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S17.E01: All Tomorrow's Parties / S17.E02: The Center Won't Hold

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12 minutes ago, dmc said:

I think all the time breaks are in the past like Jackson and Jo.  So the time between the last episode and now.  

There were sound cues when they would flash back.. And then they'd snap back to the present and the wildfire aftermath... That's why Jackson ( my fav as well)  and Jo were weird for a bit.. Cuz their really odd but sweet interaction was in the past ( how far I couldn't say)  and in the present with the burned up kid was the aftermath.. Hence her being weird... Still I called it last season.. And I don't mind it so far... I've liked Jo a lot more away from Alex anyway and as mentioned Jackson is my fav... So more of him on screen is good for me

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, UnoAgain said:

There were sound cues when they would flash back.. And then they'd snap back to the present and the wildfire aftermath... That's why Jackson ( my fav as well)  and Jo were weird for a bit.. Cuz their really odd but sweet interaction was in the past ( how far I couldn't say)  and in the present with the burned up kid was the aftermath.. Hence her being weird... Still I called it last season.. And I don't mind it so far... I've liked Jo a lot more away from Alex anyway and as mentioned Jackson is my fav... So more of him on screen is good for me

I am going to get it a chance, it can't be worse than Maggie and Jackson.

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15 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Can you explain what happened? I turned away for a minute after Owen angrily drove off. Did Owen run over Meredith?

Every single time I read this I laugh harder. It's hilarious but it's also sad that it doesn't sound ridiculous for current era Grey's at all.

Edited by Racj82
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I honestly have to say my favourite part  was when that girl who came over naked (like seriously. why do people do that? especially y'all in a health care profession. if you got hit by a car etc, do you WANT to be that person?) - and Harriet is looking at her like she's the most dumb person  she's experienced in her 2-3+ years of life.  and vic is babbling like a moron, and then Harriet looks at her and goes


"not stepmom"

I cracked up so much there. That was an exclamation point if i ever heard one 

  • LOL 13
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It's very hard to keep track of the timelines on this show. 

I kept trying to makes sense of DeLuca's mental crash. What was the intervention for? I just didn't get it but I also didn't care all that much. I did like that he got some vindication for calling the trafficking situation. He deserved that win. Also, can we please send Caterina away? I'm reaching I'm reaching a level of annoyance with her on par with Minnick or Penny.

Linc and Amelia are cute together. I was a little startled by the scene of them in bed together. I'm assuming that was shot before COVID because I thought love scenes were off the table now.

I know some people don't like the covid stories but this is the reality we live in now and for the foreseeable future. I felt like the first episode was just a giant public service announcement to show people how bad things are and given where we are right now it's necessary. Maybe it will make some people take this seriously.

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I honestly have to say my favourite part  was when that girl who came over naked (like seriously. why do people do that? especially y'all in a health care profession. if you got hit by a car etc, do you WANT to be that person?) - and Harriet is looking at her like she's the most dumb person  she's experienced in her 2-3+ years of life.  and vic is babbling like a moron, and then Harriet looks at her and goes


"not stepmom"

I cracked up so much there. That was an exclamation point if i ever heard one 

Baby Harriet was everything. I rewound a couple of times to see her reactions. She’s probably going to go back to April and talk about the naked not step-mom at daddy’s. 

  • LOL 13
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31 minutes ago, dmc said:

I am going to get it a chance, it can't be worse than Maggie and Jackson.

I didn't have a huge problem with Maggie /Jackson... Maybe because  for one Jackson is my fav.. Two I've always liked Maggie( and the amount of hate the character got/still gets.. Makes me somewhat protective if her story beats.)  Ans three I never expected them to be endgame... They were two peeps who dated and may have been better off as friends  but were attracted and gave it a go as both were kinda searching for something... It flamed out ( hopefully because that was always the plan and not the non-stop hate the couple and Maggie specifically ( with more than a hint of mysognoir) got 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, UnoAgain said:

I didn't have a huge problem with Maggie /Jackson... Maybe because  for one Jackson is my fav.. Two I've always liked Maggie( and the amount of hate the character got/still gets.. Makes me somewhat protective if her story beats.)  Ans three I never expected them to be endgame... They were two peeps who dated and may have been better off as friends  but were attracted and gave it a go as both were kinda searching for something... It flamed out ( hopefully because that was always the plan and not the non-stop hate the couple and Maggie specifically ( with more than a hint of mysognoir) got 

 I actually like Maggie just not with Jackson.  Maggie was best with Riggs until they broke it up for him to be with Meredith who he has no chemistry with.  

