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S09.E11: Late, Toothless And High

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

Reminder - no spoilers.  Only post about what is shown in the episode and known up until the time that it was filmed. No recent social media.  

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44 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

The woman barely has a grasp of the English language, so I'm sure that French is going to be a stretch.

I'm waiting for her to start using "comme" every 4-5 words as she does with "like."

Oh, that's right, she can't speak French so it won't happen. 😂

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Good lord she is insufferable. What 37 year old woman cries because her infatuation can't come, you know, someone she never met. As my grammy used to say "Her cheese done slid off her cracker".  

I think Todd and Hunter kept quiet as to avoid the wrath of Whitney, there is no talking sense into this idiot. So I see next weeks preview she just ghosts Jessica and the business to run off. How anyone could be her friend or even around her for more than 10 seconds is beyond me.


Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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As much as I hated listening to Twitney blubber and carry on I think I’m starting to hate some of the barnacles even more!

talk about a bunch of ass kissing enablers!

have they lost their eff’n minds???

Tal gnashing his teeth and his lamenting over poor Whitney, her romances, tooth and how she can’t catch a break already!!! Ugh!!… then Heather and Ashley carrying on about how she needs to go to The Frenchman NOW!! And how hard he’s been trying to get to her!!.. I wanted to smack them across the face and scream.. “SNAP OUT OF IT!!!”

Todd was the only one making a joke out of this ridiculous storyline!

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9 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Heather and Ashley carrying on about how she needs to go to The Frenchman NOW!!

To be fair... if you were Heather or Ashley wouldn't you want her to hurry to France as soon as possible? That would mean she's not with them. I'd be all over anything that would take her an ocean away.

Edited by 3girlsforus
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The barnacles this season seem to be fully cashing out and playing their parts as butt kissers for cash. In earlier seasons we saw them try and reason with her, like normal supportive friends would do if someone went off the deep end. But now they blindly parrot her cues, clearly having given up on any real friendship or attempts to keep her delusions in check. It's honestly sad to see her former friends give up on her and just latch on for the TLC money ride, but she only has herself to blame for driving them away. Without TLC they would be long gone regardless because of her behavior towards them. It's going to be a very sad time for her once this show wraps up and they all fade away to their real lives. 

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11 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Heather and Ashley carrying on

I did get a laugh out of Ashley saying "I could see her moving to France."  Child, she couldn't even commit to moving to Wilmington, you think she's moving across the ocean?

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Whitney and friends: Novacaine does not make you high, assholes. 

Way to go dumping your all important noBS app so you can run to France for a man you have never met but claim to loooove. So much for the career priority. 

It was infuriating to watch everybody sitting at the table listening to Whit talk about being in love and going to France and nobody speaking up saying what a stupid idea it is. Are they all afraid of her, including her parents? Oh, and because it can't be said enough, Heather STFU!! Who died and made her the leader of the pack?  When is anybody going to give Whitney a reality check?

Edited by bichonblitz
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Again with the madcap whirlwind that is Whit's 'fabulous' ' life': barely being able to hoist her ass into a sailboat that wasn't much bigger than her, then howling in fear every time a drop of ocean splashed on her, the exciting story of her getting a tooth pulled/subsequent numb mouth, the oyster shucking/double entendre event, eating a lobster, and um, that's it. 

Did she seriously come to meet Blur for the first time in shapeless knit sundresses worn with no bra? Her silhouette of saggy boobs and huge jutting butt wings is definitely what


some 20-something wanna be rapper

has been looking for all his (short) life, right?

I was really, really hoping when she was shrieking her way down that ramp to the boat that she'd go rolling head over heels into the sea like a giant beachball.

Still no tender, romantic declarations of love or need from either one of them on the phone calls. My guess is Blur's contract includes a plausible deniability clause. I assume we'll get a couple more episodes of nothing happening, and then end the season with her jetting off to Paree.


