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S09.E01: Samantha's Story LIVE CHAT

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One of the Angie's only went once, and then told Dr. Now she lost hundreds of pounds, and she never went back to Houston.  

10 lbs since she talked to Dr. Now?   That's pathetic.   She could have lost 100 lbs in that time if she wasn't ordering food in.  

So after months she's only back down to 900, a 40 lb loss.   That's not even trying. 

Good for Bella!  Graduating college.    Congratulations to her.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Just now, CrazyInAlabama said:

One of the Angie's only went once, and then told Dr. Now she lost hundreds of pounds, and she never went back to Houston.  

10 lbs since she talked to Dr. Now?   That's pathetic.   She could have lost 100 lbs in that time if she wasn't ordering food in.  

I think that was the Angie with the niece she “couldn’t leave”?  

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On the subject of hospital food: the hospital my dad was in for a procedure allowed him to order his own meals however, he's diabetic so there were restrictions which would show up when he placed the order, so if he tried to order something that wasn't allowed under his diet, they would tell him so he could select something else. I'm not sure about this hospital's set up, but if she was able to gain 140 pounds, I'm gonna guess there were no such restrictions on her.

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5 minutes ago, Twopper said:

So it is after  9 and she is nowhere near Houston?

I was planning to have oreos with my eggnog.  I may have to wait until this show is over. 

Oreos and eggnog ! Two of my favorites ! Thank god neither are in the house !!!!!!!! 😀

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5 minutes ago, Donut Bear said:

Just checked to see driving time to Houston from Denver. 15 hours!

She'll take three times that. Between having to stop and eat every two hours, and being terrible pain and needing a break, it'll add up.

3 minutes ago, Boston said:

the author Janet Evanovich writes that series with woman PI who eats Tastycakes and she is based in Jersey

My husband's from Camden, NJ and waxes eloquent on the joys of Tastykakes. 

1 minute ago, magemaud said:

We like to eat there when we go to the Flower Show but one time a woman at the next table in the food court changed her baby’s diaper in the seat next to me...

Did you ever see a guy buy one cheese steak for four people to share? (90 Day crossover! I couldn't resist!)

Jesus, can't she do a crossword or watch TV or do one of those adult coloring books or god forbid, read? Why do these twats just lie in bed and dream of food? Distract yourself! 

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1 minute ago, Boston said:

The DOCTOR usually tells the nurses to fill out what HE WANTS HER TO EAT.. she shouldn't get to choose.. Diabetics don't get to choose.. although I had a heart attack 10 years ago and days later the first meal they gave me was.. wait for it.. MEATLOAF and MASHED POTATOES.. after a friggin heart attack! (i'm fine now)

I'm diabetic. If I landed in the hospital and they tried to feed me that low fat ADA exchange crap instead of the lower carb program that is actually better for my blood sugars, I'd be calling the patient ombudsperson. Unless I was there for something diabetes-related, I'm in charge of my insulin, taking my blood sugar, and what foods I want to eat. My university hospital is big on patient rights.  I didn't lose them because I'm diabetic.  (the snark is not directed at you)

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On the phone for food again!  She barely got home.

Her daughter needs to get the hell away from her before she spends her life taking care of that heifer!!

Edited by Kid
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Her daughter found a first floor apartment for her.     So, she orders enough for all of us to eat, and then asks the daughter if she wants anything?  The daughter has a boyfriend, Samantha only has feeder porn patrons, not boyfriends. 

It's obvious she gets medical transports constantly.   

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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Did you ever see a guy buy one cheese steak for four people to share? (90 Day crossover! I couldn't resist!)

Jesus, can't she do a crossword or watch TV or do one of those adult coloring books or god forbid, read? Why do these twats just lie in bed and dream of food? Distract yourself! 

Even No-Hy-Jeanne did one of those diamond dots things in between her oranges and sugar free jam.

Edited by Caoimhe
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Just now, aliya said:

I'm diabetic. If I landed in the hospital and they tried to feed me that low fat ADA exchange crap instead of the lower carb program that is actually better for my blood sugars, I'd be calling the patient ombudsperson. Unless I was there for something diabetes-related, I'm in charge of my insulin, taking my blood sugar, and what foods I want to eat. My university hospital is big on patient rights.  I didn't lose them because I'm diabetic.  (the snark is not directed at you)

I know.. I was still out it.. I couldn't eat anything then anyway.. but i bitched at them the next day.  I worked in the medical field.. meat and potatoes are not for a cardiac patient in the hospital

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