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S03.E09: Fish Or Cut Bait

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8 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

(Still can't believe that after all this time she hasn't learned any Hindi.)

It has to be willful ignorance.  Also how could she and Sumit’s mother have been such “great friends” in 2013 when they can’t communicate at all?

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I am thoroughly sick of Kenny's whiny, spoiled, unsupportive daughters.

I thought he originally said Madison was pregnant, then he was talking about Cassidy, so I was confused. Which one is Cooper's mother? And why don't we ever hear anything about Coop's father or the other triplet or Kenny's son? I guess we'll meet everyone at the wedding. And what's the big deal about scheduling a sunset wedding? The sun sets every day but the time changes throughout the year, so the time of the wedding would depend on that. So you plan the wedding date to coincide with the sunset. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Evelin and Corey:  I can't stand the double standard with this bitch and nobody ever mentions it. Not even Corey. Stand up for yourself, man! Oh, and they were on a break. She broke up with him during that time, right? Isn't that why he went to Peru? 

Completely agree! I am so sick of seeing Corey give away all of his power while gazing at Evelin meekly. Speak up for yourself! Bring up the whole penis soup debacle to the therapist, along with all the other degrading experiences she's put you through including her own dalliance. She likes to paint herself as a suffering and innocent little victim and it appears Corey is 100% onboard with it. With the car accident thing, I will say that Evelin did seem genuinely and rightly hurt by Corey not showing up. But then again, I could see why he didn't.

SteVen: What terrible manners throwing cookies down his throat in the cab. And like I've said, he continuously looks like a bum.


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1 hour ago, greekmom said:



I was curious about the whole Evil and the car wreck. Did she actually tell Corey she was in a bad auto accident? Or was he suppose to read her mind?


I was wondering about that too.  Honestly though, there is absolutely nothing this guy could do that wouldn't piss her off, so if it were me, why bother? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.  He's such a bloody door mat to that miserable bitch.

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I don’t really feel sorry for Bini.  He picked Ari and had a baby with her.  No one made him do that.  He’s familiar with American women, yet this is the one he picked to impregnate.   He shouldn’t be too surprised.  

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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

there are some shocking photos over on their couples' thread

Heading over there now, thanks.  I always forget about other threads that are not episode threads.  I know, I'm missing a lot.

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When Ari picked baby Avi up out of the baby walker, the child seemed to show absolutely no recognition of Avi as a mother.  The baby's face had a look of "who are you?"  The child made no attempt to reach its arms upward to be picked up as most babies would do.

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3 minutes ago, Shauna said:

Heading over there now, thanks.  I always forget about other threads that are not episode threads.  I know, I'm missing a lot.

Don't forget that spoilers are allowed there, so don't look if you don't want to know their current status

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6 minutes ago, Annifran said:

When Ari picked baby Avi up out of the baby walker, the child seemed to show absolutely no recognition of Avi as a mother.  The baby's face had a look of "who are you?" 

Little Avi probably thinks Nanny Mimi is his mother and Ari is just someone who barely interacts with him once in a while. 

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4 hours ago, winsomeone said:

 Also, it seemed odd for a baby Avi's age to be passed around strangers like he was at the dinner table and not cry? I wonder if he has any bond with his mother at all? Maybe the nanny did all of the child care?

Avi seems to be an easy child.  He appears to be cool and chill.  Ari mentioned that he was well-behaved on the trip from Ethiopia.  I have two sons and a daughter.  My daughter was a "happy" child and would allow anyone to pick her up.  My boys on the other hand were "fussy".  If they didn't know you, they would cry.  Ari seems flighty. According to Bini's friend, "she has a difficult personality", so, it's a good thing she has a calm child.  

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Evelin and Corey:  I can't stand the double standard with this bitch and nobody ever mentions it. Not even Corey. Stand up for yourself, man! Oh, and they were on a break. She broke up with him during that time, right? Isn't that why he went to Peru? 

Ari: BS on needing another 6 weeks away. She's just not ready to go back to Ethiopia. Now she has an excuse not to because Bini is being a bad boy and not following her instructions. 