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, marceline said:

I know some people don't like the covid stories but this is the reality we live in now and for the foreseeable future. I felt like the first episode was just a giant public service announcement to show people how bad things are and given where we are right now it's necessary. Maybe it will make some people take this seriously.

I'm okay with one (well, two, I guess) expositional episode after months off (and I read that the flashbacks were a way to use the partially-filmed episodes from the end of last season), and I was expecting it -- it's a hospital in the the area where it all started in the US, after all -- but god, it left me an anxious mess (especially followed by the 11:00 news that began with the worsening covid situation in NYC/North Jersey...I should have turned of the TV sooner). I thought about saving this to watch over the weekend, and probably should have, so I could have slept better last night. I'll be fine with reminders of it through the season (I expect masks and stuff) but I just don't want to see it be the primary focus like tonight.

On a lighter note, this hospital has a magic room for everything, doesn't it? Magic plant room, now a magic UV light room...

  • Love 3

I think the issue with her and Jackson was they had no chemistry but yet it continued to be forced for far too long. The writing for it was awful and we were clearly meant to think this was a much stronger pairing then it was. Had they played it how they’re doing Jo/Jackson where it’s casual or what not it might have worked but they jumped straight into a deep and meaningful connection without much to support it.

I like Maggie since last season and part of the reason is because Jackson was such an ass to her when finished insympathised with her. He was the same to April. He loves the beginning of relationships and the chase. Once it goes wrong I think he can become quite mean.

  • Love 9

I don't like the show without Alex. I'm hoping that whatever happened with Justin Chambers gets resolved and they bring Alex back.

All they would have to do is say that Izzy died and have him come back to Seattle with his kids.

That's the problem when they kill characters that leave. There's no hope of them rejoining the show permanently. As nice as it was to see Derek again, since they made him die, there's only so much they can do with his character. It's a shame.

  • Useful 2
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I only made it through the first 15 minutes (I'll catch up later but better shows were on.) Bailey looked like a bad industrial video explaining the new Covid protections (also unrecognizable compared to the hospitals here which are far more tightly regulated) and Vic showing up like that was ridiculous.  Good for Harriet.

But what lost me was Meredith, preaching again ("They died alone!") wearing head gear but otherwise without any PPE. If she does get Covid, that'll be why.

I guess that they want to honour the health workers (I rolled my eyes so hard at Bailey's applause) but this is doing the opposite .

  • Love 5

I can't believe I forgot to mention my favorite part: seeing Teddy finally get what she deserved. That was the only storyline I really remembered from last season and I hoped they would rain hell down on her. The show did not disappoint. Owen giving her one last chance to come clean then playing the recording was perfect. It was exactly what she deserved.

I also like how katherine tossed it in Koracik's face when he threatened to quit. "So some other hospital can listen to your sexual escapades in the O.R." Yeah, dude, Teddy's not the only one who should be ashamed. I'm glad the show nailed them both.

Edited by marceline
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:


Deluca is FINALLY an attending after five years! But what specialty did he choose? I'm guessing general. But I'm just glad he gets an upgrade. And the actor did fairly well with the material this episode. He IS much better without a romantic partner. It does feel like the show might be keeping him and Meredith as friends which is good. 


Deluca's situation has been a mess for a long time. First of all, he should have been out of residence about two years ago. Second, his entire bi-polar situation was played as a guy having a mental breakdown than someone who switches from emotion to full blown hysterics. Kamila can yell at Meredith all she wants about saying: "This is how people get in these situations, so why do you care now?" I wanted to go: "When did you care?" She knew the situation, she didn't go to Baily, Richard or anyone that he was showing the signs, he was having problems. Even the entire human trafficing situation was complete fucked up by everyone. Getting just a little sanity that he was right and the situation was actually handled thanks to COVID happening. The problem is, everyone treated it as: "Oh that Deluca, just making up stories." He was having issues, he was breaking down and no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE marched him down to a neurologist, shrink or professional to get him help. Oh no, he solves Richard's situation and magically everyone realizes he has major issues that needs help they can't give him. I call foul! Dear old sister, was too busy sleeping with Bishop over on Station 19 and having her see she was abused by her father mentally. That took up more priority than her own flesh and blood sibling. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, JessePinkman said:

This is only interesting from a BTS perspective because Grey's does this a lot...characters routinely see dead people when they're on the brink of death.

