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S06.E20: The Last Leg

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I felt uncomfortable watching Aviva, though I laughed a little like LuAnn.  I know Carole loathes her but I still feel she nailed it with simply saying, 'She's pathetic.'  It's mean.  But it's true.  It's not clear to me whether Aviva has serious mental health problems, or just a wretched, entitled personality based on the demonstrably false idea that she's the smartest in this group. 


Sonja's party.  Sonja's meandering speech during that clustermess of a party, where she read from notes and yet went on and on (who is she, Hugo Chavez?)  Sonja's putting her full weight on her 'sprained ankle' in knee-high, high-heeled boots after scooting her ass down stairs (dirty banister in view).  Sonja's bullshit about Harry, including 'feew sowwy fah Sownya' lies and bullshit about Harry and LuAnn screwing.  Sonja wearing her most distinguished Fuck Me and Bail Me Out heels to her 'date' with Harry a short time after her 'sprain.'  Is she crazy, though?  No.  Just...pathetic.  Flove this:



Sonja is just such a fool.  I don't see her as being deluded anymore as I just think she figures if she lies enough someone will eventually give in and make it happen.  I think she knows exactly how far from the truth her comments are.  I think she is incredibly lazy and remarkably self-entitled and selfish beyond belief. She just flops herself down emotionally in every relationship like some passive protestor and forces everyone around her to do her heavy lifting.  Then compounds her heinous behavior by acting as if she is still some grande dame of society.

+1.  Roll my healthy leg on a pillow, indentured servant!  Not you, Pickles, you're for folding my threadbare and busted St-Tropez thongs!  Now let LuAnn into my crumbling, pee-stained mansion.  Take my dog!  Throw it in the closet with Marley!  Light Millou's Remembrance Candle!  Tell Puff Daddy he can't have the yacht, okay?  Get Ramona's copy of the Social Register so I can find a nonagenarian with only 1 functional heart valve, and schedule my laser lipo with Dr. Sharon Giese so that I can run into him and kickstart our surprise first date! 


^^ It's all plausible. 


I'm not really into gold and animal prints but I kind of sort of loved Carole's apartment changes.   A lot! 

  • Love 14

Alex McCord said last week Lu gets a fun dig in on the reunion, so maybe she asks Moaner about Mario's skank.  We'll see how it goes, but it can't be that bad cuz Moaner was OK to Lu on WWHL.  Remember when Moaner said casually how Lu & the Count were "cheating on each other like crazy"?  Ugh.


Fabio???  Ew.  He's almost as scary looking as that guy who is Andy's friend on WWHL.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Aviva screams 'is this fake?' bangs her leg on the table and then wings it across the room.



Does this make Aviva's leg fall in the category of a prop?  If so, with Bravo's new policy of no props, she might have to show up to the reunion one legged.


ETA:  LOL!  I posted this before I read the article on Reality Tea with Aviva's interview.  Here is an excerpt:

"Aviva says that her leg does stay on through the reunion, because, alas it’s considered a prop! “Well, you know, the issue at the reunion was, is a prosthetic leg a prop or not? Because now at the reunions, Andy Cohen has made a rule for no more props so we’ll have to see if a prosthesis is a prop or not."


Edited by swankie
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OMG - me, too. (Just saw the clip). And haven't you been asking repeatedly for someone to bring up Mario's affair to Ramona? I know you're not a big Andy Cohen fan, but you have to hand it to him - he tried to bring it up, and she basically goes berserk. She's such a hypocrite the way she openly criticizes other people's husbands or relationships, but shuts down the conversation when it's about hers, and even takes a how-dare-you attitude.

Hi All you fab snarky people! Long time lurker on TWOP, first time posting ever! So glad to see many familiar names!

First - Love LuAnn!!! She was hilarious tonight!

Second - On WWHL I couldn't tell was Romana wearing a wedding ring? I don't think she was and she immediately shut down talk about Mario. I think that was mostly her reason for sitting that way most if the show - she kept hiding her left hand here and there. Here's hoping there's some karma coming her way on the reunion!

