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S25.E07: Week 7

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Yep, Kit just reminded us that she is, indeed, 21. Remember how I just told you that I was falling for you? Well, I realized that when you didn’t choose me that I don’t choose you, either!

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I get picked to go on this car date and my job is to ride shotgun? No way in hell. Stand back, Matt you loser. I'm driving. Either get out or ride shotgun, because you SUCK.

2 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Was his goal to hit all the obstacles? He’s a reckless driver like his ride with Bri.

Every date makes me dislike him more and more.

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I really liked Kit. She had a freshness to her thoughts that was unexpected. Go get yourself some college! Have fun!

I’ll miss Chelsea. And as a lifelong yoga practitioner, I found that session really creepy. Serena has obviously done yoga before, she had good form. I thought they were going to do a side by side practice but I guess I forgot the show I was watching.......

Edited by Quickbeam
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5 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I hate, hate, hate when people say “on accident”.  She’s dead to me. 

Me too!!!  But my adult sons say it!!  I have tried to correct them and they give me the “oh, Mom” look. 🤨

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1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

I get picked to go on this car date and my job is to ride shotgun? No way in hell. Stand back, Matt you loser. I'm driving. Either get out or ride shotgun, because you SUCK.

Every date makes me dislike him more and more.

God, it’s like you have the one to do shit. He’s really timid and passive. With those damn 3 foot long legs. 

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Just now, tennisgurl said:

Ok I was joking about Matt having no women left, but seriously this has to be a record for women dumped after dates...dumped by Matt or dumping Matt. 

And that is why this is a great episode. Bye, Next! Bye, Next! Bye, Next!

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Another one bites the dust!

Oh, this rose right here? Not for you! Not only does he pick up the rose, but he even does the fakeout proposal speech, “From the first night we met...”

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Gah, I keep staring at the thumb on Matt's right hand. Freaky!

Last rose was an easy peasy decision since Pie-per looked like she killed someone's dog during the whole RC. Lighten up, girl. You're one of the lucky ones.

ETA: Nice parting speech by Matt: "I'm sorry." Not even a parting gift or see ya, don't wanna be ya, or have a nice trip, see you next fall.

Edited by saber5055
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11 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Ok I was joking about Matt having no women left, but seriously this has to be a record for people getting dumped after dates...dumped by Matt or dumping Matt. 

This episode is giving me whiplash.  Two rose ceremonies.  Women getting eliminated on one-on-ones.  Women getting eliminated by talking to Matt and asking him where he stands.  The weird instance where someone gets a rose after a one-on-one only to get eliminated during the next rose ceremony and ALL took place in the same episode.

It feels like they were never interested in Matt's "journey" (can't really blame them there) and now that all the drama between the women has been eliminated, they're rushing to the end of this thing. 


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I’m sure Kit knew her mom didn’t want her dragging home any of this dime store level fame. She may have thought it was cute that her daughter wanted to go get her own attention for something but I doubt she wanted to be fully dragged into it with a hometown date. 

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10 minutes ago, GracieK said:

I’m sure Kit knew her mom didn’t want her dragging home any of this dime store level fame. She may have thought it was cute that her daughter wanted to go get her own attention for something but I doubt she wanted to be fully dragged into it with a hometown date. 

Or Cynthia Rowley was not going to quarantine or put her face on tv with these D-listers. Kit probably made a deal with her mom that she'd go on but bow out before hometowns. 

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Was Matt crashing the car on purpose?  Terrible kisser, terrible driver, terrible dresser.  That zippered fleece he wore on the evening part of the date with Jessenia?  It said, "I am going to dump you, so no reason to put on a blazer."

Edited by Just Carol
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1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

And I was hoping we’d get to meet Kit’s mother!

So was Matt, lol.  I don't think he had that much interest in Kit herself, but what self-respecting model would give up the chance to meet a famous designer?  I know she does womenswear, but still I think he'd love to be a part of her circle.

During the evening portion of the Jessenia date, I was thinking how MJ must be sitting at home seething, then Matt dumped her and the night turned around for MJ.  This was the second week in a row where the "tellers" were sent home directly after the people they narced on.  To be fair though, Jessenia and Piper seemed just as nasty about Heather as MJ and Anna were about the "new girls" so I guess it serves them right.  All of them are probably better off without Matt.

