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S03.E20: Two Proposals, a Homecoming and a Bear

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Oh, god, that ending :p.

LOL, I loved Geena's reaction as she learned about all the crazy stuff that these guys had been dealing with while she was gone. I really liked the interaction between her and Becky this episode, too, and them bonding over their guilt regarding everything with their kids. I'm glad Geena's back home for good now, I hope that means we get to see more of her and the family as a whole. And it's nice to see Becky taking some good steps forward for herself professionally, too. I want this plan with the restaurant to work out for her, and for Jackie, too. 

As for Darlene and Ben, it's always neat to see a woman being the one to propose for a change, so there's that :). But I'm not surprised Ben turned her down. Given all the stuff they've been through lately, it's understandable. I don't think they're ready for marriage yet, either. I do think taking a break is a good idea for them both. 

But hey, Dan and Louise are getting married, so that's something to celebrate :). Yay! See you all back here next season, then!

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Glad to see Gina back and home permanently. 

I’m hoping that we’ve seen the end of Ben and Darlene as a couple. I wish we would have seen the other proposal. 

I like the idea of a sports bar for Jackie and Becky. I hope it’s successful. 

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Does no one ever talk to Gina?

"Staying safe by limiting customers"...as we all take off our masks in unison.

"They're my daughters and believe me I'd never marry either one of them." 

"I'm getting married." Um, maybe see if he says yes first?

"I never drank in front of the kids"...except my own.

Smart move, Ben. How much of her saved money did she spend on the ring?

Though sleeping in the back of a hardware store was his choice, so I don't have a lot of sympathy there.

Not sure a few good days at the Lunchbox is reason enough to quit the factory. You don't know if it'll last.

Happy for Gina retiring and Mary getting to get out of that house!

And in case anyone is wondering about the dedication at the end, Terrel Richmond was a crew member who passed away on set in March, just before they filmed the finale.

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Thank goodness. That needed to happen with Ben and Darlene. Maybe they'll start fresh, but they can't keep going like that. They are letting life happen to them instead of sitting down to talk and plan. And I mean talk to each other, not at each other. 

Glad Gina is back and be the happy branch of the family. Maybe Gina (and Louise) will whip the rest of them into shape.

The mask thing is driving me crazy. Why wear them outside and take them off inside with strangers? It's the opposite of they're suppose to do.

Edited by Snow Apple
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I can't really be mad about this finale. The right couple got engaged, and the right couple broke up. Maybe Ben should have recognized that Darlene needed a vacation, even if it was a smaller, more local one, but Darlene has been grating on my nerves forever now and I'd argue she had this coming so I'm kind of thrilled he dumped her ass, lmao.

Until September! :)

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Can someone tell me what Jackie said after everyone rushed in the house after catching Dan and Louise in flagrante?  Our DVR cut off just as she went to wipe her forehead. Thanks!

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30 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

Can someone tell me what Jackie said after everyone rushed in the house after catching Dan and Louise in flagrante?  Our DVR cut off just as she went to wipe her forehead. Thanks!

Well obviously it was Louise. She couldn't get up with Dan on top of her.

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It's for the best Darlene and Ben break up. The relationship ran its course. Hopefully with Geena back, they'll feature DJ and his family more. 

I'm glad Becky and Jackie are getting a win.

Can Darlene return her ring?

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I hope Darlene and Ben stay broken up for good. It had run its course and they both honestly brought out the worst in each other. Goodness, I can’t believe Darlene was one of my favorites in the original run. She’s insufferable now. Was she always self centered ?! I liked the rest though, as always, I think they’re jumping the gun on the restaurant as the novelty will wear off customer wise.

I like that Dan and Louise got engaged but surprised they didn’t mention Roseanne at all. The kids aren’t conflicted at all? (Did we ever see how DJ handled his mom’s death… or anything at all?) I like that Gina’s back and hope they focus more on that branch of the family for a bit and less on Darlene’s.

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I loved the finale..

I'm so happy for my favorite couple Dan & Louise it's about time, but as @Stacey1014 I wish we had seen their proposal too, but oh well you can't have everything. 

I'm was so relieved Ben turned Darlene down (although I kind of already suspected he would) it was the right thing to do as they've had so many problems lately I think it would just caused more for them so I really wasn't surprised at all by it. 

The ending was funny when they all ran back into the house!

I can't wait for season 4 and more of Dan & Louise. 

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Insert weekly mask grumbling here.

