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Actors You Just Can't Stand

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What did Johnny do?


From what I understand, he was completely shitfaced while presenting an award.  I thought it was common knowledge that the guy has drug/alcohol addiction issues, but the media is acting like it's something extraordinary. 




Edited by ribboninthesky1
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This is me times eleventy! How does she have a career? She can't act, she can't sing (I'll give her dancing), her movies completely tank at the box office, yet she still gets roles! I don't understand. She should have stopped being relevant when she broke up with Ben Affleck.


What really baffles me is J.Lo getting a Las Vegas residency. Name a song she's done in recent years that has been a big hit, that she did entirely by herself and didn't rely on some "guest" rapper or vocalist like Pitbull. She's very good at making money through sponsorships and the like, but her actual "comeback" has been pretty much limited to American Idol and music "collaborations".


Which just makes me think that J.Lo has taken the lazy route for a comeback, and she's just content to trade on her name/looks to make more money, rather than actually try to restore/build any credibility and be taken seriously.

Edited by methodwriter85
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According to Wikipedia, J-Lo's most recent singles have charted on the US charts at:



"Booty" - 16

"First Love" - 87

II Luh Ya Papi" - 77



"Live it Up" - 60



"Goin' In" - did not chart

"Dance Again" - 17


Her 2014 album "AKA" was 8 on the album charts.  It was released in July and only has 60,000 sales as of August 26, the latest date Wikipedia checked.

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From what I understand, he was completely shitfaced while presenting an award.  I thought it was common knowledge that the guy has drug/alcohol addiction issues, but the media is acting like it's something extraordinary. 




I also thought it was common knowledge as well.  He was co-owner of the Viper Room, where River Phoenix died of an overdose in 1993.  During his relationship with Kate Moss, it seemed like their common interests were drugs and alcohol use.  He's always seemed a bit off and eccentric but has usually seemed professional in public. 

I also thought it was common knowledge as well.  He was co-owner of the Viper Room, where River Phoenix died of an overdose in 1993.  During his relationship with Kate Moss, it seemed like their common interests were drugs and alcohol use.  He's always seemed a bit off and eccentric but has usually seemed professional in public. 


The public has short memories on these things. I think Depp got grounded when he became involved with Vanessa Paradis and they started a family. Since their breakup, his career and public appearances have gone downhill. He may be going through a midlife crisis what with Amber Heard and relapsing.

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The public has short memories on these things. I think Depp got grounded when he became involved with Vanessa Paradis and they started a family. Since their breakup, his career and public appearances have gone downhill. He may be going through a midlife crisis what with Amber Heard and relapsing.

That's what always boggles my mind about Sean Penn, who is another actor I absolutely cannot stand.  I mean, this is a guy who tied up Madonna, beat her up, and the only way she was able to escape was to sneak out the bathroom window when he untied her.  And yet, no one really remembers that.  Ugh, I hate him so much.    

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Woody Allen tops my list of despised actors.  I'm ashamed to say I've accidentally watched one of his movies (Vicky Christina Barcelona) without realizing it - didn't enjoy it and hated finding out it was one of his.  Can't get past the step daughter thing and he's always creeped me out.


Next on my list has to be Jack Nicholson - he's just weird and looking at him makes me want to shower to get the dirt off!


So many others already mentioned I agree with - Seth Rogan, Will Ferrell and Ben Stiller.  I don't think any of them are particularly funny.

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I pretty much despise all of liberal hypocritical Hollywood, but my most hated are probably Sean Penn and Leonardo Dicaprio because both are such hypocrites. Penn was always a blowhard who I despised, but then I saw him with a big ass shotgun in New Orleans after Katrina. Yeah, hypocrite. 


And Leo needs to shut up with his eco BS until he gets a job that doesn't use more resources in one movie, or even one plane ride to the location, than I'll use in a lifetime. Oh, and he needs to keep his clothes on in movies. 

Edited by bubbls
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I also hate that holier-than-thou Sean Penn. If Penn knew what his dictator buddies really thought of him, and I mean, what they really, really thought of him, I'll bet you anything he'd cry like a little bitch.