Sumit is over Jenny. Stop being a pussy and just tell her, already. 

I'm in my 60's and my house is clean. I don't need any help. Jenny is still too young for that. Maybe in 10 yrs or so but not now she seems to be in good health. She just doesn't see the need to have a clean kitchen. A lot of people are like that. Gross but true. 




The health of people in their 60s varies widely. Granted, we haven't seen any kind of impairment in Jenny, but she might tire easily. I do and I seem otherwise in decent health (except thyroid).

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3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Kenny and Armando?  Same old, same old.  Like others, I believe that he was too indulgent with some of his children as they cannot conceive of any way to be an adult without him. 

Where is the mother of his children? Was this a surrogate situation and she is not in the picture? I'm curious as to this whole family dynamic because something is really off with the way they all react to things. 

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1 hour ago, JeanJean said:

The health of people in their 60s varies widely. Granted, we haven't seen any kind of impairment in Jenny, but she might tire easily. I do and I seem otherwise in decent health (except thyroid).

I also try not to judge her health. At 51 my Fibromyalgia sometimes has me hurting so much that Jenny looks spry compared to me. 

On her choice of men I will judge. Is she really so naive she thinks Sumbitch will actually marry her one day. Or is she just at a point where she has devoted so much time she doesn’t want to start over? 

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No Seattle lady this week!

Corey and Evelin: Nice airbnb with two beds and a closet sized kitchen. Evelin should be impressed! How does Evelin think she can kick you out of Ecuador? She is not the Immigration Manager or has any kind of contacts that can make it happen. She can stay on her side of the island and you can stay on yours. No idea she had a car accident. Both of them are the pot calling the kettle black. It was okay for her to cheat on you, cheat on you with your friend/her ex/half the town, but if you were on a break and had taken a time out and you started seeing another woman, uh, can she really say anything. The Jenny woman may be many things but Evelin really has no business calling her a whore. Corey, find a lawyer, see if any of the property you share with her can be split, recover any assets that you can, and get out. She has probably found another sucker or will be the town's new Material Girl with all of her riches courtesy of you.

Kenny and Armando: It's tough to live in another country where you don't speak much of the language and have only your partner and his daughter as a local support system. Wonder if Kenny has met any ex-pats who are living in that area and can form some friendships with them and maybe get together once in a while. I understand his loneliness and missing his family. It's not the olden days where folks sent letters - Kenny has access to his kids and grandkids through the magic of the Internet and social media. It is not the same but you deal with it. Where is his daughter's partner/baby daddy in all this? Does she expect Kenny to drop everything and move back for her for a few months til she has the baby and then be a cheap sitter for her? Maybe some boundaries for both of them to maintain a healthy and less guilt-affected relationship. Be happy for your dad and carry on with your own life. He is there, he can visit but he is not going to be next door. I do feel for Armando. Maybe someone will send them a case of tissues.

Ari and Bini: So she has been home for a month already and still no surgery? Although it looks like she has had a procedure or two. Should Bini have his phone on? Sure. He does need to be contacted if there is an emergency. There should also be a plan B in case Bini drops his phone or the battery dies or whatever. However, he should not be available on-demand, 24-7. Ari doesn't trust him. Not much he can really do if there is an emergency since he has no US travel visa, cannot visit the US, and is pretty useless. No idea what Ari expects him to do except spend his days and nights with carpal phone syndrome. His friends are right that Ari has a difficult personality. Ari, Bini may indeed be looking out for American tourist #3 or maybe doing some reflection on his pattern of finding US women and knocking them up and having to deal with some not so great consequences - one left him, one is sort of in the process of doing so. Ari does seem to seek control in most aspects of her life. She doesn't want to return to Ethiopia. She's bored of Bini, he isn't the sexy drealocked dude she fell for. Her reality there isn't quite what she expected. Cut her losses, find a good lawyer, and if she is lucky, she won't have to take Avi back to visit his dad or find a nanny to do so.

