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The View: Week of 6/21/2021

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1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

I heard that joke in the same form years and years ago and it was sexual but not gay related.  Like a similar non sports watching person also says years ago about only liking to watch to see all the tight ends . It was like when she had a bad joke writer years ago that was awful. 

Yes, I admit when I heard it I did not think she was referencing gay sex or being homophobic. I thought it was more along the lines of knowing nothing about football. But now that I have read comments here, I  can see how it was really a poor choice considering the topic. I don't think that was what she intended but unfortunately that's how it's getting covered now.

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6 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

When Joy tries to make a topical joke, her references are often about 30 years old. She's old. It happens. 

And, she’s not going to change.  She’s almost 80 years old.  If you want Joy on the show, that’s the humor you’re going to occasionally get.

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I'm watching the episode just now. I'm at the Val Demings interview. Even I was startled at The Princess' "stump speech" comment. Why is she always allowed to get away with being so rude? Good grief. 😡😡😡😡😡

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15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I want to see this occur too. Aren't something like 4% of death row inmates innocent? 

Yes, but 100% of unborn babies are innocent.

6 hours ago, Axie said:

I thought Joy's inappropriate joke for morning tv was the funniest thing she's said in awhile.  Of course, Meghan continued to look constipated while everyone else laughed.

If a guy panelist made that joke, he would have been fired.

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If Joy can’t resist making inappropriate jokes maybe it is time to retire. (FTR I love Joy but that was not good.)

I’m sure someone told Sunny in her earpiece who Nassib plays for.

Edited by Haleth
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2 minutes ago, Haleth said:

If she can’t resist making inappropriate jokes maybe it is time to retire. (FTR I love Joy but that was not good.)

I agree. And Sunny and Ana don't need to offer polite laughter. They may feel awkward portraying a look of disgust like Meghan, but at least remain stoic.

And Sara 🤦🏻‍♀️..Really?! I love Sara, but she needs to mature a little. She always laughs to the point of shoulder-shakes in reaction to these inappropriate "jokes."

I dont think it's right for us to pearl-clutch when other cohosts say inappropriate things, then excuse Joy because she's Joy. Joy can be held accountable, too.

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Wow...meghan actually didn't insert foot in mouth.  We need to write the date down because it'll never happen again.

With that said, giving Joy a pass because she's almost 80 is no good for me.  She's always said stuff like this....remember her joke about nurses...and I recall she would make jokes when an asexual guest came on the show.  So this isn't new...it just has happened less often compared to the Arizona princess.



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20 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The problem is that Joy is always being held accountable, even when it’s not necessary (i.e. the Nurse topic). As opposed to Twatty, who is never ever EVER held accountable for the shit, lies, slander, defamation, and misinformation she spreads on a daily basis.

This.  A million times.  Just once I'd like the PTB to hold MM's feet to the fire and make it clear that she's going to be held to the same standard everyone else on the show is held to.  When, if, that happens I will go back to being  a regular viewer again.  I'm not holding my breath.

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Maybe Joy was angling to get tomorrow off.  Double entendres are the norm from sportscasters when players have their hands on others' asses or someone penetrates the endzone and scores a touchdown.

Edited by deirdra
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As a gay I didnt mind Joys joke but the important thing is that she walked it back fairly quickly which most celebs don't do until called out for it. To me that's where the major difference is. Even if she were a male I dont think she'd lose her job or necessarily deserve to. Jokes fail sometimes, it happens, how it is intended is also very important. 

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7 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I agree. And Sunny and Ana don't need to offer polite laughter. They may feel awkward portraying a look of disgust like Meghan, but at least remain stoic.

I don't think that was simply polite laughter... As for the rest, I don't consider it "excusing" Joy because I didn't hear anything wrong in the first place. YMMV  And I'm gay myself. LGBT aren't a monolith apparently.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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8 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I liked how she went on about her good priest  and nun friends , somehow  I thought she was taking a jab at MM and all her friends to qualify whatever she’s spouting about.

