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S11.E08: Memorial Mayhem

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As Teresa and Joe prepare for their father's memorial, a fight between Margaret and Jennifer and marital issues between Melissa and Joe threaten to derail the event.

Airdate: 04.07.2021

Can't wait to see them act like fools at Nonno's memorial.

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13 minutes ago, DeeplyShallow said:

Well, to be brutally honest- it’s only fitting.

I think there has been a lot of Nonno goodwill over recent years because he was there for the girls and in poor health but let’s be real- he was just as problematic as his kids. He has said misogynistic crap in the past, he fought with (and eventually completely cut off any and all ties with) his sister- Kathy & Rosie’s mother (which also played a role in the cousins’ crap relationship with each other)-, he treated JoGo as the lesser son to Juicy, and Theresa said on that new Andy show that she learned to flip a table from her dad, who also did that out of anger in her youth.

 I’ve never liked Nonno 🤷🏻‍♀️. I always found him to be creepy & I side eye a parent who raised those apes/fools Tre & Joey.

AND if I recall correctly from Teresa's book (got it from the library so I didn't give her any money) Nonno was a regular cheater, and known ladies man.  And Teresa was kind of bragging about this.


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On 4/5/2021 at 8:52 AM, DeeplyShallow said:

Well, to be brutally honest- it’s only fitting.

I think there has been a lot of Nonno goodwill over recent years because he was there for the girls and in poor health but let’s be real- he was just as problematic as his kids. He has said misogynistic crap in the past, he fought with (and eventually completely cut off any and all ties with) his sister- Kathy & Rosie’s mother (which also played a role in the cousins’ crap relationship with each other)-, he treated JoGo as the lesser son to Juicy, and Theresa said on that new Andy show that she learned to flip a table from her dad, who also did that out of anger in her youth.

 I’ve never liked Nonno 🤷🏻‍♀️. I always found him to be creepy & I side eye a parent who raised those apes/fools Tre & Joey.

Wow.  Every family has its dysfunctions.  Keep in mind that Nonno came from a different generation, culture.  I'm sure Teresa and Joe loved their father and the grand kids adored him.  This memorial is for their family.  He didn't get a proper funeral because of the pandemic.  It's their grief and like any family, they are allowed that.

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Not interested in watching Joe & Melissa playacting for the cameras. Not sure how the others kept a straight face. It's like they were putting on a performance, at one point even checking to make sure the cameras were catching it all. Lame. 

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I thought we were going to see Melissa inappropriately ask her daughter on camera if she’s had sex.  Instead we saw Joe inappropriately announce on camera that he and Melissa had just had sex.  Those Gorgas always keeping it classy.

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That was a telabortion of the highest order.  It is hard for me to pick my jaw off the ground about how much bullshit Bravo can sling in 44 minutes.  I will say, before I go in with the filleting knife, that this was an hour of my life that made me happy, even if it’s because I’m happy I’m not them:

Melissa and Joe are horrible actors.  Melissa never has a storyline.  What happened to the half-sister she was tracking down through a medium?  What happened to having another baby?  I don’t think she owns more than 10% of the boutique we haven’t seen in how long, and suddenly—suddenly—the Gorgas are ready to print out the divorce papers?  I’m not asking if everyone was fooled, I’m asking if anyone was fooled.  Like, was there a single viewer who thought this was an organic fight?  I also love that she says there were “rumors” that her dad cheated...yes, “rumors” which Melissa confirmed on camera, when she threw her poor mom under the bus, and even her sisters were incensed, and their mom was so befuddled that she was confronted by her deceased husband’s infidelity on camera that she got drunk.  Remember the storyline when she was going to write a book about her dad?  It was that season.  

Melissa is hot in an every day way, not a TV show kind of way.  I never see her make the lists of hottest Housewife.  She has a great body and a long horsey face that is not aging well.  But Joe will never leave her alone or never speak to her again; if they were to split, I think we would find Joe G (along with Teresa) stalking her on the ID Channel, until he landed with a 22 year old girlfriend who put up with his Napoleon antics.  Melissa would probably score some guy who looked like Al Manzo who would put her and her spawn in an apartment above the Brownstone. It would be Goodfellas without the panache.  

