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Actors You Just Can't Stand

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Since we're getting into the holiday season I feel I should confess that I cannot stand Bing Crosby.



Der Bingle was tolerable as long as he wasn't asked to do very much, but I find his Oscar-winning character Father O'Malley insufferable (Bells of St. Mary's set my teeth on edge, and even Ingrid Bergman couldn't save it). Honestly, in the Road movies, I always preferred Bob Hope.

Brad Pitt, mostly because I believe the rumors of his lack of hygiene.  What?  I'm shallow.


I believe there were similar rumors about McConaughey, and I know what you mean.  It's why I've never gotten the physical appeal of either actor.  I wouldn't put them in the "can't stand" category, unless it's a "can't stand next to them because they're musty" sort of thing.  Assuming the rumors are true, of course. In addition, I remember reading something from Camila Alves about how her husband is quite different from his film persona (especially the romantic comedy one), and I didn't perceive it as a compliment. 

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Another actor I don't get the fuss over. Channing Tatum. Dude has two facial expressions; tough guy and confused. That's it.

The other women in my office think he's the bomb.  I think he's a minimally talented lunkhead, and not attractive in the least.  But he's seems like a nice guy, so that's something.


Can't stand Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Leonardo diCaprio.  Don't think they are attractive at all and don't think they're particularly talented as actors either.

I  absolutely cannot stand Keira Knightley.  I'll admit that part of it is physical, specifically the way she holds her jaw when she talks, like she has lockjaw or something, which drives me nuts.  If I thought she was a good actress, maybe I could get past the jaw issue.  But other than her one good performance in Bend It Like Beckham, she's been dreadful in pretty much everything I've seen her in, and her presence in a film is pretty much guaranteed to keep me away. (Should she ever make a movie or tv show with a particular semi-obscure Scottish actor of whom I'm inordinately fond, I'd force myself to watch her, but otherwise, just no.

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But around 2001ish, he started to grate on my nerves when I realized he plays every single movie role in exactly the same way: vaguely charming/snarky dude who is forced to become serious. *rme*

I'm also not a Will Smith fan, but the era of charming goof to serious was the last time I semi-enjoyed him. Lately it seems all he plays are intensely serious to the point of douchey people who couldn't have a light-hearted moment if their lives depended on it. Seven Pounds (that's the one with the jellyfish, right?) is a prime exemple of this, and why I mostly refuse to see any of his future work. 

Edited by satrunrose

Tom Cruise. I've disliked him since I saw him in Top Gun. I read a review once of one of his films that described his performance as Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise playing (insert character name). Apt description, IMO.

Will Smith. It wasn't always this way. I liked him when he first came on the hip-hop scene. I found him charming and fun. I even liked him in the early years of the Fresh Prince. But around 2001ish, he started to grate on my nerves when I realized he plays every single movie role in exactly the same way: vaguely charming/snarky dude who is forced to become serious. *rme*

I'm not crazy about TC either but he was the funniest thing I have ever seen in Tropic Thunder, a very funny movie. I laugh just thinking about it. Edited by SFoster21
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The most recent episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. brought to mind, granted in a highly indirect way, how much I truly abhor Vincent Cassel. Useless! Horrible! Appalling! Ack. I have never seen him onscreen without wanting to punch someone -- him or myself, it hardly seems to matter. But someone. Don't even get me started on Black Swan. Maybe I should pummel Darren Aronofsky, just to be on the safe side.

Ann Hathaway, Natalie Portman, Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaghey (sp?).


My dislike of Natalie probably started after seeing her guest judge on Top Chef. I began paying more attention to her as an actress after that aired and I'm haven't been impressed.


I honestly have no valid explanation for my dislike of Ann. I liked her ok in Alice and Wonderland but other than that, no.


Although I've never been a fan of Tom Cruise, I haven't seen one of his movies in a very, very long time.


I like Matthew M. in How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days. Lately I can't stand to here his voice anymore. I don't think he's a bad actor by any means. Maybe it's the Lincoln commercials?

Edited by turbogirlnyc
Guest Accused Dingo

Tom Cruise. Which kinda sucks because he is on a buttload of blockbuster/action/scifi movies. However every time i see his face, i want to punch it.

