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S16.E12: Nominations #4 / Battle of the Block Comp #4

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What was up with Jacosta at the end of the BotB ?  Was she speaking in tongues ?  Whatever it was, does she do that all the time as everyone just seemed to let her be ?   Jacosta semed to be more freaked out about winning than Victoria was about losing.


Victoria had more screen time this episode than in all the previous episodes -- combined.

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Wow.  Just wow.  I don't know whether to be mad at the men for their misogyny, or the women for their cattiness and stupidity in letting it get to this point.   IF this week's nominations don't get the women to realize they need to work together and quit running their fingers through Cody's delightfully curly hair, then nothing will. 


[sarcasm] At least Caleb got the satisfaction of knowing that Amber needed his big, strong help this week in the BoB.  [/sarcasm] 

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So here's the message I got out of tonight's show: "boys rule, girls drool". Or at least I think that's the message I was supposed to be getting. I did love Frankie trying to sell the fact the he had to nominate Amber because of the whole TA physical threat nonsense, despite the fact that he would've nominated her regardless because she has a vagina and is not named Christine.

Also, I really need for Frankie to stop whatever he's trying to do in the DR. It's too much. Way, way too much.

Finally, I like Jocasta, but Jacosta? You did not win that competition. You did not get yourself off the block. Stop it. And calm the hell down.

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How in the world did the Zac Efron discussion make it to air?


Hopefully, they're setting the stage for when all the girls are out of the house and the guys have nothing to do but make out with one another.

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Jacosta reacted more strongly to this than she did being pulled off the block by Donny.   And that's sayin something.


Please, people, learn to user superlatives correctly.  I forget they were now, but both Cody and Frankie were using most when they should have been used -est and vice versa.  I don't expect Big Brother to recruit from Mensa, but could they at least recruit from 6 grade?  I think Jethro Bodine could outwit some of these people.


For a minute there I thought they were showing a rerun, until I realized it was Amber talking and not Joey.  Love how she turned up her nose at Joey until she was on the outs with the guys.  Can't wait until it's Christine's turn.  Funnier still, she's just tired of going up as the Bomb Squad pawn and doesn't realize she's been cut loose.


I can't help but like Zach in spite of myself.  He tries to come off as this slick-talking frat bro but I just can take him as anything other than adorkable when runs around in his shorts with black socks.  He should really see a neurologist about that twitching, tho.


Cody has a "man-crush" on Zac Efron?  There are no words.  It's not a man-crush when you want to make out with him.   Also, thanks for the heads up about being close with your dad Cody.  Never would have known.  I wish you would have kept that line in your letter about your dad wanting you to rush home 'cause he's alone with all the wimmins to yourself too.  

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Did anyone can catch the ad running on the bottom of the screen when Caleb and Frankie were in the hoh bed talking? It was for cbs's new show stalker. They actually showed a close-up of Caleb with the word "stalker" written across the bottom of the screen. That just made my night.

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I think America should be able to decide whether the Team America challenge was successfully completed. Because I don't think nominating Amber should have counted. It seems they could have nominated anyone, stated that person was a challenge threat, nominated that person, and won because they said so. These challenges need to have more objective standards, or else it's just handing them money without having to actually do anything difficult to earn it.

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 It's also not exactly a "challenge" when at least one member of Team America is HOH.  Here's a thought for the next set of options:  would you rather a) have Team America clean the kitchen or b) legitimately bring a woman into the Team America alliance?  

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Did anyone can catch the ad running on the bottom of the screen when Caleb and Frankie were in the hoh bed talking? It was for cbs's new show stalker. They actually showed a close-up of Caleb with the word "stalker" written across the bottom of the screen. That just made my night.


Here's a photo of it from Facebook.

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Nobody caught Zach bursting in the room following the HoH win and saying to Frankie "I wanna say something. First: I will bang you.."???????

Yes I did catch that, but I thought I must have heard it wrong. Is that really what he said?

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I caught that "I want to bang you" comment.  The whole man-crush thing is just too weird.


