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Unpopular Food Likes/Dislikes: Table for One

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19 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

I feel that way about most foods.  If, for instance, you make a steak with good quality beef, it should be good on its own, with minimal adornment.

Exactly. Not only does the beef not need it, it screws up the wine pairing.

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4 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Cynthia Nixon, the actress who is a NY gubernatorial candidate, just ordered a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese, lox, red onions, tomatoes, and capers.

I'm pretty sure this combo has never been popular, but the thought of it made me queasy.


There’s a Sicilian relish I love that has capers and raisins and is served with fish so I wouldn’t rule it out.

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Cynthia Nixon, the actress who is a NY gubernatorial candidate, just ordered a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese, lox, red onions, tomatoes, and capers.

I'm pretty sure this combo has never been popular, but the thought of it made me queasy.


That is so...wrong.  Onion bagel.  Plain if necessary.  But cinnamon raisin - with lox?  No.  Just no. 

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I don't know if it's unpopular, but blue cheese is pretty much the only food that disgusts me to the point of refusing to eat it. Considering how there are tons of blue cheese dressings and prepared salads with blue cheese, I assume a lot of people like it.

I've never understood chicken wings or why people like them so much. It's all bones and hardly any meat. And then the sauce is too sweet and gets everywhere. I've always been slightly grossed out by any meat with bones in it actually (except fish, I love eating the small bones out of fish for some reason). I've never liked fried chicken all that much either.

Also I used to like hamburgers but I was vegetarian for three years and now I'm mostly pescetarian. A few weeks ago I ordered a black bean burger at Smashburger and they gave me a hamburger by mistake. I was surprised to find that it was kind of gross. Not even because of the whole "meat is murder" thing because I do eat fish and occasionally poultry. And not because of the way it was prepared, because it was prepared in the way that those "fancy" burger places do. But the taste of the beef itself and the greasy texture was off-putting to me. Anyway it's good to know I'm not missing out on anything.

Also, I don't really like pie that much (the dessert kind that is, I love savory pies). The only part I like is the crust. I eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving because of tradition but it's kind of just "meh" to me. Especially because I hate nutmeg which I guess is another unpopular opinion. The pies like apple, pecan, cherry, etc. with sticky sweet fillings are gross.

I also don't like Coke or any other soda. I used to when I was a kid, but now it just tastes weird and way too sweet to me, and leaves a gross aftertaste. Same with other sweet candies like Skittles. I don't know how I ever used to like that stuff.

Edited by BuyMoreAndSave
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I dislike cauliflower. It has a nasty taste, like maybe a bad onion? Hard to describe. Brussels sprouts also has that strong nasty taste (it's not so bad when roasted). And anise, in Italian sausage, brings back a memory of a miserable night of food poisoning. 

But I do love raw & fried oysters & clams, steamed mussels & shrimp, & lobster. I should live at the beach. 

Oh Lawdy, I forgot one item that is so awful to me that I run away if I smell it: Romano cheese! 

Edited by annzeepark914
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I hate Brussels sprouts.  Many arguments about eating your veggies when I was a kid.  Tried everything to get rid of those Brussels sprouts.  Hid them in mashed potatoes, in napkins even trying feeding them to the dog.  The dog ate sticks!  But refused those dang sprouts!   I remember sitting at the kitchen table until 9pm one night.  When I moved out on my own I never tried them again.  They smell awful. 

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I believe this is an unpopular "foodie" opinion; I think Kewpie mayo is far too sweet and pretty disgusting. I think it only works in dynamite sauce with sriracha for sushi, tonkatsu, or maybe chicken katsu. I'd had it in the aforementioned dishes, but never on its own. But I recall buying it because all of these food bloggers recommended it and NOPE!!!!!!! So gross. It doesn't help that I'm not much of a fan of mayo to begin with. But if you find yourself with a recipe that calls for Kewpie and you don't want to go out and buy it, take your regular mayo add some rice wine vinegar, a tiny bit of dashi powder, and a little bit of sugar. Maybe a bit of asian mustard. You'll probably get a close enough approximation.

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On 5/1/2019 at 7:05 PM, tribeca said:

I remember sitting at the kitchen table until 9pm one night.  When I moved out on my own I never tried them again.  

