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S07.E08: It's My Party and I'll Go If I Want To

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30 minutes ago, HouseofBeck said:

I loved Danni’s green dress and must look for an equivalent, though the outfit she eventually chose was probably more comfortable for sand-sitting. While Madison’s attire was calculatedly gorgeous and the food looked delicious, I’d have hated being in either the sun, the wind, or both the sun and wind, that long, not to mention sitting on the ground like that. Give me a regular chair any day. 

Austen should not have showed up after saying he wouldn’t. Madison shouldn’t have kept needling him throughout. Yet Pringle should have kept his interview opinions unsaid. Maybe he’s one-dimensional and never cared enough about anybody to get emotional when you see them while the breakup is still raw, but he doesn’t have to put that expectation on anyone else. 

Still, the preview with Madison throwing incorrect and sexist slurs bugged me royally (I am so sick of people thinking pussies and the people who have them are synonymous with weak, undesirable, unworthy, and less than), so she can go ahead and detonate her prospects.

But Craig and his smug-ass face and throwing “girls and boys have different definitions for rationality” with “boys” being superior just rubbed me raw. How is it rational for him to hear and believe only one side of a conversation that has nothing to do with him? And to keep shooting down the other side when it’s trying to speak??

I’m thinking that while Danni signed up to continue on this show, she just isn’t cut out for the excessive displays and reopening wounds that the producers demand, and that that’s why so much about her scenes seem off and disjointed. And the other women ambushing her at the table to go talk to Kathryn was vile. 

Leva can go start her own show that I won’t watch.

These slurs previewed from Madison may be my final straw with "Southern [No Longer] Charm[ing]". Disgusting. I hope Pringle drops her ass over it.

I will join you, HouseofBeck, in not watching Leva's show! Thanks for that laugh!

And had to add, this show was uncomfortable to watch for so many reasons but a big one for me is that I HATE humidity and would have been miserable on that island. I love Charleston but all my friends there know I do not visit between May 1 and October 1. Just can't handle it. 

Did you notice in all the "sit here! sit down!" crap with Austin, Madison made her female guests sit on the unshaded side of the table? It looked scorching hot. Wow, if I had been filming this show on that day I truly would have earned my paycheck, plus hazard pay for bug bites, sunburn, heat exhaustion, and having to listen to both Madison AND Leva.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 8

Leva can stop trying to elevate her image by lecturing Kathryn. What was she even trying to say to Kathryn this episode? I was watching but so little interested that I didn't bother to figure it out. I'm at the point of throwing one of Kathryn's epic eye rolls at Leva myself.

Edited by RedHawk
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6 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

Leva can stop trying to elevate her image by lecturing Kathryn. What was she even trying to say to Kathryn this episode? I was watching but so little interested that I didn't bother to figure it out. I'm at the point of throwing one of Kathryn's epic eye rolls at Leva myself.

I think Leva was saying that people should take into account that her husband is Black and her son is half Black although the fact that Katherine may be dating a Black man is irrelevant.  So she is protected by some halo by association but Katherine is not.

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, christmaslights said:

Madison, you are so mean.  I can't believe I actually feel a little bad for  Austen.  He's been working so hard picking out his favorite flavors and a cute name for a beer that someone else brews for him.  

Leva has a beautiful family and a very successful business she is trying to keep going....why is she so obsessed with Kathryn?  It's exhausting.  

Kathryn is a dim bulb and has been raised on the isolated and dilapidated family plantation by a family that keeps the Calhoun name going. her legal last name is Dennis, she (they) use Calhoun as a middle name by choice.... it is what it is. I think she named her kids Calhoun Ravanel?  She's not going to renounce it, she embraces it.  Her family has used that name as greatly devalued currency for generations,  do you think you personally are going to change that?  A few seasons ago Whitney and Patricia were impressed by her lineage. 

move on Leva. you genuinely look crazy. is that what you want?


Because Kathryn is the star of the show.  So if you want to get air time, you have to get into it with Kathryn.

Her wreck of a life is what the show has chosen to highlight so she's always going to be feuding with someone.

Leva isn't going to stay on the show too long if she minds her business and the show is just showing her at her restaurants, at home with her kids, etc.  She has to interact with the other cast.

