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S17.E07: Helplessly Hoping

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Well, they actually did it. I didn't think they would, but they killed off DeLuca. I'm all about trimming down the cast in any possible way, but I did like him as a character and thought he really hit a stride in his character arc. After spending so many seasons stuck in romantic plots, he was finally getting a sole character story and I was interested in it.

The rest of the episode was meh, to be honest.

  • Love 17

Jo is totally going to adopt Orphan Liver Baby, isn't she?

I didn't realize Link and Jackson were good enough friends for Link to have Jackson's number to tell him to go retrieve Maggie. How did Jackson know where she was? And Teddy, Tom is the only person you had left that was willing to talk to you and you burned that to the ground because she is still too proud to admit that she treated him horribly and not just this time around but when she dated him when she was pregnant. 

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Jo is totally going to adopt Orphan Liver Baby, isn't she?

That's what I'm guessing.  It was interesting that they made a point of having the mother say that the father had signed away his parental rights so that we won't be constanting expecting the father to show up and try to claim the baby.  But, this is Grey's so who knows what will happen.

DeLuca wasn't my favorite character, but I saw potential for some interesting storylines about him and his coping with manic depression (I think that's what he has) and taking his meds for it.  There could have been stories about whether or not he could be trusted and how they would look at him/treat him if he acted the slightest bit differently than usual.  I hoped he would live, but as soon as Carina was in the room all happy and joking and then a little later we saw him give a 'thumbs up' (and I saw that there was still a few minutes left in the episode) I knew he was toast.

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8 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I didn't realize Link and Jackson were good enough friends for Link to have Jackson's number to tell him to go retrieve Maggie. How did Jackson know where she was? 

I don't know how Jackson knew where she was, but they all have each other's numbers as co-workers.  I have my co-workers' cell phone numbers, but it's even more important for them to be able to contact each other to consult on cases.  I think they got rid of their pages years ago; now they are paged on their phones.

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Jo is totally going to adopt Orphan Liver Baby, isn't she?

Yeah, definitely.

I was not expecting Deluca to die at all. That really sucks. He's not my family character, but they finally had him in a good place and I was looking forward to what they would do with him next.

6 minutes ago, abc123 said:

I hated how they timed this. My DVR cut off the last 20 min. Minor benefit was being reminded of the plot from last...November?  But I hate crossovers, don’t watch Station 18, didn’t remember that DeLucca was chasing the woman again, and who was the guy who stabbed him?

Someone working with the trafficking woman, I think.

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27 minutes ago, abc123 said:

I hated how they timed this. My DVR cut off the last 20 min. Minor benefit was being reminded of the plot from last...November?  But I hate crossovers, don’t watch Station 18, didn’t remember that DeLucca was chasing the woman again, and who was the guy who stabbed him?

Carina said the woman stabbed him.  She probably stabbed him and ran and that's why she didn't have any blood on her (that was on Station 19 that you may have missed).

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Opal was on the phone quite a bit.  I believe she called the guy who stabbed DeLuca and told him she was being followed.  While DeLuca was following Opal, a guy "bumped" into him and then we pretty much didn't see DeLuca again.  They were probably hoping DeLuca would cause a scene "I've been STABBED" and she could get away in the confusion.


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Huh...welcome back from the winter break...I guess. 
I generally liked Deluca since he joined the cast and really enjoyed his flirtations with Meredith. Something happened though, when they got together...it just didn’t work for me.  Maybe it wasn’t supposed to?  Regardless, here’s to the character and the actor...farewell & well done along the way!

Owen can continue to fuck off until he is off my screen. 
Well played by all at Meredith’s house.  
Congrats on the adoption Jo!!

  • Love 4

The show is just going to keep killing off people who are near and dear to Meredith while she survives all manner of calamities against all odds. She wasn't even a little bit upset when he showed up in her beach reverie.

I wanted to slap Jackson and Whatshisface for not offering Link to take over the baby walking for 15 minutes so Link can sit down and take a break. Poor guy looked exhausted.

  • Love 20
22 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I wanted to slap Jackson and Whatshisface for not offering Link to take over the baby walking for 15 minutes so Link can sit down and take a break. Poor guy looked exhausted.

Linc/Amelia and even Maggie seem like they are on a different show entirely than the hospital universe. I know the connection is that Amelia/Linc are taking care of all the kiddos while Meredith is out of commission and Linc did ask Jackson and Boyfriend of Maggie when they were last tested before he let them in, but the juxtaposition of them on the home front and then everyone at the hospital where there is death everywhere and everyone is on the verge of tears all the time is almost too jarring for me. Amelia/Linc should be out of maternity/paternity leave by now, unless Amelia is getting some emergency bereavement leave / child-taking leave.

