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S12.E15: Retreat Ready

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OMG the poor crabs, I like it when people kill them first, I couldn't watch. The older I get the more empathy I have for all creatures.  I think in my next life I will be vegan 😕

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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Clara is going to get her heart broken. Her tactic of mentioning her decision already had zee-ro effect on Ryan, beyond "That's sweet." 

I feel sad for Jake, kookie and quirky and odd though he is. 

Man, Vinnie is afraid even of crabs.

See, Haley? Jake is funny, and other people can "get" him!

I think Jake looked pretty cute tonight, and was sociable with everyone.  Actually, he looked the best out of all the men IMO.  What’s so great about the others?  Nothing.  Haley is too hard on Jake and just might be sorry someday.

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27 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

That's why I think Haley and Erik would have been a good match, they are both rigid in their thinking.

I think it's very important to Haley to have a husband who is presentable. She's embarrassed by Jake's quirkiness, but I'd bet would have loved to show-off a good looking pilot husband. 

Maybe.... but honesty I'm not sure Haley has the potential for a good relationship, she's too competitive and conceited and she's so delusional.  It wouldn't surprise me if she went on this show just to get married.  I seem to recall she was a bridesmaid many times.  At least now she can say she too was married, it might be more important to her regardless of the outcome. 

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2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

This is a hard situation, because you're right she shouldn't just assume he take meds, especially with his job. But her pets are very important to her, & they have a ton of issues as a couple that don't seem conducive to a long term relationship.

Ultimately the 'experts' are again at fault. But I'd be "asinine" to even consider that they match for drama... right, PCal??

I'm sure many people take antihistamines or get allergy shots and it doesn't affect their ability to perform their job.  If the issue is drowsiness, there  are many that don't cause that now.  But I agree marriage is often about compromise and the bedroom should be off limits to cats maybe.  If some nights she just wants or needs to cuddle with her cats have a second bedroom.

Edited by endure
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I agree with Vincent that Briana shouldn't be signing him up for things without checking with him first, AND I get it that not everyone is cut out to ride a horse, but in that situation all I can say is "buck up buttercup".  The trainer was right, 10 year olds get on that horse.  They wouldn't have that horse there if it was temperamental.  They know that they have to have the most docile and easygoing horses for novice riders.  I was forced to get over my fear when I was only 10.  I didn't want to look like a "sissy" in front of my camp mates.  I would totally be on his side if he was afraid of jumping out of a plane or something like that, but it's just a horse, and the woman is right there just in case.  But this is not the first time he's acted like this.  He says he needs to know about stuff first before he does it, and that's fair, but I just think he likes to be in control of everything because he's got hang ups and fears about looking inept or stupid.  But then he goes and acts even WORSE!  From my point of view he looks like a wussy, and I'm a woman.  Another special snowflake.  I guess that's how they're raising men these days, but I'm sure Jake or Erik would have no problem getting on that horse. 

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So right after "Pastor" Cal lectures us on how they have to have an adventure date with their spouse - we see crabbing, horseback riding, paddle boarding and . . . Virginia and Erik drinking on the beach 🤣

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Jake makes it look like it's all Haley's fault but he's equally to blame for their failure.  The way he sat at the table at the retreat all sullen an sucking the energy out of the room was pure spite.  He's always trying to make Haley look bad, but in the process he makes himself look bad.  Sour grapes is not a good look.  Better to be above that and hold your head up high.  Keep it positive.  Otherwise he just looks like a sore loser.  Going there and making himself 8 eggs then sitting alone at the table alone and eating them?  Seriously?  Did he even stop to think that the others would be arriving and that they would probably all want to have dinner together?  No, of course not, but that just speaks volumes about him and why he's not attached at his age.  He was "sitting in the garden eating worms".  It's all designed to blame Haley.  Now it was her fault because she didn't text him?  He hears what he wants to hear.  He is deliberately not listening to her so that later he can claim she never talked to him about it.  But that's not even the POINT!  He should have known better without even being told!  They're all getting together in a big house with a kitchen.  Did he think everyone was going to go there and not eat anything?  I am VERY familiar with this behavior from a previous relationship, and it does not add up to someone that is good material for marriage.  Haley herself is no prize and I don't like her either, but Jake gets under my skin because of how much he reminds me of that old boyfriend of mine.  And he ended up divorced twice and you know he blamed the women for everything when he should have looked in the mirror.  Jake told Pastor Cal that he thought he handled everything right.  He is unwilling to accept any responsibility for the failure of his relationships.  Of course Haley doesn't look too willing to do that either, but he is just unbelievable.

