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"The View": Week of 11/9/2020


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2 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

No, she is the child from Cindy and John McCain. I believe she is their only child from that marriage - correct me if I'm wrong.  I believe her older siblings are from her father's first marriage, and then there is her younger sister who was adopted.

John McCain had 7 children, his two oldest, Doug and Andrew were adopted by John after he married their mother Carol.  Carol and John then had Sidney.  John and Carol divorced, then he married Cindy.  They had Megan, John, and James,  Then they adopted Bridget. 

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On 11/10/2020 at 2:25 PM, AryasMum said:

Because her husband was eighteen years older?

Yeah that's what I thought too. I have always thought Cindy was a beautiful lady and think she's a gorgeous 66. 

I usually ignore VYD, but I'm intrigued by Pouch'd! I have acne-prone skin so I wonder if those would help me keep my masks clean. 

It's so nice seeing Joy happy and hopeful. I have adjusted to certain things but I miss normal life and people so much. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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17 hours ago, After7Only said:

The ladies, particularly Sunny have referred to the experts and entities responsible for studying and investigating voter fraud.   One week post election and none of those entities have identified widespread or even significant isolated voter fraud.   That is factual information.   

So the view ladies don’t have to prove this...they rely in experts and observers as stated.  You can also take it from the attorneys representing trump...they’ve told the courts they have no proof or cause to believe fraud.  Kind of surprised the ladies haven’t mentioned that.  

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Whoopi is trending on twitter. Remember when she told people to suck it up and accept that Biden won (was that yesterday's episode?).  Well some Fox pundint is comparing her saying "suck it up" on the View to Trump blocking the transition funds.

It's hilarious! 


Edited by bannana
deleted the tweet cause it could be considered political content
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10 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Did they ever mention Alex Trebek's passing on Sunday ? I don't think they said anything the past three days, which surprises me.

They may have mentioned it Monday but the show was interrupted by a Biden press conference.  At least here.  I hope they mentioned him.

Edited by Axie
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6 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

So the view ladies don’t have to prove this...they rely in experts and observers as stated.  You can also take it from the attorneys representing trump...they’ve told the courts they have no proof or cause to believe fraud.  Kind of surprised the ladies haven’t mentioned that.  

I’ve heard otherwise. Who are they kidding besides themselves.

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13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Okay, Whoopie had me 😂😂😂 with her pulling out all those fake ballots!

That was funny.

All the women are in much better moods.  It's like a black cloud has been lifted.  I feel the same way. I haven't popped any champagne corks yet but I have put it on ice.

13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I can’t recall the last time Joy was SO HAPPY! This in response to them talking about how the Pfizer vaccine could be available as soon as April, and not like two years or more.

I feel Joy's joy.  I've been very diligent in my social distancing and staying home when possible.  Haven't eaten in a restaurant since March. Hopefully this Spring I can.

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2 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Dear Sara, people are not handling the virus well. Why do you think it’s spreading so quickly?  Joy and Sunny are right, people are careless. 

They have been indoctrinated to believe that science is not real to their detriment and ours..

Joy is on fire today, I agreed with everything that she said..

Edited by Pearson80
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21 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Stacey Abrams is a goddamn hero.

Exactly! she is that and more.

Thank you Stacey! for saying that all politics are local, you have to let the candidates speak to their constituency in their jargon and nobody can prognosticate accurately how people will vote.


Edited by Pearson80
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35 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Dear Sara, people are not handling the virus well. Why do you think it’s spreading so quickly?  Joy and Sunny are right, people are careless and can’t be trusted to behave well without being forced to do so. 

People are selfish. All you need to do is read the comments on local news sites to see that.

What I find baffling is all these people who are are not taking the virus seriously are the same people who are saying they will refuse the vaccine.  Burying your head in the sand is not going to make this go away.


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29 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

People are selfish. All you need to do is read the comments on local news sites to see that.

What I find baffling is all these people who are are not taking the virus seriously are the same people who are saying they will refuse the vaccine.  Burying your head in the sand is not going to make this go away.


Both views emanate from the same distrust of government.

Is Greta pregnant?  She looked like she was in her bathrobe. Was that a record number of lotions offered today?  

Sara is so naive. Simply giving som people the option of "wear your mask  or were locking down." Is so completely not an option.  I live in Ohio and  while some  are absolutely vilgant about masks and social distancing , there are so so many that think it's a hoax or over blown by the media. We have a mask mandate but I see people everday not wearing masks in stores. Sara really doesn't understand. A certain group in this country see it as a big F U to not wear a mask.

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47 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Sara still has little kids. Wait til she gives them an ultimatum in a few years and they just laugh. 

When my son was little I would say either you behave or else. His response was else. He thought he had a choice.

1 hour ago, Cozytea said:

We have a mask mandate but I see people everday not wearing masks in stores.