Edited by leocadia
Additions and punctuation failure correction
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How can next week be hometowns?  This is the quickest season ever.  (Thank God!).   How could he possibly go to any of these families and say he’s falling in love and ask the father for then girls hand.  He hasn’t spent more than 2 hours with any of these girls.   Even the one on ones have been some short activity that requires almost no interaction with each other and then a fake dinner.  No one has snuck in his room for some extra one on one time.  He’s had the same kissing scene with every contestant, nothing stands out as even remotely passionate.   Every season is bad but this one is just so scripted, it’s awful.  

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In every season the lead seems to be required to pick up the Rose even if he isn’t giving it out. I actually like Matt. He is following a script like all the others but he seems like a nice guy. Kit was in it for publicity; I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Abigail should have realized that if you still haven’t had a one on one date, he is not interested.

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45 minutes ago, leocadia said:

So was Matt, lol.  I don't think he had that much interest in Kit herself, but what self-respecting model would give up the chance to meet a famous designer?  I know she does womenswear, but still I think he'd love to be a part of her circle.

During the evening portion of the Jessenia date, I was thinking how MJ must be sitting at home seething, then Matt dumped her and the night turned around for MJ.  This was the second week in a row where the "tellers" were sent home directly after the people they narced on.  To be fair though, Jessenia and Piper seemed just as nasty about Heather as MJ and Anna were about the "new girls" so I guess it serves them right.  All of them are probably better off without Matt.

My thoughts exactly. Matt and Tyler are in a swanky apartment in Manhattan now, both looking to increase their exposure as models. How great it would be for them to get in tight with a famous designer. Kit is savvy enough to know that they were using each other, and she cut bait when she felt she'd enhanced her own social profile enough. 

Jessenia and Pieper were really nasty to Heather, as you say, just as Victoria and Anna and Serena C. were to the second wave of women, so I'm fine with them getting the boot.  Serena C. is falling in love with him? She's never had any time with him at all.

I thought there was a chance he might have kept Chelsea. Such a beautiful and classy woman. 

I hate hate hate these moves that give such mixed messages to the women he's about to send home. Hand on Abigail's leg, waving the rose in Jessenia's face. No, no, no Matt. Put the hand down, put the rose down. 

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If you’re a musician you can’t help but notice the score. As in accompaniment. Soundtrack. Background music – although composers resent that term. The musical cues on The Bachelor are a constant source of amusement as they are as melodramatic as the edits and the participants. Pounding drums. Strummy acoustic guitars. Violin crescendos. Hissing cymbals. Tubular bells struck. And that’s just for the teaser segment.

And then there are the canned sound effects. A hawk’s scream. Crickets – always the same crickets at the same pitch in the same numbers. Apparently the producers and sound engineers think we need crickets for all night scenes because we’re too thick to notice it’s dark. 

Well, much of the nation got sound in spades. Thanks to a technical glitch it was all musical score and FX and no dialogue in the audio mix until about five minutes in. The Silent Bachelor Movie had a strange sort of appeal especially after the audio was restored and with it the inanity of the exchanges.

Anyone who’s worked in retail can tell horror stories of the Consumer Reports types. Armed with a page torn, copied, scanned or otherwise duplicated, the CR shoppers believe they have the Magical Secret Knowledge in hand that will get them the best refrigerator at the best price. We might call Matt the CR Bachelor – he has a list that is unchanging regardless of circumstances, personnel, events, feelings, etc.

Heather is still making her pitch. Matt’s ego has already been inflated to the point where it’s brushing the rough-hewn rafters in the Nemacolin Lodge and now he’s declaring that Hannah is ‘qualified’ to select a potential mate for His Royal Highness.

For reasons unclear Heather is sent to face a jury of her non-peers. The Nasty Nine are here to tear the trachea out of the tardy Teutonic threatening their trysts. They may not all measure up as potential wives for Matt but that doesn’t mean they aren’t up to the task of humiliating a rival. Apparently, ‘toxicity and bullying’ are perfectly acceptable as long as you arrived on Opening Night. Jessenia confirms her MJ showdown was completely in character as she oozes even more poison while interacting with Heather. Serena C is perpetually prepared to put the boot in and Pieper sounds exactly like what she is – an immature brat posing as a ‘strong woman.’ Matt even apologizes twice to Pieper who replies each time with a cosmically-entitled ‘thank you.’

