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Small Talk: 90 Words Per Minute

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11 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Late to the party, but I finally figured out how to do this. I’m definitely a senior citizen, age 65. 


Simply amazing that you look 2 decades younger than Angela, Laura, and Jenny. I would say I hope I look that good at that age but hell, who am I kidding, I wish I looked that young at MY age. 

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50 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

You are a gorgeous creature, @Miss Chevious!

47 minutes ago, Hannah94 said:

Simply amazing that you look 2 decades younger than Angela, Laura, and Jenny. I would say I hope I look that good at that age but hell, who am I kidding, I wish I looked that young at MY age. 

Thank you so much! Y’all are too kind. I took that picture in my bathroom the other day. No filters, light rings (wouldn’t have the faintest idea how to operate those) no dentures or plastic surgery. I’ve earned every wrinkle and age spot.

Funny thing is, when I was 15, I looked like I was 30. If I went out in public with my siblings (7 and 10 years younger) people automatically assumed I was their mother! That happened a lot, sorry to say. 

All in all, we’re a fun bunch of people. If we all could get together in person, it would be positively dangerous, lol! 

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On 10/10/2019 at 12:14 PM, magemaud said:

@Drogo, when's your birthday? Asking for a several friends...

On 10/10/2019 at 12:39 PM, gingerella said:

Ooo, I think a group Cameo from Darcey, Ragey McRoidster in the UK, and maybe Jesse, would be the perfect @Drogo bday gift! Darcey can give Drogo big props for being 'super special' and a 'great dad' and then McRoidrage in the UK can tell him he's a piece of shit and that he'll beat the hell out of him if he ever comes to the UK, and then Jesse can build him back up by telling him to 'work on yourself babe'. I would cosign that shit!

On 10/10/2019 at 1:05 PM, MajorNelson said:

Cameo request:

Dear Darcey,

I like to socialize and make life meaningful, and want to meet the love of my life one day.  I'm willing to do anything!  But my friends tell me I have a drinking problem, and that I should work on myself.  But I don't care and when I'm not too sad, I continue to go out and show everyone I will be a winner.  Please dedicate this Cameo to Dee, from Jezzie

Thanks so much, Love ya!

On 10/10/2019 at 1:15 PM, magemaud said:

Dear Dee,

Don't let anyone EVER tell you you have any kind of problem! Deny everything and start to cry. You can never be too desperate. You DESERVE a fairy tale romance! Don't let pesky little details like your children get in the way of you seeking foreign dick. Only use adjectives like "beautiful" and "awesome" and never have anything interesting to say. Picture every scenario as a wedding venue. Remember, everything is a competition with your sister. Plastic surgery is your friend. Your self-worth is measured by the number of designer knock-offs you incorporate into each outfit. 

Eyes on the Prize! DON'T work on yourself, babe! You're perfect! 

I wish you all the best,


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On 10/14/2019 at 4:15 AM, Christina said:

Someone on Instagram collected the prices of all the 90DF Z-Listers and whatever the tertiary characters would be listed. It has four pages, so click the little arrow to scroll through. 

In keeping with the enthusiasm in Darcey's thread, what would you ask them to say?

Fernanda is all boobs!!!

36 minutes ago, watchingtvaddict said:

GUYS! I live in Korea and looking for a new apartment and just found one where bidets are STANDARD!!! I get a bidet when I rent an apartment. Its a new build, too so no one has used the toilet before!!! Jihoon would be so happy! 

(I had to make the image small so apologies if it looks weird 😑)


Congratulations on your soon to be clean anal!

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On 10/14/2019 at 5:15 AM, Christina said:

Someone on Instagram collected the prices of all the 90DF Z-Listers and whatever the tertiary characters would be listed. It has four pages, so click the little arrow to scroll through. 

In keeping with the enthusiasm in Darcey's thread, what would you ask them to say?

Someone start a go fund me for me, Zied is only $20!! A quarter each should do it ♥️♥️

  • LOL 4
6 hours ago, OoogleEyes said:

I'm watching Love Me on Amazon Prime. This is just sad! I'll  bet the people who are running these foreign dating sites are multimillionaires in the backs of these sad sack men.  

 That creepy Australian man. That woman obviously despised him, and then he blocked the door, preventing her from leaving! Yikes!

I watched that and now you make me want to watch it again.

But then that one guy reminded me so much of Caesar and Maria.

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Moved this from the Laura/Aladin thread to provide worthless information that wasn't actually asked. I read about this a few weeks ago but don't remember where.