My state also has a mandate and most people abide by it but there is always a few that don't.  The younger people always look clueless like they don't even realize they are supposed to be wearing a mask but the older people have a smug look on their face like they are getting one over on all of us.

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Just now, ifionlyknew said:

The younger people always look clueless like they don't even realize they are supposed to be wearing a mask but the older people have a smug look on their face like they are getting one over on all of us.

Just had this conversation with someone who was banging on about how it's "the kids" who aren't taking this seriously.  Well I won't argue that some aren't but like you the ones I see wearing their masks on their chin or giving clerks in stores a hard time are not people I'd describe as young.  

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On 11/10/2020 at 11:59 AM, mxmummy said:

But it’s not classy, regardless. Practice what you preach ladies!

I don't think they have ever preached talk show people shouldn't criticize political folks--not even close. 

On 11/10/2020 at 1:47 PM, WinnieWinkle said:

I honestly thought that was a Borat type joke, not that it had actually happened!  

I know, right. I keep digging out the photos of Giuliani standing there in that alley speaking for the President. To use a hackneyed expression ROTFLOL.

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I have different political views from the ladies, but I always wear a mask. So lumping everyone into ‘they never wear a mask’ is just wrong.  Shutting the economy down,I barely survived keeping my job from the last one.  I may not be as lucky if it happened again. 5-6 weeks pay isnot going to help if you have no job to go back to when it ends. 

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1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

When my son was little I would say either you behave or else. 

Heh. This reminded me...

One day my daughter, who IIRC was about 4, fired back with "I AM have!" I realized that for a couple years she had been hearing it as "be have" and I tried to explain, to which she replied "I AM being have!" Obviously we weren't getting anywhere so I gave up and switched to "be nice."


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3 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Stacey Abrams is a goddamn hero.

Amen you said it!  Somebody better snag her up quick, and it better be the B team because she's going to have jobs flying at her left and right.


20 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Okay, Whoopie had me 😂😂😂 with her pulling out all those fake ballots!

I can’t recall the last time Joy was SO HAPPY! This in response to them talking about how the Pfizer vaccine could be available as soon as April, and not like two years or more.

She did have a good gag going there for a min.  Last one kinda fizzled out.  I was waiting for her to pull one out of her butt and it being stained brown with youcanimagine.  And i dont mean coffee.  LoL

Heheh yeah its pretty cool seeing Joy so happy.  She's tickled.  It gives me confidence to take the vacc when its time.  

On 11/11/2020 at 12:25 PM, HerkyJerky said:

I LOVE THE VIEW but if Whoopi says, "RIIGGHT..." one more time when somebody else is talking, I'm going to {edited so I don't get any more points against me}

She was doing so good for a couple of days there.  I think it was when Gov Cuomo was on i think last week and she didn't do it once.  Not one.  Total silence.  I'm wondering if it's more like a tic or something she's developed.  Trust me i could go toe to toe with our neuroses.  Including my sister in it lol.  I wonder why they couldn't readjust her mic, new location, mute button.  Use the debate rules on muting! Haha

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Poor Sunny was dissed by Whoopi and Joy today.

The question was 'Are you doing Thanksgiving differently this year than in years pass?'  It was an easy 'filler' question and required a short answer to get everyone in before the next commercial break.

Sunny told us she's cancelling her day-after 'snacking' celebration which she hosts every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving, inviting 50 people each year. Thanksgiving dinner is limited to her immediate family, as she follows the guidelines (only people you live with).  She could've ended it there, but nooooooo....she then went on a tirade about the virus spreading throughout the country and 'Doctors Without Borders' sending docs from other countries to America to deal with the pandemic, since it's out of control, blah blah blah. They discussed this earlier in the show, and she could have said her rant then. It wasn't part of the topic at hand.

Whoopi tried to interrupt and cut her off (to go to the next host). Joy was making faces of disinterest on her camera, and Sarah looked like she was being lulled to sleep.

Finally, when Sunny took a moment to catch her breath, Whoopi chimed in with 'We got it', and Joy echoed with 'OK, Sunny - we got it! We got it!' and a chuckle. 

Sarah tried to stifle a laugh, but Sunny had her 'serious pout' on her face. She was not too happy with her cohosts.

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Thank Heavens we can buy the best pillows and face creams today because Gretta Monahan pushed this crap at the end of the show. Gretta loves everything, but she has to read off her index cards to promote this junk. You'd think she'd practice what to say beforehand - it's only five products. 

Honestly, I'm just waiting for Sarah to ask Gretta, "What should we do with the other 52 brands of face cream you told us to buy this year because you felt it was 'the best' ? Can we send it back to the companies and get a refund ?"

I'm beginning to think the show would have even better ratings if they left ABC and broadcast from HSN or QVC. That seems to be their competition right now.

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Tomorrow we're treated to Whoopi's birthday show, so I guess she will be joining the ladies tomorrow. And she's going to share her 'favorite things' ! So if you're not in debt up to your eyeballs already this week with the VYDs, you will be tomorrow !!