I try to keep my hate list low and my like list high. It is simpler that way. Someone has to annoy me ALOT to make my hate list. Right now Cruise is the only one on it but Angelina Jolie is almost there. (Can't figure out why she annoys me which is why she is not yet on the list).

Edited by Accused Dingo

Shia Fucking Laboeuf.


Neil Patrick Harris -- I can't watch anything he's in.   Or hosting.   Or whatever.   Can't. Stand. Him.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt.   Another overhyped, three-name waste of celluloid.   Ruined The Dark Knight Rises


Owen Wilson.   You think about the countless true talents who have tried to make it in Hollywood and were overlooked, couldn't catch a break or just gave up after so many rejections.   And then there's Owen Wilson.   WTF?


Scarlett Johanssen.    I guess they figure that if they keep trying to convince us she's hot and talented, one day we'll believe it.


Giovanni Ribisi.   (I'm speechless)


Jesse Eisenberg/Jonah Hill -- to me, they are the same person because I hate them equally and their success defies all understanding.


Seth Rogen/Bradley Cooper -- see above.


Leonardo Di Crapio.   If it weren't for Martin Scorcese's crush on him, he'd be just a bad memory by now.


Wil Ferrel.    I know you intuitively understand why.


Adam Sandler.   We're supposed to be laughing at him; instead, he's laughing at us.


Any SNL alumnus, actually, other than the first and original cast.


Cameron Diaz.   Who ever decided she could act?  Or was pretty?  Or hot? 


Johnny Knoxville.


Vince Vaughn.


Renee Zellweger. 


Toby Maguire.


David Arquette.   Any Arquette.   Including Courtney Cox.


I can't understand why movies today are populated by so many loathsome actors.

I agree with the Will Smith and not being able to stand him. My award for the "Actor that I can't stand" goes to Jack Black.


^ This too

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Milennium, you added so many names that escaped me. I don't agree with all but I do agree with Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Cameron Diaz, Johnny Knoxville, Renee Zellweger, the Ribisis, Adam Sandler, Shia LaBoeuf, and Joseph Gordon Levitt. (I already mentioned Vaughn.)


I am sorry but I have to take back my Black comment. James Franco is the real king of actors that I can't stand.

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Movies have become so repellent to me in the last ten or fifteen years that the only James Franco movie I've seen is the Planet of the Apes one.


Between the cavalcade of truly mediocre "talent" hired by the movie industry nowadays and the sheer cost of the movie-going experience, a film has to be nothing short of incredible to convince me to part with $50+ for two people to go to the movies.   What used to be a casual pleasure is no more.   Now a movie is an investment.


I grew up seeing movies for one and two dollars apiece at my smalltown theater back in New England.   You didn't have to think about the money you were spending then.   You could just go and enjoy the movie (or not) and shrug it off if it didn't live up to the hype.   Now I think, "how long did it take me to earn that $50, and what better thing could I have spent it on?"


The movie industry keeps whining about diminished box office returns and always blames it on other things -- the recession, the rise of home entertainment centers, people spending too much time now on Facebook, etc.   No, assholes, it's the COST of going to the movies.   Period.   And you don't do yourself any favors by foisting all of these terrible actors on us.   


The obvious option of course is to wait until the movie comes out on DVD, Netflix (but don't hold your breath waiting for Netflix to feature something you might actually want to see) or a movie channel.   But I am so disillusioned by what's being produced today that I don't even bother anymore. 


I would rather see a good story featuring capable -- even if unknown -- actors than a special effects-ridden 3D extravaganza with a brand name actor any day of the week.


I think Hollywood proceeds from the premises that a) we're all stupid, b) we all enjoy adolescent male humor, c) we won't see a film unless it has a brand-name actor in it (for example, they really couldn't find anyone but Ben Affleck to be the new Batman?), d) today's movie audience consists of fanboys and Comic-con attendees only, and e) we won't think twice about the cost of going to the movies because it's THE MOVIES.


Hollywood has deserted us.




Connections to equally loathsome, yet influential people is the only way I can figure. 



I think you are 100% correct.