On 10/27/2019 at 10:36 PM, Chalby said:

With that being said, why hasn't Danielle and Mohammed been dragged into court? He should have been deported immediately, yet no one can seem to touch him. I do not understand how the US can keep some people out, yet someone like Danielle, who relies on government funding, can finance someone on a Fiancee visa. Am I missing something?

Mo learned that not consummating the marriage would give Danielle a reason to say she was frauded at the Adjustment of Status Hearing, so he went back to her a few days before the hearing and had sex with her. She then showed up at the hearing and said the marriage was legitimate and Mo was given his conditional green card. He then took off again. Now he has to petition for his permanent green card on his own. People are not deported just because a marriage fails, and the moment she told Immigration that their marriage was real, she sealed the fate of his conditional green card. 

Danielle had a cosponsor for Mo's visa. So have a few others. We never learned who the cosponsor was, but it was a stranger from a forum where people discussed the visa process. Whoever it was helped a few people out.

If he hadn't received the conditional visa before the divorce, he would have to apply for a waiver to allow him to continue without her. It's why he kept calling the cops on her and filed assault charges against her son. One of the ways to get the visa without the spouse is domestic violence. Another is that returning home would be dangerous, like if he suddenly revealed he was gay, and we wondered if he would try that if it looked like an annulment would go through. The other way is show it would be a hardship, but he didn't really qualify that way because he didn't have any ties to the country.

Larissa screwed herself when she couldn't keep her borderline personality in check for another month, resulting in her telling everyone Colt was a pedophile that she caught watching kiddie porn, and the resulting fight got her arrested again and Colt filed for divorce. The hearing on her Adjustment of 
Status was scheduled for like five weeks later, Colt showed up and said they were divorcing and Larissa said her attorney told her not to go to the hearing because if they denied the status adjustment, and it was almost certain they would, she would be out of status and could be taken into custody awaiting a deportation hearing. She filed a waiver asking to continue on her own, but it isn't a guarantee of staying or going. That's why she keeps swearing up and down that they were in love and is now rereleasing the video and audio clips that she thinks shows she was a victim of Colt and Debbie, even though her Immigration attorney told her to quit posting the proof of her being abusive. He also told her to delete the post where she said she was on drugs while filming, after denying the drug use she was accused of by the cops after her third arrest. Larissa can't keep her lies consistent. She needs to create an app to do so, like Kail from Teen Mom 2 also needs. Her Immigration Hearing is coming up, and I think it was originally scheduled for October but if it happened, she hasn't said anything. I cannot see her not announcing it if she was given the conditional green card.

Fernanda(sp?) is in the same position as Larissa. She left him a few months into the marriage because she wanted to move to Chicago so that she could fulfill her dream of being a model and actress and he wouldn't bail on his business in North Carolina and do it right away. I think he is building his real estate building in Chicago now, but she couldn't wait. Once she discovered that she couldn't afford to live in Chicago without Jonathon's money, unless she wanted to be a sex worker, she tried to get back with him but he was done with her immature behavior, like ya know, a nineteen year old acts. He had to wait until they were separated six months to file for divorce, which he did, and he was able to successfully pull his financial affidavit from the Adjustment of Status. Someone, and I think it's his new girlfriend but I'm not positive and could have been his sister, said that Fernanda's "accidental" posting of Jonathan's penis on her Instagram sealed the failure of her Adjustment of Status. She has made claims of abuse against him, too.

Then there is Jay. Ashley never submitted the Adjustment of Status and his attorney is also filing something to allow him to continue the application without her. I don't think their divorce is final yet, so his sounds like it is advancing in a different way. On his GFM while being held in detention, his girlfriend posted something about him not being able to return to Jamaica because he would be in danger since Jamaicans would think he had money, so he needed funds to hire an immigration attorney. Funnily enough, he could have filed because of domestic violence but has some juvenile but common belief that men just need to suffer the abuse because they are bigger and stronger. It's like he thinks it's not "manly" to admit abuse. He may not have won on a domestic violence waiver, but it would probably help his claim some. 

The positives for their waiver requests are that Larissa, Fernanda, and Jay entered the country legally, got married in accordance with the requirements, and lived with the spouse who brought them to the US, but the marriages failed quickly and before the Adjustment of Status Hearing that would grant a conditional green card. The negatives are that none of them have ties to the country that would create a hardship if they were deported; they are not in school, not employed, and do not have children here. Jay has been accused by Ashley of impregnating everyone he walks by, so maybe there will be a baby. Larissa was trying to start a business of some type with Carmen, but it looks like it is stalled because she can't work without the green card. Larissa also has criminal convictions for a misdemeanor assault and Jay's a cheater. 

