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Who, What, When, Where?!: Miscellaneous Celebrity News 2.0

Message added by OtterMommy,

Please do not post only non-descriptive links to celebrity news stories.  Some context should be provided for your fellow members. Context may be as simple as a link that describes the story, or a line or two of text. Thanks.

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3 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

They don't show their kid's faces but they tell stories like this?  

Remember the story they did for People, in which they revealed that the younger daughter was still in diapers at 5 1/2?  Her playmates might not have been able to read that in supermarket checkout line, but their older siblings certainly could.  

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I think parents of only children have to take extra care they're not creating a little spoiled brat; they are able to give one child more attention and more things than they would multiple children, so it's easier to go overboard.  They need to keep themselves in check lest the kid think the world revolves around them and they will get anything and everything they ask for (my parents made sure I knew that early on; I heard "no" plenty).  But Bell and Shepard are rich and famous; they can give both those kids all the things.  So they're going to have to check themselves with two more than my upper middle class parents had to do with one.  Whether they wind up with zero, one, or two spoiled brats is going to depend on how they raise them, not on how many they had.

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

And, as an only child, I'd just like to extend a hearty "fuck you" to Dax Shepard saying they "owed" their kid a sibling in order to "make her a better person" than the "spoiled bitch" she'd be if she remained an only child. 

Maybe they're admitting they'd have spoiled Lincoln and turned her into an ungrateful Hollywood brat if they didn't have another child. 

I know plenty of people that "planned" a certain number of children, but biology, medical science and various other things changed the plans drastically.  Doesn't mean they were bad parents, trying to determine their optimum family size, then had to pivot. 

They do put a bit too much personal info out there, but compared to other celeb couples, I don't think they're too outrageous.  And both do have documented twisted senses of humor. 

I'm a MARShmallow forever, so I'm gonna cut them some slack.  

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

And, as an only child, I'd just like to extend a hearty "fuck you" to Dax Shepard saying they "owed" their kid a sibling in order to "make her a better person" than the "spoiled bitch" she'd be if she remained an only child. 

Credit due to parents who just want to have one kid, and simply have one kid (obviously, accidental pregnancies are totally understandable).  Spoiling a child with love is actually not some horrible thing.

I personally love big families, but to each their own and why have kids just because you feel some external pressure?  Dax and Kristen are kinda trashy.

38 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

Maybe they're admitting they'd have spoiled Lincoln and turned her into an ungrateful Hollywood brat if they didn't have another child. 

There is a HUGE leap between "spoiling an only child" and "Trashing our two children in the media".  It's not one or the other!  They can find a middle ground!  Why would they even use the word "bitch" when talking about their own child like that?  God, they are so nasty.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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The articles I saw said Tom and Giselle announced they had finalized their divorce. So already separated, went through the legalities and they are done. Probably didn't want the circus that would come from announcing they were getting a divorce. As it was there were many articles from 'sources' they had both hired divorce lawyers and tabloids breathlessly reporting they had both removed their wedding rings. I have zero interest in football but Tom always struck me as kind of an ass. He was saying he'd he had missed Thanksgiving and Christmas, and his and other people's birthdays for 23 years. And whose fault was that....

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Lots of people choose professions that aren't traditional 8-5, Monday to Friday.  He's obviously not ready to stop playing.  That's his right, just as hers is to not accept that and stay his wife. 

Neither of their lives will change much, but I'll be surprised if she stays in Miami long.  I'm betting she'll head to New York the first chance she gets. 

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3 hours ago, Bastet said:

I think parents of only children have to take extra care they're not creating a little spoiled brat; they are able to give one child more attention and more things than they would multiple children, so it's easier to go overboard.  They need to keep themselves in check lest the kid think the world revolves around them and they will get anything and everything they ask for (my parents made sure I knew that early on; I heard "no" plenty).  But Bell and Shepard are rich and famous; they can give both those kids all the things.  So they're going to have to check themselves with two more than my upper middle class parents had to do with one.  Whether they wind up with zero, one, or two spoiled brats is going to depend on how they raise them, not on how many they had.

Parents of only children, to offer a counter theory, also only have one kid to ignore if they decide they aren't that into having a kid around. I think there is too vast a scope of parental types to make such broad generalizations.

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6 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Let's ask Alec Baldwin.

IIRC, Mr. Baldwin referred to his eldest daughter as  thoughtless young sow as opposed to calling her a spoiled female dog as Mr. Shepard and Miss Bell have done their preteen daughter. Yeah, it looks as though she and her younger sib are going to have buy grosses of bales of paper bags so they can be ready to cover their faces due to their so-called parent neverending cruel public disses.

P.S. And to think, there was a time I actually liked Miss Bell and Mr. Shepard and was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt but they wrecked that with all their TMI trashing.

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Wow.  That was some demon.  Three different items, all TMZ.




