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S26.E04: Week 4

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35 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Here’s the Twitter link.    I think he is very, very sorry he ever agreed to be the Bachelor   He should have gone to BiP where he wouldn’t have been the centre of attention  


This is why they need to be more careful about who they choose.  People that really understand the drama so you know not to look too closely at two women or men fighting, etc, and to really evaluate what they are saying and doing if you are going to be invested in their fight.  I am glad he did post an apology because frankly he looked like an idiot with that whole situation.

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The purple and blue shades on those football uniforms looked WAY too similar. I'd be tackling my own team.

Ok, most of these girls have never looked hotter than they do with the messy hair and war paint in these jerseys. 

I think Jesse Palmer might be better at the faux-serious commentary than CH was. The vegan comment was hilarious.

Omg Marlena is my new fave after those football THs. It was not about Clayton, it was about the GAME.

I checked out the new Joe Millionaire the other day and it really highlighted how defective the producer choices for Bachelor are. The two guys over there actually have personalities and seem like fun, good careers, and are fairly hot. (Also the people all seem like real people having actual fun and conversations, it was so refreshing.) It makes 30 women fighting over mediocre as fuck Clayton seem all the more ludicrous.

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3 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

 ETA: Clayton has just posted a public apology to Elizabeth. 

I was wondering if he'd do that at the WTA.  If he thought, as he posted, that the situation was just petty drama, why didn't he send Shanaenae home, too, and put and end to it all.  No, he's into Shanae and he's just a big fool.  If keeping her was producer driven, he wouldn't have acted the way he did with her when she showed up at the afterparty.

Last night was sickening, even for this show.  TPTB need to know that it's possible to push viewers over the edge with their obnoxious crap.  I don't know if I can continue watching this season, it's more disgusting than entertaining.

  • Love 16
39 minutes ago, Recyclorette said:

I was wondering if he'd do that at the WTA.  If he thought, as he posted, that the situation was just petty drama, why didn't he send Shanaenae home, too, and put and end to it all.  No, he's into Shanae and he's just a big fool.  If keeping her was producer driven, he wouldn't have acted the way he did with her when she showed up at the afterparty.

Last night was sickening, even for this show.  TPTB need to know that it's possible to push viewers over the edge with their obnoxious crap.  I don't know if I can continue watching this season, it's more disgusting than entertaining.

I am totally there.  The last many seasons have been too focused on one random villain or a couple of people fighting instead of letting the audience get to see the women that actually have a chance.  I want to see some of the relationships form and see the people that matter a little more closely.  I couldn't even watch last night after the first ten minutes.  

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If there were such a thing as a retroactive, time-traveling 911 call then we might dial that number to report a dozen or so women being held against their will in a large California house a few months ago. They have all the joy and zeal of a prison work detail riding a bus out to dig a ditch.

Digging ditches is hard work, and so is Clayton. His sameness of approach with each female – with the notable exception of Susie – is less about playing it cagey with them (and the audience) and more about…a sameness of approach. He’s got a few stock lines of dialogue and can’t be budged off them. Body language is often a tell that can’t be edited out but Clayton’s poses, especially one-on-one on the couch, are as regimented as football pass patterns.

Breakfast for the Bachelorettes is oatmeal – and more talk of Shanae. Faces are long but not longer than the odds that another day won’t be consumed by drama.

If the first ‘day’ was the longest one then this has been the absolute shortest. We’ve zipped from daybreak to pitch darkness, bagels to bangles as the dresses, war paint and jewelry are applied. ‘This has been the most challenging week,’ says Clayton, overlooking that this is only the 4th episode and there haven’t been too many weeks preceding. ‘I go in a somber mood.’ Mate, if you want somber wait til you see the molars grinding in the parlor. The cat is set among the pigeons with rather suspect timing as they’re caught midsentence. Camp counselor Clayton is here to scold adult women who are putting up with being treated like children. To be fair, the am-not-are-too conversation between Elizabeth & Shanae that follows is childish and Clayton sits mute as his jaw juts into the Mojave Desert. Clayton’s method of ‘addressing it’ is to get up and walk away.

‘We’re not resolving, we’re talking about shrimp,’ he fumes in the hallway. But standing in the hallway is a metaphor for his refusal – or even inability – to mediate or to lay down the law. Shanae has two problems – an abhorrent personality as well as poor acting chops. She can’t pull off the villainess role because she has no real confidence unlike some previous focal points of dislike in this series.

