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S11.E20: New Year, Old Grudges

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Kyle was indeed being Kyle, trying to start a fight even at Crystal's lovely Chinese New Year Party.  But I thought her makeup was perfection and loved the dress. 

Crystal and Garcelle looked great too.   I even liked Dorit's red carpet look although I thought it was out of place for this event. 

Erika looked like she just came from the set of a B/C movie. 

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10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Crystal doesn’t want anyone to fight, she better not invite any of these ho’s to her New Years party. 

Kathy is wearing a lampshade on her head. 

I turned to Mr. Rosebud (he's taken up watching with me, he's totally hooked) and said the exact same thing. About Kathy and the lampshade. Great minds and all that.

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8 hours ago, chick binewski said:

Even though I'm sick of hearing Erika's fake S11 voice I was kind of hoping for this, too. But I think Dorit probably read PK the riot act that they have to be nice to Erika to her face bc Erika is part of the coven and if Dorit resists then she'll be where she was her first 2 seasons when LVP was the only one who was nice to her and Dorit cannot lose her place on the show bc shockingly being a fake bridal designer doesn't pay much.

But Dorito has fake added something or other to her fake designing of fake bridal dresses.

Oh, c'mon. She's fooling absolutely no one. Not even herself. Dorito is a designer of wedding gowns like I'm the Queen of Romania.


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10 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Rinna and Kyle are PoS. HH escapes from Rinna to Canada. Mauricio escapes with marijuana.

I get all this and can see it with Harry and Rinna.  As far as Kyle being personally difficult/miserable, I suppose anything is possible as these people are complete strangers to me, but I think Kyle knows her role on the show and plays it.  I doubt she's any shittier than the bell curve of regular folk in real life.  

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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

In Del Mar, Erika and Sutton sort of made up. It did make the group situation more pleasant. Kyle decided to fuck it up again and tattle to Erika that Sutton still didn’t buy Erikas story. Kyle to the camera says that Erikas stories are confusing. To Erika she is a kiss ass. I used to feel bad for Kyle when Brandi would go nasty on her but now I get it. She’s not a friend. She wasn’t a friend to her sister Kim in the first season when she outed her as alcoholic. She only picks apart those that she feels are weak. She leaves the Brandis and the Erikas alone unless she can get the group to turn like with LVP. 
Crystals party looked lovely as did she. Erikas red eye look was distracting. Rinna looked like an idiot. 

Kyle is as bad as Rinna really. They are both totally fake friends and top notch shit stirrers. I would love to see Kathy stay, and Kyle get fired. Along with Rinna, of course. And Dorit. I don't care about Crystal either way and keep Sutton and Garcelle.  

Edited by chlban
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12 hours ago, bosawks said:

Pouring purple into a clear beverage shockingly turns the beverage purple.



12 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

A drink that changes colors because you have to add food coloring is... disappointing...

If the drink is like one I’ve had, it is blue poured into a yellow drink.  You think yellow + blue = green, but instead you get a purple drink.  The bartender explained that the yellow is lemon which is acidic and the color change is due to a pH change when you add the blue.  This was about 3 yrs ago in MI so Kyle isn’t as trendy as she thinks she is.  If you ever are in northern MI check out Ethanology Distillery which has the most amazing cocktails.  Cheers, mates!

Edited by Booger666
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13 minutes ago, Lassus said:

I get all this and can see it with Harry and Rinna.  As far as Kyle being personally difficult/miserable, I suppose anything is possible as these people are complete strangers to me, but I think Kyle knows her role on the show and plays it.  I doubt she's any shittier than the bell curve of regular folk in real life.  

She outed her own sister as an alcoholic on National Television. Morally bankrupt Faye Resnick seems to be her only lasting friend and, based on Faye's latest home decorating job, I am pretty sure Faye secretly hates her too. LVP was supposedly one of her closest friends and she called her a liar on national television. Kyle is vile.

7 minutes ago, chlban said:

Kyle is as bad as Rinna really. They are both totally fake friends and top notch shit stirrers. I would love to see Kathy stay, and Kyle get fired. Along with Rinna, of course. And Dorit. I don't care about Crystal either way and keep Sutton and Garcelle.  


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26 minutes ago, chlban said:

She outed her own sister as an alcoholic on National Television.

I would have done this if I thought it might help my brother's alcoholism not kill him, so she gets a pass on this as far as I'm concerned.

As far as Faye Resnick, that's second order.  

AGAIN, I don't know these people.  But stirring shit on a TV show that requires shit to be stirred or it's called boring - even by this board - just does not prove to me Kyle is MORE than a TV villain.  And she IS that villain.  But I admit I don't think she's in Rinna's class of personally awful by a long shot.  Maybe it's just a preference for a type of evil, I suppose.

Edited by Lassus
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8 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Erika needs to get one of those bulletin boards detectives use to solve crimes, complete with red string and all, so she can map out her stories before she tries to "recount" them at the next party.  