That would be funny. I'm willing to think she was being truthful though just because I think both she and Whoopi have said in years past that they grew up going to Catholic Church as children or they went to school associated with Catholics (?)? Maybe she actually is friends with some people she knew from those days, perhaps a teacher or something. She was good friends with Paula, for example, and they were as different as could be.

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IF a male cohost on a show made the 'endzone' joke like Joy did today, he'd be fired this evening. As much as I like Joy, I'm angry to think she can get away with what she said by a faux apology. She lowered herself to Sharon Osborne humor on 'The Talk' - and that's very low.

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This is how Fox is playing it.


They are really making this a thing.


She was not making a homophobic joke. She was making a stupid and bad joke. 

It's so interesting how this is playing out, with Fox making MeAgain, shocked and outraged!

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I think the problem some might be having over Joy's comment is that she'll get a pass because she's a comedian. However, if anyone else on the panel made the same comment, I don't think most people would be so easy to forgive.

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8 hours ago, Haleth said:

If Joy can’t resist making inappropriate jokes maybe it is time to retire. (FTR I love Joy but that was not good.)

Yes, Joy made a stupid joke (and I don't think she intended it the way people are reporting it).

Are we really just going to rid of our elders because they may not be current and politically correct. I don't agree with that at all.

Think about our society and if we just dump our elders...

When Barbara Walters clearly had dementia and was still on the show, I really wanted someone (her daughter, the producers) to get her to step aside.

This is not Joy. She is fine. She made a stupid, old-fashioned joke. She did not even think it was about gay sex. Otherwise, she would never have said it. It was just old-timey stupid comedian stuff. I think that is why she loved Hacks.

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12 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The problem is that Joy is always being held accountable, even when it’s not necessary (i.e. the Nurse topic). As opposed to Twatty, who is never ever EVER held accountable for the shit, lies, slander, defamation, and misinformation she spreads on a daily basis.

Is Joy a horrible person like Meghan? No. Does Joy deserve to be "cancelled" over this?  No.  But am I going to shrug my shoulders and say Meghan does worse things so I'm going to give Joy a pass? No. She said something stupid. Do I think there was any intent on her part to insult this particular gay man, or any gay man for that matter? No. But she should in the future think before she makes a joke that could be misconstrued. I'm sure that joke has been said in comedy routines for years. But it was Joy who said it this time and for better or worse we expect better of her.




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1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

Is Joy a horrible person like Meghan? No. Does Joy deserve to be "cancelled" over this?  No.  But am I going to shrug my shoulders and say Meghan does worse things so I'm going to give Joy a pass? No. She said something stupid. Do I think there was any intent on her part to insult this particular gay man, or any gay man for that matter? No. But she should in the future think before she makes a joke that could be misconstrued. I'm sure that joke has been said in comedy routines for years. But it was Joy who said it this time and for better or worse we expect better of her.




I didn't say Joy should get a pass. I was responding to someone whose comment made it seem that Joy always gets a pass and it's time she's held accountable. Which is not the case at all. Aside from what she said yesterday, she's always having to apologize for making jokes, or comments that seemed like she was denigrating an industry, like, nurses.

And so now the pitchforks are out for her to be "cancelled". GOD, I HATE that word. Humans aren't transactions or shows that one can just cancel. 

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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

. Aside from what she said yesterday, she's always having to apologize for making jokes, or comments that seemed like she was denigrating an industry, like, nurses.

I agree with you.  I thought the whole thing with the outrage about nurses was stupid. I have to blame ABC for letting Meghan off the hook regarding so many things she should have apologized for. I don't know if they think being an obnoxious hateful person is just her brand and let her get away with it or if they are afraid she will turn her hatefulness towards them.  

I watched yesterday's episode on Hulu and the joke was still there.  If ABC really thought it was a problem I think they would have edited it out.

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16 hours ago, heysmilinstrange said:

When Joy tries to make a topical joke, her references are often about 30 years old. She's old. It happens. 

This has nothing to do with Joys joke but it reminds me of a conversation i had with my sister a few months ago. She was trying to tell me something about a rapper/singer she couldn't think of her name ,this went on for what seemed forever,  i  had no idea who she was describing, finally i said , Little Kim? 😄  We finally figured out she was talking about Cardi B. But not before we laughed untill we cried. She said how old are ?Little Kim??😄😄😄 i said old.