The shrimp motif has been well and truly worn out. The very large gap between self-created provocateur and producer plant is obvious. In addition to her hammy performance, hick Shanae struggles with basic vocabulary and grammar, uttering ‘I don’t want to end the note on Elizabeth and I.’ End the note? Using a nominative case pronoun as the object of a preposition sets my teeth on edge, especially as so many do it thinking it sounds intelligent (‘Between Michael and I.’ No. No no no no no.).

According to my watch, Shanae has been ‘not talking about it’ for a full 15 min of screen time and probably 1 hour of real time. Clayton, if you want to be a daddy then you’re going to face more vociferous disagreements than this every day over trifles like who gets the red cereal bowl. Granted, 30 year old women can act worse than a tired, cranky 2 year old but closing your eyes and standing in the shadows isn’t going to cut the Gordian knot. The music director is doing his level best to pump life into this carcass with the pulsing string crescendos but it’s all for naught as Jesse announces the dreaded bad ‘head space.’ And brother, is there a lot of space in that head. 

The cocktail party is scratched before eyes and faces are. Clayton evidently expects The Journey™ to be a smooth, straight stretch of road requiring no steering, passing, signaling, or actual conversation among passengers. Call it Silent Bachelor Uber.

Some of the disappointed Bachelorettes tiptoe near the realization that this is all a farce, that Clayton isn’t worth it and that they’ll merely get more of the same tomorrow with or without a cocktail party but, like the Stanford Prison Experiment, nobody is willing to break character.

Fiery Genevieve may be a longshot in the Clayton Claiming Stakes but he is at least providing some entertainment on the backstretch, taking the lead in the anti-Shanae sentiment. Elizabeth is in bits again.

Clayton says he didn’t want to carry on with the party but we’ve got a production schedule and budget to meet here so if sharp sticks are needed we’re still going to have a much-delayed rose ceremony featuring a not-so-coincidental Crayola-64 variety of colors among the evening gowns.

Grumpy Teddi’s frown disappears for 0.1 second. Blink and you’ll miss it. The rest of us are still frowning at the forced-choice rose awarded to Shanae.

Our personal trainer, good old Whatshername is leaving. Doc Kira is also going, which may explain her recent spate of appearances on social media. And there goes Elizabeth who took the bait (last shrimp joke, promise). Another encounter with Clayton concludes with the remaining Bachelorettes looking as if they’ve been told they’ll be taking cold showers in the morning.

Gabby is crying before her tea cools, which isn’t a good sign. Batting fourth in the order, the Designated Complainer, Jill. Another tiresome Shanae oral self-inventory is mercifully cut short by Jesse’s hilarious attempt to oversell…Houston. Home of the refinery storage tank and strip mall. Urban chic? It’s not quite Milan, is it? With covid hindering international travel it was almost a dead cert they would remain stateside. But how about some of those nice mountains, beaches or resorts? Are we staying at the airport Sheraton and shopping in the international foods aisle of HEB for our date?

Clarence has arrived at Clayton’s room. Not quite George Bailey’s guardian angel but Clayton is jazzed. Clayton tells Clarence he’s got strong connections. Er, which ones are those? Perhaps they were accidentally erased from disk. Always make a backup, kids!

Flygirl Rachel has snatched a date (cue an XL frown from Teddi) and latches on instantly. As with the boat date earlier, the horseback date usually precedes the finale but here we are on the bridal, sorry, bridle trail. They’ve stumbled into a urban chic (?) backyard BBQ with a passel of strangers. Which is strange unto itself. As in awkward. Sitting on a dock, Rachel is whispering although they’re completely alone. Well, except for the shotgun mics with the gain cranked into the red.

Lunch was consumed but dinner will be traditionally ignored. Clayton’s Big Move is the old What’s A Nice Girl Like You Doing In A Place Like This? Almost literally. Rachel replies with a cliché of her own: her ex was a cad. (But we like our cads. Our choirboys are the uninteresting ones).

The country Jonas Brothers lay the foreshadowing on heavy and thick with the ‘growing old with you’ lyrics. Musical types will note the absence of amplifiers, PA gear and many of the instruments heard on the soundtrack. They’re singing live but much of the backing is a track. It’s deception on and offstage with the hearty Bachelor crew.

