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S05.E01: Bursting The Quarantine Bubble

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Mama D being nice creeps me out I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and her nasty to pop out ... oh wait there it is ...LOL


see this is why I like Brandi she apologizes and she looks like she means it like it comes from a place of sorrow ... when Leanne was faking her sorry she was saying what she thought people wanted to hear and not actually sorry ..and was still trying to defend what she said ....


Kam's friend looks like Lana DelRay was she supposed to be a housewife? 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I just find it hard, if not impossible, to get into a show that starts with quarantining, so I’m not sure how this season is going to progress for me.  It’s certainly not the fault of the players—I just don’t care to hear about it.  I liked what Stephanie said off the bat about how they’re filming a TV show, they’re testing all the time, so save the tweets.  I really like when they break the fourth wall like that.  Now we don’t have to talk about it ad nauseam. 

There’s something off about Kam opening the show—she is great, but she’s not a lead.  There is also something off about Kameron this year period, physically and mentally.  It’s like she’s phoning in the role she’s been playing the last few seasons—like, “I?  Am?  So?  Upset?  About?  My?  Dog?” And then she looks at the camera like she’s not sure if she delivered her lines with the requisite air headed ness, like she is over it.  

Brandi’s mommy makeover was apparent when she was slipping on the slip n slide—like Tamra Barney, no belly button to be identified.  Her face is starting to look hard and scary.  She went away to treatment because she was suicidal over a video about squinting and stuff?  I don’t believe that.  I think she had to go to treatment, because last reunion she pulled out a folding chair for Leanne to sit on so she could get roasted, and then Brandi looked like a big damn hypocrite when her stereotyping (or whatever, I don’t know what to call it, it really doesn’t faze me) video showed up.  Not to mention she was probably within an inch of losing her job. 

Bravo can miss me with its thumping music and panning to Tiffany when the idea of Kameron’s friend Jen meeting Brandi was broached.  (This show loves a Tiffany and a Cary/Kary).  Also, Kameron’s friend Jen was caught in a white lie about Kam’s age.  When Stephanie asked her how long she knew Kameron, Jen said she knew Court in high school, and they’ve been together 15 years, so she’s known Kam for fifteen years.  That would make sense...if Kam was 32 or 33, which she’s not...

So Mama Dee just gave D’andra $100k?  Sounds about on point.  I don’t generally like D’andra, but I like that she can poke fun at her weight, and it’s not the elephant in the room that she gained at least 30 lbs since she joined the show.  Once it’s addressed, it loses shock value, so, good move D’andra and Mama Dee for tackling that straight out the gate?  Now I feel dirty for saying something good about D’andra.  Where is Jeremy?  And Travis and Brian for that matter?  I have a feeling Jeremy is not going to be on the season a lot at all.  

I always said Kameron had a small-ish home (with no pool apparently) for someone whose claim to fame is that she’s a Westcott, and I got so much shit for it, but I guess Kam agrees with me in that she wants to upgrade her home to something more Stephanie-like too.  

Tiffany appears to have a lot of money.  Her energy is a little high though.  She’s a little alpha.  I despise helicopter moms, but maybe she was kidding (didn’t seem like it though).  I like people a little more laid back, but there’s no way I can fully gauge her after just one episode.  She also seems a little young for this group.  

I think, from the editing, Kary Brittingham was on the chopping block for this season, and she was saved by the skin of her teeth.  She barely showed up until the episode was 2/3 over, and barely a talking head was to be had by her, and she got no storyline or update, except that her stupid jewelry isn’t selling, which doesn’t bode well.  The audience doesn’t seem to respond to her and her gravelly voice and the husband from whom she was always trying to elicit material goods.  I don’t think she brings anything to the show.  

I think it was time for Leanne to go for a few reasons.  She became too big to fail, and a franchise doesn’t flow when one of the players sucks all the air out of the room.  But Tiffany and Kary are not the answer IMO.  I’m still not clear on why we lost Cary Deuber.  She was pretty perfect for this.  Stephanie and Kameron are well-casted too.  

