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S13.E04: Putting the Tiff in Tiffany's

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

As always, no spoilers from future media of any kind.  Stick to what is shown during the episode and events prior to the time this was filmed. 

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7 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Did they though?  I'm thinking this was a production orchestrated by production.  We've seen it before (RHOOC) where a cast member introduces the new woman "as a friend."  


6 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Did they really, though? For the life of me, I can't remember what the story was, but I thought producers merely used Leah to bring Eboni on the show and I didn't really buy it. Eboni had met Luann on the charity circuit and seems more on that level, not Leah's -- they should have used Luann as her vehicle onto the show. But then Leah would literally have no allies and Andy can't have that.

Good point! I guess they didn’t after looking it up just now but apparently Eboni really has hit it off with her according to this article. https://tvdeets.com/eboni-k-williams-says-she-has-formed-a-deep-friendship-with-leah-mcsweeney-since-joining-rhony/

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It’s interesting that when they show future (upcoming) clips, that LuAnn thinks she is being insulted “in her OWN HOME” wen Eboni states that she is more educated than anyone else there. Lu acts as if Eboni just called her a moron. 
I have more education than my next door neighbor. This does not mean she is uneducated. 🙄

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37 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Are the women on these shows taking copious amounts of laxatives to control their weight? I’ve never heard of so many woman shitting their pants in my life like it’s a normal thing. 

Did you ever see what they eat, especially Sonja.  She fills her mouth like she’s going to the chair.  Ramona eating oysters and drinking the hard stuff.  No wonder they are always in the bathroom.  Plus taking water pills every day for weight issues is dangerous.  I don’t thin Sonja eats well at home.  Ramona with the ice cubes to the top.  Maybe it’s just for the camera.  Sonja wears Depends when going on the Jitney.  If I ate and drank like them, I’d be in the hospital.

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24 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:


Good point! I guess they didn’t after looking it up just now but apparently Eboni really has hit it off with her according to this article. https://tvdeets.com/eboni-k-williams-says-she-has-formed-a-deep-friendship-with-leah-mcsweeney-since-joining-rhony/

Eboni has just gone down in my opinion. Of course this article was written 6 months ago and Eboni said this on some Andy show so maybe she has seen the light since then.

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4 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Oh you mean Leah’s box apartment and musty basement skeevy spa doesn’t do it for ya? 😂.  I mean, does it get any more pathetic than she had to use Ramona’s mansion for a party she wanted to host because Leah is no where near Hamptons property owning level?  Hell, her parents don’t even have a place out there.  She’s NOTHING.  And then, she proceeds to be on Ramona’s back the entire time.  IN HER OWN HOME.  Bless Ramona because I would have brought that up.  I still hope it comes up at the reunion.  YOU HAD TO USE MY HOME TO HOST BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING.  Got that?

That’s right.  Leah uses Ramona’s home for that whatever mombo jumbo thing in the backyard, then comes back for another three days, then picks on her all weekend.  If this was real, Ramona would have kicked her ass out.  But, the show pays for everything.  Plain and simple, Andy likes Leah.

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“Plain and simple, Andy likes Leah.”

Or she could be popular with people outside of this website. Or both.


Edited by Hiyo
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18 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Then maybe he should offer up his Hamptons place for her to host at.  

She would be an embarrassment to his uppity friends.  Plus some of them have little children.  Benjamin for instance.

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2 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

"I'm financially secure, I'm a Morgan!" 

No you are NOT a "Morgan".  And I imagine now that your daughter has reached 21 and can claim an individual entry, the Morgan family will do all they can to insure you are removed from the "Blue Book".  



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I don't mind Leah bringing up what Heather said on her podcast.  I don't like Heather, so that probably helps inform why.  Also, Heather did say all those things.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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7 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

So, it's ok that Heather trashed the cast and her time on RHNYC because hardly anyone listened to the podcast? Ummm,....no. If no one is there to hear the tree fall, does that negate the fact that it fell or make it less destructive? What she said was (all uncool) not cool.

I agree!

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14 minutes ago, Teriacky said:

Wow, LuAnn really hates Carole. 

I Know!  That was kind of hilarious to me. 

And remember, Carole was an actual Princess by marriage although she never used the title while Lu was only a Countess and used it endlessly - long after The Count split.     That used to crack me up too.  