Not sure what was up with that Jacosta cackle.  Not like any tongues I ever heard.


Get a clue Cody.  Backdoor (ahem) Caleb while you have the chance.  If you can keep your silly "Detonators" on the down-low for a little while, you don't need him.


Frankie can go away any time.  He can take his sister with him.


Victoria is in her own private Idaho somewhere.


ETA:  That photo is priceless!

Edited by PaperTree
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Just finished watching the ep and that is exactly what Zach said. I couldn't decide what was more interesting..... That or when Jacosta was clearly speaking in tongues. My husband kept asking me what was Jacosta doing.

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Interesting to say the least. 


Ha!  I didn't catch the "I want to bang you" part between Zach and Frankie.  Wish I had.  Seriously, Zach's crush on Frankie has been my favorite thing this season.


The man-crush scene and the "Stalker" caption pretty much sum up all the guys this season.  What an odd bunch.  But I do stare at the pretty that is Cody.  He is my "Danny Zuko" crush from Grease all over again.  That's all I see when i see him...and I'm OK with it.


The girls really should have taken Joey's advice and formed an all-girls alliance back in the beginning.  Every season you see guys do this and more times than not a guy wins, or there are mostly guys left in the end.  The females never learn from what went on in seasons before.  I think Joey saw it and tried and these fools booted her out in rapid force.  Ugh. 


The women are too catty this season for the most part anyway.  Ugh Brittany.  She reminds me of too many girls/women I have known over the years.  She was definitely a "mean girl" in her youth, you can just tell.  The eye-rolling, snippy, bitch-face making types who say "I don't care, whatever, I'm so over it" when it clearly translates to "I do care, OMG, I'm so not over it" all over their faces.  I appreciate when a woman speaks her mind in this game but not when she is just going to be bitchy about another woman to prove her point.  I actually felt sorry for Victoria.  And even though she is barely seen, I like her personality better than Brittany.  Would not be sad to see Brit go this week.


And finally, what was that with Jocasta?  It was so bizarre.  I want to like her, but she weirds me out sometimes.

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Slightly disappointed Frankie's letter didn't come with free concert tickets. Could he have rushed through "Love, Ari" any faster?


Then again, is this the longest a houseguest has kept a secret about their identity (both Derrick and Frankie)? I feel like usually they talk a big game, and then cave on night 3. Another (minor) point in favor of this cast, I suppose.

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Then again, is this the longest a houseguest has kept a secret about their identity (both Derrick and Frankie)? I feel like usually they talk a big game, and then cave on night 3. Another (minor) point in favor of this cast, I suppose.

It has to be. They are standing strong both of them.

He did say that, and there's a vid of Caleb overhearing it too from the feeds.

That was the best he was like "What did he just say?!?" He looked really confused. Lol

Zach's DR sessions are hysterical. I can't get enough of them.

I'm sick and tired of people talking about how they deserve to be there over so and so because of this or that. This is a game everyone deserves to win so stuff it.

CBS totally put that Stalker logo below Caleb on purpose. They could of do my it at any other point in the show and they chose to do it then. I almost choked on my drink when I saw it.

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If I was Cody or Amber I would totally have been making sex noises when she shut the hoh door, just to mess with Caleb. Haha.

Yeah, I felt a little creeped out by Jocasta too. I was wondering if that was tongues. Nothing wrong with that, but she sounded like a really cold person shivering, but I know that wasn't the case. Hmm. It just seemed very random.

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I felt a twinge of pity for Zach when Cody shot down his suggested alliance name of Jiggling Jokers (or something like that). Sure, Cody was right that it's stupid, but it's never fun to get shot down by the coolest guy in the gang. I was thinking, gee, what will Zach's little brother think?


Then I realized Zach's little brother has far, far more to be embarrassed about....

Edited by Shadow Wave
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I think America should be able to decide whether the Team America challenge was successfully completed. Because I don't think nominating Amber should have counted. It seems they could have nominated anyone, stated that person was a challenge threat, nominated that person, and won because they said so. These challenges need to have more objective standards, or else it's just handing them money without having to actually do anything difficult to earn it.


