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S11.E18: Del Mar by the Shade

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5 hours ago, Annifran said:

It's quite shocking to me that Tom and Ericka's huge mansion ended up with only three bedrooms after her remodeling it, per her own comment.  Who would want to pay $9M for a 3-bedroom house?  Whoever purchases it undoubtedly will remodel it again carving out more bedrooms.

Get rid of the chapel (which obviously wasn’t utilized correctly) and the glam rooms, and it might be 6 bedrooms. 
That being said, the whole lack of ambience in the house (not a home) is just very hard to overcome. It was so very dark and depressing (not to mention that Erika’s ghost may growl and snipe at you from the side).

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51 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

I fully believe that at the time this was filmed Erika didn't care if the authorities caught her in a lie on the show. She was not under oath and she can claim it was a necessary act for her job, i.e. TV ratings. And those snarling fangs prove what a superb actress she is (sarcasm)...

🤣 She’s pretty terrible. I remember those scenes she was in with Eileen on her soap, and it reminded me of cheesy 80s acting. Admittedly I haven’t seen her Broadway acting, (has anyone else)? 

I agree and suspect Erika thought she could wiggle her way out of all of this and, at the time, didn’t care what they filmed of her. Those snarling fangs were real Erika, feeling threatened and angry at someone who was drawing attention to something Erika should definitely be worried about. 

Erika had me fooled. I liked her at first but as time went on, especially now, I see her as an attention-seeking, calculating trash-bag. Her friends are safe only as long as they’re admiring and supporting her. I’m starting to see why she maybe didn’t have female friends, she wants a fan club—not friends. 


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On 9/24/2021 at 6:10 PM, Stats Queen said:

Get rid of the chapel (which obviously wasn’t utilized correctly) and the glam rooms, and it might be 6 bedrooms. 
That being said, the whole lack of ambience in the house (not a home) is just very hard to overcome. It was so very dark and depressing (not to mention that Erika’s ghost may growl and snipe at you from the side).

Maybe Kyle will loan her that tacky pink neon sign that the morally bankrupt Faye Resnick thought was the perfect touch for her "friends" home.

Edited by chlban
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4 hours ago, eXiled said:

I hated this scene so much. Those crones don't deserve to see Garcelle's genuine emotion. They don't understand what she's saying, will never understand what she's saying, and I suspect they don't want to truly understand what she's saying. Pondering issues such as race and social acceptance would take time away from beauty treatments, shopping excursions, and dinner reservations.

Kathy's complete disinterest as Dorit prattled on was life-affirming. Not one fuck to be found anywhere.

I love reading everyone's insights about the scene with the Mean Girls ganging up on Garcelle until she was reduced to tears and then applauding her for her vulnerability.  These horrible people have no understanding about friendship and love to tear people down because of their jealousy and their own insecurities.  Anyone who is popular with the audience is a target of their schemes.  I would love to see them on the receiving end.

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1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I love reading everyone's insights about the scene with the Mean Girls ganging up on Garcelle until she was reduced to tears and then applauding her for her vulnerability.  These horrible people have no understanding about friendship and love to tear people down because of their jealousy and their own insecurities.  Anyone who is popular with the audience is a target of their schemes.  I would love to see them on the receiving end.

Garcalle is a gem, she really highlights what trash the rest of them are. Sutton annoyed me with her fraigility in the beginning but she is giving the real rich lady shade that Erika clearly needs to deal with for the rest of her existence. 
I am over these shows after this reunion- unless next year all are gone but PK, Garcele, kathy as a housewife- Kyle demoted to friend and Sutton. Maybe crystal. 

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33 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

Garcalle is a gem, she really highlights what trash the rest of them are. Sutton annoyed me with her fraigility in the beginning but she is giving the real rich lady shade that Erika clearly needs to deal with for the rest of her existence. 
I am over these shows after this reunion- unless next year all are gone but PK, Garcele, kathy as a housewife- Kyle demoted to friend and Sutton. Maybe crystal. 

I love your idea of PK as the "Real Housewife husband"  and not Dorit!

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On 9/23/2021 at 1:06 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

According to the story, he was, because the stress of the confrontation caused his eye to need medical help, which is an injury, though glaucoma isn't life-threatening.
The other poster didn't say they got into it physically, they were saying that the entire scenario never even happened-according to the officers who were on the scene-which made the story a lie.