This sentence brought back memories of sitting at the kitchen table for several hours, refusing to drink my glass of milk. I think I've already posted this but I've never liked milk. And it would get warmer and warmer. And I could hear the kids outside playing after supper. Finally, I'd pinch my nose and drink the disgusting stuff and finally get to leave the kitchen. I still have the stepstool high chair that I sat on all those miserable evenings.

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4 are definite "I won't/don't eat that" for me: liver, raw fish, oysters, and raisins.

Snails though, it depends on what type. My mother used to cook periwinkles (that we picked along the shore) when I was a kid and I loved them. I'd eat those again. I'm not sure I could eat escargot.

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5 because I’m allergic to fish and seafood. Oddly I can eat bivalves (clams and oysters) and have begun to try and incorporate some fish (white flaky non-oily) into my diet. Seems I might only be allergic to oily fish. 

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There are six that I would not choose to eat (liver, pineapple, beets, vinegar, olives, coconut), but if I were at your house and you served them to me, I'd eat at least a little. If I were allergic, it would be a different story, of course, but I'm not. I just don't like them.

Who serves straight vinegar, though?

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18 minutes ago, auntlada said:

Who serves straight vinegar, though?

Drinking vinegars are all the rage. That several of those things aren’t served by themselves so I assume they mean vinegar in dishes which I have at least one friend who avoids because it causes her bad acid reflux.

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16 hours ago, WritinMan said:

Score: 9

picky eater test.jpg

Eight.  They are:  Liver, ranch (devil's work...though I made myself eat it on crudite platters before hummus became the range), peanut butter (not officially allergic, according to tests, but I've had issues while eating actual peanuts.  No issues with tree nuts or even foods which may have come into contact with peanuts), oysters, shrimp (I'll eat it in fried rice only), grapefruit (lowers effectiveness of meds I'm on), mayonnaise (does it count if I'll eat chipotle mayo?) and snails.  

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There are a few more I'd prefer not to eat (and one I've never tried, so I have no idea - Nutella), but won't eat/drink?  Three and a half.

The half comes from eggs - it's only the yolk I won't eat; I love egg whites.  The three are beans, bananas, and coffee.

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23.  Though some are conditional -- I like raw onions, but not cooked.  Cooked tomatoes, but not raw.  And pickles, well, it depends on what kind of pickles they are.  I don't like dill pickles at all.

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6 hours ago, Browncoat said:

23.  Though some are conditional -- I like raw onions, but not cooked.  Cooked tomatoes, but not raw.  And pickles, well, it depends on what kind of pickles they are.  I don't like dill pickles at all.

Dill is the Devil’s herb. It’s one of the few things I disagree with the Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa, who is otherwise #lifegoals (the other two minor disagreements are cilantro and olives; I like the former and hate the latter). 

In a similar vein, raisins are Satan’s candy. Especially in preparations which would be better served by chocolate, i.e. all situations. Woe to any individual who springs raisins on unsuspecting victims; my wrath is mighty when provoked.

8 items are on my banned list. The list left off artichokes though, which counts for two by my reckoning, because I hate them so much.

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8 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

In a similar vein, raisins are Satan’s candy. Especially in preparations which would be better served by chocolate, i.e. all situations. Woe to any individual who springs raisins on unsuspecting victims; my wrath is mighty when provoked.

I agree, but my husband just said, "I can't imagine trail mix without raisins and chocolate. That'd be just nuts." And then he laughed while I sighed a lot.

Edited by auntlada
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15 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

In a similar vein, raisins are Satan’s candy.

At first glance, I was about to put those on my list, because I think raisins are a crime against grapes (I feel that way about dried fruit in general; I don't particularly like cooked fruit, so to take perfectly good fruit and desiccate it into a shriveled lump is a big no).  But, while I won't eat them on their own, if they're in something I won't refuse to eat it without picking them out, so they're not a true "won't eat" item for me.

That's how yogurt didn't make the list, either; I will never eat that on its own, but as a base with other stuff mixed in, it's fine.  (Same with sour cream.)

I found the list of foods interesting; most were things I'm well aware a good number of people don't like, but then there was a doozy like lettuce.  I'm quite curious as to the number of people who dislike to the point of "would NOT eat" any and all types of lettuce (especially given the existence of iceberg, which barely has a taste).

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Omitting the one I don't eat for allergies: 1 because of ranch. 

