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S16.E11: Live Eviction #3; HoH Comp #4

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Well Devin went out with some class.  I can't really fault him for what he said about Caleb because it was all true.


I wasn't fooled by the editing trying to convince me Caleb was really the one leaving, either.


Hayden saying "No seriously, what's her name? about Victoria" made me laugh out loud.  That was great.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 5

Victoria really is useless -- she shoved at least 2 eggs straight through the hole in the wire and onto the ground.

Christine has to know she has no chance of winning as Victoria's partner.


That clip of the 3 guys whooping it up when Victoria walked out to suntan in her bikini was funny.


ETA: Wasn't that HoH comp recycled from last year ?


ETA2:  vb68 beat me to it about Hayden's quote about Victoria, and I got the quote WAY wrong.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

I may or may not have laughed out loud when Hayden said in the DR "No, really, what's your name?" of Victoria in the DR.


I really don't understand these unanimous votes. Virtually everyone there had perfectly good logic for flipping the vote, and reasons why it would benefit their game. And yet they still voted the other way. Unanimous votes are boring, and I think the house should incur a punishment of some sort for unanimous boring votes.


And I decided as soon as I saw Caleb wearing his shirt open like that that I wanted him gone-zo. Oh well. He's probably going to be insufferable now.

Edited by Ananayel
  • Love 4

Oh Julie, where is your hairdresser tinight?  And Shirley Temple wants her dress back.


Lovesick idiot cowboy.  I hope you go down soon.


Victoria reappears.  


Cody, don't be an idiot.  What is your Amber fixation?  Let crazy cowboy be crazy, but stay out of his way.


Nice try Devin.  I'm sure your daughter really really missed you.  Nobody else will.  


Then Julie calls you out on your Donny paranoia.  Too funny.  And your stint in rehab? Please,  Don't expect me to buy that steaming pile of BS.


Hayden, he could be the smart one.  Nice Survivor audition.  i think, today, he could win this season,


Donny's family.  Yep.  I have kinfolk in NE Louisiana.  Snake and tick country.  Never going back.


Waiting for the feeds  :)



Here's how I think the vote came to be: I think the vote was settled the second Devin lost veto, but these people have nothing to do but talk scenarios, and in the entire week of them all knowing Devin was going, BB found about 10 minutes of "well, what if we booted Caleb instead", followed by incredibly leading questions in the DR. Lots of smoke, with absolutely no fire.


Love Donny's family.  Awkward as hell, but it was Jeff, so I loved it. 

  • Love 3

Hayden/Donny, Brittany/Jocasta, and Victoria/Christine would all make interesting HOH teams...so, of course, Amber/Zach and Cody/Frankie were ahead as the show went off.  Sigh.


Nicole/Caleb will not be a factor.  Nicole will definitely throw it.  She didn't want to be HOH last week.


I'm hoping with the TA twist this week, that Caleb will be nominated (and, with any luck, go).

  • Love 1

I love how Caleb thinks he is being portrayed as a good ol' Christian Country Prince Charming when really they play Jaws-esque music whenever he is on screen. The unbuttoned shirt was so infuriating, In my experience, whenever someone acts like they have such a huge ego like he does, they really have major self esteem issues going on and no one is really fooled by their bravado.

I think Julie might have even had a fan blowing on her in the beginning.

  • Love 2

I believe anyone can read the Bible.  Didn't they have a Koran for one contestant?


Loved Donny and his family.  Plus the fact his Harvard Medical shirt threw these idiots.  He's been wearing NC school shirts as well.  


Noticed Nicole, Christine, and Victoria smirking as Devin was gathering up his things and were the only ones not to say good-bye to him -- just what to expect from those three.  Glad they didn't have a lot of horrible messages for his good-bye (as Zach said -- worst player ever).


Hayden's WHAT?! reaction to Creepy Caleb was priceless.


TexasChic, they've had fish occasionally on the live shows (usually to bleep out someone cussing during the live show).


ETA:  I like that the Fitbit activity (or lack thereof) will determine the Have Nots.

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 2

Loving Hayden tonight, first his "What???" response (in the dark) to Caleb's psycho-stalker rantings and then his already mentioned cat-calling out to Victoria with the DR follow up of "No, really... what IS your name??" Was classic. He still needs to stop wearing a knit cap in the house...


Getting a glimpse of Victoria is like seeing a ghost lately so I'm not surprised they were shocked by her appearance.


See Devin? Your paranoia is what got you to where you are tonight.


