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S16.E15: Nominations #5 / Battle of the Block Comp #5

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I don't think Caleb is very smart and it was just a slip.  I don't get the feeds but on the network TV it looks to me like Amber is leading him on a little bit.


Christine annoyed me for some reason tonight.  Nicole is not going to be happy when she finds out she's been lying to her.


I'm so glad Donny isn't on anybody's radar this week.  I kind of enjoyed Zach tonight.  Sometimes a loose cannon like that makes the game more interesting.

I just want to say that even in the credits Victoria fades into nothingness. Everyone else at least did something, some kind of movement/personality while she just stands there with a blank expression. Make the comparison next time maybe you'll get the chuckle I did.


Amber and Caleb... awkward... oh and I still think she looks terrible with her hair straightened and plastered to her head.


I also don't like where this is going with Christine, just tell her you were simply in the right place at the right time and you're just playing along to ensure your own safety. Or... just keep digging and eventually someone will start shoveling that dirt back on top of you and you're buried before ya know it.


Okay the naming thing is out de control. Since when does a freaking two person alliance need a name? How about 'Dumb and Dumber'? And why does it always have to have some kind of violence to it? So stupid.


What's with people waking the HoH up to tell them something/talk strategy??


I se though that the most powerful entity in the house is The House. Because everything has to be unanimous and "House Approved" so if they want my alliance mate I better serve them up on a silver platter for "The House". This is one f'd up game going on here.

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The sarcastic violin music when Victoria was crying was really unnecessary and actually kind of dickish.  I felt bad for her and Nicole.  (Although I think Nicole's first response, to laugh, at being called a Fruit Loop Dingus was the right way to go).


Looks like Jacosta has finally come to play.  Hope she keeps it up.


Christine, wake up!  Is Derrick being asked to go on the block to "take one for the team"?  Is Cody?  Kudos to Cody for saying to Zach he wouldn't throw the BotB either.

Edited by Newbietunes
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Though Zach is obnoxious for tonight I'll go by the enemy of my enemy is my friend because I really, really dislike Christine and anything that messes up her game is good by me. I'm tired of looking at her face...she looks like Freddy Krueger without the burn makeup.


Meanwhile I guess people really do grieve in different ways because I've seen people grieve longer and harder over swatting a housefly than Frankie seemed to over Grandpa Frank.


Hayden loses points because that was his big opportunity to swoop in an comfort Nicole after the  insult and him just standing around was an epic fail.

Speaking of epic fail I knew there was no way Christine was going to explode at the nomination ceremony over that whole Jen-City business...it's just not in her nature...she's sneaky and would only do it in the privacy of the store room.


Lastly I actually am starting to feel sorry for Caleb. Amber's indifference towards him makes me kind of root for him. Life really is stranger than fiction I guess.

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I just want to say that even in the credits Victoria fades into nothingness. Everyone else at least did something, some kind of movement/personality while she just stands there with a blank expression. Make the comparison next time maybe you'll get the chuckle I did.

I noticed that too, but I love Victoria for it. Everyone else looks like a huge dork, but she refused to let the producer talk her into embarrassing herself and instead just looked good. I'd do the same thing.

It reminds me of the episode of 30 Rock when Liz is all too willing to look foolish with props during a photoshoot but Jenna is wiser than that and refuses.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 5

I laughed so hard at Zach's nom speech. He is crazt and I love it. Plus when he said he is more than friends with Cody, I was like, are they lovers?

I think Amber looks gorgeous with her hair straight. Sure beats the banana clip look she has been rocking.

Christine is getting really annoying.

I love fruit loop dingus as an insult. So funny.

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I don't think Caleb is very smart and it was just a slip.  I don't get the feeds but on the network TV it looks to me like Amber is leading him on a little bit.

Wow, is that really how it's coming off to non-feed watchers? Because on the feeds it is just straight up creepy the way he will rationalize her rebuffs into something completely different. Besides, agreeing to go on a BB date isn't exactly leading him on, especially when all the others are doing the same thing (I think it was Donny and Brittany who had ice cream dates). It's not her fault he thinks that means it's time to discuss marriage. 