Did Clayton actually say the line ‘I’ll never dim your light?’ I just cringed so hard my head ducked below my collarbone, like a turtle. That was painful.

Sierra’s not my fave but if she is to be the instrument of Shanae’s destruction then let the claws be unsheathed. A marketing stunt for electric cars and, apparently, electric grills follows in the football tailgate lot. But if the grill wasn’t turned on electrically yet (and there was no smoke), why the hell was Clayton flipping burgers that weren’t cooking? I hesitate to play Columbo during each episode but these questions almost write themselves.

The powderpuff football task is inevitably revealed along with the trash talk. Marlena has gone full jock on us but maybe she’ll impart an ACL tear for our entertainment. We can think of a possible target. Couldn’t we have two jersey colors that contrasted a bit more? Marlena’s team wins, natch. Hell, Marlena probably could have won singlehandedly. But at least it puts Shanae out of the afterparty. We think.

The football trophy is in the shape of a loving cup (a term and a tradition with a very interesting history). Suddenly we have flashbacks to previews. Or is it previews to flashbacks? Either way, we know the trophy will come a cropper when Shanae, unloved and unwanted, storms back in for the 38th tantrum of the week and flings the trophy away in anger.

Clayton is wearing a…a brown turtleneck? It must be from this year’s Goodwill collection. Matt James managed better choices than this. Faint praise. Teddi is attempting to use separation anxiety as a selling point. Clayton responds with ‘just keep being you.’ Uh oh. We’ve heard that before. Sierra is wearing another carafe of glitter. And rivaling Shanae for gobbledegook. ‘And it’s because based off of the character that we know of you to be.’ Eh? Which character is that? The indecisive Hamlet seems the most obvious. But Clayton may end up as Macbeth with his Lady bending his ear. ‘Shanae seems to be involved all the conflict’ Clayton observes, his little tungsten filament finally glowing.

Alas, the bulb has dimmed again. ‘Weren’t you on the blue team?’ he asks Shanae. Yes, yes she was, Clayton. It was just a couple of hours ago. Can’t tell the players without a program, apparently, even if you’re the coach.

‘It’s not the Bachelor, it’s the Shanae Show.’ She may be a repellent creature but when she's right, she's right. Shame, really.

Edited by Rainsong
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18 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I like Marlena! Go Marlena!

I like Marlena too but she got WAY too worked up about winning! And as is often the case with these competitions, it was more about drawing blood/conquering the other team than it was about time with Clayton.

On another topic entirely, "I will never dim your light" is the dumbest Bachelor line EVER.  There are no close contenders.  If he says it again, I will hurl.

Edited by Alexander Pope
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Was really disappointed that Clayton "accepted" Shanea not only crashing the party but giving her more attention than most of the "winning" team.  It is hard to believe he would believe Shanea's bullying story over Elizabeth who everyone in the house seemed to like. Guys that encourage crazy town and don't even see a red flag deserve what they get.  Hey producers...this encouraged drama was boring as hell.

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

It's no secret that this show is scripted and has plants, but this season is so blatant that it's ridiculous.

I was convinced that keeping Shanae was producer driven.  But the bar scene recreated from Star Wars was all Clayton.  He isn’t a good enough actor to pull that off it he was told to pretend.

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20 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I thought for sure Clayton and Rachel would have an airplane date, because she’s a pilot, doncha know.  Clayton saying she’s intelligent because she’s a pilot is funny, I mean, the Duggar boys have their licenses. 
I thought she did well on the date though and has a cute smile.

I’m appalled that he kept cray cray shananae but since Clayton can’t really carry the show, she’s at least low level entertaining  


She lost me with the soft whispering “ oh im sooo happy” but it beats tristas baby voice!!

  • LOL 6
22 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Watch, Elizabeth will be at Paradise with Shanae.

so who didnt know that shenae would show up at the party? puhleeze.....

2 hours ago, Palomar said:

Was really disappointed that Clayton "accepted" Shanea not only crashing the party but giving her more attention than most of the "winning" team.  It is hard to believe he would believe Shanea's bullying story over Elizabeth who everyone in the house seemed to like. Guys that encourage crazy town and don't even see a red flag deserve what they get.  Hey producers...this encouraged drama was boring as hell.

this is why it is obvious that he is a complete and total moron. ugh.