Steven and Alina: Both of you are figuring out that you don't want to get married. Alina's mom can tell her what is going on, that Steven is bad news, that she is uncomfortable with him, etc. etc. And oh by the way, he has no basic manners. Cookiegate in the car was disgusting. Snackies time! There'll be a lot of that. Alina could avoid this nasty life lesson but probably not. She is young and thinks Steven is it. There are lots of other more suitable Americans out there - who won't force you to convert to their flexi faith, who have better prospects and are more suited for marriage. Marriage at 20 years old is tough as you have no idea who you really are. She should have let Masha have a bit more rope with Steven to get more on him and his cheating ways. He wants his cake and his ice cream. Deleting his social media accounts is not going to work and he will just open new ones or reactivate them and lock his phone. Or find a lockable burner one. I half expected Darcey and Stacey to show up when they were at the sauna. Steven is showing you who he is and it is up to you to decide if you want a lifetime's worth or how long it will last worth.

Jenny and Sumit: Yay Mama Sumit! Smiling and pretending to be nice to Jenny while hurling every insult she can. She does not want you to marry her son and is now on an accelerated plan to get rid of you. I probably wouldn't be as nice to let the parents move in. Sumit cowarded out when he told Jenny that he wants to live with his parents. He is 32 years old now? Grow up and move away to your own home. It's good for Sumit at his parents' home. Jenny will never cook and clean to please her prospective inlaws. A couple of times cooking is not going to make Jenny a chef. Mama Sumit most likely started to learn to cook when she was a young girl. Jenny may have not been taught to cook by her mom or other relative. Jenny's mom may have died when she was young. You, at having probably 45-50 years experience in making your kids' and husband's favourite food, cannot expect someone to get the hang of it in an hour or two. Don't know how much of this is storyline or otherwise fake. I would have cut my losses a long time ago when, after repeatedly asking my boyfriend about his marriage plans, finding out I was catfished, finding out he had a wife and lied and lied and lied some more. Granted, she doesn't have much waiting for her back in the US. Too bad she couldn't find an older Indian widower type who was more suitable. Sumit certainly did not stand up for her when the parents told her she was old enough to be his grandmother.  Mother Sumit must also like to be part of the gossip food chain and values what people think of her and how her son is embarrassing the family by having a relationship with a much older woman.




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5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

According to Corey, she "kicked him out" of fucking Ecuador! And he of course meekly left Ecuador. 

And if I live to be a hundred I will never understand this "on a break" business. You're either in or you're out. Break up or stay together. But you don't get to break up and act like you're still together when it suits you. Sheesh.

Since Ross and Rachel did it, I guess people think it’s an option.🤣🤣

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

No Seattle lady this week!

Corey and Evelin:  Corey, find a lawyer, see if any of the property you share with her can be split, recover any assets that you can, and get out. She has probably found another sucker or will be the town's new Material Girl with all of her riches courtesy of you.


The one saving grace when assets are acquired this way is that the swindler doesn't have a clue how to maintain their newfound wealth.  They piss it all away.   

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I still don’t get how they even begin to edit these episodes.  Ari looks skinny in one scene then in the next she is looking kind of chubby and OMG she looked horrid in the previews.

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3 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

I also try not to judge her health. At 51 my Fibromyalgia sometimes has me hurting so much that Jenny looks spry compared to me. 

On her choice of men I will judge. Is she really so naive she thinks Sumbitch will actually marry her one day. Or is she just at a point where she has devoted so much time she doesn’t want to start over? 

I can’t imagine him caring for Jenny if her health failed.  What would she do?  Maybe, Submit’s parents know this and they don’t want to have to take on his responsibility if that should happen.  I can’t even imagine Submit taking care of his own parents.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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While I agree at 32 Sumit should be a lot more independent, we have to acknowledge that it's really a different culture. Remember even back in the beginning with his friends how they were all saying that they wouldn't do anything if their parents did not approve? And the families really do live together. The way Jenny is used to living is what she thinks she will duplicate in India. Not happening.

Add to that, Sumit's parents' disdain for her and their not wanting him to marry her- this is not looking good dear Jenny. Cut your losses and skedaddle home.