  • Love 4

Zach is a POS.  He's like Dr. Will minus everything that made Dr. Will cool.  He has zero charm, zero strategy, and zero game.  I hope he gets Devin'd next week.


This had better wake Christine up to the fact that she's considered expendable by the rest of the Detonators.  She needs to team up with Donny, Nicole, Hayden, Jocasta, and Victoria if she wants to have any shot at winning this.  If she stays with the Detonators to the end, she places no higher than fourth place.  And as they just demonstrated today, they may even be willing to cut her even before then.


Frankie just has no loyalty to anyone, does he?  It's just a game and all, but it's crazy to me how he said he'd even give the house Zach's head if that's what they really want.  Usually there's one person on these shows that a contestant will be loyal too.  It'll be interesting to see whether or not Frankie's strategy pays off for him in the end.


That Battle of the Block challenge looked super hard.  I wouldn't be able to balance on that cake myself, let alone having to stand up there with another person!

  • Love 1
Lastly I actually am starting to feel sorry for Caleb. Amber's indifference towards him makes me kind of root for him. Life really is stranger than fiction I guess.​

I must strenuously disagree.  Caleb is a the creepiest creep that ever creeped when it comes to Amber.  I don't think Amber is indifferent toward him - I think she is humoring him to avoid a bigger blowup.  It may not be the wisest choice, because he seems so delusional that he's taking it as him possibly having a chance with her, but really, what else can she do?  The other houseguests and production are well aware of his stalker-level creepiness, and no one is helping her.  Rather, the houseguests are egging him on, and production is playing it for a laugh.  I guess she could self-evict, but why should she have to?  Instead, the way I see it, she's tolerating it and trying not to set him off, and trying not to blow up her game.  


I will concede, however, that she may be attempting to use Caleb's obsessive infatuation to her advantage.  She's just doing a terrible job of it. 

  • Love 5

I think the show is deliberately editing to misdirect the Caleb obsession, but Amber is doing herself no favors. I cannot imagine saying to a man who is stalking me and who I have no interest in - would you do it for a date with me? There is not a man (or woman) who would not perceive that as flirting if they were on the receiving end. I believe she is completely disinterested in him romantically, but she also seems to dislike when he's not fawning over her. Why else does she touch him in a playful manner and egg him on by dangling the possibility of a date? Caleb is 100% responsible for his stalker-like behavior, but he is getting mixed signals that he is too ignorant to clarify.

  • Love 4

Women in general are not forced to share a house with a guy who is stalking them, while also trying to compete to win $500,000. If this were real life Amber would obviously not have any contact with him again - she's forced to keep having contact with him due to her being stuck in the house as part of the game and she has to keep him happy due to her being stuck in the house as part of the game. 

  • Love 6

Well, hell. Tonight my DVR decided not to record BB, and I kind of wanted to watch this show to see how obnoxious Zach's speech was. I assume if I go on the website tomorrow I can watch? Knowing these people like I do, unfortunately, I can probably watch the whole show in about 12 minutes. Also, Jacosta showed a little personality in the DR? That's something I really want to see!

Jocosta not only showed a personality, she knew Victoria was screwing up their challenge and attempted to fix the problem. For the first time, I liked her. Can't say the same about Victoria. Why is it that the people who are wretched at this game and have no chance to win, dont realize they are a non-factor?

  • Love 2

Apparently Caleb already has a TV show in place after Big Brother. CBS showed a commercial for it during this episode. It's called Stalker and words such as "rejection," "jealousy," "hurt," frustration," "humiliation" flashed on the screen--all framed by a grey hoodie.

Edited by Scout Finch
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My favorite part was when Nichole was in the bathroom being comforted by Hayden and Amber after the nominations. But Christine, her BFF, was nowhere in sight. Where was Christine? With Zach and Cody in the storage room. Get a clue, Nichole.