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20 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

We are in the middle of another Saskatchewan blizzard here in Canada, so my satellite dish kept cutting in and out, never got to see that happening at the children's party! Really, in front of the kids? Crazy nuts, not much 'adulting' going on with this group.

oh yes, she was dry humping him, he is such a jerk. I truly have no respect for any woman who stayed after that.

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On 1/31/2022 at 7:10 PM, Lamb18 said:

You'd think Clayton, in listening to them, would figure out how repulsive Shanae is.

That would require functioning brain cells. When his ignorant ass kept Sha NAE NAE, I would have walked out - no goodbye, kiss my ass or anything just GONE. I'm not sure I can continue to watch this total shitshow.  He is the worst bachelor ever.



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2 minutes ago, Rebky said:

That would require functioning brain cells. When his ignorant ass kept Sha NAE NAE, I would have walked out - no goodbye, kiss my ass or anything just GONE. I'm not sure I can continue to watch this total shitshow.  He is the worst bachelor ever.



I also felt that the other girls at the rose ceremony should have stood up for Elizabeth in that moment when he kept shanae and didn’t give her the rose . Someone should have said something since they all seemed to be good friends with Elizabeth and all actively dislike Shanae . 

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I've been enjoying snarking on this season, but that was not entertaining.

Do the producers realize that Clayton just can't carry the season, so they focus more time on the real life equivalent of Glen Close in Fatal Attraction? For episode after episode?

I like being a wrong reasons viewer but I'm losing interest fast.

(Random note, I was rooting for Rodney to get this gig, but I'm so glad he dodged this mess.)

The WTA (The Shenae Show) will be even worse. Are all the major players required to attend? 

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On 1/31/2022 at 7:03 PM, JenE4 said:

I don’t think Shanae is a Karen. She’s more like a Lifetime movie character, manipulative seductress who will murder anyone who gets in her way.

Oh, man! The cut between all of the girls speculating that Clayton is going to see through Shananae and send her home—and then him making out with her on top of the bar! You know what, at this point he deserves Shanaenae. Godspeed you two.

I agree. I was GLAD Elizabeth got sent home. She can do so much better than Clay-un.

Situations like a U.S. citizen repping Haiti in the Olympics comes about when an athlete fails to make the highly competitive, top-medaling U.S. Track & Field team. And gets her to the Olympics anyway. There were only 5 athletes repping Haiti in 2012, and Marlene didn't qualify after her heat (compared to 540 U.S. athletes attending.)


I know everyone (but me) loves football, but I hate seeing the hitting and tackling. Yuck. Not any better than the stupid brutal boxing dates for both sexes. I ignored it and went for a snack.

Edited by Andromeda
more thots
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1 hour ago, Andromeda said:

I know everyone (but me) loves football, but I hate seeing the hitting and tackling. Yuck. Not any better than the stupid brutal boxing dates for both sexes. I ignored it and went for a snack.

I agree with you. Even the lifeguard scenes were not well thought out.  I like football just fine (interest is waning), but there's NO REASON to force these women (and men) into full-contact sports.  They're not trained for them; most aren't in shape for them.  This franchise doesn't change anything until something bad happens and suits are threa-n'd or filed. Until Executive Producers are sued personally, nothing will change.

Edited by Back Atcha
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13 hours ago, Recyclorette said:

No, he's into Shanae and he's just a big fool.  If keeping her was producer driven, he wouldn't have acted the way he did with her when she showed up at the afterparty.

Everything is producer-driven.  Clay-UN probably isn't creative enough to think of lifting Shanaenae up on a bar.  Producers NEEEEEED to keep the drama...and it looks like she's the only one bringin' it.

13 hours ago, Recyclorette said:

I don't know if I can continue watching this season, it's more disgusting than entertaining.

WORD!  That should be used (often) on their TV promos, "Watch The Bachelor. It's more DISGUSTING than entertaining!"

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11 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:
On 1/31/2022 at 7:31 PM, Lamb18 said:

I like Marlena! Go Marlena!

I like Marlena too but she got WAY too worked up about winning!

ALL PRODUCER-DRIVEN!  I think they enjoyed egging her on and making her act so crazy.  It was funny at first...but I bet even SHE got tired of having to wash, rinse, dry, and repeat!  I wonder how long/often she had to say lines before they were satisfied.  She did a good job though.