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14 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Evilin and Corey bore me. She is not cute enough to demand he worship her blindly and he is simpy enough to do it anyway.  She walks in to some Airbandb with two rooms, a bedroom/living room combo and a kitchen in a closet and she asks why he has two beds and how many women will he have there, did she think it would be a sleep over in separate beds with no sex? Idiots.

Evelin came to the dinner with a shit attitude. Corey told her to wait at the bottom of the stairs for a few seconds, then she came up bitching about how long he made her stand there. He shows her the bedroom which is a vacation rental so it has two beds and she can’t resist making a comment about how many women he would have sleep there when in actuality the two beds would make it LESS likely that he’d be sharing the sheets with someone else. Corey would only need two beds if he was hosting an orgy 

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4 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

His friends are right that Ari has a difficult personality

That’s a diplomatic way of saying she’s a bitch. His friends obviously can’t stand her and are delighted that Bini can hang out with them again 

Edited by magemaud
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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don’t really feel sorry for Bini.  He picked Ari and had a baby with her.  No one made him do that.  He’s familiar with American women, yet this is the one he picked to impregnate.   He shouldn’t be too surprised.  

Same. I don’t like her, but he knew her issues. I doubt her control issues suddenly arose only after they joined the show. It takes two to create a human and he’s as culpable as she is. Plus, he’d already had a baby with another woman so he has a track record of being cavalier - or too trusting - about birth control. 

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7 minutes ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Plus, he’d already had a baby with another woman so he has a track record of being cavalier - or too trusting - about birth control. 

And/Or, maybe he's a manly man who needs to make lotsa babies!   He might be successful creating babies with local girls...but families might not be supportive of his antics.

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7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Where is the mother of his children? Was this a surrogate situation and she is not in the picture?

A good friend carried two pregnancies to term.  A son was born first ... TRIPLET daughters (what a surprise!) were born next.

He has been their sole parent all of their lives.

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9 hours ago, Annifran said:

When Ari picked baby Avi up out of the baby walker, the child seemed to show absolutely no recognition of Avi as a mother.  The baby's face had a look of "who are you?" 

There have been several comments on this forums about Ari's several "look" changes.  Maybe it takes him a moment to recognize her.

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9 hours ago, Meowwww said:

I’m so grossed out by Jenny wiping her nose and leaving the tissue on the table.  I’m with mother Sumit here, it’s unhygienic.   

I just want mother Sumit to know that not all Americans are like that! Jenny is gross. 

And Jenny, wash your damn greasy, stringy hair!

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19 hours ago, magemaud said:

And what's the big deal about scheduling a sunset wedding?

I generally ff through these scenes, as when I was still on IG there


are lots of nice family wedding pictures, so we know they got married.

But his insistence on "a sunset wedding" just brings me back to planning my first and second weddings:  First hubby:  Absolutely STUCK on the reception - "GONNA BE A PARTY!!  KEGGER!  SHOTS!  P-A-R-T-Y!!!!!"  I was like, sorry you didn't go to college and get it out of your system, but that is not what this will be.  

Second Hubby of Awesomeness:  "Omelet Bar"  Friends, If I had to hear that word one more time......I was like, guy, we would have to hire FIVE chefs to get people through in time!  Let's do a lunch at noon!  Pleeeeeze?

Maybe I am just OVER these guys getting a thought in their head and doubling down with zero disregard for the other factors of the day, dunno.  I will say this - no more getting married, lol.  

PS - we had a lunch at noon.  

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18 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Jenny may have not been taught to cook by her mom or other relative. Jenny's mom may have died when she was young.

In a previous season, I remember Sumit laughing and at the same time being shocked at Jenny's lack of skills in the kitchen. He said something about how he doesn't know how her children didnt' starve growing up with her as the mom. So...yeah, I can believe Jenny's kitchen actually was that disgusting when the in laws showed up. Honestly though, housekeeping help is not expensive in India, even on Jenny's limited income, she could afford someone to come clean up once a week or every other week. 

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13 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Same. I don’t like her, but he knew her issues.