I hate proposals, so I'm glad I only had to sit through one.  I can't muster up more than a yawn in reaction to Dan and Louise getting engaged, but at least that - unlike any other pairing on the show - makes some sort of sense, so I'll just be relieved and move on. 

They should have gone for consistency, though, and had Dan wimp out on this tattoo, too - a "Lou" to go along with "Rose" because he couldn't take it, not because that's what he asked for going in.

It was a pretty ho-hum episode in general, but Jackie turning her Jeopardy! infamy into a promo for the restaurant was amusing in its own way.  Being indebted to Neville doesn't strike me as a good idea, nor does Becky's eagerness to quit the factory, but I laughed at Darlene firing her instead so she can scam some unemployment out of Wellman.  So, we'll see where that all goes next season.

As long as Geena doesn't thump her bible at anyone, it'll be nice to have her back.  The scene between her and Becky was nice.

And it was very nice for Ben to have turned down Darlene's proposal.  They were good for each other for about five minutes, but everything before and after that has been wrong.

I mostly just watch this show out of inertia (I'd never watch it if not for having such a long history with the characters), but I'll do it all again next season.

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9 hours ago, t7686 said:

I hope Darlene and Ben stay broken up for good. It had run its course and they both honestly brought out the worst in each other. Goodness, I can’t believe Darlene was one of my favorites in the original run. She’s insufferable now. Was she always self centered ?! I liked the rest though, as always, I think they’re jumping the gun on the restaurant as the novelty will wear off customer wise.

I like that Dan and Louise got engaged but surprised they didn’t mention Roseanne at all. The kids aren’t conflicted at all? (Did we ever see how DJ handled his mom’s death… or anything at all?) I like that Gina’s back and hope they focus more on that branch of the family for a bit and less on Darlene’s.

It is odd no one mentioned Roseanne. Even if everyone is supportive of Dan and Louise, you'd think someone would have brought up Roseanne. 

Second viewing it was selfish and arrogant of Darlene to presume she and Dan will have a double wedding. I hope Darlene has more awareness about herself next season.

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It was nice that Geena mentioned her and DJ's first school dance. I like glimpses of the past. Hope we get more of that in the future. I still want to know how they got together. Did they bond over their commitment to church? Did they run into each other and started hanging out and fell in love?

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I figured Ben would turn Darlene down, especially when she came into the store and he seemed like he would have wanted anyone but her coming in.  I'm mad that all of a sudden he doesn't want to be bothered with her, she cashed in the damned Hawaii tickets and put a chunk aside for their future plus she recommitted to him....what more does he want?!

LOVED Dan and Louise getting engaged, woo-hoo!!  Now that Rebel has been cancelled I hope to see lots more of her next season.

Geena's return didn't do anything for me at all.  Why be pissed at D.J. when others could have told her what was happening?  And if you're retired, why did she mention that she'd be back at Afghanistan?  Finally, couldn't she and D.J. have shared a passionate return kiss, something?

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How much is left on the mortgage? The Hawaii tickets didn’t put in a dent. Darlene was delusional to think Ben would accept her proposal. If she wants to keep helping her dad, she’ll never get away from the house and Ben wants them to have their own life. Maybe Darlene thinks she *can* get away now that Louise is there to shoulder the burden? I hope Louise don’t lose what savings she has.

And why isn’t there any mention of stimulus checks?

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33 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Geena's return didn't do anything for me at all.  Why be pissed at D.J. when others could have told her what was happening?  And if you're retired, why did she mention that she'd be back at Afghanistan?  Finally, couldn't she and D.J. have shared a passionate return kiss, something?

I think she decided to retire in between the conversation with Becky and them packing Mary's things to take her home. Seemed like there was some time in between for her and DJ to discuss it.

I don't know what her rank is or what it takes to retire (does she have a certain amount of time she's committed to?) but at least she can put things in motion for that to happen. Maybe they'll just keep her assigned to the base until her retirement date?

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54 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I don't know what her rank is or what it takes to retire (does she have a certain amount of time she's committed to?) but at least she can put things in motion for that to happen. Maybe they'll just keep her assigned to the base until her retirement date?

When her resignation was accepted, she would be placed on Terminal Leave. She would technically still be in the military but would be using up any accumulated leave days she had left. She could go wherever she wanted to during her terminal leave. She would become a civilian again once her she ran out of leave days.