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Thanks for the updates @Christina. I never knew the exact ins and outs on how Mo got his AOS. And am interested in Larissa and Fernanda's situation... it will be interesting to see how things shake out for both of them. With Jay? I don't really care but it would be interesting to see if he can stay in the country. 

21 hours ago, watchingtvaddict said:

Thanks for the updates @Christina. I never knew the exact ins and outs on how Mo got his AOS. And am interested in Larissa and Fernanda's situation... it will be interesting to see how things shake out for both of them. With Jay? I don't really care but it would be interesting to see if he can stay in the country. 

When it comes to Larissa, I think she must have a fairly decent chance of staying or her attorney would have walked away when she kept posting things after he told her to stop. One of her rants was about her attorney saying that she may as well just fly back to Brazil and not go through immigration processes if she wanted to keep posting things online. Larissa thinks that no one is listening to her side of the story and if they did, they would see that she is the victim.

As much as I think Larissa is a major attention whore, I think she really does believe she is the victim and the videos, audio clips and text messages prove it. They just don't. It's like she adds one plus one and comes up with five and can't understand why people keep insisting the answer is two; if they would just let her explain they would realize one plus one is five, not two. The second arrest was when she was posting erratically on Instagram because Colt took her phone. She admitted to the cops she got physical with Colt, but it was because he took her phone and therefore, she thinks it was justified. The cops and her criminal defense attorney told her it wasn't and that is just not fair to her. The audio clips she posted after that arrest were Larissa yelling and hitting Colt, but he was admitting he took her phone on them, so the fight was all his fault.

If it was a lost cause, I think her attorney would tell her so. Voluntarily leaving the country would be better than being deported, and the deportation makes it harder for her to come back in the future. So, I think there may be a chance if she can just keep it together until the hearing. She's filed two false police reports in the last few weeks, one against her ex Weaselfaced WannabeFamewhore and another against a woman named Vanessa she thinks has the nudes she was sending to Colt. She claims both were based on Colt trying to set her up before her immigration hearing, but her proof does not say or show what she insists it shows. With the nudes, it is all because Vanessa said something to her now ex-husband about seeing Larissa send nudes to Colt when they were in the gym. Larissa says Vanessa is just trying to hurt her because she had been flirting with Vanessa's husband in front of her. The police closed both of them but didn't charge Larissa with filing false claims or anything, so I don't know if that will hurt her any. If she has done the anger management and mental health treatment ordered by the judge as part of her plea, she'll have that going for her, too.

Fernanda and Jay, on the other hand, look like they used Jonathan and Ashley to enter the US, but didn't intend to honor their marriage vows. Jonathan apparently had quite a bit of texts where Fernanda was insisting he pay for her to live her life in Chicago even though he was in NC, and later claimed abuse. She is supposedly speaking at some woman power seminar about being a domestic violence survivor, and Jonathan said he had spoken to his divorce attorney about it because she was told she couldn't claim abuse since it didn't happen and there was no proof it ever did. She comes across as grasping at straws because she doesn't have a strong case otherwise.

I would like Jay to be deported just because he annoys the hell out of me believing he is God's gift to the world and it looks like he was just using Ashley. I wouldn't care if he got to stay, though, because it would piss Ashley off severely and I don't think she deserves to be happy about him being deported when she was using the withholding of his green card as leverage and control in their marriage. They are both awful and neither one should walk away from the marriage completely happy. Jay made his bed, though.

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New season... New couple threads.

@Drogo - my suggestions are:

Michael (41, Greenwich, Connecticut) and Juliana (23, Brazil): She's NOT a prostitute.

Anna (38, Bellevue, Nebraska) and Mursel (38, Turkey): Tell it to the bees

Emily (28, Portland, Oregon) and Sasha (31, Russia): 3rd time the charm  or 3 times a baby daddy !?!?

Tania, (29, Colchester, Connecticut) and Syngin (29, South Africa): The biological clock is ticking

Robert (41, Winter Park, Florida) and Anny (30, Dominican Republic): 8 hours means forever

Blake (29, Los Angeles, California) and Jasmin (27, Finland):  ?

