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S15.E04: The Basement Wife

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48 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Meri is trying to rewrite history.  She lauded over the other ladies with her first wife status and used to throw her weight around, which is why some of the older kids resent her.  At the end of Kody and Robyn's wedding reception, before they left for their honeymoon, Robyn had to step aside so that Meri and Kody could have a special moment.  While Janelle’s kids appear to consider Christine a bonus mom, it’s clear they harbor no such feeling for Meri.  I’ll never forget her ripping Aspyn a new one for showing too much cleavage or wearing too short shorts.  I’ve seen her yell at Janelle’s boys for being overly rambunctious.  When Kody said all those negative things about her to Nancy, those were clearly thoughts that he’d been harboring all these years.

Meri is very strategic about where she places her affection.  Like Kody, the kids that gain favor are the offspring of the wives that are in Meri/Kody's "good books".  I noticed on the last episode when Mariah and Audge made their appearance, one of Robyn's older girls was all over Meri, clinging to her as she sat in a chair.  Christine and Janelle's kids, who have been around Meri since their birth, are either bypassed by Meri or they choose to ignore her. Which came first?  Kids know instinctively where their feelings will be reciprocated.

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53 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

I was a bit confused.  Didn't the manager of the facility they all liked say that Utah is closed for business on Sunday, then that was glossed over and it appeared that Sunday the 29th would be OK. ???

Wouldn’t all the places be closed on Sunday? Maybe, that’ll mean they have to get married in someone’s backyard and prepare the food themselves.  Oh, I know what about at Meris B&B?  Lol

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4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Wouldn’t all the places be closed on Sunday? Maybe, that’ll mean they have to get married in someone’s backyard and prepare the food themselves.  Oh, I know what about at Meris B&B?  Lol

I'm pretty sure that utilizing the BnB as a wedding venue was one of the points Meri brought up when justifying the purchase of the property.  With Kody and Mariah limiting the guest list to those that approve of polygamy and same-sex marriage, that may limit the numbers within their small circle of friends and family.  Overnight guests that may have travelled some distance could all bunk down in the tent rented for the occasion, or jam the streets of Parowan with caravans of RV's.

Rice Krispie treats would no doubt be a feature of the menu.

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What Snowflake wants, Snowflake gets.  Kind of the way it was for Meri when she was HBIC, and now Robchins is top dog.  Mariah didn't see the purchase of the B & B as a good thingk, IIRC.  She'll put it up for 'sell' the day she inherits it.

Wow, Sludge has rilly packed it on.  Mariah's been Pudgy for years, but Sludge was way slimmer when they starting dating.  

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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:
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Previously on Sister Wives…

The women all hate each other and they go out for pizza and lemons to talk about it while Kody eats chicken wings and looks at these people and wonders who they are, and why they’re harshing his mellow and complaining about things he doesn’t understand.  Pass the BBQ sauce and let’s move on. 

This week – get ready for some truth bombs and some unsettling, triggering pandemic scenes.  Of note – the show is almost exactly one year behind where we are now, so it’s almost like an out-of-body experience watching them trying to understand this thing called Covid-19 and what it means.  I was oddly fascinated by this episode, for that and other reasons.  Here we go!

Christine talks about what it’s like to be the “Basement Wife.”  Apparently, this is a thing in plyg culture, as is being called the Queen Bee (or is it Queen "B," with B a stand-in for another word)?  The Basement Wife is the one who is relegated to the least desirable part of a multi-wife house, and therefore is the most isolated.  That was Christine at the Lehi house.  She talks about how she took care of Janelle’s kids at the expense of her own, and that she wished she would’ve handled that better.  The Queen B idea is that if anyone in the family is hanging out in one wife’s domain, that wife is considered the Queen B – things are done her way, the food is served her way, she gets to boss everyone else around, etc.  I find this terminology interesting, and I don’t think we have ever heard “basement wife” or “Queen B” in the previous 14 seasons of this show.  Are we finally getting some tiny kernels of truth?  We hear from Meri who says that she is completely unfamiliar with this mysterious “Queen B” notion, to which I laughed out loud and nearly choked on my coffee.  Nice try, “B.”  Janelle then interviews that she too was once a basement wife and blathers about how when she lived in a basement in one of the Brown’s many houses, she was literally in a basement with no windows.  It was dark!  But Christine?  Well, at least she had windows!  So it couldn’t have been that bad!  I want to reach in and smack Janelle’s growth right off her stupid lip because (A) Janelle’s time in the basement was probably a few months, whereas Christine’s was several years, and (B) Christine was also living in the basement and taking care of Janelle’s kids as well as her own while Janelle sauntered off to her office job and lunched on Big Macs without 10 – 12 kids asking her to cut up their apples or put the straw into their juice boxes.  So while I am actually liking Christine so far in this ep, maybe it’s just that my hate for Meri and Janelle has greatly intensified.