Yes, the other person did say that Erika implied there was something physical that happened which led to Tom's surgery.  That's what our whole exchange was about.  Thank you for proving that I wasn't alone in not interpreting Erika's story to mean that there was something physical.

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On 9/23/2021 at 1:24 PM, izabella said:

If not earlier, she definitely knew a couple years ago when the lawsuits started hitting Tom, and she insisted at the Reunion that a lawsuit was settled and the plaintiffs "apologized."


Of course, at some point she knew that Tom was being accused of misappropriating funds.  My rhetorical question was for the ones calling Erika a scammer, a criminal, a fraud, etc.  Those terms imply that she was in cahoots with Tom or complicit which nobody has any proof of.  I can see a scenario in which Erika started noticing things and then filed for divorce for Tom's fraud and possibly other reasons too.  Perhaps the fraud was the straw that broke the camel's back.  It's just crazy to me how she's getting blamed for what Tom did and so many people are eager to poke holes in everything she says to try use that as proof that she was complicit.  One thing doesn't have to do with the other.  Erika could tell a billion lies and that still doesn't mean she was complicit in Tom's misappropriation.

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On 9/23/2021 at 1:48 PM, bkathi said:

I don't think you will get an answer to fit your very specific criteria.  I can't imagine there is a women in the world who hasn't felt the sting of someone they thought was a friend who wasn't.  Erica's stories are inconsistent and Sutton called her on it.  She didn't scream at her, snap her teeth or threaten promise she'd regret it.  When Erika told the group she didn't want to talk about  Tom calling her they dropped it.  Not the Garcelle of it all but the T & E of it.  She could have done the same about this.  But she needed to get this dementia/TBI story out there.  

I don't have a dog in the fight.  Erika isn't my friend, employer of family member.  I'm all about fairness, facts, accuracy and logic.  I haven't heard any inconsistencies.  I've heard a woman who was in a marriage now reveal more details about past situations and provide new information about her marriage.  I'm not sure why this is so far-fetched to people.  Generally people in marriages don't air out all of their dirty business because they are together and making it work.  Once a relationship is over more information tends to be revealed.  We can look at Tamra & Simon, Phaedra & Apollo, Bethenny & Jason, etc.  People put up fronts and protect who they are with.  Once it's over, there's not necessarily a need to do that any longer.

On 9/23/2021 at 2:33 PM, realityplease said:

Sorry, Talented Tenth. If Erika or EJGlobal are brought to court in a civil case (& are, I believe, named defendants in certain matters), the legal standard will NOT be (as you seem to require), "indisputable evidence."  It'll be a "preponderance of the evidence," that is, more likely than not she committed the alleged acts.  (51% sure as opposed to only 49%.)

Also, Sutton DID repeatedly describe a lie - the fishy, recently-changed story - an ankle injury that turned into a brain injury years later.  And as now embellished - a traumatic brain injury - TBI.  (Methinks the brain injury was created belatedly to raise the spectre of earlier decline  - despite Tom's conduct to the contrary - to excuse years of bad acts by Tom & allow Tom to weasel out of testimony because, well, dementia.) You presume Erika pieced this together as details emerged.  I presume Erika pieced this together as lawyers (or she & Tom) created defenses pre-or-post her flight from Pasadena. But she can't keep her mouth shut or stories straight.  It's painful to watch her sit at parties/events full well knowing of certain critical events  - her filing for divorce, his calling her, the conservatorship, his memory care needs - only to disclose them later to more limited audiences that accept her "unbelievable" versions and fact-changing.  Rinna & Kyle (& Crystal) are so easily manipulated.  The viewing public is far less gullible or charmed - as evidenced on this site. And don't need the indisputable evidence that even a court would not require.    

My question to you is how you think anything Erika is saying on the show helps her or Tom?   Nothing Erika was saying was airing in real time.  She was talking to her co-workers/friends and at times even thought she wasn't being recorded like with Garcelle and Crystal.  

On 9/23/2021 at 1:35 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

I fully believe that she is attempting to help Tom. I also fully believe she was getting a lot of info long before the public, as in *at the very least* a few years ago, they both knew all this was coming. There were at least (I think) 2 subpoenas that she ignored.

How was it supposed to help him?  What she was saying wasn't airing in real time.