Dolores loses me more every week.  She is self-absorbed and vapid, and now that I see her game, I don’t think she’s harmless anymore.  I think that she wants what she wants when she wants it, and she largely gets it, so she keeps quiet, unless she’s sweeping in to offer extremely generic advice about relationships that she doesn’t follow.  This woman lives in two, if not mansions, really nice homes, has two men, one to do her bidding and one to do her bedding, and she has great grown kids.  Why would she ever be a bitch?  And what is she bringing to this show other than the pretty?  How did that work out for Kristen Taekman on RHNYC?  (NOT that I’m saying Dolores is as pretty as model Kristen, but I think she is really pretty, with DSL and a tan to die for with pretty clothes...and that’s it).  Don’t let the door hit you on the surgically enhanced ass on the way out.  

Teresa (and Joe), I find it so crass that they are profiting off a death that happened before the cameras went up.  If they wish to honor Nonno this way—which is a strange way, as they invited Jackie—good, go for it, but it’s not for our consumption IMO.  There are some things that stay off of reality TV in my world.  To paraphrase Kyle Richards of all people, “I don’t shower on TV.  I don’t have sex with my husband on TV.”  And I would think it would go without saying that Gia doesn’t deliver a speech to Nonno that she already delivered on reality TV.  I think this is pretty sick, and Teresa, you sound like you’re 12 saying you wish someone would suck your lemons.  I wish someone would stick a lemon in her mouth.  I think Teresa, Dina and Dolores all get along with each other because they are so self-absorbed that it doesn’t occur to them to have a problem with the other ones.  Those are still waters that do not run deep.  

Jackie, I feel dirty, but I am giving you a pass this week.  Other than whispering to Teresa, which I found weird, she was a nonentity.  I hear that third place reunion chair getting greased for her as I write this.  Oh, and I’m glad Evan got strange around the world and now brags about it in mixed company.  A wonderful thing to mention when his wife is so nervous that she’s ripping the hair out of her head.  Maybe that guy with the 15K engagement ring isn’t looking so bad to Jax right now though 🤔 She looked pretty at the bullshit memorial for poor Nonno.  Not having her husband looks good on her.  

Margaret looked about as pretty as I’ve ever seen her at the memorial for TV whores.  The woman doesn’t have a waist to speak of, and she’s not pretending otherwise, which I think is kind of chic, her skin looked so dewy, and white lace looks so pretty against her whitish hair.  No snark.  If it reads weird, it feels weirder to write.  I gotta say that Melissa was wrong in framing what Margaret said about going to her boss’s apartment and sleeping with him at 22 as something that was said in girl code, whatever that means.  It’s what’s going in her book, she teased us with that info on camera so that we would buy her book, and any attempt to characterize it otherwise is pure spin and bullshit.  Margaret does not get to dole out info and then control how others react to it.  She’s taking pages out of the Jackie playbook again.  Also, does any viewer give a shit that a not-so-attractive lady who is on her second marriage had sex with a man at 22?  If that gets you a book deal, I think I could get a miniseries, cause I got some stories.  And?  I own my shit.  Two for the price of one!!

I’ve never seen more men combined (five) with less collective big dick energy.  Frank, paint by number called and they want their tattoos back.  I’m used to the Joes and Frank being bitches, but Bill and Evan were both girly creeps at different junctures in the episode.  My husband is probably wondering why I am being so nice to him.  Actually, I’m nice to him because I love him.  And I don’t treat him like my bitch, because we have something called mutual respect.  I’m going to put that in my book/miniseries and dedicate it to Margaret too.  

Jennifer...also kind of a nonentity this ep, which I didn’t mind at all.  She is a better arguer than the rest (but, so is a fist with a face drawn on it, that a person moves to make it look like it’s talking).  I’m onto Jen’s argument game now, which isn’t a bad game, but she ain’t playing chess either.  She just takes what someone says, repeats it, but ups the ante.  “My lips look like a monkey’s a$$ whole?  Well, they look like the monkey’s a$$ hole that you sucked!  You shared something with me in an intimate moment?  Well, I shared something intimate with you when I got drunk in front of the group!”  Not exactly Masterpiece Theatre, but I feel like she shows up to work every episode.  She’s never phoning it in.  That’s all I got to say about Jen.  I’m side-eyeing her a little bit for the moment.  