That was a huge fail. How did the boys decide Amber was a  physical threat and not any of the guys in their alliance?  How convenient. I'm very annoyed they got cash for something they would have happily done anyway.

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I absolutly 100% raise my hand to volunteer to sleep in Victoria's bed and cuddle with her. When's the next flight out?

Do not like it when someone makes a statement and doesn't explain. What does it mean that Victoria is "high maintenance" when it comes to the bed?


Since it can't ever be said enough...Frankie is just gross. Why does he have to prance about the house? Talk about non-stop playing for the cameras.

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Jocasta's gibbering was like she'd just been dunked in a frozen lake naked... she is the undisputed queen of the over the top reaction what with the bawling earlier and now this jibba-jabba as Mr. T. would call it, I'm sure. So. Weird.


If seeing four female pictures on the wifi voting wall didn't cause a few lightbulbs to go on over the female contestant's heads, not sure what will. How about that all-women's alliance in honor of the departed Joey? Main problem being Amber still thinks she's "in" but she been detonated!


They've had an add for that Stalker show every week and every week it makes me think of Caleb, tonight took the cake though.


For some reason I kinda hate Cody... he just thinks he's too cool/wanted in the house or something.


I agree with what people are saying about Frankie. Do all of his DR feature him winking and making faces?? The body glitter today man I don't even know what to say about that. And his nails look like they were done by a second grader.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Yeah, the women on the show this season are pretty weak in the strategy/game-playing department.  Britney is so mad that's she's compared to Victoria, but why is she so surprised?  She never seems to do anything but scramble once she's nominated.  Maybe if she quit laying around the house and backyard all the time and start talking to some of the guys in the house about actual game-related stuff, she could make some allies and have a fighting chance.  The time to make deals and plans is BEFORE you get nominated, when you actually have a little leverage.  Once you're on the block, you're just begging for sympathy votes.


The guys in the house, as weird as they may be, at least realize they need to join forces and actually play the game.  Their opponents are solo players Victoria, Brittney, and Jocasta, with Nicole and Amber next in line.  I can't blame them for taking out the weakest players early.  I'm tired of seeing floaters float to a win, so the sooner they're gone, the better.

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Jocasta's gibbering was like she'd just been dunked in a frozen lake naked... she is the undisputed queen of the over the top reaction what with the bawling earlier and now this jibba-jabba as Mr. T. would call it, I'm sure. So. Weird.


What shocked me more than the jibba-jabba is that no one around her even seemed to notice! Has she done this before around them? WTF?!

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Yeah Britney lost me last night with her mean girl attitude towards Victoria. I know it's hard to live with someone and she probably is annoying but Britney is one of the older girls in the house abd I wish she'd act like it instead of a high schooler.

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I can't believe how boring this is! I actually dozed off during the show.  I have to admit that this tedious snooze-fest of insipid, threadbare "strategies" has me remembering last season's horror with fondness. 

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Cody is a freaking idiot.  You burn Brittany, whom you were willing to flip the House to save two weeks ago, because Frankie tells you she's been griping about how the other girls fawn all over you?  So what, exactly?  You just cost yourself a potential ally for down the road, even if she survives.  (Meanwhile, there's a perfectly good Hayden/Nicole nomination, just sitting there waiting for you.)  So instead you get offended that she's saying (Frankie claims) that you're going to make your nominations for petty, emotional reasons…and thus you make your nominations for a petty, emotional reason.  Well done, daddy-kisser!


And of course, once Britt denies that she said anything about the kissing up affecting the noms, you don't ever bother to think that Frankie could be lying to you.  Of course not.  Because Frankie has a penis, so whatever he says MUST be true.  Sheesh.


You know, as much as I want this all to be part of some brilliant "blind-side Caleb" plan (I doubt it), I'd almost rather that Frankie's dethroned ass somehow get backdoored.  His attempts to be Andy 2.0 are getting clearer and clearer.  And the preening is straight out of control.