Edited by sempervivum
not sure if this is general knowledge
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Whitney and friends: Novacaine does not make you high, assholes. 

Way to go dumping your all important noBS app so you can run to France for a man you have never met but claim to loooove. So much for the career priority. 


She might have had other pain medication. Having a tooth pulled is a pretty big deal and a pretty painful thing.

From the east coast, she could go to Paris for a long weekend, easily. Not ideal, I would imagine, but if she is THAT keen to meet the French Man in person and she's THAT busy with work, it's an option (unless she has to quarantine in France). I'm surprised she doesn't make Jessica go to France with her so they can film videos in between her romantic trysts. Or go back to the split screen that she used with Ryan.

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I did get a laugh out of Ashley saying "I could see her moving to France."  Child, she couldn't even commit to moving to Wilmington, you think she's moving across the ocean?

IMO she's move anywhere in the world she thought she'd have a man, and she knew Chase wasn't it.  What I can't figure out is if she really thinks she "loves" this dude (who obviously does not "love" her back) or if she's playing along for a storyline.  I think she really did think she and Avi were "in love" which was why she was hot to convert to Judaism.  I think she always knew Chase was a storyline, or there'd be no way they were rooming with Ryan in France.  Clearly everyone but her (and Ashley?) sees that this is stupid, but are shutting up because they don't want to get yelled at and/or realize it's the storyline for the season.  Does she get that, or does she really believe she has this guy in the bag?

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16 minutes ago, princelina said:

IMO she's move anywhere in the world she thought she'd have a man, and she knew Chase wasn't it.  What I can't figure out is if she really thinks she "loves" this dude (who obviously does not "love" her back) or if she's playing along for a storyline.  I think she really did think she and Avi were "in love" which was why she was hot to convert to Judaism.  I think she always knew Chase was a storyline, or there'd be no way they were rooming with Ryan in France.  Clearly everyone but her (and Ashley?) sees that this is stupid, but are shutting up because they don't want to get yelled at and/or realize it's the storyline for the season.  Does she get that, or does she really believe she has this guy in the bag?

I have a response to this but I have to take it to the SM thread.

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18 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I'd bet that it takes hours and hours to shoot. I'm guessing that there isn't a lot of non-shooting time on these trips and when they do have it, they probably all retreat to their separate corners. 

She said she sees her dentist every six months. I think it's possible she had a smaller cavity that maybe they were watching or just hadn't identified yet. If the tooth cracked or something got stuck down in there, the abscess could have developed pretty quickly. I've had one abscess and it hurt. Crying (and anything else that caused nasal congestion) made it worse, as did the pressure changes from flying. So I believe she was in a lot of pain. 

I am confused by the decision to pull the tooth. My dad was a dentist and pulling a tooth was always the last choice. Those back molars are the workhorses. You use then the most to grind food to chew. Pulling that back one out won't have much impact cosmetically; it's not really visible when she smiles, but it could cause all of her lower teeth to shift and not align well. That can create issues with your bite. 

When I had my abscessed tooth, they numbed me up A LOT. They then drilled through the crown that was already on the tooth and did the root canal, which is removing the root and filling in the void space where the root had been. They drain all the infection, which in my case took quite some time. Then they patched the crown. In Whitney's case, maybe they decided she didn't have enough of the actual tooth left to put in a filling or a crown. Now having the tooth removed entirely, her only choice really would be to get an implant, but she is going to have to wait until the oral surgeon is confident the infection is completely resolved. And she can get that done at home. 

I couldn’t believe that either! If the dentist gave her a choice, she should never go with a removal. It tells me how dumb she is. Now she is going to be with a hole in her mouth for at least 6 months. And an implant in not an easy thing to do!

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Every "romance" on this series has been phony, just a scripted plot. Personally I don't think this Blur person even exists, heck it could be some random member of the crew in the videos & putting on a french accent. Why don't they ever speak at all in french, even little bits? 😒

I think her good old friends say what they're told to say, hey the extra $$ comes in handy. Especially for Buddy.  Now & then one of them is told to sass her a little to add some tiny bit of something plausible. 