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Virginia and Erik are in a death spiral.  As a pilot Erik should appreciate that analogy, LOL.  

He is coming off controlling because he doesn't trust her (with good reason) and wants to change her.  So what does she do?  Rebel against it.  Rinse, repeat.

It's all about her and her cats sleeping all over her, her drinking, her friends, her social life, where SHE wants to live, etc.  No way is this woman ready for marriage.  Just about the only thing she's ready for is a 12 step program.  Another one that acts very selfish and immature. And Erik is another on e trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

It didn't surprise me that Va and Erik didn't get that many answers right in that game.  They're too busy having sex and arguing to really listen to each other.  It actually didn't surprise me that Jake and Haley knew more about each other because neither of them have any feelings for the other one getting in the way of their listening.

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I’m so worried about VAs cats.  He is allergic and doesn’t want them in his house. 
My ex husband was like this. He was all “this is our new house, no cats allowed” while I had 2 cats.   I won and my cats came along, but not after they spent weeks alone at our previous apartment.  
I am so stressed about this lol. 
And Vincent with the horse thing.  I have a horse.  Hubby and I, a few years ago, went on a beach ride.  He was a good sport, not a baby like Vincent. 

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Spanish lesson of the day for Brianna: Su esposo es un aguafiestas!!!

Your husband is a wet blanket! Brianna needs to dump Vincent on DDay. What a pussy! Life's too short to have to coddle your husband all the time.

Hey, I wouldn't go sky diving or bungee jumping either, but horseback riding is fun. Besides, they weren't even trotting. 

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3 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

That's why I think Haley and Erik would have been a good match, they are both rigid in their thinking.

I think it's very important to Haley to have a husband who is presentable. She's embarrassed by Jake's quirkiness, but I'd bet would have loved to show-off a good looking pilot husband. 

Another thing that I noticed is that Erik is all about appearances and Virginia is very much “what you see is what you get”. 

Hailey would have been a much better match for Erik.

Jake has three animals like Virginia. He probably would not mind her party attitude and she would think his denim daisy dukes were funny.

Edited by qtpye
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One time my horse loving friend convinced me to get up on her 90 year old horse!  To this day I remember feeling like I was sitting on top of the world!  Get me off now!  So I feel his pain.  Scared is scared.

I wonder if Virginia or Eric filled out questionnaires about pets and allergies?

I feel bad for Clare.  She so wants Ryan to love her and honestly I don't think he knows how!

Brianna has to know by now living with Vincent will always be walking on thin ice and having to always live in his world.

Jacob and Haley deserve each other!

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I must have missed some parts. From what I did see it seemed like Jake and Haley were actually getting along and having a modicum of fun. Then I tuned out for a few and the next thing I saw was Jake heading out by himself early.

I still think Jake is more genuine then Haley. But clearly decision day has come for them. It was probably decided right after the honey moon.

Virginia and Erik seem mismatched, but also very accustomed to being single. If I were Erik I would have said okay you come to my room for sex then go back to your cats in your crevices...I think they'll stay married but be separated by re-union day.

Ryan shit or get off the pot. I don't think he's saving the I love you for decision day...I think he's going to bail.




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Now these were some WTF moments! Erik: I don't give ultimatums. LOL!

Haley: I'm shocked, shocked that Jake packed up and bolted early this morning.

Ryan: What kind of letter? How about a thank you note?

Virginia: Yeah, you're my cat-allergic husband, but I'm a child and I want to sleep with my cats. Plus, you give ultimatums.

Vincent: Is that anxiety or are you a bigger control freak than Erik? Who would surprise somebody who thinks a dance lesson is too stressful with skydiving? Horseback riding on the beach is romantic, not created to torture you. 

Bri, was it you who perceptively said that Erik and Virginia were infatuated with each other? I know you think Vincent is good husband material, and maybe he is, but I'm not sure he'll make you happy in the long run. And you're a catch.

Unmatchables: No effing way.

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OMG,  the "Unmatchables" are the "Unwatchables"! I mean, when a show leads off with flatulence..... 

I love fried eggs! In college once after being ill I was so famished that I scarfed down five! I think Jake ate his eight because he wasn't sure what dinner would comprise, if not steak.