I know it's wrong, but my heart did backflips when Robin Wright not only divorced Penn, but got engaged to the much younger Ben Foster (not sure if they're still together, but it doesn't make it any less awesome). 

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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I think the likes of Clooney, Pitt, Cruise and more than my fingers care to type of actors who are A- list and flavors of the month, year decade love to drape themselves in false modesty even as they make sure they can preen and posture and get a tongue bath about how hot and handsome they are.  And get the ego stroked even more for being such a regular guy despite those cheekbones and hair and teeth.


I think their looks are the ONLY reason these guys are A-list and I'll include Denzel in that. Aside from a very rare performance now and then, none can act beyond playing themselves playing another person. IMO being comfortable in front of the camera does not make a good actor. If any of them were less pretty nobody would know their names.


LOL, I posted before I read the rest of your post and I see you said the same thing. These guys are indeed performers. Not actors. Although IMO Brad was pretty good in Inglorious Basterds but I love that movie so I might be partial. 

Edited by bubbls

I think their looks are the ONLY reason these guys are A-list and I'll include Denzel in that. Aside from a very rare performance now and then, none can act beyond playing themselves playing another person. IMO being comfortable in front of the camera does not make a good actor. If any of them were less pretty nobody would know their names.


LOL, I posted before I read the rest of your post and I see you said the same thing. These guys are indeed performers. Not actors. Although IMO Brad was pretty good in Inglorious Basterds but I love that movie so I might be partial. 


I would agree in some sense, but to me that's basically the definition of a movie star and that goes back to the old movie stars of the 30's and 40's- people like John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable- the truth is those guys were never anybody other than themselves either. I think there's relatively few actors who can really disappear into character roles, and honestly the ones that can't probably tend to become more famous because audiences just like seeing them. That's as old as film itself.

Edited by ruby24
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Mine is Leslie Mann. Not that any of the movies she's been in have been stellar, but she absolutely ruined This is 40, The Other Woman, Knocked Up, etc. I just can't stand her line delivery...or whatever it is.

Yeah. I always feel like I should enjoy her as an actress...but I don't. And I can't deal with her at all in Judd Apatow movies. Too much navel glazing, hyper ironic, white people problem characters. I wonder if they're an annoying couple in real life.

   Leslie Mann basically seems to play upper-middle-class to upper-class housewives/mothers who can't relate to their children(if she has them) and are insecure about aging. I did actually kind of like her as Niki's mother in The Bling Ring, where she played a fame-hungry former Playmate-turned-suburban-housewife who has overindulged her kids to the point of ridiculousness.


    Watching the Pitch Perfect 2 and new Night at the Museum Part Whatever trailers made me think again about how much I really, really can't stand Rebel Wilson. I wish she and Russell Brand would go off to an isolated tropical island and be unfunny together.

Edited by methodwriter85

... to me that's basically the definition of a movie star and that goes back to the old movie stars of the 30's and 40's- people like John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable- the truth is those guys were never anybody other than themselves either. I think there's relatively few actors who can really disappear into character roles, and honestly the ones that can't probably tend to become more famous because audiences just like seeing them. That's as old as film itself.


I agree; the idea of every actor having a wide range is a relatively new thing (for movies, anyway; I think stage actors have always been expected to play a wider variety of roles). People went to see a Clark Gable picture to see a Clark Gable picture. That wasn't taken as a sign of ineptitude or lack of professionalism on Gable's part.

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Something about Susan Sarandon  being in so many movies. After seeing her in " Ping Pong " as the doting mother a goofy kid i was done. Why is she in so many movies? That face is always so " Intense " with those crazy eyes. I just tired of seeing that tired face all the time. Out with the old and in with the new fresh faces. Give someone else a chance to be in a movie.