What's not fake is her sincere weeping anguish that she can't find the real life man of her dreams.  You know, the handsome as hell young virile knight in shining armor stud that is so in love with her that he'd do ANYTHING to please her.  He can't be a chubby chaser or fat (like her), or balding (like her), or not be something really cool like a doctor or a lawyer etc. She thinks she "deserves" this. Don't we all LOL?  C'mon down to reality honey & join the rest of us here on earth.  

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

She might have had other pain medication. Having a tooth pulled is a pretty big deal and a pretty painful thing.

It hasn't been "painful" since the early part of the 19th Century; if it is, sue your dentist!  "Other pain medication" like nitrous oxide wears off as soon as they remove the apparatus, and even an opioid doesn't make you slap-happy.  Just ramping up the drama for attention, as usual!  Did anyone else hear her say she had one on the other side removed earlier, or did I dream that as I snoozed?

42 minutes ago, Maximadc said:

I couldn’t believe that either! If the dentist gave her a choice, she should never go with a removal. It tells me how dumb she is. Now she is going to be with a hole in her mouth for at least 6 months. And an implant in not an easy thing to do!

It was in the very back of her mouth, so it doesn't leave a "hole," per se, and an implant isn't strictly necessary.  That said...why would ANY dentist "watch" a cavity for six months?  It's not going to do anything but further decay once it begins.

Hers should sue her for defamation of character.

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13 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

What's not fake is her sincere weeping anguish that she can't find the real life man of her dreams.  You know, the handsome as hell young virile knight in shining armor stud that is so in love with her that he'd do ANYTHING to please her.  He can't be a chubby chaser or fat (like her), or balding (like her), or not be something really cool like a doctor or a lawyer etc. She thinks she "deserves" this. Don't we all LOL?  C'mon down to reality honey & join the rest of us here on earth.  


she’s so freaking picky! She has totally unrealistic expectations of what kind of man would actually be interested in her.

She’s obese and that’s fine BUT she’s also a bitchy, demanding, bossy, loud, balding succubus!!!

Who wants to saddle themselves with that?


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1 hour ago, all4mom2 said:

It hasn't been "painful" since the early part of the 19th Century; if it is, sue your dentist!  "Other pain medication" like nitrous oxide wears off as soon as they remove the apparatus, and even an opioid doesn't make you slap-happy.  Just ramping up the drama for attention, as usual!  Did anyone else hear her say she had one on the other side removed earlier, or did I dream that as I snoozed?

As someone who has had a tooth abscess, and far too much other dental work, it still hurts ALOT. Novocaine and similar drugs help remove/dull the pain during the procedure, but before and after there's still a lot of damaged tissues and nerves that are insanely painful and inflamed, like all medical procedures. Even the spot where they stick the long ass needle to administer novocaine can hurt. OTC painkillers help, plus opioids if needed (which can have different effects on people), but they don't make it painless by any measure. I don't doubt she had a lot with the whole ordeal, however her reaction did definitely seem dramatic, in line with everything else she does.  

Edited by alabetser
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So, what we can deduce from this is that Le Blur is as stupid as Sweatney. Who packs up a week's worth of vacation clothing to sit in an airport hotel with your luggage for days? I'm hoping he got to bang a few cuties or something to pass the time there. 🙄 My god.

I've just been going back and forth to Canada to do upkeep on my properties there in 2021, and that's been a freaking NIGHTMARE with the borders opening discordantly. I can't imagine being dumb enough in 2020 to try and get into the U.S. from France and not be a citizen. Sweatney said "Oh, the rules kept changing" - but they didn't in 2020.

Todd and Hunter are really the only voices of reason at this point. I died when Todd said that Sweatney was putting all of her eggs in one French basket.

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9 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

As my grammy used to say "Her cheese done slid off her cracker".