I can see Haley with Erik, from her perspective. But from his? Nah; I don't think Haley can bring the aggressive and youthful sexy that Virginia provides.

can see Clara with Jake, though! First, being zaftig, she "fits" him, physique-wise. Plus, she's easy-going, a man's woman and a woman's woman. I can imagine Clara smoking a stogie with Jake in his man-cave and lounging on a beach chair in the backyard! Plus, she'd wear that Infinity necklace every GD day! And lastly, IMO old Jakie would gladly put his dress shoes under wife Clara's bed any time,  wink, wink, nudge, nudge!

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7 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I was just thinking the same thing. Terrible job by the ‘experts’ matching these couples. And Virginia is choosing the cats over Erik. 

I don’t like Virginia but I would choose my dog over a person I was just matched with a month ago in a heartbeat. There’s no way I’m getting rid of my beloved dog who is like family for some dude who I barely know who says he’s allergic. Not happening. The “experts” need to do better. Huge fail matching someone with a cat allergy to a cat owner!

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6 hours ago, endure said:

I'm sure many people take antihistamines or get allergy shots and it doesn't affect their ability to perform their job.  If the issue is drowsiness, there  are many that don't cause that now.  But I agree marriage is often about compromise and the bedroom should be off limits to cats maybe.  If some nights she just wants or needs to cuddle with her cats have a second bedroom.

It depends on how bad the allergy is. I can’t be in a house of cat owners for more then 10 minutes. I start swelling up and sneezing like crazy and it’s pretty bad. I wouldn’t be able to live with a cat owner. But, this is something the experts should have known. I blame them 100% for this shit show. 

6 hours ago, endure said:

OMG the poor crabs, I like it when people kill them first, I couldn't watch. The older I get the more empathy I have for all creatures.  I think in my next life I will be vegan 😕

I feel the same way. Do we really have to watch them boil crabs alive and laugh about it?? Is this entertaining??? 

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I'm proud of Vincent for facing his fear and getting on the horse. My first time riding a horse I was 10 and terrified.  I agree with Vincent about swimming with sharks. I'm Trinidadian we don't swim with sharks, we eat them 😋

Haley and Erik can get together after they both get divorced.  If over it was a person, it would be Jake. He's ready to sign the divorce papers.

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11 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Virginia knows she doesn’t like Erik but I don’t think she knows she does t have to stay. I also get the vibe that Erik “my family owns a hangar” thinks Virginia is beneath him. Just a vibe I get - he’s never treated her as an equal.

They’re also a classic example of “actions speak louder than words” because they say they love each other but there is absolutely nothing loving about the way they interact. You see couples sometimes that aren’t talking but you can tell they love each other. I get none of that with them. They look like a couple on a first or second date, which is basically what they are.

Regardless of anyone's feelings on Erik, he seems like he's fairly intelligent and well read.  Virginia?  Not so much.  I think Erik might like to have more in-depth conversations than she's capable of having -- that makes them a mismatch.  

I don't know if Erik is normally as bossy as he comes off in this show or if it's just his reaction to dealing with his (often) drunken child wife.  

I understand that Virginia doesn't want to move into Erik's condo.  I also understand that Erik is saying he owns his condo and it would be foolish to sell it until he/they are sure this marriage will last.  He has said that he will give Virginia what she needs in order to live there so unless he's lying and/or saying something entirely different when the cameras aren't there, I don't understand what the issue is.  I mean, other than Virginia very clearly not being ready for marriage.  Or sobriety.

9 hours ago, endure said:

I'm sure many people take antihistamines or get allergy shots and it doesn't affect their ability to perform their job.  If the issue is drowsiness, there  are many that don't cause that now.  But I agree marriage is often about compromise and the bedroom should be off limits to cats maybe.  If some nights she just wants or needs to cuddle with her cats have a second bedroom.

I am a huge pet person, always have been.  Have had dogs and cats.  I am 100% Team Erik on this issue.  

Erik is not saying the cats can't be in his house, period.  He's saying he doesn't want the cats in bed with him.  To me, that's enough right there (and again, I'm a huge pet person.)  But Erik is allergic.  He shouldn't have to take meds because Virginia refuses to let the cats sleep outside of the bedroom.  That's inane.  

I'm amazed that Erik didn't absolutely lose his shit when Virginia was refusing to see it from his perspective and speaking in baby talk to boot.  He needs to just go ahead and throw in the towel.  She's made it clear she's going to choose her cats and her alcohol over Erik.  Game over.  