It sounds like they (Ellen, Patrick, the show) put a lot of shit in the past in order to make this work, not only to give fans something fun to watch (and scream at their television about) but also to promote Patrick's cancer foundation. It's a win/win for everyone.

I think Covid made a lot of people reevaluate a lot of stuff in their lives especially relationships with each other. It really os so sweet to see all these article and interviews that are coming out with all of them Patric, Ellen, Krista. They seem genuine and happy. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, AryasMum said:

Baby Harriet was everything. I rewound a couple of times to see her reactions. She’s probably going to go back to April and talk about the naked not step-mom at daddy’s. 

Agreed! And the look she gave was very April like, so cute. I haven’t watched the show in awhile and besides the ending... probably not the best one to come back on. Was everyone always that bad at acting? Is anyone friends anymore?? 

  • LOL 1
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2 hours ago, marceline said:

It's very hard to keep track of the timelines on this show. 

I kept trying to makes sense of DeLuca's mental crash. What was the intervention for? I just didn't get it but I also didn't care all that much. I did like that he got some vindication for calling the trafficking situation. He deserved that win. Also, can we please send Caterina away? I'm reaching I'm reaching a level of annoyance with her on par with Minnick or Penny.

Linc and Amelia are cute together. I was a little startled by the scene of them in bed together. I'm assuming that was shot before COVID because I thought love scenes were off the table now.

I know some people don't like the covid stories but this is the reality we live in now and for the foreseeable future. I felt like the first episode was just a giant public service announcement to show people how bad things are and given where we are right now it's necessary. Maybe it will make some people take this seriously.


I found it hard to keep up with too.  I guess this was the writers/producers (or whomever) way of fitting in all the already created scenes at the end of  last season that were canned because of the Covid shut down.  I think it would have been easier if they just played them in order, rather than jumping around like a lunatic. 

The Deluca story line - while I expect relapes, they did address the fact that he needed sleep to regulate his behaviour, etc.  I liked seeing him as not a resident.  It would have been nice to know whether he was a fellow or an attending and his specialty.  I think in the jumping around someone forgot to mention this.  

I did like how they introduced Maggie's relationship, it worked well with the Covid story line and if the relationship works, maybe the new guy will transfer to Grey Sloan.  The tent at the end was odd though. 

Linc and Amelia were cool though.  Not sure what I think of the baby's name, though.  I would have thought they would have gotten their own place as opposed to moving into Meredith's house.  

Teddy's been written into a corner, maybe it is time to head off to Germany again for her?  Koracick (Sp?) was bumbling but entertaining last season. I don't know how I feel about him this.  Poor Owen, he was just grieving what he had lost.  

I really get annoyed when Catherine is on.  I find her domineering and over the top most of the time.  The yelling with Maggie was insane.  After that, I may have skipped her scenes, so I missed the firing of Koracick etc.  Richard seemed to be out of place.  You could tell they were social distancing him a lot.  But at the same time, following his recovery was just as difficult as Deluca's recovery.  It was so disjointed with the jumping back and forwards.  Not to mention the nowhere in his story line in the past about getting that hip replacement in Boston.  ETA - chief of chiefs?  Why not Chief of Hospital?

Meredith seemed overworked and overwhelmed with everything.  Going from her old status quo of surgeries and talking to patients families and giving them good news to dealing with Covid and the constant bad news, along with not seeing her family, seemed to be taking its toll on her.  I genuinely hope that the collapse (or hit by Owen, but I doubt it) in the carpark was more exhaustion, but as others say, seeing dead people on Gray's is a bad omen.  I was hoping when they were hinting at a surprise return over the break that it would be a guest appearance from Cristina, then she could be there for Owen too and there could be some interesting 3 way discussions with Owen and Teddy, not to mention a lead in to setting Meredith up with the new Dr Hayes.  Seeing Derek, although cool, now has me thinking Meredith is more than just Covid sick, I am hoping not. Having Hayes find her may lead to something. Meredith with Deluca was just a bit off for me.  I liked her more with Riggs, here's hoping Hayes works out because I can't see Derek being back from the "dead" for too long, although I did like the idea that the collapse in the carpark was 5 years ago and the last 5 years was Meredith's dream.  🙂 so unlikely though.  