I'm thinking, Whoopi should update her closing each day with:

"So that's our show for today. Thank you for joining us, remember to wash your hands, wear your mask, cut up your credit cards, return all the crap we encouraged you to buy this season, and take a little time to enjoy whatever view you happen upon...and let's hope it's not bankruptcy court, thanks to us."

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6 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

I used to brace myself whenever shows were cut into with "breaking news"  now I just get annoyed that my show has been interrupted as 9 times out of 10 it's not breaking news at all!

This has been a 'scare' tactic since 9-11. Every local newscast does this no matter how lame the 'breaking news' is, and the network and cable news does it, too. It's to grab the viewer's attention so you don't click off the remote, and scare you into staying tuned. Let's face it - news is "breaking" all day long, minute by minute - so for George to pre-empt the end of 'The View' with the breaking news that there was no update to report was deceitful, at best.

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Yep and when everything is BREAKING NEWS! nothing is breaking news.  It suffers from the Boy Who Cried Wolf syndrome.  Reminds me Nancy Grace on her old HLN show.  BOMBSHELL!!  Every friggin' night and after every commercial break, there was a BOMBSHELL!  (usually about Tot Mom but that's going way too off-topic.)

17 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Tomorrow we're treated to Whoopi's birthday show, so I guess she will be joining the ladies tomorrow. And she's going to share her 'favorite things'

Well, she's gotta show up and make an appearance for the free merch.  One for her, and three for Alex and the fam.

Edited by Cementhead
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Joy's discussion on mask wearing was right on! The bars should not be open..here in Iowa we are 4th for red zone states and our fearless governor miss kimmie reynolds has done nothing but be TRUMPS minion for the last 2 years!! I have seen with my own eyes in a bar that absolutely noone is wearing masks!! Here in hometown I will go to gas station or store and maybe 1/3 of people are wearing masks!! This is because iowa is a red state and full of morons who believes every LIE and word out of trumps mouth so noone thinks they need to wear a mask...it is so PATHETIC and selfish it sends me into orbit!! We need a federal mask mandate because kimmie wont issue one because she is more concerned with her Republican followers having their 1st amendment infringed upon...and more concerned with money than peoples lives..our hospitals are reaching full capacity and flu season has not even arrived!!! JOY you hit the nail on the head...and yes trump is absolutely an evil man...he is a textbook NARCISSIST which means he only cares about himself and he lies like he breathes...you are so correct!!!

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6 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Yep and when everything is BREAKING NEWS! nothing is breaking news.  It suffers from the Boy Who Cried Wolf syndrome.  Reminds me Nancy Grace on her old HLN show.  BOMBSHELL!!  Every friggin' night and after every commercial break, there was a BOMBSHELL!  (usually about Tot Mom but that's going way too off-topic.)

Well, she's gotta show up and make an appearance for the free merch.  One for her, and three for Alex and the fam.

This reminds me of Hasan Minhaj calling out CNN for saying everything is breaking news. He said you can't go to DEFCON 1 because Sanjay Gupta found a new moisturizer. lol

Edited by RealHousewife
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4 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Poor Sunny was dissed by Whoopi and Joy today.

The question was 'Are you doing Thanksgiving differently this year than in years pass?'  It was an easy 'filler' question and required a short answer to get everyone in before the next commercial break.

Sunny told us she's cancelling her day-after 'snacking' celebration which she hosts every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving, inviting 50 people each year. Thanksgiving dinner is limited to her immediate family, as she follows the guidelines (only people you live with).  She could've ended it there, but nooooooo....she then went on a tirade about the virus spreading throughout the country and 'Doctors Without Borders' sending docs from other countries to America to deal with the pandemic, since it's out of control, blah blah blah. They discussed this earlier in the show, and she could have said her rant then. It wasn't part of the topic at hand.

Whoopi tried to interrupt and cut her off (to go to the next host). Joy was making faces of disinterest on her camera, and Sarah looked like she was being lulled to sleep.

Finally, when Sunny took a moment to catch her breath, Whoopi chimed in with 'We got it', and Joy echoed with 'OK, Sunny - we got it! We got it!' and a chuckle. 

Sarah tried to stifle a laugh, but Sunny had her 'serious pout' on her face. She was not too happy with her cohosts.

I know these are heavy, serious times, but Sunny hasn’t been the same since they’ve gone out of the studio. I’ve also noticed her and Sarah aren’t as pall-y as they were during Sarah’s first stint.

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1 hour ago, geekburger said:

I know these are heavy, serious times, but Sunny hasn’t been the same since they’ve gone out of the studio. I’ve also noticed her and Sarah aren’t as pall-y as they were during Sarah’s first stint.

Sunny is frequently a broken record, so, maybe the panel gets tired of it, too.  You can almost guess what she's going to say sometimes.

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