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TV Tropes: Love 'em or Loathe 'em

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More wedding tropes: If you're going to fake an engagement, for God's sake, figure out your "how it happened" story beforehand.


My friend doesn't know this, but I have a go to story for us in case she needs me for a fake bf. She's not terribly active on FB so it's built in. And there's some pics of us anyway. 

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Also to add, it's so stupid on tv when two people wake up in bed, clearly hungover, and are like, "did we has teh secks?! zomg I don't know!!!" I like to drink. I'm not proud, I've blacked out. But I never not known I'd had sex with someone. I mean, come on. 

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Also to add, it's so stupid on tv when two people wake up in bed, clearly hungover, and are like, "did we has teh secks?! zomg I don't know!!!" I like to drink. I'm not proud, I've blacked out. But I never not known I'd had sex with someone. I mean, come on. 

A good portion of them still have their clothes on too. At least their underwear.

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Oh, the bedsheet. I think we burned through that topic a couple of months ago.

I remember the infamous L-shaped bedsheet, but not the wrapping one's self up in it to get out of bed thing. In any event, it's definitely a TV/movie thing. Usually the woman does it and then the man is all "Hey!" and he puts his dropped trousers on, conveniently right next to the bed.

There's also the opening shot of Character A lying in bed, on his/her side. Alone? With someone? Who? Wait, here's the bed partner, popping up behind them!

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I don't know if this one has been discussed but it bugs the hell out of me when the person comes in from outside, slams purse/keys on the table, goes into the kitchen, opens fridge pulls out veggies and other shit, starts chopping--and never washes their hands.  And then there's the woman who is constantly brushing her gorgeous, disheveled hair off her face while she's kneading bread dough or chopping said vegetables and other shit. 

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I don't know if this one has been discussed but it bugs the hell out of me when the person comes in from outside, slams purse/keys on the table, goes into the kitchen, opens fridge pulls out veggies and other shit, starts chopping--and never washes their hands.  And then there's the woman who is constantly brushing her gorgeous, disheveled hair off her face while she's kneading bread dough or chopping said vegetables and other shit.

I know, right? Or when someone tastes the spaghetti sauce then puts the used spoon back in the pot. Do people do this in real life? If so, it means you're contaminating the entire pot of sauce with your saliva and whatever bacteria and bodily fluids are lingering in your mouth. Eww.

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I know, right? Or when someone tastes the spaghetti sauce then puts the used spoon back in the pot. Do people do this in real life? If so, it means you're contaminating the entire pot of sauce with your saliva and whatever bacteria and bodily fluids are lingering in your mouth. Eww.

When someone would bring that up, my grandmother would always say "What the garlic doesn't kill, the two hours of simmering will." And she was apparently right - her sauce never got anyone sick.

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I'm sure I've said it before, but if someone is cooking on tv, they'll ask someone else to taste it, then they'll say it needs more salt. 


I haven't used salt in years. My cooking is fine. I defy you to tell me my smoked paprika dill lime chicken needs more salt.

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I'm sure I've said it before, but if someone is cooking on tv, they'll ask someone else to taste it, then they'll say it needs more salt. 


I haven't used salt in years. My cooking is fine. I defy you to tell me my smoked paprika dill lime chicken needs more salt.


If you are on the Top Chef, look around you.  One of you will be axed for not salting something.

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On Chopped, it drives me nuts when they use that all-purpose rag that's slung over their shoulder to wipe sweat from their forehead, wipe their hands, and then wipe the plate during the plating, like if sauce is sloshed. Eeeeewwwww!!!

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And then there are the people who are always standing there with a big ol' glass of wine when they're cooking.  Maybe some people can do that, but I can't hold my liquor well enough to drink and cook at the same time.  I guess I take after my mom.* 


*She said when she was about 21 and living at home, she was supposed to cook the Christmas turkey, including making the stuffing, for the next day.  She went to a party, got sloshed and came back home late while everyone was sleeping.  She forgot to thaw the turkey and was too drunk to make the stuffing, so she rammed a loaf of bread into the frozen turkey and shoved it in the oven.  My grandma was awakened by a bad smell coming from the oven and pitched a hissy fit.  So much for Christmas dinner.   