7 hours ago, princelina said:

So right after "Pastor" Cal lectures us on how they have to have an adventure date with their spouse - we see crabbing, horseback riding, paddle boarding and . . . Virginia and Erik drinking on the beach 🤣

Sending Virginia to the beach with only one bottle of alcohol to share with Erik was taking her out of her comfort zone.


ETA:  "Forcing" Vincent to ride an animal he's terrified of is not just getting him out of his comfort zone.  It's cruel IMO.  I'm not afraid of horses but I'm with him on jumping out of a plane or bungee jumping.  Not going to happen.  No way.  

I'm glad that Vincent at least did ride the horse and got the experience but they should have allowed him to just walk the horse by the lead if that's what he wanted to do.

I felt very sorry for Clara.  She wants validation so badly and Ryan just won't give it to her.  Her letter was very sweet.

Was I the only one flicking off my tv when Haley was on?  Okay, just me?  Seriously, she's a buzz kill.  Seems like she only came on the trip because she wanted to bitch about Jake (that and maybe she was contractually required.)   While I think both of their letters were nice, she shouldn't have been shocked that Jake left early.  I mean, I probably would have told someone I was going - not necessarily Haley - but that's just me.  

Ironic that Jake and Haley won the little couples' game.


Edited by psychoticstate
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6 hours ago, buttersister said:

Now these were some WTF moments! Erik: I don't give ultimatums. LOL!

Haley: I'm shocked, shocked that Jake packed up and bolted early this morning.

Ryan: What kind of letter? How about a thank you note?

Virginia: Yeah, you're my cat-allergic husband, but I'm a child and I want to sleep with my cats. Plus, you give ultimatums.

Vincent: Is that anxiety or are you a bigger control freak than Erik? Who would surprise somebody who thinks a dance lesson is too stressful with skydiving? Horseback riding on the beach is romantic, not created to torture you. 

Bri, was it you who perceptively said that Erik and Virginia were infatuated with each other? I know you think Vincent is good husband material, and maybe he is, but I'm not sure he'll make you happy in the long run. And you're a catch.

Unmatchables: No effing way.

I feel like Brianna wants a type of life that is never going to happen with Vinnie. I think she wants an adventurous child free life with plenty of spending money for clothes and other things.

Vinnie wants a homebody life with tons of children and I have no idea when his fairly new business will be profitable.

Nothing wrong with either of their goals but it is not a match.

This is what you get with experts who match a cat lover with a person with cat allergies.

The experts owe everybody an apology, starting with Paige.

Edited by qtpye
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10 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

And now the woe-is-me because Jake left. She doesn't care but is just pining to play the victim here.  Nasty fake fuck she is.

It begins with Pissy Haley giving the bracelet back.  She’s on fire now and wants to take two cars for a five hour ride.  She texts him about cooking dinner, but he’s driving so doesn’t read the text and has five dozen eggs when he gets there.  More fuel on her fire and she tells everyone how inconsiderate he is.  Then she proceeds to snap at him because company is coming and she has to cook by herself.  She then tells all the girls how lousy he is.  They sleep in separate bedrooms.  Then they play games and do exercises and she’s the teacher.  He’s nice throughout.  The morning of leaving, he gets up early and leaves.  She looks for him and he’s gone.  What did she expect?  Last try for him to kiss her ass?  Another reason for her to pile on reasons why she hates him.  She always has to win.  The guy is not nasty and just soldiers on.  I’ll bet she has found fault with every guy she’s been with in the seven years the same way.  I’m wondering exactly what kind of guy she wants to make her happy.  A yes man who tells her she’s gorgeous every single day?  What will make her happy? Not that I care, but inquiring minds want to know.

Edited by Silver Bells
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7 hours ago, Meowwww said:

I’m so worried about VAs cats.  He is allergic and doesn’t want them in his house. 
My ex husband was like this. He was all “this is our new house, no cats allowed” while I had 2 cats.   I won and my cats came along, but not after they spent weeks alone at our previous apartment.  
I am so stressed about this lol. 
And Vincent with the horse thing.  I have a horse.  Hubby and I, a few years ago, went on a beach ride.  He was a good sport, not a baby like Vincent. 

I get what you mean.  When we went to Florida from N.Y., I didn’t want them squashed in the cage for 22 hours.  We flew both cats on the plane.  Cost $1,000  at the time but I didn’t care.  They were so happy to see us when we picked them up from the airport.  We drove.