 My dad would have said that she has rooms for rent upstairs.  Lol. 

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I can understand that Dad Greg and Mom Babs would 'go along' with their daughter's 'one-in-a-million plunge' into Reality Show fame, but I DO hope that after this current season, they can take note of the increasing up-and-down changes obviously affecting their 'Whit.'  I've little doubt that, like many of us, Whitney is getting her fair share of outside, professional therapy, but I DO hope that mom and dad are - behind the scenes - voicing not only love, but common sense in their roles as real parents.

One other thought:  After all those episodes where Whitney quivers with fear about her "aging parents,' how in the heck could she embrace a move to France?!?

Ah Reality TV!!  It not only screws up the lives of its "stars,'  😰 but deteriorates the minds of its viewers.  😵

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13 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

As my grammy used to say "Her cheese done slid off her cracker".  

I've never heard this, but love it.
I just finished watching the show, and when the 4 friends were talking, I thought that was Whit, not Ashley.  Wow.
Heather is really annoying anymore, and I used to like her.  Welcome back, Todd!  
I was thinking the same thing he said, FM could be sitting in his home, telling her he's gone all these places, but not leaving home.


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Can't anyone go to their local airport and sit there and/or shoot video of the interior?  She seemed very chummy with the production crew, if that's who she was cutting up with after her tooth extraction (you're supposed to maintain pressure on that gauze roll to control the bleeding; not keep flapping your gums).  I'm sure they'd be willing to act as "French Man" should the story line call for it.

Edited by all4mom2
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4 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

So, what we can deduce from this is that Le Blur is as stupid as Sweatney. Who packs up a week's worth of vacation clothing to sit in an airport hotel with your luggage for days? I'm hoping he got to bang a few cuties or something to pass the time there. 🙄 My god.

I'm with Todd, I don't think he really did this, just told Whit he did.

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12 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

It hasn't been "painful" since the early part of the 19th Century; if it is, sue your dentist!  "Other pain medication" like nitrous oxide wears off as soon as they remove the apparatus, and even an opioid doesn't make you slap-happy.  Just ramping up the drama for attention, as usual!  Did anyone else hear her say she had one on the other side removed earlier, or did I dream that as I snoozed?

It was in the very back of her mouth, so it doesn't leave a "hole," per se, and an implant isn't strictly necessary.  That said...why would ANY dentist "watch" a cavity for six months?  It's not going to do anything but further decay once it begins.

Hers should sue her for defamation of character.

Even if the extracted tooth is in the back of the mouth, over time, the other teeth shift and space out. 

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My thoughts:

1) Whitney is a very lonely and depressed person when Buddy stayed with her. When he left, we began to witness how kindness from a foreign stranger warped itself into romantic interest. I don't think for a second that FM intended to come, nor that he was at an airport or airport hotel (a la Todd's theory) at which point I view FM as "well-meaning friend" to "what is his motive other than TLC money?" It truly is sad that rather than avoid past mistakes and working on herself, Whitney is still throwing herself at any man willing to talk to her. 

2) Heather supporting this trip to France is outrageous but I see the (understandably?) selfish direction from which she is coming. Rather than Whitney going home after Maine and either a) wallowing in her bed or b) needing another friend to temporarily move in with her or c) both of the above, send her to France to "follow her heart". You aren't going to stop her anyway once her mind is made up (Hawaii 8k anyone?) so may as well join the support bandwagon and get some peace in the meantime. 

3) If I were a potential No BS Active app subscriber, I would be reluctant to spend my money on an app after seeing Whitney's priority list this episode. It's one thing if you didn't know what you were missing, but if that app starts with anything less than the original content Whitney said it would have, I would feel like I'm not getting my money's worth. And her reliability is seriously questionable, something you don't want in a trainer or an app!

4) Tal and Hunter looked so peaceful sailing. They really looked like they had a good time. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. 