Maybe they'll try to make more out of the shouting match with Austen but he's going to have his hands full being called out as a pussy and so on.

2 hours ago, HouseofBeck said:

But Craig and his smug-ass face and throwing “girls and boys have different definitions for rationality” with “boys” being superior just rubbed me raw. How is it rational for him to hear and believe only one side of a conversation that has nothing to do with him? And to keep shooting down the other side when it’s trying to speak??

Lot of mansplaining this episode.

Where are Shep and Craig to put little Craigie in his place?



  • Love 7
20 hours ago, JenE4 said:

How is Caleb related to Thomas? This is pretty strange to date a relative of your baby daddy. But since T-Rav impregnated someone else, I guess this is a “good way” (in Kathyrn’s estimation only) to get vengeance AND make up for her racism scandal. Sigh. I also hope Caleb’s branch of the family tree grew from a love relationship and not the Ravenel ancestor raping his slaves. I hate that I even have to consider that, but they’re so proud of their plantations and being “scions,” that I can’t be too sure.

Thomas' ancestors owned Caleb's ancestors is the simplest answer. Especially since the family remained in Charleston, it's probably the most likely answer. But the reality is far more complex. You should read this to better understand how Caleb's ancestors could have gotten that name.


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Craig has no future as a mediator.  He is the worst at trying to get in the middle of other people’s relationships.

I’m confused why Kathryn would be all whispery coy telling Shep she was dating this guy - either tell him or don’t.  You know you’re on camera, whispering is not going to make a difference.  “If I was a racist would I have a <tinywhispervoice/black> boyfriend?”  And Shep repeating it all really loudly was cracking me up.  CHLEB RAVENELL?  Yeah why would you HAVE A BLACK BOYFRIEND.  The whole thing was so weird.

  • Love 15

Yes, Kathryn started dating Chleb to fix her racist image. To think otherwise is very naive. Everything she does is very calculated. Including sleeping with Thomas, Shep and Whitney with no protection in a two week period way back. 

I like Danni. I usually defend her and I do think she is a good person. But she gets so emotional over Kathryn’s aloofness in their friendship and I’m trying to understand. Why is she so nervous and worked up around her? Why doesn’t she instead finally tell Kathryn to eff off. Kathryn is a narcissist who wouldn’t actually care.  

Madison has a sadistic and cruel streak. I have never liked her and I like her even less now. Good luck to any man who ends up with her. What a bitch. 

Even if Austen is “beta” and a “pussy”, shut the hell up Madison. She really thinks highly of herself. 

  • Love 17
15 hours ago, RalyWilmy said:


I know Pringle is not a popular fella on these boards, but he won me over a bit with the "What have I gotten myself into? I'm so over this" faces and attitude. His attempt to get in on the "shut the f@ck up!" shaming was half-hearted at best.  And I laughed out loud in the last episode when he said "43 and I'm talking about guy code" and rolled his eyes.  I wonder if he'll come back for another season.


I actually think that Pringle and his deadpan deliveries are very amusing.  Does he have a job? Or is he like Shep and has a trust fund?

Kathryn isn't my favorite person, but I wouldn't have walked up to the girls either.  I would have just shown down personally and just waved.   Plus I don't care about these women if their introduction/purpose is just to hate on Kathryn.  I love how she shut them down.  And Danni is just so awkward and strange. She would have been mad at Kathryn no matter what Kathryn did.  

Final note regarding Kathryn - she looked really skinny in one of the talking heads.  I wish she wouldn't wear so much makeup, she's naturally pretty. It's probably her "shield" though if she's insecure.

What did Austen expect by showing up when he was uninvited?  Did he really not give Madison a heads up?   His body is nice, but his face and personality ruin it.

I would have hated that "party", too much wind and sand. I HATE sand and the beach.  

Austen and Craig looked ridiculous with their matching pants. I heard Pringle mention mustard brothers.

Craig annoys but he's very nice to look at (away from Austen).


  • Love 2

Craig can fuck right off with that men are rational bullshit. That is one old and tired trope. Being general here... yes, women may generally be more comfortable expressing emotion, but that does not equate to irrationality. I generally think men are more prone to irrationality in decision making because they are so ego driven. My two cents based on YEARS of observation as a practicing attorney. 