  • Love 4

I was absolutely sobbing at the end of this episode, and even now, three hours later, I get emotional thinking about it. I was not expecting it, even when he first showed up on the beach, since Bailey and Webber had been on the beach, too, last year.

It feels really unfair that they killed him off right when he was getting his life back together. Yeah, he died doing a heroic act, so that's good. But his storyline in dealing with his bipolar disorder and showing how people living with serious mental illness can still be extremely successful professionals had a lot of potential still. I'm sorry we won't get to see it--though I guess I'm also making the assumption that Grey's could have even done the storyline justice.

But, man, the whole last bit on the beach, starting with the sandcastle scene..."I had plans." That killed me. 

I will miss GG's gorgeous face. 

  • Love 21

DeLuca dying sucks.  I really liked him. However, DeLuca was barefoot initially on the beach, then he had shoes when building the sandcastle. Why the change?

I'm getting sick of the beach, it seems to just drag on.  How many episodes now? How many more do we have to watch?

I agree with someone above, Jackson and Maggie's boyfriend were selfish, they should have asked to hold Scout.  Especially Maggie's boyfriend, he even took the time to tell Link to keep moving. 

Teddy and Tom, I can't believe she said she didn't love him.  There was no way Owen was going to choose her once she betrayed him with Tom. 

How sweet was Zola?  We can't tell Bailey and Ellis, they are too young to understand. 

McIrish and Jo, bonding over the baby.  She is so going to try to adopt Luna. 

Edited by LittlePeas3
  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Amelia/Linc should be out of maternity/paternity leave by now, unless Amelia is getting some emergency bereavement leave / child-taking leave.

I don't know about hospitals, but some companies are offering up to 10 weeks of special paid leave - in addition to all the usual types of leaves - to employees with caretaking responsibilities; that includes parents of young children but also people taking care of sick or elderly relatives. Link and/or Amelia could also have taken unpaid leave.

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1 hour ago, LittlePeas3 said:

Teddy and Tom, I can't believe she said she didn't love him.  There was no way Owen was going to choose her once she betrayed him with Tom.

The way I took that scene is her telling him what he wanted to hear. He had just finished telling her that her "I loved you both" answer was bullshit because if she did love him (Tom) she would be with him now that Owen had dumped her, but Tom needs to be able to heal himself if/when she goes back to Owen. I took her saying she didn't love him as giving him what he needed from her at that moment - and a way to drag out this horrible triangle that makes none of them look like viable romantic partners for anyone, especially Teddy.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

melia/Linc should be out of maternity/paternity leave by now, unless Amelia is getting some emergency bereavement leave / child-taking leave.

Paid leave, maybe?  Nobody ever takes vacation though so they might have accrued days.  But they are surgeons well established in their careers so they likely can afford some unpaid time off as needed.  And they live with Meredith so it isn't like they are worrying about a mortgage/rent either.   And who would be responsible for firing them?  Bailey?  Catherine Avery?  Neither one of them are going to be unaware of the circumstances.   

I didn't hate Deluca but I didn't care about him, either.   

How much is Ellen Pompeo getting paid to spend this entire season in bed/on a beach?

2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

and a way to drag out this horrible triangle that makes none of them look like viable romantic partners for anyone, especially Teddy.

I'd totally be cool with Tom/Mer.  I know they want to make the Irish doc happen but whatever.  I'm cool with Tom/Mer.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I don't know about hospitals, but some companies are offering up to 10 weeks of special paid leave - in addition to all the usual types of leaves - to employees with caretaking responsibilities; that includes parents of young children but also people taking care of sick or elderly relatives. Link and/or Amelia could also have taken unpaid leave.

Seriously? What do you do with the kids after 10 weeks? After all, it is even too small to put away the breast... In my country, the mother has one year of paid leave after giving birth. During this time, the father has a month of paid mother care and then month of paternity leave (all paid).

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1 hour ago, asiasrasia said:

Seriously? What do you do with the kids after 10 weeks? After all, it is even too small to put away the breast... In my country, the mother has one year of paid leave after giving birth. During this time, the father has a month of paid mother care and then month of paternity leave (all paid).