5) Whitney having that moment of breakdown alone in front of the cameras on the balcony seemed very real, which is all the more scary. I know there is a lot of talk about what we see and don't see on this show but I believe she feels like this most of the time when she is by herself. She is right in one thing; she really shouldn't live alone, and she should really be focusing on how she can make herself feel better rather than find a man to make herself feel better. She's been getting free therapy and support from her friends, family and business partner but I think we are seeing the end of those people's effectivity on her mental health. 

6) I think Ashley carries most of her weight in her stomach and Whitney mostly in her legs & butt (the apple v. pear). When TLC shoots them from the waist up, Ashley looks the same size. But whenever it is a full body shot, Ashley is definitely smaller than Whitney. Also, I have Ashley's bathing suit in black and it is the most comfortable thing ever, and extremely flattering! I think I like her teal color better.

7) I speculate that the next episode is the last one and I think the final scene will be Whitney flying on the plane to France. There will be no FM meet and greet this season; it will be left as a cliffhanger for (gag) the next season.

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10 hours ago, TzuShih said:

After all those episodes where Whitney quivers with fear about her "aging parents,' how in the heck could she embrace a move to France?!?

Especially after she made such a huge deal about moving a few hours away to live with Chase. Nothing about this makes sense because none of this is real! Hell, I've read more compelling stories written by high schoolers on AO3.

42 minutes ago, KatieBear said:

If I were a potential No BS Active app subscriber, I would be reluctant to spend my money on an app after seeing Whitney's priority list this episode.

Totally agree. I've yet to see any concrete work on this project and even if Whitney expects her partner to do the lion's share of grunt work, she at least needs to stick around as the "face" of the brand and do some of the exercise programs on the app. So far, she's done nothing.

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4 hours ago, readheaded said:

Even if the extracted tooth is in the back of the mouth, over time, the other teeth shift and space out. 

Well, not everyone can afford implants out of pocket.  I know I can't and am not particularly worried about it (not to share personal stories).  Of course, Whit can, since I'm sure never-to-retire Glenn pays all her bills!

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I've had the last upper tooth removed 4 years ago.  Did not replace and others stayed put.  Only uncomfortable thing was having my dentists entire hand in my mouth and coming off whatever they put in the needle that he shot into my gum.  Oh and the temporary drooling when the packing was in place.  Every little thing Whit has had done she feels like it is like major surgery but then again with Whit everything is major the drama queen!

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14 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

Well, not everyone can afford implants out of pocket.  I know I can't and am not particularly worried about it (not to share personal stories).  Of course, Whit can, since I'm sure never-to-retire Glenn pays all her bills!

Its also from what I read and heard from people that a dental implant is a 6 month process.

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40 minutes ago, Nicmar said:

Its also from what I read and heard from people that a dental implant is a 6 month process.

It is, if not longer. You have the tooth removed and that infection has to clear and the socket heal. Then they put in the metal post and that has to heal. Finally they put the implant on. It takes awhile. I think that Whitney sounded like she was going to leave it and not get an implant - she said it was all the way in the back of her mouth and you can't see the empty space when she smiles. 

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Again, Whitney is fat. She calls herself fat.  Regardless, there is absolutely no need to compare her to any large animals. Commenting on her clothes choices is okay. including how they fit. Making it sound like fat people are all disgusting, lazy, non-human, or ugly is not okay.  These statements have collateral damage to posters who are not Whitney or anything like Whitney.  Posts have been removed.

Questions? PM @PrincessPurrsALot.  We do not comment on moderator actions in the forums.  This rule includes quoting mod notes. 

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18 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Who packs up a week's worth of vacation clothing to sit in an airport hotel with your luggage for days?

I doubt that he was in the airport for days on end.  Sell that bs somewhere else, Whit/TLC.  And they're all acting as if the requirements to travel were changing on some kind of hourly basis and he was caught in a whirlwind of red tape/bureaucracy that changed from the time he set out for the airport and when he got there.  