Now we move to Christine’s house.  Christine is arranging a weird bucket of hyacinths as Robyn comes over for a chat.  Robyn wants to know why Christine thinks that everyone hates her and as we all know, Robyn is the peacemaker and designated diplomat in the fam’ly, so she has to get all up in Christine’s personal business so that she can report back to Kody and simultaneously make herself feel superior for not having all those messy emotions like loneliness, jealousy, and frustration at being a single mother.  Christine makes breakfast for herself and Robyn – yogurt, strawberries and granola – and serves it in these super cute red and white bowls.  And if you’re squeamish at all, skip the rest of this paragraph, because we are now going to hear endless stories of where Kody used to take his showers…sorry for any disturbing mental imagery this might unwillingly conjure in your brain.  Christine talks about how, at the Lehi house, Kody would come home and shower at Meri’s or Janelle’s house, never Christine’s.  Now I don’t want to delve too deeply into the meaning of this, but I kind of see where Christine is coming from – Kody basically didn’t want to shower at Christine’s because he simply didn’t want to be in her part of the house.  When Robyn came along, though – all of a sudden he started showering at Christine’s – because Robyn told him to.  Now, how Robyn knew about any of this when she wasn’t even living with the family in Lehi, I don’t know.  The point Christine is making is that once Robyn came into the picture, Kody did what Robyn told him to, while Christine never even knew that she had the option to tell Kody to do anything.  Robyn tells Christine that she needs to tell Kody what she’s told Robyn, about feeling isolated and insignificant.  Christine looks like she’d rather take a bath in Janelle’s Vegas bathtub, post-Maddie’s water birth, than talk to Kody.  I don’t blame her one bit. 

Kody’s stupid permed face pops up in a talking head and he says that Christine likes to take the past and spin it in a negative direction, and that he didn’t shower at her house because he liked to shower at Meri’s and then have breakfast at Christine’s.  If you were playing a game where you took a shot every time the word “shower” was uttered, I sincerely hope your liver is still functioning.  This season’s “shower” is last season’s “rental.”  Basically what we’ve had so far is Christine trying to tell some truths about living with these people while everyone else shoots her down.  I hope she watches this episode and immediately puts a For Sale sign on her house and moves to St. George with Truly.

Then it’s time for some scenes we’ve seen multiple times before – this time, it’s Pudge and Audge’s turn to look at wedding venues in Salt Lake City.  Nothing new here, except that one of the venues is at a ski lodge and since it’s March 12, 2020 (cue ominous music), there’s enough snow to require the family to take snowmobiles to the top of the mountain where the ceremony would take place, and guess who immediately whines and freaks right out?  That would be Janelle, who also whines and freaks out when asked to dance, or exercise, or wear a hat, or go to lunch with her sister-wives, etc.  Somehow the staff wrangles her ass onto a snowmobile and once at the top, she proclaims it “exhilarating.”  Whatever.  Maybe next time something like this comes up, Janelle, you just shut up about it and either do it or quietly excuse yourself.  But speaking of quiet, the family tours one venue with a huge dance floor and you’ll never guess who sliiiiiides himself onto the middle of the floor, a’ la Tom Cruise circa Risky Business, proceeds to do a terrible moonwalk and then shakes and shimmies for maximum hair floppibility?  If you guessed Kody, take another shot of your fave beverage – whatever gets you through this show, no judgement here.  The venue host does a hilarious talking head where she deadpans: “that Kody.  He sure has the moves.”  Lady – you don’t know the half of it.  Consider yourself lucky that you’ve only just met this toolbag. 