In my country it is a year and mom and dad can choose how to split it.  (And my employer gives US based dads get 13 weeks paid paternity leave)

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I was never a Deluca hater so I was sad to see him die. I guess I should be glad that they gave him a more heroic death so it wasn't completely random/pointless but of all the characters left on this show, I am for more interested in having him portray dealing with his mental health issues than having another scene of Glasses and HAOG stare at each other.

And on a shallow note, I will miss his pretty face. I know that's subjective but I find his face way more attractive than just about every other male character left on the show.

Although I felt bad for Zola, I liked that the show dealt with (1) kids overhearing what the adults say no matter how much the adults think they're holding their shit together in front of the kids and (2) how to talk to a kid about a difficult situation like this. Zola is such a big sister, swallowing her fear because her concern is how Bailey and Ellis will react to the news.

7 hours ago, Norma Desmond said:

Grey's has killed off so many major characters over the years, that it doesn't have any impact anymore. Oh, another character died? Just a regular day in Shondaland.

Grey Sloan (or whatever it is called now) is truly the deadliest hospital in America.

They don't call it Seattle Grace Mercy Death Hospital for nothing!

6 hours ago, dvr devotee said:

I was absolutely sobbing at the end of this episode, and even now, three hours later, I get emotional thinking about it. I was not expecting it, even when he first showed up on the beach, since Bailey and Webber had been on the beach, too, last year.

It feels really unfair that they killed him off right when he was getting his life back together. Yeah, he died doing a heroic act, so that's good. But his storyline in dealing with his bipolar disorder and showing how people living with serious mental illness can still be extremely successful professionals had a lot of potential still. I'm sorry we won't get to see it--though I guess I'm also making the assumption that Grey's could have even done the storyline justice.

But, man, the whole last bit on the beach, starting with the sandcastle scene..."I had plans." That killed me. 

I will miss GG's gorgeous face. 

ITA with all of this. His storyline had so much more potential but he did a great job with those beach scenes.

  • Love 14
7 hours ago, dvr devotee said:

It feels really unfair that they killed him off right when he was getting his life back together. Yeah, he died doing a heroic act, so that's good. But his storyline in dealing with his bipolar disorder and showing how people living with serious mental illness can still be extremely successful professionals had a lot of potential still. I'm sorry we won't get to see it--though I guess I'm also making the assumption that Grey's could have even done the storyline justice.

Yeah, after seeing how they've portrayed other mental illnesses on this show....I think they would have dropped the ball sooner, rather than later. It's good that Deluca did get a heroic death. It's been a while since we've had one like that. I guess Derek might have been the last, although he died by stopping in the middle of the road AFTER doing a heroic act. It was a good way to send him off, but it also felt incredibly rushed at the same time. 

Still, I could name a bunch more characters who I would rather have died than Deluca. Teddy, Catherine, Schmitt, Schmitt's robotic boyfriend, Jackson, Owen, hell, even Jo, who doesn't seem to have much to do on the show anymore (besides probably adopting that baby now). Hell, at this point, I'm even including Meredith, despite the fact that it would never happen but I think the show would be just fine without her, as they've proven to be just fine for the last few episodes. It's just unfortunate because Deluca had a growing storyline and they ended it while it was getting good. 

  • Love 6

I was not a huge Deluca fan but I didn't want him to die, and I agree his manic bipolar disorder left room for some storylines they had not covered before.

As a not huge Deluca fan and because so many have died on this show, I at first did not get emotional. But i teared up when he ran to his mother--that may be my mom of boys side talking.

If we are going to thin the cast, I ask yet again: "why can't Glasses die???" Why is he still on the show? He has no storylines of interest. He's just a ball of nerves. Even when he has scenes they are dumb--I'm sorry, but if you are staffing the ER, no one expects you to figure out this random person claiming to have an injury is actually a kidnapper. Also, they need to get him bigger shirts to wear. It looked like he'd gained some weight but was wearing clothes from earlier. 

Interesting choice to just have Bailey sleep the entire time. 

I felt like the Zola acting could be better--it just made me appreciate more the child actors they use on This Is Us. 

I hope Maggie's boyfriend sticks around and is not crazy or anything awful. I like him.

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11 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Well that was horrifically depressing.  But I bet most people here will be jumping for joy?

I could tell that I was in the minority of people who actually liked Deluca, and if my two options are him or Irish guy whose name I can't remember to be with Meredith, I definitely choose Deluca.  How sad.