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Darlene has already been married.   Why would she think getting married was a good idea?  They have a lot of issues in their relationship.  Darlene is a PIA but Ben isn’t all the great either.  Why was it okay for Darlene her kids and her boyfriend to life rent free in Dans house.  When it was time to chip in Ben was awful.  Harris has been more responsible helping her grandfather. 
  Finally some thing good is happening for Becky, Jacky and Dan. Although honestly I don’t know why Peg Bundy wants to marry Dan. They seem better suited to just date.  

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Just now, tribeca said:

Darlene has already been married.   Why would she think getting married was a good idea?  They have a lot of issues in their relationship.  Darlene is a PIA but Ben isn’t all the great either.  

She knows that their relationship is making its last spastic kicks before it dies in the Connors' driveway. She is so desperate not to be alone that she suddenly romanticized the idea of being married.

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1 hour ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:


Geena's return didn't do anything for me at all.  Why be pissed at D.J. when others could have told her what was happening?  And if you're retired, why did she mention that she'd be back at Afghanistan?  Finally, couldn't she and D.J. have shared a passionate return kiss, something?

I didn't like the shade Geena tossed at DJ in having a successful career. I expect that from Darlene and Becky but Geena should be happy about her husband especially him holding things down while she was away. It's not a surprise DJ has a successful career and marriage. More expectations were placed on Darlene and Becky, it was easy for DJ to quietly go about his life and build his career unpressured. BTW where is her family?

1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

How much is left on the mortgage? The Hawaii tickets didn’t put in a dent. Darlene was delusional to think Ben would accept her proposal. If she wants to keep helping her dad, she’ll never get away from the house and Ben wants them to have their own life. Maybe Darlene thinks she *can* get away now that Louise is there to shoulder the burden? I hope Louise don’t lose what savings she has.

And why isn’t there any mention of stimulus checks?

Darlene has been delusional for a long while and she proposed for the wrong reason. She saw Dan doing it and decided she should, too when she and Ben aren't even on the same level and nowhere near ready for marriage. 

54 minutes ago, ams1001 said:


I don't know what her rank is or what it takes to retire (does she have a certain amount of time she's committed to?) but at least she can put things in motion for that to happen. Maybe they'll just keep her assigned to the base until her retirement date?

I think it's 20 years. If she enlisted at 18 or 20 she should have it but the way this show writes things (masks 🙄) Geena could retire after 10 years.



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 Although honestly I don’t know why Peg Bundy wants to marry Dan. They seem better suited to just date.  

I agree. I just don't see any advantage to it. They're not going to have kids, financially, it could be disastrous for Louise and moving in together would make more sense.

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1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

And why isn’t there any mention of stimulus checks?

Stimulus checks were based on total household income. If all five adults in the house (Dan, Becky, Harris, Darlene and Ben) had each made at least $20,000 in 2019, they would be over the threshold to receive any stimulus checks even though individually they would have had an income that was considered below poverty level. Once Harris moved out, the remaining four still could have made only $25K in 2020 and still been ineligible for stimulus checks. There should, however, have been something mentioned (aka bemoaned) about how they were being screwed over by the government because they thought they were the people who needed the money the most.

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18 minutes ago, Arcadiasw said:

I didn't like the shade Geena tossed at DJ in having a successful career.

Do we know what Geena does in the military? Will it easily translate into a good civilian job?

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4 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

Stimulus checks were based on total household income.

I thought stimulus checks eligibility were based on your last year's tax returns. There is no way everyone living in that house filed together.

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15 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

I thought stimulus checks eligibility were based on your last year's tax returns. There is no way everyone living in that house filed together.

They probably sent in separate tax returns; however, they would all have the same home address on them which is what is used for calculating all government benefits: stimulus, earned income credit, food stamps, etc.

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A sports bar doesn't sound any better than a restaurant that serves stew all the time. Who is going to sports bars - or any bars - right now? 


As long as Geena doesn't thump her bible at anyone, it'll be nice to have her back.

I'd forgotten about that. In fact it's been so long since we've seen the character I couldn't even remember if it was the same actress. 


Now that Rebel has been cancelled I hope to see lots more of her next season.

Wow, already? I never even got a chance to check it out!

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35 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

They probably sent in separate tax returns; however, they would all have the same home address on them which is what is used for calculating all government benefits: stimulus, earned income credit, food stamps, etc.

No it’s not.  The stimulus was based off each tax return filed, not by address of the cumulative occupants.  You don’t even have to have an address to get the stimulus (homeless were / are entitled).   Darlene would have received for herself and her 2 kids (unless Harris filed her own separate tax return).  Dan would receive his.  DJ would receive for him and Mary.  Louise would get her own.  The Connors most definitely all got stimulus money.  