The ep finishes with the onset of Covid 19 and all its mystery and anxiety.  The wives talk about how they were going to fly back from Salt Lake City to Flagstaff, but so many flights were getting canceled, they ended up renting a car and driving home while Kody headed solo to Wyoming for his mother’s birthday party.  From here on, we’ll be treated to the family recording themselves on their phones or on remote-control cameras, because the production staff is out.  Kody, unfortunately, speaks for many of us at the episode’s end where he says, “I don’t know what we’re supposed to do.”  All I can say is thank goodness we are a year removed, there’s a vaccine, and hope on the horizon.  I would not go back one year and relive this for a million dollars.  This is going to make for an interesting remainder of the season.  Or a boring remainder……we shall see.

Warning: this episode is triggering.....for the pandemic, and for the word "shower."

Kody's stupid permed face! Love it!

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Wouldn’t all the places be closed on Sunday? Maybe, that’ll mean they have to get married in someone’s backyard and prepare the food themselves.  Oh, I know what about at Meris B&B?  Lol

All the places aren't closed on Sunday, just that one. I mean lots of places are closed on Sunday, but Red Butte Gardens and Solitude Ski Resort are definitely both open on Sunday. I have been to both on Sunday. 

Source: Lifelong Utah resident. Also can confirm what Audrey's mother said. I never leave the state without at least one person asking if I am a polygamist. 

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3 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

Iirc, she worked for the State of Utah, not sure in which capacity. But I vaguely remember something about retirement plans (whose, I'm not sure)  being cashed out for MSWC. 

I think she was an admin/analyst. Back then the state of Utah actually posted the position and salaries of their employees on their website. I seem to recollect Janelle was making somewhere in the range of $60k which in 2011 for Utah was a decent income, I guess. I'm in California so I don't know the cost of living in Utah. 

I recall on the show Janelle said she cashed out her 401(k) to finance the move to Vegas. I really, seriously doubt she had much in her 401 to start with - she was paying half the bills for 4 adults, 12 kids (pre-Robyn/Truely) and I don't see her being able to contribute more than 3% of her income at most.

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It’s unfortunate that so many people don’t know more about Utah. As a big Osmond fan growing up, I read abOut Utah, Mormons, LDS, etc.  and as kid knew that LDS members don’t practice polygamy.  In 2021, there’s really no excuse for people to not know this.  

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4 minutes ago, nosedive said:

Sign me up for the husband showering next door!  In fact, I’m in favor of his taking all his bathrooming needs next door.  What’s not to like about that arrangement?  

Maybe Christine wanted to shower with Kody...?

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3 hours ago, TakeAPinotGrigio said:

I don't think we ever saw Kody favor Christine when they lived in Utah. She was pretty much the scullery maid & child minder. And you can want something but when you get it people make it so miserable that it's not what you wanted at all. Just bc you want something, doesn't mean you should be punished with whatever crap version of it someone gives you. I want a car. Should I accept an engine block & 4 tires if someone calls it a car?

Kody already hated Meri by then. And Janelle was just his business partner. Christine was always described as the fun bubbly one. She loved being wife #3. I tend to agree with Kody. Christine is looking back at time through aa different lens.

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1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

I think she was an admin/analyst. Back then the state of Utah actually posted the position and salaries of their employees on their website. I seem to recollect Janelle was making somewhere in the range of $60k which in 2011 for Utah was a decent income, I guess. I'm in California so I don't know the cost of living in Utah. 

I recall on the show Janelle said she cashed out her 401(k) to finance the move to Vegas. I really, seriously doubt she had much in her 401 to start with - she was paying half the bills for 4 adults, 12 kids (pre-Robyn/Truely) and I don't see her being able to contribute more than 3% of her income at most.

Ty. I don't think I ever read what jobshe  had.