Ugh, I hate TBC challenges.


I thought the pauses in the audio where from them "dumping" the audio because someone swore and they have a delay in place for the live shows. Cutting to the fishtank is usually when they don't want people to see something big going down in the house... I think it must have just been an error that we flashed to the fish for a sec.

Edited by Wandering Snark

Sorry Donny's family but I had to fast forward through your segment because I refuse to give George Clooney wannabee and walking tool shed "Big Jeff" anymore of my time after all these years. He's a legendary allright...a legendary douche.


Meanwhile I never thought I would give Caleb any benefit of the doubt but I did notice a brief snippet where Amber was being very

playful with him snapping his Bandana and laughing. I wonder if the editing is failing to show that there may...and I do say may..be some degree of her leading him on a bit.


Our lovely Victoria was reduced to being the subject of cat calls and portrayed as Hayden's cockblocker. Did she even speak in those segments. Free Victoria! Also its clear production fed Haycen the line about "seriously...what's your name?" as he would have no way to know that the editing on the three weekly shows are completly ignoring her.


As for Devin...at heart he seems like a good guy...and if there is an All Stars Edition...He'll Be Back! Oh, and Brittany is a scumbucket for not giving him a pity vote because if not for him she would already be home with her kids.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 2

believe anyone can read the Bible. Didn't they have a Koran for one contestant?

I do think contestants can get the holy book of their choice.

What can a non religious person read? And if nothing, why is religion given preference over non-religion?

"seriously...what's your name?"

I thought he (maybe it was Donny?) were literally unable to remember some names. At this point it would be way too awkward to ask.

  • Love 4

Meanwhile I never thought I would give Caleb any benefit of the doubt but I did notice a brief snippet where Amber was being very

playful with him snapping his Bandana and laughing. I wonder if the editing is failing to show that there may...and I do say may..be some degree of her leading him on a bit.

I also noticed that after the ceremony ended and Devin had left, she jumped into Caleb's arms. Now, of course she has to keep the crazy at bay and preserve her game, so maybe she's resigned herself to playing nice. It just struck me because both things, she initiated. I do wonder if she ever does give him the impression that he has a chance with her or at least isn't being a total creep, even if it's just her attempt to spare his feelings or whatever. Or she might be a really good faker and feels disgusted by having to indulge him at all, but feels she has to.


Well, his own mother did tell him he wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, but at least he was in the box. That's enough to screw anyone up.


     I really don't have it in me to hate Caleb. You can tell that he's a really messed up, scared little boy with enough issues to fill a newspaper stand. Still, it's funny to watch Cody fuck with Caleb by flirting with Amber.

  • Love 3

As for Amber, it seems to me that she is treating Caleb the same way everyone is treating each other in the house. They are a pretty touchy-feely bunch. It would most likely make things even more awkward if she were to treat him differently. It appears to me that she has made it clear that she is not only uninterested in Caleb, but actually IS interested in Cody. If he takes her comradery the wrong way, that is all on him.

  • Love 5

Well Devin went out with some class.  I can't really fault him for what he said about Caleb because it was all true.


I can forgive a lot when a person shows he can lose with dignity.  He was pleasant, took responsibility for alienating everyone, and avoided trashing anyone during his talk with Julie.


Meanwhile I never thought I would give Caleb any benefit of the doubt but I did notice a brief snippet where Amber was being very

playful with him snapping his Bandana and laughing. I wonder if the editing is failing to show that there may...and I do say may..be some degree of her leading him on a bit.



I also noticed that after the ceremony ended and Devin had left, she jumped into Caleb's arms. Now, of course she has to keep the crazy at bay and preserve her game, so maybe she's resigned herself to playing nice. It just struck me because both things, she initiated. I do wonder if she ever does give him the impression that he has a chance with her or at least isn't being a total creep, even if it's just her attempt to spare his feelings or whatever. Or she might be a really good faker and feels disgusted by having to indulge him at all, but feels she has to.


I've been in Amber's situation a time or two.  Everything is perceived as interest or encouragement.  Even negative attention is attention.  I find it's best to be completely cold and even ignore the person showing unwanted interest.  It's possible that Amber secretly enjoys having two guys competing for her, or she's using his affection to advance herself in the game.  I thought it was interesting that when Devin pointed out that Caleb would do anything for Amber - Amber's reaction did not look (to me) uncomfortable, unhappy, embarrassed, etc.  She kind of looked like - of course he's at my beck and call.  Let me be clear - I'm not saying that Amber owes Caleb anything.  She's giving him mixed signals, and I don't think he's sharp enough to read between the lines.