  • Love 22
27 minutes ago, angelamh66 said:

Craig can fuck right off with that men are rational bullshit. That is one old and tired trope. Being general here... yes, women may generally be more comfortable expressing emotion, but that does not equate to irrationality. I generally think men are more prone to irrationality in decision making because they are so ego driven. My two cents based on YEARS of observation as a practicing attorney. 

Plus even just mentioning it is calculated to anger and drive the other person into further demonstrations of so-called irrationality, by that trope’s mandates. Like when someone tells you to calm down, and any inflection in your response that you ARE calm sounds defensive and elevated. Bah! And once again, Leva didn’t help matters in that scene either. 

  • Love 14
20 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Thomas' ancestors owned Caleb's ancestors is the simplest answer. Especially since the family remained in Charleston, it's probably the most likely answer. But the reality is far more complex. You should read this to better understand how Caleb's ancestors could have gotten that name.


Thank you for making this point.  I was going to bring this up if no one else had.  Considering the (forced) illiteracy of Blacks at the time it is not inconceivable that his family spells it that way.  Also consider how small Charleston is I think it's more likely than not Thomas' family owned Chleb's

  • Love 8

These women spend hours gossiping and attacking Katherine behind her back, do not want to associate with her, do not want to accept any apology from her for her online altercation...but they call her over and want her to sit with them so they can more overtly attack her and make sure she knows they are cutting her as a group?  The toxicity of their behavior so far outweighs anything else I don’t know how anyone could respect them.  Katherine is understandably confused because they are all coming from a common place of hating her with a lot of communication about their opinions of her, and she’s at that point unaware of all these interactions that all happened behind her back.  Dani is way too needy about Katherines friendship, she gets overly emotional and interprets every breath and facial expression from Katherine as extreme.  I could not handle a friend that irrational.  Katherine has a lot of issues, but their behavior is so low...they haven’t got a sanctimonious leg to stand on IMO.   

  • Love 15

Kathryn leans over to Shep and stage whispers, “my boyfriend is BLACK”. Then says she didn’t want to tell Leva when they were discussing the monkey emoji because it would look too obvious that it was a fake relationship to save her image. 


 Why WOULDN’T she mention that to Leva in their emoji conversation? Makes no sense. Unless...she wasn’t dating the guy yet. She was still in talks with him to help her save her image at that point. 😂 Kathryn, you’re busted. She may actually like Chleb. But she also is using him, just like she used Ravenel #1. 

Danni piped up in the luncheon scene in the background, “maybe it’s authentic...” (or however she said it). Danni, come ON. The other friend gently touched her arm, “you defend Kathryn too much.” Then Danni says, “I’m not going to anymore!” But..you just DID. Ten seconds ago. She definitely has a toxic co-dependent relationship with Kathryn. I should know, I’ve been in bad relationships. Takes one to know one. Danni needs to get a backbone. 

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, JLaw said:

Thank you for making this point.  I was going to bring this up if no one else had.  Considering the (forced) illiteracy of Blacks at the time it is not inconceivable that his family spells it that way.  Also consider how small Charleston is I think it's more likely than not Thomas' family owned Chleb's

In addition to ownership, that they probably are  related in some way would not be a stretch...

  • Love 2
On 1/8/2021 at 5:59 AM, zenme said:

I’m sure Chleb’s family and Thomas’ are of the same family tree, changing the name a little along the way. I mean, Charleston is not that big, and that’s not a common last name anywhere else in the country. Not exactly “Jones” or “Smith.”

Madison was totally using Pringle to make Austen jealous, and everyone could see it. That being said, who cares. Not interested in Austen at all.   Also, didn’t Chelsea AND her dad pretty much insinuate that Austen is a beta male?  His owning yellow pants that Craig owns, among other things, show that  he has no charisma and is a follower, doing whatever Shep and Craig do. That’s not attractive. 

Pringle actually said something during one of the many arguments that I hope he remembers long term about Madison.

She's not a nice person.  She's not.  And Pringle would do well, despite Patricia's entreaties, to stay away from Madison.  Madison's low-class, compared to him,  and how Patricia thinks a hairdresser, despite having her own small salon in a small town like Charleston, is equal to Pringle, I haven't yet figured out.

