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S23.E17: High Rollers #1, Nominations #6

Message added by peachmangosteen,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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The entitlement of Azah and Tiffany was really off-putting.  Holy hell.  Also Claire.  Does she really believe the crap she spews in the DR?

Fuck’s sake, Azah asked Kyland a question, he answered it, and she yelled at him for answering?!?

Also also everyone just seems really miserable and it makes for some real not fun watching.

It makes sense that people need allies, but this nonsense where the HOH has to get permission for every move is dumb.

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I think there's a 30 minute window first thing in the morning, right after my giant cup of strong dark roast coffee, when my brain is firing on enough cylinders that all this High Roller stuff makes sense to me. But the rest of the time, forget it. 

So 4 of them played tonight to get chances to bet on the upcoming veto. What does this even mean? Betting on who wins? I guess. Or who plays? And then there's something something Second Veto. What? 

And then there are two other powers that various people may or may not use, or bet on or something, which may or may not change the course of events. So many variables! 

It was fun to watch the joy of the people who got $100, but I'm not sure Deref should have blabbed about it. I felt bad for Claire "winning" $50 because I like her, but I admit she's coming across as extremely bland in the episodes. 




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Okay Azah.  You are not entitled to HOH. 🙄🙄🙄. If you don't win it, you don't win it.  Build a bridge and get over it.

I thought Claire looked so cute and young this episode.  But she's always yelling at the camera.  What did she say that was obnoxious?  (Not being snarky, I legitimately want to know.)

I love the Dereks.  

What did $50 mean?  Did it mean that American didn't want you to have anything?  You couldn't pay me to understand the ins and outs of this show.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

I think there's a 30 minute window first thing in the morning, right after my giant cup of strong dark roast coffee, when my brain is firing on enough cylinders that all this High Roller stuff makes sense to me. But the rest of the time, forget it. 

So 4 of them played tonight to get chances to bet on the upcoming veto. What does this even mean? Betting on who wins? I guess. Or who plays? And then there's something something Second Veto. What? 

And then there are two other powers that various people may or may not use, or bet on or something, which may or may not change the course of events. So many variables! 

It was fun to watch the joy of the people who got $100, but I'm not sure Deref should have blabbed about it. I felt bad for Claire "winning" $50 because I like her, but I admit she's coming across as extremely bland in the episodes. 




From what I’ve gathered, this week’s high roller game involves individuals deciding if they want to spend money to bet on someone to win the POV. Each individual who plays has to pick someone unique, after it’s decided who is playing in the veto competition. If that individual correctly picks the eventual POV winner, that individual wins POV, too. So if I chose you as my winner pick for the veto competition, and you win, both of us have the POV.

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10 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

If that individual correctly picks the eventual POV winner, that individual wins POV, too. So if I chose you as my winner pick for the veto competition, and you win, both of us have the POV.

Thank you! I will definitely reread this tomorrow after coffee, but even now it sort of makes sense to me. 😁

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Well, it was a little convoluted, but on the whole, I like this High Roller business. 

Kyland, DerekF, Claire and Sarahbeth will have a side bet going on the winner of the veto comp and one of them will win the bonus Gooooooolden Veto.  Who are the two veto players no one bets on?  If Claire won two vetoes, would she save DerekF as well as herself?  If you won the bonus veto, would you feel a little more inclined to use it just because of the hoops you jumped through to win it?


It adds an extra dab of tension--always a plus.

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11 minutes ago, argrow said:

Really, America? You give Derek F 100? Britini, as much as I cannot deal with her, I can see with her always a pawn, recent veto performance (even though she need to STOP SHOUTING!!). But Derek F? That useless person who has done nothing of substance at all in this game? Really?

I've heard that Deref trends well with the anti-Cookout audience because of the other episode when he was trashing Tiffany and threatening to leave the alliance. Kind of "the enemy of my enemy can have $100 for simply existing". Whatever works, I guess.

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Not liking Azah confronting ky about the HOH comp. She asked him, "Why did you keep picking me?"  Ky does his best to explain (yes he's  long-winded) and she does the, "I dont want to interrupt  you, but...." then interrupts and accuses him of not letting her express her feelings.  No, Azah, you don't get to ask someone to explain their actions, then get mad when they talk.  YOU ASKED!

And she's mad that he might actually be trying to win!

Edited by tinkerbell
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I really liked Azah. Well usually,  not so much tonight.  I can't believe she just expected Ky to give her HOH. And so much attitude when he wanted to talk to her. 

Derek X got $100 yay! I really like him.  I'm happy for those that got the 100 or 75, it probably feels good  to think that you are coming across well to some.