I'm 47,  little kim makes sense 👍

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4 minutes ago, Axie said:

Meghan, I'm fully vaccinated.  I'm not suffering because of those that will not get vaccinated.  But, they might.

THIS SO MUCH! I continue to remain amazed, and not in a good way, at the ignorance out there about what it means when you get vaccinated. And the likes of Twatty certainly doesn't help.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And so now the pitchforks are out for her to be "cancelled". GOD, I HATE that word. Humans aren't transactions or shows that one can just cancel. 

I hate it, too!! Leave that word for TV shows, events, etc.

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What is her problem with “The Squad”?  She brings them up a lot, maybe they have taken up residence in Me-Again’s brain.  I think that Bernie handled her “filleting”well.  Hard to get ahead of him!

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27 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Meg, you nimrod, the White House and plenty of other local governments have put out tons of PSAs about the vaccines.

This is part of the dumbing down of America.  Instead of going to experts people now look for social media and advertising to find out things. And if I never hear Meghan say again "I saw it on Twitter" it will be too soon.  For me things said on Twitter can be the equivalent to what is heard in a bar.

29 minutes ago, Axie said:

Meghan, I'm fully vaccinated.  I'm not suffering because of those that will not get vaccinated.  But, they might.

The data bears this out.  Almost all new covid hospitalizations are people not vaccinated.


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12 minutes ago, Triviatrish2 said:

What is her problem with “The Squad”?  She brings them up a lot, maybe they have taken up residence in Me-Again’s brain.  I think that Bernie handled her “filleting”well.  Hard to get ahead of him!

"The Godfather of The Squad"...good grief. 🙄

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Why is Meghan's right shoulder three inches higher than her left shoulder?

I noticed this the other day and thought it might have been what she was wearing but it wasn't.

Now I can't stop looking at it!

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Love that Sunny pointed out that (the only time) there was a strong push for gun control was once the Black Panthers started to legally arm themselves in the 60’s & 70’s.

I find myself watching with the remote in hand - as soon as Meghan starts her word salad soliloquy I hit mute.  Can’t deal with her droning on…figure I’m likely not missing much.


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I would  hope that Missy had the sense to slink out of the studio with her tail between her legs after getting schooled by Bernie for her asinine question about “the squad “.  Does anybody besides Missy even call them that anymore?

God she is tiresome!!!

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2 hours ago, Triviatrish2 said:

What is her problem with “The Squad”?  She brings them up a lot, maybe they have taken up residence in Me-Again’s brain.  I think that Bernie handled her “filleting”well.  Hard to get ahead of him!

Meghan is really in over her head trying to challenge Bernie. 

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How does she get away with spilling this crap. No one counters what she says.


“The fact that we’ve sort of given up on trying to reach out to demographics that may be ‘deplorable’ or ‘undesirable’ to people in the Biden White House, I think it’s a huge miss, and ultimately we all suffer,” McCain said.


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2 hours ago, cslustig said:

Meghan was no match for Bernie Sanders this morning! Read our View recap here: https://www.primetimer.com/theview/bernie-sanders-shuts-down-meghan-mccain-the-squad

quoted from the recap:


"You are the godfather of the Squad ... But it feels like the Squad today has moved even to the left of you," she said. "How is it for you to stand by everything AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar have said and done — particularly when it comes to Israel and talking about 'from the river to the sea' and the extermination of Israel as a right to exist — or do you think the movement, which you started, has moved away from what you envisioned?"

Did one of the three she notes here say that? Or is she just making shit up again? I couldn't find anything that they said that.

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3 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Meg, you nimrod, the White House and plenty of other local governments have put out tons of PSAs about the vaccines.

I think she's still upset that the administration didn't take her up on her idea of getting vaccinated in the White House  as she thought it would be an incentive for other conservatives to also get vaccinations. Thank God the Biden Administration put a quick kaboosh on that silly idea.

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