Edited by Llama
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I'm so sick of the other housewives' reactions to Aviva. They've all talked about how she's crazy, nuts, insane, and "needs help." I don't know any decent people who make fun of and scream at people who have mental health issues! The more negative things they say about her the more I wonder why they are so cruel to her.

Mackey, it made me a little sick to my stomach, at first, after Aviva threw the leg and everyone jumped up from the table laughing.  When the camera panned away, there's Heather and Luanne guffawing loudest - Heather looks like a damned donkey.  It almost felt like the scene in 'Carrie' when the girls were throwing the tampons at Carrie in the shower and Carrie was viewing their laughter through a slow motion filter.  But then I saw Aviva laughing, too.  And I realized that she was kind of brilliant to have planned the whole thing.  She's the one who asked them all to sit down, just so she could do it.  When some of them got up after she brought up Carole's book but before she threw the leg, she again called them back to the table.  She directed the conversation back to them telling her she was a liar.  Just so she could get back to her original plan of throwing the leg. 


I think the reaction she got will turn some viewers off the other Housewives because they'll view them laughing at her as cruel, too.


Not all, but definitely some.  It will be interesting to read comments on this forum and others.

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Oh Aviva.  All those hours practicing that stumbling stilted speech.   No doubt you and your dad and a cowed Reid even went through multiple wardrobe changes to make sure you didn't flip your skirt over you head.  The finale, the grand season ending event.  And not once did you stop and think it out.  You did it as Sonja's Freak show and Lackey slurp and grub gather.  you thought you brought drama?  These people deal with Sonja Morgan on a daily basis.  Most of them might have stopped to take in the floor show that came with dinner, but I saw an awful lot keep chewing.  and more than one is seen getting their drink refilled.  Not just people used to batshit but most I suspect trying to eat and drink their way through bills past due Sonja will never see good.

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They seem to be up in Aviva's grill about not going on a trip because she said she had "Asthma." There are whole scenes of them sitting around like the witches in Mac Beth getting ready to "take her down" TM Terry Dubrow. They actually seem pretty obsessed with her. If they didn't care about screwing with her then her name wouldn't be in their mouth all the time.



This is an almost identical situation as what happened on the RHOA when Kim Zolciak kept missing trips because of her many pregnancies.  The other housewives were bothered by the fact that she was being paid basically to do nothing.  The others had to put up with filming, traveling at the drop of a hat and pretty much doing their job to get paid, but Miss "I'm so above them" Zolciak just got paid to sit up in bed eating pizza and talk about her husbands ass for 15 minutes.  Even Phaedra had to work through her whole pregnancy and wasn't given a "hiatus".  I think that's why they seem to be aggravated that Aviva isn't going on the trips and having to work like the rest of them.

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What was up with Ramona's sitting position and posture on WWHL? A viewer even commented on it in an email read on the show. Was she just trying to show off her body at the most flattering angle? 



Or was she trying to hold her hair in a way it wouldn't alter the blowout too much?  She's still with those ridiculous fuckin' blowouts?  How is she not bald by now?  Too much of those things absolutely murder your hair.  I know so many women who had to stop doing them cuz they got so hooked on 'em & and their hair started to fall out like cra-zazy!

I'm still plotzing that Moaner dated Fabio.  Oh. My God.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

This is an almost identical situation as what happened on the RHOA when Kim Zolciak kept missing trips because of her many pregnancies.  The other housewives were bothered by the fact that she was being paid basically to do nothing.  The others had to put up with filming, traveling at the drop of a hat and pretty much doing their job to get paid, but Miss "I'm so above them" Zolciak just got paid to sit up in bed eating pizza and talk about her husbands ass for 15 minutes.  Even Phaedra had to work through her whole pregnancy and wasn't given a "hiatus".  I think that's why they seem to be aggravated that Aviva isn't going on the trips and having to work like the rest of them.

That's exactly right. It's not the asthma per se, but the excuses. One after the other. And some weren't even saying that Aviva's asthma was fake, but rather that her mental phobias were creating the (real) ailments. In other words, they might be real, but they're psychosomatic.

