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S12.E07: How Do You Know If You're In Love?

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11 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Yep, next week's previews show Virginia greeting their guests while carrying a drink. Surprise!


👀 what you are doing there.....

Let’s just call her Ginny.

Edited by humbleopinion
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Jake has what I call "harmless vices." He's not sneaking in some weed, booze, baby Mamas, or dice. Unfortunately for his prospects in marriage, though, Jake has turned his likes into a lifestyle, and if a partner isn't simpatico, it's Katy, bar the door. Like, I wouldn't be able to deal with a hard-core Civil War re-enactor, but a Renaissance Faire type, maybe!  

For Jake, a bride a decade younger is definitely going to be a non-starter. Maybe not so predictably about the neon love, but the 80s? Now, I happen to love that era and its music, but I'm old. Hayley is not old and cannot be expected to share that fondness (showing off a "Members Only" jacket, Jake? Really?).

Question: Were we shown Hayley's reaction to the backyard Jacob Beach? 

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30 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

Vincent and Jake are similar in that have wounds from previous relationships that haven’t fully healed. Jake has insecurities about Hailey lying and cheating because someone else lied and cheated. Vincent thinks Brianna is insulting him because someone else had no faith in him. 


Don’t forget Clara...she needs a seat on the Scarred For Life Express...

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Clara keeps saying her fear is that she will fall in love with Ryan but he will not fall in with her, seems like a self fufilling prophesy, she keeps putting it out there in the universe. Stop saying it to Ryan!

What happens if your pets hate each other? Then what?


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34 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Question: Were we shown Hayley's reaction to the backyard Jacob Beach? 

I know, that seemed to be a pride and joy thing for Jake and there was no mention of his own private beach, (I was going call it his own Private Idaho to keep it all things 80's).  

So, when I met my husband he had a poker table and folding chairs as his kitchen table, some sort of exercise cycle in place of a dining table, chrome and glass coffee table, black leather sofas, an ancient recliner and a waterbed, a big, ugly waterbed...none of that stuff lives with us, it all went buh byes (in stages) when I moved in then when we bought another house...it was all from the Sears Bachelor Collection, lol...maybe Jake would say buh bye to some of his decor for the right person.  Hayley is just not that person.

Side note, Hubs had a cat, it stayed for the next 12 years and I added two more very special cats to the mix, we have one left. I am now a cat person, that is what you do for love, lol.

And what was with that farewell speech Chris was trying out? I could have loved you crap, Paige was flattered and falling for that crap?  Her lingering in the parking lot for something else to happen? Is she really that dumb? Ugh, I would have sprinted to my car and not looked back but there she was trying to show him that he is going to miss her...nope, just no.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
Had another thought.
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It’s truly scary how dumb Paige is . She can really get herself into trouble in future relationships if this is what she’s willing to settle for . 
My goodness , they don’t even have history together , what is she blinded by ? I can see if he used to be great and they had all these memories together , but they just met a week ago and every day since their wedding has been insane with things Chris has done or said . As Dr. Phil says , who DOESN’T this girl turn down ? 

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1 hour ago, Cammi said:

I think ya'll going too hard on old Jake. The exact same thing coulda been said about Bennet and Amelia's hipster weirdo schtick, but wasn't because they were matched with an equally weird/offbeat spouse. So we all fell in love with their non bathing, huge nightgown wearing, bird in the hair- weirdness. I love the 80s! Best decade ever imo. Also enamored with the 40's, and I wear the clothes (best era for feminine styles imo) , listen to the music from that era, etc. It's not my whole personality, but a big part of my style. I LOVE watching YouTube videos of people who live their entire lives in a certain time period, it's fascinating! And doesn't hurt anyone. 

Jake's pride was wounded after the honeymoon, so he lashed out. Not overly vehemently imo, but I can't help but wonder if Haley isn't doing more shady stuff off camera? I think we are missing a key piece to them we will never see. But compared to the narcissist tornado that is Chris, I found Jake's behavior to be almost tame.

Yes.  What’s wrong with the eighties?  I don’t even remember.  Was that Disco andJohn Travolta time?  If so, I love the 80’s too.  The dancing, music, clothes.  Everyone has their favorite time.  I’m old, but still love paper dolls that I used to cut out and dress the dolls with.  It’s comforting.  Some people don’t like Jake because he has a big nose, let’s face it, and dresses just so.  He told her right up front why he was pissed.  Haily just doesn’t like his looks, and doesn’t like the way he spoke to her in their apartment.  He was honest the way he thought things were, and she just didn’t like someone putting her in her place.  He spoke his mind truthfully, and probably the first guy who actually told her off.  She’s free to go, and good luck to her and her girlfriends.  Nobody is perfect.  I think she thinks she could do much better.  Four days and she was finished.  She shouldn’t have went on in the first place.