Erika trying to explain a car accident where Tom rolled down a hill and her son had to leave work to call her and find Tom and Erika was the one who found Tom and Tom lay unconscious for 12 hours and broke his ankle.


5 hours ago, TrixieTrue said:

Always Sunny Fx GIF

LOL sorry, it's such a famous reference that I had the same thought!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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*Lisa, Harry chooses these rustic places in Canada that he knows you’ll hate for a reason.

*I think it’s neat how Crystal wants to share her culture with these self-absorbed women. The dinner and the symbolism behind it were fascinating, but I have to say Bravo missed an opportunity for a great promo tease/misdirection by not featuring her “You are… a… pig” comment. Her mask, though, creeped me out. little. The flesh tone made her look like she had no nose or mouth. All told, I’d like to see her come back next year with her own storyline. Her family looks like lovely people.

*The handbags. Small families could survive on what they spend on accessories. Dorit’s and Kyle’s combined — almost $27,000. Kyle’s gets its own chair, but really, if I had a purse like that, it would be safely between me and Rinna. I don’t care how upscale the place is. But it’s insured, so…

*Kyle: “So…how is everybody?” Cue Narcissitic Erika with her now-boring tale of how hard it is to be her. I have lived with a malignant narc, who made it all about them all the time, not even pretending to give a damn about anybody else. After awhile you just want to be rude AF to their faces — like it would matter.

*So…was Erika with Tommy when Tommy found Tom? Was she in this rollover crash too? Her stammer after saying her “truth will never change” was a HUGE tell. You could see her flipping through her mental Cliff’s Notes so she could keep the story straight, but inserting herself into Tommy’s heroic rescue was just Lie No. 2,850. Kyle’s naivete is precious. I figured the “sock in the mouth” comment was a Bravo misdirection.

*Gee, I can’t understand why Garcelle’s tailgate date didn’t work out. The dude wearing a suit jacket with a pocket handkerchief and a scarf? 😄 She looked gorgeous (as usual) at the dinner, and I mean it sincerely (unlike the rest of those air-kissing phonies).

*A Mikey sighting! Somehow I get the impression he is no longer on the payroll. 

*Elliot Mintz. Maybe Erika took his advice (badly) about the sweatpants. Maybe he should become BH’s answer to NY’s Harry Dubin.

*Rinna — what a hypocrite. She made Denise’s private business her and everybody else’s business. I just wish she had been as hard on the sacred cow. Erika.

*Erika’s up-and-down look and side-eye at Sutton. Bitch, please. You are the last person EVER to pass judgment on any-damn-body. And her muttered comment at Rob’s toast? Tacky. This was NOT her night. 

*Talking about tacky…nice set-up, Kyle. Stir up that shit at YET another dinner. But Sutton should have known better than to approach Erika again in that situation. There were people there who had no clue as to what was going on. Not the time nor place. Sutton, you know the answer to your question about why you bother with Erika. You don’t. She’s not worth it.

*For a minute there I thought Erika was going to claim she caught the Loch Ness monster with her “bigger fish to fry” comment.

*It’s clear Dorit brings little to the show. Switch her out for Denise, please, if Denise wants to come back.

Good finale — the stage is set for the reunion.

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13 hours ago, Chicklet said:

And Kathy is wearing the table cloth that Kyle stole from Little House on the Prarie.

I am so over Kathy's country taste.. that dress was horrible, most of her fahsions are very ugly and country !!!!!!!!!!!  I like Kathy, but just because you have money does not mean you have taste.  However I love the home she's working on.

Edited by byrd
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Erika must have a stash of Polaroids depicting other members of the RHOBH having sex with barnyard animals.

There's no other explanation for why they go to such lengths to placate her.

And that tracksuit in the opening scenes!  Wearing a tracksuit with heels is a fashion misdemeanor, but a lime-green tracksuit with heels?  Fashion felony!

This episode otherwise was a real snoozer.  The dragon was cool, but I couldn't really get beyond holding a Chinese New Year's party at a Japanese restaurant.

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59 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Followed up by Kyle telling her "Sutton still thinks you're lying."  What a shit-stirrer.  I'm actually looking forward to Kyle getting Erika's bitch-out at the reunion.

Hopefully both Erika and Sutton are done with her after seeing how manipulative and two-faced she's been to everyone. Maybe next year will finally be the take-down that the beginning of last season teased before she and Brandi were able to flip the script and draw everyone against Denise instead.

Lisa actually thinks she's been putting all the effort forward in reconciling with Garcelle? OMG. And the editors seemed to actually agree, showing all her "sincere" moments (including the gross "I'm so glad you broke down") yet declining to show all her talking heads and refusing to intervene and in fact siding against Garcelle in her dust-ups with Door-it and Erika. But wow, when Garcelle brought up Denise, the expression on Lisa's face looked as though Garcelle had brought up the husband.

I like that Crystal and Sutton reconciled, and hope the reunion doesn't re-open the feud (with a 4-part!!! reunion, I have a hunch nakedgate may take up the better part of an episode). Though now that she's become fan favorite, Sutton doesn't need a feud with Crystal to stay relevant the way she felt she did the beginning of the season, and Crystal was over it after the first three confrontations. So hopefully both bury the hatchet permanently.