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19 hours ago, crimson23 said:

When you watch this crowd, you have to piece random comments together and read between lines, while adding some past history.  No one ever really comes out and says how things were back in the Lehigh house.  Back  in the Lehigh house days, Janelle worked full time, so Christine raised, watched Janelle's kids along with her own.  Not sure what Mer did, besides polish her wedding certificate on the wall.  Janelle had one side of the home, probably because she had more kids at the time.  Christine lived in the other side in the basement with  Meri and Mariah over head. there were stories where when Janelle's kids went down to Christine's area, they were made to go around and outside to get into C's area. Meri didn't want them tromping thru her domain, and disturbing her. That's the reason why they are afraid if they Mer the access to the pond at Coyote, that no one else will be able to use it.  Big Mer was always the queen bee and called the shots.  I think Christine would live in the one house Meri wasn't in it. 

I kind of understand why Meri didn’t want six kids constantly trampling back and forth. Meri is organized and neat - Janelle, not so much. And we’ve seen the duct taped leather chair.  This family stomps around everywhere with filthy feet. I wouldn’t want a black trail paved through my house. 

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2 minutes ago, AryasMum said:

I kind of understand why Meri didn’t want six kids constantly trampling back and forth. Meri is organized and neat - Janelle, not so much. And we’ve seen the duct taped leather chair.  This family stomps around everywhere with filthy feet. I wouldn’t want a black trail paved through my house. 

I don't think a single one of these people is neat. Even though they are being filmed, they have piles of laundry everywhere, their moves consist of tossing random junk into trailers, and their kitchen counters are covered in stuff.  Meri included.


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2 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

I can picture Mariahs wedding dress: no sleeves,  rainbow colored armpit hair

Some awful hairstyle and the piercings on display 

Audrey in a tux 

This is hilarious! The arm hair! I swear to gawd, if I see that, my eyes will bleed.

Earlier today, while folding laundry, I wondered who would wear the tux, or if both would, or both wear dresses. I think I might have an unhealthy obsession with these folks. Yes, yes I do. I just googled tuxedo dress! They have then

M, and Billy Pirter is sporting a most elegant creation!

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1 hour ago, Art Of Noiz said:

This is hilarious! The arm hair! I swear to gawd, if I see that, my eyes will bleed.

Earlier today, while folding laundry, I wondered who would wear the tux, or if both would, or both wear dresses. I think I might have an unhealthy obsession with these folks. Yes, yes I do. I just googled tuxedo dress! They have then

M, and Billy Pirter is sporting a most elegant creation!

Don't know how true it is but I read somewhere that they both plan to wear rompers. Yes, rompers!!!

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3 minutes ago, Art Of Noiz said:

Well, fcuk me runnin! I wonder what colors they'll be!!!

All the colors of the rainbow I'm sure.  Just in case anyone missed it, did you know they are Gay, and high five to Kody for his little joke about walking a not so straight procession down the aisle.  So corny.

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10 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

All the colors of the rainbow I'm sure.  Just in case anyone missed it, did you know they are Gay, and high five to Kody for his little joke about walking a not so straight procession down the aisle.  So corny.

Yes, I caught that. He carbon dates himself with his tacky comments. Imo. 

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Hey there, longtime lurker here, decided to finally join in the fun, cause the episodes get more boring by the season (and more expensive, $29.99? REALLY, Amazon??)

This episode had it all again-

Kulty- desperate to pretend he is FINE with his daughter being gay,

Meri- desperate to reconnect with Kulty,

Janelle- desperate to sneak out of any outdoor activity possible even if it requires no movement,

Christine- just plain desperate,

Roblox- desperate to pretend she cares about the other "wives".

Out of the whole sorry bunch, I detest Christine the most, not only detest, but she is the one I am actually genuielly (sp?) afraid of. I mean, how fucked up (is cursing allowed here??) do you have to be to let your "husband" tell the whole world that you gross him out, he never was in love, etc, you admit that your kids got no attention, you had/ have to beg for grocery money and money for your OWN DAUGHTER'S surgery, and yet you sit on the couch and tell us how great polygamy is. 

That bitch is so far gone, it is scary- and one day, she will snap. I do not find her funny or bubbly at all, but I can tell you, one day in the future bored and neglected Unruly Truely will sneak into the bathroom and switch out her mom's Xanax with her candy- and then hell will break out.

You read it here first.

Nice to meet you all by the way.

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46 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Don't know how true it is but I read somewhere that they both plan to wear rompers. Yes, rompers!!!