Mike (34, Sequim, Washington) and Natalie (35, Ukraine):  ?

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On 10/29/2019 at 8:40 AM, OoogleEyes said:

I'm watching Love Me on Amazon Prime. This is just sad! I'll  bet the people who are running these foreign dating sites are multimillionaires in the backs of these sad 

On 11/3/2019 at 12:24 PM, greekmom said:

Another documentary about finding love on vacation...

Barcroft Docs also has one called "Diary of a Mail Order Bride." Highly recommended. 

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I wasn't sure where to post this, so I figured this was the best spot. Did anyone catch Dr Phil  on Monday. The guest was a woman who was supposed to be on 90DF but was cut from the cast when it was discovered that one of her fiances (yes she had 2), was unders suspicision of being a child molester. So I guess Sharp does have some standards. Albeit they had already started filming. 

The woman, BTW, was completely wacko and reminded me of many of our 90DF participants. And her 2 fiances were total grifters. One even came out and said it was all about the green card. 

  • Love 3

Hey all, looks like I'm going to miss live chat tonight. I'm shattered but I woke up at 3 AM, couldn't get back to sleep, hoped to nap this afternoon but my husband thwarted me at every turn--doing something in the cellar that required a lot of banging, then carrying on a VERY LOUD phone conversation for two hours. Small house, nowhere to run. So now I have a screaming headache and I'm going to bed. I'll miss you all and I look forward to catching up tomorrow. 

13 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Hey all, looks like I'm going to miss live chat tonight. I'm shattered but I woke up at 3 AM, couldn't get back to sleep, hoped to nap this afternoon but my husband thwarted me at every turn--doing something in the cellar that required a lot of banging, then carrying on a VERY LOUD phone conversation for two hours. Small house, nowhere to run. So now I have a screaming headache and I'm going to bed. I'll miss you all and I look forward to catching up tomorrow. 

What a blow you have been dealt!

  • LOL 5

So I volunteer as a visa consultant and have met hundreds of couples on VisaJourney over the years. Occasionally, through my job, I also get the chance to meet couples who are a little more public with their relationship. Sometimes we become friends. Sometimes one of the people in the relationship is so crazy that being friends is a hit to my mental health and I have to pass, even though watching said person run away on video is entertainment at its finest. 

I have recently gotten to know this one couple that has a pretty big age gap. They were both previously married, but for different reasons. His marriage had genuine companionship and love involved; hers was more a marriage of convenience both for religious reasons and for monetary ones. Sometimes parents can have good intentions-they think that marrying one of their children off will lessen the financial burden on their household and hopefully give that child a better life. And sometimes the proverbial shotgun is involved...

Just because an attractive young woman wasn't "officially" working in the world's oldest business doesn't mean that she wasn't taken advantage of in a similar way. I'm sure if you sat down with this one young woman I know, someone who's been in the modeling industry for a couple of years, it would probably make you a little sick to your stomach to hear stories about things that were done along the way. 

Also,regarding the modeling, there isn't always a lot of money involved-especially if they're working and living abroad. Housing, transportation, agent fees, etc doesn't make the cash go very far. You're being encouraged to dress to a certain standard, to engage in various hair and facial care routines. And to send money back home. Someone I know was once given the advice to always keep a stash of money that nobody knows about, even if you're with a man who makes good money. You should always have something put back to help you "escape" if you need to. You never want to be entirely dependent upon one person. 

When your good looks and your personality are basically your ticket out of the bad situation you grew up in, or are currently living in, you learn very quickly how to be pleasant to the men around you. Fun, flirty, cutesy...It almost becomes a second skin. And when you're smart enough to know that your good looks won't last forever you might take the first agreeable exit ramp that comes along. Stability, financial and otherwise, becomes increasingly important. 

FWIW, in this one relationship with the big age difference, there is genuine affection (and at least some version of love) between both parties. They're both getting their needs met. Unlike that creeper and Niki from a previous season, there seems to be more equal footing between these two. (In fact, personality wise, I think she brings more to the table then he does.) Some things are greatly exaggerated for the sake of entertainment, like certain purchases on credit cards, but there are personality quirks (like enjoying feeling superior over your partner due to demographic differences) that are not exaggerated. Some people really do seem to enjoy showing their asses. 