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I'm sure I've said it before, but if someone is cooking on tv, they'll ask someone else to taste it, then they'll say it needs more salt. 


I haven't used salt in years. My cooking is fine. I defy you to tell me my smoked paprika dill lime chicken needs more salt.

But, but . . . salt is the only seasoning that matters!  They say it on Chopped all the time, so it must be true!


I use salt, as it is appropriate for some dishes, but I try to do it sparingly.

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I could never be a special agent because when the person in my earpiece directs me to "the west side" of the building, I'd have to stop short and stick my arms out in vain hope of orienting myself to where I was.  One hundred compasses couldn't help me.


And if you're a germophobe, trust me: never eat at a buffet.  Or at my house.  

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The older I get, the less patience I have with fictional couples who get together only because, as the late Roger Ebert always used to say, the plot absolutely requires them to. It's always the same: the guy will relentlessly pursue the girl because, hey, females, we're basically objects to be procured, right? The prize... I mean, the girl (or woman) will put up a show of resistance, but will inevitably fall into the guy's arms in the end because.... plot! No character development, no common interests or beliefs, no compatible personalities, but because the writers will it to be. I was chatting with someone who was gushing over Billy Madison (not even the famous game show host scene), and I suddenly remembered how stupid it was that Billy and Veronica get together in the end, because she's so out of his league it's not even funny. What do they have in common? Why would she be happy with him? What keeps them together? I mean, I can suspend my disbelief with the best of them, but I have my limits. Same with TV couples. Why should Ross "get" Rachel? They have nothing in common, and even in the realm of fiction they'd bore each other senseless in no time flat. Why should Urkel "get" Laura? She's annoyed by him for good reason, she doesn't owe him a damn thing. Why should Leonard "get" Penny? Even Professor Proton called them on this: "What do you two talk about?!"



Because sometimes, their differences make them stronger.  I know it sounds like a cliché, but it does happen from time to time.


These are old posts, but whatever, its a slow work day.


Its actually true to life that sometimes differences are what brings couples together. A comedienne I was listening to once said, "The problem is, we never get with anyone who is like us. No, we go out and find someone who is the exact opposite of how we are, and then spend the rest of the relationship trying to change 'em"

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Ugh, in their finale, True Detective rolled out two tropes I hate all in one character:  woman gets pregnant after one sexual encounter, and male hero dies but it's ok! because his love interest was pregnant and had his baby after he died!  


They piled it on thicker to make it even worse - yet another character also had her bf's baby after he died.  Oh, and he was really gay anyway.

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My favorite way to cook is with an alcoholic beverage. I'm more relaxed and creative that way.


Me too. I do the same thing. There is something nice about sippping on wine while doing prep or cooking away. However, I have a couple times had a big too much cause prep/cooking took too long. Ah well, life is too short.


Another trop. A high level distinguished male in a position of power always has a beautiful crystal decanter set - complete with brandy or whiskey or bourbon - sitting open and available on a side table in his wood trimmed spacious office. And the decanter is always half-full, though every time high powered male has a "meeting", he is shown as indulging in said brandy/bourbon/whiskey/etc a la Mad Men. Basically holding that lovely and expensive crystal tumbler, with required booze inside is the only way he can make decisions, have an "important" conversation. Dude would be lighting up a cigarette if it wasn't so frowned upon.


Not saying this doesn't happen in real life and not that I hate the trope completely (I want one of those crystal sets), but high powered woman never get to sip from the fancy crystal decanter on the job whilst looking serious and comtemplative while discussing an important situation. Also, you know, most minions can't drink on the job while contemplating some perplexing situation (though it would help).


Just saw this exact same thing in Extant the last couple of weeks.