Edited by Cozytea
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9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Maybe that's why?  Because she doesn't pose a threat?  I don't know.  I think Kyland has a real target in mind and it could still be her.

I think it would be silly if it is . Alyssa is completely alone. Unless they aren't showing things.  Ky could definitely use her as an ally.

Edited by Cozytea
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48 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I've heard that Deref trends well with the anti-Cookout audience because of the other episode when he was trashing Tiffany and threatening to leave the alliance. Kind of "the enemy of my enemy can have $100 for simply existing". Whatever works, I guess.

That's what I've heard too and frankly, his anti-tiffany rant made me a fan of his.

Or, as I've also read, Derex fans accidentally voted for the wrong Derek 🤷🏻‍♀️

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8 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Or, as I've also read, Derex fans accidentally voted for the wrong Derek 🤷🏻‍♀️

That's kinda hard because if you texted "Derek", it texted back asking if you meant Derek X or Derek F. It also sent back error messages if you spelled any name wrong. I guess you could fat finger it once but I think you'd catch on by the tenth text.

ETA: Wait, I forgot who was voting. Never mind, there probably were some people who messed up the Dereks. America almost always sucks at these things.

Edited by Callaphera
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High Roller’s Room games (BB Bucks required to play):

  • Veto Derby ($50): shuffleboard-style game.  Highest-scoring HGs have the opportunity to bet on PoV players; if their selection wins PoV, then they get a second PoV to play as well.
  • Chopping Block Roulette ($125): “balance game”, whatever the hell THAT means.  Winner can remove a Block nominee, with the replacement chosen by the spin of a roulette wheel.
  • Coin of Destiny ($250): coin toss game; a successful call of the coin toss gives the winner power to depose the reigning HoH.

Each power can only be won once, and must be used during the week in which it is won.

Edited by Nashville
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Oh man, it's a tie between Britni and Azah for 'most annoying houseguest' this week... Britni dancing and screaming when she got one of the $100s was approx twice too loud and lasted like 10x too long. You didn't win ANYTHING but you are carrying on like you won the freakin' lottery. And Azah just reeked of entitlement tonight. Also, her nipples sticking an inch out of her top was making me very uncomfortable, almost as uncomfortable as Kyland must have felt during their 'talk'. I love the "I'm going to stop you there, since you aren't giving me the answer I wanted" approach.

Oh, and Tiffany? If someone throws it to you and you can't get the question right after being given five minutes to make your guess? That's on you.

What happened to this casting? More people are on my 'can't tolerate' list every week, sometimes two at a time or more.

Oh and as for the comp with it's convoluted workings... why did nobody look at the table and say 'Okay, the key here is to not block myself off on my later shots, so I'll shoot my first to the side instead of down the middle?' Kyland won because he did that (even though his spun back to the middle at least he started on the edge not the middle). Also don't slow roll your first! Better to slide off the end than stop one two feet in front of you and in the middle.

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The High Rollers Room was one of those things that must've sounded great when it was pitched, but absolutely fell flat when it was broadcast. There's a reason Survivor got rid of its shuffleboard challenge. Shuffleboard is mind-numbing to watch. It made me long for the days of BB20's the Hacker, and that's saying something.

I also didn't understand the rules about betting, and assumed there could be five Vetoes in play if everyone bet on the same person. Luckily, they explained it at the end but when you have to rush through nominations because your new twist needs 30 minutes to explain ... that's not a good twist.

And I really have to strenuously object to the one some of them are saving for: spinning a roulette wheel to determine a replacement nomination. This isn't even Clown Shoe (where you need attention to detail), or even one of those "crap shoot" HoHs (where who gets the power is random, but in a good way for the winner, not a bad way for the loser). They think this ratchets up the tension, but it actually does the opposite, for me: if you can't control your game to the point that you could randomly be put on the block when someone spins a wheel, what exactly is the point of playing a good game? Nominations aren't supposed to be based on the shruggie emoji. That's not good Big Brother, and it's really not good TV either.

Hope this twist is short-lived, because it seems to be nothing but an airtime-suck based where the outcome of someone's game could be  pure, random happenstance. Or to put it another way: there's a reason why flipping a coin isn't a televised sport.

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5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Oh, and Tiffany? If someone throws it to you and you can't get the question right after being given five minutes to make your guess? That's on you.

I was actually surprised that she didn't complain in the DR that Kyland should have answered wrong on purpose so that she could have won by default. 


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2 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I don’t like how those in the bottom half of the rankings from America’s votes will be priced out of competing in the other two high roller games. If you only get $50 BB bucks for the next 2-3 weeks, you don’t have enough money for the Chopping Block Roulette or Coin of Destiny.