Madison has shown herself for who she is.  I believe her.  As someone above said, her words used in the previews of the season (hopefully, series) finale show Madison to believing her hype.  She's a legend in her own mind.  At the end of the show, she's likely to not only lose these friends, but possibly some business in her salon.  I know if my hair stylist (who has her own salon too) spoke to people like that, no matter how nicely she does my hair (and she's wonderful), I'd have to think about finding someone else to give my business too.

And if Gwynn's shuts down tomorrow, that person would still have it too good.  As a businessperson, you don't put your personal business out there.  Period.  If Gwynn's put their message out there before speaking to Kathryn, I'd go to Kohl's before giving Gwynn's a day more of my business.  

Edited by b2H
  • Love 9
On 1/8/2021 at 8:23 PM, TexasGal said:

I’m confused why Kathryn would be all whispery coy telling Shep she was dating this guy - either tell him or don’t.  You know you’re on camera, whispering is not going to make a difference.  “If I was a racist would I have a <tinywhispervoice/black> boyfriend?”  And Shep repeating it all really loudly was cracking me up.  CHLEB RAVENELL?  Yeah why would you HAVE A BLACK BOYFRIEND.  The whole thing was so weird.

That whole conversation was so bizarre. I kept thinking, “you know who else had a black boyfriend? Rose Armitage.” Time to GET OUT, Chleb!


  • LOL 5
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12 hours ago, b2H said:

[Madison's] not a nice person.  She's not.

Yes, this is true, she is not.  She's been getting deserved credit for standing up for herself in the face of douchebros, which she does, but she is definitely a person who is also a jerk.  I know the board hates Chelsea, mostly, for whatever reason, but wouldn't she be considered somewhat opposite?  Someone who did stand up for herself but wasn't actually a real jerk in the process?  


12 hours ago, b2H said:

Madison's low-class, compared to [Pringle].

Errrrrrr....... This, on the other hand, is not true.

  • Love 3
On 1/9/2021 at 11:12 AM, angelamh66 said:

Craig can fuck right off with that men are rational bullshit. That is one old and tired trope. Being general here... yes, women may generally be more comfortable expressing emotion, but that does not equate to irrationality. I generally think men are more prone to irrationality in decision making because they are so ego driven. My two cents based on YEARS of observation as a practicing attorney. 

I thought Craig, Pringle, Shep and Kathryn were the only ones at that party that were acting like adults.  As a woman, I can see why Craig feels this way, around THIS crew of women.  The women were acted like bullies.  They were overreacting at every turn.  Leva and company say they aren’t ganging up on Kathryn, but their earlier lunch, and the gathering at Gwynn’s store, tell me otherwise.  

On 1/10/2021 at 12:27 PM, Onecattoo said:

These women spend hours gossiping and attacking Katherine behind her back, do not want to associate with her, do not want to accept any apology from her for her online altercation...but they call her over and want her to sit with them so they can more overtly attack her and make sure she knows they are cutting her as a group?  The toxicity of their behavior so far outweighs anything else I don’t know how anyone could respect them.  Katherine is understandably confused because they are all coming from a common place of hating her with a lot of communication about their opinions of her, and she’s at that point unaware of all these interactions that all happened behind her back.  Dani is way too needy about Katherines friendship, she gets overly emotional and interprets every breath and facial expression from Katherine as extreme.  I could not handle a friend that irrational.  Katherine has a lot of issues, but their behavior is so low...they haven’t got a sanctimonious leg to stand on IMO.   

Completely agree. Great post. 

  • Love 5

I don’t like any Bravo show when it devolves into shrieking, yelling and cussing, no matter how well deserved or not. I couldn’t bring myself to watch Night of the Living Beach Party. However, I certainly understand Leva’s frustration with the lumpen wad of self tanner, fake eyelashes and hair extensions that calls itself Kathryn.  I want to yell at her and I don’t have to film with her. With Covid having a ruinous effect on her restaurant businesses and the racial unrest in Charleston and the country, Leva’s frustration with that barely sentient piece of shit is justified. I like Leva. I like anyone who calls Kathryn out on her absolute horse shit. Admittedly, I have always found the Kathryn/Thomas storylines tiresome; they’re even more tedious to me now that she’s attempting to be interesting by herself. 