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I'll put Virginia right there in the worst group of spouses.  Yes, it was bone-headed when she kept insisting it was fine for a married woman to pass out on the couches of single male friends (and she did say pass out and not fall asleep).  However, what did it for me was the fact that she pretty regularly passes out on the couches of her male friends while having PETS at home waiting for her.  Who is feeding them?  Taking the dog out?  Making sure they have water?  There is something going on with her as she thinks she is the extroverted life of the party girl while we are starting to see her inability to stop drinking at one point and going home to care for her pets and other responsibilities.  She was stunned that Pastor Cal did not agree with her that it was a-ok to not come home at night.

Chris wants so desperately to see himself as a player and center of attention.  So, he has to refuse to be filmed (thus ensuring that production will feature that/him), cut off his mic while talking to Paige (be mysterious), declare he wants a divorce (drawing attention as wanting one so early in the season), and whispering in Paige's ear (ensuring attention AND that he can still play her).  And Paige?  Much of what she is presenting to the viewers is an act as she certainly lost no time finding words to express what she was feeling and that she so willingly has unprotected sex with a man who continually humiliates her in the most public way possible (on t.v.).  

Vincent's family warned Brianna about his temper while he quickly denied to her on their honeymoon.  Guess she's starting to see the truth of what she was told.  What bothered me the most is when she asked for an example and he refused to give her one.  I put that in the same category as "you should have known what I wanted" (when people expect others to just read their minds).  Use your words people!

Jake and Haley will continue until the end so they can collect their checks.  I think they will either stay in the two separate bedrooms or one of them will go to their own home after filming each day.  No way the dogs will all be there as the one was very aggressive (I was impressed with how quickly Jake moved to grab it before it could attack Haley's dog).  

I thought Pastor Cal did fairly well with everyone (I did feel like the Virginia/Eric scene got cut short).  I prefer him over the other two "experts."


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12 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I wonder if the experts got the names wrong and meant to put Hailey with Erik and Virginia with Jacob. They are horribly mismatched even if Erik doesn’t know it yet. 

Jabob would have put Virginia's drunk ass in a hole in his basement.  No one would ever know. 

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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Here’s Jake’s truth...Jake has never been the boyfriend. He wants the full boyfriend experience.

Jake is okay to seduce and grind on in the closet or gym alley, to have revenge sex with during “breaks” in the regular relationship, to text for a booty call but he is not the guy you want to bring to grandma’s for your family’s Easter brunch, the work picnic, the alum fundraiser because he acts too weird, he dresses too weird, he cannot banter, he is a wet blanket in a group. Jake’s good qualities get lost in his over eagerness to convince you he is awesome.

Unfortunately, Jake thinks he is charming , debonair, interesting, witty but in actuality he comes off as bizarro and tone deaf to the flow of conversation, to the room. His incessant talking about neon makes me want to hit my head with a hammer. He is the guy that you start back peddling when he walks up to the group to chat...feigning the need to freshen your drink, make a call, to talk to anyone else on the other side of the room away from Jake.

Jake’s confession of his feelings getting hurt when women treat him as a side of beef as the “side piece” was his cry for help.

Jake wants to be accepted by the mainstream, represented by the friend group that is Haley’s lifeline but those lemmings do not like people who are too unique, dress in odd costumes for comic effect,  who can’t chat about bland things in life.
Jake’s nerd friends tried to warn him that he will not convince anyone that 80’s detritus is cool and his insistence of talking about nothing else will hurt him with his new friends. 

Jake’s need for PDA...and Haley’s rejection of his touching her is telling.

Hand holding  is a phase he missed in middle school and high school when he was an insecure chubby mathlete, watching the popular group eating at the popular table laughing, having fun and obviously ignoring him.

He wants a popular girl who is proud to be seen with him in full freak mode...jorts, MembersOnly white jacket in his mullet wig, who can make him feel he is part of that group as they go to alum football weekends and party at sorority and frat alum functions.

He is hurt that his wife still makes him feel he is on the outside looking inside....but he is too stubborn and proud to change.

And Jake shouldn’t change unless he wants to change.

He can ride and die on his one note personality.

This is brilliant,  Bravo

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I don't hate Chris or Paige being on this show. What are we even talking about if we don't have couples like this on the show? Half of the comments are about them. There isn't really that much to talk about with people that get along or have minor problems. 

Anywho, I've also learned to not judge these people harshly with the minor things. We are seeing a small window into their day to day.

I'm sure Virginia doesn't drink 24/7, Jake doesn't always talk the 80s, Haley doesn't always have a stank face, etc.