With Zach and Cody...in the storage room...saying that whatever Zach said at the Nomination Ceremony wasn't a big deal....even though her friend is in tears over it

  • Love 1

With Zach and Cody...in the storage room...saying that whatever Zach said at the Nomination Ceremony wasn't a big deal....even though her friend is in tears over it


Yep, and Christine was misinterpreting as usual.  Christine was raking Zach saying he told Nichole not to trust her; Zach said, "I never said that", to which she replied, "Oh... what a cute denial.  but I know you did."


No you don't, you refugee from an 80s Rush concert, because Zach did NOT say that.  Zach asked Nichole several times, "How much do you trust Christine?" - but he NEVER specifically stated, "You shouldn't trust Christine."  That was Nichole's inference from the repeated question.

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WRT to Zach telling (not asking) Christine to throw the BotB and then getting outraged when she refused. What is it with these delusional clowns who get all butthurt when someone else won't play YOUR game? She's supposedly a member of his alliance. Why should she risk her game for his?

Because he's a HE, I guess. Amirite?

  • Love 6

Rosebud, this has been bugging me since the start of this season.  When Joey was trying to form a women's alliance, and then fessed up to Caleb apologetically (which, why the heck should she apologize) he was outraged that someone else would also form an alliance!


What the heck?  How DARE you form an alliance other than ours!  ALL the BS were offended.  Sheesh, people need to get over themselves. 


I Loved how Zach wasn't afraid to get blood on his hands.  If I were in there, I'd be bloody up to my armpits.  I would do it in a more of a Dr. Will way, but still, I never understood why people are to terrified about it.  I realize they don't want targets on them, but honestly, SOMEONE has to go home.  Oh well.

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I say good on Christine for not going along with Zach's plan. Why do these "pawns" always have to be girls? Frankie did the same thing with Amber. Why not Derrick or Cody? When you do that, you're really showing where people stand in your alliance. If they're not idiots, they're going to be hip to that and start giving you the side-eye. And I appreciated Cody telling Zach he would have done the same thing. 


Zach is just out of control. He seems to want to be this "big, bad, villain" who makes bold moves, but he is just all over the place instead of being smart and methodical about it. His nomination speeches were so ridiculous. I love how TA encouraged him to trash talk the girls in hopes to complete their mission, but instead the girls just laughed at him. That was awesome. 


It was also awesome when Amber was totally checking Cody out on her date with Caleb. The marriage themed BOB scared me a little, I was worried Caleb would propose to her right then and there. 


Oh, then we had the "death scene" music while Victoria was breaking down with Jacosta. And Christine saying that Zach was "like a mixture between Mussolini and a toddler"! BB was on fire last night!



I still kind of like Derrick, because I think at the core he is a good guy, and I think he's a smart player. But I think he's let his TA status and his position in his alliance go to his head a bit. He's getting cockier as the weeks go by. He needs a shake up of some sort to take him down a notch. 

I will give big props to the editors:  The real date was 1,000 time different than the show date - and, given what the editors had to work with, they managed to not make it the metric asston of awkward it really was.


I don't believe Amber is trying to lead Caleb on - I honestly think she's walking a very fine line of trying not to encourage Caleb and also not trying to destroy the closest thing she has to an alliance at this point.  For anyone with a remote understanding of English/body language...she's been very clear to Caleb that she is NOT interested in him or a relationship with him.  I feel for the girl - but the 'date' that was on the show was miillleeeesssss away from what actually transpired. 


Christine - I am just finding her more and more unlikable with each week.


Victoria - I've seen better game play by Caleb's sock monkey. 


Shouldn't Nicole be done with the Germantard by now?

I also don't like where this is going with Christine, just tell her you were simply in the right place at the right time and you're just playing along to ensure your own safety. Or... just keep digging and eventually someone will start shoveling that dirt back on top of you and you're buried before ya know it.


I agree. I really do think Christine is more loyal to Nicole than her stupid accidental alliance. But I think she should have told her about it right away. My guess is that Christine didn't know how long this would last, how things would play out, etc. I imagine she was almost relieved when the Bomb Squad imploded so soon. But then she just happened to be in the room again when they re-formed into the Detonators. Now I think she probably just thinks too much time has gone by and Nicole won't trust her if she reveals her double dipping ways. 