I thought I heard Julie say there would be other opportunities to earn BB$ during the week.

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1 hour ago, funandfitpt said:

Did they explain why Tiffany doesn't get to pick a Veto player? She played like everyone else. Just because she got 0 doesn't mean she didn't play.

In order to earn the bet, you had to be "on the board," with at least 1 point. Those who didn't play or flung their juleps on the floor didn't qualify. Though I did wonder, if all of them played, and all got at least one point, what would happen? There would be more than 6 betters, and only 6 playing for the veto. That's probably when they would bust out "the top 6 with any ties determined by time" because how will the hamsters know any better? I don't remember them explaining that part in the room, and they could have just changed the voiceover if needed.

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Not liking Azah confronting ky about the HOH comp. She asked him, "Why did you keep picking me?"  Ky does his best to explain (yes he's  long-winded) and she does the, "I dont want to interrupt  you, but...." then interrupts and accuses him of not letting her express her feelings.  No, Azah, you don't get to ask someone to explain their actions, then get mad when they talk.  YOU ASKED!

Man, their conversation was painful to sit through. Cut to Kyland in the DR: "Azah is not good a communicating." True, but - neither are you! Then Azah in the DR: "I'm not being heard." He heard you, you just weren't making any sense. I'm not sure what she wanted from him - an apology I guess?

I always wonder when they do these "America Votes" things how the HGs feel when they realize "America" doesn't like them. I kind of relish the thought of their deflated egos.


I also didn't understand the rules about betting, and assumed there could be five Vetoes in play if everyone bet on the same person. Luckily, they explained it at the end but when you have to rush through nominations because your new twist needs 30 minutes to explain ... that's not a good twist.

No it's not, and it's also stupid. Assuming you correctly bet on the Veto winner, you win a second Veto, but the nominations are pretty much a lock anyway this week and the second Veto has to be used this week, so who do you use it on? Claire is the obvious target and if she wins Veto what's the point of Vetoing Derek F? I guess it guarantees your own safety but why the heck is Kyland wasting his time/money with it?

Also, what is with Tiffany's obsession over Sarah Beth?

Edited by iMonrey
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27 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Man, their conversation was painful to sit through. Cut to Kyland in the DR: "Azah is not good a communicating." True, but - neither are you! Then Azah in the DR: "I'm not being heard." He heard you, you just weren't making any sense. I'm not sure what she wanted from him - an apology I guess?

I always wonder when they do these "America Votes" things how the HGs feel when they realize "America" doesn't like them. I kind of relish the thought of their deflated egos.

No it's not, and it's also stupid. Assuming you correctly bet on the Veto winner, you win a second Veto, but the nominations are pretty much a lock anyway this week and the second Veto has to be used this week, so who do you use it on? Claire is the obvious target and if she wins Veto what's the point of Vetoing Derek F? I guess it guarantees your own safety but why the heck is Kyland wasting his time/money with it?

Also, what is with Tiffany's obsession over Sarah Beth?

I wonder if the second veto could be used on the replacement nominee. 

1 hour ago, greyflannel said:

I always wonder when they do these "America Votes" things how the HGs feel when they realize "America" doesn't like them. I kind of relish the thought of their deflated egos.

Alyssa said exactly that, " America dosen't like me."  lol, I shouldn't laugh  because I'm sure it feels awful.  However it gave me the same feeling that I got when Travis was picked last then first evicted.  Both,  like many other in this house are probably used to being treated very well because of looks. That's just how life is for the most part. Very attractive people don't have to be smart , funny or kind to be treated well. So it is just intresting to me that their ego's took a hit in this house.  I liked that America picked the 3 they picked.   Derek F isn't a favorite of mine. But I enjoyed all their reactions. 

Edited by Cozytea
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Azah has to be one of the more annoying houseguests we've had in quite awhile. Poor kid was just stunned she wasn't handed the HOH because she wanted it this week. Tears because OMG he's going to send MY friend home isn't he?  And then the embarrassing attempt at a conversation with Kylan. Where did these millennials learn to act like this?  

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2 hours ago, Ananayel said:

In order to earn the bet, you had to be "on the board," with at least 1 point. Those who didn't play or flung their juleps on the floor didn't qualify. Though I did wonder, if all of them played, and all got at least one point, what would happen? There would be more than 6 betters, and only 6 playing for the veto.

Top 6, ranked by (1) score and (2) time.

2 hours ago, Ananayel said:

That's probably when they would bust out "the top 6 with any ties determined by time" because how will the hamsters know any better? I don't remember them explaining that part in the room, and they could have just changed the voiceover if needed.