I must be on the wrong boards, because, this is fine? We had a loose "wear blue, IDC what, just some shade of blue" for our party, and two of our party, one guy and one gal, wore ruffled blue tuxedos, and one woman wore a jumpsuit (not skydiving, but like an actual dressy jumpsuit) and she looked smashing. Although I think rompers are shorts? So that changes things. I know it's kinda out there, but man, nontraditional weddings can be lots of fun. For all we make fun of Mariah and her partner, for my money, rainbow dyed armpit hair and different colored dresses is gonna win out over the 589307th plyg commitment ceremony with 1000 kids and Kody dancing maniacally whipping his hair around and juice toasts.

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8 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

I must be on the wrong boards, because, this is fine? We had a loose "wear blue, IDC what, just some shade of blue" for our party, and two of our party, one guy and one gal, wore ruffled blue tuxedos, and one woman wore a jumpsuit (not skydiving, but like an actual dressy jumpsuit) and she looked smashing. Although I think rompers are shorts? So that changes things. I know it's kinda out there, but man, nontraditional weddings can be lots of fun. For all we make fun of Mariah and her partner, for my money, rainbow dyed armpit hair and different colored dresses is gonna win out over the 589307th plyg commitment ceremony with 1000 kids and Kody dancing maniacally whipping his hair around and juice toasts.

One side of me really loves the concept of non-stringent dress for a wedding.  Not everyone does, for example when Aspyn married Mitch, she had a vision of a color code and dress theme for the family and Meri, Meri, quite contrary, singled herself out with her nonconformity. 

Rompers are shorts, sort of a short version of a jumpsuit, and may be practical for an August wedding as I believe Utah can be subject to intense heat at that time of year. 

The other side of me thinks that the principal players in this hopefully, once in a lifetime event, should choose attire that suits their body type, and if you have caught sight of Mariah and Audrey's legs, you would know what I'm talking about.  Mariah seems to want a "all the bells and whistles" wedding, but at the same time wants to make a statement.  It seems half-assed to me, either go all out casual and skip the formalities of a catered castle venue and have a picnic style box lunch event.

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5 hours ago, Coldplay said:

I mean, how fucked up (is cursing allowed here??) do you have to be to let your "husband" tell the whole world that you gross him out, he never was in love, etc, you admit that your kids got no attention, you had/ have to beg for grocery money and money for your OWN DAUGHTER'S surgery, and yet you sit on the couch and tell us how great polygamy is. 

But she isn't touting polygamy now- at ALL. She seems to have done a very severe 180- I think she is feeling proud and badass for, after all these years, "telling it like it is"- but she's coming across as defeated and bitter that she tried and tried to buy into for years, only to have it leave her empty and depleted.  You can see it on her face- deep lines between her eyes that don't smile anymore. In certain shots her skin looks gray and she really looks like she has aged 15 years since she decided not to hide how little she cares anymore. And yeah, admitting that you let everyone roll over you while you maintained a household and raised umpteen kids (many of whom were not your own- wait, aren't the kids all "theirs"?) makes you look pathetic and totally taken advantage of.

I don't like to pick at looks, but oof- Mariah and Audrey have packed on some Covid weight. Seems their couch scenes were filmed more recently vs the wedding venue selection scenes.  In fact, I can say that pretty much every Brown is in need of a better diet and some more exercise (last year the tabloids were saying the wives had all lost weight?)  Too much food-pantry starchy food and navel-gazing. Honestly, the conversations they have just go around and around. I'm with Christine- they talk too much and go nowhere. I left the yogurt parfait scene scratching my head thinking "what was the conclusion there?" I guess that Robin feels she convinced another sister wife for another day that she isn't the witch we all know she really is.

As for the Mariah wedding, I am over Brown weddings. Kody all puffed up as "dad of the bride," saying what a bargain the venue is.  He isn't paying for a cent of it. The whole "we have to get married on the 29th" thing was a non-thing. And we know you are camera hogs, but after being a couple for 3 years, you don't need to convince us every second you are being filmed of how much you LURVE each other- the hand-clasping, the nuzzling... okay, you're two women in love. Old news; we have seen enough.