This show will lose me if it becomes the Brandi Apology Tour.  I don’t know why she’d “need to talk” to the Asian woman in the room.  By that logic, Brandi would need to talk personally to every Asian out there.  That’s not something I’m interested in watching.  I have no idea what Tiffany’s personal story has to do with Brandi.  I am not here for the virtue signaling hour.  I’ve quit three Bravo shows in this month alone, their concept and agenda is becoming increasingly ridiculous to me, and I have no hesitation in taking this one off my DVR.  I’ll give it one more episode, and if this video thing doesn’t die, I’m done, and I’m done with pleasure.  

There’s not really much to see here, judging by the first episode.  This show was so good seasons 2 and 3!  Something happened, but I don’t care enough to investigate.  

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Wow, that was super boring. I feel bad for Kameron that she lost her dog. I was a little “yikes” though with her saying she may never forgive her husband for what happened 😬. Um yikes!

I’m inclined to believe Brandi isn’t a bad person and hopefully learned a valuable lesson for her ignorance and stupidity. But I do not need to see Stephanie, D’Andra and Kary minimizing her actions and saying that’s not who she is and what she’s about. I’m really over people who are not of the offended race trying to say how others should feel. She shouldn’t be “cancelled” and I hope things improve with her mental health. But we don’t need these other woman to tell us how people should feel or react.

I like and dislike Tiffany. She seems very outspoken. We don’t need her and Kary and D’Andra. That’s just too much pitbull for one show. Can you imagine if we still had LeeAnne? That would be like happy Hunger Games. Tiffany needs to chill about how smart she is because people don’t watch these shows to watch geniuses anyway lol. But I liked her spiel on the impact and significance of covid, so bravo Tiffany. I also think I saw that her dog has since passed away, so seeing him in that scene was sad.

Not much more to say. I came to follow Kary on Instagram and found I liked her way more based on that than I did last season, so we’ll see how she presents herself this year. People showing their vaginas to each other in someone else’s house upon first meeting is just 😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️. That’s all for now, folks. 

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Brandi-I know racism is so sensitive, so I hope I express this well and don't sound dismissive. Being racist is probably the number one way to tick me off. Half my friends are Asian, and I would never tell them to not be offended. What Brandi did was very offensive. She should have known better. She deserved some backlash. I'm glad Bravo didn't pretend Brandi's actions never occurred. All that said, do I think she needs to be canceled and completely torn apart about it? I do not. if I have a friend I've known for many years, love dearly, and know isn't a hateful person, I do not want to beat up on said friend if she's in tears and thinks the world hates her. That's not to minimize what Brandi did or to tell others how to feel about it. More than ever this year, I've gotten into so many debates regarding racism. I just don't like to kick someone when they're down. One of the reasons I detest racism so much is because I don't like to see people treated poorly or in pain. That includes people who make stupid videos, regret them, and feel horrible. If someone is showing this much remorse, it's time for forgiveness imo. I also agree with Kary. LeeAnne talked about Kary being Mexican in a hateful way, did so countless times, and never seemed to truly get why it was a big deal. It's very different from Brandi's ignorance trying to be funny, and the remorse she's shown. I'm a bit stunned by her saying she felt suicidal over this issue, but I think it must be very, very hard to be a public figure who messes up and thinks this is it, everyone thinks I'm racist, I'm losing friends, maybe even a job at some point. I don't think one stupid moment should define us or end us. Everyone says they hate cancel culture, but a lot of the time the same people can't wait to cancel someone. I'm that woke person who takes up for everyone-black community, immigrants, LGBT, anyone I think needs support. But who doesn't have some family and friends, especially if they're older, who don't mean harm but aren't the most sophisticated, educated people? It doesn't always mean they're evil. 

Tiffany-My heart broke for her as a little girl away from her parents, then coming here to America not speaking English and being mocked. I really admire her intelligence and success. She has to be one of the most intelligent Real Housewives. I like that these shows feature women who married well or worked hard alongside already successful men to build greater wealth together. Women like Brandi and Stephanie on this show or Lisa Vanderpump on BH interesting, but I'm most impressed by someone who worked extremely hard and is self-made. I'm curious to learn more about her. 