I don't like when BB assigns partners in a comp.  It's not likely that it was random, and I think there should be more transparency.

  • Love 1

I hate that tool Jeff and I wish those selfish twats at CBS would stop forcing his irrelevant ass on us each season with his guest appearance and online and feed interviews.

It was so rude of them to send him on the visit. I like Donny.

Why hasn't Amber said she has a bf yet? This whole romance and issue is SO 7th grade and basic. I mean a 7th grade where they're either deranged or basic.

  • Love 5

Regarding the HoH competition, I think this is the fifth time we've seen it, if I'm counting correctly.  It was first done as a Veto in BB 11 (the Veto that Kevin refused to use on Lydia) and then was the Final Four HoH in BB12, using Christmas ornaments.  (Hayden Moss won; Lane, as the non-playing outgoing HoH, stumbled a lot saying "Christmas ornaments" in his narration.)


Then, as mentioned, it was used in BBCan1, with the contestants in chicken suits, IIRC.  And last year it was the F7 HoH, with Gina Marie winning, possibly due to the "Easter egg"/rabbit theme reminding her of her just-evicted "BB Bunny" Aaryn, and spurring her to win it for Poopy.  This is the first time it's been done as a tandem competition, though, so that's slightly fresh.  (And hey, they just had a brand-new comp in the Veto last night.  What, you were expecting two whole episodes without a recycled comp?)


As for the Bible, it's allowed because it's public domain and depriving the Houseguests of the option to bring a religious book might get the show sued.  (I'd think that, as it is a voluntary contract, they could just as easily exclude it, but some litigious jerk would probably claim discrimination or something, so the show probably went "screw it".)  As for what non-religious houseguests can read, they have two options: 1) the BB rulebook and 2) read the Bible as a book, not a religious work.  Plenty of murder, sex. treachery, and other "action" if you know where to look.  (The whole story of King David, in 1st and 2nd Samuel, is full of juicy incidents, for example.)  I mean, I think it sucks that you can't take a different public domain work, like The Iliad, in there, but I understand BB's reasoning here.


(Actually, maybe you could bring The Iliad [or The Odyssey or The Aenead] in…if you can convince the producers that you worship Zeus.  Worth a shot?)

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 1

So....Victoria totally came out in her skimpy pool outfit to get some more airtime, right? 


I kind of love that Donny's parents aren't into Big Brother at all. 


I wasn't fooled at all by all the Caleb talk. It's the same as always - people talk about shaking things up, but never do it. That's okay. I wanted Devin gone and I think he's a better competitor than Caleb. So it was probably wise to go for him first. I just hope Amber can be freed soon! 


I hate having to wait to find out who the HOH is. I might just go over to the feed thread and find out. 

  • Love 2

I can forgive a lot when a person shows he can lose with dignity.  He was pleasant, took responsibility for alienating everyone, and avoided trashing anyone during his talk with Julie.





I've been in Amber's situation a time or two.  Everything is perceived as interest or encouragement.  Even negative attention is attention.  I find it's best to be completely cold and even ignore the person showing unwanted interest.  It's possible that Amber secretly enjoys having two guys competing for her, or she's using his affection to advance herself in the game.  I thought it was interesting that when Devin pointed out that Caleb would do anything for Amber - Amber's reaction did not look (to me) uncomfortable, unhappy, embarrassed, etc.  She kind of looked like - of course he's at my beck and call.  Let me be clear - I'm not saying that Amber owes Caleb anything.  She's giving him mixed signals, and I don't think he's sharp enough to read between the lines.


I don't like when BB assigns partners in a comp.  It's not likely that it was random, and I think there should be more transparency.


This is why I think Amber also is not the sharpest crayon in the box.  IMO, she was in a good position to quietly get Caleb sent home this week.  A few well placed words could have done the trick.  People see how weird he is over her, especially the guys, who have shown they can influence the women.  And frankly, Devin was no longer a threat to win the entire game.  Like Derrick said, he is very likely always going to be a bigger target than most people.   I think jumping into his arms is a bit much, especially if he is creepy, but I understand why she doesn't want to alienate him entirely.  But she wouldn't have to deal with that if he was gone.  Now she is in the middle of a volatile situation with him, because I feel like he could turn in a minute.  And I also think that the longer Caleb makes knife wielding puppy dog eyes at her, the more it can turn the other women against her.  