  • Love 9

Madison and Pringle seem like a shomance where they both seem interested enough to bang a few times and pretend for the cameras that they feel something for each other. They're both getting paid. I think he's onto her and emotionally mature enough not to get entrapped like Austin is. I actually enjoy his dry asides: "43 years old and I'm talking about 'bro code'." I actually enjoy him as a character. Madison can go sit on a sandbar for all I care.

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I don't know.  I don't actually like Madison, but I don't have a problem with her standing her ground with Austen.  He is a toxic bro who tries to gaslight her around every corner.  As far as I'm concerned, she can say whatever she wants.

And of course, my weekly comment:  Craig continues to be a little bitch and put his nose in everyone's business.

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I do think making comments about the size of Austen’s genitals is crass.  Whether true or not.  What if he said that she was less than tight down there?  Danni had a meltdown about chlamydia, which as STDs go is pretty minor and not proof that someone is slutty.

Edited by MrBuhBye
  • Love 5

So many good points already made here!  

This group of women is so completely unlikeable (barring Taylor), I don't know how the show can go on.  


Why these bitches wouldn't pull their hair back in ponys and buns is beyond me. Just let it fly in your face all frikkin' day. Sure, that looks comfortable. 

Sing it sister!!


The other woman we've seen once, we know absolutely nothing about her, she's meeting Kathryn for the first time, yet she thinks she should get involved and try to mediate?

It happened like three times and each time it was annoying.  Although, she's obviously auditioning for a permanent position so I guess it's what has to occur.  


Pringle actually said something during one of the many arguments that I hope he remembers long term about Madison.

She's not a nice person.  She's not.  And Pringle would do well, despite Patricia's entreaties, to stay away from Madison. 

She is nasty and mean tempered.  I think Pringle's catching on.  Oh, and for those of you enamored by her dress (Cover-up?  Nightgown?), it's all over the place in the boutiques on Poshmark for $50.


but they call her over and want her to sit with them so they can more overtly attack her and make sure she knows they are cutting her as a group?  The toxicity of their behavior so far outweighs anything else I don’t know how anyone could respect them.  Katherine is understandably confused because they are all coming from a common place of hating her with a lot of communication about their opinions of her, and she’s at that point unaware of all these interactions that all happened behind her back.  Dani is way too needy about Katherines friendship, she gets overly emotional and interprets every breath and facial expression from Katherine as extreme.  I could not handle a friend that irrational.  Katherine has a lot of issues, but their behavior is so low...they haven’t got a sanctimonious leg to stand on IMO.  

I am as far from a Kathryn fan as you can get but my hatred for this coven overrides even that.  They absolutely ambushed her.  She didn't know which way they were coming from and further, they were insisting this all play out in a public arena for everyone's enjoyment and demanding it occur at that very moment.  It was gross.  I completely understand her confusion.


Danni, girl. Use your words. She gets tongue tied around Kathryn and sounds like a babbling idiot when she tries to confront her. That's why they go in circles. Like high school girls arguing. No fan of dimwit Kathryn but at least she kept asking Danni what her problem was and never really got an honest answer. 

Again, Danni's inability to get a grip and pull herself together made her argument with Kathryn completely ineffective.  I would've walked away if I were Kathryn too.


As a woman, I can see why Craig feels this way, around THIS crew of women.  The women were acted like bullies.  They were overreacting at every turn.

Craig inserts himself in the most annoying ways possible and often makes no sense but what he also said about Danni was true.  Her reactions are off-kilter and overly emotional.  And perhaps she hasn't been right since her engagement ended.  But I also suspect this is kind of just how she is.  I have a great friend and we share about the same age gap as Danni and Kathryn, with me being the older of the two.  When she would act immature and idiotic when she was quite young, I always said I wouldn't have been able to tolerate it if I had been her same age.  But I had the luxury of patience and understanding with the age that I was.  Plus, we have a truly enjoyable and two way friendship.  Why Danni gets so darn overworked about Kathryn is a complete head scratcher.  We also know that Kathryn is a true friend to no one but herself.  Danni either needs to brush her antics off and continue being her friend or end the friendship because she gets nothing out of it.  It's not worth the emotional episodes it seems to set-off in Danni. 