1 hour ago, Talented Tenth said:

How was it supposed to help him?  What she was saying wasn't airing in real time.

No, it wasn't airing in real time, but she knew it all was being taped as things were beginning to come out about Tom's grand heist. 

 She knows that the stories she's telling are filmed on camera, with possible exception to that one convo with Garcelle and Crystal, so was trying to establish a reason why the divorce wasn't a sham, and why Tom stole all those settlements (and her innocence in the whole mess) for when it hit the courts. -Didn't know how to use a bank, my Aunt Fanny!-

  She shifted stories from the beginning of the season, when she said everything was hunky dory (sorry, had to) to Tom was cheating, to Tom was mean and controlling, then finally to Tom was losing his faculties, each time new information dropped.

 I believe once she realized Tom wasn't going to be able to make this go away, like he has been able to for every complaint and conduct issue against him in the past (with the documented support of the corrupt CA Bar, judges, etc) she shifted, and kept shifting, (possibly with his help and possibly their attorneys helping), as new information hit the press. She attempted to muddy the waters by then saying it all stemmed from his accident, when there are records clearly showing that it really all goes back decades.

I mean, it's kinda working? I see some division here over whether or not Tom has indeed slipped into dementia, and posts over him being controlling, though we've only seen one (maybe two?) on camera segment(s) where he curtly told her not to interrupt him. There are also posts saying she couldn't have known anything at all.

But in the end, her changing stories won't matter, except for making her look like a liar. She 100% received stolen money from Tom through her company, that she solely owned, and is responsible for paying it back.

 Not much of this has really hit the courts yet, so far just the start of the civil stuff against her. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out, and also when the franchise tax board gets involved, and any criminal proceedings against Tom or the firm, if that route is taken.

  Tom is definitely the evil troll in this saga, along with anyone who helped him get away with all of this over the years, but her behavior; the lies, the disregard for the victims, trolling on social media, making it all about herself and the luxuries she's losing, refusing to cooperate with getting the stolen money she received to the rightful people, etc, is where my disdain for her arises, even though she used to be my favorite.

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On 9/22/2021 at 5:15 PM, RealHousewife said:

I like Kathy and hope there was a reason for that (like protecting privacy of the employee), but if she just doesn't bother to learn the names of the people who work for her, ew. 

She really seems at a loss for the words/cues often, I can't figure out if she has cognitive issues, is clueless, or just naive.

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I finally just watched this episode.... the whole season is all about Erika, it's really nauseating and wrong - every week it's a different venue but it's the same group gathered around a dinner table with Erika being the centre of attention.

Does Rinna actually think the bandana and the glasses looked good on her, she has no taste or class.

Why did each drive up to the resort in separate cars?

Now I'm sorry I watched, I'm left with just feeling annoyed at Erika, Rinna, Kyle and Dorit!

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On 9/22/2021 at 5:12 PM, RealHousewife said:

Definitely. I don't know if Big Kathy was too focused on the older sisters, but Kyle said she was even driving herself at 13. It's so confusing. Kathy and possibly Kim were spoiled (for a working kid anyway), but a tiny Kyle was driving barely out of elementary school?!

Is Kyle the oldest...I'm a middle sister, def my older sister is the controlling bossy one 🤫

Edited by endure
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On 9/22/2021 at 5:25 PM, njbchlover said:

"I'm sorry if she thought I threatened her".....no, Erika - you fucking DID threaten her!!  By saying "I will come for you" and also threatened a lawsuit and whatever she said to Sutton that Sutton will not tell anyone.  

Fuck you, Erika Jayne, and all your gullible believers.  

Yes.... lets go after Sutton, when she didn't steal the millions of dollars from widows and orphans etc - wake up and the smell the coffee Erika and friends of! And let's spin it all over again next week too, it's beyond disgusting even for this show. I wish this was something stupid and trivial so I could laugh and roll my eyes but this is criminal😡🤬😡

Edited by endure
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1 hour ago, endure said:

Is Kyle the oldest...I'm a middle sister, def my older sister is the controlling bossy one 🤫

In a nutshell. Big Kathy is the mom. Kathy Hilton is the oldest sister who did some modeling and married well. Kim, who also married well comes next and Kyle is the youngest and they were both child popular actors.