That amazing dinner party was wasted on these shrews. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to let Stoner Mauricio near the instruments. Kinda wish he and Kyle had gotten thrown out of the place after that. Then we would have been spared the most transparent shit-stirring of the season yet.

Did Crystal actually take the time to learn/remember everyone's Chinese zodiac sign? Impressive if so. Or did they cut a part of the scene where Kathy and Lisa told her their birth year first? And do we really think they were honest about their birth year?

Edited by dmeets
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55 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Followed up by Kyle telling her "Sutton still thinks you're lying."  What a shit-stirrer.  I'm actually looking forward to Kyle getting Erika's bitch-out at the reunion.

Forgetting for a second that this is TV where she’s driving a narrative, There was NO reason to bring that up. NONE. Even bringing it up for TV purposes is dirty pool. Kyle knows Sutton wants to move on. That comment was just her dumping more gas onto the fire.


On an unrelated note, I’d love a TV show with Elliot, Marshall (Crystal’s mom’s boyfriend), and maybe PK. The Guest Housegrandpas of Beverly Hills.

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7 minutes ago, chlban said:

Erika with her, I'll remember who was with me and who was against me bullshit? Along with more threats. Bitch seriously thinks she's Don Corleone. Why Is anyone going to care what you remember? You are not even a tiny bit important and these women hate you. They always have. Along with the vast majority of the audience.

If I were one of them, I wouldn't concern myself about her remembering. She can't even remember which car-flipping incident her son was involved in (no Kyle, Erika isn't adding details piece-by-piece, she simply can't remember the details of the lies she told).

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Kyle's stirring of the pot does nothing to advance the drama in the series, because she repeatedly prods Sutton over and over again, after already seeing Erika's reaction at Kathy's dinner party.  It's just more of the same.  It would have been more interesting if someone had brought up that Kyle was throwing Sutton under the bus yet again at the FF4 get together.  Every time Sutton isn't present, they talk about her behind her back, goading Erika on.   Someone needs to bring up their hypocrisy, but unfortunately the four of them are in it together and Garcelle has already been the target of the mean girls more than enough. (Crystal and Kathy aren't ready to make a stand, if they ever will.)  I really hope they have to answer for their behavior at the reunion.  I hate to see these shrews come out on top.

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There was one point in this episode where someone asked Erika a question and she went completely blank for about 15 seconds.  Did anyone notice? She’s told so many stories gotta be hard to remember.  The truth sets you free.

But it was somehow gratifying to see Erika strutting about in that hideous green sweatsuit along with matching hideous green heels, and then the red pencil eyeliner and cheap hair extensions.  Her skin is looking rough too.  Hee hee.

Tamra (Orange County) executes her job as shit stirrer way better than vile Kyle imo. 



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16 hours ago, JD5166 said:

Kyles spastic nerves are not cute she’s 50-something, 

I bet Mauricio is sick of it. It's so actressy and she's passing it along to her youngest child. (Portia collapsing to the floor, caterwauling, when her sister arrived for a visit).

I like to watch for the sneaky revelations in these shows, where the participants try to address what's being snarked in social media.

I'm pretty sure that's why Harry mentioned the snowed-in cabin in Canada.

Also, Kathy's building project went from a home for her and Rick to a spec home that she intends to sell. Money problems?

And where is Rick? Are they living separate lives?

Edited by pasdetrois
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It’s the hypocrisy of Kyle for me. She’s so ham fisted with her ish stirring constantly throwing Sutton under the bus. Using Sutton and to an extent Mauricio and PK to be the mouthpiece of her doubts while keeping her hands clean.  I’m old enough to remember when she accused LVP of that.  I hope she’s dragged at the reunion and they roll back all of her confessional footage.

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I'm still stuck on why we got the 50th iteration of Tom Girardi's Fantastical Automobile Ride.  Near as I can figure, Erika brought it up initially to say "Mean, bad, abusive Tom was in an accident where he fell down a ravine and was unconscious for 12 hours because he was out with his mistress. See how bad my life is?"

But then it morphed into "poor, sad Tom was in an accident where he fell down a ravine and was unconscious for 12 hours because he has dementia and therefore couldn't have swindled those people out of their money, never mind this happened before his accident... allegedly."

Now it's "all of that accident happened and so did this other accident in which my son flipped his car five times because of the non-existent snow drifts of Pasadena." Does she hear herself?

My guess is that the accident was supposed to help set up Tom's defense as dementia-addled, but then why bring up the whole mistress stuff? And regardless, I think she's mad at Sutton for articulating out loud what they were all thinking - none of this makes sense! 

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If we assume Erika and Tom are coordinating, than "he's a mean controlling cheater" is meant to emphasize how angry she is with him and she never knew anything he ever did, so you can't tie her to him,  but her "he's poor old addled man who got himself into a car accident that made it worse" and isn't responsible for anything *he* did, just in case they can absolutely tie her to him.

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