I know Erik comes off like a know it all. I think part of it is that he has learned lessons from prior relationships. That doesn't make him an expert and every relationship is different. He needs to realize that. Virginia needs to realize that her party life as she knows it is dead. She can't just do what she wants and go as she pleased. Simply because you have another person to think about. The sooner she realizes that, the better.

I think with Jake he is bringing baggage but I also think he flustered trying to figure out what changes in their progress because he's not getting a clear answer. I wish Vincent could be as bold and expressive Jake has been though. Don't have to be as aggressive but use your words man.

I think one huge wrinkle with the process is that you have to learn your partner's quirks, pet peeves, etc. We usually learn that over time but some people come here expecting the spouse to be able to read minds. I could understand the needling by Bri being annoying after a while but if you say nothing and just shut down, where are they supposed to go?

I dislike Paige more than Chris at this point. This man has showed you and told you just what type of guy he is countless times. Listen to him. Read the signs!

I realize more and more why some married people have separate beds these days. People have different work and sleeping patterns and it can be a lot to deal with at times. I work from 12 30 pm to 11 30 pm or 12 00 am regularly. Plenty of times I work later. So I wake up around 10 00 am. Go to sleep around 2 30 am. That will be weird to some people in the same way going to sleep before 11 00 is. We are all just different. Being able to sleep and ride without disruption would be something I need. 

Ryan and Clara will be like the Ashley and Anthony of this season. They get along just fine so the producers will have to pick pick pick at every small problem to get some drama from them.

Edited by Racj82
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First, STOP THAT BABY VOICE, Brianna!!! She is a lovely woman and when she starts the squeaking, it is NOT cute or charming. I am hoping that the stuff between her and Vincent is just production thing. I don't know why he was so mad and why he keeps thinking she is being disrespectful. But, he does have to give her examples so that she is aware of specifics, other than him saying he shouldn't have to give examples. The situation didn't feel real to me. I don't believe he would have left unless directed to.

Ginny (love it!) and Erik are a mess. She had already been gone for a night with her friends and they had been married less than a week. When  people upthread were talking about their spouses doing an activity (bowling, hockey, etc.) to give them some time to themselves, that is great - but that is for the evening. Ginny didn't come home all night. Big difference. She is no where near ready for marriage. Erik does come across as a stern, lecturing father and their ages are not that far apart. She is very immature - period. And, I also don't believe she doesn't drink except for Thursdays thru Saturdays. She just does her drinking in bars those nights and consumes her alcohol at home the rest of the time.

Paige continues to make me sad for her lack of self-esteem. I don't understand why she walked to the garage with him. I was sure he was going to wheel his luggage right back up to their apartment. The look on her face when he was whispering that crap made me sick. I sure hope that she is in on this story and she is not that desperate, but then I also don't understand why someone would want to go on national tv and come across as that loser. She lost the sympathy vote a long time ago. I don't for one minute believe that Pastor Cal didn't know the story before he got there - no way. He isn't that good of an actor and if true, then what is wrong with the production crew that they wouldn't have told the "experts" that there is a couple in serious need of their intervention? Glad that Cal said he did not want this "marriage" to continue.I know there is the saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but why would Chris want people to see him this way and think it is a positive and that he will get some kind fame from it? Yes, he thinks he is a brilliant entrepreneur and player, but what does he think this show is going to do for him?  

I still like Ryan and still don't like the faces that Clara makes. She is so ready to jump him! Pastor Cal's definition of love was stupid, but I really hate that there is this "L-word" drama every stinking season. I hope they do make it. Once she stops oversharing, which will be hard for her, they could be a solid couple. 

So, the show puts these strangers together and marries them and then seems not to realize that all of these people, who could not find a spouse on their own, may have some baggage from past experiences? The analysis of Jacob wanting to be the real boyfriend is perfect. He is bringing up feelings from past relationships because he has them and has no history or trust with his new wife, so why wouldn't they come up? I am still not a fan of Haley and haven't like her since the matchmaking show. She is cold, I think she is conceited, and keeps to herself. How is a stranger (regardless of how weird he may be) supposed to cut through that? She doesn't talk, except to disapprove of everything he says or is proud of, and brings nothing to the relationship. Why would they have cast someone who says she is judgmental and shuts down early in a relationship and doesn't give the guy a chance? I do think Jake is trying and he is getting nowhere. Yes, he is odd, but I think he could have been weaned from his 80's obsession and been a decent husband if someone was willing to work with him. I feel bad for him that he got a real dud.

I sure hope that next week is the end of the Chris/Paige debacle once we meet the ex (and I guess now the current) fiancee. Hmm, unless Chris is going to suggest a threesome? I do hope that the meeting of the three of them will be facilitated by someone and not just filmed for the show to see how they react.