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I'm kind of on Team "Team Sonja ".  Those background players were absolutely hilarious during the RONYs' fight at the table.  You've got Harry skulking about with some young girl, the facialist making big hand gestures to someone, and the psychic randomly walking around by herself, trying to find someone to talk to.  Then they all laugh at the big fight.  I'd be laughing there too, like Luann. 


Aviva's claim that she was persecuted and attacked all season doesn't bear out in what we've been shown.  She's missed six episodes, and was hardly there for a couple of others.  And when she is there, the woman always starts a shouting match.  Imagine if Heather Dubrow encountered her instead of Shannon over in the OC.  Heather would claim hearing loss.


One little thing about Carole...having rewatched a lot of the season today during the marathon, WTH is up with her frequently bringing up that BJs are a wifely duty?  She seems to want to come off as mildly shocking and funny, but it just is soooo tired.

Edited by Lizzing
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Luann said on WWHL that the facialist introduced herself at Le Cirque and Luann replied "I'd rather forget your name" and that it didn't air. Darn! There was the scene where Sawn-ya mentioned the "best facialists" in her speech and you could hear Luann say "I beg to differ." Haha.


I thought it was cute when LuAnn said that her scene with the facialist may show up in the lost footage, and then she laughed because she was contributing to Andy's ongoing puns about Aviva's leg removal.


I agree with everyone else who thinks that Kristin looked so pretty tonight.  


I loved Carole's apartment, and, again, I really like that we get to see snippets of her life as a writer and getting ready to publicize her new book.


I look forward to the reunion.  I'm surprised it's going to be in three parts.  I wondered how they would even fill one hour since this season was filmed a year ago, and that's a lot of time to get over, or completely forget about, minor grievances.


This and Beverly Hills are my favorite franchises, and I really hope New York continues.   I would like it if everyone in this cast returns next season because I find them all interesting and/or amusing to watch, especially together.

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Pretty much, but she babbled a shitload of incoherent nonsense that nobody understood.


So Moaner said she dated Fabio.  Um, WTF?????


Why is nobody asking Moaner about Mario & his skank on WWHL?  So nobody is gonna ask her bout that on the reunion?  Er, huh?

I think Ramona gets off easy on the affair.  It wasn't really mentioned in her update, and something she said on WWHL made me believe that everyone agreed not to bring it up because of Avery.  That's when Heather pointed out the LuAnn has 2 kids and that didn't stop Ramona from trashing her.

Hey Aviva, try some Prilosec and get over yourself.



Yeah, acid refux is easy to treat.  WTF has it got to do with losing 10 pounds in a few weeks?  Me thinks she got serious eating disorders.  


I agree that the ladies talkin' shit about Veevs is getting tiresome.  So could this shit-talking turn it around for Veevs?  Er, no.  First off, she sunk herself by constantly thumbing her nose at producers by getting out of all the trips this season.  And then she opens her mouth, and you're quickly reminded why everyone can't stand her -- her non-stop phony crap, bullshit illness, phobias & excuses, screaming hissy fits & horrible insults to everyone around her.  And that she has a terrible sense of humor, where her attempts at joking just always fall flat, doesn't help either.


Have to admit, as a stunt, the leg-throwing thing wasn't bad.  It did get her attention.  But the prob for Veevs is that it was the only mildly interesting thing she's done the whole season.  So what else has she got to give us?  Is that it?  Is she gonna take the leg off at the reunion & throw it around cuz that's gonna get tired & old real quick.  Kristen ain't gonna make one of her O faces for dat.  Time to hit the road, Veevs.  Bye gurl.