While I avoid dairy nowadays, doesn't mean I won't eat if presented to me as options if I'm hungry somewhere. I am not and have never been a picky eater so I should probably show myself out. 

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Pumpkin pie


Artichokes (what's the point?)

American lamb (way too gamey after the British/NZ lamb I grew up with)

Bananas - my greatest sacrifice as a mother was smushing them up and feeding them to my babies)

Snails - again, what's the point?  Pretty much everyone says the best thing about them is the sauce


I do like (from previous comments):

Blue cheese, mmm Stilton

Brussel sprouts


Kidney (a good steak and kidney pie is a delight)

Edited by Brookside
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Well, I guess I'm not a picky eater. I like snails but they don't like me. The only real culprit on the list is the raisin. It it's baked in coffeebread or cookies and I accidentally get one in my mouth--blech & curses! Raisins poison cake & cookies, IMO. But when they're in Waldorf Salad? They don't bother me at all & that's so strange. Cauliflower should've been on the list--nasty stuff.

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43 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Raisins poison cake & cookies, IMO. But when they're in Waldorf Salad? They don't bother me at all & that's so strange. C

I actually know several people who hate cooked raisins but don’t mind them in none cooked dishes. My mom won’t touch something cooked with a raisin but eats them by the handful when not.

Edited by biakbiak
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I don't mind raisins. When my then 3 year old grandson and I were at the beach, I brought trail mix for a snack. The only thing his mother would let him eat in the trail mix were the raisins. We were a perfect pair.

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5 hours ago, Bastet said:

At first glance, I was about to put those on my list, because I think raisins are a crime against grapes (I feel that way about dried fruit in general; I don't particularly like cooked fruit, so to take perfectly good fruit and desiccate it into a shriveled lump is a big no).  But, while I won't eat them on their own, if they're in something I won't refuse to eat it without picking them out, so they're not a true "won't eat" item for me.

That's how yogurt didn't make the list, either; I will never eat that on its own, but as a base with other stuff mixed in, it's fine.  (Same with sour cream.)

I found the list of foods interesting; most were things I'm well aware a good number of people don't like, but then there was a doozy like lettuce.  I'm quite curious as to the number of people who dislike to the point of "would NOT eat" any and all types of lettuce (especially given the existence of iceberg, which barely has a taste).

I don't think I know anyone (other than my 7-year-old son) who dislikes lettuce enough not to eat it, but I do know someone who is allergic to it.

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On 6/8/2019 at 11:28 PM, MargeGunderson said:

(the other two minor disagreements are cilantro and olives; I like the former and hate the latter). 

It is possible that olives are the reason I like Gin. Just another reason to consume olives. 

My one from the list above is snails. The whole rest of the list I will either eat purposely or give it a shot if I think the preparation looks good. 

I can't eat raw apples due to an allergy, but cooked is no problem. So bring on the apple pie.

Also, who wouldn't eat Sourdough Bread because they're picky? Just the thought of warm sourdough bread makes me smell it in my mind and start figuring out when I can have it again...

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On 5/1/2019 at 7:05 PM, tribeca said:

I hate Brussels sprouts.  Many arguments about eating your veggies when I was a kid.  Tried everything to get rid of those Brussels sprouts.  Hid them in mashed potatoes, in napkins even trying feeding them to the dog.  The dog ate sticks!  But refused those dang sprouts!   I remember sitting at the kitchen table until 9pm one night.  When I moved out on my own I never tried them again.  They smell awful. 

We are kindred spirits. I remember sitting at the table while my brother and sister ran out to play tag and ghost in the graveyard and hide and go seek while I sat staring at 4 fat brussel sprouts on my plate. And like your pup, our german shepard/lab mix, who would eat freakin' 4-day-old-rotting-in-the-sun-dead-groundhog, would not touch those sprouts! I can still remember chewing on those cold, bitter knobs of leaves, choking them down with gulp after gulp of milk, praying they wouldn't come back up. 

On 6/10/2019 at 8:01 PM, MargeGunderson said:

I kind of hate sourdough too....

Ewww! Everyone raves about SOURDOUGH, I think it tastes like stinky feet. I'd rather eat bruss....never mind, I'll take the sourdough....

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On 6/9/2019 at 1:49 PM, Bastet said:

I found the list of foods interesting; most were things I'm well aware a good number of people don't like, but then there was a doozy like lettuce.  I'm quite curious as to the number of people who dislike to the point of "would NOT eat" any and all types of lettuce (especially given the existence of iceberg, which barely has a taste).