Just me, but he seems altered during parts of this interview.  Perhaps there's a bit of brain injury from all the drugs?  I know the dental work is a thing too.  Compared to his appearance here, they prettied him up for that book cover.

Hard to fathom how much more talented he could have been sober.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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21 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

They do put a bit too much personal info out there, but compared to other celeb couples, I don't think they're too outrageous.  And both do have documented twisted senses of humor. 

They do seem weird to me, even though I was a big fan of Veronica Mars, The Good Place and her Deadwood episodes. Even Dax Shepherd's show Bless This Mess was really funny. Although the most annoying thing is those stupid Paw Patrol commercials that Kristen Bell does that keep showing up on my Facebook feed. Like I get that commercials are easy money for actors, but you are an A list actor, why the hell are you pitching crappy looking paw patrol toys? I would think there would be easier ways to make cash when you are that famous.

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I don't know if I would say Kristen Bell is an A List actor but the way her and Dax will seem to do literally anything to make money is half hilarious and half cringey as hell to me. In general, I can't stand either of them anymore and I used to like Kristen Bell.

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Just to clarify.  Dax and Kristen were talking about not wanting to turn their daughter into a spoiled little... whatever, they didn't say she was one.  Is this correct? HUGE difference.  Yes, I do think that they are oversharers, but nothing that has been discussed is weirder than stuff my parents have said publicly about me, just nobody really cared.  And my parents are dorks, but they love me (despite their faults).  I feel about them the way I feel about Ashton Kutcher and his wife.  "Weirdos, stop talking in public.".

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On 10/28/2022 at 3:26 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

There is a HUGE leap between "spoiling an only child" and "Trashing our two children in the media".  It's not one or the other!  They can find a middle ground!  Why would they even use the word "bitch" when talking about their own child like that?  God, they are so nasty.

Wouldn't it be great if all celebrity parents could stay off of social media?

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13 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

ALL parents, celebrities or not, should stop exploiting their kids on social media, imo.

Fair. We know about this because the parents in question are famous, but opinions seem to vary wildly as to whether or not some celebs have the right to air their family's business in public. I'm not suggesting Shepherd and Bell need to be under a conservatorship, but perhaps someone should advise them to stop calling their kids names where everyone can see it.

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19 hours ago, ouinason said:

Just to clarify.  Dax and Kristen were talking about not wanting to turn their daughter into a spoiled little... whatever, they didn't say she was one.  Is this correct? HUGE difference.  Yes, I do think that they are oversharers, but nothing that has been discussed is weirder than stuff my parents have said publicly about me, just nobody really cared.  And my parents are dorks, but they love me (despite their faults).  I feel about them the way I feel about Ashton Kutcher and his wife.  "Weirdos, stop talking in public.".

I always say that the best form of birth control is listening to parents talk about their children. I'm not enamored of what they're saying, but I agree that they're not outliers in complaining about their kids.

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21 hours ago, ouinason said:

Just to clarify.  Dax and Kristen were talking about not wanting to turn their daughter into a spoiled little... whatever, they didn't say she was one.  Is this correct? HUGE difference.  

I fully understand what they said and still think it's creepy as fuck.  

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Dolly Parton will probably not tour again.


"I do not think I will ever tour again, but I do know I'll do special shows here and there, now and then," Parton said in an interview with Pollstar magazine published Thursday. "Maybe do a long weekend of shows, or just a few shows at a festival. But I have no intention of going on a full-blown tour anymore."

Parton, 76, said that at this point in her career, she prefers to not stray too far from family.

"I like to stay a little closer to home with my husband. We're getting older now, and I don't want to be gone for four or five weeks at a time. Something could happen," Parton said. "I would not feel right about that."

On the upside though:


In the same interview, Parton confirmed she is working to create a rock album after she wraps up work on a film adaptation of the best-selling James Patterson novel "Run, Rose, Run."

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Although I’m sad that Miss Dolly will no longer tour, I get it due to the physical demands and her age. Plus I don’t think she wants to leave her husband for long periods of time anymore. 

A rock album? That is exciting news. 

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On 10/28/2022 at 11:33 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

Is there any reason to publicly reveal that you didn’t really want a second child?  And then comment about how she doesn’t resemble either parent, but you’re gonna keep her anyway?  Omg….she was only had to provide the first child a sibling.  Did they consider how this would make a child feel?  She’s seven now, but come on…..this breaks my heart for those kids.  Every day, I become increasingly concerned about the way some celebrity parents are utilizing their young kids on the internet.  They need some protection, imo. 


There's nothing wrong with not wanting a second child for whatever reason, but to make this public?  That does not make you good parents, that's for sure.  They can't possibly have thought for one second about how their child would feel when she inevitably reads or hears about it.  What shitty people these two can be.

On 10/28/2022 at 4:12 PM, Bastet said:

Oh, great, now that fuckwit is never going to actually retire.

Well, Tampa Bay's record is lousy this season, so maybe they'll fire him.