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I had to agree with Heather-Aviva's fatal flaw was she over acted and tried to set stuff up for the cameras. It was tried before by Jill Zarin and failed.  Regardless of Aviva's health issues none of the other HWs won going on and on about her mental status.  Being frustrated at someone for getting out of a trip just sounds stupid.  They all seem to hate the woman so it isn't the slightest bit believable they missed her or give a damn about her.  Why do any of them think if they pester her enough she will crack and say , "you are right, I am a lying piece of shit."  This is a common thread on RHONYC -there are a certain group of them that think they are owed an explanation.  I don't think even the viewers expect one.  At some point let it go and ignore her.  No camera time.  No winners on tonight's episode.


I watched WWHL LuAnn and Ramona truly despise one another.  I wanted to ask LuAnn when the last time she practiced as a LPN-thirty years ago?

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But they all comment on Veevs losing weight.  She's very thin to begin with, so she musta looked really frail.



As intent as Aviva is to prove a point; the leg toss being one example; I wouldn't put it past her to starve herself for a few weeks just to prove to the others that she really was "sick".  I do believe she is sick...in the head!  Most people who go through traumatizing events such as hers are really humbled and take on a new lease on life and are just happy to be given another chance at life.  Not Aviva!  She uses losing her leg as a reason for entitlement, an excuse and as we've seen this last episode, a weapon.  I just can't imagine having anyone who sucks so much at life as her in my life.  I would rather eat cow patties for lunch for the rest of my life. 

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I'm generally a pacifist, but I would have paid good money to see LuAnn pick up that damn leg and beat the shit out of Aviva with it. Enough with her and her staged dramatics.


No way LuAnn could have done that, as much as I would have loved it. She was trying too hard not to have pose running down one of her own legs.


If anyone had any doubts before that night, Sonja proved she is delusional. What was the purpose of the so-called party? What the hell was her speech about? She even mentioned her "brand." Maybe she got branded while she was in Montana. That crowd at Le Cirque looked like the cast straight out of a Fellini movie. I shudder.


Did you catch Lu's eye roll when the facialist was acknowleged? Well deserved. 


Aviva knew damned well coming in she was going to hurl her leg. It wasn't nearly as thrilling as the buildup. Big effing whoop. Begone, Queen of Batshit!

No way LuAnn could have done that, as much as I would have loved it. She was trying too hard not to have pose running down one of her own legs.



I typed "pee." Autocorrect is so often Autoincorrect. Sorry.

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Tell Puff Daddy he can't have the yacht, okay?



Oh Sonja & her loony delusions.  Yeah, I got a yacht too, sweetie.  I'm on it right now in Italy, hangin' with Zac Efron.  Hey, you're not the only with delusions & fantasies, Sonja hun.  Oy, if we were taking a poll on who's the craziest in this crowd, my vote would go to Sonja.


I look forward to the reunion.  I'm surprised it's going to be in three parts.



Wait a minute -- um, what???  3 parts??  What the hell are they gonna do to waste that much time?  By part 3, they're all gonna throw around prosthetic legs?  Man, this show is really fuckin' over.


That crowd at Le Cirque looked like the cast straight out of a Fellini movie. I shudder



Yeah, they were trying for a freak show vibe.  Did it work?  Sorta.  The pigs in blankets got me in the mood for a Nathan's hot dog.  Would be better than that shit.  Looked horrible.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Get a load of this quote-


Aviva also threw one last zinger at Kristen Taekman, who whirled around in horror when the leg went flying: “I’m very disturbed on behalf of the whole amputee community that she was so repulsed by the sight of a prosthetic leg.”



Guess it didn't occur to Veevs the amputee community might be more disturbed to have someone representing them who throws her prosthetic leg across a fancy restaurant when she gets angry?  Even played for laughs (which it clearly wasn't), it's still pretty low -- for her & Bravo & Andy Cohen.  But it is getting some buzz so they did accomplish that.  We'll see if it translates to improved ratings.

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Well, Veevs is playing the victim card on her Bravo blog.  Everyone on the show hates her, viewers hate her, mean girls are being mean to her -- wah, wah, wah, poor me, but I'm a lawyer, so everyone should be very impressed.  Um, except she's never practiced as a lawyer, has she?  And has she passed the bar anywhere?  Is she a lawyer in the same place Sonja has a yacht?