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5 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

Yes, the other person did say that Erika implied there was something physical that happened which led to Tom's surgery.  That's what our whole exchange was about.  Thank you for proving that I wasn't alone in not interpreting Erika's story to mean that there was something physical.

For ease of reading, I compiled all of KeyWestClubKid's comments about it here in one spot:
*The story has been disproven by the police officer that responded to the break-in he was never injured 

*But she is a liar .. she lied to them ... she lied about tom attacking the person who broke in and needed medical attention .... https://okmagazine.com/p/erika-jayne-claims-that-ex-tom-girardi-needed-surgery-after-burglary-discredited-by-detective/ If she would stop lying people would stop calling her a liar

*She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care ..... one he never confronted anyone and two he wasn't rushed to the hospital for life saving care .. SHE LIED .. 

*Right which the cops own report contradicts saying he never confronted anyone LOL so now are the cops lying?

*Yea the whole story was fabricated. And if she’s not speaking to him how did she know details? I’f it’s from his lawyers then she is being fed information to feed to these ladies to help with his case of being a old man losing it. 

I'm not seeing what you're seeing? I don't see anything about them getting physical, I'm seeing that KWCK is saying that the whole thing didn't happen, according to the report from the actual officer that was there after responding to the call. This means Erika, in the episode claiming that Tom confronting a burglar caused his glaucoma to injure his eye and need immediate surgery, spun a bogus story.

(Y'all, I'm sorry my comments are so long. I'm the Dorit of primetimer! (I will work on it))

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19 hours ago, lamujerdecente said:

I am over these shows after this reunion- unless next year all are gone but PK, Garcele, kathy as a housewife- Kyle demoted to friend and Sutton. Maybe crystal. 

Hahaha! Yes, we could have used some PK bon mots this week. 

15 hours ago, endure said:

She really seems at a loss for the words/cues often, I can't figure out if she has cognitive issues, is clueless, or just naive.

Kathy is not a fully functioning adult.  Who makes it to 60 without knowing basic life skills like opening a bottle of wine?  😀

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The gang-up on Garcelle at the dinner — that was totally uncalled for. Good job, gals, breaking her down. Is she part of the club now? Dorit needs to learn when to zip it. She adds nothing to the discussion and helps absolutely no one.

I could use one of those sleep baths. Seriously.

Finally finished watching that episode, and I’m sure I can’t say anything else that hasn’t already been said much better by most of you. 


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5 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Hahaha! Yes, we could have used some PK bon mots this week. 

Kathy is not a fully functioning adult.  Who makes it to 60 without knowing basic life skills like opening a bottle of wine?  😀

Actually, I relate to Kathy on so many levels. I have gotten into my car without my keys, left my purse in the house, and once I had so much trouble opening a bottle of wine that I wanted to just break it on the edge of the countertop. She’s just a little scattered, and I like the way she confuses idioms and phrases. She adds much needed comic relief to this sad bunch.

But I especially liked her here when she perfectly described her frustration with this endless dinner conversation. 


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16 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

The gang-up on Garcelle at the dinner — that was totally uncalled for. Good job, gals, breaking her down. Is she part of the club now? Dorit needs to learn when to zip it. She adds nothing to the discussion and helps absolutely no one.

I could use one of those sleep baths. Seriously.

Finally finished watching that episode, and I’m sure I can’t say anything else that hasn’t already been said much better by most of you. 


It's like sorority hazing. 

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14 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

It's like sorority hazing. 

That is exactly what I thought when I watched it. Do covens have sororities? They pick, pick, pick at Garcelle and then act shocked — shocked! — when she says she doesn’t feel a part of the group. This was the second pile-on in a week for her. Why? 

I admit — the humiliating business over the charity auction last year still does not sit right with me. Would Kyle have jumped anybody else’s case over that as quickly as she did Garcelle’s, and with such a confrontational attitude? Would Kyle have brought this up in a public setting like this if the issue had been with Rinna or Dorit, or anybody else?  Garcelle has point — it may not be entirely about race,  but this shows how hard she has to work to just try to fit in. 

I hope both Garcelle and Sutton walk away after this year. Neither of them need this. And I hope, too, that someday what comes around goes around lands on Rinna, Dorit, and Kyle. They treat their “friends” like absolute shit. Time to break that clique up. 