Well, that was a weird one.  Overall, Jennifer, Jackie, Margaret and Dolores flew under the radar for me, and Teresa and Melissa both made me completely sick in their own ways for reasons I highlighted above.  The episode was a snooze, Dolores is stealthily becoming someone I officially Don’t Like, as is this show, no one was likable or a winner here, except I feel better about myself simply for not being a part of this group.  😃 Self-esteem courtesy of Bravo.  Before I watched this, I was feeling weird about some decisions I have to make—right now I feel pretty swell—these losers stumbled into their forties and fifties—somehow I think I’ll be just fine and I appreciate the comparative image boost!

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36 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Did anyone else expect this when Gia got up to speak:

🎶 Wakin’ up in the mornin’ thinkin’ bout so many things 🎶


Close!  I kid you not—when Gia took the mic, my first thought was whether she was going to sing the “first you were one” song up until she got to 76, I guess. 😔 (I truly believe that would have been better than repeating a speech for the cameras that she already made to these same people in private).

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Oh gah, would someone please suck Teresa's lemon's, kiss her peach, and in keeping with her fruit fetish, shove a banana in her (fill in the blank) and shut her up already. 

I felt vaguely uncomfortable watching Jackie spread the gossip about Joe and Melissa to Teresa.  Just think, just last week they were still hating on each other, until Teresa folded and Jackie got that apology for Evan she so coveted, and this week Jackie is dishing the dirt to Teresa about her brother.  Weird sauce, but the show must go on, I suppose.  I'd rather watch them land low blows on each other though, it's a lot more fun.  Them pretending to be friends isn't going to work for me, there is only so much fuckery I can take without getting acid indigestion. 

Delores could maybe start a advice column and call it Dear Delores, since she's becoming such a pro at it.  Enough Delores, nobody really cares what you think except you and Frank, and he kinda has to.

I thought the memorial was really nice.  RIP Nanno, even though I thought you were a crusty old goat, but your family loved you, and that's all that really matters.


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ITA Shannah Banana.  That "life celebration" was beautiful!  I loved the sunset, the water, everyone wearing white, the flowers, the pictures. Simply gorgeous.

I think the mystery of Teresa's hairline genesis was solved by the old pictures of her & JoeGo's parents.

Edited by goofygirl
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Jennifer was channeling Shirley McClain in Terms Of Endearment with her dress on the boat. 


And Delores was channeling her in the dress she wore to the restaurant.  It looked like the dress Shirley McClaine wore on her lunch date with Jack Nicholson I the speeding car. Very frilly.


Edited by swankie
Added another comparison.
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On 4/5/2021 at 11:52 AM, DeeplyShallow said:

He has said misogynistic crap in the past,

I think you would be hard-pressed to find anyone over 70 who hasn't been misogynistic in the past.  They have lived through different times and were raised with different expectations.  His family obviously loved and cherished him. They knew him. We didn't.  Considering Nonno was often featured in episodes for many years it was not surprising that Bravo would have a segment devoted to memorializing him.

16 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

I think the mystery of Teresa's hairline genesis was solved by the old pictures of her & JoeGo's parents.

With all of the things one can go after Teresa about, things she is in actual control of, things that she has done, why attack a physical attribute that she did not choose and was in fact born with?  

Anyone notice the way Jackie and Evan were seated in the van?  Jackie's legs splayed wide with one draped over Evan's leg while he clasped her inner thigh. I can see sprawling over one another while at home, but thought it was a bit off in that situation with the cameras rolling. They're adults, not teen-agers which was the last time I remember seeing couples doing that, eager to display their status while in group setting. Was that for the benefit of the viewers so we would see how close a couple they are? 

So what happened? Did the Gorgas demand more attention or did production decide it was their time this week? Those two could have a knock down, drag out fight culminating in a nasty divorce and I wouldn't be interested.  This is their ninth season on the show and they still depend on Teresa for relevance because they themselves are not compelling and we, the viewers, have to put up with nonsensical skits such as those played out in this episode.  