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I was so disappointed we did not get to see Haley's reaction to Jacob's beach yard.  Maybe it was because they were at his house in the evening and it was too dark to be wandering around in the sand.  But I was really waiting for that to be shown.

I want to know if any of Jacob's friends are as into the 80s as himself.  Normally when someone has a hobby they share it with their friends.  Surely if he has 80s type friends they could introduce him to a female that might appreciate his 80s love.  Maybe Jacob needs to date older women that might remember the 80s.  

Virginia and Haley both appear to have signed up for the show but didn't really want a husband.  Haley obviously is the only single person in her crowd since she is always a bridesmaid at the weddings.  She probably is tired of being the one without a partner at events.  But she herself has said she likes things her way.  Virginia is another one that wants to continue with her same lifestyle even after marriage.  I wonder if Virginia has any married friends.  She keeps talking about male drinking buddies.  Does she have females she parties with?  Are her girlfriends married and drag their husbands along to party?  I have a lot of questions.  I am really waiting to see her and Erik interact with her friends.  

Ryan seems a bit of a control freak with Clara.  She wants sex.  Ryan is holding back waiting for love.  But I think he expects to hear bells or some sign to tell him he is in love.   


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A few thoughts on Virginia's drinking:

  • As someone else said, I don't buy that she only drinks Thursday - Saturday. I would guess she has a few drinks at home every night and then Thursday - Saturday are for going out and bingeing.
  • If she's drinking until she passes out (her words) three nights a week, every week, that's excessive.
  • Why can't she take a Lyft home when she goes out? I assume she crashes on couches because she doesn't drive when she goes out, which is a good thing, but why does she have to sleep on her friends' couches? Why can't they take her home or put her in a Lyft home?
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I don’t think Chris and Paige needed to cut their mics. I can’t understand anything he says most of the time and she doesn’t speak above a whisper unless pissed off.  I really hope next week with the ex or whoever, is the end for them.

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18 minutes ago, LakeGal said:

 Maybe Jacob needs to date older women that might remember the 80s. 

Let's do the math...Jacob is 38 years old...

An participant in the 80's would be in her mid to late fifties to early 60's.

 If they look like Michelle Pffeiffer who is 62 years or Robin Wright who is 54 years old...they are totally bangable....

If she has a dead/ex husband who left  a closet full of Members Only jackets in 42 chest, acid wash Jordache jeans in 34 waist,  Jake would be in  retro heaven.


Edited by humbleopinion
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5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Once again we have a woman playing Russian Roulet with fertility, why?

Why is it that an educated woman would have unprotected sex with someone who is a stranger and who treats her like shit? Why is reproduction knowledge the thing that so many people ignore?  From day one Paige knew he was not in to her and told her he was not attracted to her, disappeared on her while getting breakfast, treats her with no respect, a really horrible person, why would she want to have a baby with him or even risk it?

Please for the love of G-d Paige, speak above a whisper!!!  

Right? I’ll never understand why otherwise intelligent women play fast and loose with their fertility with the if it happens, it happens mentality. Do better. 

Edited by Kiss my mutt
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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Don’t forget Clara...she needs a seat on the Scarred For Life Express...

It's Ryan who will be Scarred For Life if she doesn't trim those claws.  😱

Seriously, I think one of the things making him hesitant to have sex is those claws, and he's hesitant to talk to her about them for fear of hurting her feelings or making her angry. 

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Wow.  Just wow.  Paige said she felt sex was her wifely duty?!?  Did I hear that right?  She didn't want to "upset her husband"?  (Paige maybe you should find a show where you can join a cult or the FLDS - Warren Jeffs needs wife number 65!)  Wasn't protected.  "Not new to this I'm true to this" what the hell does that even mean?  She's laughing about "the honeymoon baby".  Paige, you know, babies are human beings.  I don't understand this cavalier attitude about potentially bringing a baby into this f'd up situation. Paige, it's 2021 you don't have a wifely duty to have sex and you have a choice - birth control - about choosing only healthy situations in which to have a child.  Having unprotected sex with a guy you KNOW is abusive is abhorrent.  How about your "maternal duty"?    

Chris "I hope you don't hate me but I have no control over that"! Hello? Chris, we do have power over that with every single move we make and every word we speak.  Every. Day.  

This situation reminds me of that scene in Jurassic Park where the goat is staked for the T-Rex.  The T-Rex is Chris, Paige is the goat, and the producers are the people who tied her there.  