What's with people waking the HoH up to tell them something/talk strategy??


No kidding. My sleep is precious to me. I'd put you on that block for that and that alone. 



WRT to Zach telling (not asking) Christine to throw the BotB and then getting outraged when she refused. What is it with these delusional clowns who get all butthurt when someone else won't play YOUR game? She's supposedly a member of his alliance. Why should she risk her game for his?


Exactly! He was adamant to the boys that Christine was "playing her own game", but then two seconds later he explained he was doing this for HIS game. I'll never understand why playing your own game is supposedly a bad thing. There's being a team player, and then there's throwing yourself under the bus. 

I will give big props to the editors: The real date was 1,000 time different than the show date - and, given what the editors had to work with, they managed to not make it the metric asston of awkward it really was.


Can you tell us what happened on the real date?

Edited by woodscommaelle

OK, hamsters..

Can we stop with the "Blood on the hands" analogy? None of you are Lady Macbeth,...
Ah well, at least there was no "Beast-Mode Cowboy" this week.


Caleb, are you seriously that delusional? And Amber, why would you invite him on a "date", even in jest??


I can't help but smile at Zack and his antics. (That and "Fruit Loop Dingus" is TOTALLY an insult my friends and I would use.)  His reason for putting up Christine is spurious at best; EVERY alliance on BB has members that don't "pull their weight"; why act so supsrisied that Christine didn't want to throw a competition?


I'm not sure how I feel about "THe Hitmen"; while I'm still rooting for a Cody win, I'm not sure I'd want Derreck anywhere NEAR the Final Two.




Frankie just has no loyalty to anyone, does he?  It's just a game and all, but it's crazy to me how he said he'd even give the house Zach's head if that's what they really want.  Usually there's one person on these shows that a contestant will be loyal too.  It'll be interesting to see whether or not Frankie's strategy pays off for him in the end.


I'm sure if they're not already, people will soon get wise to his conniving ways.

And, "Team AMerica"? PLEASE get over yourselves. It's not like you're going off to fight a war on our behalf, so tone down the smug self-rightousness.

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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Oh, I would totally be okay with Derrick winning. At this point, he seems to be the only one actually playing the game. Everyone else is either floating along or overplaying obviously, but Derrick is working behind the scenes and getting other people to do things to help his game, the way it's supposed to be done. You don't REALLY think he graciously handed Frankie the HoH just so he could cry over pictures of his grandfather, do you? (And while we're on the subject, how unbelievably ridiculous was that photo of Frankie sunning in a speedo next to his fully-clothed grandpa? And how perfectly Frankie… Ugh)


I was afraid we were in for another week of floater noms, but putting Nicole and Christine on the block at least spiced things up a little. But I don't believe Frankie for a SECOND that he'd be willing to put Zach up on the block if thats "what the house wants." I know he's playing the "house" game, but there is no way he's going to put up his showmance boyfriend this early in the game. That was a producer-prompted script read right there.

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I've just got to say how thoroughly sick I am of seeing all females (or Donny!) up on the block. When will these girls buy a clue? Actually, Christine seems to be well aware of what's going on but chooses to play it close to the vest---not sure how good a move that is, at the moment. I've gotta say I do like Christine---probably because she's not the typical "conventionally attractive" BB female houseguest. Which leads me to another pet peeve of mine where BB is concerned---where the heck are all the women? There seem to be a plethora of "girls", very few women. Also, way too many boys. I know they have to try to appeal to a youthful audience, but this idea that young people only want to see other young people is a fallacy. I know a number of young people who are very into BB, and who is their favourite? Donny!

  • Love 4


it really seems like BB 101 to have your two-person alliance as your primary loyalty.


The Brigade was successful because the group was more important than the 2 person alliances- maybe she is going for that sort of thing. Using a side alliance as a way to make sure the house does what her main group alliance wants.  I don't think she understands she is at the bottom of the group though. (Especially since the group has been successful almost entirely due to her preventing the women from working together.)