Edited by millennium
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Elizabeth Taylor. Especially in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." I had just seen a brilliant production of the show in Stratford, Ontario about a month before I saw her in that movie, with the original script with the gay subtext, and her portrayal of Maggie had me wanting to rip my hair out. No one should do that to a Tennessee Williams character. I just don't think she was a good actress, or a great beauty. Highly overrated in every way.

Oh, the Taylor version of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof is terrible. There's maybe one scene I don't hate (Brick and Big Daddy's one honest conversation in the cellar). I don't understand why she wasn't given voice training to do something about her voice, or at least her breathing. I'm always appalled by how ridonkulously bad her voice is. How Taylor was ever taken seriously as an actress I can't even fathom.

Edited by Sandman

Seconding (at least) Lucy Liu: I once read an article where some aging British thespian took a bit part in a film she was in, and she said she could give him acting lessons (I want to say it was John Gielgud, but may be misremembering.) Ever since then, I've remembered that about her, however dimly, and disliked her due to that.


Also seconding Rachel Bilson. Her face looks so hard it's painful, and I don't know if it's her or the permanent shellac of makeup. Either way, I find her difficult to look at.


This is music, not film or TV, but I haven't been able to stand Carrie Underwood since her stint on American Idol, when they promoted her as a total unknown and yet I discovered she had had a recording contract before then (not against the rules, but against the spirit of the show), posted it on Fox's American Idol forums, and was subsequently banned (and the website I found it on scrubbed to eliminate all trace of it). I've always felt she was disingenuous since then.

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Seconding (at least) Lucy Liu: I once read an article where some aging British thespian took a bit part in a film she was in, and she said she could give him acting lessons (I want to say it was John Gielgud, but may be misremembering.) Ever since then, I've remembered that about her, however dimly, and disliked her due to that.

Perhaps he lacked the specific skill of conveying his belief that he's the smartest, hottest person in the room without resorting to the use of facial expressions or changes in tone of voice?

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Robin Williams was just too manic for me to enjoy.  I liked a few of his movies (hated Mrs. Doubtfire though), but I couldn't stand to watch more than a couple of minutes when he gave interviews.  He was uncontrollable, and I didn't find that funny.


I didn't mind it tbh, I've seen some interviews where he was capable of reining it in and being serious. So, he wasn't uncontrollable.


I think some of the older ones he did were more manic though, I think he learned how to control it more as he got older.


As for dislikes....


Jennifer Aniston! Didn't really like her on Friends, and never really took the time to watch any films with her in it.


Jennifer Love Hewitt! She gets on my nerves. Saw her on The Ghost Whisperer, and I swear she only had one facial expression while acting.


Mel Gibson! I used to like him acting wise... but after certain things came to light, not so much.

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Seconding (at least) Lucy Liu: I once read an article where some aging British thespian took a bit part in a film she was in, and she said she could give him acting lessons (I want to say it was John Gielgud, but may be misremembering.) Ever since then, I've remembered that about her, however dimly, and disliked her due to that.



I used to have the Lucy Liu hate.   Wasn't she on Ally McBeal or some show like that?  I came to hate all things Ally McBeal.  I even hated Harrison Ford for marrying Callista Flockhart (I still can't figure that one out).   So maybe it was Ally McBeal fallout.   But then I saw Lucy Liu in Kill Bill Volume I and liked her work, so I dropped her from my hate list.    That's a funny story about the acting lessons though.

Lucy Liu had a really good guest spot on SouthLand that made me like her. I'd never seen Ally McBeal so I didn't have much to overcome with her anyway, but she is one of those actors who just seems to inspire a lot of dislike. I only watched a couple of episodes of Sherlock, but she seemed fine there too.


Since we're getting into the holiday season I feel I should confess that I cannot stand Bing Crosby.

I'm right there with you. I never had a particularly firm opinion on him from his movies, but years ago he was interviewed by Barbara Walters and I saw that interview when I was a little kid. To say he was humorless would have been wildly understating how much fun the guy wasn't. I'm fairly certain it was Walters and she asked if it was true that he would cut-off any of his children who lived with someone before marriage, or got divorced and...yup. He essentially said they'd be dead to him.