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I could never be a special agent because when the person in my earpiece directs me to "the west side" of the building, I'd have to stop short and stick my arms out in vain hope of orienting myself to where I was.  One hundred compasses couldn't help me.

I have a terrible sense of direction.  You have to tell me to either go left or right, or up or down. 

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I have a terrible sense of direction.  You have to tell me to either go left or right, or up or down. 

If you gave me those directions I'd still have to hold my arms out to figure out left or right.

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You've heard of people saying that they get 2nd hand embarrassment?  Well, I get that and I get super anxious when someone is in a tough spot that and no one can help them.  These feelings are bad enough that I feel it for fictional characters.  So, I hate the trope of setting someone up to take the fall for a crime they didn't commit.  The nicer the person and the worse the "crime" the harder it is for me to watch.  I don't give up shows that start this storyline, but I always can't wait until they are done and the story has moved on to something else. 


I'm usually good at directions when I'm outside during the day and I'm lucky that I live in the foothills of a mountain range, so the mountains are always north, but at night or an area that I don't know with no landmarks?  Forget it.  I'm lost. 

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I'm usually good at directions when I'm outside during the day and I'm lucky that I live in the foothills of a mountain range, so the mountains are always north, but at night or an area that I don't know with no landmarks?  Forget it.  I'm lost.


I have this too. For me the mountains are always west. So when I'm in California or any

place where their not west I am completely lost.

Edited by andromeda331
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I have this too. For me the mountains are always west. So when I'm in California or any

place where their not west I am completely lost.

Word to that.  I lived on the Colorado Front Range for years, and the first time I went to Phoenix I was completely lost.  Not only were there mountains in every direction, all the main roads are straight N-S or E-W, 8-10 lanes wide, and there apparently are only three design styles for strip malls, so you keep passing the same buildings over and over while never turning off the road.  

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So, I hate the trope of setting someone up to take the fall for a crime they didn't commit.  The nicer the person and the worse the "crime" the harder it is for me to watch.  I don't give up shows that start this storyline, but I always can't wait until they are done and the story has moved on to something else.


So do I because they never make any sense.  Like when Castle was suddenly framed

for that bizarre murder where the victim was attach to the ceiling or Tony from NCIS

chopped up a woman. Sure because nice people just suddenly chop people up

or murder them and attach them to ceiling. They find more "evidence" for them committing

the crime then they have ever found against any suspect in their life. Fingerprints,

DNA and practically a tape of them committing the crime. That's not suspicious at all.

Its so obvious their being framed.

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If you gave me those directions I'd still have to hold my arms out to figure out left or right.

Turn right - no, your other right...


One early morning in court, I was introducing myself and my client for the record.   I couldn't remember left from right, my hand was just waving.   The judge had to finish my sentence.   And tease me about left from right.



Topic:   Men never stop to ask for directions on tv.   Women are perpetually lost.   But EVERYONE can find a parking spot right in front of where they need to be.   Or their car service in NYC can pull right up to them at the curb.   

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I could never be a special agent because when the person in my earpiece directs me to "the west side" of the building, I'd have to stop short and stick my arms out in vain hope of orienting myself to where I was.  One hundred compasses couldn't help me.



I don't know if that is a trope as a soldier I developed that directional skill. I remember on The Wire Major Bunny Colvin drilled it into his officers to always keep that situational awareness should they need to call for help

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If you live somewhere long enough you can develop that. I lived near enough to the Pacific ocean where you can just put it on your left and know how to face north. But I moved to a city with a river in the middle, so it's not "fixed". I got all turned around. But then I learned the river runs north south. 


Also from the Wire: get there early. 

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Me too. I do the same thing. There is something nice about sippping on wine while doing prep or cooking away. However, I have a couple times had a big too much cause prep/cooking took too long. Ah well, life is too short.