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Three more thoughts I had:

8) The lobster scene was not shot in sequence (look at the background - day time, sunset, darkness) so any looks or reactions or even comments to certain Whitney remarks should be taken with a grain of salt. One thing is for sure, when Whitney said she would feel better about going to France if they were all behind her, no one except Heather approved. Maybe Ashley but I think Ashley speaks more on what she thinks Whitney will do rather than what Whitney should do (at least in this episode).

9) Worrying about the FM being able to find someone else now that restrictions are lifted is a new mention from Whitney. She is very insecure about his like for her, despite previous episode confidence about love and sex. It screams desperation, but in a different way than before. Regardless, she's still only got one oar in the water!

10) A vacation without a physical challenge was unsatisfying. Nothing like hobbling over a finish line in Hawaii or screeching in abject terror in Alaska while repelling to keep a viewer interested. There is just not enough action content this season, too much talking and laying around. Seems counterintuitive when you are trying to launch a fitness app. When most of the comments focus on dental info, you know this show has gone downhill.

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Here's my theory about LeBlur. 

Whitney has no storyline this season so they had to make one up in order to keep the show on the air. They hired some guy to talk on the phone with her. Then she decides to go to France to meet him (at the prompting of the show writers). The production team has to go with her because they need to film for the show. One of the guys on the team agreed to be seen with her as long as he doesn't have to show his face. Hence, the creation of LeBlur.  

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Here's my theory about LeBlur. 

Whitney has no storyline this season so they had to make one up in order to keep the show on the air. They hired some guy to talk on the phone with her. Then she decides to go to France to meet him (at the prompting of the show writers). The production team has to go with her because they need to film for the show. One of the guys on the team agreed to be seen with her as long as he doesn't have to show his face. Hence, the creation of LeBlur.  

My son has a different theory, Le Blur is from a Muslim country who emigrated to France, they have dubbed his voice on camera so there is no accent, Le Blur cannot get to the US not only because of Covid but because of his immigration status, Whitney somehow, will be fleeced.

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On 10/27/2021 at 1:14 PM, sempervivum said:

Still no tender, romantic declarations of love or need from either one of them on the phone calls.

That's what I keep waiting for, an "I love you" (not je t'aime because she wouldn't know what it meant) from le Blur.  You know that if he had said the slightest thing that could be considered romantic we would have been treated to it.  There hasn't even been an "I can't wait to give you a big hug" or anything friend-zonish.

This was the most tedious episode yet, and I was surprised to find so many comments about it.  Will Whitney go to France?  Will she have to buy two seats?  Does she fly first class (those seats are more capacious)?  Does Novocaine count in her "no pain-killer for me" stance?  Will she get dry socket from not caring for her extraction properly?  Who will accompany her to France?

God I hate myself for watching this show.  Once in a while she wears an attractive, well-fitting and appropriate outfit but mostly if it's not a sports bra and stretchy tights it's something see-through and horrifying.  She needs help, serious help, in every aspect of her life, and if her fans truly love her, they'll help her get that help instead of encouraging her to display her craziness.

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That infantile crying with the lip jutted out makes me want to slap her right in that puss.  Looks like her wedding, babies and happily ever after fantasy with French blur will be delayed.    Why oh why did I start watching this show again? 

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59 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

So the previews show Whitney bailing on Jessica to run to France to meet her prince charming.  Sheesh.  She is the biggest self center turd.  Jessica should have known better.

She shouldn't have been surprised when Whitney dumped her BFF Ashley's job, but in Whitney's mind she is running off for the lurve of her life, plus Jessica is a meany because she make Whitney work out

55 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My son has a different theory, Le Blur is from a Muslim country who emigrated to France, they have dubbed his voice on camera so there is no accent, Le Blur cannot get to the US not only because of Covid but because of his immigration status, Whitney somehow, will be fleeced.