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On 9/25/2021 at 12:23 PM, Talented Tenth said:

My question to you is how you think anything Erika is saying on the show helps her or Tom?   Nothing Erika was saying was airing in real time.  She was talking to her co-workers/friends and at times even thought she wasn't being recorded like with Garcelle and Crystal.  


On 9/25/2021 at 12:12 PM, Talented Tenth said:

Of course, at some point she knew that Tom was being accused of misappropriating funds.  My rhetorical question was for the ones calling Erika a scammer, a criminal, a fraud, etc.  Those terms imply that she was in cahoots with Tom or complicit which nobody has any proof of. 

Erika's NOT helping Tom or herself.  The stories related are inconsistent, unbelievable & laughable.  She's made statements she later tries to change, embellish, or stop from being aired or discussed.  We're not a jury hearing evidence, we don't need PROOF.  Real-time or not. Doesn't matter. We apply experience/common sense to WHAT she says & WHEN she says it (usually after she fails to say anything or states the opposite.) We see her over-the-top reactions to her circumstances & to questions.  And come up with HUNCHES.

You really think she thought she wasn't being recorded when she told Garcelle/Crystal about Tom's calls?? With a microphone pack under her clothes & someone standing in front of her aiming a camera at her?!  I think it slipped out. Then she tried to prevent the statement from being aired or discussed. And failed. And went icy with Garcelle & ballistic in the bathroom (at the producers?)  If she really didn't take Tom's calls, why care?  But concurrently, their assets were frozen, a bankruptcy court sought assets, and Tom's dementia raised.  So maybe she lied & WAS talking to Tom - who knows? They could have just said how-de-do OR they could have discussed the creation of defenses, "fact" coordination, or the hiding of assets.  She was pretty exercised about disclosure of Tom's calls for one who hadn't responded & had nothing to hide.  And thereafter - what do you know - she dropped all mention of his infidelities/cold behavior (deliberate conduct.) Instead, she leaned into stories about his years-old accident (now with brain injury) to show decline. In this episode, she revealed the conservatorship complete with overblown fear of over-medication in a "mental facility." Creating the notion of an insane asylum instead of a modern assisted living memory care.  The better to distract with a portrait of a poor addled Tom rather than deliberate perpetrator of a house of cards.  

So no, we don't know whether or not she's complicit in Tom's acts to TAKE money/defraud loan companies.  But once she DID know, was she complicit in trying to excuse it/cover it up/create defenses/hide assets?? She doesn't respond to subpoenas, still fritters money on glam, and belatedly raises earlier cognitive decline.  And if she DID see decline, what did she do? Threw up her hands, obtained no medical/legal care or intervention, left for Broadway.  Then hauled out, taking a van of assets with her. While continuing  to TOUT his supposed legal prowess until, AND EVEN AFTER, she filed for divorce/knew of the fraud claims.  After some false starts, every episode, including this one, shows the story she's trying to sell. Not buying it. No proof. Just HUNCHES. 

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5 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

That is exactly what I thought when I watched it. Do covens have sororities? They pick, pick, pick at Garcelle and then act shocked — shocked! — when she says she doesn’t feel a part of the group. This was the second pile-on in a week for her. Why? 

I admit — the humiliating business over the charity auction last year still does not sit right with me. Would Kyle have jumped anybody else’s case over that as quickly as she did Garcelle’s, and with such a confrontational attitude? Would Kyle have brought this up in a public setting like this if the issue had been with Rinna or Dorit, or anybody else?  Garcelle has point — it may not be entirely about race,  but this shows how hard she has to work to just try to fit in. 

I hope both Garcelle and Sutton walk away after this year. Neither of them need this. And I hope, too, that someday what comes around goes around lands on Rinna, Dorit, and Kyle. They treat their “friends” like absolute shit. Time to break that clique up. 

I have mixed feelings about Garcelle and Sutton returning. I personally love watching them, but I don't like to see nice people tortured.

It's hard to tell. Sutton didn't handle the race conversation very well, but I think she's a good person and not racist. We've seen the way Kyle treated Kim, Vanderpump, and Denise. She has thrown different white women under the bus throughout the years. She might just be an equal opportunity offender, but it's possible she would have privately reached out if she had a situation similar to the one with Garcelle. 

Kind of the same with Dorit. It rubs me the wrong way that the only person she's called a bully is Garcelle. She's literally most close with the actual bullies of the show, but okay. Is it possible it's coincidental or she's a little dense? Of course. But like with Kyle, it makes you wonder. 