Yes, Jocasta, Jesus saved you from the block!  He couldn't be assed to do a thing about Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 getting shot  down, but Jocasta's in Battle of the Block?  Jesus is ON THE CASE!  (I…I just can't with her.)


It was nice to see Kaysar's "chess veto" hauled out of storage for the first time since BB6, though.  Ten seasons between re-uses of a comp, that's got to be a record, right?  Now watch, the Veto will be the "piggy-bank" comp from S5/S6.  Or maybe a nice game of Fla-Ringo.


Finally, "The Detonators" is making me see red.  I know it's a DR/Producer mandate that every alliance must have a stupid name (every time I try to like Nicole, I remember her wearing a "3 A.M." tee shirt in her intro segment, and the urge goes away), but enough's enough.  And again with the violent theme.  (As someone wiser than I pointed out, "bomb squads" don't actually set off bombs, they defuse them.  People who detonate bombs are called…what's the word?  Oh, yeah…"Terrorists".)   But Grodner apparently likes her Cock Squad alliances to have uber-macho violent-themed names.  And that's how we got Holocaust-denying Hitler-loving Spencer last year as part of a group called "The Exterminators", who would go around pretending to kill their fellow human beings with poison gas.  All this on a network run by the Jewish Les Moonves.  CBS Cares, yo.


Well, I guess I should be grateful they didn't call it "The Night Riders" so that Frankie could wear a sheet while nominating the two black chicks, and let it go.  But I swear, if I was in the house, I would name my alliance "The Alliance" just to piss Grodner off.  (Sub-alliances to include "The Group", "The Unit", "The Team", "Us" and "A Bunch of People Working Together".)  Oh, well.

Edited by DAngelus
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Also, Frankie's DR's are getting soooo annoying!




He's not nearly as cute or as precious as he thinks he is!


I'm finding Cody immensely charming, normal, and likable. And that bothers me since he's the one I was least impressed with based on all the pre-show media.


I didn't know that straight guys sat around talking about their man crushes. And to think the object of affection was Zac Efron?


They dont. (Ha Ha.)

But a Zac Efron man-crush? Totally understandable.

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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Ugh, can these people ever form an alliance without giving it some ridiculous name? Does it HAVE to have a name? Can't it just - "okay, we're working together now"? Zach is the worst. And what was up with him rambling on about "The Zach Attack" in his THs? Is this Saved by the Bell? No. Enough already. 


And Christine, it's hilarious how she keeps finding herself in all of these alliances. 


Cody is dead to me with his Zac Efron obsession. At least Hayden's man crush is someone who can actually act and has an impressive resume. I did love that Donny knew who he was, though - by his bushy eyebrows! 


Caleb has been rebuffed and the creepy factor keeps going up. I noticed he kept referring to Amber as "that" last night, and he is clearly NOT over her. He needs to get out of that house ASAP. I hope they backdoor him. 


One thing I really hate on this show is how an HOH will put someone up, and then kiss their ass at the nomination ceremony - "I put you up because you are so fierce. You're so strong. You're a fighter. You will pull yourself off". Huh? Dafuq does that even mean? We knows it's BS. So either tell them why you really put them up, or just give some vague "strategic purposes" reason, but quit trying to blow smoke up their asses. It's insulting. 


I loved the chess game competition! That would have been so fun. Most of those broads were just moving randomly around the board, though, with no thought of strategy. I really felt that one came down to luck more than anything. 


I would be fine with Jacsota going home, though. Her speaking in tongues/seizure thing was really creepy. She is just way to over the top. 

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Has it been mentioned yet how Victoria's pose in the opening is absolutely like that of any of the Real Housewives? I almost expect to see the Bravo ident on the lower right hand side of the screen.

I think Ariana Grande could arrange for Cody to meet his man-crush Zac Efron. I bet Frankie would have to bitch slap him for quality time, though-or maybe he'd propose one of those "throuple" arrangements that's currently all the rage in Hell's Kitchen, NYC these days.