From Veevs' Bravo blog-


It's been a tough Season for me -- I've taken a lot of sh-- from the Housewives on the air, in social media, and in social situations. My character has been impugned. I'm not complaining. It seems to be part of the Real Housewives culture, and even when it's been a headache, I'm still grateful to be a part of it. I've taken a lot of sh-- from viewers, too. Again, that's OK -- it comes with the territory. I expect there will be a lot more after this episode. Carole calling me "weird," or worse Heather calling me "crazy," or worse Kristen doing that mock horror gaping mouth thing, and many of you supporting your favorites by damning me.


Oh she sounds angry -- really angry.  Yeah, I know what else is new, right?  Veevs is always angry bout something.  Here's how she ends her Bravo blog-


It's the end of the Season -- the gloves are off (legs too) and it's all on the table (pun intended). So watch the episode. If you can stand it (pun not intended), watch it again. I've nothing more to say.



Sounds like she's not just angry at the other women, but she's really fuming at the producers & she seems to hint she already knows she's finished on the show.

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I had to stop watching this installment of the franchise halfway through the season because the cast is comprised of such assholes. Carole and Heather have no high ground vis-à-vis the discussion of "pathetic" behavior, nor, for that matter, does LuAnn. And I say that as a viewer who initially liked all three. In terms of personality disorders, Carole should probably reflect on her own egomania; her delusions about her own sexual desirability; and her evidently compulsive need to affect the highest hipness quotient. Heather, I've noticed, seems to assume characteristics of the friends around whom she spends time. When competing in the mud run with Josh, she became much more gruff and bragadoccioish despite promising to stay with Kristen. She's so insufferable this year for me in part because of how sycophantically she's affixed herself to Carole.


Even though I am inclined to agree that the resentment towards Aviva stems largely from her shirking of professional obligations and the attribution of that habit to a dubious medical ailment, I'm still mystified by the obsession with her supposed offense. What does anyone care if a co-worker fails to perform their responsibilities as long as it doesn't directly create more work for their colleagues?


When Sonja - entitled and nasty piece of work that she herself is - sounds like the most reasonable and empathetic star of the series, it's time for cancellation. Miami was even more compelling than this. The casting reshuffle in season 5 was a just too big of a catastrophe to recover from.

  • Love 5

Well, good riddance!

The pretzel twisting logic she exhibits whereby everyone is concerned with her all the time--seems I recall once Carole was over Aviva we didn't hear anything about the crazy broad, until Aviva's new BFF, Sonja, mentioned her--or are cruel to her because of her disability (when, you know, she's the one who slammed and threw a $30,000 prosthetic) is just too exhausting to watch.

I'm not entertained by her. I don't think the other women treat her unfairly. I think she gets off on climbing up on the crucifix. She's reached Jill levels for me--I hope a contract isn't extended to her for next season.

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Here's my problem with the leg throwing (and I didn't watch, because I'm pretty much over this show), but I've seen and heard enough about it.


There are many people who need and probably can't afford prostheses.  For Aviva to treat her's like it was a toy is insulting.   It is NOT a prop, it's an artificial limb.   It's not something you throw across the room. I don't care how "indestructible" they are. Aviva is supposed to be an advocate for artificial limbs, and that's how she treats hers? 


I'm wondering who the first HW will be to say to Bravo - "I'm sorry, but i have too much self-respect to do (insert whatever they are trying to set up.)"


Clearly, it wasn't Aviva.

  • Love 7

Even though I am inclined to agree that the resentment towards Aviva stems largely from her shirking of professional obligations and the attribution of that habit to a dubious medical ailment, I'm still mystified by the obsession with her supposed offense. What does anyone care if a co-worker fails to perform their responsibilities as long as it doesn't directly create more work for their colleagues?


Because they're paid by the season, not by how many scenes they film. So when you're getting paid x amount of dollars, and your co-worker, who makes the same amount, doesn't show up for work but still gets paid, you resent it.