Edited by Silver Bells
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57 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I feel like Brianna wants a type of life that is never going to happen with Vinnie. I think she wants an adventurous child free life with plenty of spending money for clothes and other things.

I thought she said she wanted kids, she just didn't want to/was scared to give birth because of her high blood pressure and potential for complications?

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Cat allergies are tricky. Exposure could help Erik, or make things much worse for him, & it could take months to find out for sure. Him being away a lot could also make it more difficult to adjust. VA doesn't understand that them sleeping on just her doesn't help, because cat allergens are also airborne & stick to things/clothing/people. She can't guarantee they won't wander over to him, because as she said, cats do what they want, & she'll be asleep. She also doesn't seem like the cleanest of people, so that will make it worse.

That said VA & Erik don't seem at all compatible, so she should dump him & keep sleeping with her cats (when she's not on some other guy's couch). 😹

Edited by gonecrackers
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Things I don't understand:

Virginia claims her dog and cats are her children and they sleep with her every night and she could never leave any of them for a single moment!  YET she continually stomps her feet and declares to Erik that she will continue to pass out at her friends' homes whenever she feels like it thus leaving her dog and cats on their own (I HATE this as an animal lover and pet owner-how can she just continually leave them [working hours and then over nights]).

Haley declares that she is over Jake and is just going to go on with her life.  YET she took every single opportunity during the retreat to try to "win" the title of most dysfunctional marriage painting Jake in as bad a light as possible.  If one wants to move on from a relationship, then don't rehash every perceived wrong.  The rolling of the eyes was so obvious an attempt to get everyone else to agree with her about how horrible Jake was.  It probably bothered her no end that the others got his sense of humor and warmed up to him a bit.  She has been driving the narrative since the honeymoon and then visible holes started appearing in her story.  Oh, and her short-shorts were shorter than Jake's short-shorts from the golfing tournament, but while she thought his were hideous, she obviously found hers to be delightful.  Yes, they both have issues, but in this episode I just couldn't stand Haley.

I didn't understand why the riding instructor kept trying to pressure Vinnie to ride.  I agree with an above poster that they should have just let him walk by the horse while holding the reins.  To pressure someone to do something of which they are afraid can have adverse reactions.  This whole "conquer your fears" doesn't always make sense to me.  Why should I do something I view as dangerous or fool-hearty just to make someone else happy?

What I do understand:

There are clear reasons why these contestants (it's a game show-right?) didn't find others to marry without the aid of the show (yes, I know Erik has been married before-that's why he's such an expert...).

I also understand that this is not the first time they paired a couple in which one was allergic to the other's pet.  It's ridiculous-especially as Erik is a pilot and continually taking medication for allergies could show up in a random drug test or have some other type of complication in his job.  I certainly want pilots who are good to go and not drowsy from medication or suffering other side effects.

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Why would Haley and Jacob take separate cars to drive 5 hours away , stay in separate rooms at the beach house and then go on pretending that there’s a chance they’ll stay together on decision day ? I think Haley’s nastiness comes from her obsessive need for control and Jake’s actions are because he’s very insecure and feels unwanted . These two need to never see each other again which I’m sure won’t be an issue . 

Ryan has a good looking face under that beard . On behalf of everyone , Shave it !! ( just not in Claras bathroom ;)   ) 

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4 hours ago, Airy2021 said:

I don’t like Virginia but I would choose my dog over a person I was just matched with a month ago in a heartbeat. There’s no way I’m getting rid of my beloved dog who is like family for some dude who I barely know who says he’s allergic. Not happening. The “experts” need to do better. Huge fail matching someone with a cat allergy to a cat owner!

But Erik's not asking Ginny to get rid of her cats. He's asking her to compromise by having them sleep elsewhere in the house. I blame the experts for this massive fail because living with this particular allergy is not going to be easy. However, if Erik didn't make his cat allergy known, then shame on him!

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13 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Ryan's letter brought Clara to tears because she's so desperate for some validation from him.

If they stay together there will come a day he'll say "fer sure" yet again & she's gonna hurl around & smack the shit outta him.

She got really excited when he said, at the end of the letter, "love, Ryan". 

These two are friends and nothing more.  When have we ever seen any kind of romance between the two of them?

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12 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Virginia is driving me nuts.  She keeps putting her fingers in her hair, all over her face, then in her mouth.  Yuk.  She wants to sleep with the pets and he should take allergy meds.  He can’t, as he drives the plane.  What’s wrong with her?  She acts like a kid.