Jake.  OMG.  That whole boyfriend thing was odd and troubling.  He did apologize but I think that's his go to - "it can't be me she's rejecting so it must be a boyfriend".  He's insecure and jealous.  That will never change.  She's . . . who knows?  But it's a bad combination.  She shuts down, he overreacts, she shuts down more, he overreacts and on and on.  He's a strange guy.  Stubbornly entrenched in his odd 80s stuff.  He might be too old and inflexible to be married to anyone.  But they are not a match.  I think she's passive aggressive and it's crazymaking to him.  It's hard to watch these two.  Call it a day.  He just keeps getting hurt.  She has all the control and needs to be honest with him.  

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Its hard not to feel sorry for Paige kind of like you feel sorry for a drug addict or an alcoholic. You feel compassion but you also know its there volitional choice to be such a way. This is way beyond being a good wife, taking the commits seriously. Love can be unconditional but relationships, especially romances are conditional. Chris is a predator but he can only use willing victims. I wonder if she has been this vulnerable to other guys or is she just blinded by his handsome looks? Her kind of love and devotion should be showered on a worth man. Not this scum bucket. What irked me most was his smirking while Pastor Cal was dressing him down. Not only the smirk but still playing the victim card. He still thinks folks should be sympathetic towards him! Woe is me I got married and find out my ex fiance is pregnant because I screwed her while I was in the process of being married at first sight. I wanted to reach through the screen and slap his smirking face soooo bad. Chris find a new victim.

Jake and Haley are just mismatches. They can achieve detente and be nice with each other...the romance and passion if there was any stayed in Las Vegas. Friend zone (at best) for next 6 weeks then part friends (at best). When she says she wants to work on it...I don't believe her.

Vincent has a point. There are some people in the world who feel they need to belittle their partner. Men often do it to woman to feel superior. She has known him for only 7 days and she characterizes him getting champagne on himself as a Vincent move. What does it mean that he's a buffoon of some sort? She doesn't know him well enough to say that's a Vincent move. It was disrespectful and I admire him for jumping on top of it because it won't get better it will only get worse. I know I'm in a situation where I'm accused of being a certain way and at first it is just in jest but at some point the caricature becomes a perceived reality. I still have hope for them however.

I agree with Pastor Cal about Virginia and Eric. They sure have a lot of steamy passion for each other but all married couples know sex isn't the glue that binds. Ask Chris. But yes you're a married woman (and he's a married man). She seems to think marriage is just an add-on widget not a life altering event. Apparently she wanted a marriage but not a husband. Eric is far from perfect but really you think about it what kind of schmuck of a husband would be okay with his new wife spending the night (drunk) at a male friends house.

A failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character.

I don't know what to make of Ryan and Clara. Looks like the pixel dust of being married at first sight is wearing off.



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49 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

-Haley told Jake it was a "girl's night" & he was cool with it

-On Unfiltered Haley said it was a 'misunderstanding', & that more people joined she didn't plan on

-Ryan & Erik sat there stone faced, not questioned, had no input

-Jake said on the show Haley could've at least called to let him know others arrived (good point)

-There was no discussion or explanation as to why everyone bolted when Jake happened upon their little gathering- not on the show or on Unfiltered

-Haley has had her nose in her phone talking to "girlfriends" the whole honeymoon - that can be viewed as suspicious behavior - there was no mention of this behavior on Unfiltered

-If it was done to anyone else Haley would be called out as rude by all, but Jake is weird so it doesn't seem to matter

-Unfiltered was obviously skewed toward clammy, tight lipped Haley

-Jake calls her out for lies - from what we've seen of her so far there's reason to wonder what else is going on

-Haley does nothing but deflect & get defensive

-Jake apologizes

-Haley has never apologized for anything & never even acknowledged any of her actions could be hurting Jake

-Jake is realizing he's been mismatched & cast as the creepy weird villain; he's frustrated AF right now & it's starting to show

-Cal comes in & tells Jake he needs to give up his interests (*** that they knew about when they cast him ***) to please his 'wife' who can't stand the sight of him - where, exactly, is Haley compromising? 

-Cal gives Jake major stink eye when Haley talks about his accusations toward her.

-Jake confesses he has triggers - & now confessed it will be used against him. Because now nothing Haley does will be wrong, it will be all Jake just being triggered, again. Jake, you played into their hands...

-Where were the questions about her behavior? <crickets>

-Haley will use Jake's accusations against him the rest of this miserable season, making it even more miserable to watch

-Haley's dog moves away from her & snuggles up to Jake... trying to get out of the cold, maybe.

Right now I just can't understand all the Jake hate, & am finding this dynamic between them really hard to watch. Maybe something will skew me toward Haley's side because it's early yet, but I'm seeing her being given a pass for an awful lot of crappy behavior. The 'experts' are at fault, again, IMO.


