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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)


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I'm irrationally bummed The Cutting Edge was a TS.  "Toe pick"!

The measles TS surprised me, and that was quite the collective sigh they let out when it was revealed; I think perhaps Hannah's incorrect guess of German measles led the other two off the measles track entirely.  But I liked there being a vaccines category right now, especially with a clue mentioning the 1918 pandemic.

I came within one clue of running the first round - which I was not at all expecting, with a military category at play - but I guessed the wrong gospel writer (you have to be a little impressed I knew more than one to guess given what a dunce I am at Bible clues).

I was on fire in DJ, too, only missing four (if only there was extra credit for knowing both countries in the DD, I could have offset one of those and done even better), and then FJ was an instaget.  This was one of my best games!

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10 hours ago, Clanstarling said:


I know her by her suicide poem that lists methods and their bad points and ends "you might as well live." I was always a morbid kid.

"Razors pain you/Rivers are damp/Acids stain you/And drugs cause cramp.//Guns aren't lawful, nooses give, gas smells awful, You might as well live."

And this poem, called "The Lady's Reward," struck me as a perfect summary and review of a dating manual popular in the 90's called The Rules. Parker was definitely a poet. 

I thought last night's FJ was difficult because Parker isn't that popular today, but I expected more than one person to know Lizzie Borden tonight.


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I'd be fascinated to learn how, if at all, the "Women Make Passes" / "Guys Who Wear Glasses" categories and yesterday's FJ clue related to each other in the writers' room.  It's not hard to imagine that one inspired the other, but they might have been developed totally separately.  The random draw from available games that I understand occurs happened to place those consecutively, but one might have been written in August and one in December, who knows?

I recently read that Secretariat's necropsy revealed that his heart weighed about 22lbs, 2.5 times the usual!  I wonder whether they would have taken just "cutting down trees" instead of clearcutting or deforestation for the Norwegian sawmills?  Finally, has anyone seen the new season of "Space Force"?  I like to finish shows once I've started them, so I slogged through the first season, but I thought it was very poor.  I understand the new season has gotten pretty good reviews, but I haven't been able to bring myself to try more than the first episode yet.

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5 hours ago, dgpolo said:

Well that common name has some notable Boston area people attached to it, maybe he was thinking one of them was tried for something? FJ was an instaget, no make that a pre-guess for me.

I thought the Women Make Passes and Guys Who Wear Glasses were pretty funny after our discussion of Dorothy Parker above 👆



I assumed the writers were as taken by Dorothy Parker as I am, and wrote those category titles while still thinking of her from yesterday’s FJ. But, then again… what 853fisher said. Who knows.

Lizzie Borden was also a pre-guess for me! And, it seems, at least 2 others in this group. Quite the coincidence! Unless… Are we developing a hive mind? Are we Jeopardy Borg?

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I pre-guessed the Salem Witch Trials for FJ, so my Borg-ness seems to need a little fine tuning. Husband pre-guessed OJ Simpson, but I think it will be decades before that cluster of a trial will be quiz show fodder (if ever). And he is a pediatrician so got quite frustrated at the German measles/mumps/chicken pox responses. He was glad tetanus & whooping cough were answered correctly. 

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I missed the local airing Thursday, and caught it later on YT.  I don’t recall the wording of the particular clue, but the reply was “City State”.   When the guy (name?) gave his answer, it appeared to me, that he said “city”, the it seemed to be Ken’s voice that said “state,yes!”.  Anyone else?  Partner South disagrees with me.  I did not see his mouth move as I heard “state”, but it could have been a glitch through YT.

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4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:


Lizzie Borden was also a pre-guess for me! And, it seems, at least 2 others in this group. Quite the coincidence! Unless… Are we developing a hive mind? Are we Jeopardy Borg?

I pre-guessed the Scopes Trial. When the clue revealed a female defendant, my initial thought was Roxie Hart, the protagonist of Chicago, but the New England reference steered me straight. Fun fact: Though the Chicago characters are fictional, the story is based on fact.

2 hours ago, South said:

I don’t recall the wording of the particular clue, but the reply was “City State”.   When the guy (name?) gave his answer, it appeared to me, that he said “city”, the it seemed to be Ken’s voice that said “state,yes!”.  Anyone else?  Partner South disagrees with me.  I did not see his mouth move as I heard “state”, but it could have been a glitch through YT.

I heard city-state. I watched the show when it was broadcast, but the sound also seemed a bit off in spots to me.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Was "Adams" supposed to be someone particular, or was that "write down a common last name if you have no idea"?