IF the posters on another site are correct and found this guy, he is like in his 20's. Why would he want to be with a crass, non-hygienic woman who is so co-dependent on everyone 

12 minutes ago, Mothra said:

That's what I keep waiting for, an "I love you" (not je t'aime because she wouldn't know what it meant) from le Blur.  You know that if he had said the slightest thing that could be considered romantic we would have been treated to it.  There hasn't even been an "I can't wait to give you a big hug" or anything friend-zonish.


The conversation almost sounded like the dude I talked to on FB Marketplace when I was trying to buy a dresser. " I really tried to hold it for you" "Come on over, I will be home today until 3pm", "cash only". I truly thought I had him in the bag  

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My main takeaways from this latest sh*t show:

1) Whitney is back to Hawaii-levels of obesity. Good lord. Gorl packed on pandemic pounds big time. You could tell that the poor sailing instructor was second guessing in his head the whole “boat won’t capsize thing”. Oy.

2) Whitney is absolutely pathetic about this fake romance. Crying and acting a fool because Fakey McFrenchie couldn’t come to the US. And the fact her barnacles indulge her is so freaking annoying.

3) Heather and Tal are earning their paychecks even more this season than prior seasons. They’re both gonna need surgery to remove their lips from Twit’s prodigious butt.

I don’t even think I can hate watch any more. I don’t have an iota of sympathy for this wretched woman. And there’s nothing fabulous or entertaining about her life. It’s just a train wreck at this point.


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On 10/28/2021 at 5:09 PM, Endora said:

That infantile crying with the lip jutted out makes me want to slap her right in that puss.  Looks like her wedding, babies and happily ever after fantasy with French blur will be delayed.    Why oh why did I start watching this show again? 

Looks like you just started here, welcome.
I'm one of many who watches the show to come here and snark, probably would skip it otherwise.

What really got me, was her talking with the producer and camera, about poor me and how she finally (FINALLY?) found a man she really loves and he loves her, and circumstances are keeping them apart???
Hasn't she found her true love at least once every season?  
The guy with huge beard, then Roy, and Ari, and Chase, and I've probably missed some.
On the NOBS app, do you think anyone buys it, other than her acolytes?

Edited by auntjess
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Why would a French citizen go to the American Embassy, that embassy is there for American citizens abroad, I doubt they would have even let him in the building. Whitney and Co. are just stupid, has any of them heard of Google?  How would Le Blur even buy an airline ticket to the US if nobody could leave France and if he lives in Paris why did he need to stay in a hotel? 

The sailing lesson looked like fun but the way that boat was listing when Whitney got on was really something, that instructor earned his pay just keeping the boat upright.

Fresh from the dentist and told liquid diet for the next 24 to 48 hours we see Whitney eating oysters. We see Whitney get really excited when she forced Babs to eat an oyster knowing she did not want to, Whitney's glee seemed demonic, she does love to see people uncomfortable.

How many times did we see everyone with their backs to the beautiful water view, at the pool, during the lobster dinner, etc...I guess the view would distract from Whitney and her complaining about how Le Blur cannot visit. 

Show of hands of who was surprised to see Whitney high tail it to France.


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if he lives in Paris why did he need to stay in a hotel? 

I don't buy this whole story but in his defense, I've known people who stay at a hotel near the airport in their home city when they have to catch an early flight or if they are uncertain about departure (flying standby, etc.) so they are close by when they get the notice that they can travel. If you're really concerned that you could miss a last minute flight, you might want to be right by the airport.


Fresh from the dentist and told liquid diet for the next 24 to 48 hours we see Whitney eating oysters.

They might as well be liquid - it's not like you're supposed to chew them. I'm not a picky eater but I think they are revolting!

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2 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't buy this whole story but in his defense, I've known people who stay at a hotel near the airport in their home city when they have to catch an early flight or if they are uncertain about departure (flying standby, etc.) so they are close by when they get the notice that they can travel. If you're really concerned that you could miss a last minute flight, you might want to be right by the airport.

I think we all know he was not really at a hotel or the American Embassy or even the airport.  


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