Looking forward to next week being less disjointed and much easier to follow with potentially only Meredith and Derek flash backs and not all over the place like these 2 episodes.  


Edited by LittlePeas3
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Thanks!  That helps a little bit, but I'm still not sure it puts it the same, or at least "present day."  The day of the wildfire had to have been at some point over the summer, I think.

I think in both shows it still is spring or summer, it seems like it is meant to be towards the beginning of the COVID lockdowns and not real time.  It wasn't clear exactly how many weeks into the pandemic it was, but definitely earlier than current day November. Grey's has never worried about matching seasons.

On Station 19, they had a "Three Weeks Later" message at one point, so it was three weeks after the Station 19 season final. But how that lines up with Grey's is unclear.

2 hours ago, AryasMum said:

Baby Harriet was everything. I rewound a couple of times to see her reactions. She’s probably going to go back to April and talk about the naked not step-mom at daddy’s. 

I wish Sarah Drew was still on the show, because I feel like a scene with April reacting to Vic flashing Harriet would be quite entertaining.

I was confused by that scene though, because Jackson and Vic broke up last season on Station 19, I am not sure why she'd still be showing up naked for him. Unless it was a flashback to before the split. I was focusing on how cute the baby was and not thinking too hard about the logic.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, marceline said:

I can't believe I forgot to mention my favorite part: seeing Teddy finally get what she deserved. That was the only storyline I really remembered from last season and I hoped they would rain hell down on her. The show did not disappoint. Owen giving her one last chance to come clean then playing the recording was perfect. It was exactly what she deserved.

I also like how katherine tossed it in Koracik's face when he threatened to quit. "So some other hospital can listen to your sexual escapades in the ER." Yeah, dude, Teddy's not the only one who should be ashamed. I'm glad the show nailed them both.

Honestly and I thought it was so. so sweet how Owen gave her a chance. like you sort of had this feeling in the back of your head that if teddy went. "you know i made this stupid mistake (like just play it off like it was the one time or whatever). Owen would have been angry but probably forgiven her or something but Owen just shut it all down (and honestly didn't drag it out. Not sure if that was due to Covid (and them not having other scenes vs. this is how it was always going to play)


And someone else brought it up too. like no you don't even get to play the self sabotage card.

You were pissed that Amelia might be pregnant with Owen's baby (which. why. because at that point you and he were engaged and Amelia and Linc were together for the most part). You decided to go screw Tom's brains in because you were upset. without waiting to find out of the baby was even Owen's or not and then you decided to continue to sleep with Tom, until the last time before your wedding because you didn't have the guts to tell Owen. "I love you, but i'm in love with Tom" once she gave birth. 

she fully wanted to have her cake and eat it too here and i feel zero sympathy at all for her. none

(and my lament for Alex continues. in my head. Izzy died and he leftJo to raise his kids in Kansas or wherever he is, beause he didn't want to uproot their lives any more than they did). 


Also Also: 
I love Richard. I do. But no. the Hospital does not need Richard to be Chief of Staff. They need someone not from the hospital (yeah even if it means a new cast member) to be Chief of Staff. someone that has zero history with the cast. someone who is married and has kids or whatever so no sexy times with the staff. they need someone professional and not part of this incest cess pool they have at GSM

Edited by Daisy
  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, Anela said:

I was spoiled on the ending, and am watching it now on hulu. I no longer have cable. Someone mentioned a brain tumour - covid makes some people hallucinate, I'm commenting without having watched that part yet. 

I forgot the damn show was even on! It's been soooooo long! *hopefully* I recorded it?

I read all the comment cuz I don't care if I'm spoiled and all I have to say is-------------


  • Love 3
1 hour ago, LittlePeas3 said:

I would have thought they would have gotten their own place as opposed to moving into Meredith's house.  

Who would look after Meredith's children then?

If Derek is there to tell Meredith to live her life and be happy with McWidower, I will throw things at the TV.

  • LOL 3
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16 hours ago, WhyAmIHere said:

I also was reminded of Doug and Carol’s reunion on ER. Still One of my favorite moments of TV because it was a surprise to see Clooney. 