Edited by Cosmocrush
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52 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

And remember, Carole was an actual Princess by marriage although she never used the title while Lu was only a Countess and used it endlessly - long after The Count split.     That used to crack me up too.  

Well since her husband never used it and no one recognized it as a title that would have been even more ridiculous than LuAnn and she would have been rightfully dragged.

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1 hour ago, Teriacky said:

Wow, LuAnn really hates Carole. 

Probably because she had her eyes on Adam for herself. If he had given her any encouragement niece or not LuAnn would have gone after him to quote Ramona like white rice. 

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55 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

I disagree. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Luann talking about her new boyfriend. I think Sonja is jealous and she was mean and petty about it. 

I don't get what Luann is doing wrong either.  I think it's nice to see her having fun and enjoying herself and being happy.  

I'm pretty sure Ramona used the term "Not one iota" correctly and I loved it.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, Sweet-tea said:

I agree with Ramona. Leah was vulgar. There’s no reason to talk like that at a dinner party. It seems like she’s just trying to shock people and get attention. 

I thought it was really tacky when she wore the MTTM “resting bitch face” mask to the winery last week, too.  Time and place (which for me would be never because I would be mortified to wear anything with the words Bitch on it in public).  But nope, she has to be the most vulgar and look at me!

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48 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't get what Luann is doing wrong either.  I think it's nice to see her having fun and enjoying herself and being happy.  

I'm pretty sure Ramona used the term "Not one iota" correctly and I loved it.

I'm happy for LuAnn too, but her track record with men isn't too good.  She acts like it's a first-time love every single time.  For me, it's a little much.  I'm just as bored by Sonja's constant talk about the Morgans.

I was really impressed that Ramona used "iota" correctly.  Kadooz to her!! 

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13 hours ago, 65mickey said:

A couple of things about the show last night. LuAnn is still making a fool of herself over a man.

I would expect a sober Luann to behave in a poised and elegant fashion even around men. When she got up off the ground, leaped, and attached herself to Garth she looked more like an awkward pre-teen. Even the way she talks about a current man. in her life is more like a young girl.  It doesn't jive with her age and life experiences.  


11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Eboni is beautiful, intelligent and very intuitive, but I think she may be coming in too hot for a "new girl".  I didn't like that she was calling out Luann on the bus for yelling at Sonja.  Yeah, Sonja is broken, but Sonja needs to be corrected when she starts rewriting the past, based on her dreamy delusions.  Eboni does not really know the long history between these two women, so until she does, she shouldn't be chastizing anyone.


I felt the same way.  It seems off for someone new to a group to jump in and offer advice and opinion regarding past situations about which she has only limited and far from first hand knowledge.   Additionally, catering to Leah's ridiculous behavior by acting like her interpreter during that beyond stupid silent period made me think a bit less of her.  

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10 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

I remain forever committed to Lu and Ramona. Leah could leave now. Sonja could go too. I do rather like Eboni, so she and Heather can stay.

I'm there with you only I would add that Tinsley should be added back to that pack as well.  Leah and Sonja are act like two badly mannered brats, particularly the way each attack and mock the woman who has opened her home to them.  Leah is the ruin of this franchise and Sonja no longer adds any value.  The others might engage in petty squabbles but they would be able to deal with them maturely while still getting together for fun little events, excursions, dinners, etc...y'know, the stuff that put RH on the map because they are team players who actually seem like they want to have some fun and enjoyment along the way.  

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I'm really glad that Eboni's "bitch" habit only seems to be restricted to Episode 1 where my theory is that she was just nervous being around a new crowd.  Now it's a lot of Babys, Honeys, etc. which I'm fine with.

If she didn't get along with Leah so well she'd be even more likeable.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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23 hours ago, Marley said:

I’m glad Luann ripped into Sonja. Everyone is just supposed to bow down to Sonja when she does nothing to help herself. Fuck that shit.


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20 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

Andy Cohen needs his ass kicked too for allowing this CLOWN to cheapen the show to degree that ass eating is acceptable dinner conversation. 

Maybe it’s my age, which is not young, but this was pretty over the line. Is it acceptable conversation at all? The editors chose to leave this in. Am I getting too old for the housewives shows?