Thank you for this, it sums up my feelings exactly. He was hurt and said some mean things, but then he owned up and apologized. Where is her apology for the "misunderstanding"? Instead, she doubled down and just said she needed a break which can also be construed as hurtful. I just really don't like her. She was a bad pick for this. He's not for everyone, but I think he could have worked with someone closer to his age and more open to his quirkiness.

I thought maybe the show was exaggerating Jake's 80's love, but it is really a lot. It is more than just "I like 80's movies and music". It's like his life revolves around this. That is strange considering he is really too young to remember the 80's firsthand. Still, if he and Haley had connected and they were going to stay together, I am sure some compromise could be reached to tone all that down.

I totally related to Ryan's neat freak on the outside/hot mess on the inside. That is exactly how I roll. I don't like to see clutter, but not much organization going on in the drawers. I am really liking their dynamic. I think Clara seems fun and easy to get along with. The consummation conversation was funny - obvi they have been messing around some, so I think they will be fine. I am glad PC told him to stop just waiting for some "feeling" that he can't identify. It's got to be more than that and I hope that makes him think about it in a different way.

I cannot believe Vincent left! Talk about a 180! From "I found my forever person" to "I don't have to stay here" over one comment! Duuuuuude.......use your words to say that sometimes her joking comes across as mean, but don't huff out like a petulant child.....

Ok, in the word(s)/tone of New Orleans Karen....Wow..........Paige is stupid and Chris is garbage. I can't devote anymore thoughts than that.

Virginia is delusional if she thinks her husband would be okay with her "passing out" on ANYONE'S couch and not coming home. I really wish someone would ask her why she thinks she needs alcohol or to be drunk to have a good time? Does she not realize she is past the expiration date for behaving that way on the regular? Why get married if you just wanted to keep living a party lifestyle?

8 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Apparently she wanted a marriage but not a husband.

I kind of think it's the opposite - she wanted a "plus one" - someone she could just drag with her to all her outings, but she doesn't want to do the work nor compromise to build a marriage......

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15 hours ago, HZAnita said:

Briana doesn't get that it when she said, "That's so Vincent of you" and that has literally never happened before, it might hurt.  But he also is not good at expressing himself. This could be such a nothing-burger of an issue.

Agree, however I have a feeling Vinny is the type that takes many nothing-burgers and turns them in to something-burgers. That will grow tiresome for Briana to the point of her constantly walking on eggshells for fear of not "respecting" Vinny. It's not gonna work for her. He needs to get a sense of humor. I can't stand this guy. 

3 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Question: Were we shown Hayley's reaction to the backyard Jacob Beach? 

No we were not. We were ripped off! 

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My husband joined hockey teams so I could have an evening to myself and I loved him for his understanding.

When my daughter was maybe a year old, I told my husband I needed "my night" once a week — not to go out and party, just to not cook/clean/child rear and enjoy a semblance of independence. Most nights were spent going to the gym and then out to dinner with a book (in the age of COVID, I have a Mirror workout and run out to pick up dinner somewhere). My husband and daughter developed a very tight bond they may not have had otherwise (she is 14 now and my husband's dad was very hands off, so this was great for him), and my sanity remained at least somewhat intact. I always say that asking for this was one of the smartest things I ever did in my marriage, and today we are definitely a tighter family unit because of it. 

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Chris wins the award for gaslighter extraordinaire! The way he grabbed Paige by the shoulders and whispered in her ear, then pulled back with the scariest shit eating grin on his face like he just accomplished something big made my skin crawl. Then she gives him this wide eyed smile back. He's a sadistic asshole and gullible Paige is out there somewhere in lala land. 

Ginny wants to go out, get shitfaced and pass out on her straight male besties couches without so much as a word to her husband about where she is or what she's doing. She will never be ready for marriage until every last one of her friends are settled down and starting to have kids. Even then, she will probably day drink home alone all day every day while her hubby is off flying the friendly skies. She really pulled one over on the experts. 

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I have decided that the Chris/Paige/fiancee (pregnant or not) players are ALL in on this story and it is totally scripted. I didn't think Paige was acting, but now I do. No way would a person with an iota of dignity allow herself to be treated like she has, and come back for more UNLESS she is being well-rewarded. (Even then, most people simply would not agree, but then most people don't go on reality tv). I am guessing that when Chris was whispering in her ear at the end, he wasn't saying that he was falling in love with her - he was saying, "Remember the money!"

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:


Please for the love of G-d Paige, speak above a whisper!!!  


Paige can speak above a whisper when she wants to.  I take it you didn't hear her screaming, "f---you and f--- that bitch" to Chris on the phone.  Had it not been for the caller ID, I would have guessed it was someone else.  For the first time, she had a lot of bass in her voice.  I disagree with her cursing the other woman, because she doesn't know her and she wasn't the one who deceived her.