Edited by KateHearts
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7 hours ago, Coldplay said:

Out of the whole sorry bunch, I detest Christine the most, not only detest, but she is the one I am actually genuielly (sp?) afraid of. I mean, how fucked up (is cursing allowed here??) do you have to be to let your "husband" tell the whole world that you gross him out, he never was in love, etc, you admit that your kids got no attention, you had/ have to beg for grocery money and money for your OWN DAUGHTER'S surgery, and yet you sit on the couch and tell us how great polygamy is. 

That bitch is so far gone, it is scary- and one day, she will snap. I do not find her funny or bubbly at all, but I can tell you, one day in the future bored and neglected Unruly Truely will sneak into the bathroom and switch out her mom's Xanax with her candy- and then hell will break out.

You read it here first.

Nice to meet you all by the way.

Welcome!  I agree.

If Christine were really struggling with jealousy in polygamy after nearly 30 years, she could talk to her mother or aunt who all left polygamy and expand her perspective.  But, in an early season, she showed how she is such a mental midget that she hid in the bathroom when she was in physical proximity to her aunt. 

Instead, Christine confides to Robyn on national television, and Robyn decides that Christine needs to tell Kody how she feels.  We all saw the honeymoon in Texas with Nancy, the therapist to polygamous stars.  Kody already commanded to Christine: She must honor the family (aka Robyn) if she wants him to love (tolerate) her.  The only things that have changed are that Kody has become more intolerant, and Christine has become more insufferable.

Robyn must have immediately run back to Kody to tattle on Christine, because in his talking head, Kody reaffirmed his low opinion of Christine, asserting that she remains delusional.

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9 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

I can picture Mariahs wedding dress: no sleeves,  rainbow colored armpit hair

Some awful hairstyle and the piercings on display 

Audrey in a tux 

I thought.... Audrey would wear the gown and Mariah the tux?  It's confusing.

Now I know why they left Chicago.  Follow the money.  This should set them up.

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2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

As for the Mariah wedding, I am over Brown weddings. Kody all puffed up as "dad of the bride," saying what a bargain the venue is.  He isn't paying for a cent of it. The whole "we have to get married on the 29th" thing was a non-thing. And we know you are camera hogs, but after being a couple for 3 years, you don't need to convince us every second you are being filmed of how much you LURVE each other- the hand-clasping, the nuzzling... okay, you're two women in love. Old news; we have seen enough.


19 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Now I know why they left Chicago.  Follow the money.  This should set them up.

The only thing worse than watching Brown Chaos (TM) in wedding planning is watching the Browns filming themselves planning a wedding via Zoom for the least-liked sibling.  

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15 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

Iirc, she worked for the State of Utah, not sure in which capacity. But I vaguely remember something about retirement plans (whose, I'm not sure)  being cashed out for MSWC. 

Good heavens, is this true?  I don't remember but I can totally see it happening...Robyn taking Janelle's retirement cash was just a warm-up to her taking Meri's marriage license.

As for Christine, I think she drove me the most crazy with her whisper-breathy keep-sweet way of speaking, the way she cowered in Kody's presence, and the way she simpered to Robyn.  But I agree with @KateHearts - I think Christine has finally seen that she's been living one big lie since she joined Kody and the Gang, and that's why her appearance has so dramatically changed.  Stress and grief and rage can do that to a person.  Unfortunately, she was madly in love with a man who not only didn't love her back but was actively disgusted with her, made out with his shiny new toy while Christine was otherwise occupied birthing his sixth child, etc. etc.  She was begging for any scraps of his attention which can be viewed as pathetic, but I see it as a woman who desperately wanted this whole family thing to work.  I think she is the only wife who truly loves all of the kids, not just her own.  I don't even think Kody cares much about his kids not from Robyn's loins.  But somehow, she seems to have seen her life for what it really is and maybe she will be the one to bail.  Meri had an affair with a banana and Janelle is so checked out she doesn't seem to register a pulse most of the time, but Christine kept trying to do whatever she could to make her "marriage" work.  I have been WAITING for one of these women to burst out in rage-flames and tell Kody just where to shove it.  Maybe Christine will come through!