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I saw the leg toss as a desperate attempt to stay relevant and ensure another season of RHNYC for Veevs. She knows that she barely filmed all season because either she begged off or the other women were freezing her out by not inviting her to events (carole's party), so she strategically plotted to be as shocking as possible. As far as mental health issues, I am not a professional, but she didn't seem crazy to me. I think Aviva has spent most of her life getting lots of mileage out of her health issues. It's understandable that she uses that as a fall back whenever things get tough or she doesn't want to do something. Last year it was the phobias, this year it's asthma and reflux. It's her way of getting attention, sympathy and a free pass (at least in her mind). 


Speaking of desperate, then there's Sonja. Who the hell were that odd assortment of people? And I call BS on her "sprained leg". It didn't look bruised or swollen, and if her leg was sprained, no way could she zip it into a spike heeled leather boot. And again with the business ventures? I heard french clothing line, perfume and a few other things. Her fake engagement was so fakey fake. I read on another website that it was al staged for the cameras and she borrowed the ring from Ramona. Way to stay relevant Sonja. 


Is Harry Dubin the only single man in NYC? Apparently!


Lu had me cracking up all hour, from her reaction to the leg throw to the most ginormous necklace that I have ever seen at the Team Sonja party. 


Kristin looked great in the shoot although it's obvious they planned the whole season to feature her in the ad to generate sales for Josh's POS company. 


Ramona was sitting so oddly on WWHL that Mr Poetic asked what was wrong with her. 


AS much as I like Heather, her clothing choices are terrible. That white dress she wore to Sonja's party was a dead ringer for the dress I wore to my confirmation in 1973. And that gold dress on WWHL made it look like her boobs were flat and pushed down to her waist. For someone who owns a foundational garmet company, she has no sense about how a bra can make you look better. 

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Wow, how desperate and pathetic is Sonja? To chase down greasy, old Harry and bust her ass in the process? I'm not even sure what to make of that story. At first I thought Harry's version sounded shady, but Heather basically confirmed it on WWHL. It sounded like they were all leaving at the same time and different people wound up in different cabs. Maybe it was chaotic? Who knows? But it wasn't JUST Harry and Luann leaving together, and they both claim nothing happened between them. Although, Harry felt the need to add "I wish it did". Yea, because THAT'S a good way to get back in good graces with a woman, telling her you wish you'd slept with her friend. 


I am not loving Sonja this season, but I was pleased to see that she let it go with Luann fairly quickly and saved her anger for Harry. I was also pleased she gave Harry back the ring and didn't just sop up his lame excuses. Even if there was no leaving together, sleeping together, etc. he was flirting with Luann and it's quite clear he'd never be able to just settle down with Sonja and only Sonja. 


That's okay, because Sonja Boneya (great name, by the by!) has never had a better aura and men are after her daily. 


I'm pretty sure she was exaggerating her ankle injury. If you were seriously in that much pain, why wear tight, knee high boots? And who complains about what kind of towel they're using to ice an injury? Maybe the Nigerian football team or Saudi prince can send her some fancier ones. 



I fully respect Heather's decision about her son. I might get a third opinion, however, simply because two conflicting opinions would be confusing. But if the young man is not that bothered by his disability, why risk the surgery? Although both women can grate at times, I continue to love Carole and Heather's friendship. Carole seemed truly concerned about and interested in what was going on with Jax - not like a co-worker just asking because she had to. 



Mario and Ramona still have hot sex, my foot! I'm not saying that a lacking love life has to be present where there's infidelity. Men cheat for many reasons. But in all the scenes we've seen this season, Mario just seems disgusted by Ramona and I doubt he finds it scintillating on his end. 



How jacked was Sonja's party? We go from Carole's beautiful and thoughtfully planned "Garden of Good and Evil" party to this awkward, boring affair, serving pigs in a blanket to a "team" that serves to enable Sonja's delusions. It seemed like half the people there were confused as to what the party was about and why they were there. And then comes Sonja's random, rambly speech. Truthfully, I hate seeing her perform. It's the same when she does her burlesque shows. She has this weird affectation that is just so off-putting. 