On 6/9/2019 at 7:44 PM, auntlada said:

I don't think I know anyone (other than my 7-year-old son) who dislikes lettuce enough not to eat it, but I do know someone who is allergic to it.

I generally won't eat lettuce. I'll sometimes eat romaine, Bibb on occasion, but never iceberg. I loathe iceberg.

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I’m extremely reluctant to eat lettuce after two friends got food poisoning in the past year from different varieties from different stores. I’ve had severe food poisoning before that took more than a month to recover from. Lettuce isn’t worth the risk for me so it’s on the list of foods I avoid. 

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On 6/24/2019 at 5:29 AM, HunterHunted said:

I generally won't eat lettuce. I'll sometimes eat romaine, Bibb on occasion, but never iceberg. I loathe iceberg.

Lol, I'll eat iceberg like an apple. I'd eat it before I'd eat an apple!

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Ok this is weird but lately I've started disliking donuts. I used to love them too, but now I'm like "ew...why did I just eat that...I feel gross and have a gross aftertaste in my mouth."

On 5/19/2019 at 8:33 PM, annzeepark914 said:

This sentence brought back memories of sitting at the kitchen table for several hours, refusing to drink my glass of milk. I think I've already posted this but I've never liked milk. And it would get warmer and warmer. And I could hear the kids outside playing after supper. Finally, I'd pinch my nose and drink the disgusting stuff and finally get to leave the kitchen. I still have the stepstool high chair that I sat on all those miserable evenings.

I hated milk and we had to drink it at every meal because my mom was obsessed with calcium. The infuriating thing is that I like cheese and yogurt so I could have just had that. I actually didn't know until I was older that they all have the same level of calcium because it was always milk specifically even though my mom knew I hated it. She would get so pissed at us for not wanting to drink milk. Even to this day I never drink milk. I have cheese and yogurt and plant milks instead.

On 6/7/2019 at 7:35 PM, WritinMan said:

Score: 9

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For me: blue cheese, milk, beef, pork. I don't know if I would actually dislike beef and pork but I haven't eaten red meat in years for environmental reasons.

Also I don't hate Nutella but I don't know why people like it so much, and to me it's not worth wasting calories on as far as junk foods go. I'm not a fan of lettuce, especially iceberg, but I'll eat it if it's there.

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On 6/30/2019 at 9:02 PM, LucindaWalsh said:

Only thing on nope side are liver and snails. If the celery is cooked, nope, raw, yup. 

I agree with you about all of those. And for me I'd add zucchini, mayonnaise and ranch dressing.

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22 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I agree with you about all of those. And for me I'd add zucchini, mayonnaise and ranch dressing.

I hope you're not a Midwesterner, because hating ranch will revoke your membership card.

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I just saw this and had to pipe in. Looking at the list above, there are only 8 things I won't eat: any seafood, liver, or snails. There are some things I don't care for but I would eat like tofu, eggplant, and raisins.

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Any kind of ultra spicy food, specially if the eater who has no taste buds tell me that the rest of the foods are bland.

i know some people who basically can’t distinguish any flavors because they pour ultra spicy sauce in everything.

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Of the picky eaters list I would eat everything except tofu, and I suspect I would eat if somebody offers it to me in a nice dish.

I forgot, grapefruit, but I cannot eat it for medical reasons.

Edited by El maestro
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On 6/30/2019 at 1:56 AM, BuyMoreAndSave said:

HiAlso I don't hate Nutella but I don't know why people like it so much, and to me it's not worth wasting calories on as far as junk foods go. I'm not a fan of lettuce, especially iceberg, but I'll eat it if it's there.

My sister warned me away from Nutella. (Her description was all I needed to hear. If I'm going to eat chocolate, I'll buy & munch on a Hershey's Milk Chocolate W/ Almonds bar.)  A lot of chocolate from Europe, really is off-putting to me. It tastes like it was made with sour milk 

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I'm surprised that the Picky Eaters List doesn't include my food nemesis, the bell pepper. They generally taste terrible to me, especially raw or "al dente," and their awful flavor taints and overpowers everything else.

Oddly, though, I love gumbo and etouffee. I think it has to do with how thoroughly The Trinity is cooked down. And I love most other kinds of peppers.

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