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S03.E02: Goodbye Freedom

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I’m not sure if Amy is the legal Guardian.  Did you notice how the other sister said that if Tammy kept up resistance, she’d go into the custody of the county?  Makes me think they do have decision making authority over her.   And, Amy is in charge of hiring and paying the CNA…..Tammy isn’t able to maintain her household or attend to her own personal needs.  She really does need to have a Guardian.  She has a lot of magical thinking.  Like people who are immobile, but are convinced they can live alone.  It makes no sense, but they are have delusions otherwise.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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16 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Giving Tammy a food reward for losing any amount of weight has to be one of the worst ideas ever.

Tammy is a food addict. You don't reward an addict of any type by giving them more of what they're addicted to.

To celebrate 30 days of sobriety would you take an alcoholic to a bar and buy them a margarita? Of course not.

Instead, you chose a reward that will open their eyes to other things that may give them pleasure without the damaging effects of the addictive substance.

I'm surprised Chris got that so very wrong.

I only watched a little bit..  Tammy is just horrible; there are no redeeming factors.  Amy just needs to stick to her guns; she has a husband and child.  ENOUGH!  I don't even know why i watched this.  It makes me sad and depressed.

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Tammy really is a miserable person.  The irony of Tammy complaining that Amy and Chris couldn't wait five minutes to go get food.  

Over It Ugh GIF by NBPA

Tammy wants an aid to take her to get her nails done and other things she claims Amy won't do.  She's not thinking through someone has to get her intoa. van, then help her get out, and push her in a wheelchair where she refuses to help at all. 

As always, Tammy points fingers at Amy whenever she gets a chance.  She has done well for a full week!  Everyone should forget the past and accept that she will never have an issue!  There is no chance that she will bully the CNA into getting her unhealthy food. 

I am going to die from terminal eyeroll.  

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I want Chris to succeed. I was picking up hay bails as a teen and splitting logs. I think this is good for Chris.

Seeing the entire family, they all have weight issues. Nothing like Tammy though.

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39 minutes ago, nokat said:

I want Chris to succeed. I was picking up hay bails as a teen and splitting logs. I think this is good for Chris.

Seeing the entire family, they all have weight issues. Nothing like Tammy though.

There was a snippet in the previews that showed Chris getting his surgery, and the doctor saying something was amiss with his liver. I hope he's ok... I think he will do well losing weight given the chance. One thing that bugs me is that they all talk about "the surgery" as if that will be the magic that gets them to lose weight.

On another note, there was a scene last night where Tammy was sitting on the porch, making a YouTube video and Amy, Michael, and the dog came out, got in the car and drove off.....where was Gage? I hope something was cut about putting him in the car.

Also, when they were having the BBQ, Amy had a blue hoodie on...except for one shot where she only had a short sleeve blue top on....Bad editing.

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7 minutes ago, barshi50 said:

On another note, there was a scene last night where Tammy was sitting on the porch, making a YouTube video and Amy, Michael, and the dog came out, got in the car and drove off.....where was Gage? I hope something was cut about putting him in the car.

I was wondering that too! I think he visits with his Granny which might be Michael's mother. 

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10 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Wow Tammy is a shitty human.  Amy won’t take her to get her nails done?  Amy is lazy?   
Look you idiot, she has a baby and her own life.  

Amy can't drive because she's legally blind you would think Tammy understood that. I'll bet the Slatons were given food as a reward as children. That's why Chris rewarded Tammy with Mexican food. Losing eight pounds means nothing at Tammy's size.

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Amy mentioned that Tammy has taken turns living with various family members over the years and that Amy is the only one left in the family willing and able to do it.  Too bad Amy has no one left to pass the buck to.  Tammy has no doubt burned every bridge behind her.  I loathe her and feel sorry for her at the same time.  She is seriously mentally deficient and I'm afraid the only thing left to do is wait for her to pass on. 

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Tammy constantly calling Amy lazy because Amy won’t wait on her hand and foot is infuriating. And Tammy bitching about them getting her a nurse, what an ungrateful horrible human. How about they all ignore her for a week and let her see what happens, good luck Tammy.

And Chris taking Amy for Mexican food after “losing” 8 pounds just show why this whole family is doomed. One bad meal and those 8 plus 8 are gonna come right back.

Why am I still watching this? it’s just not entertaining anymore.

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2 hours ago, nokat said:

I want Chris to succeed. I was picking up hay bails as a teen and splitting logs. I think this is good for Chris.

Seeing the entire family, they all have weight issues. Nothing like Tammy though.

I like the whole family, except for Tammy.  