Then we have the whole Aviva showdown. Personally, I think homegirl has been looking for a fight (or fights) all season. She went in there just raring to go. First of all, no one thought you were contagious. They didn't want to be around you because you SUCK. And how can you say "I'm better now"? I thought asthma was a chronic condition, not something you recover from in a few weeks like strep throat. But anyhow, that's the point - Aviva sucks, most of the ladies don't like her, so WHY even bother with her? Why does Kristen need an apology? Who cares if she lied? If a good friend lied, that I could see getting fired up about and wanting to address. But, trust me, your trip was better without Aviva. Just let it go.


It's just pointless to confront her, and honestly - it would have been better if they just ignored her entirely and never gave her a chance to whip out her chest x-ray (who DOES that???) and toss her leg around. Because, you know she's been waiting all season to do that. What a whack-a-do. And an ungrateful bitch. Yea, just toss around your expensive prosthetic leg that some amputees would kill to have.


Ugh, she's awful. But I really think Aviva is done on this show. Andy was really raking her over the coals on WWHL. I got the impression this was the end of the road for her.


Can someone please advise Heather stop stop wearing those tight, long-sleeved dresses. They do nothing for her figure.


I'm really looking forward to the reunion. From the preview they showed, it looks like Sonja is going to get called out big time and I am just salivating at the thought! 

  • Love 4

Then we have the whole Aviva showdown. Personally, I think homegirl has been looking for a fight (or fights) all season. She went in there just raring to go. First of all, no one thought you were contagious. They didn't want to be around you because you SUCK. And how can you say "I'm better now"? I thought asthma was a chronic condition, not something you recover from in a few weeks like strep throat. But anyhow, that's the point - Aviva sucks, most of the ladies don't like her, so WHY even bother with her? Why does Kristen need an apology? Who cares if she lied? If a good friend lied, that I could see getting fired up about and wanting to address. But, trust me, your trip was better without Aviva. Just let it go.



Ok I'm loving your entire post, and this point in particular.  I feel like Carole has a very, very good and legitimate reason to hate Aviva with the whole ghostwriter BS. And if somebody is trash-talking my bestie?  Hell yes, I will hate them in solidarity.  Which is what Heather is doing.  But Kristen... yeah, her reasons for hating Aviva were pretty flimsy.  She needed to let that go.  Her vitriol was unwarranted.


I honestly am not getting where any of the housewives are "obsessed" with tearing Aviva down. In fact, it's just the opposite--they seem to go out of their way to avoid her.  But being that this was the unofficial "cast party" for the season, they knew they'd have to interact with her on some level.  Neither Heather nor Carole was actively going after Aviva --they were avoiding her! SHE was the one who came over to them, then called them over to the table and started with her histrionics, which, as we all know, culminated with Leg Gate. 

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Kristin and josh are just vile.  She is so happy he validates  her.. by finding her pretty.  But professionally!!  Yeah.  wonder how much he paid her.  He really is a piece of human jerky.  Incredibly unattractive physically.  If the show comes back I hope those two are a one and done.


I think I heard Kristin say that it made sense to use her as a model so the company could use the money they would have paid another model for something else.  In other words, sounds like the new Face of Eboost works for free.



  • Love 2


Ugh, she's awful. But I really think Aviva is done on this show. Andy was really raking her over the coals on WWHL. I got the impression this was the end of the road for her.


I think it almost has to be the end for her.  Especially since she didn't take part in all of the events, and her castmates seem to dislike her so much - and it would not surprise me if they refuse to film with her.  And isn't Carole good friends with Andy? 


However, she claims there is a "potential" spinoff for her father "in progress" and if it goes through, she will probably be on it.


(Of course, "potential spinoff" could mean anything - heck, there's probably a "potential" spinoff out there for me too!)


Ok I'm loving your entire post, and this point in particular.  I feel like Carole has a very, very good and legitimate reason to hate Aviva with the whole ghostwriter BS. And if somebody is trash-talking my bestie?  Hell yes, I will hate them in solidarity.  Which is what Heather is doing.  But Kristen... yeah, her reasons for hating Aviva were pretty flimsy.  She needed to let that go.  Her vitriol was unwarranted.