I wondered if he was thinking of Jane Addams, the reformer and peace activist.  She was certainly a controversial figure from around that time, although I don't think she was ever on trial.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Damn, I thought we might get a new champ there for a second.

That was exciting! I like Maureen. I always like a happy contestant.

14 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I randomly guessed for FJ, based on the year and the location, and was gobsmacked when my guess was correct.  Hey, whatever works, right?

The only TS I got was measles.  I also knew both "perforated states".

I shocked myself in knowing one of the perforated states - though amusingly (since I'm crap at geography) I thought South Africa was far easier than Italy/Vatican city.

4 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I pre-guessed the Scopes Trial. When the clue revealed a female defendant, my initial thought was Roxie Hart, the protagonist of Chicago, but the New England reference steered me straight. Fun fact: Though the Chicago characters are fictional, the story is based on fact.

They should have used that FJ on Tuesday for International Woman's Day. 😉

Got Lizzie Borden easily, so I have at least one FJ this week, so I'd count it as a good game even if it weren't. But after a run of bad games, this one was pretty good for me. I ran one category (vaccines), almost ran military branches and verbs (vamoose got me).

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I said South Africa but I knew them both.  One of the few geographical facts I know.  And, Italy also fully surrounds San Marino.

I've been studying up on geography, mainly for jeopardy. I knew south Africa and Italy. But I thought senegal/ the Gambia would count.  I guess because the Gambia reaches the coast and is not all surrounded it doesn't count.  

1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

Damn, I thought we might get a new champ there for a second.

Me too, and I'm so disappointed.  Maureen is really working my nerves.  

I immediately got Lizzie Borden for the FJ.  When I get an answer that quickly, I presume all of the contestants will too, so I had hope of getting a new champ.

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5 hours ago, One Imaginary Girl said:

I see that Maureen isn't a popular contestant around here, but she sort of reminds me of the comedic actress Rachael Harris, and I like the idea of her being on Jeopardy! and doing well at it.

I like both Rachel Harris and Maureen, but Maureen is soooo slow!! She seems nice and smart but she's just so slow.

FJ was an instaget for me too. Before I find usted the clue. But I've read historical contemporary accounts of both sets of trials. Pretty interesting.

Edited by Ailianna
  • Love 4
20 hours ago, ams1001 said:

My only TS was measles (also the only category I ran),

I was surprised none of them got that one, especially after German measles was eliminated.  Rubeola is regular measles.  Rubella is German measles.  That's what the "R" in the MMR shot is for.

20 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I got both second round DDs and I knew both countries in the "perforated states" one.

Me, too.

17 hours ago, Bastet said:

I'm irrationally bummed The Cutting Edge was a TS.  "Toe pick"!

I knew the movie they wanted but couldn't remember the title.  I did remember "Toe Pick", though, so too bad that wasn't the title.

17 hours ago, Bastet said:

But I liked there being a vaccines category right now, especially with a clue mentioning the 1918 pandemic.

I really liked that too.

17 hours ago, Bastet said:

but I guessed the wrong gospel writer (you have to be a little impressed I knew more than one to guess given what a dunce I am at Bible clues).

Having visited St. Mark's Square when I was in Venice, I'd have been embarrassed if I'd missed that one, but it also helped that I saw a lot of Byzantine art in my college classes.  Usually I stink at Bible clues.


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5 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

almost ran military branches

I missed Space Force, mainly because I missed the name of the category.  Ran the rest of it, though.  I was surprised at the "midshipman" miss, but then again I do live in Maryland so I hear a fair bit about the Naval Academy on a regular basis.  (Never mind that I find naval history fascinating.)

This isn't fair to say, because I'm the last person who should be judging others by their appearance, but I'm glad Karson didn't win since I thought he was weird looking.  Seemed like a nice enough guy, though.


Edited by proserpina65
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I have never been so glad to see someone in the red at the end of DJ. Her giggling and Laura's sighs and mmmm's every time she got one wrong made this game very difficult for me to get through. I was keeping my fingers crossed for Matt because he was the only one not annoying the hell out of me. Thank god this week is over. (I know it's just a game and I'm a terrible person.)

I did terribly, didn't even get any of the seven(!) TSes in the first round and only two of the twelve(!!) in the second (fourteen if you count both missed DDs), but FJ was an instaget. My TSes were One Republic (the song* popped into my head immediately and the band came to me at the last second) and ballistics, plus the missed DD of The Time Machine.

