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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)


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22 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I avoid reading the Bible like the plague.


17 hours ago, PaulaO said:

I said “hoes before bros” instead of “sisters before misters.”  And I was serious.

I did too. I didn't know what the category was (tuned in mid show due to a TIVO failure), but still, it seems someone should have thought that it would be a possible answer. I mean, there's been a hoe incident  before. 😉

16 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I did get FJ, probably because the Porgy & Bess song "Summertime" is one I still sing to fussy babies or in the shower or when walking on a beach alone with waves crashing.

"Summertime" was my husband's signature song in a band he played in our early days (in fact, I just listened to his version in the morning - I love hearing my man sing). BUT, since it was a bluegrass band (the music for the lyrics was "normal" - the instrumental breaks were bluegrass), I didn't really relate to Porgy and Bess - and in any case, I didn't relate Porgy and Bess to South Carolina or the "most revived shows" So I didn't get it.

11 hours ago, South said:

I felt the same!   I was snapping my fingers “ oh fuck, fuck, fuck…Cicero!”  Absolutely no idea in which dusty corner of my noggin that was lurking about.  “Thank you” to whomever the awesome middle or high school teacher was that managed to etch that into my memory. 

I got as far as "C." Sigh... but that's better than before. I'm slowly learning to think of Cicero thanks to Jeopardy.

We record Jeopardy and tune in about half way through so we can ff through the commercials. Unfortunately, for the first time ever, our TIVO "service" wasn't available (couldn't even pause). So we missed a lot of single Jeopardy. Never did get back on our feet - so it wasn't a great game for us.

Edited by Clanstarling
Because "revised" is not the same as "revived"
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18 hours ago, PaulaO said:

I said “hoes before bros” instead of “sisters before misters.”  And I was serious.

Same.  I wonder if it would've been accepted? lol

I guessed at FJ and got it right, and admittedly was happy the champion got it wrong since he said he went to Duke and was a Duke basketball fan.  That's unacceptable where I come from (KY).

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I recently rewatched the "Galentine's Day" episode of Parks & Rec, and had forgotten the category, so I came up with "uteruses before dude-eruses."

5 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

I got Porgy and Bess but I call foul because it is done more as an opera than as a Broadway show. The clue says "most revived show in Broadway history" so I feel that the revivals should be on Broadway not the Met.

I'd also be curious to know how they quantified "one of the most revived..."  I got it too, but I wasn't sure how often it had been on Broadway.  "Show Boat" is another one that started as a traditional musical but is more often done, when it's done at all, by opera companies.  (It seems to suit some elements of the show more than others, but that's another discussion for another day.)

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20 hours ago, PaulaO said:

I said “hoes before bros” instead of “sisters before misters.”  And I was serious.

I hate "sisters before misters".  I think you should judge everyone individually, not automatically put someone first because of their gender.  Same goes for "hoes before bros", I guess, but since I'm not a bro, that one doesn't apply to me.  But the bro phrase is indeed the one which came to my mind.

I did pretty well last night.  Ran Hearing Red, Raven-Pourri (please, don't ever do that category again), Great Britain, Writer-Wronger and Characters in the Movie.  If I'd gotten outstanding and dead, I would've run Cheery-"O" and Trial & Era as well.  The stumpers I got were the Marquis de Sade, William S. Burroughs, Cicero, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Saving Private Ryan.

Then we got to FJ, and I blew it.  I had not a clue, despite having actually seen Porgy & Bess and having visited that section of the city when I visited Charleston.  I said Annie Get Your Gun for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

18 hours ago, stonehaven said:

I got South Dakota because the slogan was part of a tourist commercial in the 80s.

I said South Carolina so I was half right.  Theirs used to be "Smiling Faces. Beautiful Places" so I imagine that was why I said it.

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9 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I hate "sisters before misters".  I think you should judge everyone individually, not automatically put someone first because of their gender. 

The phrase does not refer to prioritizing people based on gender generally, it's specifically about prioritizing relationships -- the close friendships with other women over the (usually new) dating relationship with some dude.  It was developed as the clean (as opposed to "chicks before dicks") response to "bros before hos", and more nuanced, although as with anything it did come to be more broadly used by some.

I wasn't home last night, so just checked the game via the archive.

The Marquis de Sade TS surprised me.

So close -- I got all but The Wiggles in the first round (I had absolutely no shot at that one).  I did well in DJ, too, even though I missed three each in trials and movies, as I ran the rest.

Porgy and Bess took a longer to come to me than it should have, and, without the FJ music playing, I don't know if it did in time.  Let's say yes.