Exactly. I think Carole and Heather's issues are legitimate. And I think Kristen is justified in not liking Aviva, but in no way does she need to get into giant shouting matches with her and demand apologies. I, honestly, think Kristen - A. wanted the camera time/attention and B. wanted to try and impress the "cool girls". 

Edited by ghoulina
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Even though I am inclined to agree that the resentment towards Aviva stems largely from her shirking of professional obligations and the attribution of that habit to a dubious medical ailment,

I think the shirking of her professional duties is only part of it. Aviva has insulted all of these women throughout her tenure on the show and she has done it in the most vicious and vile method possible. So, yes there would be resentment for that as well.

The thing is, while we are being led to believe that they are somehow obsessed with talking about her, there isn't anything to back it up. They as a group only discussed her missing the Montana trip a few minutes one night at dinner and then on tonight's episode when they were mentally preparing to see her again. 


Aviva would like to think that they are obsessed with hating her, but it simply isn't true. Did anyone else catch when she said something about it being "all season" or was it "last season" when she was in the middle of an argument at the table? She can't even keep her lines straight enough to remember how not to break the fourth wall.

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I think Ramona gets off easy on the affair.  It wasn't really mentioned in her update, and something she said on WWHL made me believe that everyone agreed not to bring it up because of Avery.  That's when Heather pointed out the LuAnn has 2 kids and that didn't stop Ramona from trashing her.

The difference is Luann was stepping out in her marriage as well as the Count and Ramona was not.  LuAnn's antics made the tabloids and Ramona has either not stepped out  or has not been caught.  It is tacky, even by Real Housewives standards, to bring up a cheating spouse, especially if the couple is trying to reconcile. What does the wife say if someone asks about her husband cheating?   All I can say to Heather is STFU-you don't have to weigh in on everything.  LuAnn used her divorce as a major storyline-Ramona's divorce filing did not occur during filming.

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More shocking to me than Aviva throwing her leg was MISSES-DeLesseps-To-You greeting Pickles with the double air kiss.  Countess wouldn't have done that in previous seasons.  Either she was faking a persona before or she's doing it now. 

Hmmm.  See a trend amongst the Hos?  They all do it so I wonder why they hold Aviva to such a higher standard to not being fake.  Next season if there is one, I suspect Heather will come back with less Mother Fuckers and name dropping, Sonja will be less delusional, Kristen will stop crying and try to be all hard ass.  She tried hard this season but she's a rookie - she'll have the fake down pat for the next.

If someone else had thrown that party, Sonja - who likes to tell us that she's the "hostess with the mostest" - would have been all over the hostess' late arrival, not greeting all her guests, that weird rambling speech, and yes, even the pigs in blankets. I'm thinking that the party was less about celebrating her "team" (I'm not sure I'd brag about how many people I need in order to function in life) than it was giving Aviva a stage. Yep, I think Sonja was in on the leg-throwing incident. She was the only HW not to appear shocked when Aviva threw down the leg, and there was that weird "keep it together, Aviva" comment she made when Aviva was getting all worked up. Since one of Sonja's beefs with Carole in St. Barth's was that Carole didn't do much to diffuse Aviva's anger, I find it interesting that Sonja let Aviva steal the thunder at a party that was, allegedly, for Sonja's interns and soothsayers.


Since Sonja told US Weekly that she and Ramona cooked up the "Harry gives Sonja a ring" plotline, it wouldn't surprise me if she hatched this scheme with Aviva, starting with her post-Montana chat. She said that she wanted Aviva to know what people were saying about her, but I think it was a set-up for a plotline. I don't believe for a second that Aviva's leg throw was spontaneous. No one comes with x-rays to a party unless they're loaded for bear. 


The leg throw was anti-climactic, Sonja's "break up" with Harry was anti-climactic...the scene I probably enjoyed the most was Carole and Ramona having lunch and giggling over Fabio.

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