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14 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

There was something on Twitter where Dolly mentioned wanting to record with Stevie Nicks, that she's always admired her and would love to make an album with her, but I don't know if that's a thing that will happen or just something she'd enjoy doing.

She also mentioned wanting to do another cover of "Stairway to Heaven," this time with Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. I can't imagine that would ever actually happen, though, because Plant has been very vocal about much preferring making new music rather than revisiting stuff he did in his 20s. He's even told Page that, which Page always twists into Plant "being difficult." So, my assumption is it's more along the lines of what she would enjoy doing versus what is in the works. I'd say it's more likely Plant would work with her on something new rather than something old. 

Edited by Zella
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3 minutes ago, Zella said:

She also mentioned wanting to do another cover of "Stairway to Heaven," this time with Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. 

LZ is my favorite band, Dolly is one of my favorite celebrities, but “Stairway” is one of my least favorite LZ songs (not bad but so many much better), I sure hope this can happen if only to hear all of them collaborate on an iconic  LZ song.

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1 minute ago, Enigma X said:

LZ is my favorite band, Dolly is one of my favorite celebrities, but “Stairway” is one of my least favorite LZ songs (not bad but so many much better), I sure hope this can happen if only to hear all of them collaborate on an iconic  LZ song.

I really enjoy their music too and it wouldn't be my first choice for a cover either. But I think even the lesser-known ones would likely be a no from Plant. 

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I sure hope this can happen if only to hear all of them collaborate on an iconic  LZ song.

Misty Mountain Hop!

Granted, there have been a few covers of it done already, but still.

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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

A rock album? That is exciting news. 

She said she was inspired to make one back when the whole Rock & Roll Hall of Fame brouhaha first happened.

2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

Well, Tampa Bay's record is lousy this season, so maybe they'll fire him.

Oh, he's not going to play there past this season, but he'll keep playing.

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Dolly covered Stairway to Heaven, 20 years ago:

She did her own Dolly thing with it but I'm not a fan.

Frankly I think Heart closed the book on StH covers when they did this in 2012:

Even the Led Zeppelin fellows were impressed by their performance. Robert Plant looked to be teary-eyed.

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4 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Dolly covered Stairway to Heaven, 20 years ago:

She did her own Dolly thing with it but I'm not a fan.

Frankly I think Heart closed the book on StH covers when they did this in 2012:

Even the Led Zeppelin fellows were impressed by their performance. Robert Plant looked to be teary-eyed.

I have heard the old "solo" cover from Dolly and did not care for it and have heard Heart's version. I am really just interested in Dolly performing with the remaining LZ members (even though it may not happen).

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8 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

She doesn't disappoint! 

Heidi Klum's annual Halloween costume is always something to see.  Look closely...


I remember reading speculation about Heidi Klum and Seal that one of the reasons for their divorce was that he was tired of doing the extravagant, over the top Halloween parties every year.  I can believe that.

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I remember reading speculation about Heidi Klum and Seal that one of the reasons for their divorce was that he was tired of doing the extravagant, over the top Halloween parties every year.  I can believe that.

I don’t blame him. She’s almost as much of a thirsty try-hard as the Kartrashians.

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17 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I remember reading speculation about Heidi Klum and Seal that one of the reasons for their divorce was that he was tired of doing the extravagant, over the top Halloween parties every year.  I can believe that.

Aww, I love over-the-top Halloween parties.  Call me, Heidi!

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1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

Aww, I love over-the-top Halloween parties.  Call me, Heidi!

I don’t like over-the-top Halloween parties but I do love that Heidi is willing to completely obscure her super model looks. It seems like it comes from a genuine love for Halloween and is one of the few things I find endearing about her. 

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On 11/1/2022 at 9:46 AM, Popples said:

Donald Faison and his daughter dressed up and Murray and Dionne from Clueless. I want to hear him ask his daughter "Woman, lend me $5."

I wonder if Breckin Meyer ever looks at pictures of the other male Clueless cast members and thinks "man I look old".

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I don’t like over-the-top Halloween parties but I do love that Heidi is willing to completely obscure her super model looks. It seems like it comes from a genuine love for Halloween and is one of the few things I find endearing about her. 

Yes, it's nice she is putting in more effort than just trying to do a sexy version of _________.

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Donald Faison’s daughter is adorable! He’s still pretty cute himself.

I didn’t realize going all out on Halloween would be a relationship dealbreaker, with a supermodel at that! 

That sounds like a 'we can't imagine what else it could be, so we'll say that' story.

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1 hour ago, Hiyo said:

Yes, it's nice she is putting in more effort than just trying to do a sexy version of _________.

When you’ve spent much of your life just wearing bras and panties, you don’t need Halloween as an outlet to express your sexy side. 

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On 11/1/2022 at 4:57 PM, Crashcourse said:

I remember reading speculation about Heidi Klum and Seal that one of the reasons for their divorce was that he was tired of doing the extravagant, over the top Halloween parties every year.  I can believe that.

That is so freaking funny!

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