I was totally shocked it was actually Patrick Dempsey. I thought he would never appear on this show again. For a few seconds, all seemed right with the world. 

I hope they let Amelia and Link just be happy.  

I made the Doug and Carol observation on Twitter last night, also mentioning that they live in Seattle. I always thought it would be hilarious to sneak in a reference to them. How old are the twins now? Kate and Tess were born around 2000, after Clooney left ER in '99.

There must have been some serious kissing and making up between show runners and Dempsey. Or maybe it was because Shonda isn't as involved? Wasn't it the Grim Reaper Rhimes that killed him off?

My guess is that Ghost Derek gives Meredith his "blessing" to move on with McWidow (although I liked her better with Riggs than McWidow, who is too serious and seems to be devoid of personality), unlike Ghost Denny that hated Izzy and Alex together. I hope they acknowledge that Derek has a child that he has never actually met (named after a mother that treated Meredith like garbage).




  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

The COVID scenes were in April 2020, according to the huge  "APRIL 2020" on the screen. I gather the flashbacks were only a few weeks, at most, before the April scenes. 

LOL, really??  I guess all of us missed that!

Wow, Richard and Deluca made remarkably fast recoveries...  I was thinking the fire was definitely in the summer.  The timeline would have worked so much better.  But my guess is they'll jump ahead now as Meredith is hospitalized and recovers, like they've done before.

And have they just dropped Teddy/Koracik completely? They barely shared scenes And when they did the fling wasn’t acknowledged. It’s like the writers changed their plans midway through deciding Owen/Teddy were endgame and are hoping we’ve forgotten what went down last year. Her self pitying rant to Jo about how she’s a cheater because she’s actually a victim was infuriating.

I wish I liked McWidow more but he just falls flat to me.

Edited by Avabelle
  • Love 7
19 hours ago, WhyAmIHere said:

I also was reminded of Doug and Carol’s reunion on ER. Still One of my favorite moments of TV because it was a surprise to see Clooney. 

I was totally shocked it was actually Patrick Dempsey. I thought he would never appear on this show again. For a few seconds, all seemed right with the world. 

I hope they let Amelia and Link just be happy.  

At first I thought it might have been old footage they used, but then on the close-up, I could tell it was present-day Patrick, since he has aged a few years since he left the show.  Surprising, but since Shonda isn't really involved with the show day-to-day anymore, things like that can happen.  I'm not ruling out a Katherine Heigl appearance before the show ends, admitteldy, that is much less likely.

  • Love 3

Finally got to watch today.  I was spoiled by the ending, thank you very much Yahoo.  I hated McDreamy, so it was no big deal to me.

"I want my husband back, so I'm going to give him the best job!"  Yeah, OK.  I can't remember who asked about it upthread, but Chief of Chiefs is over all of the Chiefs of all the hospitals the Foundation owns, so it's like the biggest job ever.  Nothing like a little nepotism, huh?

Is Jackson the new man whore?  Are they trying to get him with every female in the joint?  don't like him and Jo.  At all.

Maggie and her boyfriend were cute, but a tent?  Really?  

I don't like Amelia at all, so I kinda glossed over her parts, but naming the kid Scout?  Ugh.  Just name him Derek, for jeebus' sake.

I just hope the whole season isn't all COVID, all the time.  It will get very tiresome.

6 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

seeing dead people on Gray's is a bad omen. 

Unless you're Meredith Grey, who's been on the verge of death so many times she's seen nearly every dead person she was ever near.


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I am really in the minority here...but I loved, loved, LOVED Teddy and Koracick together when she was pregnant. He was so funny, snappy and happy. I wish she would see that they were actually lively together and he would love her kid. I think he and McWidow are actors who can really deliver so much in between their lines. I don't hate Owen, actually like him, but he is so rigid. I actually liked him more than Christina during their relationship. Okay, all cards on the table....I have always liked Jo and liked Delucca. I am finally beginning to kind of like Meridith. I got into watching Grey's because of TWOP and their section called Dear Shonda...what gold. I laughed so hard, that I thought I should watch this show. So I binged on YouTube pirated videos through 3 seasons. 


Station 19...I couldn't watch it all at once, it was so bad. 


And finally, you know that must be heaven at the end, but that sure wasn't the Washington coast. ( Which I love, as I live here!)