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12 hours ago, chlban said:

As far as I am concerned the only HW even close to Leah in sheer awfulness is Brandi Glanville but, at least in the beginning, she had a mildly interesting story line

Excellent comparison

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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Probably because she had her eyes on Adam for herself. If he had given her any encouragement niece or not LuAnn would have gone after him to quote Ramona like white rice. 

I always thought this.  

I'm surprised that Leah didn't come to the party dressed like Holly Golightly when she first opened the door. Wearing only a sheet. She probably never seen the movie or she would have.  

Has Sonja ever had a real male relationship on the show?  I know she's dated some guys but that always seemed fake.  Especially Frenchie.    Luann has been married twice and had several serious relationships. Including the Ross from friends looking guy. Forget his name and too lazy to google.  I'm sure Sonja is jealous of this. She can't even get an old geezer in a nursing home to date her.

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2 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I thought it was really tacky when she wore the MTTM “resting bitch face” mask to the winery last week, too.  Time and place (which for me would be never because I would be mortified to wear anything with the words Bitch on it in public).  But nope, she has to be the most vulgar and look at me!

IMO, that mask had one too many words on it.  Take off the word "face", so that everyone will know what Leah is before they even speak with her.

I would suggest that you don't ask for anything from Leah's website as a birthday gift.  Almost every t-shirt and hoodie uses the word "bitch" or other kind of trashy sayings.


Everything on the site looks cheap and tawdry, and not just because Leah is the model for most of the garments.  There is not one thing on that website that I would ever even consider purchasing, and I love athleisure clothes.

No wonder Leah appears to be jealous of Heather.  As a successful  businesswoman with excellent products that reach out to many demographics, Heather is what Leah hoped to be, but never will be.  

Edited by njbchlover
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I don’t think Eboni should’ve defended Sonja at all. Even if Tom was a jerk and he definitely was, he was Luanne‘s husband and you don’t talk about sleeping with someone else’s husband. I also don’t mind Luanne and Garth. It’s Sonia who brought up his name nonstop. If any of the other ladies had new exciting relationships, they talk about them too. In fact I would enjoy it. It’s been too long since there were actual relationships on the show.  Why the heck was Leah so invested in Heathers podcast? Heather didn’t mention her.  Anything for drama. Whoever produces her is leading her down the wrong path.




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3 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't get what Luann is doing wrong either.  I think it's nice to see her having fun and enjoying herself and being happy.  

I'm pretty sure Ramona used the term "Not one iota" correctly and I loved it.

Yes - I was impressed that Ramona used that phrase correctly, but then, she goes and mangles the word "laryngitis" so badly, that I can't even figure out how to spell it here.  Don't ever change, Ramona!!!   😂

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1 hour ago, hypnotoad said:

My issue isn't whether I can drink as much as I used to, for me it's the recovery time! In my youth? I knew nothing of hangovers. Now? Just let me sleep for a couple of days!

{snipped for space}

Oh, yeah - that is another perfect reason to not drink like I'm in my 20's!!  I say it all the time - if the hangover lasts longer than the "drunk", than it wasn't worth it.

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15 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

Probably because she had her eyes on Adam for herself. If he had given her any encouragement niece or not LuAnn would have gone after him to quote Ramona like white rice. 

When Carol met Adam, he was in a relationship with Luanne’s beloved niece. Her anger at Carol stems from that.

I have watched only three of the housewives franchises, and I have watched them from the beginning: Orange County , Beverly Hills, and New York City. There have been a lot of women with problems and issues over the years on those shows, But I can’t think of anyone who begins to compare to Sonya’s decline over the past years. She is deeply troubled and in desperate need of help. It’s very disturbing to watch her on the show. It’s time for Bravo to let her go. Have I forgotten a housewife who was in such a dire situation?

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1 hour ago, hypnotoad said:

I remain forever committed to Lu and Ramona.

Same and for the same reasons.  

21 minutes ago, Mar said:

What did I miss? I didn’t notice anything

I'll admit to going back and watching after reading here and once you know what to look for it's pretty obvious(it's in the first scene, restaurant, white jeans).  First Ramona notices it when Sonja stands up with her back to Ramona; you can tell by the look on R's face, lol.    Then, when they are all standing around Sonja's back is to the camera and she very obviously had some sort of  uh, situation going on there but seems completely oblivious to it.   She's a mess.  