*** RAISES HAND! ***

Me too  😉

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7 hours ago, bybrandy said:

How much is Ellen Pompeo getting paid to spend this entire season in bed/on a beach?

I thought this the last few episodes.

I was somewhat spoiled by the death - I knew it was a cast member, but didn't know who.  And for some reason, the DVR recorded what I think was the last 10 minutes of Station 19 and I thought I was going to miss the end of Grey's, but I got it all.  Did everyone's do that?  So as soon as I saw DeLuca on the ground, I knew he was done.

Sad to see DeLuca go.  He was a good addition to the cast and had a lot of storyline left in him.  You knew he wasn't going to pull thru when he gave that big thumbs up.

I forget, did Maggie know Meredith was on the ventilator?  If she did, why was Amelia so insistent that Maggie be there when she talked to Zola?  Couldn't she let her have a break?  Amelia has Linc to give her a break, Maggie has no one.  Just another reason for me not to like Amelia (there are many).

And Jackson - "Linc told me to get you."  like that wouldn't freak Maggie out?  

Anyone else notice how Amelia and Linc tend to start out their scenes 6 feet away from each other?  I've noticed it the last few episodes.  Considering they live in the same house, I don't think that's necessary.

  • Love 1

Like some others, I’m really disappointed that they decided to kill off DeLuca. Was it the actor’s choice to leave? Or did Krista Vernoff decide to ax the character? If it’s the latter, then Krista has made a string of bad decisions since taking over on the show, and this is yet another one. There are many other characters *cough* Teddy *cough* Contacts that I’d rather leave. I actually liked him, and I don’t think I realized how much I did like him until last night. His final scene on the beach made me cry. 🥺

I will also miss seeing his pretty little Italian face and hair. Sigh.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, asiasrasia said:

Seriously? What do you do with the kids after 10 weeks? After all, it is even too small to put away the breast... In my country, the mother has one year of paid leave after giving birth. During this time, the father has a month of paid mother care and then month of paternity leave (all paid).

The 10 weeks I was taking about are a special leave during the pandemic for any employees with caretaking responsibilities, i.e. not just parents of newborns. It's in addition to any other leaves for which an employee is eligible. Although you are correct that the usual maternity leave in the US - 12 weeks FMLA plus 6-8 weeks of medical leave for the mother to recover from childbirth - leaves a lot to be desired. 

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess Derek might have been the last, although he died by stopping in the middle of the road AFTER doing a heroic act. It was a good way to send him off, but it also felt incredibly rushed at the same time. 

Wow, you know what? I remember Derek died from another doctor's stupidity, and I remember that Derek basically got himself there by stopping in the middle of the damn road to make a phone call. But I totally forgot the heroism that came before that, because Derek's actions immediately after were so blindingly idiotic.

3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Still, I could name a bunch more characters who I would rather have died than Deluca. Teddy,

I have had the feeling all season that they're sending Teddy on this spiral where she'll commit suicide. I really, really hope that Deluca's death was basically unavoidable, that his injuries too severe to recover from, and it's not a mistake Teddy made in surgery by being so tired and emotionally frazzled (as Richard said, she'd been on shift for 20 hours at the point when Deluca needed surgery, and her shift ended with intubating Meredith...and right after that, Teddy had the emotional conversation with Tom). Teddy will already blame herself for Deluca's death, but I just don't want there to be "real" reasons she's responsible for it.

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I didn’t like DeLuca when he was with Meredith - the whole relationship gave me the squicks but this season he was fine. I kind of felt like they were wrapping things up for him as his only storyline was really this. 

I can’t believe we’ve lost him and still have to listen to Teddy. How is that moron still getting airtime.

Its frustrating that the show will get rid of DeLuca who had potential but yet they’ll keep Owen who should have left with Teddy once Alison was born.

Edited by Avabelle
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, madmax said:

And for some reason, the DVR recorded what I think was the last 10 minutes of Station 19 and I thought I was going to miss the end of Grey's, but I got it all.  Did everyone's do that?  .


The network delayed the start of prime time by 20 minutes for President Biden’s speech. However, the speech/post commentary ran some minutes over that. That’s why S19 bled over into Greys.  I actually recorded the show after Greys to make sure I got the end of Greys. 

  • Useful 4
1 hour ago, pennben said:

The network delayed the start of prime time by 20 minutes for President Biden’s speech. However, the speech/post commentary ran some minutes over that. That’s why S19 bled over into Greys.  I actually recorded the show after Greys to make sure I got the end of Greys. 