D'Andra-I hate that Mama Dee picks on her about her weight. Her personality can be harsh, but D'Andra is knockout gorgeous imo. One of the prettiest women in the whole franchise. I like that she said she was working on being less reactive. 

Kameron-Still good escapist TV. Sometimes the women on RH shows are married to men way older than them, men who cheat, have lawsuit after lawsuit, don't even have much money, talk in trashy, disrespectful ways, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't heard anything concerning about Court. Basically, Kameron is beautiful, has a good husband, wealth, and two happy, healthy kids. I know she has her quirks, but there's a sweetness to her and she's harmless. I love that there's someone who's not nonstop drama, stress, tragedy, problems. Her life looks warm and cozy. One thing that started to bother me about BH was that all the women's lives seemed somewhat stressful. So many secrets, lawsuits, husbands who'd cheat or at the very minimum like other women too much, various headaches. I wouldn't look at them and think, what a nice life. I'd think, it's nice you have all that money, but you can keep the rest.

Kary-As I said above, I agree with what she said regarding why she was okay with Brandi but not LeeAnne. She wasn't my favorite last year, but I'm curious how she'll be this year without LeeAnne. It's possible LeeAnne brought out the worst in her. 

Stephanie-I can't usually picture myself being friends with the women in the franchise, but I could with Stephanie. She's simply sweet. She doesn't attack people. She doesn't talk down to them. She's not condescending. A breath of fresh air. 

I like that the show is getting more diverse. Finally got Garcelle on BH. I like that we now have a Mexican and an immigrant from China on Dallas. The shows are most entertaining when they include women from different walks of life. Women of different colors, cultures, came from money, married into money, earned money all on their own, different family situations, etc. 

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Not even five minutes in Kameron is explaining her takes on the origin of covid and the reason for its worldwide spread and also heroically and unsanitarily making her kids peanut butter sandwiches.

Then, so much actual, sincere honesty about how she blamed her husband for her dog's death. 

She names her new dog, Fanci! Fanci with an I.

In the middle of the serious dog behavior session, her big question of the trainer is, "Is it true that people start looking like their dogs over time?"

Absolute HW GOAT.


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13 hours ago, GussieK said:

Vocal fry anesthesiologist. Oy. 

I know. I can't take it.  Can you imagine that voice as your are drifting off, under anesthesia?   Also, so irresponsible to be filming this show, in the middle of a pandemic. She is putting her coworkers and patients at risk.  

She does seem very wealthy. Wonder if she comes from wealth, or if it's from being an anesthesiologist?  What does her husband do for a living?

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Brandi wasn't sorry when the video surfaced. She double and tripled down on it. She was being a hypocrite considering how she pushed for LeeAnne to get fired and the politician she supports. She only finally apologized when people were calling for her to be fired too and that's when she went to "rehab". Yeah not buying her crocodile tears at all.

The only good thing about LeeAnne being gone is that we can finally see how horrid Kary is. I can't stand her.

Tiffany's very accomplished, beautiful and rich. I don't know what she's doing on this show.

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47 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

I know. I can't take it.  Can you imagine that voice as your are drifting off, under anesthesia?   Also, so irresponsible to be filming this show, in the middle of a pandemic. She is putting her coworkers and patients at risk.  

She does seem very wealthy. Wonder if she comes from wealth, or if it's from being an anesthesiologist?  What does her husband do for a living?

Anesthesiologists make really good money. As is typical she seems to have a pain management specialty also. The husband seems to be a real estate developer. 

Edited by GussieK
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Brandi needed to listen to Tiffany, apologize and than show though action she was sorry.


Tiffany reminds me of my former roommates girlfriend in personality..so she's a keeper for me   I do sense she and Dandra are close and hope it stays that way. 


Jen...was she meant to be full time?  I thought I read she was supposed to be but something happened in her personal life that caused her to leave mid way through filming.  I'm wondering if Kary or Brandi were going to be demoted..but Jen opting out cause Bravo to change their mind?

After hearing Monique's live and the contract she was offered...I wonder if all the women have that clause (that producers could opt to make you a FOH during the season if they so choose?).