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13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Leah - she is really, really, really ruining this show.  She's crass, she's rude, she's trashy and she's an attention whore.  Way worse than Bethenny Frankel ever was.  She's mean and nasty - I think she is worse than Dorinda in that respect, too.  Ramona should have asked her to leave after being spoken to so rudely.  Tell her to go home and deal with her grief over her grandmother, which also seems more about her than actual sorrow at her grandmother's dying.  That conversation with Leah's sister was very telling.  It was all about "Me, Me, Me" and the fact that Leah's Mom isn't telling her to go make peace with her grandmother.  Leah has major Mommy issues, and I think that Leah's Mom is just simply exhausted after a lifetime of dealing with such a drama-filled attention seeker.  

I noticed that Ramona made a serious effort to constantly refer to the event planner/assistant and server/bartender by their names.  She repeatedly called them by name.  Glad that she took what Eboni said and is trying to correct her behavior.



I could not agree more about Leah.  The conversation with her sister was so telling - of course her Mom doesn't want Leah around, because everything in Leah's life has always been about Leah.  If she really cared about her grandmother she wouldn't be in the Hamptons, she would be there.  And her behavior at Ramona's house was disgusting.  You are a guest; you don't get to barge into private conversations between old friends, and then call your hostess a bitch while you rummage through her refrigerator.  Not to mention the unbelievably crass dinner conversation.  Ramona has had her share of ridiculous moments, and even mean ones (the conversation on the bridge with Bethenny for instance), but she was very kind to Leah on this episode despite Leah charging around her house calling her a bitch to all and sundry (she actually looked concerned about her "largongtz" or whatever she tried to say for laryngitis).  And I also noticed that she made a concerted effort to call the assistants by their names.

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Leah is literally a child, with her mime routine.  This is preschooler territory, and in watching her do it—IN HER THs, no less!!!!!—I literally said to myself “They’ve officially jumped the shark on this show.”  When Ramona made her leave the room, so she and Luanne could talk, the way Leah was calling Ramona a bitch and walking away from her, was so obviously her trying to be Bethenny.  I could even see B talking to Ramona’s staff about what an asshole she is, just like Leah did.  Leah is the definition of thirsty, and I just hope she goes away sooner than later!  I was just so happy that Ramona didn’t engage and played along with the mime routine, because that probably was KILLING Leah.  She obviously wanted to get a rise out of Ramona, it was not done with peace-keeping intentions, as Leah claimed her “Vow of silence” to be.  I loved the other HWs reactions when Leah started talking again, and apologized “Guys, sorry I just like needed a breaaaakkkaaa from speaking!”  No one cared. 😂

Eboni, saying (paraphrased) “What’s interesting in this group of women, is how they go at it, and then 5-10mins later, they’re hugging”  made me picture her saying it as Steve Irwin, talking about a group of crocodiles ready to snap (no LVP pun intended).  She is so right— these women are certifiable.  It is kind of terrifying actually.

I’m sure it’s been said already, but Ramona obviously binged “Big Little Lies” during quarantine, with her dinner party theme. 🙄

First I was saying “I can’t believe how janky and disheveled-looking Ramona’s Holly Golightly is! That bun is awful!”  Then Heather came out, and hers was worse! She did need Sonja’s help with hair.  

IMO, Sonja’s hair looked adorable, when she first came downstairs and Heather asked for help with hers.  Not sure what was going on with Sonja’s updo later in the evening, and also not sure on the slide on platform sandals with that lace dress.  Eboni and Lu looked good.  Leah I won’t even acknowledge, for the Breakfast at Tiffany’s theme, because she didn’t even do the assignment, other than the long cig holder.  (Oops I did acknowledge her anyway)

I forgot Heather was coming.  While I do see what Leah means about Heather being “fake”, I will say Heather has always talked like that.  It did come across as fake to me in the beginning, and I recall Bethenny not liking that about her either.  

Leah is just an asshole toddler though, and didn’t give Heather a chance, outside of her preconceived notions.  I was never even a Heather fan, but I liked Eboni’s comment about how she would help defend Heather if she could, and tell her to STOP talking!