Another trop. A high level distinguished male in a position of power always has a beautiful crystal decanter set - complete with brandy or whiskey or bourbon - sitting open and available on a side table in his wood trimmed spacious office. And the decanter is always half-full, though every time high powered male has a "meeting", he is shown as indulging in said brandy/bourbon/whiskey/etc a la Mad Men. Basically holding that lovely and expensive crystal tumbler, with required booze inside is the only way he can make decisions, have an "important" conversation. Dude would be lighting up a cigarette if it wasn't so frowned upon.


Not saying this doesn't happen in real life and not that I hate the trope completely (I want one of those crystal sets), but high powered woman never get to sip from the fancy crystal decanter on the job whilst looking serious and contemplative while discussing an important situation. Also, you know, most minions can't drink on the job while contemplating some perplexing situation (though it would help).


You must be too young to remember Dynasty.  Alexis was always sipping (more like gulping) from the fancy crystal decanter that she kept in her office, especially when she was really pissed off about something.

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I can't remember multi-step directions. Whenever there's something like a heist, trying to find the McGuffin, some sort of scheme, I'm like yeah I'd be dead. "Find the fuse box, then trip the second fuse on the left. Go over to the safe and enter the code 459340. Then wait ten seconds. Take the blue box out and place it on the fireplace mantle. Got it?" Me: "..."
Also people gesturing to give instructions and/or silently mouthing. What? I have no idea what you are trying to tell me.

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I can't remember multi-step directions. Whenever there's something like a heist, trying to find the McGuffin, some sort of scheme, I'm like yeah I'd be dead. "Find the fuse box, then trip the second fuse on the left. Go over to the safe and enter the code 459340. Then wait ten seconds. Take the blue box out and place it on the fireplace mantle. Got it?" Me: "..."

Also people gesturing to give instructions and/or silently mouthing. What? I have no idea what you are trying to tell me.


On Person of Interest the protagonists ID their client of the week through a call they receive on a pay phone in which a computer generated voice says a series of random-sounding words which they translate into the SSN of the client. They always get it right. I'd kill to have that kind of total recall under duress.


And yeah, the silently mouthing thing only works for me because I'm watching a show with closed captioning on. If I was there live trying to figure out what the person was telling me I'd be completely screwed. Countdowns with hand gestures work for me, though.

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I don't know if that is a trope as a soldier I developed that directional skill. I remember on The Wire Major Bunny Colvin drilled it into his officers to always keep that situational awareness should they need to call for help

I can appreciate trying to develop that skill in others but if it's not there, it's not there. I understand learning directions if you are outside by landmarks, the sun, etc., but throw someone like me into a building and ask us which way is west? No way. I'm surprised to see so many others on these boards with the same directional challenges as I have. Among my friends and family, I'm pretty much the only one. And I get so much crap because I'm an amazing test taker and supposed to be "the smart one."

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I could never be a special agent because when the person in my earpiece directs me to "the west side" of the building, I'd have to stop short and stick my arms out in vain hope of orienting myself to where I was.  One hundred compasses couldn't help me. 

Speaking of spies and earpieces one trope I really hate is that when spies talking on them switch back and forth between using code names and real names. Alias was the worst for this. Anytime Sydney was on a mission they would always start off speaking to her using her code name, but anytime someone had to tell her something that was serious they always used her real name. So what the hell is the point of having a code name then?

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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but...


There's always a bowl of fruit on the kitchen table or island, usually apples and bananas and maybe oranges--and you rarely see anyone eat any of it.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but...


There's always a bowl of fruit on the kitchen table or island, usually apples and bananas and maybe oranges--and you rarely see anyone eat any of it.


Or if they do, it's always the apple. Always.

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I could never be a special agent because when the person in my earpiece directs me to "the west side" of the building, I'd have to stop short and stick my arms out in vain hope of orienting myself to where I was.  One hundred compasses couldn't help me.


Ha!  This is sooo me.  As far as I am concerned wherever I am facing is north.  So to the right of me is east.  Even if I turn 90 degrees I am still facing north.


The only time I know direction is early in the morning or in the evening and only if it is a clear day that is because I know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 

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