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The WTA will be brutal.    They are all watching the show and seeing more and more of how Clayton rewarded bad behaviour and rule breaking.   As bad as Cassidy and Shanae were, Clayton looked thrilled and flattered when these women broke the rules to spend time with him.  

He would never have sent Cassidy home if one of the women hadn’t told him she had a FWB she was still seeing and he was worried that if he didn’t dump her, he’d look bad, IMO.   Too bad. Think of the possibilities of Cassidy and Shanae having a throw down for the blandest bachelor of them all.  

Clayton really is a text book case of the inside not matching the outside.  He is book smart working on an MBA and has the build of the professional athlete he used to be, but inside, he is still insecure and desperate for approval and the validation of attractive women chasing him. 

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12 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Do the producers realize that Clayton just can't carry the season, so they focus more time on the real life equivalent of Glen Close in Fatal Attraction? For episode after episode?


I hope even the producers can see that, if Shanaenae is there much longer, we're going to get from shrimp roiling to bunny boiling.

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I always watch on DVR, to skip commercials. This week's episode I couldn't even get through. 

As I understand Shanae's issue its "She made shrimp, and I ate it, and then I made shrimp, and none of the girls wanted any, and that's because SHE'S A BULLY!"  

And Clayton then was so upset he couldn't have a cocktail party.   The cocktail party would have given him the opportunity to: 1) get to know some of the women who weren't stirring up drama; and 2) ask about their perceptions of the shrimp/bullying stuff.   

I don't recall, in earlier seasons, the lead cancelling cocktail parties as often as it has been happening in the past few bachelor/ette seasons.   Barring medical emergencies, I think they should have the cocktail parties, every time.  the lead never gets to know the people who may be very good matches with them, but aren't forward enough to grab the spotlight and insist on attention.  

I stopped watching before the football game.  I hate football, always have.  The potential for injury is too much for me to watch.  And I don't understand the logic of evaluating a potential spouse by making them compete in physical sports or fighting.   I would think that someone who REFUSES to compete would make a better spouse.  

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Anyone else tired of the lead having a conversation with someone (or sometimes 2 people when there's drama involved) and him/her walking away and saying they need a minute.. followed by them huffing and puffing to the camera about not being sure of what to do. No one acts like that in real life. No one cares this much about random people they met a week ago and even if they did, who would just walk away like that in the middle of a conversation? This show's script needs to change once in a while.

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On 2/1/2022 at 5:55 PM, nlkm9 said:

She lost me with the soft whispering “ oh im sooo happy” but it beats tristas baby voice!!

Yeah, the whispering and the Instagram posing on the dock made me instantly anti-Rachel (also, her roots are godawful. You're going to be on TV, get your color done!!). That girl has been waiting for her close-up for quite awhile, methinks. 

I haven't looked, but I'm assuming there are many dreamy quotes with pictures of the date posted to Instagram. I'm sure it's been killing her to wait til it aired to post them. If she's F1, I give it roughly 3 months, just long enough to get a healthy number of followers and a couple of US Weekly stories. 



Do the producers realize that Clayton just can't carry the season, so they focus more time on the real life equivalent of Glen Close in Fatal Attraction? For episode after episode?

I like being a wrong reasons viewer but I'm losing interest fast


Honestly, after the endless whispery feigned schmoopiness of the Rachel/Clayton date, I was itching for more nonsense drama to cleanse my wrong reasons-loving palate. 

Whoever was responsible for the speed casting of Clayton as Bachelor is hopefully out of the casting business. It seemed clear from the Mean Tweets segment at the end of Michelle's final rose show that they already knew the season was a bust. 

At the time, I thought it seemed unfair and that Clayton was not my choice or the most interesting guy from her season, but superficially, seemed fit to join the ranks of Farmer Chris/Pilot Pete/myriad other shoulder shrug-inducing guys.

However, I'm now firmly on the side of the mean tweeters. He is so aggressively bland and incapable of carrying the lead role and the girls are really, really struggling to recite their lines declaring their devotion to him. 

The whole thing has such a farcical tone that we might as well just get shrimp-gate and producer plant Shanae since just scrapping the whole thing isn't an option.

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The smell of fish and seafood makes me nauseous so I would just have stayed the hell away from anyone's shrimp!

Oh, look, another band where the Bachelor and/or his date excitedly act like big fans of a band that, until a couple of minutes before they walked into the room and production told them who the band was, they had never heard of before. Just like the viewers.