Did he? How well did he really even know her? I forget how long they were together before she got knocked up.....honestly, I imagined it was a one night stand or maybe a couple nights over a month or two, but not a serious committed relationship. And even if it was----were they together 24/7? Guessing nope. And this was edgy on vacation carefree version of Ari----not this post partum mess. 

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The whole Kenny homesick dilemma could easily be resolved without him making any choice, simply returning to Florida for a couple of months every year and staying with one of his daughters.  Nice break for Armando, Kenny gets a nice extended annual visit with his family.

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2 hours ago, Dobian said:

The whole Kenny homesick dilemma could easily be resolved without him making any choice, simply returning to Florida for a couple of months every year and staying with one of his daughters.  Nice break for Armando, Kenny gets a nice extended annual visit with his family.

Word.  I didn't mind Kenny being honest about his homesickness.  I don't think he was regretting his choice so much as admitting it's still hard to be separated from his family on a permanent basis.  But I also kept thinking this solution was an obvious one.  Heck, he doesn't even have to keep a home in Miami - with 4 kids to choose from he could rotate and not wear out his welcome with the same one over and over again.  Although I guess it is expensive to travel and very few of the people on this show ever seem to have jobs.  

Re: the sunset wedding:  I worked in the wedding industry for a long time.  The amount of ridiculousness many people can insist on for "the most important day of my life!" is mindboggling.  I can't excuse it here either, but it strikes me as stupidly typical.

Unless I missed something (very possible) - if a daughter in law moving in with her husband's family and learning how to take care of everyone is so much the norm in India, wouldn't that mean that Sumit's brother and his newly-pregnant adorable wife are already doing that?  If a family had six sons would they ALL bring their wives home to fulfill this role together?  That'd have to be one big house.  I feel like we're missing something here. 

I also didn't understand why, when discussing Bini's activities since Ari left, they kept referring to it as "hanging out with his friends," instead of "partying his ass off," which is what it actually appeared to be.  Understandable, being young and now free to come and go as he pleases again, I just didn't see why the show wasn't calling a spade a spade here.  And when I was Ari's age I was bothered by that behavior from boyfriends too.  I don't know why, exactly.  I guess I wanted them to be more mature and I was immature enough to think they'd change.  HA!  Oh, hello again, twenties, how I don't really miss you.

Edited by Earl Is Dead
Clarification of the Bridezilla industry.
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51 minutes ago, Earl Is Dead said:

Re: the sunset wedding:  I worked in the wedding industry for a long time.  The amount of ridiculousness people insist on for "the most important day of my life!" is mindboggling.  I can't excuse it here either, but it strikes me as stupidly typical.

Well I heard a rumor that the bigger the wedding, the larger the budget, the larger chance of divorce within a few years.  Good thing my second crack at bat was a low key, low cost (compared to others) affair that took about 90 minutes to plan, lol.

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1 hour ago, Earl Is Dead said:

Word.  I didn't mind Kenny being honest about his homesickness.  I don't think he was regretting his choice so much as admitting it's still hard to be separated from his family on a permanent basis.  But I also kept thinking this solution was an obvious one.  Heck, he doesn't even have to keep a home in Miami - with 4 kids to choose from he could rotate and not wear out his welcome with the same one over and over again.  Although I guess it is expensive to travel and very few of the people on this show ever seem to have jobs.  

Re: the sunset wedding:  I worked in the wedding industry for a long time.  The amount of ridiculousness people insist on for "the most important day of my life!" is mindboggling.  I can't excuse it here either, but it strikes me as stupidly typical.

Unless I missed something (very possible) - if a daughter in law moving in with her husband's family and learning how to take care of everyone is so much the norm in India, wouldn't that mean that Sumit's brother and his newly-pregnant adorable wife are already doing that?  If a family had six sons would they ALL bring their wives home to fulfill this role together?  That'd have to be one big house.  I feel like we're missing something here. 