I was too young when I saw it to get that the stance came from being a staunch Catholic, but even as a little kid I knew those were incredibly stupid reasons to cut off one of your children. So I thought he was a jackass and ever after, whenever I'd see him in a movie and he'd bust out that beautiful voice, all I could think was "Sure, he can sing, but what a mean dad with screwy priorities."

When I grew up I realized he was just a very traditional guy, raised as a Catholic, putting forth the party-line and that he hadn't actually cut off any of his children, but I was never able to forget how humorless and sour he seemed in that interview.

Edited by stillshimpy

Lucy Liu had a really good guest spot on SouthLand that made me like her. I'd never seen Ally McBeal so I didn't have much to overcome with her anyway, but she is one of those actors who just seems to inspire a lot of dislike. I only watched a couple of episodes of Sherlock, but she seemed fine there too.


I'm right there with you. I never had a particularly firm opinion on him from his movies, but years ago he was interviewed by Barbara Walters and I saw that interview when I was a little kid. To say he was humorless would have been wildly understating how much fun the guy wasn't. I'm fairly certain it was Walters and she asked if it was true that he would cut-off any of his children who lived with someone before marriage, or got divorced and...yup. He essentially said they'd be dead to him.

I was too young when I saw it to get that the stance came from being a staunch Catholic, but even as a little kid I knew those were incredibly stupid reasons to cut off one of your children. So I thought he was a jackass and ever after, whenever I'd see him in a movie and he'd bust out that beautiful voice, all I could think was "Sure, he can sing, but what a mean dad with screwy priorities."

When I grew up I realized he was just a very traditional guy, raised as a Catholic, putting forth the party-line and that he hadn't actually cut off any of his children, but I was never able to forget how humorless and sour he seemed in that interview.

Weren't there rumors for years that he abused his kids?  That's why he always left a bad taste in my  mouth.

Weren't there rumors for years that he abused his kids?  That's why he always left a bad taste in my  mouth.

His oldest son, Gary, wrote a "Daddy Dearest"-type memoir titled Going My Own Way, in which he details frequent beatings. Article here: http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20084544,00.html 

In fairness to Crosby, though, Gary doesn't sound like an easy kid either. He may have been the family scapegoat, since other members of Bing's family paint a much rosier picture. 

Edited by GreekGeek

I dislike a lot of the people already mentioned, though they're not necessarily on my cannot stand list.

Evangeline Lilly- I hate her. I hated her on Lost and thought she wasn't the brilliant actress everyone else seemed to think. I'm mystified as to why she's even in those awful Hobbit movies, but any time she appeared in scenes, I just wanted to fast forward.

Now I find out she's going to be in Antman! I'm not super excited for that movie anyway, but knowing she's in it is really infuriating because I love the MCU and her casting has guaranteed I will never come around to liking Antman.

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I agree in the Shailene Woodley hate. Most actresses have a special feature that makes them stand out, but there's something so bland about her face. She's like a blank piece of paper, so boring that I can't even pay attention to her acting.

For a new name, I'm throwing out Ellen Page. At first I thought it wasn't her fault, I just hated Juno and thought she was miscast in the XMen movies. But she doesn't fit in any of her movies. Can an actor be miscast in every role?

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Ben Stiller. Ugh. I do not find him charming or funny on any level. If he could please quit acting and take his friend Owen Wilson with him, that'd be great.


I have no use for Johnny Depp either. When was the last time he took a role which DIDN'T require an elaborate costume/make up investment? I'm tired of his dress-up schtick. His career is fucking Hallowe'en 24/7 and I'm done with it.


I hated Julia Roberts with a passion but as she faded into near-obscurity, my rage lessened. I guess I just have an (irrational?) hatred for those people in the media spotlight, who are relentlessly shoved in my face and I'm expected to fawn over them. Nothing puts someone on my shitlist faster than being America's next big celebrity obsession.

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Ben Stiller. Ugh. I do not find him charming or funny on any level. If he could please quit acting and take his friend Owen Wilson with him, that'd be great.



I feel like such a black sheep in my family, because they all think Ben Stiller is a comic genius and I don't. How is spazzing out in the exact same way in every movie funny? 