And if her strategy is to use Caleb because he likes her, I don't think its an awful move because he is a good competitor and seems willing to go the extra mile to save Amber, but I would just be very, very careful of employing that strategy, because with Caleb it seems like you "owe" him, and there is no telling when he is going to come to collect, so it might get a little messy.  At the same time, I think it may also put her in a funky position with the other women.   

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 2

I hate that they sent that smarmy Jeff to visit Donny's family, but really, who else in the BB universe could have done that visit, with those people? They're all way worse than he was, so best of bad options. I wonder if Donny's parents might have been a bit hard of hearing on top of it. I'm sure they love and are proud of their son, but the rest of what comes along with the show is probably not very welcome in their lives.


I want Caleb to go next somehow, because I'm tired of hearing him go on about Beast Mode Cowboy. I didn't even realize until last night that he wasn't saying "B-Smoke Cowboy," which makes no sense and angered me irrationally. That and the shirt.


I wish someone would have cast at least one vote against Caleb, just to watch these already paranoid people twist themselves into further knots. Several had legit reasons - Brittany because Devin saved her and because she's proven she can manipulate him like a boss; Amber so she could get some peace; Cody, to send a message that he knows what's up behind all the dudebro backslapping; and any of the other guys, to keep a bigger target in the house. Devin must not have campaigned very much or very well, because it shouldn't have taken that much to flip the house.

  • Love 1
Hayden's WHAT?! reaction to Creepy Caleb was priceless.


That was great. Hayden is really proving to be this year's comic relief.



Also its clear production fed Haycen the line about "seriously...what's your name?" as he would have no way to know that the editing on the three weekly shows are completly ignoring her.


I don't think it necessarily had to be an editing issue. If Victoria is very quiet in the house and doesn't talk to many people, it may have been based on that. 



h, and Brittany is a scumbucket for not giving him a pity vote because if not for him she would already be home with her kids.


I don't see it that way at all. She played him like a fool and he totally fell for it. I thought that was great. Devin played this game way too emotionally and now he's reaping the rewards. 

Victoria's swimsuit was mild in comparison to what Britanny has worn (showing bottom half of her buttocks) plus Victoria had a cover-up on when the whistling happened -- not all that revealing.

I think the catcalls were less about the swimsuit and more about the ensemble... swimsuit, sexy hat, sunglasses, full makeup and sky high heels.

She knew what she was doing when she walked out that sliding door.  And she looked better than she has all season.

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 3

Pretty much all the competitions are the same as previous ones, just with a new coat of paint. The eggs, the balancing, croquet… Sometimes I don't mind because they can be fun, but I wish they could come up with more new ideas.


Hayden is definitely winning me over with his humor. It's much more natural and funnier than Zach's desperate grasps for attention. He could take a cue from Victoria who knew exactly how to finally get herself some airtime. "What's her name again?"


The editors really went over the top with the Caleb misdirect, but it was so obvious and Devin was barely seen the past episodes that there was no way it was going to flip like that. If it was, they would've edited in a lot more conflict between people who wanted Devin out and those who wanted Caleb out. I mean, even Derrick was all "Yeah, Frankie, sure. Caleb's an option. Can I go back to sleep now?" It was never going to happen. (Also, if I was HoH and sleeping, I would NEVER let anyone in to talk game when I'm trying to rest. It's just rude for them to even try to bust in.)


Since Caleb is clearly so obsessed with Amber, I'm surprised she's not taking more advantage of it. Come on, girl! Use his obsession to your advantage! She's terrible at this game. Also terrible is Frankie. He's just not subtle at all. Every time he goes to talk game with someone he's like a steamroller. Although I guess you can't really expect subtlety from someone with bright pink hair...

I don't think it necessarily had to be an editing issue. If Victoria is very quiet in the house and doesn't talk to many people, it may have been based on that. 


Hayden is one of the small few who doesn't talk shit about Victoria and who genuinely likes her so I'm pretty sure that was a Production fed line. Or possibly even just in reference to something else and they used it there because it worked.

Brittany is a scumbucket for not giving [Devin] a pity vote because if not for him she would already be home with her kids.

I don't see it that way at all. She played him like a fool and he totally fell for it.


Well, if not for Devin, Brittany would never have been in danger of going home to her kids in the first place, so I don't think his using the Veto means she owes him, necessarily.  He targeted her and then he un-targeted her; that puts them pretty much even, IMO.