Heather is sent packing and the Bachelorette smirks fill the lobby. Matt is still talking ‘journey.’ Perhaps Heather can rent another minivan and drop off a thesaurus for him at the guardhouse. In the meantime, the producers resolve to get the photogenic Heather to a Bachelor In Paradise hut if they have to smuggle her aboard a UPS jet and airdrop her over Mexico.

Finally we are rid of blood-drawing barnacle Serena C and it will be a pleasure not to have to type the extra initial.

Her namesake has received a second date. Tantric yoga looks a lot like toddlers roughhousing with dad on the family room carpet. How, one wonders, would this enterprise proceed if Serena were not a rather limber size 2P?

More music cues – this time pizzicato strings inform us it’s OK to laugh at this farce. And as Matt relishes a lingering close-up view of Serena’s Lycra-clad nether regions and intoning ‘I’m just taking in who she is as a person’ we’re going to do exactly that as we're used to supplying our own irony by now.  To Serena’s everlasting credit she thought the idea and the execution were both rubbish and isn’t afraid to say so. She still cops a rose, though. That vocal fry is so deep it could cook a turkey.

Aren’t Canadians required by law to be accomplished skaters? Serena isn’t exactly steady on those blades. Matt’s size 15 skates look more like skis. Ah well – they’re both mostly standing still as the fakest snow this side of the Happy Days Christmas episode blows in.

Most of us have tempered our expectations for the show and its participants but we should still point out that this group date isn’t a date at all. There’s no activity. There’s no venue beyond the same old lodge.

Matt asked for heavy stuff, to be fair, but Bri drops a case of kettlebells in his lap by telling him she quit her job to enter. It would be naughty and cruel to make any jokes about Abigail failing to read the signs of Matt’s growing disinterest so we will refrain. But he does at least bring things to a merciful end.

It’s amusing to watch the production shuffle Rachael, an immediate fave of Matt’s and almost certainly a F2 contender, lower in the deck at rose ceremonies and on dates in a vain attempt to disguise this likelihood.

Pieper wants no truck with choosing third-person pronouns. The only pronoun she seems to know is in the first person singular: ‘I.’ It’s not only her preferred pronoun it may be her most preferred word in the English language. This is a seriously self-obsessed little madam. We can almost hope she wins and makes Matt’s life a misery. 

Kit, who has, in fact, compromised considerably thus far is now informing us that she won’t compromise. If you say so, love. Kit doesn’t want a cheerleader. Matt resists the overwhelming urge to remind her he played football, dammit! The cheerleaders were over there. Kit is failing the salesmanship portion of a fashion career. Badly. She wants this. She wants that. She wants to travel the world while figuring it all out. She wants someone to twiddle his thumbs until she becomes the next Tory Burch. She claims to be a long-term investment. No, accountants call that an expense, dear. Investments are expected to produce a return. Matt’s lips are pressed together so tightly they might squeak. Stress abounds. He doesn’t like all this career-woman stuff. Doesn’t Kit know that Bri risked unemployment to be here? Matt wants a bit of groveling or he isn’t interested. They manage a chaste peck.

There are the crickets again. Maybe some of us have spent more time in the country than others but memo to production: crickets eventually quiet down especially when it’s late and cold. With only one rose to award Matt can’t sustain the random-order ruse – Rachael walks it.

Kit is in full bored-rich-kid mode and has (re)adopted her monotone as a defense mechanism. Rachael is giving it the I-was-almost-an-old-maid routine again. Are we meant to believe this lack of confidence from someone that attractive?

Either this date lasted 20 days (and nights) or we’re being scammed by lazy editing. There have already been two shots of a full moon but now we’re looking at a crescent moon. October 2020 was a full moon on the 1st and a full moon on the 31st (Halloween of course) which means this was around the 11th or the 22nd.