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There was an autopsy done on an English Setter that I had.  But it was the vet that wanted to do it.  I had to give permission because they wanted to find out what the dog had died from.  I gave permission and they sent me the results afterwards.  

I really have a strong dislike for Kary.  I wish she had never come back.

I still don't like Brandi.  I think she is trying so hard to get sympathy for something she did.  I agree she was only sorry after she got backlash for it.

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After seeing the preview, I wasn’t planning to watch because the vocal-fry-full-of-herself-type-A newbie made me cringe. But I decided to watch the first episode, and was surprised that I was happy to see this group - especially Stephanie, who’s so kind and always makes me laugh. New girl grew on me a bit as she told her story to Brandi - but I’m hoping we soon hear of her sessions with a speech-language pathologist.

Edited by nexxie
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Did the scene with Cameron and her new dog go on for hours?  Because it seemed like it went on for hours...


I'm not ok with D'Andra's mom having talking heads.  


I realize this is a TV show, but the amount of makeup these women are wearing in quarantine!  


No real opinion about Tiffani yet, though I'm definitely confused about why an intelligent person with a real job is appearing on this shitshow...

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On 1/1/2021 at 10:30 AM, GussieK said:

Anesthesiologists make really good money. As is typical she seems to have a pain management specialty also. The husband seems to be a real estate developer. 

I knew a son of a mutual acquaintance that became an anesthesiologist - he is freaking loaded.  Supposedly he didn't want to be a 'real doctor' (not my words) and knew he always wanted to be an anesthesiologist due to the salary, etc.

I'm surprised how much I am liking Kameron right now.  She seemed to take the vagina talk at the table very well. I think in her first seasons she would have freaked.  She has loosened up quite a bit surprisingly.

So far I like Tiffany and that she won't be a pushover and is strong.

Still love Stephanie.  I have a love/hate relationship with Brandi, but I do admire that she and Stephanie seem to be genuinely close.

I have liked Cary but I think because she always stood up to Leanne.  It will be interesting to see if she comes on as too strong without Leanne around.

And speaking of Leanne, it was SO DAMN NICE to not have to see and hear her, she was just too nutty for me.  The dynamic and tone of the group feels much healthier and more fun.

Oh and Kam made $23,000 at her garage sale?  Damn.  It's a little tasteless for millionaires to have a garage sale on TV and bank the money.  If I was that wealthy, I would have donated the $$ to a local charity that supports those suffering due to covid-19.  But that's just me.

Regardless, I continue to enjoy the Dallas franchise over OC.

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Brandi didn't learn jack shit. Her fake crying and suicide story made the situation all about her. And she looks like hell. I'm pretty sure her (failed) rehab was for alcohol and possibly prescription drugs.

I wonder if sneaky production sought out an Asian housewife specifically to aggravate Brandi.

These nitwits seemed to have a casual relationship with covid protocols, even the supposedly brilliant anesthesiologist. Testing is not a guarantee.

The comparing of vaginas was predictable and boring. They all just seem so vapid and dim.



Edited by pasdetrois
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I liked the first episode and so far I’m liking Tiffany. She seems fun and was being real about the Brandi situation. 

Brandi annoyed me. I don’t think I buy her being so upset like this about it. Seems like she’s putting on a show. I like that Tiffany basically rolled her eyes at it.

Still liking Stephanie.

Dandra seemed good so far too. I don’t need a lot of her mom but Andy loves her so I’m sure she will be on quite a bit.

Glad Leanne is gone.

The woman who compared vaginas I think her name is Jen. Is she a housewife? I hope not because so far she really annoys me.

I watched this after watching the Salt Lake City one so there was nowhere to go but up but so far so good.

Edited by Marley
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3 hours ago, Marley said:

The woman who compared vaginas I think her name is Jen. Is she a housewife? I hope not because so far she really annoys me.

Jen is a Friend Of. I think she tested to be a housewife but her 


marriage fell apart and the soon-to-be-ex-husband said he wouldn't film anymore. They flung accusations at each other over the summer. I think D'Andra will bring this up at some point because apparently her and Jen get into it. 