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Helen Hunt. How many movies has she been in? I get tired of seeing the same faces all the time. Ya i know people think she is beautiful, but i don't. O sure play her as a extra in a biblical movie. Someone carrying water or something like that. After she got her face in with Tom Hanks in Castaway, i was like you got to be jacking me that she got this bit part. Yep big money for that tiny part as remarried wife of poor castaway. I guess that move was just to draw all her fans. Seems like a small number of actors get in most of the movies. Why is that? Are they that popular or just favored by the people who run the movie industry? Who runs the movie industry i wonder? Some good actors out there got no chance if you are not their pets i guess. Well money goes to money and got to help the cause. The great Adam Sandler is another of their favorites who has no acting ability. That same angry nasal talking low iq guy all the time. Must be nice. Who's relative in the business is he?

Edited by oldanmean1
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That's what always boggles my mind about Sean Penn, who is another actor I absolutely cannot stand.  I mean, this is a guy who tied up Madonna, beat her up, and the only way she was able to escape was to sneak out the bathroom window when he untied her.  And yet, no one really remembers that.  Ugh, I hate him so much.    


Wow! I did not know this info, though I've always found Penn offputting. 

Watching the Pitch Perfect 2 and new Night at the Museum Part Whatever trailers made me think again about how much I really, really can't stand Rebel Wilson. I wish she and Russell Brand would go off to an isolated tropical island and be unfunny together.

I've been sick of Rebel Wilson since 2006, how do you think I must feel?

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I just saw a new trailer for a Vince Vaughn film and continue to wonder why he gets work. He hasn't had a hit in ages and plays himself in every role. Plus he's unfunny to boot.


Marion Cotillard is so overrated. I think she's been miscast in virtually all of her English-speaking roles. Her performance in the Dark Knight was comical. I also can't stand her voice and enunciation. I know English isn't her first language but most French women have charming accented English-- hers is really annoying.

Edited by savinggrace

I haven't read the entire thread but I've read through most of it and have to agree with at least 75% of the names already listed. I'm particularly NOT fond of Johnny Depp (who I thought everybody in the world just loved, so it's refreshing to see that my less-than-favorable opinion of him is shared by others); Tom Cruise (even without the Scientology, I wouldn't find him attractive or appealing); Ben Stiller (I LOATHED "Zoolander" and "Meet the Parents"; I never bothered with the other Fockers movies); Helen Hunt (snooze!); Matthew McConaughey (double snooze!); Jim Carrey (not.funny.in the least); Leonardo DiCaprio (to this day, I have a hard time taking him seriously), and Adam Sandler (just, no). 

Marion Cotillard is so overrated. ... Her performance in the Dark Knight was comical.


Compared to whatever the hell it was that Tom Hardy was doing as Bane, I thought Cotillard's performance was relatively sound. The character didn't make a lot of -- what was it? Oh, right: sense -- but she did as much with it as anyone could, I thought.
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Helen Hunt. How many movies has she been in? I get tired of seeing the same faces all the time...Seems like a small number of actors get in most of the movies. Why is that? Are they that popular or just favored by the people who run the movie industry? Who runs the movie industry i wonder? Some good actors out there got no chance if you are not their pets i guess. Well money goes to money and got to help the cause. 

Helen Hunt hasn't really been overexposed since the early 2000's. She's apparently been making movies steadily since then, but none of them seem to have made much impact. As for the rest of your complaint...you answered your own question; it's all about the money. Moviemakers would rather go with someone who's a known quantity with a fanbase than a relative unknown who might do a better job.

Holly Hunter. I'm sure she's a lovely person, and I don't even think she's a bad actress, but I just can't get past her voice and the way she speaks. It is so distracting in every film of hers that it takes me completely out of the story. For this reason, the only film I can stand her in is The Piano.

Edited by SallyAlbright

There is something so off-putting to me about Angelina Jolie (I actually liked her in the Billy Bob years, but now, not so much), so it warms my cold, black heart to see her called a "massively spoiled brat" with a "raging ego" in those leaked Sony emails.  That actually aligns with how I think she probably is.

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Got to agree with my fellow Princess. I am still crackin' up about it hours later. Best email of all time. ALL TIME.