I FFed through the entire football game because I find those dates boring and it looked like it was even cheesier with the announcers. However, I was finally using one of the Bachelor Bingo sheets I've had for ages and there's a square for someone needing an ambulance, so I figured this event had the highest probability rate and kept an eye out for it! Nope.

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14 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

Yes to rachel posing on the deck!! I instantly disliked her esoecially that whispery voice . How do these women kiss someone after seeing him making out with several others . Ugh?

Exactly! It looked way too posed like she was trying to be on the cover of a romance novel.  The stupid whispery voice and the pouty overly injected lips were just too much for me.  Rachel seems inauthentic- she's trying to be a sappy, submissive character to appeal to Clayton, and it's probably working unfortunately.  I could never be on this show- I'd have to give Clayton some Mentos and then aggressively wipe his mouth with cocktail napkins pre make out so that I'm not swapping lip-gloss with other girls! 😄 

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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On 2/2/2022 at 12:48 PM, tinkerbell said:


I don't recall, in earlier seasons, the lead cancelling cocktail parties as often as it has been happening in the past few bachelor/ette seasons.   Barring medical emergencies, I think they should have the cocktail parties, every time.  the lead never gets to know the people who may be very good matches with them, but aren't forward enough to grab the spotlight and insist on attention.  


Yes, this new formula of cancelling cocktail parties and not having rose ceremonies at the end is getting really old.  If we have to sit through all the garbage that is now every episode of this show, we should at least have some satisfaction at the end, not maddening frustration.  And, as another poster said, it's all about the crazies now and not about getting to know the cast and maybe seeing some genuine relationships develop.

I swear that every episode now gives us one more reason not to watch.  In my alley, there aren't too many Bachelor bowling pins left to knock down.

Edited by Recyclorette
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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Are all OnlyFans accounts porn, or just some of them?

I have read it can be anything the content creator wants it to be.  There is some married couple….he takes provocative but not naked photos of his wife and they were pulling in 6 figures.   But generally, the more skin, the more money.  And for even more money, you interact 1 on 1 with fans…. I saw a short analysis overview on the net and they referenced one case where the guy had become obsessed and spent over $200,000 on one woman, and when his mom and sister wouldn’t lend him any more money, he killed them.  

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The plot line of a sports competition, where the winning team gets time with the lead, and then one person from the losing team crashes the party and demands to be included, has been done before.  And it's lame.     we all know that Shanae would have to be taken to the party, or told where it was happening, by production.  If it was simply a matter of walking in, why wouldnt the entire group crash the party?   No, she was allowed, likely encouraged, to do so.   Probably told that Clayton appreciates bold moves, and crashing the party shows him how much she cares. 

I wish just once, the lead would say, sorry, i can't justify spending this time with you, when it is a reward for the women who earned it.  

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On 2/1/2022 at 6:31 PM, Recyclorette said:

I was wondering if he'd do that at the WTA.  If he thought, as he posted, that the situation was just petty drama, why didn't he send Shanaenae home, too, and put and end to it all.  No, he's into Shanae and he's just a big fool.  If keeping her was producer driven, he wouldn't have acted the way he did with her when she showed up at the afterparty.

Last night was sickening, even for this show.  TPTB need to know that it's possible to push viewers over the edge with their obnoxious crap.  I don't know if I can continue watching this season, it's more disgusting than entertaining.

I´ve never felt such revulsion while watching the bachelor as I did when Clayton kissed Shenae after she crashed the after party. It was unbearable and nothing could make it make sense. He has so many gorgeous women to make out with, why does he need her too? And should I believe (like I want to) that he was just too dumb to realize how nasty and evil Shanae was to Elizabeth? She was doing it in front of him multiple times... She looks demented, the way she swaggers and glides and oozes evil. At the end when she threw the trophy I honestly wondered if she might be an actress getting paid to play this monster on tv. Because she has hit every possible limit for a "villain/psycho". We´re getting a 2 for 1 special with her. Has that ever happened before?

Even if production told him to keep Shanae for good tv he should have been able to figure out that it would backfire on him and make everyone loose respect for him. He should have lost all respect for himself. I wish Genevieve and Jill had walked out on him, but at least Genevieve didn´t smile when she accepted the rose and they were all so bummed out after saying good  bye to Elizabeth lol. Never seen that happen before, I think.

Edited by halkatla
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