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I hope this episode was end of the Brandi apology tour and it’s not a predominant feature this season. 
These women are so lackadaisically about the masks. Either wear them or don’t but don’t pretend you’re trying to be safe. 
I’m not warming up to Tiffany yet and don’t think she’d be on the show if Brandi’s video wasn’t exposed so it feels forced to me. 
I never thought I’d warm up to Kameron but I’m finding her much more refreshing this season. I want that pink tree she was selling at her garage sale. I love D’Andra’s and Stephanie's shorter hair without all the extensions. Momma D need a new wig. I could do without her entirely on the show. 

  • Love 9

Loved the first episode and LOVING the lack of random crazed mania courtesy of Leanne: *such* a healthier and lighter dynamic among these women without her sucking all the energy out of the room!

And despite how lackadaisical the ladies seem so far about Covid protocol, it was still far more refreshing to watch their production’s take on the pandemic’s effects versus the OC’s production dealing with its effects. And THANK GOODNESS we don’t have yet another couple of annoyingly blatant deniers on this cast, a’la OC’s Kelly & Elizabeth.

Loved seeing Kary comforting Brandi and explaining her take on Brandi’s tasteless joke. Honestly, I felt the same as she did about the situation: Brandi was just trying to be goofy on SM with an ignorant joke, whereas Leanne’s ongoing racist remarks against a fellow cast-member were coming from a place of hate and bigotry...there’s a difference.
Still, it’ll be nice to see Tiffany take Brandi to task about it and help her understand how personally upsetting jokes like that are to people of her race/background. 

I’m normally not a big Kameron fan and I find her Elle Woods/Barbi routine often annoyingly fake, but damned if she didn’t charm me this entire episode. Spastic dogs, vapid ambitions and gaudy rich person garage sales aside, I genuinely enjoyed all her scenes this episode. It’ll be interesting to see if she ends up as the low-key star of this series after the past few seasons have been the Leanne versus Brandi show. 

D’Andra and her mom finally seem to be in a really good place...I guess a generous gift of 100k will do that to a relationship, eh?

Tiffany seems pretty quietly confident, self-assured and not too self-impressed a’la Potomac’s Dr. Wendy...hopefully she maintains that vibe.

Damned if I still love the genuine Stephanie/Brandi friendship; it’s always cute to witness their goofy family play dates. 

I’ve low-key missed these broads! 

Edited by Sun-Bun
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On 1/1/2021 at 5:52 AM, RealHousewife said:

Kary-As I said above, I agree with what she said regarding why she was okay with Brandi but not LeeAnne. She wasn't my favorite last year, but I'm curious how she'll be this year without LeeAnne. It's possible LeeAnne brought out the worst in her. 

Since it seemed like making Leeanne freak out was her goal last season, I'm sure it did 😄   She won, Leeanne's own bad behavior got her fired, so now I guess she can decide whether or not other people's racist behavior is offensive or not 🙄

On 1/3/2021 at 12:46 AM, KLJ said:

I'm surprised how much I am liking Kameron right now.  She seemed to take the vagina talk at the table very well. I think in her first seasons she would have freaked.  She has loosened up quite a bit surprisingly.

Ha!  Maybe she saw what an asshole she looked like in her first season and decided to tone it down 😄 

On 1/3/2021 at 12:00 PM, nexxie said:

The dog trainer looked sickened by Kam’s behavior as she greeted Fanci - Kam was so over-the-top obnoxious I thought she must be acting. (I hope she was acting!)

I think she's always acting.  Still can't stand her (or Kary - in case you couldn't tell 😄 ). Or Dee for that matter.  Why am I watching this again? 😄 

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2 minutes ago, princelina said:

Since it seemed like making Leeanne freak out was her goal last season, I'm sure it did 😄   She won, Leeanne's own bad behavior got her fired, so now I guess she can decide whether or not other people's racist behavior is offensive or not 🙄

Ha!  Maybe she saw what an asshole she looked like in her first season and decided to tone it down 😄 

I think she's always acting.  Still can't stand her (or Kary - in case you couldn't tell 😄 ). Or Dee for that matter.  Why am I watching this again? 😄 

lol! For me, Kameron's entertaining and Stephanie is sweet. 