I also didn't understand why, when discussing Bini's activities since Ari left, they kept referring to it as "hanging out with his friends," instead of "partying his ass off," which is what it actually appeared to be.  Understandable, being young and now free to come and go as he pleases again, I just didn't see why the show wasn't calling a spade a spade here.  And when I was Ari's age I was bothered by that behavior from boyfriends too.  I don't know why, exactly.  I guess I wanted them to be more mature and I was immature enough to think they'd change.  HA!  Oh, hello again, twenties, how I don't really miss you.

This all made more sense to me when I found out he recently had another grandchild.

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1 hour ago, Earl Is Dead said:

Re: the sunset wedding:  I worked in the wedding industry for a long time.  The amount of ridiculousness people insist on for "the most important day of my life!" is mindboggling.  I can't excuse it here either, but it strikes me as stupidly typical.

I was never one who thought a big expensive wedding was for me, but I kind of understand why it's so important to some people. I was married among the trees in Tahoe and for me that was perfect.


2 hours ago, Dobian said:

The whole Kenny homesick dilemma could easily be resolved without him making any choice, simply returning to Florida for a couple of months every year and staying with one of his daughters. 

Makes sense, I like it.  Unless they can't bear to be away from each other.

3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Did he? How well did he really even know her? I forget how long they were together before she got knocked up.....honestly, I imagined it was a one night stand or maybe a couple nights over a month or two, but not a serious committed relationship.

Agree. Absolutely not a committed relationship. These two were thrown together because of the pregnancy.

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4 hours ago, Dobian said:

The whole Kenny homesick dilemma could easily be resolved without him making any choice, simply returning to Florida for a couple of months every year and staying with one of his daughters.  Nice break for Armando, Kenny gets a nice extended annual visit with his family.

I kept thinking the same. Also, during the time he is in Mexico his daughters and grands can come there to visit. Problem solved. Parents with adult kids do this all the time. Hell, my son lives only 300 miles away yet we only see him a couple of times a year because of his job demands and he has a life. We get it and it's no big deal. Do we wish he lived down the street from us? Yes! But it ain't gonna happen. It seldom does now a days.  

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47 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I kept thinking the same. Also, during the time he is in Mexico his daughters and grands can come there to visit. Problem solved. Parents with adult kids do this all the time. Hell, my son lives only 300 miles away yet we only see him a couple of times a year because of his job demands and he has a life. We get it and it's no big deal. Do we wish he lived down the street from us? Yes! But it ain't gonna happen. It seldom does now a days.  

I also wonder what kind of guilt Kenny's kids say to him that we don't see? 

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7 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I forget how long they were together before she got knocked up

In the first episode, she said she was with Bini for THREE MONTHS before she got pregnant, so absolutely no excuse, IMO 

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On 10/25/2021 at 1:27 AM, maxmama said:

You deliberately flew back to America, leaving Bini in Ethiopia, for a surgery that was supposedly so urgent, but after a month has not happened yet

Not sure what part COVID has in the surgery scheduling.  Many places were not scheduling elective surgeries during the height of the pandemic.  Not sure exactly how urgent this surgery was.

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On 10/25/2021 at 1:33 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Also how could she and Sumit’s mother have been such “great friends” in 2013 when they can’t communicate at all?

Sumit’s mother probably smiled while saying things like “You said you would be here a few days and it’s been four months.  When are you going to leave?” or “I know it must be exhausting living here rent free, but would it kill you to offer to wash a dish sometime?” and Jenny just thought they were friends.

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Drama Queen Kenny. Why couldn't he just tell Armando he is feeling homesick and he would like to go visit his family in Florida for a while. Armando is a sweetie and I'm sure would be ok with that.   But noooooo that would mean there were no tears and guilt involved. 

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Steven makes my skin crawl. He’s the kind of guy who would murder a girl and then say he made a "mistake". I get some serious obsessive/possessive abuser vibes from him (especially when he was holding on tight to Alina in the taxi before dropping her mom off). I wouldn't put it past him to be a domestic abuser with his future wife.

Did anyone notice that Steven actually pushed Alina's mom away and pulled Alina toward him at the airport when her mom left? You could tell Anna was like, “WTF is going on, why are you trying to tell me where to stand?!”