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, A coin in the hand said:

I am really in the minority here...but I loved, loved, LOVED Teddy and Koracick together when she was pregnant. He was so funny, snappy and happy. I wish she would see that they were actually lively together and he would love her kid. I think he and McWidow are actors who can really deliver so much in between their lines. I don't hate Owen, actually like him, but he is so rigid. I actually liked him more than Christina during their relationship. Okay, all cards on the table....I have always liked Jo and liked Delucca. I am finally beginning to kind of like Meridith. I got into watching Grey's because of TWOP and their section called Dear Shonda...what gold. I laughed so hard, that I thought I should watch this show. So I binged on YouTube pirated videos through 3 seasons. 

I loved Teddy and Koracick together too, I just hated the cheating on Owen. Jo with Deluca would work for me.  I always saw Owen with April after Jackson and April broke up, but she went back to the paramedic and left.  

  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, A coin in the hand said:

I am really in the minority here...but I loved, loved, LOVED Teddy and Koracick together when she was pregnant. He was so funny, snappy and happy. I wish she would see that they were actually lively together and he would love her kid. I think he and McWidow are actors who can really deliver so much in between their lines. I don't hate Owen, actually like him, but he is so rigid. I actually liked him more than Christina during their relationship. Okay, all cards on the table....I have always liked Jo and liked Delucca. I am finally beginning to kind of like Meridith. I got into watching Grey's because of TWOP and their section called Dear Shonda...what gold. I laughed so hard, that I thought I should watch this show. So I binged on YouTube pirated videos through 3 seasons. 


Station 19...I couldn't watch it all at once, it was so bad. 


And finally, you know that must be heaven at the end, but that sure wasn't the Washington coast. ( Which I love, as I live here!)


truthfully, I don't think that's a minority view at all. As far as I remember, a lot of the consensus here was that Teddy and Tom were enjoyable together, i think they were really awesome. It would have been really nice for them TO get together because i believe that Teddy is in love with Tom.. She's so focused on the end prize of getting Owen she didn't allow herself to see it. Which is fine. But where i lose sympathy is when she decided to cheat, and then cheat and then cheat some more (esp. on the day she was going to get Married). and Owen's statement was true. Teddys statement of "I have to marry Owen" sounded so.. resigned like. "yeah like i have to take out the trash. and then go marry Owen." it didn't even seem like. "i'm super conflicted here." (Or to put another spin on it - if it wasn't the day they were getting married but a random Tuesday I have this feeling Teddy would have said "Okay! let's go run away!" 

1 hour ago, madmax said:

"I want my husband back, so I'm going to give him the best job!"  Yeah, OK.  I can't remember who asked about it upthread, but Chief of Chiefs is over all of the Chiefs of all the hospitals the Foundation owns, so it's like the biggest job ever.  Nothing like a little nepotism, huh?


that makes it worse. 

  • Love 4

My final thought regarding the timeline:

I watched the episode again.  Yes, I completely missed the giant "APRIL 2020" across the screen right before the opening title sequence started.  Here's my major problem with that --- the last episode of season 16 was April 9, 2020.  Scout Derek Shepard Lincoln was born on or about April 9, 2020.  And if this is still April 2020, and they are already having sex again?  Um... no.  Richard Webber just had his cobalt hip removed on or about April 9, 2020.  And he's already back to work?  Also no.  I don't want to say the wrong thing about the mental health issues that Deluca is going through and call it a mental breakdown, but whatever it was, he had it on or about April 9, 2020, and is already feeling better and cleared to be working again?  Third no.  The only two timelines that made sense were (1) Jo and Jackson, because she went over there, it was awkward, and now they worked it out and are friends again; and (2) Owen and Teddy, because Owen was only keeping that secret from her for a few weeks and not months.  THOSE I can see happening in 3 weeks or less.  Everything else??  NOPE.  

So yeah.  This episode made no sense.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

My final thought regarding the timeline:

I watched the episode again.  Yes, I completely missed the giant "APRIL 2020" across the screen right before the opening title sequence started.  Here's my major problem with that --- the last episode of season 16 was April 9, 2020.  Scout Derek Shepard Lincoln was born on or about April 9, 2020.  And if this is still April 2020, and they are already having sex again?  Um... no.  Richard Webber just had his cobalt hip removed on or about April 9, 2020.  And he's already back to work?  Also no.  I don't want to say the wrong thing about the mental health issues that Deluca is going through and call it a mental breakdown, but whatever it was, he had it on or about April 9, 2020, and is already feeling better and cleared to be working again?  Third no.  The only two timelines that made sense were (1) Jo and Jackson, because she went over there, it was awkward, and now they worked it out and are friends again; and (2) Owen and Teddy, because Owen was only keeping that secret from her for a few weeks and not months.  THOSE I can see happening in 3 weeks or less.  Everything else??  NOPE.  