Not that I would say she was Machiavellian and "played him" or anything like it.  She made an appeal to the HoH, stressing her character (which they had bonded over early on) and assuring him that if he saved her, she wouldn't target him (she didn't win HoH, so that was moot).  Good gameplay, but standard stuff.  It's not as though she was S12 Britney, promising Brendon safety in exchange for not being nominated and then turning right around and nomming him the next week.  (And laughing about it in the DR, about how foolish he was to think that she meant it, because she was too stupid/too obsessed with getting DR time by ragging on Brenchel to even consider her options. Why bother? You're totally safe with Hayden/Lane; all this talk of a guys' alliance is silly! [God, I hate that bitch.  Thank Satan she folded like a tent under pressure, every time.]) Brittany wasn't looking to torment Devin or anything like that; she simply did what was best for her game.


And I doubt Devin is too angry about the lack of a pity vote.  Given how hard he pressed to make sure Brittany didn't give Joey a sympathy vote in Week 1, it would be pretty hypocritical of him to expect one here. But JMO.

  • Love 2

I really hate the misdirects in editing. It feels like they wasted the first fifteen minutes of the show trying to trick us into thinking maybe Caleb would be evicted instead. It's entirely unnecessary to use those kind of editing shenanigans on a show that's being broadcast 24/7 on the internet and most viewers already know what the outcome is. This isn't Survivor. It's happening in real time, so don't waste what little time you have on TV with pointless misdirection that isn't fooling anyone. The better choice would be to show these conversations as they actually played out, explaining why in the end they decided to stay on target and evict Devin.


The interview with Donny's family also seemed like a waste of time because he wasn't even on the block. What happened to interviewing the families of the nominees every week? They could have saved this segment for when Donny was on the block - or at least when he was HoH, if that ever happens. And enough with Jeff already. Yes, he was popular during his first season, but he's lost twice. He's not a "legend." 


For anyone who thinks Donny is smarter than he's letting on, or more sophisticated than he's letting on, well, meet the parents. I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm just saying, that's not an act Donny's putting on for the show.



Well, his own mother did tell him he wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box,


Actually, Caleb said he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. So, you know. Maybe his mom isn't the sharpest bulb in the box either.



Also its clear production fed Hayden the line about "seriously...what's your name?" as he would have no way to know that the editing on the three weekly shows are completly ignoring her.


That's a very good point, and I didn't even think of that. You are probably right.

  • Love 1

ETA: Wasn't that HoH comp recycled from last year ?

Someone already responded, but I know I've seen it at least 3 times already. Few of these comps are original anymore. I was actually surprised that the dice veto one was something different for once.


Here's how I think the vote came to be: I think the vote was settled the second Devin lost veto, but these people have nothing to do but talk scenarios, and in the entire week of them all knowing Devin was going, BB found about 10 minutes of "well, what if we booted Caleb instead", followed by incredibly leading questions in the DR. Lots of smoke, with absolutely no fire.

Many of them wanted to vote out Caleb over Devin but out of respect for Derrick (and since most of the voters are in some kind of alliance with him), they let the HOH have his wish.


I do think contestants can get the holy book of their choice.

What can a non religious person read? And if nothing, why is religion given preference over non-religion?

I am not religious but in the BB house, I would love to read the Bible or Koran or anything really, right after memorizing the BB rulebook of course. I view the religious books as literature, pretty much.


I hate that tool Jeff and I wish those selfish twats at CBS would stop forcing his irrelevant ass on us each season with his guest appearance and online and feed interviews.

I don't feel so strongly about Jeff as you do, BUT I do feel the live feeds and now the show have gotten to be too much Jeff overload. Please bring back the nice quiet trivia screen or fish. I do not like watching his interviews with the overly staged way he speaks.



Well, his own mother did tell him he wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box,


Actually, Caleb said he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. So, you know. Maybe his mom isn't the sharpest bulb in the box either.

LOL, I knew I didn't have it quite right. I just knew it sounded like his mom told him he was dumb, but at least he exists.

  • Love 1
I want Caleb to go next somehow, because I'm tired of hearing him go on about Beast Mode Cowboy. I didn't even realize until last night that he wasn't saying "B-Smoke Cowboy," which makes no sense and angered me irrationally.


Glad I'm not the only one--even though I knew I'd seen it written out here on the boards, I didn't remember what the phrase was, and I couldn't make the words coming out of his mouth anything other than either "Beef Smoke Cowboy" or "Bespoke Cowboy."