Sean Penn seems really unhinged. I always got the sense he channels actual anger into his performances (when the scene calls for it) and I've never seen him in quite the same light since I Am Sam. For the record, Sean Penn was a non-entity to me before I saw that movie.

I agree about Jolie- those emails were hilarious and confirm my own impression of her too. Especially given that her movie is supposed to be awful- the idea that she can just casually become a director now (when she's never even shown interest in acting in decent movies) really gives off the air of a massive egomaniac.


I'm predicting right now that the one she's doing with her and Brad Pitt is going to be a disaster on the level of Madonna's Swept Away- a self-indulgent vanity project for someone who thinks they walk on water with everyone around bowing down to what she says, including him. Ugh.


If there was at least some talent to back that up- like Barbra Streisand for example, who had a similar reputation, but hey, at least she was a fantastic singer and acted in some good movies! And seemed to possess a bit of a sense of humor (I don't know if anyone's seen What's Up Doc?, but she's great in that).

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Holly Hunter. I'm sure she's a lovely person, and I don't even think she's a bad actress, but I just can't get past her voice and the way she speaks. It is so distracting in every film of hers that it takes me completely out of the story. For this reason, the only film I can stand her in is The Piano.


Which was awful for other reasons. Jane Campion still owes me my money back for that one. (Not that I found the character's accent, or rather "accent," offered much improvement to Hunter's vocal stylings.)


I think Jolie's performance in Changeling was decent, and I've heard good things (I think) about her portrayal of Marianne Pearl, though I haven't seen the latter for myself. Oh, and I found her oddly compelling in Playing By Heart.

Edited by Sandman

-Tom Cruise.

-Brad Pitt.

-Richard Gere.


I think BP is an especially awful actor. I look at his eyes and I see nothing. I watched WWZ and the zombies seemed to have more inner depths than him. Same could be said about Gere. 


I  hate Tom Cruise. He's slightly better at acting than Pitt and Gere, but he gives me the creeps. 

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I don't care what anyone says about Angelina Jolie--they're entitled to their opinion--but I have to say I absolutely loved her and Brad Pitt in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I watch it every time it comes on.

Me too! That movie is just fun. I prefer both of them in less serious roles, but I did think Jolie was great in Gia and Girl Interrupted. And they both seem like okay people to me from the little I know about them. They're maybe a bit weird, but the adopted kids and the charity work trumps weird in my head.

As for the topic, I wouldn't say that I can't stand all these actors necessarily, just that I prefer to not see them on my screen:

Seth Rogen/Jonah Hill/James Franco - don't care for this gang's idea of humor and don't care about them otherwise

Johnny Depp - once he started only taking roles where he got to be as outlandish as possible, I stopped enjoying him. I'm sad that he's in Into the Woods.

Jennifer Aniston - I liked her okay as part of the Friends ensemble, but I haven't enjoyed her in anything since

Allison Williams - Don't really know who she is, but I somehow developed an intense aversion to her face in the Peter Pan promos. I can't explain it.

Christian Bale - don't like his acting style, don't like the press I've seen of him

Katherine Heigl - mostly the attitude stuff and with the rumor that her diva behavior on Roswell contributed to its rapid decline, I've disliked her a long time (I also felt the same way about Michael Weatherly and Dark Angel, but grew to enjoy him as DiNozzo over time, at least until i stopped watching NCIS. I suppose Heigl could grow on me if she found a good show)

Elizabeth Rohm - her face is blank

Dylan McDermott - his face is blank

Sam Worthington - don't understand why he gets hired

Julia Roberts - got burnt out on her in the 90's

Gwyneth Paltrow - okay, this one I honestly can't stand her public persona. She seems rather full of herself. Plus, her her acting always seems so low energy no matter what role she's playing

I get an immediate visceral negative reaction to these last two when I see them cast in something, but weirdly, usually end up enjoying them anyway:

Reese Witherspoon - "do you know who I am?" Ugh.

Ethan Hawke - his remarks about Uma Thurman's privates.

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