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I cannot stand Ben Stiller - I like Zoolander and Dodgeball, but not really because of him.  I remember on Marc Maron's podcast that Janine Garafalo said that while he liked to consider himself a comedian, she (and other close friends) knew that you couldn't joke around with him like comedians do, because he was too thin skinned.  I can completely see that.

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I've tried to watch Friends but detested it because of the cast.  To this day, I refuse to watch any program where Friends alumni are featured.  My hatred has extended to Celebrity Name Game because Courtney Cox is a producer.  I know my loathing of all things Friends puts me in the minority.

Edited by pandora spocks
  • Love 1

I cannot stand Ben Stiller - I like Zoolander and Dodgeball, but not really because of him.  I remember on Marc Maron's podcast that Janine Garafalo said that while he liked to consider himself a comedian, she (and other close friends) knew that you couldn't joke around with him like comedians do, because he was too thin skinned.  I can completely see that.


Same. He was ok in the Meet the Fockers movies, but overall he's NOT that funny. I just saw some extras in the 2nd Night at the Museum and it made me want to puke. So much butt kissing... the only ones that weren't doing that were Robin Williams and Hank Azaria. And for that, I respect them.

I've tried to watch Friends but detested it because of the cast.  To this day, I refuse to watch any program where Friends alumni are featured.  My hatred has extended to Celebrity Name Game because Courtney Cox is a producer.  I know my loathing of all things Friends puts me in the minority.


That's me to a point. I liked some of it, but at times it could be rather grating.

One more reason for me to hate Ben Stiller - the show @midnight was on location in New York this week, and had some celebrities come on to introduce their game "hashtag wars". Jon Hamm and Stephen Colbert totally played into their bits (Jon as a cat lover, Stephen basically just playing 'Stephen Colbert') and introduced the game. Ben Stiller's bit was to be confused that he was on this show and not The Tonight Show, but he couldn't even pretend to look like he was excited to be there. He didn't even stay to introduce the game. Some of it came off as being part of the bit, but a lot of it looked like he genuinely thought the whole thing was beneath him - I don't even think he shook the comedians hands when he left, and he looked annoyed at them when he walked in.

Cannot stand him.

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I've tried to watch Friends but detested it because of the cast.  To this day, I refuse to watch any program where Friends alumni are featured.  My hatred has extended to Celebrity Name Game because Courtney Cox is a producer.  I know my loathing of all things Friends puts me in the minority.

I have to believe there are a lot more of us out here in the universe who could not stand Friends or the cast (one exception for me: Lisa Kudrow as an actor in general, not for her role in that show).  David Schwimmer was considered a heart throb? Really? Was he one of those unattractive guys who must've been related to some powerful people to get that job/role?  Jennifer Anniston makes $40 million a year and keeps getting hired to star in stupid movies--why???  The writing on that show was so immature...as if it were written by a bunch of middle school students.  The whole show was too cutesy wootsey for me. Ok, I'm done.

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I dislike a lot of the people already mentioned, though they're not necessarily on my cannot stand list.

Evangeline Lilly- I hate her. I hated her on Lost and thought she wasn't the brilliant actress everyone else seemed to think. I'm mystified as to why she's even in those awful Hobbit movies, but any time she appeared in scenes, I just wanted to fast forward.

Now I find out she's going to be in Antman! I'm not super excited for that movie anyway, but knowing she's in it is really infuriating because I love the MCU and her casting has guaranteed I will never come around to liking Antman.


I can't like Antman just because it's called Antman.  I have a problem with ants I guess.

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OK, I probably shouldn't mention this person since he's recuperating from a terrible accident...but Tracy Morgan has always irritated me.  I always wondered why he got so much adoration while on SNL (and subsequently, 30 Rock or whatever Tina's show was called...couldn't watch it).  He always was Tracy IMO...never disappeared into any of the roles he played in skits, always sounded the same with that loud, whiney, petulant voice.

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I knew Depp had definitely joined the list for me when I read "and Johnny Depp as the Wolf" while reading casting news about Into the Woods and my gut reaction was "thanks but no thanks." Now I'm just praying he doesn't get cast in one of the Avengers sequels (though honestly, having to fit both his and RDJ's egos on the same studio backlot would probably rule that out).

Edited by Bruinsfan
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