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3 hours ago, Snow Apple said:


And why isn’t there any mention of stimulus checks?

Because we would've gotten an episode of Ben lecturing everyone how to spend their money and no one wants to watch that.🤪

Though I am curious how the Conners would've blown their money because I don't think any of them would be fiscally responsible with the checks.

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As soon as Darlene started studying the jewelry displays I was all 'Oh no, she's going to pull a Pearson!'

I'm not sure if Ben would have been more willing to accept her proposal had the 452 bucks still been in that cookie jar but spending it on a whim on a ring just hours after complaining about finances was -once again- just stupid.

Also stupid: having someone fresh out of rehab working in a sports bar. I want Jackie to have a win, but it really bothered me that no one suggested that for the time being Wellman was the better work environment for Becky.

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14 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

No it’s not.  The stimulus was based off each tax return filed, not by address of the cumulative occupants.  You don’t even have to have an address to get the stimulus (homeless were / are entitled).   Darlene would have received for herself and her 2 kids (unless Harris filed her own separate tax return).  Dan would receive his.  DJ would receive for him and Mary.  Louise would get her own.  The Connors most definitely all got stimulus money.  

Thank you. I thought I understood it the way you explained.  Them not mentioning stimulus money is the just the writer's way of making them perpetual victims of their own financial mistakes.

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16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Smart move, Ben. How much of her saved money did she spend on the ring?

That's a good question.  Maybe it was a hint when she put the ring in the house bank she had made, for Ben to find.  It would be very Conners-like for Darlene to realize Ben wanted her to invest in their future, so she blew all the money she had saved on a ring.

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4 minutes ago, rmontro said:

That's a good question.  Maybe it was a hint when she put the ring in the house bank she had made, for Ben to find.  It would be very Conners-like for Darlene to realize Ben wanted her to invest in their future, so she blew all the money she had saved on a ring.

$250. At least that's what she said.

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Harris might not have gotten a stimulus check.  Young adults who were still dependents fell into a weird black hole.  Mark could have had his stimulus check go to David, just depends how their custody situation was worked out.  I think that would have actually been an interesting episode if that had happened.  Darlene was employed at the paper, so it would have depended on Ben paying her above board and her actually doing taxes.

Becky should have gotten a check and so should Dan, unless he was being squirrelly with the drywall business.

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9 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

$250. At least that's what she said.

Okay, she blew half the money then (or close to half).

I wonder if they don't have the actor who plays Ben signed for next season, and that's why they left things so ambiguous.  It's going to be a little awkward if they break up, considering he and Dan are business partners.

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10 minutes ago, Saylii said:

Harris might not have gotten a stimulus check.  Young adults who were still dependents fell into a weird black hole.  Mark could have had his stimulus check go to David, just depends how their custody situation was worked out.  I think that would have actually been an interesting episode if that had happened.  Darlene was employed at the paper, so it would have depended on Ben paying her above board and her actually doing taxes.

Becky should have gotten a check and so should Dan, unless he was being squirrelly with the drywall business.

No you’re correct.  I was trying to be as basic as possible with my math.  And I also was thinking of my friend who’s adult 22 year old son lives with her but files on his own.  He got a check, she didn’t.  So with Harris, she would have either got one herself.  Or Darlene / David would have got her benefit.  Depending on which one claimed her.  Either way....the show juts glossed over the entire subject.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

A sports bar doesn't sound any better than a restaurant that serves stew all the time. Who is going to sports bars - or any bars - right now? 

I'd forgotten about that. In fact it's been so long since we've seen the character I couldn't even remember if it was the same actress. 

Wow, already? I never even got a chance to check it out!

You still have time. The remaining 5 episodes will, be shown.

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10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought Dan did get married. Wasn’t that a string of cans Darlene had in her hands when she ran back into the house?

She caught them in the sack, I don't know about getting married but they better not do us out of a wedding.

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10 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

She caught them in the sack, I don't know about getting married but they better not do us out of a wedding.

Oh, I thought Darlene went out to hang the cans on the vehicle....as in Just Married. Maybe, I was mistaken.

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8 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Oh, I thought Darlene went out to hang the cans on the vehicle....as in Just Married. Maybe, I was mistaken.

Maybe I missed that part. I just remember my hubby saying "What has been seen cannot be unseen."

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

A sports bar doesn't sound any better than a restaurant that serves stew all the time. Who is going to sports bars - or any bars - right now? 