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You all have covered most of my thoughts about the actual game, but I'm building glad Robert lost because of Mayor's cringe worthy intro. He didn't "estimate" his FJ waters dud actual math. And all the other math puns grated. Now, I grant that there's probably dome writer who threw that together between shows, but it was horrible and I thought condescending. As if he got lucky to win, versus played well and wagered smartly.


Steve’s anecdote about not wanting to ask a trespasser to leave his property was an interesting choice given that he represents owners subject to claims of eminent domain.  Was there supposed to be an implied "joke," that he would really have taken measures harsher than offering lemonade, that didn't read?  I thought it was very odd.

What a disappointing loss for Ben.  What could he have been thinking?!  A real shame, but I guess I can't be too sorry he didn't move forward if he was going to play like that.

I did know FJ, from somewhere in the back of my mind, but suspect my spelling would have befuddled all assembled.

Edited by 853fisher
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Ran Commercials and National-Sounding Items, and On the Label. Missed one in In Disposable and Alexander Files, and 2-3 in everything else. TSes were goldfish crackers, piebald, Alexandria, Four Tops, 80 proof, and hydrogen peroxide.

FJ was pretty much an instaget, I said it very confidently, then I thought about how bad I am with mythology and went to check the archive to see if I was right because I didn't want to wait 30 seconds. (My thought process was, basically, I'm 99.9% positive that the Greek god of love is Eros; what other astronomical names end in -os...?)

Ben should have bet it all. He's from a nearby town so I was kinda rooting for him. He started out slow but he made a decent showing by the end.

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10 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

When Temeena said "Peroxide," Mayim ruled her incorrect with a definite "NO."  Wouldn't that have called for a BMS?

I wondered that too.  I kind of thought "who is Mann," which was accepted without further qualification for Leslie, should also perhaps have been BMS'd.  There are many famous people with that surname or a homophone.

Edited by 853fisher
-phone, not -nym
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19 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

When Temeena said "Peroxide," Mayim ruled her incorrect with a definite "NO."  Wouldn't that have called for a BMS?

That took me by surprise too. Also, Mayim's way of saying "singer" with a hard "G" is driving me crazy. Pretty much everything she does drives me crazy. Please can we have Ken back?

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Tonight I knew plead, piebald, the Four Tops, Dumas, little gray cells, and 80 proof.

I came up with Castor and Pollux for FJ, although I was pretty sure it was wrong. I did not know that Eros, Deimos, and Phobos were brothers. According to one of the earliest Greek poets, Hesiod, Eros was always "there" from the beginning of creation. Other sources had him as the son of Nyx (Night). No mention of a dad. Only later was he imagined as the son of Ares and Aphrodite (and went from a powerful life force to the cutesy cherub we know).

I also wondered about the "Lying Kings" answer of Odysseus. Yes, he was a schemer, but it was Clytemnestra's husband Agamemnon who had Iphigenia brought to be sacrificed on the pretext of marrying Achilles.

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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

When Temeena said "Peroxide," Mayim ruled her incorrect with a definite "NO."  Wouldn't that have called for a BMS?

I think they should have just ruled Peroxide correct.  In industry when people say Peroxide they mean hydrogen peroxide.  If you type "peroxide" in Google, the top five results are all about hydrogen peroxide.

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4 minutes ago, Roaster said:

I think they should have just ruled Peroxide correct.  In industry when people say Peroxide they mean hydrogen peroxide.  If you type "peroxide" in Google, the top five results are all about hydrogen peroxide.

The clue did say it was a compound, so I figured the hydrogen part was necessary, but it should have had a BMS.  Mayim's "NO!" is so vehement, it doesn't give the other other players a chance to build off that wrong answer. By her reaction, it's easy to assume nothing about "peroxide" was correct.

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1 minute ago, Roaster said:

I think they should have just ruled Peroxide correct. 

I disagree; accuracy matters, and peroxide only means an oxygen to oxygen single bond, while the 4% compound used for teeth whitening is hydrogen peroxide, which has a hydrogen atom attached to each of those oxygen atoms. 

But I do think there should have been a BMS prompt, or at least they've got to get more consistent about when that chance is given.

No one guessing Alexandria for the coastal city a guy called Saint Alexander was "appropriately" patriarch of in the 4th century blew my mind at first, but by their duh laughter when it was revealed it seems they figured it couldn't be that simple even at $400.  I did that for a long time, but in the past couple of years I've stuck with, and almost always been right, the expectation that when there's a $200 or $400 clue which seems like something out of one of their "Dumb Answers" categories, the obvious guess is in fact the correct response.