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The show is not scripted and yes, Paige is just dumb.

Both Paige and Chris cannot legally completely quit the show.  They must continue to film but they can film as single people.  Paige made the decision to try and stay with Chris, so the producers just continue to film her being an idiot

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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Side note, Hubs had a cat, it stayed for the next 12 years and I added two more very special cats to the mix, we have one left. I am now a cat person, that is what you do for love, lol.

I would do anything for love but I won't do that.

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Chris is despicable, and Paige is, I don't know, gullible? Pitiable? Desperate? I couldn't believe her sitting there telling Pastor Cal all the crap that Chris did and yet she still was having daily, unprotected sex with him. Also, she didn't want to disappoint him on their wedding night, so she had sex?! Oh, Paige, where is your self-esteem? I'm disgusted by the whole debacle. I'd be happy to never see Chris's smarmy face again.

Virginia is a sloppy drunk and I don't understand why she thinks passing out on friends' couches (male or female) is appropriate behavior. Girl needs an intervention, I am serious. She needs a babysitter, not a husband.

Haley and Jacob are a hot mess. He accused her of cheating, which offended her, but OTOH she was doing some sketchy stuff...constantly on the phone with friends, avoiding Jake at their "girls night", pulling back from being touchy-feely, it's no wonder he thought something was up. And obviously, his whole 80's obsession is a turnoff to her, and she can't be bothered to hide her feelings or make concessions toward his lifestyle. I did appreciate his apology to her, but where was hers? I've said from day one that they have nothing in common, and it's holding true.

Vincent disappointed me. It wasn't very mature of him to play mind games with Briana and then walk out. Briana's baby voice is annoying.

Clara wants to be doing the dirty with Ryan but he's holding out for "love" and at the same time, isn't sure what love is. Hopefully these two can meet in the middle somehow.

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11 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How have I been living on this earth for so long and not know about Clara's nifty little hack for folding shirts so you can see them all in the drawer? I will be re-arranging my drawers today the Clara way!

Marie Kondo is who Clara learned the technique from


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52 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Agree, however I have a feeling Vinny is the type that takes many nothing-burgers and turns them in to something-burgers. That will grow tiresome for Briana to the point of her constantly walking on eggshells for fear of not "respecting" Vinny. It's not gonna work for her. He needs to get a sense of humor. I can't stand this guy. 

No we were not. We were ripped off! 

Its hard to squeeze the show in to make room for endless commercials. Whenever I watch I always look for two other channels to switch to. Sometimes I switch back only to see they have gone to yet another commercial break.

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38 minutes ago, Sycophant4Lease said:

Pepper continued, "But does a lot of it break my heart, as much of it has broken yours? Do I understand your disgust? Of course I do. We must take responsibility for this match -- but I assure you the Chris we all see now, is not the Chris we met and married to Paige."

In other words the experts were buffaloed and bought it hook line and sinker...They should have waterboarded that rat.

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Paige, you had all my empathy until last night. But you have had sex with him every day without protection? Please get therapy. You have a good job, I'm sure it is covered under your insurance. Hell, I'll help you find someone with a sliding scale! Get help, get some self respect, and then get a relationship.

Chris: eat bees. 

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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I know Erik comes off like a know it all. I think part of it is that he has learned lessons from prior relationships. That doesn't make him an expert and every relationship is different. He needs to realize that. Virginia needs to realize that her party life as she knows it is dead. She can't just do what she wants and go as she pleased. Simply because you have another person to think about. The sooner she realizes that, the better.


I totally feel like this about these two.  While VA is a hot mess and has a real problem, I do not like how Erik speaks to her.  He's so condescending.  If he's such a  big relationship expert, why is he divorced? And all his rules and what he will and won't allow. Texting when you get somewhere? Asking permission to go out? WTF? Pastor Cal too, I did not appreciate piling on. Like you didn't know this about her when you matched her!

Listen, I'm married and old, and I would not get drunk and pass out at some dudes house. But when I was young, (younger than VA, like college age) I did have a big group of friends, guys and girls, and we partied a lot. And often (again I'm old, so this is pre-Uber) we would all stay at someones house for the night. No sex was happening within the friend group.  So maybe that's what she does. And maybe Erik and Pastor Cal don't like it, but it's a negotiation, not a goddamn rule.

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Why were Chris' clothes in Paige's car? 

Who was Paige yelling and cussing to on the phone? At first I thought it was one of the other housewives, then I thought maybe a producer, then a poster said it was Chris. Anybody know? 

3 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

I did have a big group of friends, guys and girls, and we partied a lot. And often (again I'm old, so this is pre-Uber) we would all stay at someones house for the night

You were in college, she's 26 and applied to be on a show looking for marriage. Big difference. 