He always turns his “mistakes” into some dumb cheesy teaching moment or just rationalizes it but when she simply wants a sip of her mom’s coffee, he straight up tells her she’s not allowed because you can’t be baptized if your body/temple is filthy from caffeine. This dork has a sex addiction and can’t stop flirting with other girls but SHE’S the one who needs work?! I’m sure he probably thought being on the show would help him spread Mormonism to the masses, but all it’s done is make me despise that church. They picked a terrible mascot. Half 13 year old boy, half liar and perv.

I was yelling at the TV, “Alina girl, LEAVE HIM!” She said she wanted to set him up to test him. She set him up and he not only responded to Masha but responded inappropriately. So he failed the test. That should be it Alina. What more do you need now?

Mother Sumit smiling in Jenny’s face while calling her useless was the highlight of this episode! 💀😂 She is a sadist, and I am here for it!

Jenny: "I came to your house and gave you respect" Hotel Snarker: ...And skoodilypooped your son while ya'll were snoring.

She really needs to understand the relationship between MIL and DIL in Asian culture is VERY different from how they are in Western cultures. You'd think she has done some research on this topic after being in a relationship with an Indian living in India for years...

I feel Iike 5 diarrheas is really too many diarrheas. Sorry, Mother Sumit. 2 diarrheas is my personal maximum. Sometimes after one you feel better right away, but after two you know something else is going on.

I love Armando! Part of me doesn’t even want him and Kenny on this show because everyone else is such trash, but he just seems to have such a good heart.

So WHY is this counseling session all about Corey with another woman? Evelyn has been with multiple guys during their relationship and Corey didn’t say a single word to the counselor. He’s beaten down and whipped so badly, and at this point he probably enjoys it.

What did Ari expect Bini to do while she was in the US? Stay at home with the blinds closed, sitting next to his phone (for a phone call), and stare at a picture of the three of them the whole time? He’s probably lonely and could use the support of his friends. Also, if you have communication expectations or boundaries, IT’S ON YOU to convey them. Bini isn’t a dang mind reader!

She is finding any little thing she can to blow it out of proportion so she can stay and not go back to Ethiopia.

Ari with her new plastic surgery: 👁👄👁

Edited by Hotel Snarker
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On 10/26/2021 at 8:35 PM, b2H said:
On 10/25/2021 at 2:27 AM, maxmama said:


Not sure what part COVID has in the surgery scheduling.  Many places were not scheduling elective surgeries during the height of the pandemic.  Not sure exactly how urgent this surgery was.

Dr Daddy had mentioned that Avi was born in January and they hadn’t seen him for eight months so I figure Ari returned to Princeton in August or September. I believe they were able to perform elective surgeries by then but there was probably a backlog and the baby’s surgery couldn’t be scheduled for at least another month, even with Daddy’s “pull” in the area. It certainly wasn’t the emergent situation she made it out to be like “Get this little Ethiopian Prince into the OR—Stat!” 

Edited by magemaud
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2 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Steven makes my skin crawl. He’s the kind of guy who would murder a girl and then say he made a "mistake". I get some serious obsessive/possessive abuser vibes from him (especially when he was holding on tight to Alina in the taxi before dropping her mom off). I wouldn't put it past him to be a domestic abuser with his future wife.

That's a really good point.  The problem with Alina being so young is that she probably has not learned to recognize this kind of behavior.  Many women think that possessiveness and controlling behavior are expressions of love.  Of course, they are not.

I don't know much about Mormons, but I have the impression that it is one of those religions where the man is considered the higher one in authority and that his wife is his "helpmeet",  This fits perfectly for a man who already has this controlling tendency.  And he has the advantage of the rules of the religion to enforce this (ie, you can't drink coffee, etc,)

I think Alina eventually has  the smarts to recognize all this and get herself free.  She is already questioning and pushing back rather than just accepting it.  She seems to be developing into a strong woman, and has her mother, also a strong woman, to stand behind her.

Of course, this is TLC, so who knows how this will play out...

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