dances and a broadway, couldn't they put in a 'special' style to mix things up?  I don't like music theme night.  The choreographers already have to work around dancer skill levels and tight schedules, th­­­e music theme just puts more restrictions on creativity.  This MJ theme kind of ties everything together and makes them blend in a bad way.


Ricky got to show his strength in his solo and duet but at this point I feel like I'm taking it for granted.  Valerie was a pleasant surprise in her samba, I thought she sold the feel and look of the dance despite the little bit of awkwardness at times where she had the tapper stance and arms.  Casey's definitely showing the emotion of the dance more now.  I didn't get Tanisha's solo then and I don't get it now.   The ballroom shoes/outfit and leg lifts/floor work combo just doesn't show her off at all. 


Allison's characterization elevated her duet.  I love it when a performer is not afriad to look 'ugly', she gives it all with no reservation.  MacKenzie looked gorgeous even though her dress didn't seem to fit right.   I loved the wardrobe styling for that piece but I thought there were too much side-by-side work in that choreography.  

Edited by preex
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Can't help but think if Tanisha's face was as gorgeous as her dancing, she wouldn't be leaving tonight...? Shallow and unfair, yes. The other girls get comments about how stunning and beautiful they are/look, but I don't recall Tanisha getting one that isn't dance-related. I could be wrong, as I haven't watched from the start this season.

I love Tanisha, but I think you're right about folks not voting for those that aren't as conventionally beautiful. Her beauty comes from within and is clearly expressed on her face. It's a dirty shame she was eliminated. I agree that Valerie is probably the weakest female, but she really does shine when she performs. You can tell how much she is loving what she does. I do like her. I like all the final 4 females. I don't care much for Rudy so I'm glad he's out now. I think Ricky is the best male dancer left, but I also love Zach.

Was there someone dancing with Allison? I wish it had been a manly man instead of a boy who was having trouble holding on to her during a lift.

I am not seeing what everyone else apparently sees re Ricky. Is it the Gumby-like constant leg extensions? I saw him hang for a sec during a split leap jump during his solo, and that was cool, but I feel I've seen dozens of contempo boys do this. Seriously, I'm not getting it.

What happened to Stacie Tookey's face? Almost didn't recognize her.

Very sad to see Tanisha go instead of Valerie. Some parts of that Samba were OK, but other times she looked like a pony clomping around up there. And she had Ryan helping her.

I am liking Jacque. She was working it in the opening number.

I always skip the jidges pontificating, so those who did, let me know who they they started the bus for (damned with faint praise), who fan base they fired up to power vote (absurd criticism aimed to anger said fans), and who they must not be worried about so they once again blew smoke up their ass. Thanks!

Great show, bad music for the classic dance routines.  Jackson's stuff is appropriate for hip hop and the other street acrobatics but not Jazz, Broadway, Ballroom or Ballet styles.  it is ridiculous that trained dancers must learn the artless and ugly hop hop routines but the hip hoppers are never required to do ballet, tap or ballroom.  Different standards for different contestants.  Totally unfair!

I don't think so at all. They don't have the contemporary dancers do tap or ballet either. Those 2 genres just aren't ones someone can fake their way through and make look good. Everyone has had to dance outside their genre multiple times.

Hip hop is far from artless. There's a reason that many of the most popular routines and many of the more popular dancers have been hip hop.

As for tonight show, I was far more interested in the all stars than the contestants. I forgot how heavenly Will was....

  • Love 4

Jenna Dewan has a long career as a backup dancer, in particular for Janet Jackson, NSync and P!nk.  She was also in the first "Step Up" movie (where she met Channing Tatum).  So she is a dancer, not just a face.


The opening number did absolutely nothing for me.


Jamie was really good in her pair with Ricky.  I had to smile that she was so much taller than he is.  :)

What was with Valerie's hair?  And her arm positions were terrible.

Damn, Comfort!

Tanisha - meh

Rudy always does his hunched over shoulders thing.

I liked Zach's routine.  I think he may be in trouble, so I'll be voting for him.

Were Jacke's arms SUPPOSED to be doing different things than tWitch's throughout the entire dance, or was she just messed up?  I doubt that tWitch was wrong.  Though her steps were good.

Did Nigel say "biatch"?!

There's a Jessica?

It was cute how Cat had to bend down to talk to Jessica.

I forgot how heavenly Will was....



The dreadlocks make a big (positive) difference, IMO.


Jenna Dewan has a long career as a backup dancer, in particular for Janet Jackson, NSync and P!nk.  She was also in the first "Step Up" movie (where she met Channing Tatum).  So she is a dancer, not just a face.


And because she's a dancer, there's no excuse for her useless critiques.


Jamie was really good in her pair with Ricky.  I had to smile that she was so much taller than he is.  :)



How tall is Ricky exactly? IIRC from her season, Jamie can't possibly be taller than 5'5".


I don't want to get too much into the Michael Jackson child molestation debacle, but since Wade has been mentioned several times, I have to say this: I question Wade's motives. In an earlier lawsuit against Michael he testified under oath that Michael had not molested him. After Michael's death, he wanted to choreograph the One tour and the Cirque show but the estate went with other choreographers. Now he's suing the estate for $1.62 billion (no, that's not a typo). Something feels very off about how this has unfolded. I can't blame the show for distancing themselves from him because of that, at least until the law suit has been resolved.

Edited by chocolatine
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