Edited by TimWil
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Jocasta speaking in tongues was awesome. I couldn't stop laughing.


I am worried that the entire segment of Cody talking about his crush on Zac Efron is because the editors simply didn't have any other moderately interesting filler with which to pad out this hour. Which is crazy, because you've got nominations AND Battle of the Block. What the hell are they going to do for Wednesday when they've only got the Veto? That's a lot more time to fill with this nonsense.


Because there are only a couple people actually playing the game in this house. I mean, unless some of them are just keeping it so under the radar that they're not actually on camera doing anything! Actually, I feel like Derrick is the only one actually doing any planning and gameplay. Everyone else is really just sort of coasting at this point. And some are coasting in an alliance while the others are just coasting as floaters. Because Brittany, you are exactly like Victoria. You just sit around the house. Is that your strategy? Because that won't get you very far. 


These people aren't really playing, so it's making for some dull TV. It's the one time where I actually don't mind them taking out all the floaters first because once they're gone things will get more interesting when the alliance and stronger people have to turn on each other. (But I fear we're in for at least another few weeks of dullness…)

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I don't know how or why, but I'm not yet bothered by Frankie.  I know I'll be eating my words in probably a week, but I just don't seem to mind him.

I would like to see more of Victoria.  I'm curious about her.  She reminds me of a Kardashian so far, but I would love to be wrong about that.

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Well, I guess I should be grateful they didn't call it "The Night Riders" so that Frankie could wear a sheet while nominating the two black chicks, and let it go.

I'm still wondering if he's really that clueless or if he just thinks everyone else is.

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I don't know how or why, but I'm not yet bothered by Frankie.  I know I'll be eating my words in probably a week, but I just don't seem to mind him.


Really? Because he's driving me up the wall. The first few episodes, he was all "LOOK AT ME! I'M ON TV! I'M SUPER GAY! LOVE ME! I'M ARIANA GRANDE'S BROTHER! THAT'S IMPORTANT EVEN IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO SHE IS!" But then once the editors shifted focus to Devin's insanity and Caleb's obsession with Amber, Frankie faded into the background a bit and he became much more palatable. (Even if it also became clear that he isn't particularly good at playing the game…) But now that Devin's gone and there isn't a lot of drama in the house, production has clearly shifted back to letting Frankie queen out in the diary room on a regular basis. I'd like to think that they're feeding him these lines, but remember - this is the one who hummed the theme tune to the classic "(Who Wants To See) My HoH Room" so I'm pretty sure that Frankie is more than familiar with the sound bites he can give them to ensure maximum screen time. UGH.

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To be fair, the fact that "America" voted for Frankie to be part of Team America has probably convinced him that he's popular with the viewers, an idea I'm sure the Diary Room people encourage. So he probably thinks "America" is enjoying his antics. And the fact that he knows the show well enough to hum the HoH room reveal theme shows he's pretty damn familiar with this show, which I'll give him credit for, as opposed to the underwear models who were recruited for it.


That said, the Team America challenge was utter bullshit. I am quite certain that when "America" voted to get a physical threat on the block they were not talking about Amber. They were talking about Caleb and that challenge should have been more specific. And yes, since "we're" voting to choose these challenges, we should also get to vote whether or not we think they've succeeded at completing them.


Zac Efron? Really? Maybe the twist this season will be that Frankie is actually straight and all the other guys are actually gay.

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If Jocasta is part of the Pentecostal faith, speaking in tongues is a characteristic action.

In that case, my nephew is a member cuz that's what his baby babbling sounds like....ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch


Mission NOT accomplished, BB. Amber is NOT a phsyical threat. It pisses me off that they are going to each get $5000 for being sexist aholes. I demand they be punished for not accomplishing this task - take away $5000 each!

Edited by looksee
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I think honestly that Amber is, indeed, a physical threat. The thing is, these sexist fucks don't believe that, they just wanted to nominate all women. Derrick even put physical threat in quotes when he talked about nomming Amber in DR! That alone should've told production that they didn't actually accomplish the task. 

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