Monotone Kit has arrived at the Bachelor’s digs, once again confirming that if the participants REALLY want to meet up outside the dating format they can and they will – if the producers agree.  She’s disaffected but not dumb. And leaving now saves face.

Any hopes we had that Jessenia’s date might be pushed into next week are dashed when she and her ample backside turn up anyway. It’s a hellcat driving a Hellcat. With 717 horsepower under the hood, drifting in this vehicle might involve skidding off the Laurel Highlands and into Ohio or West Virginia. Don’t worry, Matt, they’ll send you the bill for the mirrors and the other damage. Wait! Maybe we’ll pay for it if you send Jessenia home. Let’s hope MJ is somewhere cackling like mad and doing a shot or two.

It’s a double-RC episode. But for this ceremony half the roses have already been given – which means CH and his ominous last-rose warning come quickly. Did you know that in foreign iterations of ‘the franchise’ the hosts don’t bother with the warning – probably because it’s silly and surplus to requirements? 

Speaking of foreign reality shows, ‘pied’ is UK slang for pie-in-the-face as in rejected. So you could say we have a Pied Pieper. Oh wow. That’s bad. Sorry. It’s late. Moving on, Pieper and her favorite pronoun get to be strong women together in the limo back to the airport. Much-deserved karma for her antics with Heather.

Edited by Rainsong
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What an episode.

The ongoing focus on drama and mean girls vs. actually showing the talks, dates and (lack of) personality and chemistry, continue to overlay this whole season with a heavy layer of Stockholm Syndrome. I mean, more than usual. 

So many ejectees. So few tears.

Matt's blank stare of boredom. His leaning away from just about everyone.

I felt bad for Abigail, but really, it was obvious. 

Serena..."I feel rejected." Well, yeah, you were.

Chelsea..."If we'd had more time, we could have hit it off." In the bachelorverse, you're practically engaged at this point. Might want to have, er, hit it by now.

Kit: "It's like a dagger through the heart." But is it literally a dagger through the heart? I think that's the only way it counts.

Poor Serena P. That was the absolute worst date. Good for her for telling Matt and the producers in the interview that the date was awful.

Was I wrong to break out laughing during Kit's speech? Good for her on knowing her life plan, but she's a "long-term investment" because she wants to wait 3 or 4 years to have kids at the ripe old age of 25? Hoo boy. She totally thought Matt would cut her free after that monologue, and was shocked by him keeping her around. On to the backup plan of kicking him to the curb instead!

Giving Rachel the rose and then immediately ditching the group with an implied "Later, losers!" kind of fits with the vibe of this season.

Oh, Aloe Blacc, you are WAY too good for this show. Why.

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

“Professional Drifter” sounds well cooler than “Professional Influencer”. 

That guy had more presence in his 45 seconds on screen than most of the cast, lol. He was cute. I thought the driving date looked awesome, and I would have been aiming for the obstacles too. *shrugs* 

Though when Matt drove up to the rose ceremony at the end, I was half expecting him to hit the curb or the building or something. 

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55 minutes ago, thejuicer said:

Is Abigail the first person to receive the first impression rose to never get a one-on-one date? She seemed like a very nice girl, wonder what happened there. 

I went back a few seasons (thought not all) and there are a couple examples, but it's not very common.

Ben H's season, Olivia got the first impression rose and didn't have a one on one, she had the 2 on 1 in week 6 and was eliminated. Tierra on Sean's season got the first impression rose and went on a 2 on 1 in Week 5. (Sean's as far back as I looked.) In their cases though, both were the "source of drama" which can't be said for Abigail. She seemed nice and sane, and also was the only one who seemed to recognize Heather so she watches the show. I could see how she was led on a bit getting that rose and then having to wait with the opportunity shrinking away.  It's that "he's just not that into you" trope that is often true. 

2 hours ago, Katie111 said:

He’s had the same kissing scene with every contestant, nothing stands out as even remotely passionate.   Every season is bad but this one is just so scripted, it’s awful.

I'm not seeing a spark either. Maybe Michelle but not really in a romantic way. I feel like Matt is just emotionally closed off and it doesn't make for a very interesting love story.

Every Bachelor season I complain about how bad the dates are but this season is by far the worst. I even think some of the Palm Springs ones were better. 

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