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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Did anyone else expect this when Gia got up to speak:

🎶 Wakin’ up in the mornin’ thinkin’ bout so many things 🎶


It's so random that after all these years, that scene has come back and is now a meme. lol

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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Melissa is hot in an every day way, not a TV show kind of way.  I never see her make the lists of hottest Housewife.  She has a great body and a long horsey face that is not aging well

Melissa reminds me a lot of Sarah Jessica Parker in her Sex and the City days.  One minute she looks stunning, then you blink and she looks like Ruth Buzzi of Laugh In fame.  The way Joe makes all of those references to their sex life makes me think they hardly do it at all.  If you've got it Iike that you don't talk about it to anybody who will listen.  Sounds to me like he's trying too hard to convince everybody he's a stud.  

I have to say, Teresa's daughters, including Milania, are all stunning.  Antonia, not so much.  I mean she's not ugly, she's just not as pretty as her cousins.

Edited by swankie
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I just remembered the thing that probably bugged me the most in this episode.  These dingdongs were going to a memorial service at a shore home with friends and family making up the guest list.  Someone please explain to me why at least some of them required hair and/or makeup people. I don't look at this and think, "How glamorous!"  I think, "How stupid!!"  I hope those people get paid in more than bragging rights.

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7 hours ago, ichbin said:

Considering Nonno was often featured in episodes for many years it was not surprising that Bravo would have a segment devoted to memorializing him.

I'd bet he fed the production crew pretty well. He was almost always cooking.

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Joe Gorga going into the restaurant was concerned because he didn't want to be embarrassed. The man who caused a scene at a christening resulting in a brawl, does not want to be embarrassed by people in his party arguing in public. 

Have I entered the Twilight Zone?

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7 hours ago, swankie said:

Melissa reminds me a lot of Sarah Jessica Parker in her Sex and the City days.  One minute she looks stunning, then you blink and she looks like Ruth Buzzi of Laugh In fame. 

O.M.G!!! You totally nailed it!


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Tre keeps egging her girls on to cry about Nono, "don't you feel sad and miss Nono, come here let me hug you because you feel so sad about missing Nono," she did to Nono on the beach after her mother died, she did it to her girls often.  Enough already, Tre needs to stop using her kids as pawns to prove to everyone how amazing/loving/devoted/perfect the family unit was/is.

I just buried my father yesterday, he did not want a eulogy although I did do a non mushy one anyway...he would have turned over in his grave if he thought I was droning on and on about him especially on TV, he did not enjoy being the center of attention, so much so we are not sitting shiva, also Covid reasons but do we think Nono wanted GIa to have to be filmed reading her eulogy while crying?

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10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Did anyone else expect this when Gia got up to speak:

🎶 Wakin’ up in the mornin’ thinkin’ bout so many things 🎶


dead!!  I was listening with a special ear to hear if this can be used as a sound  

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I'm seeing on social media that the front we see of Melissa's shore home isn't her house.  And when you see the inside vs the outside in side by side pics - there's no way its the same house.  I even thought when we first saw the house and its upstairs I was like "hmm, well that a deceiving house to have that whole huge upstairs in it"

I want to go on record that first generation dad and my immigrant uncles are not and never were misogynistic.  In case anyone was wondering

I love that Bill buckles up Jen's shoes - my hubby does the same for me when its dress up time.  (there was a dress up time, right)  Hair is in place, make up fresh and bending down over the boobs is a hassle.  Its just a thing we developed over 30 years.  


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4 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I'm seeing on social media that the front we see of Melissa's shore home isn't her house.  And when you see the inside vs the outside in side by side pics - there's no way its the same house.  I even thought when we first saw the house and its upstairs I was like "hmm, well that a deceiving house to have that whole huge upstairs in it"

Thank you!  I’ve spent way too much time trying to figure out how that is a 2 story house from the outside view??!!  The roof kind of slopes up, but don’t the ceilings in the back of the first floor seem too high for it to have a upper level that also has “normal” ceilings??  


6 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I love that Bill buckles up Jen's shoes - my hubby does the same for me when its dress up time.  (there was a dress up time, right)  Hair is in place, make up fresh and bending down over the boobs is a hassle.  Its just a thing we developed over 30 years.  