In a recent conversation with a young woman I know, I noticed that there were times when jokes would be made and she would laugh and toss her hair back, as though enjoying herself, but her eyes were almost completely dead. It's one of those things that's hard to explain but you know it when you see it. I think she's seen some really bad shit. She's also learned that the men she's been around so far have wanted light-hearted, funny, happy women who aren't too serious and she's learned to be that. She definitely isn't naive, but I WOULD categorize her as hopeful. It makes me a little sad. 

I'll try to be more specific when the season's over. 

  • Love 15

I gave some advice to some young girls in their 20s when I was in my early 30s. They really had no plans for their lives - just work temp or whatever until Mr. Moneybags came along. They would then get the nice mansion and the lifestyle they felt they deserved/were entitled to. The life goal was to be a housewife.

I told them to get a marketable job skill - in case life threw a curveball or two - they couldn't rely on the millionaire. He could lose his job, get sick, dump them for someone else, be abusive, make them earn every cent they got, etc., or worse. To never prostitute yourself to him. Have a bank account of your own as an escape route.

For some, Mr. Moneybags (at least the kind and very generous man) never came along. They dodged a real bullet.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, mamadrama said:

So I volunteer as a visa consultant and have met hundreds of couples on VisaJourney over the years. Occasionally, through my job, I also get the chance to meet couples who are a little more public with their relationship. Sometimes we become friends. Sometimes one of the people in the relationship is so crazy that being friends is a hit to my mental health and I have to pass, even though watching said person run away on video is entertainment at its finest. 

I have recently gotten to know this one couple that has a pretty big age gap. They were both previously married, but for different reasons. His marriage had genuine companionship and love involved; hers was more a marriage of convenience both for religious reasons and for monetary ones. Sometimes parents can have good intentions-they think that marrying one of their children off will lessen the financial burden on their household and hopefully give that child a better life. And sometimes the proverbial shotgun is involved...

Just because an attractive young woman wasn't "officially" working in the world's oldest business doesn't mean that she wasn't taken advantage of in a similar way. I'm sure if you sat down with this one young woman I know, someone who's been in the modeling industry for a couple of years, it would probably make you a little sick to your stomach to hear stories about things that were done along the way. 

Also,regarding the modeling, there isn't always a lot of money involved-especially if they're working and living abroad. Housing, transportation, agent fees, etc doesn't make the cash go very far. You're being encouraged to dress to a certain standard, to engage in various hair and facial care routines. And to send money back home. Someone I know was once given the advice to always keep a stash of money that nobody knows about, even if you're with a man who makes good money. You should always have something put back to help you "escape" if you need to. You never want to be entirely dependent upon one person. 

When your good looks and your personality are basically your ticket out of the bad situation you grew up in, or are currently living in, you learn very quickly how to be pleasant to the men around you. Fun, flirty, cutesy...It almost becomes a second skin. And when you're smart enough to know that your good looks won't last forever you might take the first agreeable exit ramp that comes along. Stability, financial and otherwise, becomes increasingly important. 

FWIW, in this one relationship with the big age difference, there is genuine affection (and at least some version of love) between both parties. They're both getting their needs met. Unlike that creeper and Niki from a previous season, there seems to be more equal footing between these two. (In fact, personality wise, I think she brings more to the table then he does.) Some things are greatly exaggerated for the sake of entertainment, like certain purchases on credit cards, but there are personality quirks (like enjoying feeling superior over your partner due to demographic differences) that are not exaggerated. Some people really do seem to enjoy showing their asses. 

In a recent conversation with a young woman I know, I noticed that there were times when jokes would be made and she would laugh and toss her hair back, as though enjoying herself, but her eyes were almost completely dead. It's one of those things that's hard to explain but you know it when you see it. I think she's seen some really bad shit. She's also learned that the men she's been around so far have wanted light-hearted, funny, happy women who aren't too serious and she's learned to be that. She definitely isn't naive, but I WOULD categorize her as hopeful. It makes me a little sad. 

I'll try to be more specific when the season's over. 

Wow! If that doesn’t describe Grangela and Mykuhl, I don’t know what does!

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1 hour ago, Gobi said:

Wow! If that doesn’t describe Grangela and Mykuhl, I don’t know what does!

Damn it, you decoded my post! 😀

I meant to add that the "little girl" (er, sorry Mykuhl) facade DOES slip from time to time, but what's underneath doesn't come across as conniving or bitchy. It just makes, er, "him" look sad and lost. They have some friends, some from the same country and some met through work, here in the US and I hope that "he" is able to find some support and build a life here. I have met a few of these cast members and I have a soft spot for this one. Their partner, OTOH, can bite me.

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