I don’t know why I continue to even question Leah’s behaviors.  She will do anything for attention or screen time, but it isn’t even entertaining.  I hope Andy isn’t planning for us to be subjected to only Leah-types and their friends, in the future! 😢

Edited by Miss Bones
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A man just ain't a man if his tongue don't taste like your poop shoot. Sound advice handed down through the generations.

Watching Sonja is like watching the same rerun over and over. The only question is...will she shit, shart, piss, puke or all of the above by the end of the episode. 

Lu is staying away from booze and drugs, but she can't give up all her vices, so cigs and men are a full on go. 

Ramona hogging the expensive shots to herself cracked me up. In the morning, she's going to put Dom in her mimosa and make a pitcher with Andre's Cold Duck for the ladies.

Heather handled try-hard-Leah well. Unfortunately,  I think a calm reaction to her antics will only push her to amp it up. Next week she'll be saying Heather said Lu tried to eat her ass

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1 hour ago, Miss Bones said:

I’m sure it’s been said already, but Ramona obviously binged “Big Little Lies” during quarantine, with her dinner party theme

Oh, I bet you're right.   I was thinking it was to showcase her Tiffany dinnerware but maybe it's both.

And yeah poor Heather's updo was a mess but I like her confidence.  Not sure why Sonja wouldn't help her with it, Sonja being such a good friend to everyone don't you know haha.  

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1 minute ago, J80134 said:

Ramona hogging the expensive shots to herself cracked me up. In the morning, she's going to put Dom in her mimosa and make a pitcher with Andre's Cold Duck for the ladies.

Hahahaha!  I forgot about that!  Great classic Ramona; when she found out it was already chilled (and couldn't go back in the bottle) she just started downing them, lol.  


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10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I would suggest that you don't ask for anything from Leah's website as a birthday gift.  Almost every t-shirt and hoodie uses the word "bitch" or other kind of trashy sayings.


Everything on the site looks cheap and tawdry, and not just because Leah is the model for most of the garments.  There is not one thing on that website that I would ever even consider purchasing, and I love athleisure clothes.

I can’t agree with you more.  It’s basic T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, etc., with the mttm, bitch, I elevate this shit, don’t talk about my mental health or my vagina, emblazoned across the front. I can’t imagine who would want this garbage.  

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13 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I listened to most of Heather’s podcast with Carol Radziwill today and I actually enjoyed it.  They dished on some things from the seasons they shared on housewives.  Heather never said she saw Lu taking hard drugs.  They talk about the “Pirate” episodes and what actually happened there.  Heather said that during the time that the Pirate aka Italian Friends were at the house she saw harder drugs not who was using them.  Did Leah listen to the podcast or just read internet stories about it.  They also spoke about the Toaster Oven and how Heather was trying to help Sonja with the packaging.  Carol said there was never a toaster oven at all and it was only a storyline for Sonja.  I always thought the toaster oven was Sonja’s best idea only to find out it was a complete fabrication.  I don’t like Bravo telling me it a reality show and it’s loaded with B/S.  Now I’m more accepting of fabricated storyline but in the earlier years I believed what I was watching was semi-real.

I think this is what Heather meant in her talking head when she said nobody listened to the podcast. She didn't mean nobody (as in the general public), she meant nobody at the table listened to the episode. I'm pretty sure Leah just saw the headlines and like Heather said, the headlines are just going to sensationalize. 

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1 hour ago, Emmeline said:

I can’t agree with you more.  It’s basic T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, etc., with the mttm, bitch, I elevate this shit, don’t talk about my mental health or my vagina, emblazoned across the front. I can’t imagine who would want this garbage.  

I wonder what the other parents at her daughters school think of her.  Does she wear this stuff to school events?   Does she show up at the PTA meetings and argue with all the other parents and holler in their faces “I elevate this shit, bitch!”   

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11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I would suggest that you don't ask for anything from Leah's website as a birthday gift.  Almost every t-shirt and hoodie uses the word "bitch" or other kind of trashy sayings.


Well thanks a lot for ruining my birthday wish list!  😂.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, anything she has for sale on her site is something I can make on my Cricut.

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12 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Well thanks a lot for ruining my birthday wish list!  😂.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, anything she has for sale on her site is something I can make on my Cricut.

She is really deluded to think that the crap on her website has anything to do with feminism.

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Blugh to everyone.