(*this cover, specifically)

Edited by ams1001
  • Love 14

I got FJ.

I got the missed clues of Honey Crisp, Turkish, Frida Kahlo, The Time Machine, Tom Jones, aberrant, ballistics, Havana, Zagreb and Prague.

I got the entire category of  capitals right and the entire category of music wrong.

I was screaming at them through much of that capitals category.

28 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

My TSes were One Republic (the song* popped into my head immediately and the band came to me at the last second)

Song popped into my head, too, but it didn't do me any good.  I think I said Imagine Dragons. It's like I know all the band names and all the songs, but I can't correctly match them.

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Boy, things were so evenly matched and then Maureen crashed and burned in DJ.  As others have said, this wasn't a good game - more wrong answers than average, and damn near 20 TS.

I did like Laura saying "Thanks, Maureen" when she got abridge based on Maureen screwing it up.  And Maureen laughing at herself when she said "adobe" instead of "abode". 

I enjoyed the artists theme for the first round category titles, because I got a real kick out of Bank "C" and Says Ann(e).  What can I say, I was easily amused tonight.

I got all but three in the first round.  In DJ, I only ran Ab, but I came close in 17th c. and capitals, missing one each.  And I did okay in Brit Lit, missing two.  But the only music clue I knew was Usher (and I only got that one because they included a picture); I knew the song "Counting Stars" but could have sat here until I died without being able to tell you who sings it, and the rest I'd never even heard of.   I also only got one of the three clues they uncovered in lions.

FJ was pretty much an instaget - I immediately figured it was the pride flag, and then it was just a couple of seconds pondering the year to lead me to Milk.

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I enjoyed the artists theme for the first round category titles, because I got a real kick out of Bank "C" and Says Ann(e).  What can I say, I was easily amused tonight.

I love it when the whole category list is themed. I'm always mildly annoyed when there's a theme but it's only two or three of them.

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I'm always mildly annoyed when there's a theme but it's only two or three of them.

I like when two in a row follow each other in a play on words (I can't come up with a known example right now and am too lazy to look, but something like a "Bloody" category followed by one called "Hell"), and don't care if the rest are unrelated.  But if they tie three together, then, yeah, I find myself thinking they should have gone all out rather than only doing half.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I have never been so glad to see someone in the red at the end of DJ. Her giggling and Laura's sighs and mmmm's every time she got one wrong made this game very difficult for me to get through. I was keeping my fingers crossed for Matt because he was the only one not annoying the hell out of me. Thank god this week is over. (I know it's just a game and I'm a terrible person.)

My feelings exactly! We are not terrible people.

I think Maureen could feel the game slipping away from her and just got worse.  And Poutyface! Her story was so cute until her moue at the end of it.

It was not a bad game for me.  I got the ts's or missed DDs of Honey Crisp, Tom Jones, Zagreb, and Androcles.

Not quite an instaget FJ but fairly quick.  I couldn't remember his first name but I guess I didn't need it.

@30 Helens, good vibes sent to the sick puppy.


  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, Trey said:

My feelings exactly! We are not terrible people.

Thank you, I feel better now.


14 minutes ago, Trey said:

I think Maureen could feel the game slipping away from her and just got worse.

I was reading the recap thread on reddit and someone claiming to be Maureen commented: "Hi, it’s Maureen. I really don’t even remember this game at all. I will say that I had a great time this week on Jeopardy!. I ended the week in a spectacular flame out and I am ok with that."

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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

I did like Laura saying "Thanks, Maureen" when she got abridge based on Maureen screwing it up.  And Maureen laughing at herself when she said "adobe" instead of "abode". 

I liked how quick Ken pointed out that it was an anagram. He has quick wit. 

I got Honey Crisp, Freida Kalho, and compound interest. Not a great game for me. I knew what they were referring to in FJ, but my mind didn’t go there. 

@30 Helens

I hope you puppy is doing better. 

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I was surprised none of them got that one, especially after German measles was eliminated.  Rubeola is regular measles.  Rubella is German measles.  That's what the "R" in the MMR shot is f

I thought it was Measles, mumps and rubella (German measles).

Edited by IdEatThat
Edited because I realized I said the same thing you did. Doh!
  • Useful 1
9 minutes ago, IdEatThat said:

I thought it was Measles, mumps and roseola (German measles).

 Roseola is yet a different rash. I was familiar with the term Rubella for German measles but did not know Rubeola = measles. I guess the contestant decided to take a risk on the one-letter difference between Rubella and Rubeola.

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