Every time I see her.  Every time they have a discussion, she won't budge.  She reminds me of a 16 year old.  No common sense and no compromise.  I don't like EriC, but I don't like VA either. 

Worst part is that she won't move into his home, that he owns.  She was saying that it isn't suitable for her animals. How so?  I thought in an earlier episode she said it was cold and she didn't feel comfortable there.  It makes no sense for them to find another place to live when he owns a home. 

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12 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

And now the woe-is-me because Jake left. She doesn't care but is just pining to play the victim here.  Nasty fake fuck she is.

Haley acting all surprised that Jake left without saying goodbye.  Why would he?  You two don't get along.  You can't stand the sight of him, but you're surprised he left without telling you?  Okay, Haley. 

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32 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Haley declares that she is over Jake and is just going to go on with her life.  YET she took every single opportunity during the retreat to try to "win" the title of most dysfunctional marriage painting Jake in as bad a light as possible.  If one wants to move on from a relationship, then don't rehash every perceived wrong.  The rolling of the eyes was so obvious an attempt to get everyone else to agree with her about how horrible Jake was.  It probably bothered her no end that the others got his sense of humor and warmed up to him a bit.  She has been driving the narrative since the honeymoon and then visible holes started appearing in her story.  Oh, and her short-shorts were shorter than Jake's short-shorts from the golfing tournament, but while she thought his were hideous, she obviously found hers to be delightful.  Yes, they both have issues, but in this episode I just couldn't stand Haley.

Oh YES !!!!!!!  If she’s finished with him, be quiet already.  She just HAS to be right at every turn to the point of knocking him every chance she gets.  That is a spoiled bitter child who should grow up.  She is not a loving woman and I don’t know why he would even want her in the first place.  He would have to watch his every word.  That’s not enjoyment in a marriage.

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12 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Virginia, just take Clearasil for your face.

Or stop drinking alcohol and start drinking water.  She's such a mess, isn't she? 

12 hours ago, endure said:

OMG the poor crabs, I like it when people kill them first, I couldn't watch. The older I get the more empathy I have for all creatures.  I think in my next life I will be vegan 😕

I had to fast forward through that scene.  No way, no how I could watch that. 

11 hours ago, endure said:

I'm sure many people take antihistamines or get allergy shots and it doesn't affect their ability to perform their job.  If the issue is drowsiness, there  are many that don't cause that now.  But I agree marriage is often about compromise and the bedroom should be off limits to cats maybe.  If some nights she just wants or needs to cuddle with her cats have a second bedroom.

EriC is supposedly gone half the week for work. Why can't the cats sleep with VA when he's not around and when he is home, they sleep elsewhere?  I think that's a win-win for all involved.  But VA would disagree. 

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The more I watch Eric and Virginia the more I think she’s playing with him!

She throws out a zinger ‘my cats sleep in my crevices’ then watched him squirm!

She announces to the crowd ‘we’ll be living separately’ looks , and smiles waiting to see his reaction!

She’s kind of like a cat herself!

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17 minutes ago, Shauna said:

Why can't the cats sleep with VA when he's not around and when he is home, they sleep elsewhere? 

That would be fine if they ALL slept in another room, but if the cats slept in the bed that Erik and Ginny shared, she would have to really really clean it every time he came home, which is definitely not something I see her doing. They can have a cat room, but everything else would have to be cleaned and vacuumed really well for his allergies not to kick up. Speaking as someone with severe cat allergies, I would never get involved with a cat owner. I could never ask or expect someone to give up a pet, just as I would never give up my dogs for someone with dog allergies. This was another epic "expert" fail - it is NOT a small issue. It is right up there with wanting/not wanting kids.

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My eyes did almost roll out of my head when Haley pretended to be upset and butt hurt that Jake left early without telling her.  Girlfriend needs to just own the fact that she can't stand him.  It's ok.   

Speaking of these two, riding in separate cars was just stupid.  If they hate each other that much then they shouldn't have taken the trip and possibly spoiled the fun for the rest of the group.  Even if they wanted to go to SC, they could have gone together, agreed to relax and not discuss their relationship, maybe talked about silly stuff like favorite movies, favorite songs--anything to take their minds off their toxic relationship.  They could have agreed to say vague, "nice" things about each other instead of Jake sitting at the table licking his wounds.  