I've been fairly neutral on Leah, but I truly disliked her this episode. I think the most egregious was calling Ramona a dumb bitch to R's employee. That puts the employee in such an awkward position where she is almost forced to defend Ramona, regardless of how she actually feels.  She's just there trying to do her job - don't try to bring her into the middle of your nonsense and get her on your side.  Absolute foul.  Also, I don't have a problem with the word bitch on tshirts and masks or whatever.  (As an aside, the "good dick will imprison you" tshirt actually made me lol, because: truth. Nothing worse than a good dick attached to a garbage man!) That said, if you are going to try to reclaim the word bitch, you cannot also use it as a slur against other women.  You can't do both.  The latter undermines the former completely.  Next, if you take a vow of silence, that doesn't just mean not using your voice literally.  You didn't vow to try to communicate in any way except your voice, and doing so only proves what an attention grab the whole charade (PUN INTENDED) was.  I was really annoyed with Eboni especially but all of them for playing into it.  Sonja was the only one with any sense when she was like, just ignore her.  Yes.  That's exactly what you do.  Finally, I wish someone there was quick enough to shock her back about her ass eating comments when she said if she was a man she would be all over it.  Um...all those men you expect to toss your salad?  They also have asses.  Get busy on that or shut your mouth.

Speaking of Sonja...woah.  Y'all, this isn't ok!  Whether you think Sonja has brought her problems on herself or not, it has to be clear to anyone that the woman isn't ok and needs help. And honestly, I think Bravo owes her something at this point.  I'm not saying it's their fault, but they have continued to employee her, film her, and put her on national television when anyone can see she's in crisis.  I feel like Bravo is trying to see if they can get their first on screen death.  I've never been one to say "so and so is ruining the show" or even thought about stopping watching a show because of a character (the ones that make my blood boil are the ones I tend to talk about, no coincidence there), but Sonja makes me feel unethical watching.  Sonja makes me feel like I might have a moral obligation to stop watching this show.  I'm sad and scared for her, and I truly help she finds the help she so desperately needs.  I totally understand the people in her life being frustrated and angry and snapping - I truly do, but my heart also breaks to see someone so damaged, regardless of her own role in getting there.  Damaged is damaged and I can't root for anything but help.

And on that note, I think Lu was completely right and also pretty wrong when it came to Sonja/Tom.  Luanne knows her marriage was shit, and I'm sure Sonja essentially making a LARGER claim to Tom has to just compound that.  I totally get where she is coming from that it would be infuriating to listen to, and it would just seem like Sonja is further denigrating an already shitty situation.  As I said above, I don't blame her for snapping.  But it's also pointless.  Eboni was right that screaming at Sonja is just making things worse. On the other hand, I'm not bothered at all at her giddiness over Garth. She may look silly, but she seems happy with him, so who cares?  Life is short so climb that tall man like a tree.

Oh Heather, so much cringe.  I don't hate her or love her, but man, I felt bad for her walking into that shit show. It was clear she wasn't expecting it.  She came in fully thinking Sonja would help her with her hair, and I literally said, OH NO, when she obviously did it herself and didn't know how.  No shade - I couldn't have done it either. And while I'm not sure why she thought there would be no reaction to what appeared to be some pretty shitty things about these women, I couldn't help but feel bad for her when it was so obvious she was being frozen out.

Ramona was great by Ramona standards.  Saying that about mortgages was stupid - again like with Luanne, being right but also why bother saying?  While Sonja's reaction was insane, no question about that, it also wasn't exactly unpredictable.  

Eboni - stop cosigning Leah's idiotic  behavior and we'll be fine.

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Leah is a passive/agressive bully/victim.  That is all.

Ooops, I lied:  every time Leah says the word "plasma,"  take a drink.  There. That is all (for now). 😅

Edited by Saph
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I loved the cut to Eboni quickly shoveling steak into her mouth during the mayhem at the restaurant.  (Reminded me of Eddie on RHOOC, who'd always be eating during the altercations.)  

Cicadas are raining from the trees and I'm sympathizing with Ramona, so it's probably the apocalypse, but Sonja said horrible things to her and owes her an apology.  (Why do they all coddle Sonja so much??)  I also thought Ramona was fairly polite when she asked Leah to please come back in five minutes.  And I liked the way she seemed genuinely happy about Luann and Garth.  I don't know what's happening to me.

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