I was a little surprised by the 80 proof TS, since they don't even have to know the formula, just that 80 is the proof of almost all spirits, but, then again, maybe none of them drink - or never pay attention to the label.

I ran items and anatomy, and got all but one each in commercials and disposable, but I missed three each in jungle and kings, so I was a bit off my game in the first round.

I had a much better time in DJ.  I ran labels and pop and got all but one in Alexanders and smart (I, too, could not get past grey matter to come up with what grey "things" they wanted in time).  I missed two in rivers, and my only bad category was vampires, in which I missed three (better than the five I feared based on the category).

I had no idea for FJ, though.

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2 hours ago, 853fisher said:
2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

When Temeena said "Peroxide," Mayim ruled her incorrect with a definite "NO."  Wouldn't that have called for a BMS?

I came here to say the same thing.

Also when Temeena answered “gray matter” instead of “gray whatever whose-e-what-zits.” But that’s just me, I guess.  

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3 minutes ago, secnarf said:
25 minutes ago, Glitches said:

I came here to say the same thing.

Also when Temeena answered “gray matter” instead of “gray whatever whose-e-what-zits.” But that’s just me, I guess.  

Grey matter instead of grey cells - wtf are grey cells?? I definitely thought grey matter should have been accepted.

Poirot calls them his 'little gray cells' that's how Christie wrote it.

Edited by dgpolo
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I guess Ben decided to give up and not try to win the game. 🙄 If he can’t do simple math like $10,000 x 2 I am glad he lost.

I can’t stand Mayim’s weird pronunciation of “singer” to rhyme with “finger.” And there were like three questions where she said that word!

Edited by Cotypubby
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7 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I can’t stand Mayim’s weird pronunciation of “singer” to rhyme with “finger.”

She picked it up from Sheldon Cooper.

Another not so great game for me.  Only two ts's, the Four Tops and little grey cells.

I remember that within the last few years there was a similar FJ with Deimos and Phobos as the answer.  I knew they were "moons of some planet".  The only thing I couldn't remember was their actual names.

In happy news, I see that setting preventative fires has saved the sequoias in Yosemite National Park. At least for now.

Edited by Trey
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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

I was a little surprised by the 80 proof TS, since they don't even have to know the formula, just that 80 is the proof of almost all spirits, but, then again, maybe none of them drink - or never pay attention to the label

I'm not sure when I ran across the fact that "proof" means twice the alcohol by volume percentage.  I don't drink much, either, and if I hadn't read the meaning of "proof" at some point in my life (and remembered it), I probably would have had no clue, either.

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Hydrogen peroxide made me me shout at my screen. I am definitely losing my patience with Mayim.

8 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I can’t stand Mayim’s weird pronunciation of “singer” to rhyme with “finger.” And there were like three questions where she said that word!

And then there was this. It almost seemed like she was overemphasizing the “g” on purpose. Nails on a chalkboard.

Jeopardy should not make me so cranky.

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12 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

The clue did say it was a compound, so I figured the hydrogen part was necessary, but it should have had a BMS.  Mayim's "NO!" is so vehement, it doesn't give the other other players a chance to build off that wrong answer. By her reaction, it's easy to assume nothing about "peroxide" was correct.

I agree that it needed a BMS.  However, just in general, if the answer is wrong, I don't think there should be more or less vehement responses of no to give the others extra clues based on the wrong answer.  If that made any sense.

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43 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I agree that it needed a BMS.  However, just in general, if the answer is wrong, I don't think there should be more or less vehement responses of no to give the others extra clues based on the wrong answer.  If that made any sense.

It did.  As I recall, one of the occasional complaints about Alex was that he would sometimes say "No" in a tone of voice that pretty much said "That's almost right, but not quite."  Thus giving the other contestants a big hint about what the right answer was.

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17 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Steve’s anecdote about not wanting to ask a trespasser to leave his property was an interesting choice given that he represents owners subject to claims of eminent domain.  Was there supposed to be an implied "joke," that he would really have taken measures harsher than offering lemonade, that didn't read?  I thought it was very odd.

there's a big difference between in person confrontation, and business/legal confrontation. Speaking as someone who's a physical coward (to be fair, I'm tiny), but a terror with the written word. (when called for...it's not my go-to response to anything).

11 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I can’t stand Mayim’s weird pronunciation of “singer” to rhyme with “finger.” And there were like three questions where she said that word!