Also, wouldn’t want to chip a nail!  💅🏼

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9 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I'm seeing on social media that the front we see of Melissa's shore home isn't her house.  And when you see the inside vs the outside in side by side pics - there's no way its the same house.  I even thought when we first saw the house and its upstairs I was like "hmm, well that a deceiving house to have that whole huge upstairs in it"

I want to go on record that first generation dad and my immigrant uncles are not and never were misogynistic.  In case anyone was wondering

I love that Bill buckles up Jen's shoes - my hubby does the same for me when its dress up time.  (there was a dress up time, right)  Hair is in place, make up fresh and bending down over the boobs is a hassle.  Its just a thing we developed over 30 years.  


I just googled "photos of Joe Gorga's NJ shore house", and the images that came up do look like the front of the house we're seeing on the show.  The house is deceiving, though, because from the front photos, it looks like a ranch, or one-story, but the photos from the rear of the home show a second floor.  I think the first floor front room (living room-?) has a vaulted ceiling and most or all of the upstairs bedrooms are built to the rear of the home to take advantage of the waterviews.  

Either way, I still think that they did a great job on the remodel of this one, and it's a beautiful home!  

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7 hours ago, ichbin said:

 Someone please explain to me why at least some of them required hair and/or makeup people.

Because it's being filmed for the show, and Bravo is probably picking up the tab as a production cost?

7 hours ago, ichbin said:

I don't look at this and think, "How glamorous!"  I think, "How stupid!!


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8 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I just googled "photos of Joe Gorga's NJ shore house", and the images that came up do look like the front of the house we're seeing on the show.  The house is deceiving, though, because from the front photos, it looks like a ranch, or one-story, but the photos from the rear of the home show a second floor.  I think the first floor front room (living room-?) has a vaulted ceiling and most or all of the upstairs bedrooms are built to the rear of the home to take advantage of the waterviews.  

Either way, I still think that they did a great job on the remodel of this one, and it's a beautiful home!  

Don't get me wrong - the house is gorgeous and a million times better than my shore home (don't have one)  LOL  I think I didn't convey what I wanted to in my OP -what I wanted to say that I 100% believe that the inside of the house is their home, but they're using exteriors of a different home so they maybe don't get stalkers.  I love that house. 

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2 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Don't get me wrong - the house is gorgeous and a million times better than my shore home (don't have one)  LOL  I think I didn't convey what I wanted to in my OP -what I wanted to say that I 100% believe that the inside of the house is their home, but they're using exteriors of a different home so they maybe don't get stalkers.  I love that house. 

I'm sorry - I hope you didn't think I was disagreeing with you - your post just made me curious nosey!  So, you're probably right about using different exterior shots - because of people like me!!!    🤣

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2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I'm sorry - I hope you didn't think I was disagreeing with you - your post just made me curious nosey!  So, you're probably right about using different exterior shots - because of people like me!!!    🤣

and don't think for one minute I didn't use your google search words to satisfy my "curiosity"  LOL  All good  🙂

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Joe G’s philosophy on women reminds me of a line from the TV show Dallas: “The woman's place is two steps behind the man. Except when walking through a minefield.“

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I know I know this is the obligatory posting of I'm out but this episode has officially made me tap out I think ....Bored and done with this ... I honestly couldn't care less about anyone on this show ...

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Tre keeps egging her girls on to cry about Nono, "don't you feel sad and miss Nono, come here let me hug you because you feel so sad about missing Nono," she did to Nono on the beach after her mother died, she did it to her girls often.  Enough already, Tre needs to stop using her kids as pawns to prove to everyone how amazing/loving/devoted/perfect the family unit was/is.

I just buried my father yesterday, he did not want a eulogy although I did do a non mushy one anyway...he would have turned over in his grave if he thought I was droning on and on about him especially on TV, he did not enjoy being the center of attention, so much so we are not sitting shiva, also Covid reasons but do we think Nono wanted GIa to have to be filmed reading her eulogy while crying?

So sorry for your loss BaltimoreBetty. ((hugs))


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1 hour ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Don't get me wrong - the house is gorgeous and a million times better than my shore home (don't have one)  LOL  I think I didn't convey what I wanted to in my OP -what I wanted to say that I 100% believe that the inside of the house is their home, but they're using exteriors of a different home so they maybe don't get stalkers.  I love that house. 