Edited by laurakaye
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4 minutes ago, OdinO. said:

Nobody looks good in a romper.

I had to Google romper to make sure I knew what it was.  I just can't imagine those two in rompers.

Like circus elephants.  Maybe they will carry umbrellas?  Striped ones.

Mariah and Meri...take a hike.   You two are tiring with your cute ideas.

4 minutes ago, Grifter Lives said:


The only thing worse than watching Brown Chaos (TM) in wedding planning is watching the Browns filming themselves planning a wedding via Zoom for the least-liked sibling.  

Oh I think there's something worse to come!  Lol

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34 minutes ago, OdinO. said:

Nobody looks good in a romper.

I thought adult rompers were jumpsuits and google results mostly show long legged rompers; some have shorts and there are even rompers with trains.  They come in flowy-legged versions and tight-legged versions.  I wonder which version Pudge & Sludge will choose? Halter-necked or sleeveless, braless & pit-hair exposing on top is probably a given; hopefully no cameltoes. The reason I don't wear jumpsuits/rompers is that most don’t feature an opening at the bottom for bathroom use, which means you have to take the entire thing off to pee.  

Edited by deirdra
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7 hours ago, Sandy W said:

One side of me really loves the concept of non-stringent dress for a wedding.  Not everyone does, for example when Aspyn married Mitch, she had a vision of a color code and dress theme for the family and Meri, Meri, quite contrary, singled herself out with her nonconformity. 

Rompers are shorts, sort of a short version of a jumpsuit, and may be practical for an August wedding as I believe Utah can be subject to intense heat at that time of year. 

The other side of me thinks that the principal players in this hopefully, once in a lifetime event, should choose attire that suits their body type, and if you have caught sight of Mariah and Audrey's legs, you would know what I'm talking about.  Mariah seems to want a "all the bells and whistles" wedding, but at the same time wants to make a statement.  It seems half-assed to me, either go all out casual and skip the formalities of a catered castle venue and have a picnic style box lunch event.

It's certainly hard to balance, I had trouble with it myself. And it was HARD. I don't think we can trust someone whose aesthetic is strappy tanks over long sleeve t-shirts (and here I'm talking about the entire Brown family) to pull off any sort of appealing creativity. There's a reason why generic, cookie-cutter weddings are so popular. The details have already been figured out, even the "unique" elements like a first look or sand ceremony have all been done before. And the logistics of going into something truly new and unique are difficult and expensive. You're right, they won't be able to hack it.

I will say I've seen exactly one person look good in a romper (now that I know the difference between that and a jumpsuit), and she was a literal model, so you're right that it's not a good look for these two. 

And @KateHearts mentioned, the whole family looks rough and always have. It's not just their weight, but their skin. They look haggard, run-down, and tired, and troweling on the makeup and caterpillar lashes only highlights the problem. I take no issue with wearing heavy makeup, regardless of your age or weight, but you have to, and this is non-negotiable, have to start with healthy skin. Skin care can help with this but ultimately what you put in your body, food, smoke, or drug, will have an effect on your skin. You have to drink water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Yes, some are blessed with poreless, unlined skin into their 50s without any kind of care, but these are not those people. These people have abused themselves so much in the name of their faith, whether they're worshiping god or TLC money, and not a one of them looks good for it. Okay, maybe Logan and his partner, but he seems to have escaped the clutches of this family and the network for the most part.

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RE:  Showergate

I went back last night and watched the first couple of shows from Season 1.  

Kody and Christine stand in her unit and Kody talks about how sometimes he showers at Christine's and gets dressed at Meri's while Christine nods approvingly.  Or showers at Meri's and gets dressed at Christine's.  (Because he has clothes in all 3 units.)  

So there's that.

Also, Kody calls Meri a "blessing", the very first time Sobyn sits on the interview couch she dry cries and Janelle is gone working from 615am to 7pm and has Logan and Christine basically raise her children.  

If you have the opportunity and a strong stomach, going back to watch the first season is a treat.

Edited by chuckity
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In one of the early shows Christine gives a tour of the communal pantry and mentions that she has contributed to the fambly by adding food bought with her foodstamps.  As a taxpayer that immediately struck me as an admission of fraud.