In all fairness to Mayim, it seems to be a regional thing (what region I have no clue). I've heard it pronounced that way by many people - and if you've ever watched "The Masked Singer" - the host hits that g particularly strongly.

I don't like the pronunciation, but I accept that it's valid.

I didn't do particularly well, but I did run "Sounds Smart" - so if I'm going to run anything, that seems to be the one to run. 😁

Had absolutely no clue for FJ. I was wandering somewhere toward Narcissus...way off base.

Edited by Clanstarling
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37 minutes ago, laredhead said:

Math is not my long suit, and under stress I would probably have a hard time calculating at the last minute how much I would have to wager to win.

How much time do the contestants have to choose their bets for FJ?

Yesterday, Ben's best bet seemed clear to most of us (bet all his money) but he didn't do that. Maybe he hoped Steve would Claven (bet too much and get it wrong).

20 hours ago, Bastet said:

The phrase does not refer to prioritizing people based on gender generally, it's specifically about prioritizing relationships -- the close friendships with other women over the (usually new) dating relationship with some dude.  It was developed as the clean (as opposed to "chicks before dicks") response to "bros before hos", and more nuanced, although as with anything it did come to be more broadly used by some.

Sorry, still don't like it and never will.  Because not all my friends are female.  And because it's not particularly nuanced to say that you should always prioritize friends over people you're dating.

Given that I only ran 1 category (The Lyin' King) and had no clue on FJ (my answer: Castor & Pollux, which I knew was wrong), I still had a pretty good game.  Several categories where I only missed one (like blanking on Mila Kunis and stupidly being on the wrong continent for the last clue in Lakes & Rivers & A Mountain) and I finally got Upton Sinclair instead of Sinclair Lewis.

I should've known plead since I work in a freaking courthouse and defendants plead guilty all the time.  D'oh.

Plus, I got a lot of stumpers: Odysseus, Goldfish crackers, piebald, Morris Day, Karakoram (which is what the "K" comes from, as in K2), Alexandria, little grey cells, 80 proof and hydrogen peroxide.

I wanted Ben to win because he was cute but that was not a good bet.  I understand not wanting to be 3rd - been there, done that - but he should've bet it all.

17 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Was there supposed to be an implied "joke," that he would really have taken measures harsher than offering lemonade, that didn't read?

I read it as Steve being much less confrontational in outside life than he is in court.

17 hours ago, ams1001 said:

My thought process was, basically, I'm 99.9% positive that the Greek god of love is Eros; what other astronomical names end in -os...?)

That's not a bad process.  I'm usually good at Greek mythology but didn't even think of Ares being the father of Eros.  Probably still wouldn't have gotten it though, because I'm much less interested in Ares than Hades.

16 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

They probably wouldn't have accepted "the moons of Mars."

That would've been my answer if I'd thought of the Ares-Eros connection, so I'm gonna say it's right. 😉

16 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

When Temeena said "Peroxide," Mayim ruled her incorrect with a definite "NO."  Wouldn't that have called for a BMS?

Do they even do that in Double Jeopardy at all?  I know you don't get reminded to phrase your reply in the form of a question in DJ but can't remember about BMS.  Well, and we know how lax they are about it anyway.

15 hours ago, Roaster said:

I think they should have just ruled Peroxide correct.

The clue called for a compound, so peroxide alone was incorrect.

13 hours ago, secnarf said:

Grey matter instead of grey cells - wtf are grey cells?? I definitely thought grey matter should have been accepted.

Nope, nope, nope.  In Agatha Christie's books, Poirot specifically says "little grey cells" more than once.  A lot, actually.  Since he was referenced in the clue, it had to be his words.

3 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

I'm not sure when I ran across the fact that "proof" means twice the alcohol by volume percentage.

Like many other random bits of knowledge, I can credit knowing that to a Dick Francis novel.

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51 minutes ago, laredhead said:

Math is not my long suit, and under stress I would probably have a hard time calculating at the last minute how much I would have to wager to win.

13 minutes ago, Driad said:

How much time do the contestants have to choose their bets for FJ?

When I was a contestant, they allowed as much time as you needed to do the math, within reason obviously, and gave us pens and paper so we could do the calculations.  Plus, we could see the scores on a screen next to (or maybe above, can't remember exactly) the clue board.

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42 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I read it as Steve being much less confrontational in outside life than he is in court.

Yeah, maybe I thought there was something there beyond face value because I just find that an odd thing to want to share on national TV.  It wasn't an especially funny or interesting story, and that characterization of himself is really one of the few things he'd most like the world to know about him?  I know we're all different, but I simply don't get that, so that must be why I thought there could be some deeper meaning.