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Well, what an ungrateful POS Tammy is. Calling Amy "lazy" all the time because she won't come and help her? Take care of yourself you are the lazy one. I don't get why she thinks Amy should be at her beck and call when Amy has a family of her own to care for. Her attitude is just horrible-I think she is jealous of Amy for having the things that she wants and can't have because she won't put in the work required to improve her health and her situation. She turns on people at the drop of a hat and then whines about "oh, I'm a person too and I have feelings and blah blah blah" I would have walked away a long time ago-let that selfish cow fend for herself. And the home health aide thing? No way would any aide sign up to take care of her-risking injury just to move her from point A to point B. She really does need to be placed somewhere where she can get some mental help along with diet help and keep her away from the feeders who don't care about her. Of course she is starving for affection which she equates with food-makes me wonder what their childhood was like since all of them are so big.

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2 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

She really does need to be placed somewhere where she can get some mental help along with diet help and keep her away from the feeders who don't care about her.

Well that's been tried before and Big T always bails out before she makes any progress. And I'm sure Big T doesn't want to be in rehab because she doesn't have the freedom to be on YouTube and Instagram when she wants to. She must be constantly worried TLC is going to see how successful the show is WITHOUT her. No more big fat morbidly obese TLC pay checks.

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3 hours ago, sadie said:

Tammy constantly calling Amy lazy because Amy won’t wait on her hand and foot is infuriating. And Tammy bitching about them getting her a nurse, what an ungrateful horrible human. How about they all ignore her for a week and let her see what happens, good luck Tammy.

And Chris taking Amy for Mexican food after “losing” 8 pounds just show why this whole family is doomed. One bad meal and those 8 plus 8 are gonna come right back.

Why am I still watching this? it’s just not entertaining anymore.

There are a couple of people I want to have success. The elephant in the room needs therapy.

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4 hours ago, nokat said:

There are a couple of people I want to have success. The elephant in the room needs therapy.

Except that she would quit that, too.  She is a very, very sick woman, and shows no sign of self-awareness.  Sometimes there's just nothing anyone else can do to help.  Her defenses (against who-knows-what) are too much to overcome for any desire she has to change.  I am sad to say this, but I think she is going to die a very unhappy young woman.

Edited by Roxie
Added some comments
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I used to enjoy this show- but now....  Tammy has exactly zero redeeming qualities. She's mean, rude, disgusting, lacking in empathy, disrespectful, ignorant and hateful. I am certain she's miserable and hates her life, but I don't care. Amy looks tiny next to Tammy. Am rooting for Chris and Amy. Tammy doesn't have much time left, she's a lost cause.


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If Tammy was on My 600 lb Life she’d rank right up there with Steven Assanti as one of the most dislikable poundticipants ever. I was ready to throw something at the screen when she kept calling Amy lazy.  She won’t lift a finger to do anything but has the nerve to call someone else lazy?  Seriously?

I’m concerned about Amy, though. It seems like she hasn’t really changed her eating habits, and that’s not going to work long-term. Right now the surgery is doing a lot of the work for her, but if she doesn’t watch it she’ll start gaining again. I would hate to see that happen to her. 

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30 minutes ago, Kbo said:

If Tammy was on My 600 lb Life she’d rank right up there with Steven Assanti as one of the most dislikable poundticipants ever. I was ready to throw something at the screen when she kept calling Amy lazy.  She won’t lift a finger to do anything but has the nerve to call someone else lazy?  Seriously?

I’m concerned about Amy, though. It seems like she hasn’t really changed her eating habits, and that’s not going to work long-term. Right now the surgery is doing a lot of the work for her, but if she doesn’t watch it she’ll start gaining again. I would hate to see that happen to her. 

I agree.  The entire family seems to still live in a culture of high calorie, large portion foods.  I can easily see Amy feeding Gage junk food and generally displaying no regard for nutrition.  

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2 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

I used to enjoy this show- but now....  Tammy has exactly zero redeeming qualities. She's mean, rude, disgusting, lacking in empathy, disrespectful, ignorant and hateful. I am certain she's miserable and hates her life, but I don't care. Amy looks tiny next to Tammy. Am rooting for Chris and Amy. Tammy doesn't have much time left, she's a lost cause.


I was kind of hopeful for her, but I agree. Yes to hoping for future happiness to Amy and Chris. At least they are trying.

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44 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I can easily see Amy feeding Gage junk food and generally displaying no regard for nutrition.  

There's a video of Amy feeding Gage a toddler size jar of green beans and he's lapping it up.  I think Gage is going to have a healthy appetite like his mom but maybe more of an appetite for veggies, and hopefully Amy will continue to feed him healthy stuff like that.

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So Amy says Tammy has lived with every sibling & has been booted out of every one. She was in a nursing home until Amy felt sorry for her & moved her in. Big mistake.  Michael could barely push her when she was 600 lbs but she thinks Amy is too lazy to get her out & about, REALLY??  Jerry wouldn't even lift a finger to help. 