Well I can only speak for Fort Worth, but Texans, and at the risk of painting the Midwest with a brush, I'd suspect many folks in the Midwest. My governor just forbade my employer (a municipality) from requiring masks to come onto any municipality, school district, etc property so (which may or may not include our convention centers, I'm not sure)...

The family was thinking that Dan and Louise were going to elope while on their trip. That's why they were decorating the trailer. They didn't know Dan and Louise were breaking in the new (to them) trailer.   

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3 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Also stupid: having someone fresh out of rehab working in a sports bar. I want Jackie to have a win, but it really bothered me that no one suggested that for the time being Wellman was the better work environment for Becky.

Yes, thank you! This was my first thought. Well, my second thought, after thinking how dumb it was for Becky to quit her job to work at a place that had a couple of good days and was about to completely switch business models. My third thought was how dumb it was that she thought she could use a sports bar as a permanent day care solution for Beverly Rose. Come on Conners, I really want you to have a win, but you always make it so darn hard to root for you!

4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

A sports bar doesn't sound any better than a restaurant that serves stew all the time. Who is going to sports bars - or any bars - right now? 

It wouldn't surprise me if they set the next season in a post-pandemic world. They've gotten more and more lax with their masking/social-distancing, so why not just chuck it all, and go back to normal. It would probably be less distracting than what they're doing now.

20 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I'm glad Geena's back home for good now, I hope that means we get to see more of her and the family as a whole.

It would be nice, but I'm nervous that this means we'll see them even less. I'm pretty disappointed in how they've handled this entire branch of the family. It's a great set-up, but we've learned practically nothing about how DJ and Geena got together, the issues they face with long-distance and military service, Geena's family, etc. And I want to like Mary, but I honestly couldn't even tell you one thing about her because she's gotten so little screen time. Well, except that she loves the K-pop group BTS. Actually, that scene a few episodes ago with Mary and Mark talking to Harris about tattoos really stuck out to me because it's so rare to see the younger cast members talk to each other. After all this time we know almost nothing about their relationships with each other, and that really sucks. I would gladly give up half of the Darlene/Ben drama in exchange for more quality time with the younger set.

Overall, I was happy with this season finale. It set up some good things for the future, and I'm looking forward to more Dan and Louise. I agree that it would have been nice to see the actual proposal, but I don't mind not seeing it because I'm not sure which emotional chord would be the most appropriate (especially since they're doing the TV thing of barely mentioning the dead character). I briefly felt like a bitch for cheering on Ben while he dumped Darlene, but I'm so glad he did it. They are a disaster together and I hope it's a permanent break.

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4 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Young adults who were still dependents fell into a weird black hole.  Mark could have had his stimulus check go to David

In addition to paying child support👽😉

I absolutely HATE Jackie anymore.  I realize that she's supposed to be troubled about her mom, but really, if that is the case GET ANOTHER ACTRESS,   I know she's a gifted dramatic actress but she is totally obnoxious in this role.

4 hours ago, geauxaway said:


  A Life Coach?  That's feeding fresh meat to alligators.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Why did Geena not kiss DJ?  Was that supposed to be funny?

I could tell Ben wasn't that into it while Darlene was proposing, but was surprised he actually said no.  I was waiting for a fake out after the commercial, but Ben made sense.  He was really burned about those Hawaii tickets after all!  I guess everyone has their limit and it was a case of too little too late.  They should just break off completely and find their loves elsewhere.

I hope Dan and Louise have fun being married.

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought Dan did get married. Wasn’t that a string of cans Darlene had in her hands when she ran back into the house?

Dan and Louise were going on a weekend camping trip. The family were decorating with just married cans  because they thought Dan and Louise would elope. 

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26 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

Why did Geena not kiss DJ?  Was that supposed to be funny?

It could have been if it existed in a vacuum, that she pretended to want privacy to say a proper hello but really wanted to ask him WTF? about not telling her the shitshow Mary has been living in that is allegedly better than being alone at home.  But since it exists in the same universe in which they cut away just as DJ and Geena went in for a simple kiss in a previous episode, it's troubling.

3 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

The family was thinking that Dan and Louise were going to elope while on their trip. That's why they were decorating the trailer.

Since the show is going to go the marriage route with them, blah, I hope they do indeed just get married while traveling, and the next season opens with them married, rather than their wedding being a storyline.  Because a) I don't care, and, more importantly, b) the more they show of them getting engaged/married without ever showing a moment of bittersweet twinge from any of the kids, or Dan "talking to Roseanne" in some way to be fully ready for this step, the more glaring that omission is.

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