Leva strikes me as a mean girl and a bully.  She just wants to hide behind this "I am woman hear me roar" facade.  

  • Love 12
48 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

I am as far from a Kathryn fan as you can get but my hatred for this coven overrides even that.  They absolutely ambushed her.  She didn't know which way they were coming from and further, they were insisting this all play out in a public arena for everyone's enjoyment and demanding it occur at that very moment.  It was gross.  I completely understand her confusion.

Yes.  I loathe Kathryn with the fire of 1000 suns and yet here I am, taking her side with the coven coming at her.  Like it was said above, she is not privy to any of the conversations they are having, so when they all come at her, she is like wtf.  She is a bad person, but I get her confusion at all of this.  

I also agree about Leva.  She is coming at it so wrong, she is so off-putting.  Can we vote her off the island/show?

  • Love 11

Totally loathe these gang bang scenarios.

Not interesting, enjoyable, illuminating, or entertaining. I understand this is on Bravo, the channel that vows to never uplift women, but this demeaning showcasing of women at their worst just pisses me off. I vaguely remember a camping scenario with the boys group banging on Craig, but 99% of the time its this awful bullying, holier than thou, judgemental crap from the women. 

If that's all ya got, probably shouldn't be a show.

  • Love 5

I think Kathryn Craig and Austen should have just grabbed a platter of shrimp, turned around and jumped back on the boat. that was the worst party, and the group of women waiting for Kathryn was horrible.  

I guess they had to stay to claim their free engraved beer glass. like a timeshare pitch.

  • LOL 6
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On 1/13/2021 at 4:46 PM, itsadryheat said:

Totally loathe these gang bang scenarios.

Not interesting, enjoyable, illuminating, or entertaining. I understand this is on Bravo, the channel that vows to never uplift women, but this demeaning showcasing of women at their worst just pisses me off. I vaguely remember a camping scenario with the boys group banging on Craig, but 99% of the time its this awful bullying, holier than thou, judgemental crap from the women. 

If that's all ya got, probably shouldn't be a show.

This is the truth.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

This is the truth.

Too many Bravo shows are now about women fighting other women. The Housewives did not start that way but all the versions have devolved to it and for me have become unwatchable. Misogyny on “Below Deck” made me turn it off. The extended pileup on Kathryn over several episodes ruined this season of “Southern Charm” for me. There is now nothing that I want to watch on Bravo.

Bravo owes the monkey emoji some royalties because without it I don’t know what they’d have built this season on.  Well, probably Kathryn’s reactions to what was going on in Thomas’ life, which I can also do without.

  • Love 3
On 1/8/2021 at 12:30 PM, HouseofBeck said:

I loved Danni’s green dress and must look for an equivalent, though the outfit she eventually chose was probably more comfortable for sand-sitting. While Madison’s attire was calculatedly gorgeous and the food looked delicious, I’d have hated being in either the sun, the wind, or both the sun and wind, that long, not to mention sitting on the ground like that. Give me a regular chair any day. 

Austen should not have showed up after saying he wouldn’t. Madison shouldn’t have kept needling him throughout. Yet Pringle should have kept his interview opinions unsaid. Maybe he’s one-dimensional and never cared enough about anybody to get emotional when you see them while the breakup is still raw, but he doesn’t have to put that expectation on anyone else. 

Still, the preview with Madison throwing incorrect and sexist slurs bugged me royally (I am so sick of people thinking pussies and the people who have them are synonymous with weak, undesirable, unworthy, and less than), so she can go ahead and detonate her prospects.

But Craig and his smug-ass face and throwing “girls and boys have different definitions for rationality” with “boys” being superior just rubbed me raw. How is it rational for him to hear and believe only one side of a conversation that has nothing to do with him? And to keep shooting down the other side when it’s trying to speak??

I’m thinking that while Danni signed up to continue on this show, she just isn’t cut out for the excessive displays and reopening wounds that the producers demand, and that that’s why so much about her scenes seem off and disjointed. And the other women ambushing her at the table to go talk to Kathryn was vile. 

Leva can go start her own show that I won’t watch.

Danni looked drunk to me, so maybe that fueled her emotions. Actually most of them seemed inebriated, thus all the fighting. 

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