After Amy forced her to take the phone & speak to her own Drs office, she verbally abuses the staff & hangs up on them - she's just so nasty & abusive. She thinks that an aide would have the physical strength to get her out & about all day, it shows how entitled & delusional she is. Seeing her bulk overflowing her wheelchair while Michael & Chris strain to push her around is awful. She needs to be the county's responsibility, she belongs back in a nursing home STAT.  I wonder if she'll ever see the light. 

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8 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

So Amy says Tammy has lived with every sibling & has been booted out of every one. She was in a nursing home until Amy felt sorry for her & moved her in. Big mistake.  Michael could barely push her when she was 600 lbs but she thinks Amy is too lazy to get her out & about, REALLY??  Jerry wouldn't even lift a finger to help. 

After Amy forced her to take the phone & speak to her own Drs office, she verbally abuses the staff & hangs up on them - she's just so nasty & abusive. She thinks that an aide would have the physical strength to get her out & about all day, it shows how entitled & delusional she is. Seeing her bulk overflowing her wheelchair while Michael & Chris strain to push her around is awful. She needs to be the county's responsibility, she belongs back in a nursing home STAT.  I wonder if she'll ever see the light. 

A modern refrigerator is around 220 pounds.  So Tammy expects a female caretaker to push the equivalent of three refrigerators on a dolly.

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Like someone said upthread, I used to enjoy this show. I think it was the relationship Tammy and Amy shared in the first season that made it so. They appeared to be two sisters who really had nothing much, who helped each other, and laughed, and had what appeared to be a good life, despite their physical struggles. Now it has turned into something quite different (or maybe it was always quite different than what they showed us on tv). Now Tammy is completely in denial about her dependence on others, especially Amy, for her very existence, and is so hateful to those who are keeping her alive.

It seems to me, the change in personality began to appear when Amy was approved for surgery, got pregnant, and began to move on with her life. Then Tammy changed from that earlier version to someone who appears trapped in a mid-teenage state of mind. If you have been around teenagers, you know of what I speak: smart mouth, defiance, alienation, bullying, etc. We know teenagers are "testing the waters" and trying to prove that you will love them no matter what. We also know that most of them outgrow those behaviors and become responsible adults. Tammy is already an adult. I blame all those around her for allowing her to get away with acting like a spoiled teenager!

I am thinking I am not much longer for this show.

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11 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

After Amy forced her to take the phone & speak to her own Drs office, she verbally abuses the staff & hangs up on them - she's just so nasty & abusive.

It’s sad.

Edited by Kid
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2 hours ago, lilysmom said:

Like someone said upthread, I used to enjoy this show. I think it was the relationship Tammy and Amy shared in the first season that made it so. They appeared to be two sisters who really had nothing much, who helped each other, and laughed, and had what appeared to be a good life, despite their physical struggles. Now it has turned into something quite different (or maybe it was always quite different than what they showed us on tv). Now Tammy is completely in denial about her dependence on others, especially Amy, for her very existence, and is so hateful to those who are keeping her alive.

It seems to me, the change in personality began to appear when Amy was approved for surgery, got pregnant, and began to move on with her life. Then Tammy changed from that earlier version to someone who appears trapped in a mid-teenage state of mind. If you have been around teenagers, you know of what I speak: smart mouth, defiance, alienation, bullying, etc. We know teenagers are "testing the waters" and trying to prove that you will love them no matter what. We also know that most of them outgrow those behaviors and become responsible adults. Tammy is already an adult. I blame all those around her for allowing her to get away with acting like a spoiled teenager!

I am thinking I am not much longer for this show.

Yes! The light-hearted dynamic of the show changed when Amy made married, got surgery and had Gage. These kinds of shows (Whitney Thore, Dr. Now, Amy and Tammy) fascinate me and I'm in still, but won't enjoy it nearly as much. Ha!

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20 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

Yes! The light-hearted dynamic of the show changed when Amy made married, got surgery and had Gage. These kinds of shows (Whitney Thore, Dr. Now, Amy and Tammy) fascinate me and I'm in still, but won't enjoy it nearly as much. Ha!

Once it becomes a deathwatch it is no longer light entertainment.

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I agree 100% with all the posters about Tammy & Amy so on to brighter stuff...

What kind of dog is Little Bit?  He is sooo friggin cute!  And he seems so well behaved.  All that toxic nastiness in that house would lead any dog to be jittery I would think.  My sweet pup, who is about his size, would be a bundle of nerves if there was so much commotion and unsettledness going on around him.  


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When is the other sister making her debut on the show? She sounds like she is exactly what Tammy needs...someone to quit kissing her a$$. 

I doubt Tammy will ever change because she's hit "rock bottom". Rock bottom for Tammy is death.  

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2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

When is the other sister making her debut on the show? She sounds like she is exactly what Tammy needs...someone to quit kissing her a$$. 

I doubt Tammy will ever change because she's hit "rock bottom". Rock bottom for Tammy is death.  

More like boulder bottom.

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