So yeah.  This episode made no sense.

When you say the baby was born April 9, do you mean that is when the episode aired or did they mention the date in the episode last season? Because if it just aired on that date, it doesn't mean that was the date it was supposed to be in show time.  If they actually mentioned the date in the episode, then yeah, it is a bit of a paradox. But I am giving them a little leeway here, since they clearly wanted this episode to take place during the beginning of the real life pandemic and would not have known that back when they filmed the scenes with Amelia giving birth. It does seem pretty fast for Deluca and Richard's recovery, but it is TV and they are regular cast members, so they are going to find a way to put them in the storyline.

Grey's normally does not mention dates or milestones, since they play very loosely with time. 

1 hour ago, LittlePeas3 said:

I loved Teddy and Koracick together too, I just hated the cheating on Owen. Jo with Deluca would work for me.  I always saw Owen with April after Jackson and April broke up, but she went back to the paramedic and left.  

They need to bring someone new in for Jo. Deluca is in no shape to be starting a relationship, and has already dated much of the female cast. The other single men on the show seem too old for her (Owen and Koracick).  I guess that is why she chose Jackson to try and sleep with. But even that felt weird, because weren't he and Alex friends?


Edited by KaveDweller
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I didn't find this place during the Teddy and Koracick timeline, so happy that others were on board. I think Teddy shares a history of war with Owen so she feels he gets her. He does, they both went through a lot. The problem is that they mistake it for love. I had a client once who said I didn't understand how she felt about the boyfriend she had. I had helped her move in and out of his house multiple times. She wailed at me, "He gets me, others here don't". Well she was a Brit and he was a Brit both living here in the States. I was lucky enough to live overseas, so I knew what she was on about. Being an Alien in a foreign land. So as she glared at me I told her I had only one question. She allowed me to ask it. "If you were living in England, would you be dating this man?" And she paused for a good bit of time and then looked at me and said "No. He would just be another miserable bloke in the pub." She then got on with her life. She went to the art school in another country and found the man who would give her the child she wanted, along with his two sweet boys. And there you go.

That's what I think of Teddy and Owen. If they didn't have the war, would they even be together? How does safety and understanding get mixed up into feeling love?



Oh ...wait, this is Shondaland. I have spent way too much time during lockdown watching Acorn and MHz shows. This level of depth is not what is being served. 


My bad.



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10 hours ago, Daisy said:

And someone else brought it up too. like no you don't even get to play the self sabotage card.

You were pissed that Amelia might be pregnant with Owen's baby (which. why. because at that point you and he were engaged and Amelia and Linc were together for the most part). You decided to go screw Tom's brains in because you were upset. without waiting to find out of the baby was even Owen's or not and then you decided to continue to sleep with Tom, until the last time before your wedding because you didn't have the guts to tell Owen. "I love you, but i'm in love with Tom" once she gave birth. 

she fully wanted to have her cake and eat it too here and i feel zero sympathy at all for her. none

I'm raising my hand here with the others - I liked Teddy and Tom together when Teddy was pregnant. He was, obviously, aware that Owen existed and was the biological father of the baby and thus had a place in Teddy's life, and he was totally on board with being in a relationship with a woman that was carrying another man's child. Tom was good to her and I liked the scene when he told Owen that he would put Teddy/Baby first, unlike Owen. 

Teddy lost me when she didn't have the decency to tell Tom, or have someone tell him, that she was in labor, and I don't think she ever actually broke up with him properly, Tom just ended up at the hospital later and saw Teddy/Owen/baby Allison together and Teddy/Owen were kissing. 

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There real shame is that they have wasted the Koracick character, along with the actor and that is in the writing. They could have had a fun couple, who would break up all the dark and twisty and the mismatched couples. I mean really, what we have gotten is we too much Glasses and his robotic ex-boyfriend, Ben and Katherine being beastly and Maggie with anyone.


Dear Shonda..... 

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