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I was watching season 4 recently and I think Kary did come in with an axe to grind with Leeanne.  Apparently she and Cary were/are friends...and she said she didn't care for how Leeanne spread rumors about Cary's marriage..and that Cary might be fine with Leeanne..but she wasn't.

So I'll be interested to see how Kary will fare now with Leeanne gone.  She didn't have a lot of individual day to day stuff...like Kameron, Stephanie or Brandi...so will be interested.

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9 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

I was watching season 4 recently and I think Kary did come in with an axe to grind with Leeanne.  Apparently she and Cary were/are friends...and she said she didn't care for how Leeanne spread rumors about Cary's marriage..and that Cary might be fine with Leeanne..but she wasn't.

So I'll be interested to see how Kary will fare now with Leeanne gone.  She didn't have a lot of individual day to day stuff...like Kameron, Stephanie or Brandi...so will be interested.

Good point. She kind of faded into the background this episode. I hardly noticed her. 

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On 1/1/2021 at 10:30 AM, GussieK said:

Anesthesiologists make really good money. As is typical she seems to have a pain management specialty also. The husband seems to be a real estate developer. 

Quarantine has turned my 20yo daughter into a Housewife viewer (because its my house and my TV and we watch in the family room what momma watches).  This is her first Dallas episode and she's hooked.  🙂 While watching I thought out loud "I wonder if that's her money or if her husband is rich too"10 seconds later, my girl googled the husband and just randomly said "real estate and something pretty big with Marriott".  The student has become the teacher.  (proud mommy moment) 

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I can’t believe I’m defending Kam, but I actually understood completely why she had an autopsy (technically a necropsy) done. She said she’s been really angry and blaming Court for not giving Louis his medicine and wondering if that hastened his passing. I don’t know what the medication was for, but that could be a rational concern. If I were Kam, I would be hoping there was another explanation that didn’t involve the medication. I just wish the autopsy had given her more answers.

I am not from a Westcott-esque family and we’ve had autopsies/necropsies done on some of our pets. In one instance, the tissues obtained from the necropsy have been used by veterinary scientists for research.   My sister’s dog passed from a very rare, aggressive form of canine leukemia and the samples taken from her girl’s body have contributed to research on preventing and treating cancer in dogs. Beyond that being great for all dogs, that’s offered my sister a bit of comfort and closure. I’m sorry Kam didn’t get closure from the Louis autopsy.

On a complete different note, this show is SO MUCH BETTER without Locken. Despite being filmed during COVID, the show is tangibly lighter and brighter without her presence.

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Ah, so the reason D'Andra's business is on the up and up, like she claimed at the reunion, is because mommy dearest gave her 100 grand.  Got it.  So D'Andra hasn't done shit.

Love how these hypocrites decided LeeAnne wasn't really sorry but Brandi is.  No, they didn't like LeeAnne, so they piled on her.  Both of them should have been dropped, yet Brandi's still here.  Double Standard.

I'm liking the new girl.  I hope that continues 🤣


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52 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

When Tiffany was bragging about what an over achiever she is and  how smart she is, I thought ok, but still you chose to be on a reality show. It kind of knocks them down in my opinion.

Yeah normally people who are exceptionally smart and successful don't brag about it. They don't have to. And they don't usually do reality TV either, but who knows. Maybe Tiffany thought this was a unique opportunity and she'd give it a go. I admire her brains and accomplishments, but I know what you mean. I wouldn't do the show in her shoes. Hell, I wouldn't do reality TV in my shoes. lol

Edited by RealHousewife
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I also didn’t care for Brandis pity party. The others were quick to excuse her behavior. I picture a meeting at Bravo last year “ We’ll let Brandi stay but we shall cast an Asian housewife to make her feel uncomfortable “

I don’t think she should have been asked back. 

Kamryn still cracks me up at least. Her mother goose at the garage sale and Courts reaction!

Edited by Chatty Cake
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