These two...🙄

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15 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

So I re-watched, and petty as I might sound here, but---Haley started it. She interrupted Jake's train of thought by telling him, in so many words, that he wasn't answering the question correctly. 

Loved it when VirGinn told Haley "Don't mimic"  it's not nice. First and only time I have liked VirGinn. Haley really showed her obnoxious ass at the table. 

Bri, girl. Go find yourself a real man. Vinny is a whiny puss. Get on the fukin' horse and shut up. Is there anything he's not afraid to do? His fear of looking foolish is paralyzing him from enjoying life and possibly will ruin his relationship with Bri.   

Jake has a dry sense of humor. He had the couples laughing several times, he can be quite funny when he relaxes a little bit. 

Erik, you are married to a girl child. It will never work. I would like to see the questionaire these people complete before being matched. Are there no pet related questions such as:  Are you allergic to any animals? Are there any pets you don't like? How many pets are acceptable to you to have in your household? Do you allow your pets on the bed and the furniture? Pets are super important to the people that own them and can be a dealbreaker. It is for me. 

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11 hours ago, qtpye said:

Hailey would have been a much better match for Erik.

Yeah but Haley herself said she finds fault with every date and relationship she has ever had. She would find fault with Erik, too. 

I think Clara would be great for Erik. Pilot+Flight attendant. She wants to be married and in love, so does he. She would have his kids with no hesitation. She's a neat freak, Erik would love that. Match made in heaven. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I think Clara would be great for Erik. Pilot+Flight attendant. She wants to be married and in love, so does he. She would have his kids with no hesitation. She's a neat freak, Erik would love that. Match made in heaven. 

I wonder if his politics would be an issue for her. She also seems to prefer men of color.

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When the girls were sitting around with their margaritas (or whatever those drinks were), I noticed Virginia's glass was nearly empty and the others were at least half full. When they got up to move to the kitchen, everyone stood up and started to walk away. Virginia downed what was left in her glass, put her glass down, and left with a fuller glass in her hand. I guess she must have picked up someone's unfinished drink.

Jake and the eggs ... I worried that he was eating the group's breakfast for the next morning. If I were the first to arrive at a shared accommodation, I wouldn't presume to use that much food without checking with the others. But maybe Jake brought the eggs with him or maybe he arranged with production to have the fridge stocked with steak and eggs for him.

Virginia is not ready to get married. The experts should not have matched someone with a cat allergy with someone who has cats. But Virginia is not at all sympathetic. There are compromises that can be made. Erik's gone half the week. V and the cats could sleep in a second bedroom when he's away. The cats have been mostly sleeping without V for several weeks and I'm sure they're fine. V&E could put in an air filtration system. V's not looking to solve the issue. And V's insistence on weekend drinking and staying over at her friends' places ... I'm not surprised Erik is talking down to her. If I were matched with someone who thought it was okay to do that, I'd be saying the same thing: You don't understand what marriage is - when you're married, that's not appropriate. If Erik had been matched with any of the other women, I don't think he would have come off the way he does. I truly hope that Virginia realizes she has a drinking problem and decides to get help - for her sake - I think she and Erik are done

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Why didn't Erik just fly a family plane to Hilton Head Airport?

 Gin's picking and making her zits bleed is gross.

Vinnie you had muffin top on Gator...

Stop talking about losing your lithe girlish figure...we see your clothes straining to cover your love handles.

Bri gets up early to glue on her eye spiders before the camera crew starts their shoot.

There must be a camera focused on Jake at all to capture the rare times he breaks from his sullen, hurt face.  Making the group laugh with him was his few shining moments.

Gathering his packaged beef from the fridge and stealing into the dawn...how Jake.

He must have eaten all the eggs he brought with him or they would have gone into his bag...

Producer shenannies that Haley had to hunt for him ...a glance at the driveway would have shown his Jeep was gone.

Haley need to hydrate more if she's going to cry all weekend, her pasta dinner did look good.

Clara, her boob undercarriage emphasizes the effects of

Gravity+ Time= Loss of Perkiness.

Sidepart falling off his paddleboard would have livened up their segment...

His shrieking from his wet hair would have at least woken us up from the absolute dullness of the segment.





Edited by humbleopinion
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Jake, get some table manners!  Your fork is in your fist and you're all over the table with your arm.  I would hate to have a meal with you - grow up - get a book on etiquette if you don't know how to conduct yourself.  Haley's a pill, but no woman with any snap is going to go for a man who acts like a slob.

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