Aaaahhhh...thank you.  I thought they were pulling some stunt with Station 19 in order to force us to tune into another show first. 

6 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

 Also, they need to get him bigger shirts to wear. It looked like he'd gained some weight but was wearing clothes from earlier. 

OMG, yes!  I was thinking this for more than just Glasses.  Many of them looked like their shirts were ridiculously tight.  I am sure those head masks with the belts around their waists contribute to pulling things a bit tighter, but I kept wondering how he got his shirts on and off.  Since his storylines are usually ordinary, I was looking at the scenery and anything but paying attention.  I kept thinking people must be helping him dress.  

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2 hours ago, madmax said:

I thought this the last few episodes.

I was somewhat spoiled by the death - I knew it was a cast member, but didn't know who.  And for some reason, the DVR recorded what I think was the last 10 minutes of Station 19 and I thought I was going to miss the end of Grey's, but I got it all.  Did everyone's do that?  So as soon as I saw DeLuca on the ground, I knew he was done.

Sad to see DeLuca go.  He was a good addition to the cast and had a lot of storyline left in him.  You knew he wasn't going to pull thru when he gave that big thumbs up.

I forget, did Maggie know Meredith was on the ventilator?  If she did, why was Amelia so insistent that Maggie be there when she talked to Zola?  Couldn't she let her have a break?  Amelia has Linc to give her a break, Maggie has no one.  Just another reason for me not to like Amelia (there are many).

And Jackson - "Linc told me to get you."  like that wouldn't freak Maggie out?  

Anyone else notice how Amelia and Linc tend to start out their scenes 6 feet away from each other?  I've noticed it the last few episodes.  Considering they live in the same house, I don't think that's necessary.

Biden was talking about vaccination and cause a delay in programming last night.

Eta: already answered

Edited by Racj82
  • Useful 2
2 hours ago, madmax said:

I forget, did Maggie know Meredith was on the ventilator?  If she did, why was Amelia so insistent that Maggie be there when she talked to Zola?  Couldn't she let her have a break?  Amelia has Linc to give her a break, Maggie has no one.  Just another reason for me not to like Amelia (there are many).

I don't think Maggie did know about the ventilator. I thought that was why Amelia wanted to reach her, to let her know. 

I am not really sure why she had to tell her right away, it's not like Maggie could do anything. But I guess when she didn't answer her phone, Amelia assumed something bad happened. She didn't know Maggie was just sexing it up with the new boyfriend.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, madmax said:

I forget, did Maggie know Meredith was on the ventilator?  If she did, why was Amelia so insistent that Maggie be there when she talked to Zola?  Couldn't she let her have a break?  Amelia has Linc to give her a break, Maggie has no one.  Just another reason for me not to like Amelia (there are many).

Maggie and Amelia are part of the village that has been their for Zola for the last few years.  I'm sure Amelia wanted Maggie there so they could be a united front for Zola and Zola wouldn't feel like she's already lost her dad, she could be losing her mom, and now Maggie who has been there consistently as part of the team isn't either.   I think it was about making Zola feel more protected and like there were more people there who had her back.

Also Zola made the decision not to tell Bailey/Ellis.  But Zola could have gone the other way and then that's a lot extra for Amelia to have to take on.  Another set of arms for hugs.  Another person to answer scared questions.   And again part of the team that has been taking care of them for a while now.

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4 hours ago, PepSinger said:

Like some others, I’m really disappointed that they decided to kill off DeLuca. Was it the actor’s choice to leave? Or did Krista Vernoff decide to ax the character? If it’s the latter, then Krista has made a string of bad decisions since taking over on the show, and this is yet another one. There are many other characters *cough* Teddy *cough* Contacts that I’d rather leave. I actually liked him, and I don’t think I realized how much I did like him until last night. His final scene on the beach made me cry. 🥺

I will also miss seeing his pretty little Italian face and hair. Sigh.

I read something today that it was Krista and Debbie Allen's decision, "for the story."  Giacomo said they called him in to Debbie's office and told him about it, and he liked the story-telling so he was ok with it.  Last year they scheduled him to direct an episode (or more), so he is still part of the cast, at least for this season.  He hinted that he might be seen again on screen as well, because people appear as ghosts or flashbacks all the time in this show.  That's not a spoiler, just a cheeky comment he made, so who knows if it's true and what will really happen.

ETA: Also, me too.  I totally agree with you - I liked his character and his hotness and I will miss all of it.  Boo to them. 

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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