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16 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Why were Chris' clothes in Paige's car?

Chris took a flight to Chicago from Las Vegas to get back with his ex and fetu$.

Paige, always the doormat humped Chris' bags to McCarran,  checked them in paying for 2 extra luggage on her credit card and corralled 4 pieces of rolling luggage in her car back in ATL to get back to him.

If it were me...they would be riding on the luggage carousel for hours until the airport staff pulled them off and left them by baggage claim.

No, I do not know how your suits got slashed, your shoes are missing and cigarette ashes and coffee grounds rubbed in  your clothes and into the luggage....how unlucky for you, Chri$....


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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Paige is being mind f*caked by Chri$ and it is despicable...

She actually believes when he whispered hot into her ear that he is afraid of falling in love with her?
That is some rich bull sh*t.

I am afraid she would have had backseat sex with him in the parking structure if he just crooked his finger at her...

Something is not right with Paige.....her legs are broken...they will not stop spreading open.

Just checking in and your post was right there.  Yes and yes.  How desperate is she?  First she looked like a victim but now a fool!

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5 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Jake has what I call "harmless vices." He's not sneaking in some weed, booze, baby Mamas, or dice. Unfortunately for his prospects in marriage, though, Jake has turned his likes into a lifestyle, and if a partner isn't simpatico, it's Katy, bar the door. Like, I wouldn't be able to deal with a hard-core Civil War re-enactor, but a Renaissance Faire type, maybe!  

For Jake, a bride a decade younger is definitely going to be a non-starter. Maybe not so predictably about the neon love, but the 80s? Now, I happen to love that era and its music, but I'm old. Hayley is not old and cannot be expected to share that fondness (showing off a "Members Only" jacket, Jake? Really?).

Question: Were we shown Hayley's reaction to the backyard Jacob Beach? 

His fascination with the 80's makes him seem much older and a bit cra cra!  How can Haley submit to crazy?

No he hasn't introduced her to the back yard.  Stay tuned.

We did get to see his dogs in action.  The one....wow!

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Anybody else think that PO$ Chri$ drove around the block, waited for the camera crew to go back to their base camp,  crept upstairs to the condo to have more bareback marital sex with Paige?

Paige is disturbingly addicted to his d*ck...

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4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I don't hate Chris or Paige being on this show. What are we even talking about if we don't have couples like this on the show? Half of the comments are about them. There isn't really that much to talk about with people that get along or have minor problems. 

Anywho, I've also learned to not judge these people harshly with the minor things. We are seeing a small window into their day to day.

I'm sure Virginia doesn't drink 24/7, Jake doesn't always talk the 80s, Haley doesn't always have a stank face, etc.

I know Erik comes off like a know it all. I think part of it is that he has learned lessons from prior relationships. That doesn't make him an expert and every relationship is different. He needs to realize that. Virginia needs to realize that her party life as she knows it is dead. She can't just do what she wants and go as she pleased. Simply because you have another person to think about. The sooner she realizes that, the better.

I think with Jake he is bringing baggage but I also think he flustered trying to figure out what changes in their progress because he's not getting a clear answer. I wish Vincent could be as bold and expressive Jake has been though. Don't have to be as aggressive but use your words man.

I think one huge wrinkle with the process is that you have to learn your partner's quirks, pet peeves, etc. We usually learn that over time but some people come here expecting the spouse to be able to read minds. I could understand the needling by Bri being annoying after a while but if you say nothing and just shut down, where are they supposed to go?

I dislike Paige more than Chris at this point. This man has showed you and told you just what type of guy he is countless times. Listen to him. Read the signs!

I realize more and more why some married people have separate beds these days. People have different work and sleeping patterns and it can be a lot to deal with at times. I work from 12 30 pm to 11 30 pm or 12 00 am regularly. Plenty of times I work later. So I wake up around 10 00 am. Go to sleep around 2 30 am. That will be weird to some people in the same way going to sleep before 11 00 is. We are all just different. Being able to sleep and ride without disruption would be something I need. 

Ryan and Clara will be like the Jessica and Anthony of this season. They get along just fine so the producers will have to pick pick pick at every small problem to get some drama from them.

Good points.  I hate when anyone makes fun of somebody’s looks.  God gave us a certain look and we have to accept that.  BUT, in this case, I have to say I just realized who Chris reminds me of.  WOLF MAN  !    He always looks like he will bite someone’s head off. Very menacing.

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I think Ryan was into Clara until...they had that couch talk and she recited her whole sexual history from high school and the frat boys til all those men and sexual encounters later.

I saw him gulp and I don't think he's recovered!

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