Edited by 853fisher
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21 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

When I was a contestant, they allowed as much time as you needed to do the math, within reason obviously, and gave us pens and paper so we could do the calculations.  Plus, we could see the scores on a screen next to (or maybe above, can't remember exactly) the clue board.

Something else people may not know: you can write your wager, but then if you change your mind, one of the contestant coordinators can hit a button somewhere on the podium that will erase it, and you can write a new wager.  When you are absolutely, positively sure of your wager, they will hit another button that locks in the bet.  You can't change it after that.

That's how it worked in 2018, at least.  I assume it still does.

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2 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

It did.  As I recall, one of the occasional complaints about Alex was that he would sometimes say "No" in a tone of voice that pretty much said "That's almost right, but not quite."  Thus giving the other contestants a big hint about what the right answer was.

I remember this well. “Nooooo?” That completely gave it away. So, yes, no should be just “no”. And “be more specific” should be said when answers should be more specific. 

I don’t think I’ve ever heard that BMS is not prompted in DJ, just like phrasing. And I don’t have enough little grey cells to recall one way or the other. Is this true?

17 hours ago, anniebird said:

Mayim's way of saying "singer" with a hard "G" is driving me crazy. Pretty much everything she does drives me crazy. Please can we have Ken back?

That is absolutely one of my biggest irritations, saying "sing-ger." We got to hear it multiple times yesterday, then last night I watched a rerun at midnight and got to hear SING-GER two more freaking times. And just because Nick Cannon says SING-GER too doesn't make it correct in my mind or for my ears. 


Plus side: Ken is back next week. And yes, BMS can be prompted in DJ. I'll bet Ken does it when needed. Wait and see!

1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

I don't like the pronunciation, but I accept that it's valid.

Maybe only valid at your house, not at mine.

Edited by PBnJay
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6 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

I'm not sure when I ran across the fact that "proof" means twice the alcohol by volume percentage.  I don't drink much, either, and if I hadn't read the meaning of "proof" at some point in my life (and remembered it), I probably would have had no clue, either.

Yeah, I have no idea what the Jim Beam label looks like, I just know that proof is the alcohol percentage times 2, and figured what other related number would be on the label of a whiskey bottle than the proof?

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49 minutes ago, Driad said:

One of the times Ken Jennings was on "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me," they chose categories with which he might be less familiar.  It turned out that a theoretical knowledge of Potent Potables was sufficient to win the game.

I don't drink much (mostly because I hate how it feels, and also I don't like much alcohol, which means the list of different types of drinks I've had is rather limited), but I tend to to pretty well at the booze categories for some reason.

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Catching up from last night -- I did not get FJ.  I had no idea that Eros had brothers, and would never in a million years have come up with the correct response.  End guy made a terrible wager, and Steve made the correct wager for his score.  I would have liked Steve to have bet maybe $100 more for the Daily Double, though, and made it a runaway.

I got the TS of goldfish crackers, piebald, Four Tops, 80 proof, and hydrogen peroxide.

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4 hours ago, PBnJay said:

That is absolutely one of my biggest irritations, saying "sing-ger." We got to hear it multiple times yesterday, then last night I watched a rerun at midnight and got to hear SING-GER two more freaking times. And just because Nick Cannon says SING-GER too doesn't make it correct in my mind or for my ears. .......

Maybe only valid at your house, not at mine.

It's not pronounced that way at my house. However, I've lived so many places across the US, and been around people from all over as a military brat that I have heard many different pronunciations of different words. So I can accept that regional variations are valid even if they are fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Which sing-ger is.

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Oh boy, another "how closely have you read your Bible?" category, my favorite!  (In fairness, a few were common expressions, but still...)

The way Mayim's hair was falling on either side of her head put me in mind of Elly May Clampett.  I acknowledge that it has no more bearing on how she hosts than the color of Ken's suits - I still thought it was terribly unflattering.

I'm not unhappy to see Steve leave.  Every once in a while there's someone I just don't "vibe with," as I've heard it said.  That's Steve.

I'm going to go have a lollipop or something.  I'm obviously in a very sweet mood.

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Did terribly tonight but in my defense I was dozing off until just before the game started (I set a timer 15 minutes before because I couldn't keep my eyes open) so my brain was not working at full capacity.

I got zero TSes (out of six) in the first round but I guess I was a little more awake by DJ because I got four (of eight) - Alex, French Bulldog, laconic, and twelve (DD).

I had to think for a few seconds but I got FJ.

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