Holy balls, Amber. Why on earth would you say that to Caleb? If you want to shut it down, shut it down. Don't lead the dope on.

I thought it was a bit crazy she said it, but she also said "What if I offered to date..." or something along those lines- the if was definitely there. She didn't say "I'll go on a date with you if you eat a pickle"; he obviously heard the later, and she went along with it.

Edited by Skittl1321
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I think they are making a miscalculation in targeting Amber for a backdoor eviction. Caleb might be on board with putting her up on the block but won't he go nuts if she's actually evicted, against his wishes? He could turn into a pretty dangerous player if he turns on what he thinks is his alliance, and this is going to tip their hand. On the other hand (or other token, as Caleb would say), I'm sure Amber would gladly vote to evict Caleb and would remain loyal to what she thinks is the Bomb Squad. They're going after the wrong HG IMO.



Zach is just out of control. He seems to want to be this "big, bad, villain" who makes bold moves, but he is just all over the place instead of being smart and methodical about it.


I'm convinced that when this show cast Zach they told him what kind of "character" they wanted him to play - the crazy guy who stirs up shit, and he's doing his best to fulfill that roll. It's much the same with Cody and Derrick sitting around thinking up a name for their two-person alliance. Obviously they've been told these dumb alliances have to have names. A lot of the producer manipulation this season is even more blatant that usual, and that's saying something.

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Can we stop with the "Blood on the hands" analogy? None of you are Lady Macbeth,...



Thank you, Amen, High-5, Yes sir/ma'am all that.


My 12 year old nephew was watching it with me the other day.  We'd scream it back out every time one of them would say it.  I've heard it more this season than any season of any reality show ever. Enough is enough. Seriously.

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I think they are making a miscalculation in targeting Amber for a backdoor eviction. Caleb might be on board with putting her up on the block but won't he go nuts if she's actually evicted, against his wishes? He could turn into a pretty dangerous player if he turns on what he thinks is his alliance, and this is going to tip their hand.

I think he will:

1. Initially flail about and shout (in the HOH room), "WE WERE JUST SUPPOSED TO SCARE HER, DAMMIT!!! SHE WASN'T REALLY SUPPOSED TO GO OUT THE DOOR!!!"

2. Eventually settle down and listen to whatever bullshit justification they spin for him - too many people threw a sympathy vote for Jocasta, maybe? Might be hard to spin, considering it'll probably be an 8-1 vote against Amber, but still....

3. Curl up into a narcissistic little ball of self-absorption for a while.

4. Conveniently "forget" his original intent was only to scare, not to evict.

5. Start regaling the other HGs unendingly about how well HIS "master plan" to evict Amber worked. Eventually, he'll probably be ending the tale with glorious recounting of how he pillow-whipped her out the Door, to the sound of the live audience's booing.

YOU know, just another day in the epic life saga of the Beast Mode Bunny Boiler - available in paperback SOON! at a Pilot/Flying J gas station near you.

  • Love 2
Which leads me to another pet peeve of mine where BB is concerned---where the heck are all the women? There seem to be a plethora of "girls", very few women. Also, way too many boys. I know they have to try to appeal to a youthful audience, but this idea that young people only want to see other young people is a fallacy. I know a number of young people who are very into BB, and who is their favourite? Donny!


Yup. I like seeing a wide age range with players. Some real BB stand-outs in my mind were older parents - Chicken George and Danielle from season 3. I really don't want to feel like I'm watching a perpetual ad for Abercrombie or something. 

  • Love 7


I've heard it more this season than any season of any reality show ever. Enough is enough. Seriously.I've heard it more this season than any season of any reality show ever. Enough is enough. Seriously.

Agreed, we even had to hear it as Frankie's sole reason for putting up the two females he did...


And yes, one of these weeks maybe one of the girls will look at the Bluetooth Voting Wall and say to themselves "Damn, look at that, it's ALL girls again!" and finally get pissed about it and DO something. Maybe.


BTW where the hell has Hayden gone? He should have been in the picture comforting Nicole or some such, right? What's up with that? Is the 'conquest' over or something?

Edited by Wandering Snark

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