Oh wait, I just remembered Dorit can't be racist because PK's third cousin's dear friend is black. 

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3 hours ago, realityplease said:

So maybe she lied & WAS talking to Tom - who knows? They could have just said how-de-do OR they could have discussed the creation of defenses, "fact" coordination, or the hiding of assets. 

I'm pretty sure she talked to Tom about his dementia defense.  She threw out that "diminished capacity" at the dinner where she was zonked on Lexapro when Sutton first asked her questions.  People who notice their partners are having memory issues don't talk about diminished capacity.  That's legal language used in legal proceedings.

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On 9/23/2021 at 6:24 PM, Feline Goddess said:

To state that the Ghiradi's lifestyle was soley funded by money stolen from widows and orphans would suggest that particular case was Tom's only source of income. Maybe he's been skimming for years, but that case is the one everyone's focusing on. 

Lots of wealthy husbands invest in the wive's vanity project - often as a tax write-off. My mother worked in a boutique that was established for the sole purpose of doing that. When it started turning a profit despite all efforts to spend frivolously, the husband made his wife close the store. 

Do I believe Tom was controlling? Yes. He wouldn't even let her redecorate the house he owned before their marriage. Maybe Erika would've liked a fresh start in a house they'd chosen together. I'll bet a lot of their life was 'his way or the highway' due to the age and wealth gap and Erika went along with it because that was their dynamic. He wanted a trophy wife and she happily obliged. She's able to walk away now the money is gone because she was never truly invested emotionally.    

Do I think she can't keep her story straight? Yes. But she also isn't obligated to explain anything to her co-workers. She probably would've been better off simply telling them it was none of their business. Which it isn't. 




No one is saying “solely.  But he stole from multiple clients.  The lawsuit in Chicago is about not paying out the settlements to numerous clients re the Lion Air crash.  The burn victim is a separate case.  There are others.  And apparently for years there were complaints that he didn’t pay out the settlement monies promptly.

iMO, you can’t call him controlling if she happily went along with what he wanted.    He put millions into her fake career, that’s not being controlling.

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I have a question for Ms. Girardi. Any other person whose spouse was involved in an accident where he drove off a cliff and suffered a brain injury — excuse me, a TBI — would be utterly beside herself with grief, worry, and fear, especially days later if the prognosis was still cloudy. Usually, such a person would turn to her best friends for support. The person maybe would have taken a hiatus from filming to see their spouse through this crisis. She most definitely wouldn’t have derided her spouse by calling him a “big baby,” as if all that had happened was a mere scratch — or a relatively minor accident; or look, act, and talk as if nothing had happened at all. 

I can buy Tom having a fender-bender where he broke his ankle, and I can see him being a little cranky because of it. But I can’t see the rest of it. Especially when all these dire details come out years later, in the course of legal issues, when both you and Tom are looking for cover.

So…are you indeed lying, or are you just a heartless bitch who really doesn’t care two whits for Tom (except for his stolen money), and fakes concern for him only when it suits you? Your scenes, dear, belie what you want us all to believe. Sutton is not stupid; neither are we. Film doesn’t lie. 

Edited by RoseAllDay
Additional thought.
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Kathy Hilton isn't asclueless as she makes herself out to be. She's taking a page from her daughter, the same spawn who launched a billion famewhore wannabes who want to be famous, but not for anything worthy, just famewhore famous. Kathy knows exactly what she's doing. I'm sure it bugs the hell out of Kyle, who's dimmer than a 25 watt bulb and has zero impulse control and has to blurt shit out inappropriately to assert her queen bee bullshit. Kathy doesn't give a shit about this gig but she wants to come off above these bitches. The sage crone. But her behavior comes across as if she's a doddering 95 year old lady. What a PITA she must be to be married to. I doubt she and has husband have much in common what with her bring up all night, eating a d flipping magazines in bed until all hours and then sleeping in until noon. She's a real gift to humanity, she is...

Edited by gingerella
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On 9/26/2021 at 9:48 AM, bkathi said:

I've been there - it is so tough.  Hope you are doing okay.

Thanks.  It really is.  I am good with the silent treatment.  I just don't like the hostility.  One is on probation!

I am surprised Erikunt has gotten as far as she has treating people like she does.  I wonder how well that will go over in the pokey?

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