Yah, I wasn’t ripping on their house either.  I’m thoroughly confused because the inside does not match the outside (to me)!  Like the inside just looks so much bigger than that street view.   I get that it’s kind of a “upside down walkout,” for lack of a better description, but it still just doesn’t match up in my mind.  

That outdoor kitchen / bar is my #1 dream.

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2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I want to go on record that first generation dad and my immigrant uncles are not and never were misogynistic.  In case anyone was wondering

Same here. In fact, my Italian father held my mother in the highest regard. She also worked outside the home, he helped straighten up the house every morning before they went off to work. Everything was pretty much 50/50 with them. It was also my immigrant grandfather that put up with my drunken grandmother until death departed. No misogyny in my family.

What I remember about Nonno was that he treated his son like crap and loved his son in law more. Was there a televised memorial for Nonna since she's the one that put up with him all those years? Oh, that's right, they couldn't because Tre was in jail! 

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I thought Dolores looked beautiful in her dress. I didn't think Joey Gorga was acting when he slammed the door of the van. I also thought Melissa had concern in her voice when she asked Joe what had she done. I haven't finished the episode yet. I turned it off when they were on their way to Teresa and Joe's dad's funeral or memorial?? I wasn't really paying attention.

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11 hours ago, goofygirl said:

I think the mystery of Teresa's hairline genesis was solved by the old pictures of her & JoeGo's parents.

Haha, and here I was thinking it had something to do with her neanderthal lineage!

Maybe she still doesn't know that when she pulls her hair off her face, it really accentuates her super low forehead, and her friends and family don't want to tell her, because they are afraid she will go ape-shit and start throwing poo at them? 

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13 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Close!  I kid you not—when Gia took the mic, my first thought was whether she was going to sing the “first you were one” song up until she got to 76, I guess. 😔 (I truly believe that would have been better than repeating a speech for the cameras that she already made to these same people in private).

I thought of "first you were one..." after singing "wakin up in the mornin" and now I have it in my head and it will not leave!

"then you were 76, now you're dead"


11 hours ago, swankie said:

Jennifer was channeling Shirley McClain in Terms Of Endearment with her dress on the boat. 


And Delores was channeling her in the dress she wore to the restaurant.  It looked like the dress Shirley McClaine wore on her lunch date with Jack Nicholson I the speeding car. Very frilly.


OMG I immediately thought of this dress when I saw her!!!  I was expecting to see her headscarf fly away 🙂


11 hours ago, swankie said:

Melissa reminds me a lot of Sarah Jessica Parker in her Sex and the City days.  One minute she looks stunning, then you blink and she looks like Ruth Buzzi of Laugh In fame.  The way Joe makes all of those references to their sex life makes me think they hardly do it at all.  If you've got it Iike that you don't talk about it to anybody who will listen.  Sounds to me like he's trying too hard to convince everybody he's a stud.  

I have to say, Teresa's daughters, including Milania, are all stunning.  Antonia, not so much.  I mean she's not ugly, she's just not as pretty as her cousins.

I think Joe is trying to convince himself that Melissa actually likes him.  She just doesn't seem that into him, jealousy about the phone notwithstanding.  If there was a guy coming after her, and he had more money (so, money), she would be gone.  


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On 4/5/2021 at 12:08 PM, heatherchandler said:

AND if I recall correctly from Teresa's book (got it from the library so I didn't give her any money) Nonno was a regular cheater, and known ladies man.  And Teresa was kind of bragging about this.


Wow...the way they all revere him as some sort of paragon of virtue...as an Italian version of Ward Cleaver if you will, seems to be a bit of a fantasy. I never liked him either. The way he treated his own son and basically favored Joe Guidice was disgraceful. He seemed very old school hardline to me. The fact that he was estranged from his sister for so many years and never reconciled, even in his final days, says alot about him. So I find it comical that Joe Gorga spoke of his father saying "look out for your sister" when he didn't speak to his sister or see her  for many many years and even went to his death bed never seeing her or speaking to her...lots of grudge holding with this family and Teresa just HAD to get one of her passive aggressive remarks in about Melissa when she said "Melissa should appreciate my brother more..."  She has alot of Nonno in her...

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