TPTB did touch on this in the broadcast when revealing the scores of the HGs who did play; Claire and SB were tied with scores of 4 points, but they specifically stated Claire was ranked #3 and SB #4 because Claire did better on time.

1 hour ago, greyflannel said:

I wonder if the second veto could be used on the replacement nominee. 

Depends on the order in which Production decides the different PoVs are to be played; could be the Veto Derby PoV has to be played first.

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there's a reason why flipping a coin isn't a televised sport.

The coin flip is the only good part of televised sports. It's football, I am talking about football.

The twist is way way way over convoluted and seems designed to mess with the dominant alliance, but I saw good analysis that said these mid game twists to screw the dominant alliance only do the opposite: solidify their power.

I laughed so hard this episode at Azah's face when Kyland was interrogating her. I relate, I make her look inscrutable, not just an open book to read but a graphic novel. Kylan Pow Wows are just one lone Oh No tik tok. 

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Well if Kyland didn’t want to win HOH, he sure sucks at throwing the comp. all he had to do is hit the wrong button.  Looks like his ego won’t let him do that.

why did SB spend her bucks?  She is in no risk of going on the block this week.  She would have been better off to save her bucks.

nice that the CO realized the optics of all of them not eliminated during the hoh comp, though that is their plan for the house. 


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Man, Azah is exhausting. I liked her at first, but then with her catty dislike of **I forgot her name** because she was close to Xavier, and now with her bitchy entitled attitude of “How dare Kyland not give me the HOH when I wanted it!” she is fast becoming one of my least liked players. And if you noticed, Derek F said he’d have to go on the block because he could not deal with another week of Azah whining and crying if Britni went up again. Not that he couldn’t put up with Britni being upset, but that he wouldn’t be able to stand Azah’s overreaction. 🙄

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17 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Man, Azah is exhausting. I liked her at first, but then with her catty dislike of **I forgot her name** because she was close to Xavier, and now with her bitchy entitled attitude of “How dare Kyland not give me the HOH when I wanted it!” she is fast becoming one of my least liked players. And if you noticed, Derek F said he’d have to go on the block because he could not deal with another week of Azah whining and crying if Britni went up again. Not that he couldn’t put up with Britni being upset, but that he wouldn’t be able to stand Azah’s overreaction. 🙄

She's a pain. Can't stand her.

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On 8/16/2021 at 12:12 AM, Cozytea said:

I really liked Azah. Well usually,  not so much tonight.  I can't believe she just expected Ky to give her HOH. And so much attitude when he wanted to talk to her. 

Derek X got $100 yay! I really like him.  I'm happy for those that got the 100 or 75, it probably feels good  to think that you are coming across well to some.



Well to be fair in his diary room confessionals he did say he DIDN'T want it so there's that...

Some of these people surprised me that they were unpopular (like Azah) to only get $50.

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On 8/16/2021 at 3:26 AM, alegtostandon said:

I have made the big mistake of rewatching the original seasons on Paramount Plus. I have totally lost interest and respect for this season after watching the masters! 

Surely you are not including the travesty of Season One with the whole "marked for banishment" and dumb America voting out the only  players that made things interesting leaving a pack of dullards. Though it did have the highlight of Julie Chen offering a suit case full of cash to get one of them out so they could introduce a girl who promised to  "shake things up in the house". Alas none of the fools took it and the CBS plant was left at the door. I must have a cruel, cold heart because the only thing enjoyable that season was watching one houseguest's marriage crack up on air. Worse season ever and that includes ones that feature Paul, Big Jeff or Franke Grande.

14 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Though it did have the highlight of Julie Chen offering a suit case full of cash to get one of them out so they could introduce a girl who promised to  "shake things up in the house". Alas none of the fools took it and the CBS plant was left at the door.

Setting the precedent for years to come of failed "twists" and fizzled shake-ups.

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"Keeping the Cookout together is is one of the toughest jobs I've ever had in my damn life-UH!" Xavier is dead to me now after that. I had to listen to that all bloody season on Big Brother Canada: "This is so messed up-UH!" "Shut up-UH!" "You shut up-UH!" Xavier may be hot, but that doesn't make it any less obnoxious.

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7 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

"Keeping the Cookout together is is one of the toughest jobs I've ever had in my damn life-UH!" Xavier is dead to me now after that. I had to listen to that all bloody season on Big Brother Canada: "This is so messed up-UH!" "Shut up-UH!" "You shut up-UH!" Xavier may be hot, but that doesn't make it any less obnoxious.


My 10yo does that and I'm trying to correct it, but it's pervasive in language now.

Message added by peachmangosteen,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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