Edited by deirdra
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9 hours ago, Sandy W said:

All the colors of the rainbow I'm sure.  Just in case anyone missed it, did you know they are Gay, and high five to Kody for his little joke about walking a not so straight procession down the aisle.  So corny.


9 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

Yes, I caught that. He carbon dates himself with his tacky comments. Imo. 

Mariah returns the favor when Kody talks about choosing a wedding date.  This is after her stunned silence when he asks about the significance of the 29th, since he didn't know his own daughter's birthday.  Ironically, Kody was going to marry Janelle on Meri's birthday.  Ultimately, he postponed that wedding (to Meri's former sister-in-law) by 4 days.

Kody asks Robyn when they got married, and Mariah yells, "Which one?"  Bonus points for the collateral zing at her own mother. 

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4 minutes ago, deirdra said:

In one of the early shows Christine gives a tour of the communal pantry and mentions that she has contributed to the fambly by adding food bought with her foodstamps.  As a taxpayer that immediately struck me as an admission of fraud.

No, no, you see, it's just bleeding the beast.

Real answer: the FLDS community does do this as a way to game the system, but I believe (although I may be wrong) that she probably did legitimately qualify for the aid. Legally, she's a single mom of 5-6, the dad likely doesn't pay child support--why would he? They're spiritually married--and she had no earning capacity. After the TLC money started rolling in, I'm sure she wouldn't qualify. The FLDS practice of bleeding the beast--having a ton of wives and kids to drain public coffers--seems a bit to me like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Having a ton of kids you can't properly raise or give attention to for the benefit of government scraps seems like an exercise in continued discomfort, but apparently some guy found some tablets in a mountain hundreds of years ago that said this is how you get holy, so hey, who am I to judge. Religion is weird, even my own.

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50 minutes ago, deirdra said:

The reason I don't wear jumpsuits/rompers is that most don’t feature an opening at the bottom for bathroom use, which means you have to take the entire thing off to pee.  

I used to have to wear one as a flight nurse and it was horrible especially when using a bathroom in airports in foreign countries.  No way to keep at least part of it from brushing the floor.  

And on another note.......just no.



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8 hours ago, Sandy W said:


Rompers are shorts, sort of a short version of a jumpsuit, and may be practical for an August wedding as I believe Utah can be subject to intense heat at that time of year. 


Regardless, those two are not "romper bodies".  It will look horrendous.

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Much ado about nothing.  I may have seen their rationale if both their birthdays fell on August 29th, but this is a stretch to inconvenience guests,  a Saturday wedding is more traditional for reason.

Saturday weddings are also the most expensive. It's actually not a bad idea for Mariah and Audrey to get married on a Sunday to make whatever budget they have go further.


Christine never had a career. All she was ever good for was brood mare and babysitter.

Oh - wow. She had a career - she basically ran a home daycare center. If the choice was being home all day with so many young children or going to an office for 8 hours, I'm going to say the office is the way easier choice.

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4 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

The theatrical voice gymnastics and alternative low whispering and random loud booming, combined with weird annunciations like adding ‘ink’ endings to all ‘ing’ words are grating ... Soz Christine but wouldn’t shower at your house either, that kind of dramatic energy would be exhausting. She needs to follow her mum Annie’s lead, and just leave the lifestyle before she becomes any more bitter

Yes to all of this. Christine has complained off and on for a while now. She is getting more dramatic but nothing is changing. So either this is all for the cameras (and we will see another therapy honeymoon in which they learn to 'feel safe' and communicate....) or...how about affecting change?

Christine - if you don't like how you're treated and he doesn't like you - then leave...

Meri - if you don't like how you're treated and he doesn't like you - then leave...

Janelle- we get it. you don't really care one way or the other about anything...

Robyn - we get it. you are the real change maker in the fambly...  the peacemaker, the only one who communicates... likely sent directly from that big real estate agent in the sky to save them all...

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I think Kody may be the thinnest in the adult group right now.  Little chance he will abandon the hairstyle....not until the very end.   Lol  I take issue with some of his behavior, but I think I find him more attractive than most around here....Ok, I’ll, show myself out.  Lol

Im wondering if covid caused a change in Mariah’s relocation plans. 


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