  • Love 2

Wow, so Devin is gone in Week 3.  Maybe I should get a lottery ticket, because back on the ep 3 thread I posted:


Devin you are an idiot. Six people in alliance is probably too many to hold together for the entire summer and now you want to bring it up to eight? And you add these random two girls, out your alliance, and don't tell your alliance about it ahead of time? I give you until week three before they nominate your ass and send you out the door for being an idiot and too much of a loose cannon.



As for the rest of the show, you know it's going to be a unanimous decision when they try so hard at the beginning for the misdirection towards the not obvious nominee.  BB, we're kind of on to your "tricks".  Speaking of which, the chicken wire/egg competition was a multiple recycle, but at least they switched it up a bit with the teams instead of individual.  I'm guessing that it has come back because  it doesn't favour muscles or brute strength in particular.


If the new HOH doesn't put up some of the guys this time, the girls are going to get themselves picked off one by one.  If Amber goes up again, will Caleb volunteer to be on the block too and "protect" her into being his girlfriend?  Tune in Sunday and see!

I've thought about this a lot myself. I think 'On the Origin of Species' would be a reasonable request, or maybe 'Cosmos' (Carl Sagan), or 'Origins' (Neil deGrasse Tyson).

That would be like leaving them with a book about Aristotle along with a modern medical encyclopedia to prove how stupid he was. The two creation stories in the first few pages of the Bible are from the oral history of the Jewish people and not meant to be held against scientific knowledge arrived at thousands of years later.

Since the Bible is not something Christians are required to carry with them, and most don't, I see only one reason to put them in the BB house every year. It's the same reason that every season has a shouting fundamentalist like Jacosta -- the producer hates Christians.

He doesn't want to pass up an opportunity to depict them as silly and judgmental. Every year, in the hands of the house guests, he can be sure that the words of the Bible will be taken out of context and laughed at and, of course it's always used as some sort of Magic 8-Ball where it's opened randomly to find "answers." Just for a change, I'd like to see him fill the house with copies of the Koran and see how that goes.

Also, Caleb, you idiot "Christian" representative, being on the block is not something to be proud of so it isn't necessary to shout out God for all the credit.

  • Love 1




27 minutes ago



I've thought about this a lot myself. I think 'On the Origin of Species' would be a reasonable request, or maybe 'Cosmos' (Carl Sagan), or 'Origins' (Neil deGrasse Tyson).

That would be like leaving them with a book about Aristotle along with a modern medical encyclopedia to prove how stupid he was. The two creation stories in the first few pages of the Bible are from the oral history of the Jewish people and not meant to be held against scientific knowledge arrived at thousands of years later.

Since the Bible is not something Christians are required to carry with them, and most don't, I see only one reason to put them in the BB house every year. It's the same reason that every season has a shouting fundamentalist like Jacosta -- the producer hates Christians.

He doesn't want to pass up an opportunity to depict them as silly and judgmental. Every year, in the hands of the house guests, he can be sure that the words of the Bible will be taken out of context and laughed at and, of course it's always used as some sort of Magic 8-Ball where it's opened randomly to find "answers." Just for a change, I'd like to see him fill the house with copies of the Koran and see how that goes.

Also, Caleb, you idiot "Christian" representative, being on the block is not something to be proud of so it isn't necessary to shout out God for all the credit.



In season 6 (?), Kaysar, a practicing Muslim, was able to bring a copy of the Koran with him.  As I recall, several of the other hamsters read at least parts of it, and had some relatively in depth conversations about it with him.


And I can't agree that the producer (whomever you may mean by that) hates Christians just because some of the hamsters are all "Praise Jesus!" over every little thing.  As annoying as I personally find it, and even with Jocasta being a particularly extreme example of this, it's a pretty common thing among a lot of the population.  I don't think the producers have an anti-Christian agenda, since there have been a lot more Christians period than any other religious group.

  • Love 5

The only reason I've given it a lot of thought is because I'm a book person. I always have a book (or two, or three) going, and I can't imagine being in that house with nothing to read. That is why I tried to think of a book that would be along the same lines as the Bible if you weren't a religious person. It seems to me it would only be fair to have a scientific book of some sort.

  • Love 3

I remember Kaysar well. He was a cool guy as was Jee with his Buddhist beliefs. To me they demonstrate how a religious person can be edited with respect, in contrast to how they edit someone like Jocasta. Jee's ceremony in memory of his father or Kaysar on his prayer rug could have been made to look silly but the show was very respectful. With America being 73% Christian the show has to cast some of them but it seems suspicious to me that they keep casting the sort of obnoxious Christian I've never met in my life.

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